by Mark Sircus
03 May 2012
IMVA Website
A Time-Lapse Map of...
Every Nuclear Explosion Since
October 24, 2010
YouTube Website
artist Isao Hashimoto has created a beautiful,
undeniably scary time-lapse map of the 2053
nuclear explosions which have taken place
between 1945 and 1998, beginning with the
Manhattan Project's "Trinity" test near Los
Alamos and concluding with Pakistan's nuclear
tests in May of 1998.
This leaves
out North Korea's two alleged nuclear tests in
this past decade (the legitimacy of both of
which is not 100% clear).
Each nation gets a blip and a flashing dot on
the map whenever they detonate a nuclear weapon,
with a running tally kept on the top and bottom
bars of the screen. Hashimoto, who began the
project in 2003, says that he created it with
the goal of showing "the fear and folly of
nuclear weapons."
It starts
really slow - if you want to see real action,
skip ahead to 1962 or so - but the buildup
becomes overwhelming.
Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto has
created a scary time-lapse map of the 2053 nuclear explosions which
have taken place between 1945 and 1998, beginning with the
Project’s “Trinity” test near Los Alamos and concluding with
Pakistan’s nuclear tests in May of 1998.
This is a close-up look into the
insanity of the main governments of the world over the last 67
It’s totally amazing what we have had to live with and get used to
in the modern age. Increasing radiation is just one of the menaces
building up in the background as we badly pollute our world with
heavy metals like mercury and with a host of other chemicals and
plastic. It looks increasingly like we are drawing the curtains over
the future of all our children and that is profoundly sad.
We are being blindsided from multiple sources, kicked and buffeted
around on the parts per million, billion and even trillion levels
and this is polluting our bodies and gumming up the works.
What I call the Hun Hordes of mercury is
now being joined with the Hun Hordes of uranium, Hun Hordes of a
host of other radioactive particles, and even Hun Hordes of
plutonium because just a little bit of that will subdue the human
race, putting many into their graves.
Our governments and the nuclear power industry have created a strong
nuclear wind that has been circling the globe for decades but is now
intensifying because of
what is happening in Fukushima. This past
year alone we have changed the radioactive profile of the entire
northern hemisphere.
Imagine a nuclear war starting tomorrow and for the next 2053 days
(approximately five years) a nuclear bomb going off somewhere in the
Would you be frightened? All I hear
these days from informal sources is that cancer rates are going
through the roof. If so, would they tell us? Perhaps in a few years
when it’s too late they might.
One does not have to be a prophet to see what is coming at this
The earthquakes are real and are intensifying and so are the
volcanoes. This weekend is a super moon (see below) and the
gravitational forces will be a shade different because of the closer
proximity of the moon.
The earth has been threatening.
Yesterday Mexico got hit with two big earthquakes. I think there is
a good chance something is going to tear along the ring of fire in
the Pacific this weekend - could come anywhere but the last place we
want this to happen is off the northern coast of Japan.
The creation, accumulation, “stock-piling” and dispersal of
incomprehensibly astronomical quantities of synthetic radio-nuclides
represents a planetary biological weapons system aimed right down
the throat of humanity and its children.
We have failed ourselves and we have
certainly failed humanity’s children. We are robbing them of their
future and this is one of the ugliest truths about us. You can
clearly see the banks and top government officials around the world
doing that financially, but when it comes to radiation
contamination, it’s forever.
We really should all probably being praying that building No. 4 does
not come down.
If there was ever a moment that humanity should be
praying together, it is now. If that dirty, radioactive spent-fuel
pool goes down, the consequences are really too horrible to imagine.
It’s mankind’s most desperate hour but you would never know that by
looking at the news.
Christians should know what Christ meant when he said to
himself, “Devil get thee behind me.”
A saint knows when their mind fabricates
insane thoughts and ideas, and that is what makes them a saint. The
rest of us fail pretty miserably (that’s why we are not saints).
Few people know of or admit to their own
ignorance and how that contributes to a matrix that is weaving our
Our desperate hour is, in part, created by our failure to see or
properly define what human insanity is. Everyone I know would agree
that it would be insanity to inject lead into a kid’s veins via the
childhood vaccination program, but doctors get away with injecting
children with mercury, which is much more toxic.
Dumping toxic
fluoride into public water supplies is insane, but they do it and
get away with it.
While we are talking about Christ, he also said that it was easier
for a camel to go through the eye of a needle then for a rich man to
enter the kingdom of heaven. Well we can see our civilization is
going to end on this point so beware and take care.
It is the rich men who are running the
world into the ground and we are letting them. Most of us are
actually with them, with the mainstream that is helpless before
their supreme handlers that pull the strings from behind the
They are insane and are permanently
barred from the kingdom of heaven so they really don’t care the
havoc they wreak and the ruin they create, it seems.
Immanuel Velikovsky wrote in his book,
Earth in Upheaval,
“Denial, omission, marginalization,
disinformation and outright lies have surrounded every aspect of
‘the peaceful atom.’ In the wake of Fukushima, public relations,
the engineering of consent, and reality-inversion have reached
unprecedented levels of incredulity.
The global mass-media apparatus
continues to be instrumental in maintaining the ‘deafening
silence’ on all things nuclear. Meanwhile, the radioactive fires
rage on, bringing ‘hot particles’, cancer and mutation to every
corner of the globe.”
May 1, 2012 - SPACE
Skywatchers take note:
The biggest full moon of the year is
due to arrive this weekend.
The moon will officially become full
Saturday (May 5) at 11:35 p.m. EDT. And because this month’s
full moon coincides with the moon’s perigee - its closest
approach to Earth - it will also be the year’s biggest.
The moon will swing in 221,802 miles
(356,955 kilometers) from our planet, offering skywatchers a
spectacular view of an extra-big, extra-bright moon, nicknamed a
super moon. And not only does the moon’s perigee coincide with
full moon this month, but this perigee will be the nearest to
Earth of any this year, as the distance of the moon’s close
approach varies by about 3%, according to meteorologist Joe Rao,
SPACE.com’s skywatching columnist.
This happens because the moon’s
orbit is not perfectly circular.
This month’s full moon is due
to be about 16% brighter than average. In contrast, later this
year on Nov. 28, the full moon will coincide with apogee, the
moon’s farthest approach, offering a particularly small and dim
full moon.
Though the unusual appearance of
this month’s full moon may be surprising to some, there’s no
reason for alarm, scientists warn. The slight distance
difference isn’t enough to cause any earthquakes or extreme
tidal effects, experts say.
However, the normal tides around the
world will be particularly high and low. At perigee, the moon
will exert about 42% more tidal force than it will during its
next apogee two weeks later, Rao said.
The last super moon occurred in
March 2011.