by V. Susan Ferguson
InannaReturns Website
Spanish version

The film
The Matrix - the first of three - contained some
fundamental truths that many around the planet instinctively
responded to.
The universe is indeed a temporal illusory holographic
matrix made up of varying frequencies, waveforms pulsating at
specific vibratory rates. Beneath the Veil, the 'curtain of each
atom', there really is nothing out there but a vast ocean of etheric
the AKASHA, the silent unheard sound.
Everything you see or hear or touch is nothing more than electrical
signals being transmitted by the five senses through this underlying
etheric ocean to your brain. Each of these senses supports the
others in the illusion generated by the amazing intensely creative
power of MAYA and the GUNAS.
These signals are interpreted according
to our programming from birth and our DNA.
This first Matrix film revealed far too much truth to suit the
'darkside' forces that control this third dimensional earth-plane
via their media-entertainment industry. And they quickly realized
that the computer related metaphors so brilliantly accessed by the
film's writers had reached the normally impenetrable psyches of too
many previously semi-somnolent humanoids.
Thus the sequels were
intentionally suffused with overwhelming images of helplessness in
the face control.
What the first film does convey is the solid gold truth that the
matrix isn't real. This is in complete alignment with timeless
primordial metaphysical principles - the truth that understands the
real nature of this universe as a temporal illusory hologram.
In the Twilight of
the Kali Yuga it is the 'job' of the Darkside
Forces to continually confuse and numb the inhabitants of this our
world. There is a War in the Heavens.
The darkside entities are here
in ever increasing numbers for the purpose of further deluding us
into a complete and total ignorance of the Real. The frequency wave
bands emitted from most forms of electrical-electronic appliances
and machines excel at this capacity to confuse, delude, and stupefy.
The Veil in these last days of the Kali has indeed become Borg-like.
In the early part of the Matrix film, there is a very grotesque
image of Neo pulling those very slimy long tendril-suckers off of
his body.
This scene is so repulsive to us because it is true. I
realize that this is not very pleasant information - but as long as
we have no idea what is happening to us, how can we free ourselves?
In varying degrees, all of us are 'hosts' to these feeder entities.
This is why vampire novels are so weirdly popular - people actually
have an unconscious sense of what is happening.
Through the lower frequencies of our anger, fear, and addictions,
the darkside astral-cooties have attached themselves to us. This is
one reason why all spiritual paths emphasize purity of mind and
body. Purity simply reduces the ability of the lower realms to
connect with you and become attached to you.
They cannot locate
frequencies they do not resonate with. Know that the Laws of
Magnetism dictate that like attracts like - and that location is in
fact a function of consciousness.
Purity through knowledge and a
focused consciousness will keep any unwanted influences out of your auric-field and your subtle etheric body.
Everything you are addicted to has the potential to attach you to a
level of these entities. EVERYTHING!
I have seen this so often over
the years with friends who lost themselves to drugs and alcohol.
Some of these parasitical entities are not only highly persuasive,
but also very unattractive.
The most ingenious and effective Borg-like waveform-prison
television. Unplug yours, throw them out of your house, give them
away, or shoot at them like Elvis did.
Not only does TV's 24/7
programming transmitted around the planet urge you to become good
little consumers, and doom you to the misery of unrealized
unrealistic goals, both physical and material - but the box itself
emits questionable frequencies that do nothing for your God-given
ability to access the Myriad Worlds and Remember Who You Are.
Newspapers are the same, even the Internet news has become more
confused and confusing with 100s of professional disinformation and
propaganda wizards, sock-puppets who are handsomely paid to keep you
in your miasma of amnesia.
This Kali Yuga confusion holds you in a
frequency of POWERLESSNESS, because you can't do anything about what
you are reading.
So until you actually become powerful in a real
sense, as in your inner connection to the God-within you - forget
it! Unplug! Get the cooties off of you.
I can tell you what the news will be for the next few years. Lets
get it over with once and for all: More heinous wars, more needless
deaths, more incurable diseases, more mind-wrenching torture, more
oinker-greed and boring tyranny. Nature's earth will continue to be
irreversibly poisoned and her creatures die.
Got it? That's it
Now you know everything. So forget it! Unplug!
Are you in love with love? Waiting for that perfect person to
transport you into a higher reality and fix everything for you?
Romance is candy for your brain - Stuart Wilde said that, but I grok.
It's a bunch of lovely hormones designed to give you a momentary
high and get you to procreate.
It never lasts. Never! Forget it!
If you have a deep love and friendship with someone who is as
evolved as you are and you are certain you share a similar frequency
- fine, wonderful. But when you bond with someone whose hologram is
vibrating at a lower frequency than yours - and remember us humans
are very complex energy patterns full of surprises - then you take
the chance of being sucked down into their reality.
Casual sex isn't
casual for anyone on the way Home - it's an elevator going down. Is
the temporary fix comfort zone worth it?
All addictions will hold you in the illusion of the polarity Matrix.
Attached to each addiction is a direct sucker line to a group of
scurrilous entities you would not want to go bowling with. This
means ALL addictions, no exceptions. Compulsion is Cootie-Ville.
Anytime you feel compelled to consume anything, you are feeding the
astral-cooties who need your energy to survive and thrive because
they cannot produce their own. Wimps!
Cut them off, pull their plugs off of your body. Raise your
frequency and watch them disappear.
Addictions are entry points that
leave you open for the astral-cooties to come on in and make
themselves right at home. This is how so many beautiful souls from
the 1960s, many of who were my dear friends and loved ones, were
destroyed. I am the witness.
How about some pretty visions to make you think you are so
'spiritual'? Want to channel one of the 1000s of aliens out there? I
can promise you, that's a learning curve. Certainly not all of these
entities are malevolent. They simply have their own point of view,
their own agenda, and their own consciousness relative to their
level of evolvement.
They don't necessarily know any more than you
How about having these 'cooties' as your primary relationship? They
can appear to you as anything they know you want, even angels,
anything that's already programmed into that very subtle brain of
yours - anything.
Someday when it is too late, they'll show you what
they really look like - but that would make you throw up now and
then you might not want to feed them any more.
Trust only the God-within you.
vast array of chemicals in your food, air, and water quite
literally confuses your endocrine system.
EDCs, endocrine disrupting
chemicals, mimic estrogen and god-only-knows what else to confuse
your own natural hormones. These molecules are diabolical. Not only
do they very likely contribute to obesity, cancer, sterility, and
memory loss - they also shut down your Third Eye,
the pineal gland.
Your ability to 'SEE' the Invisible Realms is regulated by the
pineal and pituitary glands. Because these man-made molecules send
confusing signals to them, they can't work properly.
Do you think
this is accidental?
Apparently the astral-cooties can't take classical or meditation
music - so play it softly in rooms that you feel are infested. They
hate Mozart, so I highly recommend Wolfie and there are at least 3
Mozart for meditation CDs.
Hug trees, ask them for their healing
energy; they have plenty for you and will happily exchange, as you
have something they need. Nature - what's left of her - is a higher
frequency and always has the power to lift you.
A good book for your ensuing cootie battles is 'Practical Psychic
Self-Defense' by Robert Bruce. If you become complacent, watch the
first Matrix movie over and over and over - not the sequel, which
has been assimilated, cootiefied.
Remember that steak and red wine
aren't real! There's not much time left to dawdle in the Illusion.
I know this sounds scary; after all we can't even see these things - what chance do we have?
But remember, WE CREATED THEM!
They are an
integral part of the temporal illusory holographic matrix. As pieces
of God-Isness, we created these astral-cootie
darkside-Ahriman-demonic entities to help hold together this
polarity universe.
But when we created this universe, one of many, we weren't
completely stupid. We left something out of their hologram and thus
they are weaker than we are. They don't understand LOVE, they only grok power, control and manipulation.
They have no feelings. And
thus through the feelings of compassion, forgiveness, kindness, and
love we can move right out of their range of frequencies, beyond the
scope of their polarity matrix hologram, into the higher
frequencies, beyond their prison - and the whole thing will
In the Twilight of the Kali Yuga, the world has become a LIE, an
expression of the delusion, ignorance, and the amnesia, the
forgetting. Everything you see and hear in this illusory polarity
matrix is a big fat LIE!
Because - and this is simple - the only
ALL polarity paradigms are temporal illusions designed by us, and
our helpers the astral-cooties, the forces of the 'darkside', to
hold together the projected illusion of multiplicity, this temporal
holographic matrix, so we can PLAY the game of NOT being GOD! And we
are God! Everyone and everything - yes, even the darkside entities.
There are endless, unknown, incredible worlds of Beauty and Love and
Light, and every adventure yet even unimagined, waiting for us.
The Matrix is NOT real! Unplug!
I can't do this for you. No one can. Thank God! If they could, they
would own you. Saving or being saved is a slave game - not a God
I can't do this for you. I can get down on my knees and plead and
cry and beg you to unplug, to throw out your TVs, to not read your
daily dose of propaganda, to kick your addictions - to pull the
feeder lines off of your beautiful bodies and out of your auric
I can tell you what waits for you. I can tell you of floating in
golden light feeling more love than anyone could ever give you. I
can describe my visions and feelings and take you to fly through the
But my experiences will NOT be yours.
Why should they be?
Why would the Creator ever want to repeat and duplicate Itself?
I can tell you that you are heading for a place where THERE ARE NO
REFERENCE POINTS! And that is wonderful!
A place where you and the
God-within you - as you become ONE - will as they say, create your
own reality.
A location within where you will have grown beyond both
the demons and the angels.
A place where you will have earned
freedom because you will have experienced every polarity paradigm in
all the time-space matrices and you are ready to create your own.
I cannot do this for you. NO ONE CAN! You have to choose it for
Only your own courage can loosen the slimy sucker-tendrils
that imprison you and drain your life force. Only the God-within you
can know the precise sublime moment when you are ready to emerge
from the Matrix - grinning ear to ear as you REMEMBER who you are!
How many of us will escape? I don't know. I know that underneath our
silly small identity egos, there is only LOVE - and that as the Real
behind the multiplicity, we all ARE each other. Therefore when any
one of us wakes up, it makes it easier for the rest. I know that if
enough of us Remember, then the entire Illusion will collapse - because the darkside won't have anything to feed on.
What will happen then? No one knows.
No one wants to know because
then it wouldn't be any fun. When you normally exist in Eternal
Bliss, the exciting thing about a Free Will universe is that there
are always at least 25 variations in the cycles of time and you
don't know exactly what will happen. It's like meeting someone new
or starting a fresh canvas - you embrace an entirely unknown realm
of possibilities.
You learn to improvise and create as you go along.
You and the God-within you - all of us! - will be generating a fresh
reality for Isness to express Itself in. We will all meet someday.
We all realize by now that life on this planet is going to get much
worse - the evidence is in. Don't be afraid of Death - you are an
eternal Being.
Be aware of the seductive astral-cootie traps.
Tibetan Book of the Dead and learn to bypass the Bardo planes!
Avoid all those heavens and hells in the Phantasmal Hierarchies - they are illusions. No matter how seductive anyone or anything is,
don't listen! Go directly HOME to the God-within you.
When you see death, hunger, and sorrow try to know that each one of
us chose this experience, even if we don't now remember making that
choice. Compassion is important and very distinct from anxiety,
worry, fear and anger. These fear frequencies are all food for the
astral-cooties, the mind parasites.
As they say at the zoo:
feed the animals!
UNPLUG! The temporal holographic matrix is illusory!
I'm only beginning to lift the Veil. But from my heart, I hope one
sweet day to see you all in the wild blue yonder of the immense
immeasurable within.
Your safety and 'salvation' can only be achieved by you, and through
your own endeavors to create for yourself the consciousness of the
Real, your Source, that eternal Oneness that we all are 'beneath the