by Simon Harvey-Wilson
GreyFalcon Website
Spanish version
Throughout history there have been reports from paranormal research,
shamanism, mysticism and ufology, of people or objects that become
invisible, materialized, dematerialized, or teleported.
Because of
their similarity, understanding the dynamics of one of these
phenomena may assist us in understanding the others. In other words,
perhaps the 'physics', if that is the appropriate term, of becoming
invisible may be similar to that of the materialization and
dematerialization of solid objects, which in turn might be similar
to that of teleportation.
Science fiction writers frequently toy with the notion of
invisibility, and modern military researchers are also interested in
the subject. Not that long ago soldiers used to march into battle
dressed in splendidly colored uniforms which, unfortunately, made
them excellent targets.
More recently they have instead started to wear camouflage in an
attempt to blend in with their environment. Current research by the
military seeks to make soldiers of the future even less visible by
having them wear a special coat covered with miniature sensors that
would transmit a picture of what was behind each soldier to a matrix
of screen-like material on the front of the coat. This helps
camouflage them by giving the impression that they are transparent.
However there is a subtle difference between being invisible and
being transparent.
Western air forces have, in recent years, spent heavily on stealth
technology, a form of radar invisibility for aircraft. Primarily by
its shape, a stealth plane attempts to reduce its reflectivity to
the microwave radiation used in radar to such a degree that an enemy
is fooled into thinking it isn't there.
Stealth aircraft normally try to make themselves less detectable in
the visible part of the electro-magnetic spectrum by being painted
black and only operating at night. The US Air Force is currently
experimenting with various daylight stealth techniques such as
applying an electromagnetic coating to the outside of aircraft that
changes color to match their background. (Douglass & Sweetman)
However these methods cannot be completely effective unless the
noise of the plane's engines can also be masked, which might be
achieved by some form of destructive interference.
Richard Boylan (1997) claims that the US Department of Energy is
working on "high-energy invisibility 'cloaking' technology", however
proof of this claim would obviously be hard to obtain.
Although some
UFOs are detected by radar, this may only be when they want to be
At other times they may use advanced stealth technology, because,
apart from often flying completely silently,
UFOs have sometimes
disappeared without being seen to fly away. In these cases what we,
and probably the US Air Force, would like to know is whether they
were just making themselves transparent, or actually dematerializing
and/or perhaps entering other dimensions.
In his book UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union, veteran ufologist
Jacques Vallee describes a UFO landing in a park in the Soviet city
of Voronezh in full view of children playing soccer there, as well
as about forty adults.
After the craft had landed, a very tall three-eyed being and a
robotic entity emerged and started moving around. When a nearby boy
cried out in fear, and other people started shouting, the beings and
the UFO vanished on the spot.
As Vallee writes:
"Five minutes later
the sphere and the three-eyed being appeared again, just as
strangely as they had disappeared. The being now had at his side a
tube about four feet in length. A sixteen-year-old boy was close to
the scene.
The alien pointed his 'rifle' toward the teenager, and
the boy instantly disappeared. The alien entered the sphere and the
sphere flew away, gradually increasing its speed. At the same
instant the vanished teenager reappeared."
It would be interesting to know whether the boy was physically
there, yet invisible, during this experience or whether he was
somehow not there, in which case, where was he, how did he get back,
and what did the experience feel like to him?
Additional questions
would relate to the physics of the UFO's invisibility, and the
alien's tube. Nevertheless, we can be sure that, while public
science cannot at present explain this phenomenon, the military
would be extremely interested in it, and there are probably numerous
parents the world over who at times would love to own one of the
alien's invisible-making tubes.
A fascinating article in The Anomalist (1995) by Donna Higbee
describes her research into what she terms 'Involuntary Spontaneous
Human Invisibility', a condition whereby otherwise normal, healthy
people find that they have suddenly become invisible to those around
After placing an inquiry about the phenomenon on several Internet
bulletin boards, she says "the letters began pouring in." (p.156)
Many people claimed to have had several of these experiences.
it takes several such occurrences before they realize that they are
truly invisible during certain times to other people. They attempt
to interact with those around them and simply can't be seen or
These people report instances of invisibility in places such as
airports, libraries, clothing stores, restaurants, parties, and at
Luckily the effect seem to wear off spontaneously, otherwise
we might never hear from them again. As invisibility is sometimes
reported as a component of the
UFO abduction phenomenon, Higbee at
first thought that the people contacting her might all be abductees,
but, as her data-base expanded, this appeared not to be the case.
She does claim however that they seem to have higher than average
psychic abilities.
Higbee also points out that Western occultism and Eastern yoga
traditions refer to the possibility of making oneself invisible.
example, in the Indian tradition, one of
Patanjali's yoga-sutras
states that after suitable training,
"the contact between the eye
(of the observer) and light (from the body) is broken and the body
becomes invisible."
(Taimini, 1975)
This does not sound like
dematerialization, and does not refer to
the suspension of sound effects as in Higbee's reports, but does
seem to claim that there is a link between
consciousness and this
form of invisibility.
In the occult tradition, the ancients
apparently believed that the gemstone heliotrope conferred
invisibility, and also gave the power of divination. (Tondriau,
Heliotrope, otherwise known as bloodstone, is a dark green variety
of the silica mineral chalcedony that is spotted with red nodules of
jasper, which look like drops of blood. Heliotrope was therefore
prized during the Middle Ages for its suitability in religious
sculptures representing flagellation or martyrdom.
Chalcedony is a
cryptocrystalline variety of quartz which can occur in several other
forms such as agate, chrysoprase, carnelian, or onyx. Quartz, or
natural crystalline silica, is the most common mineral in the
Earth's crust. Its chemical name is silicon dioxide, SiO2, a
combination of the elements silicon and oxygen, which are
respectively the seventh and third most common elements in our solar
Silica has a high melting point, is hard, and is used in the
manufacture of glass and ceramics.
So why the variety of quartz called heliotrope might confer
invisibility is somewhat of a puzzle. There is another version of
the connection between the word heliotrope and invisibility.
Heliotrope also refers to a
light purple color, which derives it
seems from one of the 250 plants of the genus
Helitropium (the genus
name originally referred to the plant's ability to turn its flowers
to the sun) from the family Boragaceae.
The best known of these,
garden or Peruvian heliotrope (Heliotropum arborescens), has a
fragrant five lobed purple flower. In this version, it is the
heliotrope plant which confers invisibility and powers of
A third version of this legend, which states that a magical ritual
in which one covered the heliotrope stone with the heliotrope plant
to produce invisibility, simply sounds like someone trying to have a
bet each way.
In a possible connection to the purple
color of
heliotrope, it is noted that legends apparently claim that the
grimoires, or books which contain the secrets of witchcraft, have
pages of,
"violent purple and that the characters on the page are
invisible to the profane."
(Trondriau & Villenuve, 1972)
Exactly what sort of people are regarded as profane by practitioners
of witchcraft is unclear.
Explanations for the invisibility of
writing on purple pages are not given, but it is noted that purple
is the last color of the visible spectrum before the frequency of
electromagnetic radiation becomes too high to be detected by the
human eye, and therefore becomes invisible. It may also be relevant
that purple is the color traditionally reserved for royalty.
The connection between invisibility and consciousness seems the
obvious place to look for further explanations. In his excellent
The Holographic Universe, science writer
Michael Talbot
describes an incident in which a man is hypnotized in a room full of
people including his teenage daughter, and is given the
post-hypnotic suggestion that, upon awakening, his daughter will be
invisible to him.
When bought out of his trance, not only could he apparently not see
the giggling girl standing in front of him, but, when the hypnotist
stood behind her and held a watch against her back, he was able to
read the inscription on it as if he was looking right through her
Talbot, who actually spoke to the man, was unable to explain the
incident, but suggested that perhaps he was obtaining the
information via telepathy.
In discussing what she calls 'Virtual-Reality Scenarios' Dr Karla
Turner describes a
UFO Close Encounter case where the experiencer,
Amelia, claims to have been lying in bed at night when she heard a
helicopter over the house. Looking up she discovered that she could
see through the ceiling and roof as if they had disappeared, or
become completely transparent.
This enabled her to see a strange
looking craft above the house containing two entities who
subsequently appeared at the foot of her bed.
The other person
sleeping in the room had not heard the noise of the 'helicopters',
nor seen the entities. While Amelia, who seemed enveloped in a ball
of bluish light, spoke with these entities, two witnesses in the
room found that, not only could they not communicate with her, but
that they could hardly hear each other, even when they shouted.
English UFO researcher Jenny Randles (1990) has coined the term the
'Oz Factor' to describe a feature of some UFO cases in which the
witnesses find themselves entering a strange dreamlike state where,
among other things, everything around them goes silent.
This may
apply to insect noises for example, or they may find they are unable
to hear their car engine, or the noise of the tyres on the road.
While an explanation for this may turn out to be quite simple, it is
interesting to wonder what could cause people, who suddenly find
themselves invisible, to be unable to make themselves heard as well,
when there is no anomalous device, such as a UFO, in sight. Light
and sound propagate at vastly different speeds.
Sound travels at
about a thousand kilometers per hour, while the speed of light is
about one billion kilometers per hour.
An article in New Scientist on something called 'Electromagnetically
Induced Transparency' (Buchanan, 1997), describes research being
done in quantum optics in various universities whereby,
solids can be made transparent simply by shining laser light on
Working originally with "low density clouds of gas", and then
moving on to "a piece of solid frozen hydrogen", the researchers
have found that the light from two carefully tuned laser beams can
be made to interfere with each other in such a way that the light
from one of lasers will cease to interact with the atoms in the
material, and therefore be able to pass through that material
In other words, from that laser beam's perspective the
material has now become transparent. It is too early yet to conclude
that this research may lead to an understanding of human
As the article says:
"Any hope, for instance, that
eyesores can be made to vanish with a few strategically placed
colored lamps should be abandoned.
Making a material transparent at all the many visible frequencies at
which it can absorb light is probably impossible."
Some reports on invisibility suggest that a few people can make
themselves selectively invisible to others.
This sounds a bit like
Michael Talbot's hypnosis case without the hypnotist:
as if a person
with this ability can affect someone else's perceptual system using
something like telepathic mind-control.
An example of this is the
case of the Spanish monk Saint Vincent Ferrier (1350-1419) who was
highly regarded at the court of Aragon because of his wisdom and
supposed miraculous abilities.
The story goes that Queen Yolande
once requested to see his living quarters, and when the monk refused
permission, had the door forced, and entered with her attendants.
There she discovered that, while everyone else in the room could see
him quite clearly, the Queen could not see Ferrier at all.
When questioned about this invisibility, the monk explained that
this was God's punishment for the Queen's intrusion, and her partial
blindness would recover when she left, which apparently it did.
There are other similar reports of selective invisibility in the
Middle Ages, all of which seem to relate to holy men, who may have
gained this ability as a result of prolonged prayer or
However it is not suggested that in these cases the person concerned
had actually dematerialized.
Materialization and dematerialization are opposite sides of the same
coin, and sometimes would be indistinguishable from invisibility.
But, if someone simply disappears from a witness' sight, later
reappears, and could not be touched while invisible, we can assume
that something other than an inhibition in the witness' perceptual
system has occurred.
In the annals of the paranormal there are
probably more instances of things materializing than
dematerializing. In séances for example, objects have frequently
been known to appear, seemingly out of thin air.
apports, it is generally assumed that a disembodied spirit
has either created them out of 'nothing', or teleported them from
There are too many of these instances to document here,
but an example might be a fragrant rose, still covered in dew, that
suddenly falls out of the air onto a
seance table. If such an apport
was somehow picked off someone's rose bush by a spirit, one wonders
what the owner of that bush might have seen if they were looking out
the window at the time.
Would the rose suddenly become invisible, leaving behind a
snapped-off stem, while the spirit 'flew' invisibly back to the
seance to deposit the now visible rose on the table? If something
like this is possible, then we certainly have a lot more to learn
about the nature of reality, let alone invisibility.
Objects do not only materialize during séances, and when they do, it
may be hard to tell if they were teleported from elsewhere or not.
The English healer Mathew Manning, who experienced a lot of
poltergeist activity during his teenage years, gives several
examples in his book The Link:
"I was collecting material for a Guy
Fawkes fire at the bottom of our garden. Finding myself short of
rubbish, except for half a dozen cardboard boxes, I went to the
house and asked my mother what I could use. There was no one else at
home and she had no idea or suggestion. I returned to the bottom of
the garden, and to my utter amazement I found a stack of large logs
and wood placed next to the cardboard boxes.
At that time there was
nobody who could have done this, let alone in the short space of
time I had been in the house. In all, there were several
hundredweight of wood and logs... Other such apports included
several gramophone records, a bag of sugar, a bank note, a pair of
black lace gloves and postage stamps."
In another incident, "a pint bottle of beer and an apple pie"
appeared in his bag while he was on a train.
Manning also describes apports that seem to have come from somewhere else.
"A long-playing
record of which I had a copy appeared one day in the house; it
seemed to have come from another owner as it bore obvious marks of
wear. There seemed no reason for this to materialize as I owned a
copy of it already."
Manning seems surprised when uninvited
objects materialize around him, despite the occasional link between
what he is doing or thinking and what later appears. On the other
hand, the Indian spiritual leader Sathya Sai Baba is well known for
deliberately materializing solid objects which he gives to visitors
and devotees. (Haraldsson, 1987)
These are normally small trinkets, and, when questioned about this,
Sai Baba insists that he does not teleport them from a jeweller's
shop elsewhere. (Karanjia, 1994, p.29)
This leaves us with the
baffling question of how someone can produce matter from 'nowhere'.
In the literature on shamanism there are instances where objects, or
even living insects, are materialized.
In his book Gifts of Unknown
Things, Lyall Watson describes an incident in the Amazon where he
witnessed a local healer first remove an infected tooth from a
patient, and then announce that he had to make the pain of the
infected gum go away. To do this, he somehow materialized over a
hundred black army ants which marched in an ordered column out of
the patient's mouth, down his arm and away into the grass at the
edge of the clearing.
This caused great mirth among the watching natives because, as
Watson later discovered, the local word for pain was the same as
that for army ant.
As Watson put it:
"The healer had promised that
the pain would leave, and so it did in the form of an elaborate and
extraordinary pun. It walked out."
The military too is
interested in learning how to make things materialize.
In early 1997 scientist Dr Gary Wood, at the US Army Research
Laboratory in Maryland, claimed that his team's research into
non-linear optics might in future enable the army to project
three-dimensional holographic images of tanks, planes and soldiers
onto a battlefield to confuse the enemy. As well as reducing
casualties to real soldiers, such technology would be of great use
in training battlefield commanders. (The West Australian, 13/5/1997)
UFO close encounter reports frequently describe aliens as ghostly or
see-through in appearance. Perhaps this is because some of them are
holographic projections coupled with some form of sophisticated
artificial intelligence.
Teleportation refers to the invisible movement of an object, or
person, from one place to another by an, as yet, unknown means.
Teleportation frequently occurs during outbreaks of poltergeist
Colin Wilson (1981, p.156) gives an example in which an
egg, apparently from the kitchen refrigerator, floated in through
the lounge room door of a poltergeist affected house, and dropped
onto the floor. One of the house occupants then put all the
refrigerator eggs into a box and sat on the lid. As if provoked by
this defiance, eggs continued to smash all over the floor until the
box was empty, despite its remaining closed throughout the event.
has been traditional to regard poltergeist activity as the pranks of
invisible spirits from other dimensions. More recently it has been
suggested that the phenomenon may be linked to unresolved conflicts
in the mind of a teenager living in such a house:
a form of
unconscious psychokinesis working through hyperspace.
This theory
makes several radical assumptions about the nature of consciousness:
for example, that it can affect matter at a distance.
Poltergeist-like events also occur after UFO abduction cases.
(Cahill, 1996)
What this suggests is even more speculative. Just calling aliens
space-age poltergeists does not help.
A more detailed suggestion is
that some UFOs may be able to teleport through hyperspace, which is
in turn somehow connected to consciousness, so that being pulled
into this 'realm' affects abductees' minds deeply enough to cause
poltergeist activity around them afterwards.
Idries Shah, an expert
Sufism, which is the mystical branch of Islam, claims that the Qutub, the chief of the Sufi system, is always someone who has
attained the degree of Wasl (Union with the Infinite).
Such men,
able to transport themselves anywhere instantaneously, in physical
form, by a process of decorporealization."
(Shah, 1973)
This sounds like teleportation, and reinforces the claim that such
abilities are linked with altered states of consciousness.
parapsychologist Dr. Scott Rogo (1991) points out that teleportation
overlaps the phenomenon of
bilocation, whereby a person is seen in
two places at once. The Italian monk Padre Pio apparently appeared
physically in two places simultaneously on several occasions. Rogo
also quotes the 1951 case of the adolescent boy Cornelio Closa in
Milan, Italy, who claimed that his repeated teleportation was the
result of being touched by the apparition of a teenage girl all
dressed in white.
He would reappear later, sometimes miles from
home, even after being locked in his room by his parents. The
disappearances stopped after he was exorcised by an American
John Michell gives an example of apparent teleportation
in his book The Flying Saucer Vision.
On 25th October 1593, a Spanish soldier was arrested in the main
square of Mexico City because he was unable to account for his
presence there, and because he was wearing the uniform of a regiment
that was at that time stationed in the Philippine Islands, nearly a
year's travel away by ship. The befuddled soldier nevertheless gave
precise details of his life in Manila up to the moment he had found
himself instantaneously and inexplicably transported to Mexico.
was even able to tell his interrogators of the recent death of the
Spanish governor of the Philippines; news that did not arrive in
Mexico City for many months.
It is interesting to wonder what could have caused this event. Did
the soldier possess unknown psychic abilities, was he unusually
devout, or was he perhaps in the wrong place at the wrong time when
some delinquent spirits or aliens decided to have some fun at his
The parapsychologist Professor Erlendur Haraldsson (1987) quotes
various witnesses who, with other devotees, in the late
nineteen-forties, used to go for afternoon walks with the Indian
religious leader Sathya Sai Baba towards the river in his home
village of Puttaparti, in Southern India.
On several occasions Sai Baba would disappear from among the
devotees and reappear at the top of a nearby hill. Sometimes he
would then shout that he was coming down and would instantly
reappear among the devotees. Later, in 1995, there were anecdotal
reports that in full view of a group of Australian devotees, who had
been granted an interview with him at his ashram at Whitefield on
the outskirts of Bangalore, Sai Baba teleported an elderly man back
to his home in Australia to be with his ailing wife.
His friends saw
the man disappear from the interview room, and when, just after the
interview, they went and phoned his home in Australia, it is claimed
that it was he who answered the phone. If true, this report suggests
that someone with powerful
paranormal powers can teleport another
A brief article in New Dawn (July-Aug 1997) claims that a US Defense
Intelligence Agency translation of an article in a 1983 Chinese
journal described successful experiments on the teleportation of
small objects such as fruit flies, a watch, a match and a nail using
"extraordinary children" as test subjects.
The researchers concluded
"Transference is not a simple process of mechanical movement
in three dimensional space."
If such reports are true, we might suspect that the original Chinese
article prompted the US military to sponsor similar research.
Richard Boylan (1997) claims that researchers at the Lawrence
Livermore and Sandia National Laboratories in the US have conducted
"successful teleportation experiments."
Not surprisingly details do
not seem to have been published in any science journals, so it is
hard to know what to make of such claims.
How could something dematerialize and/or teleport from one place to
another? A common explanation is that these objects enter other
dimensions invisible to normal human perception. Unfortunately this
is not a very satisfactory explanation because it simply replaces
one mystery with another. Nevertheless, the possible existence of
higher dimensions, otherwise known as hyperspace, is frequently
mentioned by physicists these days.
The advantage of hyperspace is
that, being beyond the three physical dimensions of space-time, it
may facilitate shortcuts from one part of space-time to another.
Topologists, who study other dimensions from a mathematical
perspective, point out that three dimensional physical barriers,
such as the sides of a box, cease to be obstacles in higher
dimensional space. In 1985 the US physicist Kip Thorne suggested
that inter-dimensional shortcuts called 'wormholes' might one day
facilitate space travel.
Carl Sagan used this idea in his
Contact (which has now been made into a film), about human
contact with extraterrestrials. However, physicists claim that to
create a wormhole would require vast amounts of energy. It is even
suggested that
black holes are versions of such rips in the fabric
of space-time. (Couper & Henbest, 1996)
On a much smaller, but no less dramatic, scale, perhaps
consciousness itself is somehow able to create the equivalent of a
wormhole to facilitate teleportation. If so, then perhaps an
advanced extraterrestrial civilization has researched this aspect of
the 'physics' of consciousness enough to use the results in the UFO
and abduction phenomena.
In his book Hyperspace Michio Kaku describes how
Superstring theory postulates that numerous other dimensions exist
beneath the sub-atomic scale, and that electromagnetism and the
other three fundamental forces in the universe are united in this
Perhaps the matter produced from the energy of the Big Bang,
and that produced by anyone that materializes objects, originates
within hyperspace to which consciousness also has access. In fact,
within hyperspace, matter, energy, the fabric of space-time, and
consciousness itself, may derive from the same source.
Another explanation for teleportation is that the object concerned
dematerializes, somehow travels to its destination, and then becomes
solid again. In his book The Physics of Star Trek, the US
physicist Lawrence Krauss discusses the scientific validity of the
science fiction ideas in that popular TV series.
Krauss points out
that, from a physicist's perspective, to teleport a human body, as
in 'Beam me up Scottie', requires several steps.
Firstly you have to record the exact configuration of all the atoms
in the body, and to store that much information would require an
astronomically tall heap of 10-gigabyte hard drives.
Secondly, you
would need to somehow dematerialize the person, which he claims
requires vast amounts of energy.
Thirdly, you transmit to the new
location either the body's sub-atomic particles, called quarks, or
perhaps just the atomic information about them.
Finally, either with
the original quarks or some new ones, you use the information about
the person's body to rematerialize it at the other end.
Krauss is
wise enough to add the disclaimer that if humans have souls, as many
people believe, his whole plan falls to pieces. Nevertheless, given
these and several others obstacles, Krauss is of the opinion that
science won't be teleporting anyone anywhere for some time to come.
Let us deal with Krauss' objections to teleportation first. Krauss
says that the volume of atomic data about the human body is
unmanageable. However, the mathematics of Fractal Geometry, apart
from producing beautiful psychedelic patterns, enables redundant
data to be removed from, for example, a high resolution spy
satellite image, to facilitate its transmission back to earth,
where, using the same mathematics in reverse, the image can be
The final product is of high quality, and such
techniques are rapidly increasing in sophistication.
Fractal Geometry can also produce patterns that are similar to many
of those found in nature. As the human body is made of trillions of
almost identical sub atomic particles, data compression would assist
in transmitting such information. So Krauss' information overload
objection is probably irrelevant. Krauss claims that to vaporize the
body into pure energy in preparation for teleportation would take
the equivalent of a thousand 100-megaton bombs.
Yet paranormal
reports of teleportation do not mention such energies.
We could
suggest therefore that modern physics is investigating the nature of
matter the hard way - from the outside. Paranormal evidence suggests
that the subtlety of consciousness can affect matter from the
'inside' in a very energy efficient manner.
A simple example of this is paranormal spoon bending, where the mind
seems able to affect the molecular structure of metal from within.
At present we don't know how this works, but we will never find out
unless we do the relevant research. One place to look is the
relationship between matter, energy, consciousness, and the domain
in which they operate, called space-time, which is increasingly being
seen by physicists and others, not as the emptiness in which things
happen, but rather as a 'substance' that can expand, contract, bend
or reverberate.
This suggests that space-time may have an 'outside' or 'beyond'
(Matthews, 1997), which might just be an alternative description for
Attempts to grapple with a definition of this 'beyond'
have referred to altered states of consciousness, other wavelengths,
vibrations, or, more esoterically, some sort of transcendental
consciousness or universal mind. I prefer to use a computing analogy
and refer to this unknown 'beyond' as a 'realm' that seems to have
astonishingly sophisticated, multi-dimensional, or
informational processing abilities, and which can use space-time as a
four dimensional 'screen' on, or in, which to display the results of
such information processing.
Krauss' suggestion, that in
teleportation we may only need to transmit atomic information rather
than atomic particles, echoes this idea; that information theory may
provide the best model for the fundamental nature of reality. In
other words, the basic units of matter, if such things exist, may be
units of information rather than anything solid.
As an example of
seeing beyond space-time, physicists claim that no-one needed to show
the energy produced during the Big Bang how to coalesce into matter.
Sub-atomic particles and atoms seemed to know how to assemble
themselves, as if the rules of physics were already there.
If this
is so, how was this information stored, and where did the energy of
the Big Bang actually come from?
Some researchers speak of the energy of the vacuum, or
Zero Point
Energy, which suggests that 'behind' the fabric of
space-time there
may exist an almost infinite amount of energy.
For example:
"According to quantum theory, empty space is not as empty as it
seems: if we could examine a vacuum at the 'Plank scale' - a
resolution of 10-35 meters - we would see a seething mass of virtual
particles, including photons, flitting in and out of existence."
(Watson, 1996)
If the entire universe popped up from nowhere, it does seem rather
churlish for physicists to claim that it is impossible for someone
with powerful paranormal ability, such as Sai Baba, to produce an
object containing less than one kilogram of matter from that same
What we'd like to know is how he does it. Perhaps
consciousness can somehow address the energy of the Plank scale, and
persuade it to create permanent atomic particles rather than just
virtual ones.
But how would these particles know what object to
To answer this we need to refer back to Krauss' earlier
disclaimer that, if humans have souls, his teleportation theories
are probably wrong. However, the existence of souls might make
teleportation easier to explain rather than harder. There is
evidence from events such as Near-Death-Experiences that at least
some humans do have invisible forms of consciousness that could
perhaps be called souls.
It has also long been claimed that all living things have something
resembling a subtle version of their genetic code that exists beyond
the body. Plato referred to the Realm of Forms, and in modern times
Rupert Sheldrake speaks of Morphic Fields.
He suggests that as
things grow they obtain developmental information from both their
genetic codes and
Morphic Resonance. These two informational sources
may even overlap, with one able to substitute for the other. A long
these lines, a brief, poorly referenced article in Nexus (Kanzhen,
1995) claims that a Chinese scientist working in Russia has
perfected a bio-electromagnetic field process whereby he can change
the genetic structure of some plants and animals.
If true, such a
discovery would be of enormous importance. This might mean that the
information needed to reassemble the human body after teleportation
is obtainable from an informational realm like Morphic Resonance.
Sheldrake has suggested that Morphic fields may transcend time and
space, which might mean that, provided the body was disassembled
correctly, the information to reassemble it would not need to be
transmitted anywhere, but instead might be stored nonlocally and
therefore be accessible from anywhere. After several landmark
experiments, modern physics has accepted that nonlocality does
exist at the sub-atomic level.
Otherwise known as the
Paradigm, this research shows that within the quantum realm,
something that occurs in region A can have an instantaneous physical
effect in region B, regardless of the distance or conditions between
A and B. (Talbot, 1991)
Further research in this field may yet lead to significant advances
in our understanding of both the paranormal and the nature of
For example, some years ago, Professor Roger Penrose (1989) at
Oxford University put forward the controversial suggestion that
consciousness may have something to do with the
quantum realm.
Obviously more research is needed, but if he and other theorists in
this subject are correct, then perhaps consciousness has the
capacity to reach beyond the dimensional limitations of space-time,
to an astonishingly creative
nonlocal informational realm which
holds something like the 'blueprints' for the structure of matter.
Once accessed, willpower alone may be able to 'flesh out', or
'solidify' such information to produce, within space-time, something
that the inhabitants of that realm normally regard as 'solid'.
suggestions imply that scientists are going to have to take a harder
look at the evidence for paranormal anomalies such as teleportation,
materialization, invisibility, and the UFO phenomenon if they are
ever going to discover the fundamental nature of reality that they
claim to seek.
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