by Ken Adachi
EducateYourself Website
One of the major goals of Alchemy was,
“The preparation of aurum potabile, liquid gold, a sovereign remedy,
because gold being itself perfect could produce perfection in the
human frame.”
-quoted from The History of Chemistry as quoted by
Manly P. Hall in his
The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p. CLV.
has long been called the metal of wisdom by
the Illuminati.
Illuminati are well aware of the alchemical quest to create the
correct type of gold which will bring enlightment to the world. The
Rabbi’s, who know the Cabala, have considered the secret of white
powdered gold the greatest secret of all times. Somehow the Egyptian
Pharaoh’s had learned the secret of how to make white powdered gold
which when seen up close is transparent--like the gold described in
the Bible as making up the streets in heaven.
This gold is monotonic (with molecules in a high spin state), and
looks like baking flour. It greatly enhances the pineal gland, and a
similar substance of iridium greatly enhances the pituitary gland.
Regular yellow gold or gold salts will cause the hair of the subject
to fall out, but white gold is safe to ingest. After ingesting the
white gold for over 9 months, a subject will become extremely
psychic and disease free. The person’s body will also glow. Whether
the Illuminati discovered this white gold, and have been using it
secretly when their adepts went into hiding for months of long
training, or whether they were only playing with substitutes we
cannot say. (By the way, some occult groups groom slaves in the
craft for 24 hours a day for a year.) At any rate, in recent years a
man named David Hudson, who is of the Holy Blood line (13th
Illuminati Bloodline, of the de Guise lineage), discovered and
patented white gold. He named the white gold Ormus, which is the
occult name for
the Prieure de Sion.
Ormus also pertains to Gnosticism in the ancient world. Ormus is
also the Hebrew words for “golden tree”, which David finds
appropriate since this white gold is the elixir of life that the sho-bread
(& manna) was made from. This is said to be the reason the Priest
glowed when he came out of the Holy of Holies, after eating the
sho-bread. David Hudson, told co-author Fritz that he was supportive of the
cabalistic goal of Adam Kadmon. Because Hudson knew the cabala very
well, it seems likely that he understands what Adam Kadmon is really
all about.
Monarch slaves of the
House of Rothschild have revealed
how the Illuminati are able to do what they call Proxying.
This is a Mind-Spirit transfer, done by the:
1. twinning traumas
3. telepathic communication
4. astral projection so
that all slaves worldwide are being pulled into one single
interlinked Demonic One World Mind [this is the so called 'hive
mind' characteristic of
the Reptilian alien groups that dominate and
interbreed with the human Illuminati... Ken Adachi]
We do not
understand how white gold and iridium help the body become a
semi-conductor so that the body is highly psychic, but it does. We
hope to find out more. David Hudson has the patent (U.S. patent and
some international patents) on white gold. There are a number of
scientific studies on white gold which verify the power of white
gold on the human body.
When the co-author Fritz talked to David
Hudson, he certainly knows the occult world exceptionally well,
besides being skilled in the Cabala. He claims he has nothing to do
with the occult world, and that he stays away from the Illuminati.
He says that he took what was occult and turned it into science. The
co-author’s talk with him left many questions. David Hudson has
given mankind the most important secret that has captivated the best
minds of the occult world for centuries, the Quest for the
Philosopher’s Stone.
[Precautionary note from Ken Adachi:
Readers should be aware that
Anna Hayes mentions in her books
that taking mono atomic gold is ultimately harmful. She claims
that the initial growth of psychic awareness is not permanent,
but rather levels off and later declines. Further, she says that
the promotion of mono atomic gold is an Illuminati deception.
While attracting the public with sugar plums of enhanced psychic
clarity and improved health, the ulterior purpose of promoting
mono atomic gold is to cause the destruction of the ten virtual
DNA strands which all humans possess and which are now
manifesting into 3D reality as seen with the 3, 4, or even 5
strands of DNA that now show up in the blood of
Blue Indigo
(Millennium) children.
The destruction of the ten virtual DNA strands (unseen with 3rd
dimension microscopes, but nevertheless still there in the
higher 4th dimensional vibratory plane) prevents a human from
activating these higher dimensional DNA strands and prevents
access to higher spiritual awareness and telepathic abilities,
as humans and mother Earth gradually increase our base vibratory
frequency and ascend into the fourth dimension (a process that
began in 1987 and will likely reach completion somewhere between
2018 and 2025). The activation of more than two strands of DNA
is apparently necessary to exist in physical form in the fourth
dimension. So now, the hidden purpose behind the promotion of
mono atomic gold is perhaps becoming more evident: the
Illuminati, the militarists, the satanists, the corrupt
politicians, etc., and all those who serve the Dark Master,
Lucifer, will not be allowed to reincarnate on a fourth
dimensional Earth.
Thus, being confined to the 3rd dimension, the Illuminati wishes
to keep their human slaves with them and not lose them to the
joy, peace, and freedom of a higher dimensional Earth. When you
consider that
Sir Laurence Gardner, a high Illuminati insider
(and full blooded Reptilian) has been continuously touting the
glories of mono atomic gold in every radio interview show he's
appeared on for the past few years (along with
William Henry),
you have to ask yourself,
"should I embrace the recommendations
of a satanist and high Illuminati front man or should I be
running in the opposite direction as fast as I can?"]