Diciembre 10, 2008 del Sitio Web RinconDelMisterio
Sin embargo, testimonios y conjeturas de testigos y supervivientes
han permitido que algunos miembros del Ejército de los Estados Unidos de
América reconstruyan con cierta verosimilitud lo acontecido.
Se les ofrecieron unas instalaciones militares donde llevar a cabo sus investigaciones y una suculenta subvención con la que financiarlas.
En pocos meses, el laboratorio era operativo y funcionaba a pleno rendimiento. Berlensky y Shears comenzaron por seleccionar soldados voluntarios para crear dos grupos de veinticinco personas con los que comenzar sus experimentos con frecuencias alejadas del umbral de percepción humano.
Para ello, alojaron a los primeros sujetos en un dormitorio común
que era bombardeado durante la noche con frecuencias de todo tipo. El
segundo grupo fue alojado en un dormitorio de iguales características
completamente blindado a todo tipo de sonidos externos. A todos los sujetos
se les dijo que el experimento pretendía investigar la dinámica de grupo en
las tripulaciones de submarinos.
El personal del laboratorio iba apuntando concienzudamente los datos relativos a los sonidos que se empleaban cada noche en el dormitorio del grupo experimental y seguía todos sus movimientos por un circuito cerrado de televisión.
En el día 34 del
experimento sucedió algo anormal.
Algunos soldados se auto-agredían de las formas más brutales. Otros seguían golpeando y mutilando los cadáveres de sus compañeros. Se desmembraron cuerpos y se practicó el canibalismo.
Cuando se enviaron guardias armados para poner fin a la lucha, estos fueron salvajemente agredidos y reducidos. Finalmente, cincuenta hombres armados pudieron entrar en las instalaciones del grupo experimental y reducir a los escasos supervivientes enloquecidos.
Como resultado del
experimento Berlensky/Shears, diecinueve hombres habían muerto y seis
tuvieron daños cerebrales irreversibles.
Quizá es mejor que sea así.
The Berlensky-Shears Experiment from RinconDelMisterio Website
What happened in 1958 in an underground
laboratory near Boulder (Colorado) he will probably remain for always sunk
in the mist of the mystery. Nevertheless, testimonies and conjectures of
witnesses and survivors have allowed who some members of the Army of the
United States of America reconstruct with certain probability the occurred
Military installations where to carry out their investigations and a succulent subsidy with which were offered to them to finance them. In few months, the laboratory was operative and worked to total yield. Berlensky and Shears began to select voluntary soldiers to create two groups of twenty-five people with whom to begin its experiments with moved away frequencies of the human threshold of perception.
For it, they lodged to the first subjects in a
common dormitory that he was bombed during the night with frequencies of all
type. The second group was lodged in a dormitory of equals characteristic
completely armored to all type of external sounds. To all the subjects one
said to them that the experiment tried to investigate the dynamics of group
in the crews of submarines.
In order to occupy his time, they went tests diverse and he was made them interpret diverse rolls related to the grant of the submarines of North American Navy. The personnel of the laboratory was pointing conscientiously the data regarding the sounds that were used every night in the dormitory of the experimental group and followed all movements by a closed circuit of television.
In day 34 of the experiment something abnormal
When armed guards were sent to end the fight, these wildly were attacked and reduced. Fifty men finally armed could enter the facilities of the experimental group and reduce to the little driven crazy survivors.
As a result of the Berlensky/Shears experiment,
nineteen men had died and six had irreversible cerebral damages.
Probably never one will know what went what took to those twenty-five men to become bloodthirsty beasts after a month to be put under sonic bombings of sub-frequencies.
Perhaps it is better than it is thus.