April 16, 2008
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Monsanto Company, the world leader in
Genetically Modified foods (GM).
This "mega" company now owns most of the world's seed. They
(Monsanto) are seeking a patent on the actual pig. It's an
astounding and dangerous claim. The world has allowed this company
to basically own life!
If you have not heard of the Monsanto Corporation and you eat food
as all humans on earth, it would be worth your time to research what
this company is doing to the world's food sources, supplies and what
they have planned.
Unless you live in one of the most remote parts of the globe, the
odds are you eat foods that have Genetically Modified (from Monsanto
Co.) products in them. People are ingesting GMOs these every day,
without realizing it. Studies are linking the massive, almost
pandemic levels of rare childhood cancers, to the direct increase in
Genetically Modified foods and fluoridated drinking water world wide!
You must STOP feeding your young children non organic milk and GM
Their health depends on your knowledge
which Monsanto is tying to suppress for PROFITS.