February 2009
updated October 2011
SourceWatch Website
Monsanto is considered the mother of agricultural biotechnology.
company produces biotechnology and genomics and herbicides for,
oil seeds
It produces genetically altered
seeds to tolerate it's flagship product, Roundup.
Monsanto also
Seminis seeds
products have included,
In the fiscal year ending in August of 2010, the company reported
sales of approximately 10.5 billion dollars and had 27,600
employees. [1]

Monsanto or Organics
Cartoon by Joe Mohr
Overview & history
The Monsanto company was created in 1901 by John Francis Queeny and
named after his wife, Olga Mendez Monsanto.
Since that time, the
name Monsanto has become symbolic of the greed, arrogance, scandal
and hardball business practices of many multinational corporations.
Less well known is that Monsanto was heavily involved in the
creation of the first nuclear bomb for the Manhattan Project during
WWII via its facilities in Dayton, Ohio.
The Dayton Project was
headed by Charlie Thomas, Director of Monsanto's Central Research
Department. He later became the company's president. [2], [3]
Monsanto also operated a nuclear facility for the federal government
in Miamisburg, Ohio, called the Mound Project, until the 1980s.
"In 1967, Monsanto entered into a joint venture with IG Farben.
(The) German chemical firm that was the financial core of the Hitler
regime, and was the main supplier of Zyklon-B to the German
government during the extermination phase of the Holocaust."
IG Farben was not dissolved until 2003.
[6] See also
Monsanto was the creator of several attractions in
Disney's Tommorrowland. Often they revolved around the the virtues
of chemicals and plastics.
Their "House of the Future" was
constructed entirely of plastic, but biodegradable it was not:
"After attracting a total of 20 million visitors from 1957 to 1967,
Disney finally tore the house down, but discovered it would not go
down without a fight. According to Monsanto Magazine, wrecking balls
literally bounced off the glass-fiber, reinforced polyester
material. Torches, jackhammers, chain saws and shovels did not work.
Finally, choker cables were used to squeeze off parts of the house
bit by bit to be trucked away." [7]
However another of their
synthetic inventions, Astroturf (fake grass), survives.
See history of Monsanto time line. [8]
Food safety issues
'The World According to Monsanto'
by Marie-Monique Robin - ARTE -
March 2008
On March 11 2008, 'The World According to Monsanto', by journalist
and film maker Marie-Monique Robin, was was aired on French
The documentary you won't be seeing on
American television, revealed that the biotech giant is threatening
to destroy the agricultural biodiversity which has served mankind
for thousands of years.
Global GMOs & herbicide market
The top biotechnology companies are,
(Syngenta is a subsidiary of parent companies AstraZeneca and
Novartis. Aventis' agribusiness division was bought out by Bayer.)
They account for almost 100% of the genetically engineered seed and
60% of the global pesticide market.
Thanks to recent acquisitions,
they now own 23% of the commercial seed market. In 1999, almost 80%
of total global transgenic acreage was planted in GMO (genetically
modified organism) soy, corn, cotton and canola. Until then, farmers
could spray herbicides before planting, but not after, as herbicides
would kill the intended crop.
The other 20% of genetically modified
acreage is planted with crops that produce pesticides. Monsanto’s
"New Leaf" potato kills potato beetles, but is itself registered as
a pesticide with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The five
largest biotech companies in the world are also the five largest
herbicide companies. GMOs ensure a continuous and ever-expanding
market for their agrochemicals. [9]
Under current policy, the government provides large subsidies to
farmers to produce grains, in particularly corn and soybeans.
Livestock producers use corn and soy as a base for animal feed as
they are protein rich and fatten up the animals. They are also cheap
(due to government subsidies.)
Livestock consumes 47% of the soy and
60% of the corn produced in the US. [10]
Roundup Ready controversy
(Note: There are a host of other concerns with genetic modification.
Issues and statistics in the fast-paced biotech world are ever in
flux. The reader is encouraged to visit other websites for
more and up-to-date info.)
Monsanto is considered the Mother of
agricultural biotech (1).
Their "Roundup Ready" crops have been
genetically engineered to allow direct application of the Monsanto
herbicide glyphosate allowing farmers to drench both their crops and
crop land with the herbicide so as to be able to kill nearby weeds
without killing the crops.
According to Charles M. Benbrook, an
expert in the field:
"RR soybeans are heavily herbicide dependent" [11], [12], [13]
Terminator technology
Monsanto came under heavy public fire with the development of their
"Terminator Technology", a.k.a. "suicide seeds", known technically
as V-GURTs (varietal Genetic Use Restriction Technologies) in which
the seeds resulting from the first year's planting would be sterile
thereby forcing farmers around the world in the Roundup Ready System
to buy their seed from them every year rather than saving their best
seed for the next years planting, a traditional and economical
practice [1].
Seed saving has had the benefit of allowing farmers to
continually improve the quality of their crops through careful
artificial selection.
Fears were also expressed that Monsanto's terminator genes could
spread to wild plants.
According to the UN Commission on Genetic
Resources for Food and Agriculture,
"Cross-fertilizing V-GURT
containing crops may cause considerable effects in neighboring crop
stands and wild relatives... The fact that in North America, where
large stands of GMO varieties are now grown contamination of non-GMO
varieties by GMO germplasm has been observed... suggests that this
scenario is a realistic probability" [2].
Campaign to undermine organic agriculture
Monsanto partially funds the anti-organic Center for Global Food
Issues, a project of the right-wing Hudson Institute. It is run by
Dennis Avery [3][4] and his son Alex Avery.
Here find the latest on
Hudson's anti-environmental and pro-biotech spinmeister Michael
Fumento, and his secretly taking money (at least $60,000) from
Monsanto. See also [5].
In 1998 Dennis wrote an article that began,
"'According to recent
data compiled by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), people
who eat organic and natural foods are eight times as likely as the
rest of the population to be attacked by a deadly new strain of E.
coli bacteria (0157:H7)'.
However, according to Robert Tauxe, M.D.,
chief of the food borne and diarrheal diseases branch of the CDC,
there is no such data on organic food production in existence at
their centers and he says Avery's claims are 'absolutely not true.'"
Following in his father's steps Alex distorted a study from the
Journal of Food Protection that showed that organic food does not
contain more pathogens than conventionally grown, contrary to
Avery's claims.
Genetic pollution or 'How to succeed without really trying'
Organic farms are increasingly finding that via cross-pollination
their pure food has been contaminated with GM DNA thus ruining their
businesses [7] [8].
"In 2002, Ontario farmer Alex Nurnberg had tests
conducted on his 100-ton harvest of organic corn. Twenty tons were
found to be contaminated by GMOs, which Nurnberg believes were blown
by the wind from the corn on a neighboring farm. 'I was not ready
for it. I feel such a wrath about it,' says Nurnberg" [9].
Monsanto & GM foods & health risks
Courtesy of Jeffrey M. Smith
Rhetoric from the United States
government since the early 1990s proclaims that genetically modified
(GM) foods are no different from their natural counterparts that
have existed for centuries.
But this is a political, not a
scientific assertion. Numerous scientists at the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) consistently described these newly introduced
gene-spliced foods as cause for concern.
In addition to their
potential to produce hard-to-detect allergies and nutritional
problems, the scientists said that,
“The possibility of unexpected,
accidental changes in genetically engineered plants” might produce
“unexpected high concentrations of plant toxicants.”1
GM crops, they
said, might have “Increased levels of known naturally occurring
toxins... appearance of new, not previously identified” toxins,
and an increased tendency to gather “toxic substances from the
environment” such as “pesticides or heavy metals.”
They recommended
testing every GM food “before it enters the marketplace.”2
But the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was under orders from the first
Bush White House to promote the biotechnology industry, and the
political appointee in charge of agency policy was the former
attorney for biotech giant Monsanto - and later became their vice
The FDA policy ignored the scientists’ warnings and
allowed GM food crops onto the market without any required safety
Bovine growth hormones (rBGH)

Dairy cows on rBGH
The FDA approved the use of recombinant bovine growth hormone (rbGH)
being injected into cows on February 4th, 1994.
Both Europe and
Canada turned down Monsanto's application for approval. Developed
and manufactured by the Monsanto, this genetically engineered
hormone forces cows to artificially increase milk production by 10
to 15%. [14]
Monsanto spent approximately half a billion dollars on
a hormone to increase milk production (for an already glutted,
taxpayer-subsidized market).
Posilac creates
additional Growth Factor One (IGF-1) in milk (a growth hormone which
is identical in cows and humans). IGF-1 is considered to be a fuel
cell for cancer growth and has been identified in the rapid growth
cancer. The FDA insists that IGF-1 is destroyed in the stomach. [15]
However, if that were true, the FDA has proven that breast feeding
cannot work. [16]
It is worth noting that rBGH is banned in every
industrialized country in the world except for the U.S., Mexico and
Brazil. According to Dr. Michael Hanson of the Consumers Union of
the U.S., there is strong scientific evidence to support potential
health hazards of rBGH and a case for labeling dairy products that
contain rBGH. [17]
The need for such for an increase in milk production has been
questioned since the dairy industry has been overproducing for 60
years. Between 1986 and 1987, under the Dairy Termination Program,
dairy farmers were paid over 1.3 billion dollars to slaughter their
cows. 144 dairy producers received over one million apiece to
refrain from dairy farming for five years and one California
producer received 20 million dollars.
However, according to the
General Accounting Office (GAO):
"Total milk production did not
decrease because nonparticipating farmers increased their
production". [18]
Additionally, cows injected with rBGH also have a
25% increase in udder infections and a 50% increase in lameness.
In August 2008, Monsanto sold their Posilac division to Eli
Lilly [20]
Monsanto sells U.S. Posilac (rBGH) division to Eli Lilly
In August 2008, Monsanto sold their Posilac division to Eli Lilly
and Company for $300 million (who exclusively sold Posilac outside
the US for 10 years before the acquisition.) [21], [22]
Labeling issues, revolving doors, rBGH & bribery
An issue of growing concern is the Campaign to Label Genetically
Engineered Foods [10].
Many have questioned why it is that while
consumers in Europe have the right to know through labeling which
foods contain GM ingredients and thus to make an informed choice
consumers in the United States, purportedly the bastion of freedom,
democracy and the "free market" in the world are denied this same
Polls indicate that the great majority of Americans who are
aware of the issue want labels [11]. Attempts to accomplish some
kind of labeling have repeatedly been rebuffed due to tremendous
opposition from biotech, which fear loss of sales if people know
[12][13]. In 2002 Oregon tried and failed to pass just such a
labeling initiative (Measure 27).
The campaign cited big money and
misinformation propagated by biotech as contributing to the defeat
GM trees, grasses & wheat
Food crops are not the only area Monsanto and others have hoped to
cash in on with their technology, also with frightening
consequences, a range of genetically engineered "designer" trees and
forests are also high on their list.
From trees modified to
withstand Monsanto's Roundup to trees designed with a reduced lignin
content (lignin gives trees strength and rigidity) to appeal to the
paper making and construction industry to "terminator trees" which
don't produce seeds. This has met with fierce resistance from
activists and scientists alike, but again, to no avail [15] [16]
[17] [18].
Already there has been a contamination issue with
the GE
papaya tree, the world's first commercially planted genetically
engineered tree, which enraged local farmers in Hawaii [19].
Monsanto made news in 2004 when it decided to withdraw its GM wheat
from the market due to worldwide opposition. [20] Environmental
risks of GM wheat.
Update: Monsanto has apparently changed its mind
and again is attempting to commence cultivation of GM wheat.
encouraged,' says Monsanto’s Trish Jordan. 'There may be some
opportunity for us to re-enter the wheat space'" [21].
This has created a furor with
wheat growers.
Indian suicides
Farmers in India are finding that the "biotechnology revolution" is
having a devastating effect on their crop lands and personal debt
"In 1998, the World Bank's structural adjustment policies
forced India to open up its seed sector to global corporations like
Cargill, Monsanto, and Syngenta. The global corporations changed the
input economy overnight.
Farm saved seeds were replaced by corporate
seeds which needed fertilizers and pesticides and could not be
saved" Says Vandana Shiva, leader of the movement to oust Monsanto
from India.
Mexican maize mischief
Dr Ignacio Chapela, Associate Professor at UC Berkeley and graduate
student David Quist were the target of attack by Monsanto after
publishing a paper in the science journal Nature telling of
contamination of indigenous Mexican maize (corn) with GMOs.

lead-up to the incident, however, is downright spooky (1).
Still, Chapela was determined to publish what they found. So Monsanto
employed the services of a firm called Bivings Group which used a
phony e-mail campaign to persuade the prestigious science journal
Nature to retract the paper, the first time in the publication's 133
year history that it had ever retracted a paper. [22] [23]
Monsanto, agent Orange, dioxins & Plan Columbia
The following is excerpted from
The Legacy of Agent Orange.
"Agent Orange was manufactured by Monsanto, Dow Chemicals
(manufacturers of napalm), Uniroyal, Hercules, Diamond Shamrock,
Thompson Chemical and TH Agriculture. Monsanto [was] the main
Agent Orange produced by Monsanto had dioxin levels
many times higher than that produced by Dow Chemicals, the other
major supplier of Agent Orange to Vietnam...
Monsanto's involvement
with the production of dioxin contaminated 2,4,5-T dates back to the
late 1940s.
'Almost immediately workers started getting sick with
skin rashes, inexplicable pains in the limbs, joints and other parts
of the body, weakness, irritability, nervousness and loss of
libido,' to quote Peter Sills, author of a forthcoming book on
Internal Monsanto memos show that Monsanto knew of the
problems but once again a cover-up was the order of the day...
Operation Hades, later changed to Operation Ranch Hand, sprayed 6
million acres of forest in Vietnam, 19 million gallons of defoliant.
The intention was to turn Vietnam into desert, to cause such
destruction that Vietnam would never recover...
The most gruesome
legacy caused by spraying Vietnam with dioxin contaminated Agent
Orange was that born by the Vietnamese themselves. In a locked room
of Tu Du Obstetrical and Gynecological Hospital in Saigon are rows
of formaldehyde-filled jars containing deformed fetuses, a grotesque
illustration of Man's inhumanity to Man.
The level of poverty in
Vietnam prevents the preservation of further examples. Many of the
living have fared little better, limb deformities, cancers."
"The Vietnamese government estimates that three million Vietnamese
were exposed to these chemicals during the war, and that at least
800,000 suffer serious health problems today as a result". [23]
According to Dean Kokkoris, an attorney for the
Vietnam Association
for Victims of Agent Orange (VAVA) class action lawsuit against the
chemical manufacturers,
"C.H. Boehringer Sohn discovered a way to
minimize the dioxin content in a substance by keeping down the
temperature in the autoclave [during manufacture]... Dow,
Monsanto, and Diamond Shamrock were able to make a batch of Agent
Orange in about forty-five minutes, but if they'd lowered the
temperatures, it would have taken a lot longer - possibly twelve
hours - to make the same batch of herbicide.
By keeping the
autoclave temperatures higher, they made it more quickly and for a
lot cheaper. Dow and other manufacturers of Agent Orange ignored the
safety precautions because they wanted to make Agent Orange more
quickly, and they wanted to make more of it."[24]
Admiral E.R. Zumwalt, Jr., who,
"ordered the use of Agent Orange
along the banks of rivers and canals" in Vietnam, and whose "son,
Lieutenant Elmo Zumwalt III, served on one of the boats that plied
these waterways," "fathered a son with learning disabilities and,
after a long, hard struggle... died of cancer," [25] issued an
extensive classified report to the Secretary of the Department of
Veterans Affairs "on the Association between Adverse Health Effects
and Exposure to Agent Orange" in 1990.
The report concluded,
"with a very high degree of confidence, that
it is at least as likely as not that the following are caused in
humans by exposure to TCDD [dioxin]: non-Hodgkin’ s lymphoma,
chloracne and other skin disorders, lip cancer, bone cancer, soft
tissue sarcoma, birth defects, skin cancer, lung cancer, porphyria
cutanea tarda and other liver disorders, Hodgkin’s disease,
hematopoietic diseases, multiple myeloma, neurological defects and
auto - immune diseases and disorders.
In addition, I am most
comfortable in concluding that it is at least as likely as not that
liver cancer, nasal/pharyngeal/esophageal cancers, leukemia,
malignant melanoma, kidney cancer, testicular cancer, pancreatic
cancer, stomach cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, brain cancer,
psychosocial effects, and gastrointestinal disease are service - connected."
It also found that,
"recent litigation against the
Monsanto corporation revealed conclusive evidence that studies
conducted by Monsanto employees to examine the health effects of
exposure to dioxin were fraudulent. These same fraudulent studies
have been repeatedly cited by government officials to deny the
existence of a relationship between health problems and exposure to
Agent Orange".[26]
Nevertheless, in May 1984,
"lawyers who represent[ed] Vietnam
veterans and their families agree[d] to a $180 million out-of-court
settlement with the chemical companies that manufactured and sold
Agent Orange to the military during the war... With this
out-of-court settlement, Dow, Monsanto, et al. [won] a monumental
Agent Orange produced by Monsanto and others was also applied in
According to Fred Wilcox's 2011
Scorched Earth: Legacies of
Chemical Warfare in Vietnam,
"in January 2006, a Seoul court ordered
Dow Chemical and Monsanto to pay $62 million to 6,800 Korean
veterans and their families."
At the same time,
"New Zealand's
Vietnam veterans were planning to file a lawsuit against the US
chemical companies claiming $3 billion in compensation."[28]
Global bully
Monsanto has sued many a farmer when their GM crops have turned up
on the farmer's fields even though the farmers say they never
planted them (examples)[24] [25] [26].
For an alarming expose of
Monsanto's legal battles with American farmers see the report
Monsanto vs. U.S. Farmers.
Global pollution
In the Washington Post article (Jan 1, 2001) "Monsanto Hid Decades
of Pollution PCBs Drenched Ala. Town, But No One Was Ever Told" a
grim story of Monsanto's treacherous behavior in Anniston Alabama
was revealed.
It is summed up in this chilling paragraph:
"They also
know that for nearly 40 years, while producing the now-banned
industrial coolants known as PCBs at a local factory, Monsanto Co.
routinely discharged toxic waste into a west Anniston creek and
dumped millions of pounds of PCBs into oozing open-pit landfills.
And thousands of pages of Monsanto documents - many emblazoned with
warnings such as "CONFIDENTIAL: Read and Destroy" - show that for
decades, the corporate giant concealed what it did and what it
knew." [27] [28]
Monsanto & world food crisis
Monsanto, ever on the lookout for a new financial opportunity,
especially one which, on the surface at least, appears to be
benevolent found one in biofuels.
The growing of corn, in Monsanto's
case, genetically engineered corn, for the production of ethanol
purportedly to reduce the use of fossil fuels [29][30][31][32].
Unfortunately though, as is often the case with Monsanto, this
silver lining has a rather large and ominous cloud, and in the
massive diversion of land once used to grow food to growing crops
for the fueling of automobiles yet another crisis has ensued. In
early 2010, Monsanto, along with other biotech companies and
philanthropists, became involved in an ongoing project designed to
develop new African drought-tolerant maize varieties.
While the new
seeds promise increased yields during drought years, the project
(specifically Monsanto's involvement) is not without controversy.
Corporate controlled food supply
In early 2009, corporations like Monsanto, Archer Daniels Midland
(ADM), Sodexo and Tyson Foods wrote and sponsored "food safety"
bills which, according to critics; hand control and policing of food
to factory farms and corporations.
They point out that bills impose
industrial, anti-farming "standards" to independent farms. Also,
that they subject those who do not use chemicals and fertilizers to
severe penalties, which apply even to producers growing food for
their own consumption.
Food Safety and Modernization Act of 2009: HR
875 [29] was introduced by Rosa DeLauro, whose husband (Stanley
Greenburg) works for Monsanto.
According to critics, the bill
includes criminalization of seed banking, prison terms and
confiscatory fines for farmers; 24 hour GPS tracking of their
animals and warrantless government entry. [30], [31]
Animal testing
Monsanto does animal testing.
Contract testing
Monsanto contract tests out to Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS). [32]
HLS is the 3rd largest contract research organization (CRO) in the
world and the largest animal testing facility in all of Europe.
Firms hire HLS to conduct animal toxicity tests for agrochemicals,
petrochemicals, household products, pharmaceutical drugs and toxins.
HLS has a long history of gross animal welfare violations.
Monsanto & Fox News - Partners in censorship
Fox News kills Monsanto rBGH milk story
Steve Wilson & Jane Akre
September 2006
In the fall of 1996, award-winning investigative journalists
Wilson and Jane Akre were hired by
WTVT in Tampa, Florida to produce
a series on rBGH.
After over a year's work and three days before the
series was scheduled to air, Fox News executives received the first
of two letters from Monsanto's lawyers.
According to the letters,
Monsanto would suffer "enormous damage" if the series ran. The
second letter warned of "dire consequences" of the series was aired
as it stood. (How Monsanto knew what was in the series, remains a
WTVT had been advertising the series aggressively, but
canceled it at the last moment. According to Florida Court records,
Fox's lawyers then attempted to water down the series, twice
offering to pay the journalists to leave the station and keep quiet
about what had been done to their work. The reporters refused and
filed a lawsuit against WTVT on April 2, 1998.
The lawsuit charged that WTVT violated its license from the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC), by demanding that the journalists
include known falsehoods in the rBGH series. They also charged that
WTVT violated Florida's whistle blower law. On three separate
occasions, Fox attempted to have the case summarily dismissed.
However, after a five-week trial and six hours of deliberation
ending on August 18, 2000, the jury unanimously determined that Fox,
"acted intentionally and deliberately to falsify or distort the
plaintiffs' news reporting on BGH."
They also found that Jane's
threat to blow the whistle on Fox to the FCC, was the sole reason
for their termination. She was awarded $425,000 in damages.
February 14, 2003, after six rejections by three different judges,
Fox finally managed to win an appeal. [33], [34]
GMO seeds have been genetically modified to produce their own
pesticide, survive the spraying of Roundup and self terminate.
are also incredibly expensive compared to traditional seeds. As a
result, farmers in India were forced into total dependence on
Monsanto by having to purchase new seeds annually. Because of
Monsanto's ruthless drive to use India as a testing ground, 125,000
farmers took their own lives after being driven into a hopeless
cycle of debt and losing their lands and homes.
GMOs, which were never adequately tested for safety, have failed
catastrophically. At least 70% of our food contains genetically
engineered food brought by Monsanto. GMO is endangering our health
and environment at an alarming rate.
Cross contamination is
irreversible and good organic crops are being jeopardized.
Political contributions
Monsanto gave $658,207 to federal candidates in the 2010 election
cycle through its political action committee (PAC):
48% to
52% to Republicans [35]
Public relations & lobbying
Monsanto spent $6,560,000 for lobbying in 2010. $1,030,000 was to
outside lobbying firms with the remainder being spent using in-house
Center for Consumer Freedom
Monsanto has donated to the front group
Center for Consumer Freedom
(CCF). CCF runs attack campaigns against health, food safety, animal
rights and animal welfare advocates.
Key executives pay
Hugh Grant - Chairman, CEO & President, 1.41 M
Robert T. Fraley, PhD - CTO& Executive VP, $602K & 2.85 M in
exercised options
Brett D. Begemann - CCO & Executive VP, $542K
David F. Snively - Executive VP & General Counsel, 481K
Pierre Coorduroux [37]
Board of Directors
John W. Bachmann
David L. Chicoine
Janice L. Fields
Hugh Grant
Arthur H. Harper
Laura K. Ipsen
Gwendolyn S. King
C. Steven McMillan
William U. Parfet
George H. Poste
Robert J. Stevens [38]
Monsanto 800 N. Lindbergh Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63167 Phone: 314-694-1000 Fax: 314-694-8394 Web address: http://www.monsanto.com
Monsanto subsidiaries
Key Monsanto Company Financials, Hoovers,
January 2011
Chapter 2: High-Flux Years, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory Review, accessed January 2011
Biographical Memoirs V.65,
National Academy of Sciences, 1994
Alex Constantine
Nutrapoison, Znet, July 2003
A Short Curriculum Vitae of I.G. Farben,
Biblioteca Pleyades, accessed October 2009
IG Farben to be dissolved,
BBC, September 17, 2001
Disneyland's Home of the Future, Mindfully.org,
accessed January 2011
Time line: History of Monsanto Co.,
Reuters, Nov 11, 2009
John Robbins
Genetic Engineering, Part I, The Food
Revolution, accessed December 2009
The Issues: Corn and Soy, Sustainable Table,
accessed December 2009
Charles Benbrook
Evidence of the Magnitude and Consequences of the
Roundup Ready Soybean Yield Drag from
University-Based Varietal Trials in 1998,
Mindfully.org, accessed January 2011
Charles M. Benbrook
Troubled Times Amid Commercial Success for Roundup
Ready Soybeans, Mindfully.org, accessed January
Charles Benbrook: Chief Scientist, The Organic
Center, accessed January 2011
What Is rBGH & rBST?, Sustainable Table,
accessed January 2009
IGF-1 and Milk Statement from FDA, FDA.gov,
accessed January 2009
Dave Rietz
Dangers of Milk and Dairy Products - The Facts,
Rense.com, July 2002
Dr. Michael Hanson
rBGH & Monsanto's Recent Intimidation Tactics,
Organic Consumers Association, February 2003
James Bovard
Our Next Criminal Class: Milk Bootleggers,
Cato Institute, June 1991
rBGH/rBST, Center for Food Safety, accessed
January 2009
Elanco Announces Acquisition of Posilac(R) Dairy
PR Newswire, August 20, 2008
What Is rBGH & rbST?, Sustainable Table,
accessed December 2009
Elanco Announces Acquisition of Posilac, PR
Newswire, August 20, 2008
Tom Fawthrop
Agent Orange Victims Sue Monsanto, Corporate
Watch, November 4, 2004
Fred A. Wilcox, Scorched
Earth: Legacies of Chemical Warfare in Vietnam
(New York: Seven Stories Press, 2011), pp. 123-4
Fred A. Wilcox, Scorched
Earth: Legacies of Chemical Warfare in Vietnam
(New York: Seven Stories Press, 2011), pp. 53-4
Admiral E.R. Zumwalt, Jr.,
Report to the Secretary of the Department of
Veterans Affairs on the Association Between Adverse
Health Effects and Exposure to Agent Orange,
Department of Veterans Affairs report, May 5, 1990,
pp. 37 & 53
Fred A. Wilcox, Scorched
Earth: Legacies of Chemical Warfare in Vietnam
(New York: Seven Stories Press, 2011), p. 63
Fred A. Wilcox, Scorched
Earth: Legacies of Chemical Warfare in Vietnam
(New York: Seven Stories Press, 2011), pp. 52-53
Text of H.R. 875: Food Safety Modernization Act of
2009, govtrack.us, accessed March 2009
Linn Cohen-Cole
Goodbye farmers markets, CSAs, and roadside stands,
Oped News, March 2009
Lydia Scott
HR 875 The food police, criminalizing organic
farming and the backyard gardener, and violation of
the 10th amendment, Campaign for Liberty, March
Inside Customers, SHAC.net, December 2009
Sightings: Reporters Fired For Telling The Truth
About RGBH Milk Hormone, Rachel's Environment &
Health Weekly/Rense, April 1998
Jury Overturned Verdict on Legal Technicality,
BGH Bulletin, accessed January 2011
2010 PAC Summary Data, Open Secrets, accessed
January 2011
Monsanto lobbying expenses, Open Secrets,
accessed January 2011
Monsanto Key Executives, Yahoo Finance,
accessed January 2011
Who We Are: Company Leadership, accessed January