by Eustace C. Mullins
June 1998
HappyHarry Website
The world was stunned to learn that India has now tested nuclear
weapons. For many years, all nations have been concerned about the
proliferation of atomic explosives. Even in their distress, no one
seems to be interested in the historic or the psychological record
of why these weapons were developed, and what special breed of
mankind devoted themselves to this diabolical goal.
Despite the lack of public interest, the record is clear, and easily
available to anyone who is interested. My interest in this subject,
dormant for many years was suddenly rekindled during my annual
lecture tour in Japan.
My hosts had taken me to the city of
Nagasaki for the first time. Without telling me their plans, they
entered the
Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum. I thought it would be an
interesting experience, but, to my surprise, when I walked into the
exhibition rooms, I was suddenly overcome by sadness. Realizing that
I was about to burst into tears, I moved away from my companions,
and stood biting my lip.
Even so, it seemed impossible to control
I was surrounded by the most gruesome
objects, the fingers of a human hand fused with glass, a photograph
of the shadow of a man on a brick wall; the man had been vaporized
in the explosion.
When I returned to the United States, I knew I had to unearth the
sinister figures behind greatest of human catastrophes. It took many
weeks of research to uncover what turned out to be the most
far-reaching conspiracy of all time, the program of a few dedicated
revolutionaries to seize control of the entire world, by inventing
the powerful weapon ever unveiled.
The story begins in Germany.
In the 1930s, Germany and Japan had a
number of scientists icing on the development of nuclear fission. In
both of these countries, their leaders sternly forbade them to
continue their research. Adolf Hitler said he would never allow
anyone in Germany to work on such an inhumane weapon.
The Emperor of Japan let his scientists know that he would never
approve such a weapon. At that time the United States had no one
working on nuclear fission. The disgruntled German scientists
contacted friends in the United States, and were told that there was
a possibility of government support for their work here.
As Don Beyer tells these
immigrants to the United States pushed their program.
"Leo Szilard, together with his long
time friends and fellow Hungarian physicists, Eugene Wigner and
Edward Teller, agreed that the President must be warned; fission
bomb technology was not so farfetched.
The Jewish émigrés, now
living in America, had personal experience of fascism in Europe.
In 1939, the three physicists enlisted the support of Albert
Einstein, letter dated August 2 signed by Einstein was delivered
by Alexander Sachs to Franklin D. Roosevelt at the White House
on October 11, 39."
At the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum, photographs of two men are
prominently displayed; Albert Einstein, and J. Robert Oppenheimer,
who developed the atomic bomb at Los Alamos laboratories, New
Also on display is a statement from
General Eisenhower, who was then supreme Military Commander, which
is found in number of books about Eisenhower, and which can be found
on p.426, Eisenhower by Stephen E. Ambrose, Simon & Shuster, NY,
"Secretary of War Henry L.
Stimson first told Eisenhower of the bomb's existence.
Eisenhower was engulfed by 'a feeling of depression'. When
Stimson said the United States proposed to use the bomb against
Japan, Eisenhower voiced 'my grave misgivings,' first on the
basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that
dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly
because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world
opinion by the use (of atomic weapons)."
Stimson was upset by Eisenhower's
attitude 'almost angrily refuting the reasons I gave for my quick
conclusion'. Three days later, Eisenhower flew to Berlin, where he
met with Truman and his principal advisors.
Again Eisenhower
recommended against using the bomb, and again was ignored.
Other books on Eisenhower state that he endangered his career by his
protests against the bomb, which the conspirators in the highest
level of the United States government had already sworn to use
against Japan, regardless of any military developments.
could not have known that Stimson was a prominent member of
Skull and Bones at Yale, the
Brotherhood of Death, founded by the Russell Trust in
1848 as a bunch of the German
Illuminati, or that they had played
prominent roles in organizing wars and revolutions since that time.
Nor could he have known that President
Truman had only had one job in his career, as a Masonic organizer
for the State of Missouri, and that the lodges he built up later
sent him to the United States Senate and then to the presidency.
The man who set all this in motion was Albert Einstein, who left
Europe and came to the United States in October 1933. His wife said
that he "regarded human beings with detestation". He had previously
corresponded with Sigmund Freud about his projects of "peace" and
"disarmament", although Freud later said he did not believe that
Einstein ever accepted any of his theories.
Einstein had a personal interest in
Freud's work because his son Eduard spent his life in mental
institutions, undergoing both insulin therapy and electroshock
treatment, none of which produced any change in his condition.
When Einstien arrived in the United States, he was feted as a famous
scientist, and was invited to the White House by President and Mrs.
Roosevelt. He was soon deeply involved with Eleanor Roosevelt in her
many leftwing causes, in which Einstein heartily concurred.
Some of Einstein's biographers hail the
modern era as "the Einstein Revolution" and "the Age of Einstein",
possibly because he set in motion the program of nuclear fission in
the United States. His letter to Roosevelt requesting that the
government inaugurate an atomic bomb program was obviously stirred
by his lifelong commitment to "peace and disarmament".
His actual commitment was to Zionism;
Ronald W. Clark mentions in
Einstein; His Life And Times, Avon,
1971, p.377,
"He would campaign with the Zionists
for a Jewish homeland in Palestine."
On p.460, Clark quotes Einstein,
"As a Jew I am from today a
supporter of the Jewish Zionist efforts."
Einstein's letter to Roosevelt, dated
august 2, 1939, was delivered personally to President Roosevelt by
Alexander Sachs on October 11. Why did Einstein enlist an
intermediary to bring this letter to Roosevelt, with whom he was on
friendly terms?
The atomic bomb program could not be
launched without the necessary Wall Street sponsorship. Sachs, a
Russian Jew, listed his profession as "economist" but was actually a
bagman for
the Rothschilds, who regularly delivered large sums of
cash to Roosevelt in the White House. Sachs was an advisor to Eugene
Meyer of the Lazard Freres International Banking House, and also
with Lehman Brothers, another well known banker.
Sachs' delivery of the Einstein letter
to the White House let Roosevelt know that the Rothschilds approved
of the project and wished him to go full speed ahead.
In May of 1945, the architects of postwar strategy, or, as they
liked to call themselves, the "Masters of the Universe", gathered in
San Francisco at the plush Palace Hotel to write the Charter for
United Nations. Several of the principals retired for a private
meeting in the exclusive Garden Room.
The head of the United States delegation
had called this secret meeting with his top aide, Alger Hiss,
representing the president of the United States and the Soviet KGB;
John Foster Dulles, of the Wall Street law firm of Sullivan and
Cromwell, whose mentor, William Nelson Cromwell, had been called a
"professional revolutionary" on the floor of Congress; and
Averill Harriman, plenipotentiary extraordinary, who had spent the
last two years in Moscow directing Stalin's war for survival.
These four men represented the awesome
power of the American Republic in world affairs, yet of the four,
only Secretary of State Edward Stettinius Jr., had a position
authorized by the Constitution. Stettinius called the meeting to
order to discuss an urgent matter; the Japanese were already
privately suing for peace, which presented a grave crisis.
The atomic bomb would not be ready for
several more months.
"We have already lost Germany,"
Stettinius said. "If Japan bows out, we will not have a live
population on which to test the bomb."
"But, Mr. Secretary," said Alger
Hiss, "no one can ignore the terrible power of this weapon."
"Nevertheless," said Stettinius,
"our entire postwar program depends on terrifying the world with
the atomic bomb."
"To accomplish that goal," said John
Foster Dulles, "you will need a very good tally. I should say a
"Yes," replied Stettinius, "we are
hoping for a million tally in Japan. But if they surrender, we
won't have anything."
"Then you have to keep them in the
war until the bomb is ready," said John Foster Dulles.
"That is
no problem. Unconditional surrender."
"They won't agree to that," said
Stettinius. "They are sworn to protect the Emperor."
"Exactly," said John Foster Dulles.
"Keep Japan in the war another three months, and we can use the
bomb on their cities; we will end this war with the naked fear
of all the peoples of the world, who will then bow to our will."
Edward Stettinius Jr. was the son
of a J.P. Morgan partner who had been the world's largest munitions
dealer in the First World War. He had been named by J.P. Morgan to
oversee all purchases of munitions by both France and England in the
United States throughout the war.
John Foster Dulles was also an
accomplished warmonger. In 1933, he and his brother Allen had rushed
to Cologne to meet with Adolf Hitler and guaranteed him the funds to
maintain the Nazi regime. The Dulles brothers were representing
their clients, Kuhn Loeb Co., and
the Rothschilds.
Alger Hiss was the golden prince
of the communist elite in the united States. When he was chosen as
head of the prestigious Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
after World War II, his nomination was seconded by John Foster
Dulles. Hiss was later sent to prison for perjury for lying about
his exploits as a Soviet espionage agent.
This secret meeting in the Garden Room was actually the first
military strategy session of the United Nations, because it was
dedicated to its mission of exploding the world's first atomic
weapon on a living population. It also forecast the entire strategy
of the Cold War, which lasted forty-three years, cost American
taxpayers five trillion dollars (see below insert), and accomplished exactly
as it was intended to do.
The $5 Trillion Cold War Hoax
Eustace Mullins
The Phoenix Project May 21, 1996
PhoenixArchives Website
PT Barnum said it for all
time, "There's a sucker born every minute." For more
than four decades, the American people have been
terrorized, not by a foreign threat, but by their own
government. In order for the Federal Reserve System
central bankers to continue to loot the nation after the
successful conclusion of the I Second World War, they
had to invent a new threat. The only candidate was our
erstwhile gallant ally, the Soviet Union. The central
bank conspirators faced the task of continuing to
mobilize the people against a terrible threat, taxing
them heavily in order to save them from destruction.
Today, we are burdened by a $5 trillion national debt.
Coincidentally, that is the sum we have spent on
"national defense" since 1945. The World Order
billionaires launched a complex, long-term plan to
demonize Soviet Russia. Overnight, they would undergo a
sea change, from the darlings of the American political
Establishment to a dangerous and possibly overwhelming
enemy. la my researches of more than fifty years, I
finally located the smoking gun which exposed this
conspiracy, a little known article in the August 1977
issue of American Heritage magazine, "Who Started the
Cold War?" by historian Charles L. Mee Jr., editor of
Horizon magazine, and author of one of the first cold
war books, Meeting at Potsdam.
In this article, Mee writes that on Feb. 27, 1947,
"President Truman met with Congressional leaders in the
White House. Undersecretary of State Dean Acheson was
present at the meeting, and Truman had him tell the
Congressmen what was at stake. Acheson spoke for ten
minutes, informing the legislators that nothing less
than the survival of the whole of Western civilization
was in the balance at that moment; he worked in
references to ancient Athens, Rome, and the course of
Western civilization and freedom since those times.
The Congressmen were
silent for a few moments, and then, at last. Senator
Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan, a prominent Republican
who had come to support an active foreign policy, spoke
up. All this might be true, Vandenberg said, but, if the
President wishes to sell his program to the American
people, he would have to 'scare hell out of the
country'. It was at that moment that the Cold War began
in earnest for the United States."
This is one of the most revealing statements in American
history. This is the smoking gun which proves that the
federal government used a terror campaign to frighten
the American people into supporting four decades of Cold
War spending on armaments. The initial campaign was the
"atom bomb scare", which raged for some years; it
finally lost its effectiveness, and was replaced by the
ogre, based solely on falsified and invented CIA
statistics, that Soviet Russia was the most terrifying
military power, with the fastest growing economy, in the
These two CIA claims were
mutually exclusive; no nation could have the world's
greatest military machine and at the same time support
the world's fastest growing economy, but the
statisticians successfully sold this scare story for
The Cold War, the Hegelian invention of Soviet Russia
and the United States at each other's throats, the "free
world" vs. the "slave empire", Capitalism vs. Communism,
was the final triumph of dialectical materialism, also
invented by the German philosopher, Hegel. He laid down
the dictum that to rule the world, you create a problem;
you find an antidote to that problem; and you throw the
two conflicting theses against each other, to result in
a consensus or resolution. This diabolical and cynical
formula reached its apogee in the Cold War. Hopefully,
we will not see another such travesty of history.
Hard on the conclusion of the Second World War, the
Colossus of the United States stood astride the entire
world. With the world's largest economy, never touched
by a single bomb or artillery shell throughout the war,
the largest army, and a proud and victorious people, it
was incredible that the United States could for a moment
seriously regard the war-devastated Soviet Union as a
threat. Stalin lost forty million people during the war;
his nation was in rains. He desperately needed a
breathing space in which to recover.
Miraculously, the World
Order invention of the Cold War came to his rescue. None
other than Stalin's co-conspirator, Winston Churchill,
was chosen to launch this new "problem".. Now
unemployed, Churchill was desperate to get back into the
limelight. At the invitation of President Truman,
Churchill was brought to the United States to deliver a
speech at little Fulton College, in Truman's home state
of Missouri.
On March 5, 1946, at Fulton, Churchill made his famous
"Iron Curtain" speech. He warned that an "Iron Curtain"
had descended upon Europe, the Communist enslavement of
the Eastern European countries. He failed to mention
that he and Franklin Delano Roosevelt had joined at
Yalta to deliver Eastern Europe to Stalin, with Alger
Hiss, the originator of the plan, beaming in the
Not a single journalist,
anywhere in the world, mentioned Churchill's
overwhelming personal complicity in creating and
maintaining the dire situation which he now publicly
One of Washington's leading political strategists,
Senator Arthur Vandenberg had warned his co-conspirators
at the Feb. 27, 1947 White House meeting that to sell
the prospective Cold War program, they would have to
"scare hell out of the country". He had an interesting
background. A millionaire newspaper publisher in Grand
Rapids, Michigan (later to become famous as the home of
President Gerald Ford), Vandenberg had been elected to
the Senate in 192S. A rock-ribbed Republican, he voted
against New Deal measures such as the Social Security
Act. He was Republican minority leader, and Capitol
Hill's leading isolationist. When the United Nations
proposal came to Congress, no one in Washington doubted
that Vandenberg would shoot it down.
All of Washington was amazed when Senator Vandenberg
rose on the Senate floor, on January 10, 194S, and
called for the establishment of the United Nations. As
George Stimpson, founder of the National Press Club,
later explained to me, America's leading isolationist
had become a rabid internationalist in a single night. A
beautiful blonde agent from British Secret Intelligence
Service had been sent to his room. After an all night
political discussion, Senator Vandenberg awakened to
become the new champion of the United Nations. Although
a little known story, it epitomizes how things are
accomplished in Washington, today as yesterday.
This is the Senator who is described in the Dictionary
of National Biography as "a jingoist and chauvinist who
supported the aggressive foreign policies of Theodore
Roosevelt and Taft." Franklin D. Roosevelt rewarded
Vandenberg for his treachery by sending him as a special
delegate to San Francisco with Alger Hiss to draft the
United Nations Charter. The White House continued to
shower gifts on Vandenberg, even going so far as to make
his favorite nephew.
General Hoyt Vandenberg,
Commanding General of the United States Air Force.
During our discussions at the National Press Club in
1948, the subject of Senator Arthur Vandenberg's
overnight conversion to the congressional champion of
the United Nations was examined in detail. We recalled a
fellow agent of the blonde British Secret Service agent
who accomplished this mission, one Kaye Summersby, who
had been chosen to mollify General Eisenhower,
Commanding General of the entire European Theater during
the Second World War. Summersby's intelligence training
included the arts of the ancient Byzantine hetaerae, who
were skilled in the arts of "unendurable pleasure,
indefinitely prolonged". With Summersby as his
chauffeur, Eisenhower was delivered to small country
hotels in England, while his adviser, the political
commissar Capt. Edward M. M. Warburg, of the banking
family, ran the war from London.
The enraptured general
notified his superior, George Marshall, that he was
divorcing Mamie Eisenhower to marry the princess of
endless delights, which of course was never in the
cards. Marshall promptly reported this development to
President Truman, who was furious, notifying Ike that it
was out of the question (Plain Speaking, by Merle
Miller). Kaye ended her days as a permanent house guest
on a Rothschild estate on Long Island.
Another British agent, Pamela Digby Churchill, married
to Winston Churchill's son, later married Averill
Harriman, the unofficial foreign minister of the United
States. Harriman's exploits in travelling the world,
instructing the heads of nations in how to conduct their
affairs, was legendary. He became the subject of a
series of novels by Upton Sinclair, chronicling the
feats of one Lanny Budd (Harriman) throughout the world.
Harriman spent the last two years of World War II at
Stalin's Kremlin headquarters, dictating to Stalin how
he should conduct the war. After his death, Pamela
Churchill Harriman took over the Democratic National
She is now our Ambassador
to Paris, the most desired appointment in our foreign
service, presiding over 1100 employees.
When Charles T. Mee Jr.'s historic article appeared in
American Heritage magazine in August of 1977, the
editors notified Averill Harriman and gave him the
chance to reply in the same issue. Harriman's response
was headlined "We Can't Do Business with Stalin". The
Communist dictator who had been Harriman's lackey
throughout the war was now dismissed as uncooperative!
Harriman recounts in great detail the repressive
policies of Stalin towards the captive nations in
Eastern Europe (policies which Harriman himself had
initiated), and goes on to denounce Mee's astounding
report as "revisionist". "Mr. Mee has made his own
sketchy revision of standard revisionist doctrine,"
quoting Mee's statement that "the Cold War served
everybody's purpose."
Truman needed an excuse
for deficit spending, because without it he could not
have kept the American economy busy and productive. Thus
he waged a Cold War, after the hot war was won, to
justify continued deficit spending. With the Truman
Doctrine and the Marshall Plan, the encouragement of
American multinational companies, and a set of defense
treaties that came finally to encompass the world, he
institutionalized it."
As Charles T. Mee Jr. points out in his article, Stalin
was a principal beneficiary of the Cold War. " Stalin
needed the Cold War, not to venture out into the world
again after an exhausting war, but to discipline his
restless people at home. He had need of that ancient
stratagem of monarchs the threat of an implacable
external enemy to be used to unite his own people in
Russia." Mee also names Winston Churchill as a prime
suspect in the Cold War conspiracy.
He states that Churchill
"emerged from World War II with a ruined empire,
irretrievably in debt, an empire losing its colonies and
headed inevitably toward bankruptcy. Churchill's scheme
for saving Great Britain was to arrange to have America
and Russia quarrel, while America and Russia quarreled,
England would as American diplomats delicately put it
'lead' Europe". As had been the case for some three
hundred years, "leading" Europe and the United States
meant that Great Britain would make frequent use of its
secret weapon, the Secret Intelligence Service.
Its powers included, as we
have seen, reversing the entire foreign policy of the
United States overnight, from isolationism to an abject
embracing of the United Nations; making the most
prominent American general and future President a "love
slave" of a ruthless intelligence agent, and much, much
more, most of which we shall never know.
The first victims of the Cold War were not soldiers,
they were American politicians who were reluctant to
embrace the new campaign. The first casualty was elder
statesman Henry Stimson, who wrote a memo to President
Truman in the autumn of 1945, cited by Mee as the cause
of Stimson's disappearance from Washington. Stimson's
memo denounced the projected Cold War as a serious
error, and called for "satisfactory relations" with
Russia. Henry Wallace, Secretary of Commerce, also
protested against the Cold War, he was allowed to
Mee identifies the
"comers" in Washington as those who were quick to latch
onto the Cold War as "the wave of the future". Those who
tended to believe in an aggressive attitude toward
Russia, were spotted, and promoted young men such as
John Foster Dulles and Dean Rusk. George Kennan, then in
the American Embassy in Moscow, was discovered after he
sent a perfervid 8,000 word telegram back to Washington.
"We have here a political force committed fanatically to
the belief that with U.S. there can be no permanent
modus vivendi, that it is desirable and necessary that
the internal harmony of our society be disrupted, our
traditional way of life be destroyed, the international
authority of our state be broken."
Mee mentions that, in his
memoirs, Kennan says that he now looks back on his cable
'with horrified amusement'. "At the time, however, he
was ideal for Truman's use, and he was recalled from
Moscow and made chairman of the State Department's
Policy Planning Committee, or as the New York Times
called him, 'America's global planner'."
Critics of the new Cold War foreign policy quickly found
a nickname for its architects, "the eggheads". Like
George Kennan, they were liberal intellectuals, often
prematurely bald, and unanimous in their dislike of the
American people, whom they hated and feared, and their
Constitution. Their goal, which they now seem to have
achieved, was to liberate the federal government, which
Thomas Jefferson and the other Founding Fathers had
written to "bind down the government with the chains of
the Constitution". While ostensibly following an
"anti-Communist" policy, the eggheads never forswore
their dedication to Marxism, and its monolithic state.
During the four decades of the Cold War, Hollywood,
which never failed to bolster the goals of the Cold War
architects, reserved its bitter scorn for "red-blooded
Americans" who stood for flag and country. While
forbearing from ever presenting lifelong Communists in a
deprecating way, Hollywood made films deriding
"anti-Communists" as flag-waving American Legion boobs,
a stance which it continues to this day.
If any one of the eggheads
and their Hollywood lackeys were to be called a
"patriot", they would be overcome with shame.
During most of its history, the Cold War was a
propaganda war, in which the opponents hurled invectives
at each other. However, the military-industrial complex
cannot make billions of dollars from propaganda; there
had to be occasions of real shooting. We endured the
Korean War and the Vietnam War, with hundreds of
thousands of casualties, while Soviet Russia did not
lose a man in either war. Both Russia and the United
States were careful to have the scenes of battle take
place thousands of miles from their own lands, in
poverty-stricken countries such as Korea and Vietnam.
We had the Cuban missile
crisis, a soap opera in which the media convinced
Americans that they had been on the brink of atomic
destruction, being saved just before the bombs were
launched by the "incredible diplomatic skills" of John
F. Kennedy and Khrushchev, neither of whom before or
after this crisis had ever shown the slightest skill at
diplomacy. The Berlin Wall was built, to prevent all of
its population from fleeing the desolation of Communist
East Germany. The egg-heads greeted the Berlin Wall with
praise. President John F. Kennedy made a special trip to
Germany to put his seal of approval on the Berlin Wall,
and to reassure the Communists that the United States
would not remove it.
And we never did. It was
the Germans themselves, driven beyond endurance, who
ripped it down, much to the consternation of our
eggheads in Washington.
Although few Americans recognize the name of George
Kennan, he not only was the source of the nickname
"egghead", he also was the bureaucrat entrusted with the
maintenance of the Gold War in Washington for many
years. He was named after his uncle. George Kennan, who
spent many years travelling in Czarist Russia on
"missionary work" for the world Communist movement. He
was entrusted with many millions of dollars by Jacob
Schiff, known as "A Prince in Israel", who was born in
the Rothschild house in Frankfurt, and who, according to
his grandson, John Schiff, had spent twenty-two-million
dollars of his, personal funds to bring about the
Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
Most of this money was
spent on revolutionary propaganda, which Kennan, with
journalistic credentials, distributed throughout Russia.
Some historians credit George Kennan as the pivotal
force in the Bolshevik Revolution, pointing out that it
was his distributing of thousands of revolutionary
leaflets to officers in the Czar's Army which turned
them against the regime and led to the downfall of the
George Kennan also worked with Jacob Schiff in financing
Japan in the Russo-Japanese War of 1905. The Japanese
government decorated Kennan with the Gold War Medal, and
the Order of the Sacred Treasure. (The World Order, by
Eustace Mullins, p. 64). Schiff instigated this war to
strike a blow against the alleged oppression of Jews in
Russia, and to create a govern�mental crisis by which
the Communists could seize power.
The "1905 Revolution"
failed miserably; the Communists had to wait twelve more
years, with Schiff's continued support, before they
could seize power.
To those who have studied the history of the twentieth
century, it is not at all paradoxical that the American
government should have entrusted its foreign policy
towards Russia to someone named after the man who is
credited with bringing about the Bolshevik Revolution.
When Franklin D. Roosevelt, repaying Communist support
which gave him victory in his presidential race against
Herbert Hoover, promptly extended diplomatic recognition
to Stalin, it was George Kennan who was chosen to
accompany Ambassador William Bullitt to Moscow to reopen
the American Embassy.
It was George Kennan who
wrote the notorious 8,000-word "long telegram" sent from
Moscow to Washington on Dec. 22, 1946, where, as he
points out, it caused a sensation, and led to his being
summoned back to Washington to head the newly created
post of head of Policy Planning.
Kennan states in his memoirs that he had the only office
directly adjoining the office of Secretary of State
General George Marshall, and that it was lie, Kennan,
who actually drafted the text of the Marshall Plan.
However, it is as "X", the anonymous author of an
article which appeared in the July, 1947 issue of
Foreign Affairs, the official publication of the Council
on Foreign Relations, titled "The Sources of Soviet
Conduct", that George Kennan continues to be remembered
in Washington. This article laid down the principle of
"containment" which was to be official U.S. policy
towards Russia for the remainder of the Cold War. No
wonder the New York Times called Kennan "America's
global planner". Henry Kissinger, who inherited the
Kennan policy of the Cold War, wrote in White House
Years, p. 135, that "George Kennan came as close to
authoring the diplomatic doctrine of his era as any
diplomat in our history."
Paul Kennedy, in The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers,
defined the "policy of containment" as follows: "The
view from Washington was that a master plan for world
Communist domination was unfolding and needed to be
'contained'." Walter Lippmann, who was a one-man think
tank in Washington for fifty years, and an adviser to
many Presidents, adopted Kennan's policy in his
influential The Cold War; a Study in United States
Foreign Policy, as America's senior elder statesman.
Kennan's "containment'' policy was just that; that the
Soviet Union and world Communism would be contained, but
never openly challenged or fought against. It was a
permanent guarantee that the captive nations of Eastern
Europe, which had been delivered to Stalin by Roosevelt,
Churchill and Alger Hiss at Yalta, would never be
liberated from Communism.
An organization
championing the captive nations was for many years the
most hated and derided group in Washington, Composed of
a few Congressmen from Chicago and Cleveland who had
strong ethnic backing from Poles, Czechs and other
Eastern Europe countries, it was a political
embarrassment for many years to the oligarchs of the
Cold War.
In his memoirs, Kennan mentions that one of the
principal sponsors of his containment policy was then
Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, who later, as
Secretary of Defense, became one of a long list of
"Washington suicides", a special category a la Vince
Foster. Although published in Foreign Affairs, a
magazine read only by the Elite, it was quickly taken up
by Arthur Krock of the New York Times, the most
influential journalist in Washington. He reprinted the
article in the New York Times, describing it as the
"most important foreign relations document of the
century". A shorter version of the containment article
was then published in Life magazine. It had now
inundated the country.
Kennan states in his memoirs, "I emphatically deny the
paternity of any efforts to invoke the doctrine of
containment today." He downplays both the "long
telegram" and the article by "X", claiming that they
have been "misunderstood". He modestly ignores the fact
that he laid down the policy which our government has
followed for forty years. His reward was a post as
professor at the elite think tank in Princeton, the
Institute for Advanced Study, where he has worked since
1950, with interim appointments as Ambassador to Russia
and to Yugoslavia.
He also was awarded the
Albert Einstein Peace Prize, presumably for avoiding a
Third World War by his policy of containment (my studies
have shown that a Third World War between Russia and the
United States was never seriously considered by anyone
in authority). It was only a "War Game".
The government propaganda techniques by which the
American people were terrorized for some forty years
began with the dire threat of nuclear annihilation.
School children went through daily drills of falling to
the floor in terror of the atomic bomb which would
destroy their school. Their parents built backyard "bomb
shelters" stocked with food and water.
Because "scientific
studies" showed that the radiation peril would last for
at least five hundred years, the survivors apparently
expected to spend that much time in their shelters.
Nationwide philosophical debates ensued as to whether
the survivors, huddled in their shelters after the
blast, should open the door to neighbors or to
"minorities" who had neglected to build bomb shelters,
or whether they should shoot those who battered down the
doors to get food.
Hollywood loyally produced
many movies about the coming atomic debacle, such as
Strangelove, in which insane fascists were determined to
use the bomb to destroy the civilized world; War Games,
in which a mad computer tried to trick the United States
and Russia into destroying each other; and a steady
stream of films depicting "Bette Davises" as little old
librarians who were determined that students should be
allowed to read the works of Karl Marx.
After years of exposure to the imminent threat of being
vaporized in an atomic blast, Americans began to ignore
the threat; many of them bulldozed their bomb shelters
into swimming pools. It was obvious to our masters that
new techniques of terror had to be developed. The
Central Intelligence Agency now became the vehicle of
mass terrorism. It became known as "the Company" under
the leadership of stock promoter Bill Casey.
He became highly skilled at peddling alarming statistics
about the threat of Communism to Congress, who hastily
voted vast increases in the "defense" budget. The
oligarchs abandoned the now worn out doctrine of nuclear
annihilation. There would be no need to spend
two-hundred-and-fifty-billion dollars a year on tanks,
guns and airplanes if they were all to be vaporized by a
single bomb. The defense budget had been brought from a
low of $13 billion in 1947 to a continuous budget in the
hundreds of billions. With its top secret budget of
hundreds of millions of dollars a year, never to be
examined by anyone, the CIA sent its own James Bonds all
over the world usually to attack and overthrow
"anti-Communist" governments and "dictators" such as
Ferdinand Marcos, who had been indiscreet in their
denunciations of Communism.
The CIA hired hundreds of
journalists to write books and articles promoting its
version of the Cold War, always at the highest
prevailing rates.
The effect on both Russia and the United States of the
Cold War conspirators has been devastating. Russia's
economy is in a state of collapse, with no improvement
in sight. The United States has been looted; its
infrastructure, its roads, bridges and other assets need
many billions in immediate repair. We have the $5
trillion Cold War debt; but the most destructive effect
on our nation is the Cold War's effect on our morality.
The years of being terrorized by the atomic threat had a
very destructive effect on morality. If we were to be
vaporized at any time, it seemed worthwhile to seize the
moment, to take pleasure, money and any other rewards
while they were available, without (bought for the
consequences, since there would be no consequences. We
have now endured the effects of this poisonous doctrine
for several generations.
The effect of the CIA propaganda lies about the "great
Soviet Union" which might take over the world at any
moment has been equally destructive. When conservative
economist Paul Craig Roberts landed in Moscow during the
height of the CIA propaganda campaign, he was stunned to
find that Soviet Russia had "a Third World economy". I
had proved in my writings that the United States
taxpayer had been subsidizing the Soviet Union since
1917. In fact, Americans have been living a lie for four
decades, the lie that we were in dire peril from "the
Communist threat".
This lie has been
demoralizing; it has placed us on the brink of
bankruptcy; and it poses the challenge to us: When are
we going to get rid of our Cold War conspirators? They
must pay the price for the destruction they have wrought
on our nation. We must drive them out of every office;
bring them to trial for their high treason; and restore
the Republic which our Founding Fathers bequeathed to
us. It is this task not sad jokes about "balancing the
budget" which will determine whether this nation will
survive to the twenty-first century. |
Thus we see that the
New World Order has based its
entire strategy on the agony of the hundreds of thousands of
civilians burned alive at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, including many
thousands of children sitting in their schoolrooms. These leaders
had learned from their master, Josef Stalin, that no one can rule
without mass terrorism, which in turn required mass murder.
As Senator Vandenberg, leader of
the Republican loyal opposition, was to say (as quoted in American
Heritage magazine, August 1977),
"We have got to scare the hell out
of "em."
The atomic bomb was developed at the Los Alamos Laboratories in New
Mexico. The top secret project was called the Manhattan Project,
because its secret director, Bernard Baruch, lived in
Manhattan, as did many of the other principals.
Baruch had chosen Maj. Gen. Leslie R.
Groves to head the operation. He had previously built the
Pentagon, and had a good reputation among the Washington
politicians, who usually came when Baruch beckoned.
The scientific director at Los Alamos was J. Robert Oppenheimer,
scion of a prosperous family of clothing merchants.
the Years Of Risk, by James Kunetka, Prentice Hall, NY, 1982,
Kunetka writes, p. 106,
"Baruch was especially interested in
Oppenheimer for the position of senior scientific adviser."
The project cost an estimated two
billion dollars. No other nation in the world could have afforded to
develop such a bomb. The first successful test of the atomic bomb
occurred at the Trinity site, two hundred miles south of Los Alamos
at 5:29:45 a.m. on July 16, 1945. Oppenheimer was beside himself at
the spectacle.
He shrieked,
"I am become Death, the Destroyer of
Indeed, this seemed to be the ultimate
goal of the Manhattan Project, to destroy the world. There had been
considerable fear among the scientists that the test explosion might
indeed set off a chain reaction, which would destroy the entire
Oppenheimer's exultation came from his
realization that now his people had attained the ultimate power,
through which they could implement their five-thousand-year desire
to rule the entire world.
Although Truman liked to take full credit for the decision to drop
the atomic bomb on Japan, in fact, he was advised by a prestigious
group, The National Defense Research Committee, consisting of:
George L. Harrison, president of
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Dr. James B. Conant, president
of Harvard, who had spent the First World War developing
more effective poison gases, and who in 1942 had been
commissioned by Winston Churchill to develop an Anthrax bomb
to be used on Germany, which would have killed every living
thing in Germany
Conant was unable to perfect the bomb
before Germany surrendered, otherwise he would have had another line
to add to his resume.
His service on Truman's Committee which
advised him to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, added to his previous
record as a chemical warfare professional, allowed me to describe
him in papers filed before the United States Court of Claims in
1957, as,
"the most notorious war criminal of
the Second World War".
As Gauleiter of Germany after the war,
he had ordered the burning of my book,
The Federal Reserve
Conspiracy, ten thousand copies having been published in
Oberammergau, the site of the world-famed Passion Play.
Also on the committee were Dr. Karl Compton, and James F.
Byrnes, acting Secretary of State. For thirty years, Byrnes had been
known as Bernard Baruch's man in Washington. With his Wall Street
profits, Baruch had built the most lavish estate in South Carolina,
which he named Hobcaw Barony. As the wealthiest man in South
Carolina, this epitome of the carpet-bagger also controlled the
political purse strings.
Now Baruch was in a position to dictate
to Truman, through his man Byrnes, that he should drop the atomic
bomb on Japan.
Despite the fact that the Manhattan Project was the most closely
guarded secret of World War II, one man, and one many only, was
allowed to observe everything and to know everything about the
He was Lipman Siew, a Lithuanian Jew who had come to
the United States as a political refugee at the age of seventeen.
He lived in Boston on Lawrence St., and
decided to take the name of William L. Laurence.
At Harvard, he became a close friend of
James B. Conant and was tutored by him. When Laurence went to New
York, he was hired by Herbert Bayard Swope, editor of the New York
World, who was known as Bernard Baruch's personal publicity agent.
Baruch owned the World. In 1930, Laurence accepted an offer from the
New York Times to become its science editor.
He states in Who's Who that he "was
selected by the heads of the atomic bomb project as sole writer and
public relations." How one could be a public relations writer for a
top secret project was not explained. Laurence was the only civilian
present at the historic explosion of the test bomb on July 16, 1945.
Less than a month later, he sat in the
copilots seat of the B-29 on the fateful Nagasaki bombing run.
There were still many anxious moments for the conspirators, who
planned to launch a new reign of terror throughout the world. Japan
had been suing for peace. Each day it seemed less likely that she
could stay in the war.
On March 9 and 10, 1945, 325 B-29s had
burned thirty-five square miles of Tokyo, leaving more than one
hundred thousand Japanese dead in the ensuing firestorm. Of Japan's
66 biggest cities, 59 had been mostly destroyed. 178 square miles of
urban dwellings had been burned, 500,000 died in the fires, and now
twenty million Japanese were homeless.
Only four cities had not been destroyed;
Hiroshima, Kokura, Niigata, and Nagasaki. Their inhabitants had no
inkling that they had been saved as target cities for the
experimental atomic bomb.
Maj. Gen. Leslie Groves, at
Bernard Baruch's insistence, had demanded that Kyoto be the initial
target of the bomb. Secretary of War Stimson objected, saying that
as the ancient capital of Japan, the city of Kyoto had hundreds of
historic wooden temples, and no military targets.
The Jews wanted to destroy it precisely
because of its great cultural importance to the Japanese people.
While the residents of Hiroshima continued to watch the B-29s fly
overhead without dropping bombs on them, they had no inkling of the
terrible fate which the scientists had reserved for them.
William Manchester quotes General
Douglas MacArtbur in American Caesar, Little Brown, 1978, p.437
There was another Japan, and
MacArthur was one of the few Americans who suspected its
existence. He kept urging the Pentagon and the State Department
to be alert for conciliatory gestures. The General predicted
that the break would come from Tokyo, not the Japanese army. The
General was right.
A dovish coalition was forming in
the Japanese capital, and it was headed by Hirohito himself, who
had concluded in the spring of 1945 that a negotiated peace was
the only way to end his nation's agony. Beginning in early May,
a six-man council of Japanese diplomats explored ways to
accommodate the Allies. The delegates informed top military
officials that "our resistance is finished".
[End quoting]
On p.359, Gar Alperowitz quotes Brig.
Gen. Carter W. Clarke, in charge of preparing the MAGIC summary in
1945, who stated in a 1959 historical interview,
"We brought them down to an abject
surrender through the accelerated sinking of their merchant
marine and hunger alone, and when we didn't need to do it, and
knew we didn't need to do it, we used them as an experiment for
two atomic bombs."
Although President Truman referred to
himself as the sole authority in the decision to drop the bomb, in
fact he was totally influenced by Bernard Baruch's man in
Washington, James F. Byrnes.
Gar Alperowitz states, p. 196,
"Byrnes spoke with the authority
of—personally represented—the president of the United States on
all bomb-related matters in the Interim Committee's
David McCullough, in his laudatory
biography of Truman, which was described as "a valentine", admitted
"Truman didn't know his own Secretary of State, Stettinius. He
had no background in foreign policy, no expert advisors of his own."
The tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was that a weak, inexperienced
president, completely under the influence of Byrnes and Baruch,
allowed himself to be manipulated into perpetrating a terrible
In the introduction to
Shadows, we find that,
"Truman was moving in quite the
opposite direction, largely under the influence of Byrnes. The
atom bomb for Byrnes was an instrument of diplomacy-atomic
diplomacy." (p.ix)
On August 6, 1945, a uranium bomb 3-235, 20 kilotons yield, was
exploded 1850 feet in the air above Hiroshima, for maximum explosive
effect. It devastated four square miles, and killed 140,000 of the
255,000 inhabitants.
In Hiroshima's Shadows, we find a
statement by a doctor who treated some of the victims; p.415, Dr.
Shuntaro Hida:
"It was strange to us that Hiroshima
had never been bombed, despite the fact that B-29 bombers flew
over the city every day. Only after the war did I come to know
that Hiroshima, according to American archives, had been kept
untouched in order to preserve it as a target for the use of
nuclear weapons.
Perhaps, if the American
administration and its military authorities had paid sufficient
regard to the terrible nature of the fiery demon which mankind
had discovered and yet knew so little about its consequences,
the American authorities might never have used such a weapon
against the 750,000 Japanese who ultimately became its victims."
Dr. Hida says that while treating the
terribly mangled and burned victims,
"My eyes were ready to overflow with
tears. I spoke to myself and bit my lip so that I would not cry.
If I had cried, I would have lost my courage to keep standing
and working, treating dying victims of Hiroshima."
On p.433, Hiroshima's Shadows, Kensaburo
Oe declares,
"From the instant the atomic bomb
exploded, it became the symbol of all human evil; it was a
savagely primitive demon and most modern curse.... My nightmare
stems from a suspicion that a 'certain trust in human strength'
or 'humanism' flashed across the minds of American intellectuals
who decided upon the project that concluded with the dropping of
the bomb on Hiroshima."
In the introduction to Hiroshima's
Shadows, we find that,
"One of the myths of Hiroshima is
that the inhabitants were warned by leaflets that an atomic bomb
would be dropped. The leaflets Leonard Nadler and William P.
Jones recall seeing in the Hiroshima Museum in 1960 and 1970
were dropped after the bombing. This happened because the
President's Interim Committee on the Atomic Bomb decided on May
31 'that we could not give the Japanese any warning'.
Furthermore, the decision to drop
'atomic' leaflets on Japanese cities was not made until August
7, the day after the Hiroshima bombing. They were not dropped
until August 10, after Nagasaki had been bombed. We can say that
the residents of Hiroshima received no advance warning about the
use of the atomic bomb. On June 1, 1945, a formal and official
decision was taken during a meeting of the so-called Interim
Committee not to warn the populations of the specific target
cities. James Byrnes and Oppenheimer insisted that the bombs
must be used without prior warning."
"Closely linked to the question of whether a warning of an
atomic bomb attack was given to the civilian populations of the
target cities is the third 'article of fifth' that underpins the
American legend of Hiroshima; the belief that Hiroshima and
Nagasaki were military targets. The Headquarters of the Japanese
Second army were located in Hiroshima and approximately 20,000
men—of which about half, or 10,000 died in the attack. In
Nagasaki, there were about 150 deaths among military personnel
in the city.
Thus, between the two cities, 4.4%
of the total death toll was made up of military personnel. In
short, more than 95% of the casualties were civilians."
On p.39 of Hiroshima's Shadows we find
that (at Hiroshima) "strictly military damage was insignificant."
How are we to reconcile this statement with Harry Truman's
vainglorious boast in
Off The Record: the Private Papers of Harry
S. Truman Harper, 1980, p.304,
"In 1945 I had ordered the Atomic
Bomb dropped on Japan at two places devoted almost exclusively
to war production."
In fact, many thousands of the Hiroshima
casualties were children sitting in their classrooms.
The bomb was dropped because (p.35),
"The Manhattan Project's managers
were lobbying to use the atomic bomb. Byrnes sat in on these
meetings. Maj. Gen. Groves seems to have been the author of the
claim that the use of the bomb would save a million American
lives—-a figure in the realm of fantasy."
Truman himself variously stated that the
use of the use of the atomic bomb saved "a quarter of a million
American lives", a "half-million American lives", and finally
settled on the Gen. Groves figure of "a million American lives
Meanwhile (p.64) William L. Laurence, who was writing for the
New York Times at full salary while also receiving a full salary
from the War Department as the "public relations agent for the
atomic bomb" published several stories in the New York Times
denying that there had been any radiation effects on the victims of
the Hiroshima bombing (Sept. 5, 1945 et seq.) in which he quotes
General Groves' indignant comment,
"The Japanese are still continuing
their propaganda aimed at creating the impression we won the war
unfairly and thus attempting to create sympathy for themselves."
(p.66) "The Legation of Switzerland
on August 11, 1945 forwarded from Tokyo the following memorandum
to the State Department (which sat on it for twenty-five years
before finally releasing it): 'The Legation of Switzerland has
received a communication from the Japanese Government.'
On August 6, 1945, American
airplanes released on the residential district of the town of
Hiroshima, bombs of a new type, killing and injuring in one
second a large number of civilians and destroying a great part
of the town. Not only is the city of Hiroshima a provincial town
without any protection or special military installations of any
kind, but also none of the neighboring regions or towns
constitutes a military objective."
The introduction to Hiroshima's Shadows
concludes that (p.lxvii),
"The claim that an invasion of the
Japanese home islands was necessary without the use of the
atomic bombs is untrue. The claim that an 'atomic warning' was
given to the populace of Hiroshima is untrue. And the claim that
both cities were key military targets is untrue."
Corroboration of these statements is found in the remarkable record
of Ellsworth Torrey Carrington, "Reflections of a Hiroshima
Pilot", (p.9)
"As part of the Hiroshima atomic
battle plan my B-29 (named Jabbitt III, Captain John Abbott
Wilson's third war plane) flew the weather observation mission
over the secondary target of Kokura on August 6, 1945."
(p. 10)
"After the first bomb was dropped,
the atom bomb command was very fearful that Japan might
surrender before we could drop the second bomb, so our people
worked around the clock, 24-hours-a-day to avoid such a
This is, of course, satire on
Carrington's part. (p. 13),
"in city after city all over the
face of Japan (except for our cities spared because reserved for
atomic holocaust) they ignited the most terrible firestorms in
history with very light losses (of B-29s). Sometimes the heat
from these firestorms was so intense that later waves of B-29s
were caught by updrafts strong enough to loft them upwards from
4 or 5,000 feet all the way up to 8 or 10,000 feet. The major
told us that the fire-bombing of Japan had proven successful far
beyond anything they had imagined possible and that the 20th Air
Force was running out of cities to burn. Already there were no
longer (as of the first week in June 1945) any target cities
left that were worth the attention of more than 50 B-29s, and on
a big day, we could send up as many as 450 planes!"
"The totality of the devastation in
Japan was extraordinary, and this was matched by the
near-totality of Japan's defenselessness." (as of June 1, 1945,
before the atomic bombs were dropped.) (p. 14)
"The Truman government censored and
controlled all the war information that was allowed to reach the
public, and of course, Truman had a vested interest in obscuring
the truth so as to surreptitiously prolong the war and be
politically able to use the atom bomb. Regarding the second
element of the Roosevelt-Truman atomic Cold War strategy of
deceiving the public into believing that Japan was still
militarily viable in the spring and summer of 1945, the
centerpiece was the terribly expensive and criminally
unnecessary campaign against Okinawa.
Carrington quotes Admiral William D.
Leahy, p. 245,
I Was There, McGraw Hill:
"A large part of the Japanese Navy
was already on the bottom of the sea. The combined Navy surface
and air force action even by this time had forced Japan into a
position that made her early surrender inevitable. None of us
then knew the potentialities of the atomic bomb, but it was my
opinion, and I urged it strongly on the Joint Chiefs, that no
major land invasion of the Japanese mainland was necessary to
win the war. The JCS did order the preparation of plans for an
invasion, but the invasion itself was never authorized."
Thus Truman, urged on by General Groves,
claims that "a million American lives were saved" by the use of the
atomic bomb, when no invasion had ever been authorized, and was not
in the cards.
Carrington continues, p. 16,
"The monstrous truth is that the
timing of the Okinawa campaign was exclusively related to the
early August timetable of the atomic bomb. J'accuse! I accuse
Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman of deliberately
committing war crimes against the American people for the sole
purpose of helping set the stage for the criminally unnecessary
use of atomic weapons on Japan."
Carrington further quotes Admiral Leahy,
from I Was There,
"It is my opinion that the use of
this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagaski was of no
material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were
already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective
sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional
Carrington concludes, p.22,
"Truman's wanton use of atomic
weapons left the American people feeling dramatically less
secure after winning World War II than they had ever felt
before, and these feelings of insecurity have been exploited by
unscrupulous Cold War Machine Politicians ever since."
As Senator Vandenberg said, "We
have to scare the hell out of 'em" in order to browbeat the
American people into paying heavy taxes to support the Cold War.
Admiral William Leahy also stated in I Was There,
"My own feeling is that being the
first to use it (the atomic bomb) we had adopted an ethical
standard common to the Barbarism of the Dark Ages. I was not
taught to make war in that fashion, and wars cannot be won by
destroying women and children."
Gar Alperowitz notes, p. 16,
"On May 5, May 12 and June 7, the
Office of Strategic Services (our intelligence operation),
reported Japan was considering capitulation. Further messages
came on May 18, July 7, July 13 and July 16."
Alperowitz points out, p.36,
"The standing United States demand
for 'unconditional surrender' directly threatened not only the
person of the Emperor but such central tenets of Japanese
culture as well."
Alperowitz also quotes General Curtis
LeMay, chief of the Air Forces, p.334,
"The war would have been over in two
weeks without the Russians entering and without the atomic bomb.
PRESS INQUIRY: You mean that, sir? Without the Russians and
without the atomic bomb? LeMay: The atomic bomb had nothing to
do with the end of the war at all."
September 29, 1945, statement.
When the Air Force dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki, with William
Laurence riding in the co-pilot's seat of the B-29, pretending to be
Dr. Strangelove, here again the principal target was a Catholic
church. P.93,
The Fall Of Japan, by William Craig, Dial, NY, 1967,
"the roof and masonry of the
Catholic cathedral fell on the kneeling worshippers. All of them
This church has now been rebuilt, and is
a prominent feature of the Nagasaki tour.
After the terror bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the victorious
Allies moved promptly to try Japanese officials for their "war
crimes". From 1945-51 several thousand Japanese military men were
found guilty of war crimes by an International Military Tribunal
which met in Tokyo from 1946 to 1948.
Twenty-eight Japanese military and
civilian leaders were accused of having engaged in conspiracy to
commit atrocities. The dissenting member of the Tokyo tribunal,
Judge Radhabinod of India, dismissed the charge that Japanese
leaders had conspired to commit atrocities, stating that a stronger
case might be made against the victors, because the decision to use
the atomic bomb resulted in indiscriminate murder.
A very popular movie in Japan today is Pride, The Fateful Moment,
which shows Prime Minister General Hideki Tojo in a favorable
light. With six others, he was hanged in 1968 as a war criminal.
During his trial, his lawyers stated to the International Tribunal
for the Far East, the Asian version of Nuremberg Trials, that Tojo's
war crimes could not begin to approach the dropping of the atomic
bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The prosecutors immediately objected,
and censored their statements. That was the last time there was any
official recognition of the atomic bomb massacres in Japan. Japanese
officials have been effectively prevented from taking any stand on
this matter because the American military occupation, which
officially ended in 1952 with the Treaty with Japan, was quietly
Today, 49,000 American troops are still
stationed in Japan, and there is no public discussion of the crimes
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The most authoritative Air Force unit during World War II was the
U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, which selected targets on the basis
of need, and which analyzed the results for future missions.
In Hiroshima's Shadow, the U.S.
Strategic Bombing Survey report of July 1, 1946 states,
"The Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic
bombs did not defeat Japan, nor by the testimony of the enemy
leaders who ended the war did they persuade Japan to accept
unconditional surrender. The Emperor, the lord privy seal, the
prime minister, the foreign minister, and the navy minister had
decided as early as May 1945 that the war should be ended even
if it meant acceptance of defeat on allied terms....
It is the Survey's opinion that
certainly prior to December 1, 1945 and in all probability prior
to November 1, 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the
atomic bombs had not been dropped and even if no invasion had
been planned or contemplated."
Both military, political and religious
leaders spoke out against the atomic bombing of Japanese civilians.
The Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
issued a formal statement in March 1946 (cited by Gar Alperowitz):
"The surprise bombings of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki are morally indefensible. Both bombings must be
judged to have been unnecessary for winning the war. As the
power that first used the atomic bomb under these circumstances,
we have sinned grievously against the laws of God and against
the people of Japan."—Commission on the Relation of the Church
to the War in the Light of the Christian Faith.
On p.438, Gar Alperowitz quotes James M.
Gillis, editor of Catholic World,
"I would call it a crime were it not
that the word 'crime' implies sin, and sin requires a
consciousness of guilt. The action taken by the Untied States
government was in defiance of every sentiment and every
conviction upon which our civilization is based."
One of the most vociferous critics of
the atomic bombings was David Lawrence, founder and editor of U.S.
News and World Report.
He signed a number of stinging
editorials, the first on August 17, 1945.
"Military necessity will be our
constant cry in answer to criticism, but it will never erase
from our minds the simple truth, that we, of all civilized
nations, though hesitating to use poison gas, did not hesitate
to employ the most destructive weapon of all times
indiscriminately against men, women and children."
On October 5, Lawrence continued his
"The United States should be the
first to condemn the atomic bomb and apologize for its use
against Japan. Spokesmen for the Army Air Forces said it wasn't
necessary and that the war had been won already. Competent
testimony exists to prove that Japan was seeking to surrender
many weeks before the atomic bomb came."
On November 23, Lawrence wrote,
"The truth is we are guilty. Our
conscience as a nation must trouble us. We must confess our sin.
We have used a horrible weapon to asphyxiate and cremate more
than 100,000 men, women and children in a sort of super-lethal
gas chamber— and all this in a war already won or which
spokesman for our Air Forces tell us we could have readily won
without the atomic bomb. We ought, therefore, to apologize in
unequivocal terms at once to the whole world for our misuse of
the atomic bomb."
David Lawrence was an avowed
conservative, a successful businessman, who knew eleven presidents
of the United States intimately, and was awarded the Medal of
Freedom by President Richard M. Nixon, April 22, 1970.
Although Eisenhower never changed his opinion of the use of the
atomic bomb, during his presidency he repeatedly voiced his opinion,
as quoted by Steve Neal, The Eisenhower's Doubleday, 1978. P.225,
"Ike would never lose his
of the weapon and later referred to it as a 'hellish
His brother, Milton Eisenhower, a
prominent educator, was even more vocal on this subject.
As quoted
by Gar Alperwitz, p.358, Milton Eisenhower said,
"Our employment of this new force at
Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a supreme provocation to other
nations, especially the Soviet Union. Moreover, its use violated
the normal standards of warfare by wiping out entire
populations, mostly civilians, in the target cities. Certainly
what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki will forever be on the
conscience of the American people."
During his Presidency, Dwight Eisenhower
tried to find peaceful uses for atomic energy.
In The Eisenhower Diaries, p.261, we
find that,
"The phrase 'atoms for peace'
entered the lexicon of international affairs with a speech by
Eisenhower before the United Nations December 8, 1953."
Control of atomic energy had now given
New World Order clique enormous power, and
Eisenhower, in his
farewell speech to the American people on leaving the Presidency In
Review (Doubleday, 1969), on January 17, 1961, warned,
"In the councils of government we
must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence,
whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists
and will persist."
By failing to name the power behind the
military-industrial complex, the
international bankers, Eisenhower
left the American people in the dark as to he was actually warning
them against.
To this day they do not understand what
he was trying to say, that the international bankers,
the Zionists
the Freemasons had formed an unholy alliance whose money and
power could not be overcome by righteous citizens of the United
General Douglas MacArthur also tried to warn the American people of
this threat, as quoted in
American Ceaser, by William
Manchester, Little Brown, 1978, p.692,
"In 1957, he lashed out at large
Pentagon budgets. 'Our government has kept us in a perpetual
state of fear—kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic
fervor—with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there
has been some terrible evil to gobble us up if we did not
blindly rally behind it by furnishing the exorbitant funds
demanded. Yet, in retrospect, these disasters seem never to have
happened, seem never to have been quite real."
This was the restatement of Senator
Vandenberg's famous comment,
"We have to scare the hell out of 'em."
The scientists who had built the atomic bomb were gleeful when they
received the news of its success at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In the
Robert Oppenheimer, Dark Prince, by
Jack Rummel, 1992, we
find, p.96,
"Back in the United States the news
of the bombing of Hiroshima was greeted with a mixture of
relief, pride, joy, shock and sadness. Otto Frisch remembers the
shouts of joy, 'Hiroshima has been destroyed!'
'Many of my friends were rushing to
the telephone to book tables at the La Fonda Hotel in Santa Fe
in order to celebrate. Oppenheimer walked around 'like a
prizefighter, clasping his hands together above his head as he
came to the podium'."
Oppenheimer had been a lifelong
"He was heavily influenced by Soviet Communism"
A New
by Sidney and Beatrice Webb
the founders of Fabian
Socialism in England
He became director of research at the newly
formed U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, with his mentor, Bernard
Baruch, serving as chairman. Oppenheimer continued his many
Communist Party Associations; his wife was Kitty Peuning, widow of
Joe Dallet, an American Communist who had been killed defending
Communism with the notorious Lincoln Brigade in Spain.
Oppenheimer was under Party discipline, the Party then ordered him
to marry Kitty Peuning and make a home for her.
Baruch resigned from the Atomic Energy Commission to attend to his
business interests. He was replaced by Lewis Lichtenstein Strauss,
of Kuhn, Loeb Co. Strauss was apprised of Oppenheimer's many
Communist associations, but he decided to overlook them until he
found that Oppenheimer was sabotaging progress on developing the new
and much more destructive hydrogen bomb.
It seemed apparent that Oppenheimer was
delaying the hydrogen bomb until the Soviet Union could get its own
version on line. Furious at the betrayal, he asked Oppenheimer to
resign as director of the Commission. Oppenheimer refused. Strauss
then ordered that he be tried. A hearing was held from April 5 to
May 6, 1954.
After reviewing the results, the Atomic
Energy Commission voted to strip Oppenheimer of his security
clearance, ruling that he "possessed substantial defects of
character and imprudent dangerous associations with known
Oppenheimer retired to Princeton, where his mentor, Albert Einstein,
presided over the Institute for Advanced Study, a think tank for
refugee "geniuses", financed by
the Rothschilds through one of their
many secret foundations.
Oppenheimer was already a trustee of the
Institute, were he remained until his death in 1966.
Einstein considered the atomic age merely as a stage for the rebirth
of Israel. On p.760 of
Einstein: His Life And Times we find that
Abba Eban, the Israeli Ambassador, came to his home with the Israeli
consul, Reuben Dafni.
He later wrote,
"Professor Einstein told me that he
saw the rebirth of Israel as one of the few political acts in
his lifetime which had an essential moral quality. He believed
that the conscience of the world should, therefore, be involved
in Israel's preservation."
by Ronald W. Clarke, Avon Books
On March 1, 1946, Army Air Force
Contract No. MX-791 was signed, creating the RAND Corporation as an
official think tank, defining Project RAND as,
"a continuing program of scientific
study and research on the broad subject of air warfare with the
object of recommending to the Air Force preferred methods of
techniques and instrumentalities for this purpose."
On May 14, 1948, RAND Corporation
funding was taken over by H. Rowan Gaither, head of the Ford
Foundation. This was done because the Air Force had sole control of
the atomic bomb, RAND Corp. developed the Air Force and atomic bomb
program for the Cold War, with the Strategic Air Command, the
missile program, and many other elements of the "terror strategy".
It became a billion dollar game for
these scientists, with John von Neumann, their leading scientist,
becoming world famous as the inventor of "game theory", in which the
United States and the Soviet Union engaged in a worldwide "game" to
see which would be the first to attack the other with nuclear
missiles. In the United States, the schools held daily bomb drills,
with the children hiding under their desks.
No one told them that thousands of
schools children in Hiroshima had been incinerated in their
classrooms; the desks offered no protection against nuclear weapons.
The moral effect on the children was devastating. If they were to be
vaporized in the next ten seconds, there seemed little reason to
study, marry and have children, or prepare for a steady job.
This demoralization through the nuclear
weapons program is the undisclosed reason for the decline in public
In 1987, Phyllis LaFarge published
The Strangelove Legacy, The
Impact Of The Nuclear Threat On Children, chronicling through
extended research the moral devastation wreaked on the children by
the daily threat of annihilation. She quotes Freeman Dyson, who
stated the world has been divided into two worlds, the world of the
warriors, and the world of the victims, the children.
It was William L. Laurence, sitting in
the co-pilot's seat of a B-29 over Nagasaki, and the children
waiting to be vaporized below.
This situation has not changed.
Because Japan was occupied by the U.S. Military in 1945, the
Japanese Government was never allowed any opportunity to file any
legal charges about the use of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and
Although Japanese leaders were tried and
executed for "war crimes" no one was ever charged for the atomic
bombings. It was not until 1996 that the World Court delivered an
opinion on the use of nuclear weapons, (p.565, Hiroshima's Shadows)
"In July 1996, the World court took
a stand in its first formal opinion on the legality of nuclear
weapons. Two years earlier, the United Nations had asked the
Court for an advisory opinion. The General Assembly of the
United Nations posed a single, yet profoundly basic, question
for consideration. It the threat of use of nuclear weapons on
any circumstances permitted under international law?
For the first time, the world's
pre-eminent judicial authority has considered the question of
criminality vis-a-vis the use of a nuclear weapon, and, in doing
so, it has come to the conclusion that the use of a nuclear
weapon is 'unlawful'. It is also the Court's view that even the
threat of the use of a nuclear weapon is illegal.
Although there were differences
concerning the implications of the right of self-defense
provided by Article 51 of the U.N. Charter, ten of the fourteen
judges hearing the case found the use of threat to use a nuclear
weapon to be illegal on the basis of the existing canon of
humanitarian law which governs the conduct of armed conflict.
The judges based their opinion on more than a century of
treatise and conventions that are collectively known as the
'Hague' and 'Geneva' laws."
Thus the Court ruled that nuclear
weapons are illegal under the Hague and Geneva conventions ,
agreements which were in existence at the time of the Hiroshima and
Nagasaki bombings.
They were illegal then, and they are
illegal now.
Among world leaders who spoke out about the United States' use of
atomic weapons in Japan, Mahatma Gandhi echoed the general
climate of opinion. P.258, Hiroshima's Shadow:
"The atomic bomb has deadened the
finest feelings which have sustained mankind for ages. There
used to be so-called laws of war which made it tolerable. Now we
understand the naked truth. War knows no law except that of
The atomic bomb brought an empty
victory to the Allied armies. It has resulted for the time being
in the soul of Japan being destroyed. What has happened to the
soul of the destroying nation is yet too early to see. Truth
needs to be repeated as long as there are men who do not believe
Memorial Day, 1998
Cast of Characters
House of Rothschild:
international bankers who made enormous profits during the
nineteenth century, and used their money to take over
Bernard Baruch: New York agent
of the Rothschilds who at the turn of the century set up the
tobacco trust, the copper trust and other trusts for the
Rothschilds. He became the grey eminence of the United
States atomic bomb program when his lackey, J. Robert
Oppenheimner, became director of the Los Alamos bomb
development, and when his Washington lackey, James F.
Byrnes, advised Truman to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki.
Albert Einstein: lifelong
Zionist who initiated the United States' atomic bomb program
with a personal letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt in
The Private Lives Of Albert
Einstein, by Roger Highfield, St. Martins Press, NY, 1993.
The Wizards Of Armageddon, by
Fred Kaplan, Simon & Shuster, NY, 1993.
Albert Einstein, by Milton Dank,
Franklin Watts, 1983.
Off The Record; The Private
Papers Of Harry S. Truman, Harper & Row, 1980.
The Eisenhowers, by Steve Neal,
Doubleday, 1978.
The Eisenhower Diaries, W.W.
Norton, 1981.
In Review, Dwight D. Eisenhower,
Doubleday, 1969.
Eisenhower, Stephen E. Ambrose,
Simon & Schuster, 1983.
The Strangelove Legacy, Phyllis
LaFarge, Harper & Row, 1987.
Einstein, His Life & Times,
Ronald W. Clark, Avon books, 1971.
Robert Oppenheimer, Dark Prince,
by Jack Rummel, 1992.
The Manhattan Project, by Don E.
Beyer, Franklin Wat, 1991.
The Great Decision, The Secret
History Of The Atomic Bomb, Michael Amrine, Putnams, NY,
Eisenhower At War, by David
Eisenhower, Random House, NY, 1986.
The Fall Of Japan, by William
Craig, Dial, NY, 1967.
Oppenheimer, The Years Of Risk,
Jas W. Kunetka, Prentice Hall, 1982.
Target Tokyo, Gordon W. Prange,
McGraw Hill, 1984.
Hiroshima's Shadow, edited by
Kai Bird, Pamphleteer Press, 1998.
The Decision To Use The Atomic
Bomb, by Gar Alperowitz, Knopf, NY, 1995.
Was Einstein Right? by Clifford
M. Will, Basic Books, 1986.
Eustace C. Mullins
Ezra Pound World Peace Foundation
Japanese-American Friendship Society
and the People of Japan,
Plaintiffs, The United States Government, Defendant.
The plaintiffs bring this action before the World Court of
International Justice to resolve the following charges:
Defendant conspired to commit war crimes against the people of
Japan during World War II.
Defendant conspired to commit atrocities against the people of
Japan during World War II.
Defendant conspired to subsequently evade and cover up these
crimes by militarily occupying the nation of Japan, effectively
preventing the people of Japan from seeking legal recourse for the
actions of defendant. Defendant continues to militarily occupy Japan
today, with 49,999 troops stationed there, on the pretext that the
Soviet Union might attack. This pretext ignores the geopolitical
fact that the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989 and does not pose a
threat to anyone.
Defendant conspired to commit crimes of genocide against the
people of Japan, motivated by racial hatred and religious bigotry.
Defendant violated the Hague agreements and the Geneva
Convention, as determined by the World Court in June 1996, by making
war against civilians and inflicting millions of casualties by
firebombing Japanese cities and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki during World War II.
After committing these crimes, defendant conspired to cover up
these crimes by issuing a number of false statements, denying war
crimes, and distortions of fact to evade any punishment for these
war crimes.
Defendant also conspired to conceal from the American people the
circumstances behind the commission of these war crimes, that a
small group of conspirators, refugees from Europe, came to the
United States and infiltrated the government of the United States,
and in total secrecy launched the project to manufacture an atomic
bomb for use against Germany and Japan. At no time during this
conspiracy were the people of the United States aware of what was taking place, nor
consulted for their approval, in violation of republican' principles
and the Constitution of the United States.
Since World War II, defendant has conducted a worldwide program
of atomic terrorism, called atomic diplomacy, to ensure that its
program continues unabated, and without punishment.
Although Japan had been reduced to ashes by June 1945, defendant
insisted that an invasion was necessary, while ignoring peace
tenders from Japan since May 1945, and defendant further claimed
that the American military would suffer one million war dead while
invading Japan, and that it was necessary to drop the atomic bombs
on Hiroshima, August 6, 1945, and Nagasaki, August 9, 1945. In fact,
as Admiral William D. Leahy pointed out in his book, I Was There, "the invasion itself
was never authorized."
General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme
Military Commander, Admiral William D. Leahy, Air force General
Curtis LeMay, and many other American military leaders, made public
statements that it was not necessary to drop the atomic bombs.
Political considerations dictated that it be dropped on Japan, in
order to test it on a living population, and, if possible, to
"tally" a million or more victims with the bombs, for the purpose of
postwar intimidation of all other nations.
The atomic bomb was the creation of a small group of European
refugees, whose efforts to develop such a bomb in Europe had been
indignantly rejected. Albert Einstein, the physicist, wrote a
personal letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, August 2, 1939,
recommending that this bomb be built by the United States. His
letter was hand-delivered to Roosevelt by Alexander Sachs, a Wall
Street speculator.
The atomic bomb program was directed from behind
the scenes by another Wall Street speculator, Bernard Baruch, an
agent of the Rothschilds. Baruch selected Major General Leslie
Groves as the director of the project, and J. Robert Oppenheimer as
science director of the program. Baruch continued to issue
directives throughout the program, insisting to Major General Groves
that the city of Kyoto be the primary target of the atomic bombs.
Military leaders opposed this selection, pointing out that Kyoto was
the ancient capital of Japan, and a religious center with more than
two hundred ancient temples. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were finally
chosen, although neither of these cities offered a primary military
Baruch continued to dictate decisions on the atomic bomb,
through the President's National Defense Research Committee, chaired
by Baruch's Washington representative, James F. Byrnes.
After the devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, defendant
perpetrated a number of outright falsehoods to avoid blame for these
massacres of civilians. The first was that the inhabitants were
warned by leaflets dropped over the city that an atomic bomb would
be used. In fact, the leaflets were not dropped until August 10,
after the bombs had exploded.
The President's Committee had resolved
on May 31, 1945 that "we could not give the Japanese any warning."
The second falsehood was that an invasion of Japan would be
necessary if the atomic bomb was not used; this would cost a million
American lives. Many leading American military authorities state
this is
absolutely false. The third falsehood was that both cities were "key
military targets".
President Truman boasted in his private papers
that "in 1945 I had ordered the atomic bomb dropped on Japan at two
places devoted almost exclusively to war production."
In fact, more than 95% of the dead at Hiroshima and Nagasaki were
civilians. Only 4.4% of the death toll was made up of military
personnel. A fourth falsehood, printed in the New York Times
September 5, 1945, was that the victims had suffered no radiation
This story was written by William L. Laurence, the paid
propagandist for the War Department with exclusive rights to
material on the atomic bomb.
Laurence quoted Major General Groves
that the Japanese "are attempting to create sympathy for
The Legation of Switzerland in Tokyo forwarded to the defendant a
statement from the Japanese government, the complaint that,
Observers on the scene
recorded that "strictly military damage was insignificant."
The most authoritative official United States unit during World
War II was the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, which selected targets
and analyzed the results of the bombings for the benefit of future
Their report of July 1, 1946 states,
"the Hiroshima and
Nagasaki bombs did not defeat Japan, nor by the testimony of the
enemy leaders who ended the war did they persuade Japan to accept
unconditional surrender. The Emperor, the lord privy seal, the prime
minister, the foreign minister, and the navy minister had decided as
early as May 1945 that the war should be ended even if it meant
acceptance of defeat on allied terms... It is the Survey's opinion
that certainly prior to December 1, 1945, and in all probability
prior to November 1, 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the
atomic bombs had not been dropped and even if no invasion had been
planned or contemplated."
This proves that the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were
war crimes deliberately committed, with foreknowledge that it was
not necessary to drop the atomic bombs on these two cities.
As David
Lawrence, founder and editor of U.S. News And World Report, wrote in
his editorial November 23, 1945,
"the truth is we are guilty. Our
conscience as a nation must trouble us. We must confess our sin. We
have used a horrible weapon to asphyxiate and cremate more than
100,000 men, women and children in a sort of super-lethal gas
chamber—and all this in a war already won or which spokesman for our
Air Forces tell us we could have readily won without the atomic
The world leader and pacifist Mahatma Gandhi spoke sadly about
the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Defendant is in violation of the Geneva Convention. Protocol 2,
Scope of Application of Humanitarian Law, states:
humanitarian law is applicable to international armed conflicts. The
international law of peace existing between the states concerned
will thus be large superseded by the rules of international
humanitarian law.... A state can not, therefore, be allowed to
invoke military necessity as a justification for upsetting that
balance by departing from those rules."
Humanitarian Requirements and Military Necessity.
"In war, a
belligerent many apply only that amount and kind of force necessary
to defeat the enemy. Acts of war are only permissible if they are
directed against military objectives, if they are not likely to
cause unnecessary suffering, and if they are not perfidious."
bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki clearly falls outside the scope of
this ruling, being civilian targets, the bombing caused unnecessary
suffering, and defendant's attempted justification was openly
If an act of war is not expressly prohibited by
international agreements or customary law, this does not necessarily
mean that it is actually permissible. The so-called Martens Clause,
developed by the Livonian professor Friedrich von Martens
(1845-1909) delegate of Tsar Nicholas II at the Hague Peace
Conferences, which has been included in the Preamble to the 1907
Hague Convention IV and reaffirmed in the 1977 Additional Protocol I
as stated below, will always be applicable.
In cases not covered by
the Protocol or by other international agreement, civilians and
combatants remain under the protection and authority of the
principles of international law derived from established custom,
from the principles of humanity, and from the dictates of public
conscience. (Artl., pars. 2 AP 1; see also Preamble pars. 4 AP II)
Protocol I—Part IV. Section i. "....the obligation of the Parties
to the conflict to 'at all times distinguish between the civilian
population and combatants'."
Article 48— Basic rule, "the
prohibition of 'indiscriminate attacks'."
Article 51—Protection of
the civilian population, paragraph 4, in particular,
"an attack by
bombardment by any method or means which treats as a single military
objective a number of clearly separated and distinct military
objectives, located in a city, town, village or other area
containing a similar concentration of civilians or civilian objects"
(Article 51—Protection of the civilian population paragraph 5 (a)
and "an attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of
civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a
combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the
concrete and direct military advantage anticipated (article
51—Protection of the civilian population, paragraph 5 [b]).
Protocol I—Part IV, Section 1.
"Protection of civilians from
arbitrary and oppressive enemy action, outlined in 1899, and later
in 1907, was expressed in its
most complete form in the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, which is
now supplemented by this Protocol."
WHEREFORE, the plaintiffs respectfully move this Court to hear these
charges of conspiracy to commit war crimes and atrocities,
conspiracy to cover up their crimes, motivated by racial hatred and
religious bigotry, and having intimidated the government of Japan
and prevented them from seeking any redress for these crimes, and by
defendant's ongoing program of atomic terrorism, perfidious
falsehoods, and their continuing conspiracy to cover up crimes of
genocide, mass murder and undue suffering among their victims, and
that the Court shall hear these charges, decide upon appropriate
damages, and punishment for the offenders.
Respectfully submitted
Eustace C. Mullins
as a citizen in party, the movant, having firsthand knowledge of the
facts. Eustace C. Mullins
126 Madison Place Staunton
VA 24401 540-886-5580