by Tim Rifat
RVScience Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
Each Quartz Crystal has been reconfigured by
Remote Influencing into
a Psychotronic Amplifier, as used by Soviet Bloc Psi-Adepts.
There are seven Quartz Amplifiers on offer, which have been tuned
More Information:
The amplifiers are also available as pendants.
Each amplifier is tuned to the client, empowered in a virtual
Stonehenge, and comes in a black velvet bag with personalized
identification. Since Tim Rifat is the only expert on this
technology outside of Russia, this is the first time theses device
have been on offer to anyone in the West - they were only previously
available as weapons for Soviet remote influencers.
Remote Viewing & Psychic Powers
Energy is the Key to Remote Viewing!
Paul Hughes-Barlow’s occult research into the basis of British
psychic warfare shows how the Anglo-American elite used Alistair
Crowley’s techniques for remote influencing. All psychic warfare in
the world - except the British - uses power to accomplish RI. The
more energy and power you have, the more you can remotely influence.
This copies Crowleys’s Thelemic Magick, based upon power. To this
end US remote influencers use group augmentation for RI. Many US
remote influencers link and synchronize their brainwaves into one
Hundreds of US and allied remote influencers can then be
targeted on person. In this way the weak bioinformational fields of
US and NATO remote influencers can be merged for remote influencing
of targets in countries around the world. Since each American remote
influencer has less than 1/100th of unparasitical biophysical field,
due to the predations of memetic energy parasites called mudshadows,
these large groups of US and NATO remote viewers have little power,
achieving perhaps one or two complete biophysical fields of an
unparasitised avatar.
British Strategic Remote Influencing uses Crowley’s last masterwork.
The control of the torsionic soliton which manifests reality, by use
of The Book of Thoth. Crowley discovered that all reality was
created by a vortex which Russian scientists developed into the
torsionic soliton theory. A spiral of energy that creates 4D
Crowley controlled the vortex/spiral of energy by encapsulating it
in his mind’s eye within the metashape created by joining his 78
Thoth Tarot deck, which is joined by
Synthetic Projective
Geometry within the illustrations (see Supertarot).
Once Crowley had
done this he used the Hegelian Dialectic, the union of opposites -
Thesis, Antithesis combining in Synthesis - to remotely influence
using no power but the energy of creation. It is like bringing
matter and antimatter to create energy. Even feeble British remote
influencers used this technique to control the world.
Tim Rifat has developed British Strategic Remote Influencing into
its highest incarnation by encapsulating the spiral/vortex of the torsionic soliton in a ring of 26 psychotronic crystals that hold
the torsionic soliton in its grand state. They do this by having
biotronic matrices programmed to run the 156! Dimensional modalities
of consciousness of the 4D realm as depicted in the Thoth Tarot
The heterotic string of 26 psychotronic crystals absorb the energy
of the torsionic soliton dumping the energy in their other
dimensional manifold so draining the 4D realm of all its energy.
Having done this the 4D realm we live in becomes a true matrix whose
control of every event can become possible because the torsionic
soliton that manifests reality is in the total control of the 26
heterotic string of psychotronic crystals.
Using the Hegelian Dialectic of Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis,
the events to be influenced can be brought into being by joining the
two faces of the torsionic soliton. As they are spinning in opposite
directions bringing them together is akin to joining matter and
antimatter to produce energy; but the process is of vastly more
power as the torsionic soliton taps into higher dimensional zero
point energy. Once the event is created its energy is drained into
the 26 heterotic string psychotronic crystal. This means the new
matrix of humanity still remains as a zero energy projection of the
torsionic soliton.
Since humans in the matrix have no energy they cannot remote
influence anything - ever. All RI resides in the 26 heterotic string
psychotronic crystal amplifier dimensional manifolds. In this way
Tim Rifat has patented his research and at a stroke rendered
obsolete US NATO RI which depends on power they no longer have
within the matrix.
Anyone wishing to purchase the fail-safed 26 heterotic string
psychotronic amplifier set should contact Tim Rifat. As the British
Strategic Remote Influencing RI system has been permanently
protected at the level of the torsionic soliton the system only
works for Tim Rifat. The 26 crystals sold to customers allow them to
transform the Matrix within the constraints set down by Tim Rifat.
This means no negative RI of any sort. How to use the 26 heterotic
string of PQA’s to become: rich, healthy, and transform the body is
enabled. The detailed protocols will be given free on this site.
No remote influencing or killing is allowed using the British
Strategic RI system to keep
RVscience within the highest ethical and
moral ideals. Anti-aging, better health, cure cancer, organ
regeneration, other ills that beset man, will be strongly enabled
using BSRI.
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Money, Health and Remote Viewing Protocols
Remote Influencing needs lots of energy. Humans have next to no free
energy. Within the Matrix reality that confines humans the only
energy that is freely created is money energy. The elite that rule
via the banking system constantly make new money for themselves by
fractional reserve banking or making new lines of credit and debit
in cyberspace.
These protocols use the Money, Health and RV Psycrystals. These
Protocols do not work unless Psychotronic Amplifiers are used.
The Money Psycrystal not only taps into this stream of biotronic
(matter-like) energy but has taken it over like a virus making pure
biotronic energy available for the user of the psycrystal.
Place the tip of the psycrystal over a glass of spring water. Rotate
the psycrystal (PC) three times over the water in an anti-clockwise
direction to extract all biotronic energy from it; then the rotate
the PC three times in a clockwise direction over the water to change
the liquid into a biotronically charged water matrix. Drink the
water and it will reconform the water in your body to be a biotronic
matrix. Repeat every day.
Remotely view the reality you wish in psyspace (PS) the car,
house... of your dreams; then take the money PC in your left hand
and step into your dream. Rotate the money PC three times (3x)
anticlockwise in your vision to banish the mudshadow Matrix and then
rotate the Money PC 3x clockwise to charge your vision reality with
biotronic energy for manifestation. Repeat every day until
Remotely sense your own body then begin to remotely influence
Hold the Money PC in your left hand, visualise biotronic energy
flowing from the PC into your bones from the toes upwards. As the
biotronic energy fills the bones they glow a bright blue and the
body tissues turn transparent white.
Keeping pumping biotronic
energy into your bones until they become diffuse and your physical
body image vanishes.
Continue until the body remanifests as a blue
physical vessel of high energy biotronic fields that can be used for
telekenesis and a superior vehicle for your awareness on Earth.
Visualise this blue biotronic energy and in your mind’s eye rotate
the Money PC 3x anticlockwise over the biotronic body to banish
mudshadow corruption and connections.
Rotate the PC 3x clockwise
over the head of the biotronic body to manifest this metahuman
biotronic body for yourself become a biotronic field vessel.
Take the Health PC and rotate it 3x anticlockwise over spring water
to banish mudshadow corruption; rotate 3x clockwise over water to
charge the water as a bioplasmic (life-force) matrix.
Drink the
water to convert the water in your body into a bioplasmic matrix to
vivify your tissues and organs with morphogenic fields for enhanced
Remotely sense your body’s cells and enter the cytoplasm to RI the
mitochondria, the cell’s furnaces.
In the mitochondria use the bioplasmic energy from the Health Crystal in your left hand to fill
the mitochondria with bioplasmic energy.
Command them to burn off
your fat cells so you become slim no matter what you eat.
Next fill
the rest of the cell with bioplasmic energy via the mitochondria to
totally integrate this bacterial genome with your nucleus and more
importantly to achieve full union between the morphogenic field of
the bacterial invader and your own nuclear morphogenic field.
process produces fully synergistic cells that do not suffer from the
time clock errors of the mutually incompatible mitochondrian/nucleic
cells that you have at present.
Repeat this process every day until
your cells become uniformly blue energy globes. Eventually they will
vanish, reconform the optimised bioplasmic cells within the
biotronic body created above.
The bioplasmic cells should appear as
white energy bubbles within the biotronic body.
Hold the Health PC
in your left hand and rotate it 3x anticlockwise over the biotronic/bioplasmic
body to banish mudshadow corruption; then rotate 3x clockwise over
this body to manifest this new reality.
Repeat every day until the biotronic/bioplasmic body becomes teh only reality for your body.
Take the RV PC and rotate it 3x anticlockwise over spring water to
banish mudshadow corruption/connections; then 3x clockwise over the
water to charge the water with bioinformational (soul energy) field
and transform the liquid into a bioinformational matrix.
Drink the
water to convert the water into your body as a bioinformational
matrix. Repeat every day.
Remotely sense your bioinformational fields (using
remote sensing
protocols from RS Course may be helpful) and visualise this energy
field as a physical body shape.
Hold the RV Psycrystal in your left
hand and let the PC pump bioinformational shell.
See the vague grey
body filling out with gold light that pumps it full until it glows
like a small sun.
Then turn the body 90° and pump it up again along
the alternate reality-line until it glows like a small sun.
Use the
RV Protocols in the RV Course to use this for time travel.
Once the bioinformational body is complete, merge it with your biotronic/bioplasmic
body so the gold body overlaps the blue/white body perfectly.
Hold the RV Crystal in your left hand and rotate it 3x anticlockwise
over the completed biotronic/bioplasmic/bioinformational fields of
your biophysical body to banish mudshadow corruption/connections.
Then rotate 3x clockwise to vivify this manifestation with bioinformational body. Repeat every day until this is the only
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Psychotronic Generators for Energy, Health and Organ Repair
There are three different types of biophysical energy:
Biotronic Energy
The first type, biotronic energy is the field associated with
matter. In our reality, matter has the parameters of its biotronic
energy field set around zero, so matter is dead. A living matter
entity such as man has his biotronic field set at non zero values,
this means living matter exhibits different properties to normal
’dead’ matter. As we age these biotronic field values get smaller
and smaller until we become ’dead’ matter.
The Anti-aging psycrystal
is a biotronic field matrix whose values are so high it can charge
nearly ’dead’ matter such as found in middle aged people, and
reverse the lowering of the biotronic field.
Bioplasmic energy The second type of energy is called bioplasmic energy. This is the
life force that vivifies a human and makes the matter shell
something other. This physical life force degenerates with time and
so the Health Psycrystal matrix is filled with bioplasmic energy.
This bioplasmic energy can be used in many ways. Bioplasmic energy
is stored in the thymus gland found under the bony lump at the top
of the sternum. Placing the health psycrystal charges up the body’s
depleted store of life force. The point of the psycrystal should be
gently held over the thymus for a minute every few hours to keep the
body perpetually charged with bioplasmic energy. This bioplasmic
energy enables the immune system to operate at full potential and
makes one healthy.
Thyroid Gland Placing the Health Psycrystal over the Thyroid gland
energizes the
metabolism by charging this gland with bioplasmic energy. This
should be done for one minute per day or longer if one is
overweight. This procedure turns off the fat in the body slimming
the body down. Placing the Health Psycrystal between the eyebrows
with the point facing the skin and holding it there for one minute
charges the pituitary gland. This enables growth hormones suitable
for muscle tone to be released in older people whose pituitary gland
have ceased production of this growth hormone resulting in the
patient gaining the youthful figure they lost at middle age.
Damaged Organ Repair For degenerating organs the medical profession advocates
transplants. With the Health Psycrystal one can charge the destroyed
organ with a huge supply of bioplasmic energy. One of the aspects of
the bioplasmic field is the morphogenic field that controls gene
expression. The quantum computer in the Health Psycrystal is
programmed to pump the morphogenic field of a healthy organ into the
afflicted target organ. People with damaged hearts should place the
point of crystal gently over the afflicted organ and let the
bioplasmic energy feed into the organ. The morphogenic field will
switch on the genes needed for organ repair while the associated
bioplasmic field will give the organ the energy it needs for
regrowth. This procedure should be carried out for many hours per
day and tapered down as organ regrowth occurs months later. This
procedure can be used on liver, kidneys, lungs and other organs.
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Age Extension
Extending your Life Span with Psychotronic Generators
Gerontology: the science of life extension has made little inroads
into extending human lifespan. Ironically, the Soviet research into
remote killing has dramatically increase knowledge of how the human
organism works: if you want to destroy a human using bioenergetics
it is necessary to understand the biophysical processes of life.
To remotely influence yourself or the target victim the psi-operator
needs a complete biophysical body. The biophysical body has three
major components:
The biotronic field is the force and energy that is the seminal
manifestor of the thing we call matter. Our physical body is
composed of biotronic fields that make us gross material entities.
The bioplasmic field is the force of life energy that vivifies the
biotronic matrix of matter bestowing up on it those characteristics
we define as living. This bioplasmic field is in part morphogenetic
fields, that switch genes on and off, direct the genome to make
differentiated tissue and organises the cellular clocks that chop
off parts of the telomeres after every cell mitosis leading to
senescence and eventual death. T
he bioinformational field is the force and energy of the mind that
enables the brain access to quantum computing and memory. This is
the field that can detach from the physical body for remote viewing.
Study of the biophysical body shows that it is about one hundredth
of its true volume; lying as a tray of energy around the feet of the
’normal’ human being. Russian psi-operators who boosted their
biophysical fields to fill out the energetic volume to its proper
’egg-like’ shape using psychotronic amplifiers were attacked by
memetic energy parasites that drained their energy and caused Soviet
RI to backfire massively imploding the Soviet Union.
Memetic parasites are beautifully defined in Carlos Castaneda’s last
book before his death: The
Active Side of Infinity, published by
Harper Collins. Castaneda calls the memetic energy parasites
mudshadows. Psychotronic amplifiers were a Czech Soviet discovery
that biotronic objects having specific topologies could be used to
harness bioplasmic and bioinformational fields to literally enable
psi-operators to be boosted artificially with all the energy needed
for RI.
Taking all the Soviet research into areas of healing, using a full
understanding of the physics of biotronics, a new type of
psychotronic amplifier was developed that did not depend on specific
topologies; instead the biotronic matrix chosen was the ordered yet
nonlinear complexity of natural crystals. The biotronic field in
crystals is a holographic part of the Earth, and with the full
understanding of how psychotronic amplification works this enabled
the creation of a new type of psychotronic amplifier that had the
following properties:
A biotronic matrix that had been raised above the ground state zero
point energy to enable creation of bioplasmic and bioinformational
energy for the user.
Reconfiguration of the biotronic matrix to enable quantum computing
and memory so that the crystal could calculate the specific
morphogenic fields needed to switch genes on and off for age
The creation of a bionergetic field to destroy memetic energy
parasites and transmute their energy for the user.
Creating a pulsed bioenergetic field that blocked negative aging
forces but allowed in life giving aspects of this force (See Carlos
Castaneda: The Fire Within, published by Harper Collins; ’the
rolling force’.
Morphogenic field that could rebuild damaged organs such as hearts,
livers, kidneys...
Psychotronic amplifiers in concert with
RI could now be used to
address the aging process. Here are the following protocols for life
Use the brain stress system protocols in my new book Remote Viewing:
published by Vision, October 2001, to enter the theta state.
From the theta state let your awareness enter the bioinformational
field used for remote viewing.
Project your bioinformational field into a psychotronic crystal,
configured to psychic protection: its matrix transmuted at the
subquantum level of torsion field solitons, to expunge the totality
of all memetic energy parasites including remote influencers. This
procedure cleanses the bioinformational field to not only establish
remote viewing outside the memetic energy parasites matrix, but
charges your field with the parasites energy.
Direct the psychotronic amplifier to direct its biotronic matrix to
the true location of the memetic energy parasite that is controlling
you so it can seek and destroy this ’inorganic being’, its hive,
cohorts, reality and source. Remotely View the crystal glowing with
energy as it shreds the totality of the parasite, its reality,
cohorts and source. Remotely View the biotronic matrix then locating
the parasitic energy in the top crown of your energy body and
burning out the larval parasite that entwines your energy centers
from head to feet. Remotely View the crystal as it glows with energy
from your shredded energy parasite. Then see the biotronic matrix
from the psychotronic amplifier enclosing you biophysical body to
prevent reinfection.
The biophysical body is exposed to natural forces that fill out our
energy field to maturation, then ’flip over’ into a negative force
that ages us. Russian scientists have classed these fields as torsionic-leptionic-scalionic; this will mean nothing to a western
scientist but is the secret language of bioenergetic physics, the
Russian top secret research into nonelectromagnetic physical fields.
Remote Viewers can see this rolling force that consists of a pulsing
ball of expanding blue ’light’ that hits our biophysical body
followed by a rolling blue ’light’ that revolves toward us. The
first aspect of the force vivifies our biophysical body while the
rolling aspect causes the destruction of our biophysical body. As we
reach maturity the rolling force becomes prominent ’controlling’
biophysical fields - aging us.
A psychotronic amplifier configured to anti-aging surrounds us with
a biotronic matrix composed of torsionic solitons that selectively
blocks the aging aspect of the rolling force but lets through the
life enhancing pulsing aspect of the force. Configured as a quantum
computer the psychotronic amplifier can open and close the biotronic
matrix in rhythm with the rolling force to turn the corrosion of the
biophysical field after maturation. As the rolling force is the
prime reason for aging after memetic parasitic predation, these
protocols block further aging and allow the RI adept to concentrate
on rebuilding the bioplasmic and biotronic fields of his body.
The physical body has as its biological clock the telomeres on the
ends of each of the 46 chromosomes. After every cell division the
telomere is shortened; when the telomere is cut to the quick by
successive mitosis’s, the cell stops dividing and dies. The enzyme
telomerase enables the chromosomes to rebuild telomeres as in
meiosis or cancer. A controlled rebuilding of the telomeres
throughout the body using the morphogenetic field of the bioplasmic
field allows cell regeneration without cancer.
The RI adept can
contact his morphogenetic field and command it to cause the cells
throughout his body to produce carefully controlled telomerase to
rebuild the telomeres of his chromosomes so his cells rejuvenates.
One cannot treat the cells of the body as a whole, but each must be
rejuvenated depending on the morphology of the tissues in the
organism. Rapidly dividing brain cells are not to be countenanced
except after massive strokes, while skin cells and gut cells need to
rapidly reproduce after rejuvenation. Mistakes lead to proto-tumour
formation hence the problem with taking telomerase as a drug.
If one is not a skilled remote influencer, use of a psychotronic
amplifier whose quantum computer is configured to anti-aging can
carry out the above telomere regeneration. The biotronic matrix of
the psychotronic amplifier is configured to have a bioplasmic
component which is tuned to the resonance frequency of DNA/RNA
production of telomerase. The quantum computer in the psychotronic
amplifier accesses the user’s morphogenic field to map the optimal
physical body. Using this information the bioplasmic field of the
amplifier turns on telomerase production in the ribosomes of the
cells of the user in exact accordance with the blueprint of the
optimal physical meme.
This means rejuvenation is a slow measured
de-aging with no deleterious side effects. The amplifier then
monitors the body and compares it to the morphogenic blueprint to
keep the user in peak condition. The RI adept can carry out the
above procedure without a psychotronic amplifier as long as he/she
has access to endo/bioplasmic energy; perfect knowledge of her/his
morphogenetic fields and the ability to constantly access them and
manipulate them on a constant basis.
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Good Luck
Remote Influencing Reality for 2013
Now the torsionic soliton of manifestation has proven not only to be
permanently removed from control of the elite that rule the west,
but all its corruptions reversed, everything has been changed since
the British Strategic Remote Influencing System was used by the
Sanhedrin to alter world history, all their works have availed to
naught. There now has been no French Revolution, Russian Revolution,
World War I, World War II, Federal Reserve, Bank of England, World
Where does that leave Jo(anne) Normal caught in a higher dimensional
flux that has ripped our reality from the Megaverse (Multiverses).
It means we no longer live in a reality controlled by black
magicians who tapped into the forces of creation to mould our world
of transnational fiefdoms.
In this reality, conventional RI now works so people can influence
their own realities. US RV companies sell simple RI techniques,
which though completely obsolete with respect to BSRI, enable a
modicum of success. If we ignore BSRI, how can we make US RV and RI
more effective...? Since Americans, like their Russian competitors,
use power RI, the more energy you have the more you can remote
influence. Both Americans and Russians have their energy bodies
predated by memetic energy parasites a normal American has between
1/1000th and 1/100th of his actual energy field; the latter being a
fully developed psychic as per CIA, DIA, NSA training.
Consider that there are 6 billion people under the control of
memetic parasites that order reality into that of: grow old, die,
after paying your mortgage... Remote Influencers are trapped in a
hostile environment that fights their changes. To effect a change in
reality one must have the activation energy to counter 6 billion
people’s common consensus reality. Calculations show that 23,000
normal people Remote Influencing together could completely change
reality, or 2300 military trained Remote Influencers. The internet,
spiritual gatherings or implant control can be used for power
strategic RI.
Considering this critical mass of RI’s can alter any
of the parameters of reality, conventional military hardware is
super-redundant. This is because the quantum mechanical processes
for enablement of nuclear reactions, electronic processes can be
cancelled, or in the case of nuclear reactors super-enabled so
carrier battle-group’s reactors and nuclear submarines explode in
nuclear fireballs. American and British military strategy using
these soon to be non functional military toys is obsolete at best,
dangerous or lethal at worst.
For those of us not obsessed with world domination how can RI be
used for a better reality? Well, 23,000 Remote Influencers is a bit
unwieldy so reducing numbers might be advisable. Since memetic
parasites cripple our energy, killing them in the Remote Influencer
and feeding off their remains is the first step forward. Using a
Psycrystal programmed for psychic protection one can recover all
one’s lost energy. This ’normal’ human has his full biophysical
field unparatisised and available for his/her use. Calculation shows
around 23 of these ’normal’ humans acting in concert can change
world reality.
Using simple US RI techniques plus long term (24 hour
a day) possession of a crystal is enough for this procedure. Keeping
the psycrystal on your possession 24 hours a day prevents
reinfection by memetic parasites (larvae). 23 ’n’ Remote Influencers
can change the world in a multiplicity of ways; inevitably their
first uses will be military. The winner of World War III be they
Russia, China, India or the West will have the unique opportunity in
world history of altering reality to suit ’normal’ humans.
23 ’n’ RI in this form can be used to make normal humans live to 600
years, banishing disease. Unfortunately for ’normal’ humans
accidents and RI attacks will still exist, so for further life
extension ’n’ human reality will have to be changed. In a dream like
reality it you are killed you just wake up in another dream (waking
larva consciousness). Altering normal reality to make it non-lethal
so events follow one’s will, and matter becomes mutable are
necessary for extreme ’n’ human longevity of over 600 years.
Having control over reality not only needs ’n’ human energy but
knowledge and control. Psycrystals tuned to luck can alter reality
using advanced psychotronic technology by the author. Put in simple
concepts, if one puts spirit (biophysical fields) into matter one
gets a vortex (torsionic soliton) set up. Take Spirit out of matter
and one gets a vortex of the opposite rotation. The Psycrystal for
luck used by ’n’ human can put biophysical fields into
visualizations to effect the formation of that reality. Armed with
this psycrystal technology, reality becomes mutable and matter can be
apported, manifested, de-manifested.
Ignoring the obvious military
uses a ’n’ human population can rework ’larval’ common consensus
reality using psycrystals tuned to ’luck’. 23’n’ human could carry
out the same procedure but they would need knowledge of how matter
comes into being, a unified field theory. The author has programmed
the ’luck’ psycrystals to enable 23’n’ human to rework reality.
Since there are no ’n’ humans due to memetic parasitism being
endemic a psychic protection psycrystal is mandatory for effective
use of the ’luck’ psycrystal technology.
Since large scale warfare is on the horizon it appears the victors
will use psychotronic technology to rework reality after the war(s).
Large numbers of trained RI’ers using psycrystals can then alter
reality to make it dreamlike for the immortals that wish to live
within it. Hence the 2013 myth. To explain this, we see that the
public do not believe in the paranormal - in fact they deride anyone
who believes in it. On the other hand the military is paranoid about
the paranormal expending vast amounts of money and classifying 99%
of their research. In this world only the military is carrying out
RI with 100% belief. All others have some doubts as to RI’s reality.
The author having worked out the theoretical physics of the
paranormal has 100% knowledge, or total fiction if one cannot ’see’.
It is therefore inevitable that the military will enable first use
of large scale RI. China has 1.4 billion willing homogenous people;
Russia has a few thousand survivors of their psy-armaggedon; US and
Britain thousands of micro-chipped psychic zombies (multiple
personality trauma victims), the rest of the world lags far behind.
The first RI reality will be the use of human homogenous mass, a few
thousand psy-adepts and thousands of implanted psi-zombies. Since
implants are easily corrupted by RI the US NATO psy-warfare zombies
have zero combat survival. To this end the US military have allowed
their CIA, DIA assets to educate the US public with low level RI
protocols as insurance.
Carlos Castaneda’s book ’The Eagle’s Gift’: Harper Collins
publisher; state that 17’n’ humans can join together to leave this
reality and enter higher dimensional spaces, realities. Since 17’n’
humans equates to around 24 million parasitised humans this shows
the shamanic protocols developed at a time of small world population
under 24 million. Since in Castaneda’s protocols the 17’n’ humans
couple to 17’n’ humans in higher dimensional spaces, reality, down
the line of generations this technique is good for up to 5.8x1014
parasitized human population, so it works today as well as it did in
the past.
Castaneda’s factional commentary shows that RI’ers may be able to
enter higher dimensional realities spaces after psyforming this
world. Once one enters into the third attention as Castaneda one
becomes pure awareness free to travel anywhere in the Megaverse.
With an unmanifested psycrystal to act as a ’point of support’ for
pure awareness to reconstruct the physical plane and its quantum
computer for the ’formula of transition’ pure awareness can then
change the megaverse at will (Q continuum, Q- for Trekkies). This
technology of manipulating matter as pure awareness was impossible
for Castaneda’s shamans as they did not have biotronic crystal
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Information on
How to Use Psychotronic Amplifiers
Seven Psychotronic Generators
My first book Remote Viewing: The History and Science of Psychic
Warfare (Century, Random House Aug 1999) gave documented proof of DIA and CIA involvement in Soviet psychic warfare. The second book
on the subject of Remote Viewing (Vision Oct 2001) is the first
textbook on the subject and teaches all you need for mastering
Remote Viewing.
Beyond Remote Viewing we have biophysical projection into alternate
realities which exist in the megaverse; realities in which Hitler
won World War II, the Soviets won World War III. Communication with
psi-adepts from alternate universes can be very useful as they are
a source of new psychic technology.
One can also extend remote viewing to time travel. The stealing of
future technology by psychic spying is one of the chief exploits of
modern day remote viewers for the US government and multinational
To extend remote viewing one needs a complete biophysical field, not
the shattered ruin of ’normal’ man that just barely keeps him/her
alive. Boosting this energy field to develop a complete bioinformational field for RV needs a psychotronic amplifier to pump
energy into this field and protect it from memetic energy parasites
and Remote Influencers.
To this end seven psychotronic amplifiers have been developed for
the public.
The 7 Psychotronic Quartz Crystal Biotronic Matrix Amplifiers for
Metahuman Abilities
By taking a quartz crystal matrix and extending it on the sub
quantum level into one of the seven folded dimensions of
multidimensional physics as mentioned in M-Theory, String Theory,
Grand Unified Field Theory, we obtain seven psychotronic amplifiers.
The quartz matrix of each has an extra dimension of unfolded
space/time/... which perturbs the four dimensional construct we call
reality changing the parameters of quantum collapse of the
Schrödinger wave equation. This means the biotronic matrix of the
psychotronic amplifier changes reality manifestation. The seven
crystal psychotronic amplifiers are:
RV and Psychic Powers. The biotronic matrix perturbs the quantum
mechanical precursors of the owners’ bioinformational field pumping
it full of energy.
Psychic Protection psychotronic amplifier perturbs the quantum
mechanical precursors of the attackers biophysical fields, shredding
them in a strange attractor placed in higher dimensional space.
Money. The psychotronic amplifier for money acts as the psychic
protection crystal but for biotronic energy which manifests as
wealth, placing this energy in the user.
Luck. The psychotronic amplifier for Luck shreds reality using the
above mechanism then reconstitutes a new reality around the wearer.
Health. The Health PA pumps bioplasmic energy into the wearer to
vivify the body.
Anti-aging PA acts on memetic energy parasites, the Rolling Force
and Telomeres
Love PA pumps that aspect of the biophysical field that is the
opposite phase of the user into the female/male to be attracted,
pumping up the targets field when she/he is near the wearer and
subsuming it when she/he moves away.
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