Blue Beam - The Uncovert Project
- Main File
Warfare and the Tyranny of Digital Transformation
- "Cognitive
Warfare" - Stop the World Competition for "Control of
Human Brains"
Español |
Control Mental Electromagnético - Informe
Especial |
Español |
Disfruta del Silencio Mientras
Puedas - Pronto Insertarán Anuncios en tu Cerebro
Español |
Dispositivos Para Control de Masas
- La Era de La Artillería Silenciosa
Early History of "Non-Lethal"
Electromagnetic Mind Control - Special Report |
Electronic Harassment Effects
- The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology
Español |
Estados Unidos Desarrolla Arma que
hace que se Materialicen Voces en el Cielo
Hacking The Mind
- Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology
Human Auditory System Response to
Modulated Electromagnetic Energy
Español |
Irradiados e Irritados - La Sutil
Influencia del Bombardeo Inalámbrico
Español |
La Guerra Global contra los Niños
Español |
La Muerte de Chávez y Las Guerras
Microwave Ray Gun Controls Crowds
With Noise
Military Use of Ultrasonic
Brainwave Clusters
Mind Control - It's All Around You!
Español |
Muerte de Chávez - Las Pistas de
Un Asesinato Científico
New Devices That 'Talk' To The
Human Mind Need Debate, Controls
- Restrictions Needed On EM/RF...
Non-Lethality - John B. Alexander,
The Pentagon's Penguin
Psychic Warfare and
Non-Lethal Weapons
Non-Lethal Technologies - Progress and Prospects
Nonlethal Weapons and Capabilities - 2004 Council on Foreign
Relations Report
- Main File
Putin Reportedly Confirms that
Russia is Actively Working on Psychotronic Weapons
The Future of CCTV and Policing
The Global War on Children
The Mind Switch
The Sound of Silence - The
Antithesis of Freedom
The Technological Evolution of
Nonlethal Weapons
Español |
- "Vivimos
Hiperconectados y eso permite que Controlen nuestra
Wi-Fi - The Invisible Killing
Wonder Weapons
- The Pentagon's Quest For Nonlethal Arms Is Amazing -
But Is It Smart?
Zapping the "Nonlethal"
- from 'Angels Don't Play This HAARP - Advances in Tesla
Additional Information |
Acoustic Signal and Physiological
Effects on U.S. Diplomats in Cuba - The Jason
Background on the Aviary
Battlefield Illusion
- DARPA Working Towards Better "Human-Sensory
Battlefield Deception"
Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons - Project
Brainwave Frequency Listing
Danger of Microwave-Based
Communications Systems
- Barrie Trower's Presentation to the Irish Doctors...
DARPA - Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency
- Main File
Español |
Esos Ataques Sónicos se están Esparciendo - Pero la
Verdadera Pregunta es…
Español |
Las Ondas Shumann
- Main File
Español |
Manipulación del Hombre Para
Convertirlo en Una Bestia
- El Experimento Berlensky-Shears
Manipulation of Man to Covert Him
in A Beast - The Berlensky-Shears
Detection -
Remote Mind Control Technology
Pentagon Employing Top Scientists
to Improve U.S. Propaganda Machine
Schumann Resonances
- Main File
Star Wars,
Star Trek and Killing Politely
The First Earth Battalion
- Dare to Think the Unthinkable, Ideas and Ideals for
Soldiers Everywhere
Human Brain
- Main File
The Militarization of Space
- Military Research Agendas For The Future
The State of Unclassified and
Commercial Technology Capable of Some Electronic
Harassment Effects
Those Sonic Attacks are Spreading
- But the Real Question Is…
Timeline of Important Dates in The
History of Electromagnetic Technology and Mind Control
What Chemtrails Really Are
Digital TV - Silent
Sound |
Adverse Health Effects From The
Operation of Digital Broadcast Television Stations
Are Your Thoughts Your Own?
- Mass Mind Control Through Network Television
Español |
Armas de Distracción
Masiva - Medios de Comunicación, Publicidad y
Programación Social
Español |
Cinco Razones Para Dejar de Ver
Español |
Cómo la TV Afecta su Química
Cerebral para Peor
Español |
Cómo Usted Puede Cambiar Manualmente el Mundo - Apague su
Español |
Control Mental a Través de la
- Patente US 6506148 B2
Español |
Copa del Mundo - ¿Diversión o Maniobra
Diversiva de Masas?
Demonstration Spiel For Silent
Sound Device
Español |
Descubren un Extraño Anuncio con
Un Mensaje Subliminal en las Televisiones de EE.UU.
Digital TV, H.A.A.R.P., GWEN Towers, Silent Sound & Mind
Control Technologies
Digital TV - Mind Control by The
Sound of Silence
Five Ways Your TV is Slowly
Killing You
Happiness, Entertainment Media and
the Sub-Conscious Mind
How TV Affects your Brain
Chemistry for the Worst
How You Can Manually Change the
World - Turn Your TV Off
Is Your TV Watching You? - Latest Models Raise
Español |
La Felicidad, los Medios Multimedia de Entretenimiento y
la Mente Subconsciente
Español |
La Patente "US 6506148 B2" -
¿Control Mental por medio del Televisor?
Military Use of Silent Sound
- Mind Control Weapons
Mind Control With Silent Sounds
and Super Computers
Nervous System Manipulation by
Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors
- US 6506148 B2
Español |
Propaganda Televisiva y la Cultura
del Control Mental
Silent Sound, British ITV & Nexus
Silent Sound Spread Spectrum
(SSSS) and The All-Digital TV Broadcast Signal
- Connection?
The Idiot Box - How TV is Turning
Us All into Zombies
The Massively Manipulative
Marketing Meme
Turn Off The TV - Alternative News
Español |
TV Digital - El Control de La
Mente Por El Sonido del Silencio
TV Propaganda and The Mind Control
TV - The Perfect Mind-control
Unplug the Signal - The Truth Will
Not Be Televised
U.S. Patent 6506148-B2 confirms
Human Nervous System Manipulation through your Computer
and TV
Weapons of Mass
Distraction - The Media, Advertising and Social
Why You Need to Stay Away from 3D
TVs and Technology
Directed Energy
Weapons - DEW |
A Lot of Coincidences Surround the
Maui Fire that Destroyed Lahaina
A Particle Physicist believes that
5G is a 'Directed Energy Weapon' designed for Control
Crowd Control Technologies - An
appraisal of Technologies for Political Control
DEW - Directed Energy Weapons
causing Blindness and Paralysis
Directed Energy Weapons - Used in
Hawaii? |
Directed Energy Weapons Turned World Trade Center Into
Nanoparticles on 9/11 |
Energy Weapons and Testing
- Robert Duncan on Coast to Coast Radio
Four U.S. Black Ops in 9/11
- Antigravity UFO - Tesla Time Travel - Directed Energy Weapon -
It's a Cover-Up and it's
Terrifying" - CIA Whistleblower says foreign adversary
'likely' responsible for 'Havana Synd...
Español |
La 5G es el Último Sistema de 'Armas de Energía Dirigida' -
Dice Doctora en Física de Partículas
Español |
La Nueva Muerte Verde
Pentagon's Arms-research chief Eyes Space-Based Directed
Energy Weapons
Remote Control of the Human Brain
- Crowd Control Technologies and High Risk AI Systems
The Brain is the Battlefield of
the Future
The Direct Energy Age
'Tesla's Death Ray' and the Accelerated Particle Beam Weapon
This Covert Electromagnetic Era -
Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) for Political Control
- by Elana Freeland
Silent Weapons - Armas
Silenciosas |
Español |
Armas Silenciosas Para Guerras
- Un Manual Introductorio de Programación
Español |
Armas Silenciosas Para Guerras Tranquilas
- Manual Técnico Para Investigaciones Operativas TM-SW...
Italiano |
Armi Silenziose per Guerre
Silenziose - Informazioni Segrete che Aprono gli Occhi
Conquering Earth - Silent Weapons for Quiet
Wars |
Español |
El Arma Silenciosa de Washington
para Guerras No Tan Silenciosas
Español |
Las Armas de La Guerra Silenciosa
de Ayer y de Hoy
- Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS)
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars -
Eye-opening Secret Information
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars - Operations Research
Technical ManualTM-SW7905.1
Weapons for Quiet Wars
- Excerpts and Introduction
Silent Weapons for the 'Secret War
on You'...
The Unspoken War and Silent
Weapons - The Blueprint to Control
Washington's Silent Weapon for
Not-so-quiet Wars
Multimedia |
Architects of Control
- Michael Tsarion
Español |
El Futuro de La Humanidad
- Arquitectos del Control
Mind Programming, Brainwashing and
Mass Hypnosis
- David Icke
The Anunnaki, Maui and UFO Disclosure
Initiatives - Update with Elena Danaan
Related Reports |
Black Budgets and Black Projects
- Main File
Cell Phones - Microwave Radiation
- Main File
CIA - The Central Intelligence
- Main File
- Main File
The HAARP Project
- Main File