Reason 101:

This may all seem a little weird now because this part of our past has been placed in the dark for obvious reasons however these Beings Deified, meaning they are worshipped and are still alive today.


Many creatures where part amphibian part beast with incredible spans of life and Spiritual energy. The Ocean is vast unexplored territory. One could not amass the resources to attempt to find their kingdoms and even if they did they would never return. At the current level of human intelligence there really is no reason for other life forms to take interest in such an uneducated limited species we have been turned into.


The real mystery of Atlantis is the Island was submersible it never sank they rule from below.

Under Sea, Davy Jones’s Locker, David and Oanes

Before we get back to Sirius business I will say that the human has extreme potential. I will show you how it is clear that the knowledge of who we are is being hidden. Even while writing this I can feel the doubt of the people that will read, but it will lessen as the realization sets in. This is also what symbols do on a very deep level.


I have purposely embedded this novel with certain symbols that will allow you to remember who you are. Be sure to think of my definition of remembering which is reconnecting your various scattered members as if you were also cut into 14 pieces and had to find all of them to become whole again.


Smaller in number we are but great in mind.


Reason 102:

From what I have studied thus far it is highly possible for a company like Sony to make a game that would activate and balance your entire chakra system all while you where trying to break your previous high score, its that easy.


The body has a system of various energy wheels.

When they begin to oscillate, it is unexplainable the things that you can do. Laying crystals on Chakra centers and going to sleep is another way to get Chakras at least cleared. There is a big difference between cleared and activated Chakras.


When one Chakra opens, even if it is the root Chakra it will be accompanied with a paranormal ability.


The system can be powered up through breathing techniques such as whole body breathing. The Chakras are the Jewels encrusted inside our bodies, once they began to shine again the true splendor of the Diamond Body will be seen.

There are certain abilities that come by default when the body is fully activated they are:

  • Make oneself small in an instant

  • Become infinitely large at will

  • Defy gravity with a levitation field

  • Touch any object at any distance

  • Dive through solid ground like water

  • Total control over all the elements

  • Create and destroy matter

  • Instant materialization of thought

It is also clear why such abilities may need correct training and also correct judgment on timing of when to bestow such gifts on a person. If this was the norm in society we would be an entirely different race.


Giving a person these abilities with the mentality they have now developed due to our world status quo would be a problem. So this makes something of a catch 22. This is why one has to work on separating themselves from the normal mold of thought. Something is always watching and always guiding.


The moment the student is ready, the master will appear.

A few important facts about the Binary Star Sirius: Sirius is a white Sun many times bigger than our own Sun. One looking at the size of Earth compared to many of the other Planets may be left with a dismal effect.



Reason 103:

Be sure to keep in mind Venus is an asteroid almost the size of Earth.


Mars was three times larger than the Earth and now this is all that remains. Amazingly each human corresponds to some Quasar or Star.

In Roman times Sirius was known as the Red Star and they sacrificed red dogs to the star. Sirius B contains the entire mass of our Sun in a globe only 4 times bigger than the Earth. Sirius B’s surface is 300 time harder than a diamond while the core is 3,000 times harder than a diamond. This Planet makes "23" rotations on its Axis per minute thus generating a huge magnetic force.


Every 50 years Sirius A and B come so close together they begin to spiral around each other at enormous rates. Once huge tidal forces are generated by these two Stars they eventually flip-flop positions. This energy is eventually released to flow on magnetic lines to the Sun, which transmits it like a lens to all the Planets. Sirius B is the far more massive out of the 2, in Harry Potter the evil character Sirius Black or Sirius B is introduced.


Despite that Sirius plays the bad guy one should not believe Harry and the rest of the Witches and Warlocks are good. This is a game the Elite love to play. They make two sides that I like to call bad and worst, then they make people chose, either way they win, like Democrat and Republican.

Earths cycles have been full of various creatures of a different variety as you have already seen. Some have died out and only their Spirit remains. Some have been hunted and killed for various reasons and still others remain underground. The floods did from time to time wipe out many land mammals, however, aquatic Beings such as amphibians always survived thus the oldest kingdoms remain under the Ocean.


The primary oceanic race to come forth was Atlantis. There species include that of Oanes known as the Fish God.


Oanes was Father of Poseidon and Dagon. Many say he had 12 sons. These Amphibians had at times war with the Reptilians and that’s why through history it appears the Serpents are actually fighting each other.


True, the Serpents do at times quarrel amongst themselves with a survival of the fittest dominancy embedded in their cultures, however, they heavily quarrel with the "Am"phibians which all look the same to the commoner.

Reason 104:

Oaness God of the Sea who connects with all aquatic creatures, dolphins, whales, octopus, etc. Dagon the Son of Oaness is pictured here also, the fish being the reason why the Pope wears a Fish Hat, they worship Dagon and various others.


Remember Pantheism is the belief and worship of more than one God. A hidden mystery is in the Holy Sea/See. They are referring to the Sea in which Oaness rose from. In addition Caesar means Sea (Cae) Snake (Sar).


The Mother of King Dagobart was said to be rapped by Dagon while taking a swim in the Sea.


His name means Priest King of the House of Fish. This was the beginning of the Merovingian Bloodlines. The Mer is the root of words such as Mermaid. Mer means a special light they are called Meropes who also connect with Mount Meru.

This is how they control you in the Matrix by illusive consent which cannot be reversed unless you are aware of it. This is the doctrine of the Holy Sea. The Soul is seen as a Fish/Ishim out of water when it enters into Earth the material square. The instant the mother’s "water" breaks her ARGO/Cargo descends the birth/berth canal.


There is a Doc/Dock on hand to take the delivery. Once born the baby is under Earth jurisdiction of "Mari"time Law as opposed to Natural Law. These are the laws of the Matrix one must abide by.


A certificate of Birth or "Manifest" is written itemizing the condition and specifics of the ARGO/Cargo. The baby or Vessel is given a "SS" number then granted privilege to go ashore. If it gets in trouble the accused Soul finds itself in court once again standing on the dock/docket.


The Soul is considered dead while sailing in the "Earthy Container". It is a ship in the bottle seeking the dock that will allow it to unload its cargo, the human biological transformational apparatus, and re-enter the Cosmic Ocean. If all this doesn’t seem fishy to you keep reading.

To perceive in all this that one Human has value without personally doing Spiritual work is a drastic mistake in proportion to size. The current theme is that we are all connected and the Human is very valuable to the future of the Universe because of that connection.


It would be better to perceive it this way, we are all connected to something, how that something effects the complete system is what’s of value, meaning are we just one screw in the device or are we the generator? Surely we can lose screws and replace them easily but the generator is another matter.


What part we play will be determined by whether we educate ourselves to the highest potential possible to reach our full magnitude to gain the choice that exists beyond the influence of such large celestial bodies in space and the diabolical fiends of Earth, this is called the Great Reward.

The Fleur-de-lis which is one of the most popular symbols of today has many meanings as you can see above even Dagon has it on his crown. First it symbolizes the three pieces of Holy Wood of the cross. This is the deepest meaning. Apparently this Tree of Life was actually a real Tree and pieces of it were taken about through history by important personages until finally they crucified Jesus on it.


The Tree had more meaning than Jesus in the Gnostic sects as Jesus twin sister "Ma"gdelena would carry the Bloodline and birth the future Anti-Christ. This lineage has birthed a succession of Anti-Christ and Christ personages through history. To have an Anti-Christ you must first have a Christ so they created both.


Symbolically the Tree is also the Three which is the Trinity the Triangle, or the top of the Pyramid.

"The Cornerstone the Builders Rejected", which is Masonic jargon.


Reason 105:

On the left, Jesus is seen using the Holy wood to heal. On the right, Thoth is building energy with the rods and transferring that energy through the Ankh.

Below you will find a story that barely survives written or should I say carved in 1483 before the King James Bible was written in 1611. This reveals the true origin of the Christ and the Cross less they continue to lie and deny it altogether and have us all confused in the Lake of Fire with them groping about wishing a drop of water would be given to cool the tongue.


The latest ploy is Jesus had a cousin named Jesus also who was from Gamala and he was the imposter, not the real Jesus. They will continue to create more and more explanations until every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Jesus is Lord.


There is no way a story can survive for thousands of years with the exact description of what occurred. It is a fact that the story of the Savior created through immaculate conception along with special healing powers who dies and is resurrected is shared by Chrishna, Hindoo Sakia, Thammuz, Hesus, Adonis, Alcestos, Atys, Crite, IAO, Indra, Aeschylus, Bali, Mithra, Quexalcoate, Quirinius, Thulis, and Wittoba.


Do not be unwise and believe all these figures where attempting to imitate Christ.


Christ was attempting to imitate them.



Reason 106:

The letter that looks like an "f" with no cross is an "s", so this reads Seth buries Adam and puts three "seeds" on The Tree of Life under his tongue.


I only took the time to place these woodcuts here because they are on the verge of being lost, the originals remains in the British Museum.


This story concludes with a peace of the Wood being taken to Rome and used for magical purposes. All those in possession of the wood became world rulers. The last Czar of Russia had a piece of the wood in his ring.


This is Aaron’s Staff that Budded, and the Staff that turned into a Snake and swallowed that of the Egyptians. Symbolically this story is all about the Tree of Life which made men magicians, and gave them supreme dominance connecting their lineage back to Set, I mean Seth.


As you can also see the 4 beast surround Christ on the Cross in the final cut. INRI, Igen Natura Renovatura Integra.

Reason 107:

As you can see by these three artifacts predating the arrival of Jesus the story of the crucified divine savior on a cross is nothing new.


Even the picture on the right which seems like an exact depiction of Jesus on the cross is actually Osiris conscribed way before the story of Jesus on the cross.


Every era has been accompanied by a crucified savior story, there is no use in reinventing the wheel it always serves to disarm the people making them believers of something that is coming to save them and wash all their sins away. Your sins and wrongdoings are your own past get over them and balance them out in the present by your deeds. Nothing or no one can do this for you. Adults are behaving as children with such naive beliefs.


People will soon see where all this leads and who these men really are.

The Fleur-de-lis was also the symbol of the exotic Blue Lily. This was a flower that grew out of the marshes of the Nile. The Kemets/Egyptians were masters of chemistry and Alchemy this was the core religion of the Priest. Kem is where these words derive from in fact, the Egyptians had extensive knowledge about minerals, plants, and animals this is the meaning of each side of the triangle.

A little digging uncovered that during the Initiation Rites, the Kemites, would procure concentrated doses of the Blue Lily and administer it to the Initiates. They would then place the vibration rod more commonly called an Ankh against the back of the Initiate’s neck to transfer vibration.


After this the Initiate would be lead through the inner chambers of the great Pyramid, each room carried a particular frequency that would prepare the body to go into an astral death state. Finally they would be placed in the Sarcophagus and depending on the initiation his or her soul would descend to the underworld, Mars, or Sirius due to the Zero Point field of the Great Pyramid lined up on the Van Allen Belt on 6 major ley lines.


In that moment they would meet the Lord Dog of the Underworld Anubis, Bael, and others all surrounded by the hounds of hell and many other goons like Ra hanging out in the Netherworld of Dar which is were we get the word Dark.

The Fleur-de-lis is also the symbol of the Jester’s Hat or simply the Trickster or Magician who concocts magic and illusions. Just as you see the Three Wise Men come from the East also known as the Magi. You will begin to see that although it is profusely banned in the Bible for all others, often time people who are in the "Grace of God" are affiliated and acclimated with magic.


It goes further to admit that Moses himself was schooled in all the wisdom of the Egyptians.


Even in Egyptian legend there are stories of other men parting large bodies of water just to find jewels that had been accidentally dropped in the sea by the women were rowing the boats. Janus and Jambres had no problem duplicating Moses’ magic when it came to turning the staff into a Serpent his magic seemed to be a little more powerful. These acts are also symbolic but are mistakenly taken literal. It also mentions Dathan a well known name in Adept circles connected also to the Nephilim.


In the Bible it says it was Dathan who caused the Hebrews to make the calf again. The Nephilim have enticed man to do foolish things like worshipping a calf.


Of course this also has far reaching issues that effect the Spirit but let us just consider what this does on a basic level. How much time will one waste and how dense will it eventually make them if they consider their Ultimate God, a calf? Then they turn around and eat it.

The true meaning of the word Magi is lost at times in the modern pronunciation. It was originally pronounced Magus like maggot the larvae of a fly. A Magus also known as a Mage, Magi, or Magician gave themselves this name because they worshipped Bel-zubub the Lord of the Flies better known as Baal and Bael.


Many names like Baal, Jahovah, and Moses are Titles and not actually names of individuals, they form collective energy. Those who followed a certain God would change their personal name thus joining themselves to the God. Ezekiel and Daniel were both servants of El while Isaiah and Nehemiah for example where servants of Iah called also Jah.


Many of these Names connected to the same Godhead.

Reason 108:

The Mage and Jester played an important part in the King’s retinue as it was their responsibility to keep the King entertained and informed of things of the spirit nature.


Eventually the King would be hypnotized by the Magician thus the Magician was really the King. In this picture you see the Magician standing behind the King and the Jester at his side.

The Beings of the Underworld are the overseers of the Illuminate and they give all the orders as part of the Unseen Hand. It was understood that a person would never disavow because these Beings were capable of hyperdimensional travel, shape-shifting, etc.


Once the predestined time elapsed the Initiate was resuscitated by the Kemetan Adepts and that was the beginning of the induction into higher degrees.


Reason 109:

The Pyramids are constructed to produce a Zero Point Field. What you see above ground is duplicated below ground giving the whole structure the shape of a Diamond or Platohedron.


The lowest point of the Pyramid is known as Amenti or the Underworld.


These Pyramids also link up to the Plateau on Mars creating Gates for hyperdimensional travel through a series of Wormholes.

If you came to these areas in the old days and asked for Moses they would laugh at you because of how many where initiated into the Art of being a Moses, like Thutmoses III.


The same thing is true with the title Jesus which was an entire Egyptian Mystery School in conjunction with the Nazarites. Looking for Jesus in those times would turn up various characters with magical powers even in the Bible Jesus himself runs across another man named Bar Jesus the Magician. Even Jesus warns that when he leaves another will come with the same Name as him saying he is him but do not go and see him. Jesus alternates as this rouge character that doesn’t even want to get crucified as seen in the Garden of Gethsemane.


There was no limit to the pretenders of the old days attempting to create new religions to find worshipers and servants for their Gods; some were far more convincing than others. Many of these schools connected under Solar and Lunar Brotherhoods sharing common Gods, Goals, and Ghouls.


Others were in direct opposition wanting to create their own religion to harvest members at least for monetarily purposes, many times spreading of the new religion came down to the "purse" or money issues which it took more members to increase.

The scripture says the Serpent took a third of the host from Heaven and they fell to the Earth. If you see how numerous the stars are which all correspond to living Entities, you began to realize how many of them are here and they never tire in fooling man and women into worshipping them.


This story of the Serpent even survives within the stars as a star chart will reveal Alpha Draconis (One Female Dracon) wrapped around 1/3 of the stars including our Pole star Polaris. It is said this begins the importance of the number 33 or a third.

Old tales from England concluded that you had to defeat the Dragon if you wanted to exit this Universe because it guarded the Pole Star which corresponds to the exit and entrance points of our immediate Solar System.


Later it was found out by western thinkers through Hitler’s Paranormal division and Madame Blavatsky’s meetings with the dark Tibetans that the stars also corresponded to actual places on Earth, the Pole star was thus in Antarctica.


An opening was found there that lead to a jump gate (stargate) with various uses especially instantaneous travel throughout the Planet through wormholes.

Reason 110:

The Pole star has been mapped since ancient times.


The Earth contains various entrances to the center of the Earth. In other places natural wormholes have been located that have served as portals or gates entering and exiting Earth.

The 33rd Parallel located 33° longitude on the Planet Earth has been the main spot of esoteric activity.

  • The Roswell crash that began the Alien phenomena was mapped on the 33rd parallel

  • Nazareth the birthplace of Jesus is on the 33rd Parallel

  • Nagasaki is on the 33rd Parallel

  • Babylon in modern day Iraq is on the 33rd Parallel

  • The Mother Lodge of American Freemasonry lies on the 33rd Parallel

  • Bill Clinton was born in Hope, a Town on the 33rd Parallel

  • U.S. Highway 666 is on the 33rd Parallel

  • The no fly Zone for Baghdad was on the 33rd Parallel

  • "S"idon the seat of time on Earth and the Temples of BaalBek are located on the 33rd Parallel

  • The White House is on the 33rd Parallel

  • The Twin Towers fell exactly 33 years after their ground breaking ceremony in 1966

  • Samson and Jesus both died at age 33

The Number 3 was sacred to the Egyptians and in the Code it is also another form of an S.


3+3=6 "S"ix which is also the Letter G.


Notice the similarity in Black Letter "Luc"inda and Algerian G,G, 6. This is of course another hidden meaning to the "G" in Masonry beyond "Geometry" and "Generation". Much of this will make a lot more sense, if it already doesn’t, when you get further along.


You will begin to see the Matrix fall everywhere right in front of your face.



Reason 111:

The use of Sacred Geometry has profound effects when it comes to binding and controlling regions. There is a perfect relation in Color, Shape, Sound, and Number.


If we were taught only these things and not the garbage of the Curriculum, we would all be extremely intelligent and gifted in a high degree. The Elite have taken this knowledge and used it against us. Unless we begin to have a firm grasp on how all this works at some point in the near future the Positive will eventually have to face, or risk being wiped out, by the Negative.


In true Reason one does not assume good will always triumph, they morph into the role of good and insure they have put in motion some type of "true" energy to bring that idea about.


We should always ask ourselves "Did we do our best"?


The answer to that should be based on a point in life when you really know you had done your best, that’s called a point of reference it is of great value especially in meditations.

A hierarchy system exist amongst these Beings just like the one set up in our military, except much more animated.


Demigods like Beelzebub, Baphomet, and Quetzacoatl have their own followers although they all answer to something even "lower" than them. Their job is to gather the people any way they can and the dividing of Power goes on in the darkness where you cannot see. As they often tell you this world is more of an Illusion until you "wake up" to what ’s really going on.


Many of these Beings are responsible for creating this so-called Illusion or Maya/Maia.


The play on words here is obvious for example. Illuminati, Illusion, Ill, Illegal, Pill and Kill, in time I will show you how they are all related and who is the culprit behind such illiterate treachery. It would suffice to say now that it is very "ill"" as you can see by the words it uses to express itself.


The world’s largest pharmaceutical company is Lilly-Illy.


Reason 112:

The Illuminati is actually an Italian word.


The organization founded by Marchesa Isabella Aldobrandini Pallavicino. There is still the Ordinati, Intrepidi, Umoristi, the Academies of Esquilina, Infecondi, Occulti, Deboli, Immobili, Richelieu, Lynxes, Arcadia, and Liturgica to name a few.


Some of these groups make the Illuminati look like the YMCA. Last time We checked they had thousands of members. The underpowered has remained cloaked, and many things you will never see and never know, especially if you don’t enhance your spiritual position. When these groups Illuminate they enhance themselves with the strongest of Archons such as Baphomet/Temophab/Mohamed.

Some will ask, "why all this to take the soul", I will say this does not begin with checkmate, it is a procedure, consider this: Every pawn has the opportunity, no matter how slim it may be, too make it too the other side of the board where it can become any piece it wants.


All around you are pawns who don’t know they are pawns thus they make "illegal moves"" imagining they are Knights or even Queens. Your current world is run as 64bit Hypercube designed by Hybrid Queen Hydras that reside in Hyperborean. This is the Matrix.


And you say you can handle the truth?

The word Maya actually meant to divide or split in two first, then occurs its modern meaning of illusion which happens after the former takes place. In the ancient books its states the division was about cutting us off from our other side which included our right brain, our other soul called the Ba, and our contact with the other world where our closest parallel also known as our doppelganger or double exists.


This world that I speak of is actually the world that precedes this one in time because time does not exist there. Many people believe the Reptilian Anunnaki upgraded us, in all actuality it was a downgrade.


Deactivating our Pineal Gland and genetically inserting and activating a Reptilian portion in our brains that’s attached to ceremony.


There has been a large amount of research on the Reptilian portion of the brain. It makes us only think of survival, food, clothes, shelter and basic instinct. It begins to deactivate the much more creative Human portion of the brain that conceives beyond daily life into Art, Feeling, Creativity, and Expression.

When you can operate in both worlds you can move things around because time does not exist in the other world like it does here.


When you come back into this world things manifest immediately which is called keeping a foot in both worlds and was shown being done in Egyptian art. This world could be naturally reached through the dream state if there weren’t so many nets and webs that ones astral body gets entangled in when they go to sleep thus keeping them from traveling beyond the immediate globe of influence.


This is why the Maya depicted 2012 as being the end of the Illusion because all this would be found out.


The gig is up.


Reason 113:

The Maya, more correctly known as Maia which is one of the seven stars in the Pleiades did much of the Leyline work for the Serpents.


Other tribes like the Aztecs, Yucatán, Toltec, Incas, Tezcaucans, Peruvians and Araucannians all built Pyramids or other structures on the Leylines and began human and child sacrifice by instruction of their perceived Masters.

People tend to forget that the Maya also predicted their own destruction 500 years before it happened, this occurred because they where taught to believe in destiny so much they could not avoid it. The shear fact that Destiny has Tiny at the end of it turns me off; this word is too small for me to dissect.


Our future should never be associated as such, it’s despicable this kind of degrading. Their extensive knowledge of time was given to them by the Serpent. This is mainly evident because it wasn’t even a time chart for Earth’s processions but Sirius. They are often seen in sculptures and pictures bowing down to these Serpents who gave them this faulty system of time.


Let us think clearly, the one who gave us time was the culprit known as the Watcher or "Watch" just like a time piece this is another name for the Nephalim.


We find lots of hope also in the indigenous tribes many of whom had unlocked the ability to disappear totally from a reality in a blink of an eye which can be done when groups of people get together and pull all of their energy in collectively, thus creating a Gate to other worlds formed within the collective mind of the group.



Reason 114:

The Maya Long Count Calendar, functioned as a clock of the Universal Time of Earth's evolutionary development, based on the energies of Sirius/Sothis.


As you can see on the right, this watch maker obviously is in the known.

I will take this moment to elaborate on the damage of the split mind. First with the mind split there will always be some type of internal duality within the individual, a constant pulling from one side to the other depending upon what time of the season it is.


This Duality was remarked by the ancients as the two Horses pulling your chariot as can be seen on the #7 Tarot card. Unless you could get them to run together, they will go in separate directions eventually ripping you in two. This other side has a lot to do with being complete in our thinking; it is given the term masculine or feminine depending on you sex.


There is no space in this book to elaborate on what is masculine and what is feminine because of the complexity of the individual Creation, but there are a couple things that can be of value to consider.


Reason 115:

The Chariot is the body comprising two different sides that are the energy +/- just like a battery.


When the sides are balanced progress is made, when one side is unbalance there will be no movement as one side will always pull or drain the other. As far as the first card all the symbolism is indoctrination.


The 8 Pointed Star of Ilu, the Sphinx, the Square, the Egyptian Solar Disk, Crescent Moons, etc.

Feminine energy is intuitive while masculine energy is analytical power of reason and strength. Women say men need to be more sensitive to their surroundings in order to get in tune, which is true. There is seldom any response by men on what woman get to do. This is what I’ve learned, if we "sense" all the time without "analyzing" we will just go with the flow of life.


That current flow of life in our present world condition is actually going in the opposite direction of progress, it is headed towards decay as anything material will, it just is, and this is something that has happened before. It is also true when we become too analytical all we have is mountains of data that are not attached to feeling thus higher senses cannot be activated so there can be no power to do anything about your findings.


Especially when it comes to divining the "real truth" or the "root" of what is going on in your individual life so it can be adjusted properly so you can have a stable foundation.

For males it is of value to know that females make at least 50% more paranormal contact than males. One main reason these Beings can communicate with woman better than men is because they possess a womb, this is known as a "Soul Matrix". The fluid is highly magnetic and as any Yogi can tell you there is actually brain tissue around the stomach region, in short the stomach area is the keeper of Chi/Force/Power this is where it is harnessed and stored.


Women have a high generative cycle of this magnetic fluid in their Menstrual Blood or Plasma which is also a high energy substance. This was known by the Knights Templar as Sangrail which they would drink in their rituals of the Holy Blood the Holy Grail/"Mag"delena. Unfortunately this also results in more women being used to harness the dark powers without questioning whether or not it’s correct, they just go with the "flow".


As the "New Age" woman develops more analysis she will again deal a heavy blow to the Wicked One who is no match for the Fury of Woman but is ever seeking to use her prowess.


Reason 116:

This type of propaganda is being directed at the young women so they can imagine Witchcraft is a coven of woman sticking together.


In all actuality it is to place one under the service and spells of the Horney Gods, this reflects in how women’s bodies are desecrated and disrespected by these cults.


These are also called Corn Gods which is a term coined in Egypt were there entire economy depended on Corn at times. As you watch the "Orn" continue it is obviously wicked like we talked about with the "Or" you have words like Torn, Porn, Morn, Worn, etc. all implicating the culprit once more.

Men are no better, without the feminine side they personally need to see the physical result of their Spiritual practice, if it be any, in order to believe. Due to many practicing for personal gain they only engage in the arts that produce fast and vivid results.


This form of magic is the most dangerous as it is not a graceful energy but a magic based on receiving not giving thus various pacts are formed by men with lesser Spirits whose presence can be felt easier because they are dense slow moving vibrations, Chaos Magic.


This is called the Gambling of the soul which is why gambling is forbidden by wise men.


Even the numbers on the Roulette table added up equal 666. What gambling does is it allows the person to jump to a higher phase in this material world without proper preparation.


If a person has many bad habits and they happen to "strike it rich" the latter condition is far worst than the former, they now have money to feed their every corrupt desire.


Reason 117:

This is Baphomet the Horned God of Mendes.


When inverting the Pentagram this Being and Legions of others are evoked. As you see with the propaganda above Witches and Warlocks use both sides of the Pentagram and both sides bring about various energies we will call Negative Feminine and Negative Masculine.


These are extremely unbalanced distorted energies. The flute in the hand of Sothis is the same flute Pan, another Horned Goat God, is often seen with.

The balance comes in play when you are open to the emotional, sensual side of the world thus giving you extra perception, while your analytical mind is able to place it in its proper category due to previous experience and research. These two become the perfect self sustained match being capable of handling energies the proper way, expelling darkness and elaborating on the true light.


It is also of value to realize that to become a teacher you will need both of these in order to deal with the "two states of mind" if you expect to mend them. I will also remark that masculine and feminine personalities are not limited to any particular sex. You will find many individuals with a mix and match of these traits and it will be your task, if you choose it, to replace what is missing like a Surgeon.

With that being said do make a mental note that SIR which is a title given to a member of the high court and SUR normally used as the root of words like Surgeon along with SER as in Serpent, SAR as in Sargon, and SOR as in Sorcerer all are head serpent terms meaning that this is the common acronym they refer to themselves by on this dimension.


Also keep in mind most Surgeons have no idea of the root of the word, nor do they care. The Caduceus is the only hint at times they get that the whole medical institution is none other than a Lab belonging to the Hybrid Serpents set up for the various manipulations of the human body such as vaccines.

This also gives us a better resolve about choosing the proper companion. There is seldom a bigger hindrance when you are on the first levels of the Path than the "un-significant" other.


Many times two people have paired up for a prolonged period and are now only together because of the amount of time they have been with each other. I overheard a person once say,

"Well we have been together for 6 years and I owe it to try and make it work".

When leaving this Earth there will be just you, unless your mate is on the same frequency.


Of course in this life we desire to find compatible partners, however if we are personally just beginning to learn the truth of things, how can we expect our "old selves" to had chose anything good and balanced for us?

I was able to sum the whole relationship paradigm with this mode of thought. If he or she is concerned about their soul and its growth then there is a chance the relationship will work. If they are not concerned then the other conscious party will most assuredly be dragged down. This will come about often times not in the intent of the idle individual, but rather the things they engage in.


For example, if you are cleansing your mind and body seeking more clarity and a mate comes home after being in a bar for hours they are actually carrying a great deal of negative energy. When you share a bed with them you are even more vulnerable than they are since they as a vessel no longer matter to the Spirits, it is your fresh energy the Spirits want, they already have the other individual.


Even deeper than this, as long as you are "yoked" to them you are not only carrying them, but also the load that each of you acquire through life along with yourself. So in short if a person does not care about their soul, which is of the highest value, how can they care about you?

Although there may appear to be something there, it is not complete thus it will falter at a certain point, most assured when you need it most. The weak link on a chain only breaks when extreme pressure is applied. This is the danger of the Illusion, many people are pretending, and this makes them very unstable in certain key areas.


One of the main tactics of the Deceiver is to match you, the Seeker, with an unbalanced mate that may only have an exterior show of compatibility.


This is why lustful pictures, flirtatious men and women, risqué scenes, and various types of propaganda all are put in place to distract the Seeker and convince them to first try to find eternal happiness outside of themselves which is not possible. Of course you attract what you are so if you are incomplete but searching, you attract another incomplete person that is also searching and thus the blind follow the blind until they both fall into a pit.

This Magician or Magi who I call the Wizards who worship Lizards collaborated against man and woman a long time ago in exchange for individual favoritism.


The pact simply reads that in 6 lives they will "Reign" over man and woman and will make up the group we called the Elite. Those who are closer to the top of the pyramid generally are of the pure bloodlines that have remained the same since the first intermingling. This is called Holy Blood or Holy Grail.


They maintain a constant link with the collective hive mind. Those further down the Pyramid and degrees after initiation sometimes realize the horrible truth which is they not only have to do these Deities bidding in this life but they also belong to them in the lower dimension, a maddening reality that consumes from within.

Many may say they would never make such an agreement, however, they just have never been presented with such a deal; they would be ashamed at what the result may be. Imagine how many of today's youth will do anything just too become a star in Hollywood. It is of value to understand that the Elite do not need a person to join their team they have a waiting list.


Also you will do well to remember that although you would never do it there is always some Joe Smo around the corner who may be a little down on his luck that will. Until a person knows what’s fully going on everyday they sub-consciously make an agreement to also align with the negative force, there is no neutral grey area, everything must stay in motion. These people are often used unknowingly but are just as effectively.


There is no shame in it, a person can be used and manipulated in various ways until they take back control of their life which comes first in knowing what’s really going on.

Reason 118:

Again, there is no limit to how many people will join the Illuminati Circus if they are given the opportunity.


As I said before once you are in "the know" you will see it everywhere. Imagine, these two artist both released CD’s related to the Circus, the home of the Animist. One is called Womanizer, clearly a term that should not be respected and yet thousands of women bought the CD upon its release.


T-Pain whose name is enough explanation shows the "33" on his cover and of course the Skull.


All this is looked over by the fan who just wants to hear the tunes. Pan and his flute win again. All this is for a reason. Stay Alert Since this Matrix is based on Colors, Sounds, Shapes, and Numbers you have an opportunity to "view" the program.


Thousand if not millions of Americans faced heavy levels of mind control in the 80’s and 90’s just by leaving their T.V. on after the last show and falling asleep for a good 3 hours of low vibration frequency which was the prolonged sound you would hear before the station went off the air. It is of value to also point out that these Entities are not ignorant, doomed possibly, but not ignorant.


They have been here for Eons and carry the wisdom of Eons and many in exchange for that wisdom have sold their very souls.


Reason 119:

Max Headrooms aired sometime in the mid 80’s in the United States, few remember this show however so much mind control went across every episode with the colors, shapes, and design of the background along with Max’s Frequency enhanced voice, there is no telling how extensive the programming could have been.


Coding like this has everything to do with why people are clueless to reality.

As you see with words like Sly, Slick, Sneaky, Sick, Seduced, Slain, and way too many to itemize here all these words have one thing in common.


They all begin with "S," so now you are beginning to learn about the Symbols of the English language. In the English language there are words that are kept as triggers to use by the Elite. Words that are laden with "S"’s always tend to be bad news like Possession, Hitler’s SS, and men like Hallie Salassie, Samuel, Saturn, Satan, Shamash, Santa, Sananda, Sodom etc.


We call what belongs to us our possessions although this word has a dual meaning as many words do, possession means also to have something that is taking over you thus changing your character.


We find this true with rock and rap CD’s, horror movies, violent video games, risqué clothing, weapons, idols and many other things really possess a person which makes it of value to rid yourself of things that are carrying negative energy.


Reason 120:

Idols have always been a problem throughout time.


No matter what one may think the idol represents the true origin of many idols that are unknown by the possessor.


Think of this, if the statues and depictions of Jesus and Mary used in Christianity are of Anglo descent but Jesus was supposed to be Hebrew, who do you think they are the renditions of? Do you think it matters?


In addition the subconscious mind can sustain heavy altering when put to the extent of placing the subjects of belief, deliverance, and assistance in an inanimate object.

At this point some may say the word thing may be a little too excessive. As things speed up there will be much more addressed with the words as the story unfolds. You must know how to piece it all together and this makes it that much easier to explain to all the people you will have to tell.


After you are finished with the book reading it again will unlock even more things you did not see before.


When they teach you how to write in school they call it learning to "Spell". This word "Spell" can not be confused with anything else besides a Magical Incantation which is what it means. To go further to show no coincidence is being made here they go on to teach you how to write in "Cursive" in which the root of the word is "Curse". In writing I can leave no moments to think but that is pretty profound.


What we are instructed to do from the time we enter grade school is become little dark magicians along with a little help from people like Disney.


Reason 121:

The Illuminist Walt Disney introduced the young mind to a world of Magic and strange characters.


Movies like Alice in Wonderland had entirely different meaning.


Seeing movies like Angels in the Outfield analyzed by Film Expert Lennon Honor on YouTube revealed profound amounts of Pedophilia.


It is clear Disney and his group of Dark Magicians are out to hurt children, introduce dark magic into the household, and bring about the continued plan of population mind control.



Just as we faced as children a constant array of sick suggestive media indoctrination, the new generation faces a hybrid version of the same thing. Parents are unknowingly opening the gate of negative forces to the children at an early age. It may be fun to watch the baby dance to your favorite hip/hop or rock song, but what is it actually doing to such an innocent unprotected mind?


Especially since it is not condoned but promoted by the only person the child may know as its guide at such a young age. I’m not saying this needs to change, I believe its to late for that, most children now run their parents, what I am bringing light to is the results of such things. Like I said before the hybrid version of indoctrination wants more than just the innocent body, it wants the Soul.


Many parents are responsible for delivering it to the Deity on a silver saucer because they are themselves under illusions.


Reason 122:

The original story of Pan’s Labyrinth in dark esoteric works was that of Pan molesting little girls placed in his labyrinth by sadistic worshippers.


The story gets a rendition, some graphical enhancements, then comes out in theatre and wins tons of awards. Once again the Ill’s have fooled thousands into loving their sworn enemy.


You have learned enough about Deities now to inner stand that this card of Persephone, used in this children’s game, actually encourages a young girl to evoke the dark Queen damned to the Underworld. People are still acting like none of this is going on. Many are sitting back watching the children get hurt and won’t life a finger, it’s amazing I have received little "human" support on the Path, mostly ridicule, and I do this for their children.


Indeed the weight is heavy lifting the world and Atlas. So it be written let it be done. Unsluggish strength We have.

We have a little sign amongst those that I share thoughts with which is when we crack into something because the Code is constantly revealing new stuff, we often put our hand very close to our faces, that is where all the information is hidden, right in front of our faces. Of course being that it would be the last place that you would ever look. As you see the Great Pyramids are four sided pyramids not three. If you notice everything around you such as doors, windows, rooms and even work cubicles have all adapted the 4 sided 2D or 8 sided 3D cuboid shape or box.

There are certain words I call "power words" like instead of going backwards we should be going forwards but what are the "Four Words". Are there Four Words that give us foreknowledge "Four Knowledge"? We are even told that our ancestors or forefathers "Four Fathers" made history.


The Tetragrammaton (YHVH), which is the Hebrew world that remains as the root to many esoteric Names such as JeHoVaH and YaHWeH, consists also of only Four Words. As we continue to see there is something diabolical going on here with the 4 which in sacred geometry is a 2 Dimensional square, 4 dimensional cube, and 8 dimensional Octagon this is how worlds connect.


All words like Dionysus, Dios, Diana, Diamond, Die, Divide, Diabolical, and Diablo, are all intertwined and related with a story in antiquity.

The "D" itself in the English language is the symbol of a circle divided in two. If you open your breaker box right now and look at the manufacturer of the breaker you will see the company Square D, the logo is a D inside a square. They control everything related to power, as will be shown. The esoteric Masonic studies were focused on what they called squaring the circle. Since all organic life contains no straight edges and is always curved and circular this was the art of trapping organic life and holding them in various forms of stasis.


Trapping natural organic matter like me and you in Inorganic Cubes like the cubicles we are sent to work in everyday and the houses we are given to live in or sometimes foolishly build ourselves in the wrong designs. Putting ourselves into cubes and calling them home, this is another fine example of subtle programming.


They are Masters of the 2D primitive world of Matter which is black and white no color thus the black in white checkered pattern is one of their signs.

Reason 123:

As what is hidden comes into plain view you will see their signs everywhere they own huge companies such as the Checkered Cab of New York.


He makes the sign of the "L" as the Owl, the sacred bird of Isis is also in the picture. Some are still human, some are not however we will face them. Their plan is almost complete even "Sir" Winston Churchill was in on it but that should not "sur"prise you.


Their magic is that of mastering the cube as the world is treated as grand chess board. They also master knowing how to move about the square without getting caught in the web. Have you ever seen a spider get trapped in its own web?

All of the Pyramids at one point in history were connected and they had functioning capstones on top. Not to mention many of the Pyramids where completely coated with a substance that was washed away during the last flood, this substance allowed these great structures to reflect the Sun’s energy giving them the ability to become like large solar panels generating various energies depending upon the tuning.


In deeper writings it states that the Gods would land their ships on the top of these structures and they would serve as charging stations. Those traveling the desert could navigate their way by the shining light of the Great Pyramid which could be seen for thousands of miles.

The much older Hindu Puranas and Vedas describe detailed accounts of ships used by hyperdimensional Beings. When the Gods visited Earth they would arrive in large ships which were in other written accounts as large flying beasts because they made such monstrous noises, obviously the sound from the engines.


Then they would set themselves up in the temples man had built for them, lounge, and get served. This was one of the earlier versions of the Matrix that was washed away by the last Aquarian Age flood. It seems that the destruction and chaos of these Aquarian Ages are not limited to just the unsuspecting people but often the Deities themselves get destroyed by the Forces of Nature.


When I say false I don’t mean they don’t exist I mean they lie and what they say is false as in not true because they never make good on their word.

This is how the whole Cosmic Clock is tuned, right at the time things are about to reach critical mass and all hope has vanished. Right at the time were people think there isn’t even a Most High. Right at the time Deities, People, Beings and every created thing is in motion, a click happens that expands or contracts the experience, it is up to you to choose.


The Egyptians actually admitted that there was a Most High Being greater than the Gods but because they had not made contact with it, probably because of there dominant attitudes, they choose to obey the Entities that they were already familiar with. They are called "Familiar Spirits".

It becomes clear with the sign of Aquarius that the water bearer is dumping out a bucket of water upon the earth thus cleansing the earth from its current pesky inhabitants and getting it prepared for the next edition. The Great Pyramid itself in Egypt is said to have had 18 inches of special coating washed away from its surface. Many people look at the Pharaohs of Egypt and try to grasp how such an ancient empire was so far advanced.


You will also see how the Feline which is the Sphinx plays an important role.


The sign of the Lioness is used in modern symbolism relating to the ruling Monarch. Female, Fertility, Feline, and Feminine all begin with "Fe" for a reason. As you see on the crest of England the ruling power personifies itself as a Lion which can also be mapped in the cosmos by the constellation Leo. The females were hidden by direct order and the female role remained hidden and protected or simply put, veiled.

As can be seen in Egyptology the Egyptian Female Goddess Ma’at was the third eye of all Egyptian Gods also known as Wadjet. This means that the eye on top of the pyramid is actually the eye of Ma’at. They keep the Female Sphinx in front of all their main lodges for protection against various Spiritual forces the Elite are at war with. Egyptians kept large amounts of cats in their temples.


Cats carry lots of Prana and are very sensitive to other life forms. They are known to contain an Astral Spirit that can be trained. As you will be delighted to find out, since it gives you power and strength to know, this is none other than one of "Ma’s Tricks" or simply the Matrix that we are caught up in now.

The Egyptian worshipped Matter as the primal cause. Our word for matter comes from the word Ma’at. The Atlantians perfected the ability to take matter, which is flesh formed and fashioned into a human body, and then take a soul and animate the body with the soul. The matter was their creation and the soul was of course the creation of the Most High.


To do this they would have to pull souls from lower dimensions, other worlds, or wherever they could get souls. Finding souls was like mining for Gold. This whole art is called Necromancy thus one cannot simply die and think it is over they must somehow bypass reincarnation which was always considered a curse as if you had been netted like a fish and pulled back into the Planet/Planned Net.


Cloning makes it possible to make the body, Necromancy makes it possible to animate the body with a spirit, this is the other variation of the Philosopher’s Stone, in which the Alchemist used his body as the test subject. He would then add more elements/forces/spirits to his own body to enhance his abilities.


If the Alchemist did not have the correct formula of how to control the Matter while the process was taking, it would result in his own death or complete possession and that my good friend is the Alchemical Key.

You can trace the most recent use of this soul tampering to the Sumerian Anunnaki who are now professing they are the Creators of man and woman, and created them to be slaves. The true story is the Danu also known as Tuatha de Dannan, the Tribe of Dan, the Danites who where known to be giants did discover the secret to DNA/DAN.


The old Celtic doctrines speak of the Danu and some of their origin in which they are clearly part of the Atlantean Club which explains how they also had the knowledge of how to alter humans. They are also known as simply AN.


The "A" in the English language is the symbol of Atlantis omitting the crossing of the A. The crossing makes it a pyramid with a capstone. It was normally written to look like an upside down V which still meant 5.


Mary’s mother was named Ann, she was carrying the lineage of the bloodline so they could erect a world savior that all would eventually bow to no matter how many they needed to create, this has been going on at least since Mithras.


Reason 124:

The Egyptians symbolized the spirit as a snake.


In this glyph they have already trapped the spirit inside of these holding tubes, they are now placing the spirits in the clones/matter/golem so they may be endowed with the intelligence and reason of the soul thus they make better servants rather than organic machines which need to take orders before they will engage.

How the Elite work is, they expand their rule like a pyramid and elect many consorts in a system of hierarchy. Then they consolidate all of the power that they pull from the people back into the main Deity and close the top through the Hierophant, seldom distributing anything of true value.


When Beings come to a new Planet they first set up a Gate.


When gates are destroyed, which has been happening, a Being can no longer come into this dimension, trapping those who originally came through the Gate on the Planet until they are able to reconstruct the gate on the proper Leyline and make the "jump" back to their original Planet.


This is often referenced in many chronicles, annuals, and even the Bible. It often reads, "they tore down their Gates and dispersed their Gods".



Reason 125:

The Eyes of Wadjet/Ma'at always show separate, so you cannot visualize what the complete Being would look like, but now you see it is not Human, it is more like the Predator.

The Great Pyramids wormhole/zero point configuration is probably how continuous reincarnation or should I say "soul snatching" is happening on Earth. Necromancy obviously became primitive when new ways to harvest departed souls was discovered. There are smaller cult groups still practicing Goetia the old way.


Due to the information already known about the Pyramids, if you happened to come out of your body while in the vicinity of the Pyramid, it would eventually suck you in like going down a sink; this is called a vortex/wormhole/blackhole. When that happens you would come out somewhere and as I mentioned briefly, it seems the Pyramid could be tuned to determine were those entering its Vortex would come out.


Those with strong spirits have the "thrust" to trust they can jettison away from the whirlpool. (World Pull)

This book is being composed as Greater Israel is being realized, of course at the expense of thousands of Palestinian children’s lives who have no clue of the significance of their land and bloodline.


Even in Baghdad soldiers were issued swords and began cutting off heads of the people with certain last names by instruction of their Commanding Officers. The people of Baghdad still contain the bloodline of the Ancient Anunnaki, however, organizations such as Thule who have now the U.N. and several world leaders behind them intend to take over all Gates for their purposes.

Saddam Hussein went rogue after he began excavation and restoration of the Ancient City of Babylon located in Iraq. He was noted to spend at least 300 million using the best archeologists money could buy.


This is what the U.S. wanted so they allowed Saddam to get to a certain point.


Once he compared himself to Nebuchadnezzar they knew it was time to remove him since Nebuchadnezzar conquered the world and the U.S. was not going to see another rendition of that. Everything that is going on in Baghdad has to do with the Stargate of the Babylonians and the Tower of Babel.


Babylon is on a very powerful Leyline that has the ability of becoming a portal to cross dimensions with proper geometric setup.


Marduk/Ra declared Babylon his eternal city and coated everything in Gold.


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