Español |
Ancient Manuscripts contain
Evidence of Planet Nine (ex-Planet X or 10) - Claim
Queen's University...
A New World's Extraordinary Orbit
Points to Planet Nine (Ex-Planet X or 10)
Español |
Astrónomo británico afirma que
podría haber Descubierto el Misterioso Planeta Nueve -
Ex-Planeta X o 10
Español |
Avistamientos del Planeta X en Observatorios a Principios del 2001
Brown Dwarfs
- Main File
Español |
Científicos Japoneses Atisban el Misterioso Planeta X
Español |
Continúa Aumentando la
Evidencia sobre el Noveno Planeta (Ex-Planeta Diez)
Could 'Planet X' Cause Comet Catastrophes on Earth?
Dark Star - The Planet X Evidence
Fake Comet Flyby?
Discussions on The
Mysterious Planet X - From Massive Underground
Preparation to Strategic Relocation |
Does Our Sun Have a Twin Star? -
Is "The Twin" the Dual Sun The November 2013 Comet?
- Nibiru-Planet X |
Planet to Be Found in Outer Solar System?
Ecological Evidence from Previous Planet X Passages
Español |
El Desaparecido Gran Planeta
- ¿La Tercera Roca Desde el Sol Fue Alguna Vez la Quinta
Español |
El Enorme y Misterioso 'Planeta
Nueve' - Ex-Planeta Diez o X
Español |
El Hercólobus - Profecía
Español |
El Misterioso Planeta X
- ¿Está Regresando?
Español |
El Planeta-X, Cometas y Cambios Terrestres
Español |
El Planeta
X y Ajenjo
Español |
Planeta X y Los Próximos Cambios Terrestres - Instituto Alpha - Boletin
Español |
El Próximo Pánico Sobre El Planeta
Extracto del "Pronóstico del Planeta X y Guía de
Supervivencia 2012"
Español |
El Retorno del Planeta X - Luca
Español |
El Vaticano sabe de la Existencia
de Nibiru
Español |
Encuentran Nuevas Evidencias de
que el Planeta Nueve (Ex-Planeta 10 o X) Existe
Español |
Enorme Objeto detrás del SOL - ¿Es
Español |
Estamos Acercándonos al
Posible Paradero del Planeta Nueve
- Ex-Planeta X/Diez
Evidence Continues to
Mount for Ninth Planet (Ex-Planet Ten)
Español |
Evidencia Ecológica de Previos
Pasajes del Planeta X
First Confirmed Picture of a Planet Beyond the Solar
First Planet X-Nibiru Images
Leaked by An Anonymous South Pole Telescope (SPT)
Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted?
Español |
Hercolobus - El Planeta Frio
Español |
Hercólobus - El Planeta X
Hercolubus-Planet X Approaching -
November 15, 2010
- The Earth is Shifting Its Angle
Hercolubus-Planet X Inbound
- White House Adviser - USA Must Prepare For An Asteroid...
How Astronomers Could Actually See
'Planet Nine' (Ex-Planet X)
Hunting for The Real 'Planet X'
Hypothetical Planets - Planet X,
Is it Planet Nine (ex-Planet Ten
or X) or a Massive Disc?
Japanese Scientists Eye Mysterious 'Planet
Español |
La Estrella Oscura - Evidencia del
Planeta X
Español |
Las Visitas de Hercólubus
Solar Observatory and Planet X
Español |
Los Anunnaki y Nibiru
Italiano |
L'Osservatorio SECCHI Trasmette le
Immagini di un Enorme Oggetto Vicino al Sole - Si Tratta
di Nibiru?
Italiano |
Manoscritti Antichi Contengono le
Prove del Pianeta Nove (ex Pianeta X o 10) - Dicono gli
Scienziati della...
Minisolar System Coming to Us
- Disturbing Information from Astrophysicist Jim
Mysterious Gravitational
Tug on Saturn May Help Find Planet Nine
NASA and Planet X
NASA's Saturn Probe Helps
with the Hunt to Find Planet Nine!
- Ex-Planet 10 or Planet 'X'
Nibiru and The Anunnaki
Nibiru and The Atlantean Connection
Nibiru and The 'Great Pyramid' Connection
and The Kolbrin
Nibiru and The Lemurian Connection
Nibiru and The "Lost Tribes of
Israel" Connection
Nibiru and The Subterranean Connection
Nibiru and The UFO Connection
Español |
Nibiru - El Planeta de Los
Español |
Nibiru es Real y está Influyendo
en la Orbita de los Planetas - Dicen los Científicos
Nibiru - Getting Rid of The Smoke and
Nibiru Holds The Key to the Bottomless Pit
Nibiru Insider Speaks Out
- An Interview with Dr. Eugene Ricks
Nibiru is Here, and You Can't Stop
Me from Warning Americans - Says Persecuted NASA
Español |
Nibiru - La Solución
Español |
Nibiru - Liberándonos del Humo y
los Espejos
Español |
NIBIRU o el Planeta X
NIBIRU or Planet X
Nibiru's Orbit Identified
Español |
Tiene la Llave del Abismo Sin Fondo
Español |
Nibiru y la Herejía al Interior de
Español |
Nibiru y los Anunnaki
Español |
Nuevos Datos Sugieren que
Existe una "Súper Tierra" Más Allá de Plutón
Object Bigger than
Pluto Discovered - Called 10th Planet
Observatory Sightings of Planet X In Early 2001!
Español |
Origen del Nombre de la Sociedad
Planet 10? - Another Earth-Size
World May Lurk in the Outer Solar System
Planet Nine or Planet X? - New Evidence of a Mystery Object
on The Periphery of Our Solar System
Planet Nine - The Super-Earth that
Came Home for Dinner
Planet X and 'Wormwood'
Planet X and
The Coming Earth Changes
- Alpha Institute Bulletin
Planet X and The
Kolbrin Bible Connection -
Why The Kolbrin Bible is the Rosetta Stone for Planet X
Planet X - Astronomers say a
Neptune-sized Planet Lurks Beyond Pluto
Planet-X, Comets and Earth Changes
Planet X -
Is a Runaway Wrecking Ball Part of Our Solar System?
Planet X Quotes
Planet X
- Sitchin, Velikovsky, Harrington, Malachi, Hapgood
Español |
- ¿Por
qué Creemos que Existe un posible Planeta X?
Possibly as Large as Jupiter
- Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered
Project Wormwood
- Planetary Defense at Learmonth Solar Observatory
Putting Planet X to the Test
Quest for Planet X Continues -
Several Never Before Seen Objects Discovered Extremely
Far Away from...
Researcher Links Mass Extinctions to 'Planet X'
Robert Harrington and Planet X
- Main File
Español |
Se afianza Hipótesis del Noveno
(Ex-Décimo) Planeta - Descubrimiento de Nuevo Planeta
Enano puede...
Searching for Planet 9
- Main File
Español |
South Pole Telescope (SPT) - America's New
Planet X Tracker
Strong Evidence Suggests
a 'Super Earth' Lies beyond Pluto
Español |
- ¿Tendrá
Nuestro Sol una Estrella Gemela? - ¿Será "El Gemelo" el
Sol Dual el Cometa de Noviembre 2013?
Tenth Planet of Our Solar System
Latest Briefing From High-Level
National Security Informant
The 2012-13 "Nibiru Flyby"
The Comet-Planet - ISON, Planet X,
Nibiru - Carlos Muñoz Ferrada
The Coming of Nibiru
- An Interview With Bob Dean
The Coming
of Planet X - Nibiru
The Coming
Planet X Panic
- Excerpt From 'Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival
The Huge and Mysterious 'Planet
Nine' - Ex-Planet Ten or X
The Late Great Planet
Tiamat - Was the Third Rock from the Sun
Once the Fifth Rock from the Sun?
The Return of Planet X - Luca Scantamburlo
The Scientific Search For a Missing Planet
- Scientific Articles And Studies On Planet X
The Search for Planet
Nine - New Finds Boost Case for Distant World
Unknown Glowing 'UFO' in Evening
Western Sky - Starship, Comet, Nibiru, Hercolubus?
Was Planet Nine found in the IRAS
We are Closing In on
Possible Whereabouts of Planet Nine - Ex-Planet X/Ten
We may be on the Brink of finding
the real Planet Nine
What Is Going On in The Solar System and Is The
"Planet X" Approaching?
Who Will Determine Your Need To
Know About Planet X-Nibiru?
Why Can't we Find Planet Nine
(Ex-Planet Ten or X)?
Nibiru Return in 2003?
Additional Information |
Español |
Actualización Sobre Elenin del Concejo de
Andrómeda -
Enanas Marrones, Nibiru, Cambios en La Tierra...
Español |
la Inmortalidad |
Planet Detected Circling Dying Star
Alien Planet May Have Come From Another Galaxy
Andromeda Council Update on Elenin
- Brown Dwarf, Nibiru, Earth Changes, 4D Earth
A New High Perihelion Inner Oort
Cloud Object
Español |
Anomalía en Boyas Australianas de
Estudio, Ofrece Nueva Evidencia de La Aproximación del
"Planeta X"...
Anunnaki - The Elite and The Remnants
Appendix R - 2003 Pointers
Español |
- ¿A
Punto de Encontrar el Planeta X? - Plutón Podría Tener
un 'Gran Vecino'
Archeological and Astronomical
- Sitchin and Harrington
Español |
Astrónomo Advierte que 'Fragmento
de Nibiru' podría Impactar a la Tierra en Febrero
Australian Survey Buoy Anomalies
Offer New Evidence that "Planet X" Is Approaching From
The South
Español |
Urgente De Un Político Noruego a La Humanidad
Comet Elenin is A Mother-Ship of
The Galactic Federation
Comets, and The End of The Ice Age
Dark Star News
Español |
Desde 1983, NASA Sabe Que Nuestro
Sistema Solar es Binario
- Evidencias Científicas - Batalla por La...
Changes, Evolution of the Solar System and Planet X
Español |
El Cometa Elenin Es Una Nave
Nodriza de La Federación Galáctica
Español |
El Gran
Misterio de el Agua en el Universo |
Español |
El Sello Sumerio VA-243 podría
Representar los Planetas del Sistema Solar
Extragalactic Exoplanet Found
Hiding Out in Milky Way
Extrasolar Systems
First Direct Photos of Exoplanets
- In an Astronomy First, Researchers Image Exoplanets
Orbiting Two...
Giant Stealth Planet May Explain
Rain of Comets from Solar System's Edge
Global Warming, The War on
Terrorism, and The Extraterrestrial Link to "Planet X"
Illuminati Whistleblower - Leo Zagami
Is Google Censoring Nibiru-Planet
Is Humanity Ignoring our First Chance for a Mission to
an Oort Cloud Object?
Español |
LASCO Detecta un Objeto de Grandes
Proporciones en El Espacio
Español |
La Teoria del
Planeta Oscuro
- Main File
Like a Lost Shoe... Nibiru
Lost in Space - Rogue Planet Spotted?
Massive Earthquake Fears Rise
After Mysterious Object Moves Nearer to Earth
Mother Shipton's
Complete Prophesy
New Evidence of
Artificiality at Cydonia on Mars
New Planet Found in Our Solar System?
Español |
- ¿Nibiru,
Júpiter o La Luna?
- Fotografías del 27 de Diciembre de 2009 en Madrid a
Las 12:00 Horas
Planet Helion in the Planet X
- 20 December 2015
Planet X
- Classified Information
Español |
Planeta X -
Información Clasificada
Russia Sets Out to Tackle “2003 Problem”
Locations -
Dialog with the Zetas on the Relative Safety of Locations around the
Italiano |
Scoperti Oggetti Trans-Nettuniani
Sedna - A Clue to Nibiru
SEDNA - Photo Gallery dated 15
March 2004
Español |
Sigiloso Planeta Gigante Podría
Explicar La Lluvia de Cometas Desde Las Afueras del
Sistema Solar
Synchronized Events?
- NATO, Vatican, New Exoplanet Discovery...
Español |
Temores de Masivos Terremotos
Surgen Luego de Que Un Misterioso Objeto se Acerca a La
Curiously Warped Mean Plane of the Kuiper Belt
The Dark Star Theory
- Main File
The 'Eye of
Horus' -
A Celestial Warning Against War in Iraq?
The Exploded Planet Hypothesis – 2000
The Great
Water Conundrum in the Universe
Installation - An Interview with Valery Uvarov
The Kolbrin
- Main File
Nemesis Theory
Main File
and The Dark Star Connection
- An Essay
The Search for Planets Beyond Pluto
The Sky Disc of
Nebra - Bronze Age Sky Disc
Trans-Neptunian Objects Discovered
Two Planets Identified as Most Similar to Earth
- Both Orbit the Same Star, 20 Light-Years from Earth...
Vulcan and
Comets Related Sites
- New Solar Planets
Water for The Rock - Did Earth's
Oceans Come From The Heavens?
- Research Into The Origin of The...
We May have just Seen the First
'Comet' from Another Solar System
Telescope Confirms Nibiru a Rogue Planet Outside of
Media News |
News Reports - 2002
Recollection of Media
News 1999 - Planet X
SEDNA - Astronomers
Discover 'New Planet'
Books-Treatises |
Blindsided - Planet X and Earthchanges
- by Mark Hazlewood
Code Red - The Coming Destruction
of America 2004
- by David Booth
Español |
El 12º Planeta - por Zecharia Sitchin
Español |
El Fin De Los Días
- Armagedon y Las Profecías Del Retorno - por Zecharia Sitchin
Planet X - Nibiru / Slow Motion
by Robertino Solàrion
Surviving Planet X Passage - by James M. McCanney
The 12th Planet - by Zecharia Sitchin
The Age of Cataclysm -
How Man Can Survive The Impending Disasters - by Alfred Lambremont
Webre |
The Celestial Ship of The North
- by E. Valentia Straiton
The Cosmic Tree
by Robertino Solàrion
The End of Days
- Armageddon And Prophecies of The Return - by Zecharia Sitchin
The Theory of Celestial Influence
- Man, The Universe, And Cosmic Mystery
- by Rodney Collin
Reports |
Arguments for the Presence of a
Distant Large Undiscovered Solar System Planet
- by JB. Murray
A Search for Planet 9 in the IRAS
Data - by Michael Rowan-Robinson
A Sedna-like Body with a
Perihelion of 80 Astronomical Units
Beyond the Kuiper Belt Edge - New
High Perihelion Trans-Neptunian Objects with Moderate
CFBDSIR2149-0403 - A 4-7
Jupiter-Mass Free-Floating Planet in The Young Moving
Group AB Doradus?
Cometary Evidence of a Massive Body in The
Outer Oort Cloud
- by J. Matese, P. Whitman, D. Whitmire
on the Location of a Possible 9th Planet Derived from the
Cassini Data
Cosmologists in Search of Planet
Nine - The Case for CMB Experiments |
- Current and
Prospective Near-Earth Object (NEO) Detection Activities
- October 15, 2010: |
To The House Committee on Science and Technology
2 -
To The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and
Discovery and Dynamical Analysis
of an Extreme Trans-Neptunian Object with a High Orbital
for a Distant Giant Planet in the Solar System
Español |
La Perturbación de Sagitario
- La Falsa Supernova y La Búsqueda de Nibiru
Mass and Orbit Estimation of Planet X via
a Family of Comets
- by R. Nenhaüser and JV. Feitzinger
Observational Constraints on Planet Nine -
Cassini Range Observations
Observational Constraints on the
Orbit and Location of Planet Nine in the Outer Solar
Planet X and The Stability of Resonances
in the Neptune-Pluto System
- by A. Jackson and
R. Killen
Planet X - The Current Status
by RS. Harrington
and P.K. Seidelmann
Español |
Solaria Binaria - Origins and
History of The Solar System
Solar Obliquity Induced by Planet
The Doubling Theory -
Corrects The Titius-Bode Law and Defines The Fine
Structure Constant in The...
The Location of Planet X
- by RS. Harrington
The Planet Nine Hypothesis - by
Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin
The Study of the
Anomalous Acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11
- by Slava G. Turyshev, John D. Anderson...
Twin Sun Calculations
Unidentified Point Sources in Rhe IRAS
Multimedia |
A New 9th Planet for the Solar System?
Are You Ready?
BBC Broadcasts Nibiru in A
Documentary on 18 June 2012 and Can See on IPlayer
Dr. Robert S. Harrington - Planet X Nibiru
First Contact Documented by NASA
(Planet X/Nibiru/Erin/DarkStar/Destroyer
It Turns Out Comet ISON is Planet
La Llegada de Nibiru
- Project Camelot Entrevista a Bob Dean
Nibiru 2014 - New Evidence Today
- English - Español
Nibiru Exposed
Nibiru - Planet of The Crossing
Nibiru-Planet X Photos Taken January 2008
- Study Findings
Nibiru-Planet X - The Best Evidence to
Date - The Coming Events 2016!
Planet From Another Galaxy
Planet X-Nibiru
2012 Flyby Scenarios
- February 2009 Report
Planet X Visible Now May 2016 - Multiple Sources/Photos Nibiru,
Wormwood and Binary Star System
Remembering The End of The World
Search for Planet X
Sedna Presentation 1
Sedna Presentation 2
Presentation - Ancient Astronauts and the
Search for Planet X
Sitchin, The Anunnaki and The 10th
Strange Moon November 15, 2010
Surviving 2012 and
Planet X
The Killshot
- Solar Flares Heading Towards Earth
The Last Return of Nibiru
The Return of Planet X and The Anunnaki -
Version 2.0
U.S. Covers Up Ancient Info Detailing End
of Times!
Telescope Confirms Nibiru a Rogue Planet Outside of
Reports |
- Main File
Asteroids, Comets and Meteorites
- Main File
Books of "The Earth Chronicles Series"
- "Comet"
- Main File
Enki's Chronicles - Mars
Enki Speaks
based on Zecharia Sitchin's epic
Gods Of The New Millennium
- The Shattering Truth of Human Origin
Hamlet's Mill
Las Profecías y El Futuro
- Main File
La Teoría de La Tierra Hueca
- Main File
Los Anunnaki
- Main File
Robertino Solarion
- Main File
The Occult Reptilian Saga
- Main File
The Sumerians and The Anunnaki
- Main File
The Unconventional Views of James M.
- Main File
Vulcan and Earth Catastrophism - The Beginning
of the End
William Henry
- Main File
Zecharia Sitchin
- Main File