by Larry A. Park
Terra Research
Oregon, USA
extracted from Nexus Magazine,
Volume 13, Number 3 (April - May
NexusMagazine Website
Mysterious Earth signals
that are precursors to earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions can be detected by "sensitives" whose physical
symptoms can provide accurate warnings. Meanwhile, new
technologies are being developed that can tune into
these subtle energies.
About the Author
Larry A. Park is a principal engineer with 24 years of
research and development experience in the high
technology semiconductor and computing industry in the
"Silicon Forest" near Portland, Oregon, USA.
Larry started research into earthquake and volcanic
precursors while working as a senior systems hardware
engineer at a massively parallel supercomputer company
not long after the Pacific Northwest was struck by a
rare M5.6 earthquake in 1993 near Scotts Mills, Oregon.
In 1994, while investigating rare failures of the
supercomputer disc array power modules, unusual energy
impulses were discovered coming through the utility
power grid and were severely damaging microelectronics
in the power modules of the massively parallel
supercomputer. Tracking these mysterious and rare energy
bursts yielded insights into the development of unusual
sensors that led to further insights of the unusual
physics of these bursts. Larry has conducted a number of
years of research into earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions with this new technology in the Pacific
Northwest and in the volcanic region of Long Valley
Caldera in California.
Larry is author of the book Forbidden Secrets of the
Earthquake Revealed (Terra Research, 2002). He is an
inventor and holder of two earthquake precursor sensory
system patents, with another pending as an ongoing R&D
effort in this new field of technology, with patents
funded privately through Terra Research.
Larry A. Park may be reached through the website
http://www.terraresearch.net |
symptoms and advance warnings
In the past five years, Suzanne Smart has endured two CAT scans, two
EEGs, one audiogram and a host of other medical tests by specialists
seeking to determine why she suffered from rare and mysterious
migraines, screeching ear tones and intense ear pain. After a big
earthquake, the symptoms would disappear.
"For years my family thought I was
experiencing phantom symptoms," Suzanne said. "They encouraged
me to seek medical advice."
After the litany of sophisticated tests,
her doctor concluded her to be normal and healthy.
"Initially, I did tolerate a bit of
ridicule and was the subject of many jokes over the past few
years," she said. "I have been rather careful in whom I choose
to engage in conversation on this subject. I generally only
communicate with other sensitives," remarked Suzanne.
Such is the life of individuals who
experience physical symptoms prior to earthquakes or volcanic
eruptions. After initial ridicule and disbelief by others, a more
powerful drive makes these sensitives seek to make their plight
known to science. It is the guilt of killer earthquakes.
"The worst effect I've ever suffered
as a sensitive has not been from the precursor symptoms I
detect, but from the insecurity associated with my inability to
know exactly where the epicenter is and the exact day and time,"
said Suzanne. "The reality is, sometimes people are going to die
and sometimes there's very little if anything you can do about
Sensitives feel a responsibility to try
to save the thousands of potential victims before the quake strikes.
Afterwards comes a sense of guilt.
Family members started to believe when they found Suzanne's
prediction accuracy remarkable.
"However, lately they have
occasionally and quietly asked me if I'm picking up anything for
certain locations, particularly if it happens to be a vacation
destination they are traveling to," she said.
Suzanne's doctor is now encouraging her.
"At my last visit about a month ago
[November 2005], she actually said that she thought it 'really
neat' that I could hear these tones and experience these
symptoms and try to use [them] to predict earthquakes to save
lives," Suzanne said.
Reliable predictions
from ear tones
Another "sensitive" is Petra Challus in northern California. Petra
is out to show science that earthquakes can be reliably predicted by
human body symptoms. She communicates with and coordinates a group
of sensitives, who all experience internal "ear tones" prior to an
earthquake, to help triangulate the epicenter. Undaunted by some
seismologists' reactions to this research, Petra is determined and
she is full of energy.
"My least favorite response to my
reports of hearing this sound in person occurs when the person
I'm speaking to leans their head back, thinks for a second,
rolls their eyes and then says it's not possible," said Petra in
an email. "Then I ask them to check my prediction record and
they still don't believe it's possible to predict earthquakes by
Petra continued: "For the most part,
even when I have made very accurate predictions, they normally
say that I'm guessing despite giving clear details and accurate
parameters on all of the required specifics, i.e., date, place
and magnitude."
Petra issued a prediction prior to the Parkfield, California, earthquake of September 27, 2004.
"In the late afternoon on 9/27/04, I
heard a five-second right-ear tone. It had an earthy quality to
it, and due to mapping for quite some time I knew this sound
belonged to Parkfield, California," said Petra. "I had never
heard a sound like that for Parkfield before, so I wasn't sure
what the highest magnitude might be. So I set it at 4.8 and
issued a public prediction on 9/27/04 at 8:54 pm," she added.
"The resulting earthquake was the long-awaited 6.0 occurring on
9/28/04 at 10:15 am, 11 hours after I made my prediction," she
said. "This earthquake was expected for 38 years by scientists,
and not one of their instruments detected anything prior to the
earthquake. To date, I have not received credit from any of the
Parkfield scientists for doing what they could not do with a
budget in excess of $40 million and 38 years of research."
Petra is refining the predictive formula
behind the mysterious emissions that cause the internal sensation of
ear tones. She has found a formula that helps identify how far
distant the epicenter will be located. The magnitude 6.8 Nisqually,
Washington, earthquake of February 28, 2001, was the key to
realization of the formula.
"The most dramatic event I have
experienced was hearing a 20-second left-ear tone on 02/28/01.
This occurred two hours prior to the 02/28/01 10:55 am Nisqually
6.8 earthquake," Petra wrote. "I heard a very loud, highly
electrical sound, much like one might imagine sound traveling
through a fiber optic wire. On a scale of 1 to 5, this sound was
easily a five. It was the loudest sound I've heard in six
years," she said.
"Though I had no time to predict the earthquake prior to its
occurrence, it was as a result of this event that I finally
understood that by counting the seconds heard by the ear tone
recipient, it measured the distance to the earthquake at 37.70
miles per second. This was the greatest breakthrough in
predicting earthquakes using the method," she said. "Today, for
ease in mapping, I use 37.5 miles per second of sound heard."
Petra Challus has found some scientists
interested in her research. Her ear-tone-sensitive group is
participating in a study to determine the viability of her method.
"Our most promising time was last
month [December 2005] when we had one miss and only one report
expire [a prediction without a quake]," said Petra. "For us,
that is phenomenal."
Below is a recent map
of ear tone rings to earthquake research plots from Petra Challus.
The circle centre represents the location of the sensitive at the
time of sensing the ear tone. The size of the circle represents the
distance formula applied to the duration of tone. The color code of
the circle represents the particular person and the tonal direction
sensed by the person in the research group.
All predictions are
documented prior to the earthquake(s).

Perhaps the most dramatic type of sensitive is one who can feel the
earthquake's rolling precursory waves as sensations and can
determine from which direction they are coming.
Sandy Awerkamp in southern California is
one of these "roller wave" sensitives, and her accuracy is uncanny.
"Back in '97 I was still trying to
figure out why these movements, which I now call waves, increase
every time we are close to having a major earthquake," said
Sandy. "After a couple of years of taking notes and correlating
them to earthquakes, I knew then that these waves were in fact
"The most dramatic by far was the
Northridge earthquake [January 17, 1994, M6.7] because of the
lives that were lost," Sandy continued. "The Friday prior to the
quake, my day had ended at work and I was about ready to walk
out the door when I paused for a moment because I had gotten
more dizzy. As I stood there for a second, my receptionist asked
me what was wrong and I blurted out, 'You're going to think I'm
crazy but LA is going to have a large quake within the next few
days and the quake is going to be different.'
"She of course laughed at me, but she asked me how I knew and
what I meant by saying a 'different' earthquake. I didn't know
how to explain it to her that I get really dizzy before large
earthquakes, but this time it was a dizzy feeling of being
pushed hard from north of us, which pointed to LA," she said.
"The following day after the earthquake I returned to work and I
was greeted by her, saying 'Get away from me, psycho woman!' The
look on her face and what she said made me realize from that day
on that it really scared her and now she didn't look at me as
the same person," said Sandy.
"Months prior to the Hector
earthquake [October 16, 1999, M7.0], I got my first computer and
found a website where you could post predictions. It was the
night of the Hector Mine earthquake that I posted my first
public prediction calling for within 32 miles of Big Bear, 6+
magnitude, and within 24 hours. The instructions said that if
you didn't put in a percentage it was considered 100%, so I
didn't put a percentage in," she said. "That morning when we
were jolted out of bed, I was fighting back tears."
Sandy continued:
"The emotions at first were excited
yet scared, because I finally made it public and I wasn't sure
how people would accept it. Those emotions shortly turned into
being mad, because people were congratulating me by saying 'Nice
hit!'. I didn't know how to respond to that because, in my eyes,
predicting an earthquake isn't something to be proud of."
With her accuracy proven, Sandy is
concerned with how others deal with information prior to a potential
killer quake. She trusts her family with the information.
"My family will periodically ask if
there will be any earthquakes soon, but I ask them to keep any
information to themselves because I know they can handle it and
won't panic."
Sandy has concluded that posting her
predictions isn't the way to go.
"I've realized that posting
predictions on a website isn't going to prove anything to the
scientific world, so the last few years I have focused more on
finding someone who has the right instruments that can detect
these waves."
emissions are real
For the past few years, I have studied and compared Sandy's sensing
ability with specialized instruments that indeed see these waves
prior to earthquakes.1 Sandy exceeds the performance of the sensors
by a factor of 100. She can sense and follow the directional
emissions of the waves as they travel up and down the San Andreas
fault, even though she is at a distance near southern Los Angeles.
It has taken 13 years of development at
Terra Research to create specialized electronic sensors that can
detect the presence of these mysterious emissions, yet Sandy can
easily point to an area and state the nature of the waves—whether
"roller" or "jerky" waves—and the magnitude of the pending
earthquake. I continue to marvel at the human body in how it can
react to stimuli.
Wendy Park in Portland, Oregon, is also a roller-wave sensitive. She
is a student in her second year in the RN nursing program at the
University of Portland. As Wendy has been trained to read the FFT
(fast Fourier transform) plots from the precursory seismic
instruments at my research site, she is familiar with the phases of
these types of Earth emissions. Wendy has the luxury of calling in
to the lab when she is experiencing strong roller-wave sensations,
since the instruments and data can confirm to her when the Earth is
active. For other sensitives, it may take years before they realize
their symptoms are connected with the Earth. Wendy's sensations also
provide an ideal research comparison opportunity with instruments.
At the lab in northern Oregon, instruments run 24/7 and detect these
Earth emissions in the Pacific Northwest. A secondary instrument
system is connected between the utility power grid and the Earth's
crust. This secondary system is energized in a special resonant
state such that the Earth's crust and the power grid form a
super-large antenna system stretching from southern California to
Canada. Strong Earth precursor emissions are detectable even as far
away as Alaska and the Aleutian chain. The effective antenna system
looks into the Earth's crust.
The size of the antenna is an equivalent
333,396 square miles. It is the largest antenna system on Earth.
Distant, strong precursors will couple to the Earth's crust and then
will enter into the antenna system indirectly.
The same unique character of ear tones that sensitives experience is
reflected in the antenna system's recordings of the captured Earth
emissions. Each latitude of the Earth has its own frequency and
harmonics to the emissions. This character is revealed in a
decomposition of the tones and the harmonics using spectrum analysis
equipment that does FFTs.
Exploring the
So what is the nature of these mysterious Earth signals? Is it
sound, or is it an electrical pulsing in the ear's cellular tissue
that mimics sound?2
Researchers have encountered this same dilemma in a small percentage
of people who experience a sensation of low rumbling or idling
diesel-engine sounds in their ears in an area near Taos, New Mexico.
It's called "the Taos Hum", and it was first noticed in the early
1990s. Scientists equipped with an array of sensitive instruments
have found no sound nor electromagnetic signals to explain the
Yet the scientists have never doubted
the existence of bouts of nausea, dizziness, headaches and ear tone
symptoms that these "sensitives" experienced. A congressional
investigation was conducted in 1993–94 into the cause of these
mysterious emissions, but no conclusions were drawn. Other reports
and investigations have occurred in latter years, even as recently
as 2005. To some sufferers, the emissions have been intensifying
since 1999–2000.
Scientists will continue to be baffled as to the nature and
existence of these emissions until they change the type of
instruments they use to look for the signals. The signals are not
sound; nor are they true radio waves. Current mainstream physics
looks to sound waves and radio waves, as they seem to be the only
explanations that still fit within popular physics. But using
sensitive microphones or radio-wave-type sensors, whether magnetic
or even electrostatic, means that finding the true, stealthy signals
will only continue to be elusive.
Medical doctors are aware of a sudden onset of dizziness and nausea
in patients when they move briskly while near the very powerful
magnetic fields of the modern-day MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
machine.3, 4 Yet the Earth signals do not have a powerful magnetic
field and still they can cause the same type of effect with sudden
onset of nausea and dizziness.
In search of these Earth signals, scientists have used some of the
most sensitive, super-cooled magnetic sensors available to detect
any extremely weak magnetic field changes but, to date, they have
found nothing.
Scientists are using the intense external power of magnetic fields
and pulsed radio waves in the MRI machine to reach into the atom and
excite it into resonance. But they are not thinking of the already
existing powerful electrostatic fields within the atoms themselves.
No batteries required! The atom has its charge within.
The sudden onset of dizziness, nausea or other symptoms comes from
within the atoms themselves.
The signals from the Earth disrupt the
existing powerful electrostatic fields of the atoms. This is the
secret to understanding the mysterious signals. The signals disrupt
existing strong magnetic fields or existing strong electrostatic
fields. The other secret is that the strength of the field and the
density of the atoms (or tissue, in the human body sense) form a
selective tuning to the type of Earth signal. This is why some
people experience the symptoms differently or not at all.
Modern electronics uses the same tuning principle in a device called
a "varactor" diode. Its name comes from "voltage-variable
capacitor". The voltage or charge across this device changes its
tuning in a precise manner by moving a charge barrier in the doped
silicon of the diode. This is the same principle as that which
governs how the cellular tissue of the human body can tune into the
Earth signals. This is also the foundation to how the unique sensors
are designed for detecting the Earth signals.5, 6
For scientists to start to see the true Earth precursors that
sensitives respond to, the instruments and sensors have to have an
existing field present. The strength of the field determines the
tuning frequency of interest. The utility power grid forms an ideal
antenna system since the energy of the power grid constantly
stimulates an electromagnetic field. The Earth precursory emissions
will change the 60-cycle power grid electric field itself and create
the resulting signals of interest.
Science will face an interesting revelation on these signals. If
we're to understand what the signals do, the foundation of our
physics must look more deeply into the phenomenon of "the Lamb
shift" as a wider coherent wave. The Lamb shift was discovered in
the 1940s by physicist Willis Lamb.7 This phenomenon is where the
atom changes the rules momentarily when the quantum states of the
electron will shift in a linear amount instead of a quantum jump. In
other words, the electron orbits shift outwards like a person
breathing out, then back in.
Now imagine a signal that causes a large-scale breathing out and
then in on trillions of atoms in the body. This signal is in the
medium that is the foundation of particle physics itself. The
explanation given in the Lamb shift is the capture and then
re-emission of a "virtual photon" in the atom. Scientists then get
into the theory of quantum electrodynamics, as discussed by the
great modern physicist Richard Feynman.8
This is the right path to understanding
the nature of the earthquake precursor signals to which sensitives
generates the same mysterious signals
Amateur experimentalists have stumbled across the true nature of
these Earth signals by building a simple device called a "Scalarbeamer".9
What the experimentalists didn't realize is how biologically
dangerous these emissions can be from a device such as this. One
experimenter induced extreme sedative effects, besides experiencing
a "buzzing in the head" sensation while in the "beams", where he
dropped into a sleep all day, all night and into the next day from a
brief exposure to the narrow, xenon gas–amplified side "beam" that
emanated from the sandwich layer of the pulse-stimulated "bucking"
By changing the design a bit, the
effects were changed to extreme stimulation—described by the
experimenter as like having two to three cups of strong cappuccino
or espresso. The most alarming event was inducing complete numbness
in the hand and the whole arm, which lasted for over an hour from
just five minutes of experimenting.
I strongly caution any experimenters to be extremely careful with
this device. Science will learn of this in time, but a level of
"resonance poisoning" can be induced in biological tissue in these
strong scalar types of emission fields. The Earth generates a much
lower base frequency of these types of emissions, but the emissions
also carry an harmonic content that reaches into the optical
It is the upper harmonics of these base
emissions that cause "sensitives" to react and experience symptoms.
equivalent sensors
Other amateur experimentalists are on the right track in designing
sensors that detect these rare, mysterious Earth signals. The
sensors are called "Barkhausen effect scalar detectors".10 These
detectors look for small magnetic changes or sudden "flips" of
magnetic domains in the polycrystalline structure of the detector's
core material that is held in a very strong external magnetic field.
They have heavy shielding to prevent outside radio waves or magnetic
waves from disturbing the internal magnetic field. Thus, only waves
that originate within the detector are able to disturb the internal
magnetic field. Science today says these types of waves cannot
exist. Yet they do exist.
Another version of these types of detectors is the "electrostatic
field–based scalar sensor".11 To date, these detectors are not
perfected or understood by amateurs. However, these types of sensors
are what the human body naturally has within its electric cellular
structure. Strong electrostatic fields create migration of charge in
cells and powers the exchange in the tissue from electrochemical
As a matter of fact, the human mitochondria cell contains one of the
marvels of nature: a 12-pole motor-generator that can pump
electrochemical charge in either direction.12 Scientists call this
marvel one of "the smallest motors known to science".13 The torque
of this unique charge pump is so incredible that a spoonful of this
protein motor generates as much torque as a Mercedes automobile
engine! This cell can create very powerful volts per centimeter of
electrochemical fields (or electrostatic equivalent).14 A 0.1-volt
charge across a 5-nanometre cell membrane gives an electric field of
20 million volts per metre.15
These powerful fields are the ideal environment for interaction with
a biological version of an electrostatic scalar detector. The Earth
emissions interact with these pre-existing electrostatic fields in
the ions at the atomic scale in either positively charged or
negatively charged ions.
This interaction creates the symptoms
that "sensitives" experience.
Electrostatic Scalar Detector
After 13 years of development, a modern electrostatic scalar
detector creates pristine viewing of the mysterious Earth signals.
This detector is modeled after the same structure in the biological
make-up of the human cell's electrochemical fields. The detector
relies on a beam-embedded charge into a Teflon base material to
create an equivalent 78,740 volts per centimeter of the precision
electrostatic field. The head has a special nickel alloy with a
specific tension and thickness. Modulation of the electrostatic
field by Earth signals creates a mechanical reaction in the
tensioned drum alloy. Critical to the correct operation of this type
of design is a ratio of charge, tension and density, forming a
charge density ratio.
This sensor is put inside a shielded metal box that forms a Faraday
shield against any outside radio waves or electrostatic fields. The
shield box and sensor are placed in a heavy vault in the earth to
provide for the best coupling to the Earth signals which like to
travel near the surface, similarly to how the "skin effect" occurs
in electrical conductors.
This type of electrostatic scalar detector can detect precursory
emissions from the Earth in a radius of 800 to 1,000 kilometers.
This device is what is currently used to monitor the Pacific
Northwest. It is the equivalent of a round-the-clock human

Photo of Terra
Research Electrostatic Scalar Detector/Sensor
A mobile version of the electrostatic scalar detector is based on a
different form of an array of cells of tens of thousands of volts
per centimeter that are impervious to vibration. This sensory system
is used to map unknown faults in the Earth. Faults are strong
emitters of these mysterious Earth signals. The strength of the
fault emissions is proportional to the readings of the large antenna
monitoring system.
By driving over faults with a specially
instrumented vehicle and this mobile sensor array, you can detect
emissions that reveal which faults are resonating and how strongly.
This same detector array allows triangulation of a pending
epicenter, as the epicentral location will reveal itself with
intermittent "chirps" in the emissions. Most chirps occur in an
approximate 20 minutes to an hour interval spacing, one to three
days prior to the earthquake. The periodic reception of the impulses
along with the amplitude reveals which region the epicentral
location is in.
It should be noted that these sensors are fully shielded in a
Faraday shield or a Faraday cage. They do not react to radio waves
or electrostatic or electromagnetic fields. Only the unique form of
these waves that can penetrate a full Faraday cage is able to cause
a signal to be detected.
Again, science says these waves do not
exist. In time, science will learn of the reality of these waves:
longitudinal scalar waves.16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Ridicule or
Only by scientists discovering the existence of these real signals
will the attitudes towards sensitives be changed. A bigger hurdle to
earthquake scientists will then be trying to understand how these
signals are generated in the first place. The existing brittle
fracture theory has it that the rock is teetering on the edge of
instability. How can the Earth know ahead of time how big the
earthquake will be before it occurs? Sensitives know the magnitude
in advance, thus the emissions reflect the size or the power of the
pending earthquake.
There is much that mainstream science will learn after the ridicule
is changed to excitement in discovering an underlying active
physics, as the Earth is already communicating to "sensitives".23
1. Longitudinal Scalar EM Waves: Strong
Earth Emissions are part of Quakes and Volcanics, at
2. Insight into the Mystery of Ear Tones prior to Earthquakes – how
they occur and why, at
3. Of Mice and Magnets, at
4. High Field MRI: Technology, Applications, Safety, and
Limitations, at
5. Longitudinal Scalar EM Waves, op. cit. 6. Earth: Killer of Micro-electronics, at
7. The Lamb Shift, at
8. The Lamb Shift, at
9. Scalarbeamer, at
10. Notes on Scalar Detector Designs, at
11. ibid. 12. UC Berkeley: Hongyun Wang's Research on Molecular Motors, at
13. Protein Motors, at
14. The Cell, at
15. The Energy of Life, by Guy Brown, at
16. The Wave Structure of Matter: Wheeler and Feynman's Response of
the Universe", at
17. Quantum Physics: Richard Feynman: Explanation of Feynman's
Quantum Electrodynamics (Spherical Electromagnetic Vector Waves)
with the Wave Structure of Matter (Spherical Scalar Standing Waves),
18. Feynman path-integral representation for scalar-wave
propagation, PMID: 9961420, at
19. Observation of scalar longitudinal electrodynamic waves, at
20. On Casimir Forces for Media with Arbitrary Dielectric
Properties, at
21. Probing the Strong Boundary Shape Dependence of the Casimir
Force, at
22. The fragmentation of wires by pulsed currents: beyond the first
fracture, at
23. God's Firmament & the Earthquake, at