by Ron Patton
ThinkAboutIt Website
Amidst the subtle cerebral circumvention of the gullible populace, through a multitude of manipulated mediums, lies one of the most diabolical atrocities perpetrated upon a segment of the human race; a form of systematic mind control which has permeated every aspect of society for almost fifty years.
To objectively ascertain the following, one may need
to re-examine preconceived ideologies relating to the
dualistic nature of mankind.
It is therefore recommended not to read it unless
appropriate support systems are in place or if you have a thoroughly
reintegrated personality.
One of the earliest writings giving reference to occultism is the Egyptian Book of the Dead, a compilation of rituals explicitly describing methods of torture and intimidation (to create trauma), the use of potions (drugs) and the casting of spells (hypnotism), ultimately resulting in the total enslavement of the initiate.[1]
These have been the main ingredients for a part of
occultism known as Satanism, throughout the ages.
The outward goal of this Utopia was
to bring forth universal happiness to the human race.
However, their underlying intention was to gradually increase
control over the masses, thus becoming masters of the planet.
It then should be of little
surprise to know the first work in Behavioral Science research
was established in England in 1882, while much of the early medical
and psychiatric techniques involved in mind control were pioneered
at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany.
Interestingly, a progressive exchange of scientific
ideas was taking place between England and Germany, most notably in
the field of eugenics: the movement devoted to "improving"
the human species through the control of hereditary factors in
mating. The nefariously enigmatic union between the two countries
was bonded, partly through the Order of the Golden Dawn,
a secret society which consisted of many high ranking officials
in the Nazi party and British aristocracy.
The purpose of the program was to create a super-race (Aryans)
who would have total allegiance to the cause of the Third Reich
(New World Order).
Sadly, many of them did not survive
the brutality. Concurrently, "brain-washing" was carried out on
inmates at Dachau, who were placed under hypnosis and given
the hallucinogenic drug mescaline. During the war, parallel
behavioral research was led by Dr. George Estabrooks of
Colgate University. His involvement with the Army,
CID, FBI and other agencies remains
shrouded in secrecy. However, Estabrooks would occasionally "slip"
and discuss his work involving the creation of hypno-programmed
couriers and hypnotically-induced split personalities.[3]
One of the more prominent finds for the U.S. was German General Reinhard Gehlen.
Hitler’s Chief of Intelligence against Russia.
Upon arriving in Washington D.C. in 1945, Gehlen met
extensively with President Truman, General William "Wild
Bill" Donovan, Director of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
and Allen Dulles, who would later become the stalwart head of
the CIA. The objective of their brain-storming
sessions was to reorganize the nominal American intelligence
operation, transforming it into a highly-efficient covert
organization. The culmination of their efforts produced the
Central Intelligence Group in 1946, renamed the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) in 1947.
This particular piece of legislation was implemented to protect an unconscionable number of illegal government activities, including clandestine mind control programs.
Project CHATTER was developed in response to the Soviet’s "successes" through the use of "truth drugs." This rationale, however was simply a cover story if the program were to be exposed. The research focused on the identification and testing of such drugs for use in interrogations and the recruitment of agents.[5]
The project was officially terminated in 1953.
Its objectives were to:
In August 1951, Project BLUE BIRD was renamed Project ARTICHOKE, which evaluated offensive uses of interrogation techniques, including hypnosis and drugs.
The program ceased in 1956. Three years prior to
the halt of Project ARTICHOKE, Project MK-ULTRA
came into existence on April 13, 1953 along the lines
proposed by Richard Helms, Deputy Director of Central
Intelligence (DDCI) with the rationale of
establishing a "special funding mechanism of extreme sensitivity."[6]
A host of German doctors, procured from the post war Nazi talent pool, were an invaluable asset toward the development of MKULTRA. The correlation between the concentration camp experiments and the numerous sub-projects of MKULTRA are clearly evident.
The various avenues used to control human behavior under MKULTRA included:
A special procedure, designated
MKDELTA, was established to govern the use of MKULTRA
abroad. MKULTRA/DELTA materials were used for
harassment, discrediting or disabling purposes.[8]
MONARCH may in fact, have culminated from MKSEARCH subprojects such as operation SPELLBINDER, which was set up to create "sleeper" assassins (ie. "Manchurian candidates") who could be activated upon receiving a key word or phrase while in a post-hypnotic trance.
Operation OFTEN,
a study which attempted to harness the power of occultic forces was
possibly one of several cover programs to hide the insidious reality
of Project MONARCH.
When a person is undergoing trauma induced by
electroshock, a feeling of light-headedness is evidenced; as if one
is floating or fluttering like a butterfly. There is also a
symbolic representation pertaining to the transformation or
metamorphosis of this beautiful insect: from a caterpillar to a
cocoon (dormancy, inactivity), to a butterfly (new creation) which
will return to its point of origin. Such is the migratory pattern
that makes this species unique.
A marionette is a puppet that is attached to strings and is
controlled by the puppet master, hence MONARCH programming is
also referred to as the "Marionette Syndrome." "Imperial
Conditioning" is another term used, while some mental health
therapists know it as "Conditioned Stimulus Response Sequences."
Of course, most skeptics would view
this as simply a means to enhance trauma within the victim negating
any irrational belief that demonic possession actually occurs.
The victim/survivor is called a "slave"
by the programmer/handler, who in turn is perceived as "master"
or "god." About 75% are female, since they
possess a higher tolerance for pain and tend to dissociate easier
than males. Subjects are used mainly for cover operations,
prostitution and pornography; involvement in the entertainment
industry is notable.
In corroboration, a retired CIA
agent vaguely discussed the use of such personnel to be used as "plants"
or "chameleons" for the purpose of infiltrating a designated
group, gathering information and/or injecting an ulterior agenda.
A few of the internal images predominately seen by victims/survivors are:
Some are adopted out to families of similar origin. Others used in this neurological nightmare are deemed as he "expendable ones" (non-bloodliners), usually coming from orphanages, foster care homes, or incestuous families with a long history of pedophilia.
There also appears to be a pattern of family members
affiliated with government or military intelligence agencies.
These "New
World Order" alters supposedly contain call-back
orders and instructions to train and/or initiate a large influx of
people (possibly clones or "soulless ones"), thereby
stimulating social control programs into the new millennium.
For instance, two young non related children would be ceremoniously initiated in a magical "soul-bonding" ritual so they might be "inseparably paired for eternity" (possibly another Mengele connection?). They essentially share two halves of the programmed information, making them interdependent upon one another.
Paranormal phenomenon such as
astral projection, telepathy, ESP, etc. appear to be more pronounced
between those who have undergone this process.
Method and Components
This is primarily achieved through the use of electroshock (ECT) and is at times performed even when the child is in the mother’s womb.
Due to the severe trauma induced through ECT, sexual abuse and other methods, the mind splits off into alternate personalities from the core. Formerly referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder, it is presently recognized as Dissociative Identity Disorder and is the basis for MONARCH programming.
Further conditioning of the victim’s
mind is enhanced through hypnotism, double-bind coercion,
pleasure-pain reversals, food, water, sleep and sensory deprivation,
along with various drugs which alter certain cerebral functions.
This is achieved through the use of hi-tech headsets, in conjunction with computer-driven generators which emit inaudible sound waves or harmonics that affect the RNA covering of neuron pathways to the subconscious and unconscious mind.
"Virtual Reality"
optical devices are sometimes used simultaneously with the harmonic
generators projecting pulsating colored lights, subliminals and
split-screen visuals. High voltage electroshock is then used for
memory dissolution.
Many of the recent Disney movies and cartoons are used in a two-fold manner:
A prime example of how subliminal programming works is by looking at the recent Disney cinematic sensation Pochahontas, curiously billed as their "33rd" (highest degree in Scottish Rite Freemasonry) animated movie.
In the movie, Grandmother Willow is a
mystical 400 year old tree who counsels the motherless
Pochahontas to listen to her heart and help her realize all
the answers lie within. Grandmother Willow is constantly
talking in "double-speak" and using "reversals" (i.e.
"Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one"; the esoteric
derivative being: the left path [the path that leads to
destruction] is the easiest one.
The intrinsic imagery of the tree’s branches, leaves and root systems are very significant, as some of the dark spiritual proper ties associated with the Willow Tree Programming are:
Music plays an instrumental role in programming, through combinations of variable tones, rhythms and words.
Frightmeister Stephen King’s numerous novels
and subsequent movies, are purported by credible sources to be used
for such villainous purposes. One of his latest books, Insomnia,
features a picture of King with the trigger phrase "WE
NEVER SLEEP," (indicative of someone with MPD/ DID)
below an all-seeing eye.
A few movies which depict or portray
some aspect of MONARCH programming are Hell raiser 3,
Raising Cain, Labyrinth, Telefon, Johnny Mneumonic, Point of No
Return, The Lawnmower Man and Closet Land.
The two that went by the color-coded name of Dr. Green are a Jewish doctor named Dr. Gruenbaum, who supposedly collaborated with the Nazis during WWII, and Dr. Josef Mengele, whose trademark of cold blooded and calculating brutality has not only scarred the souls of survivors from Auschwitz, but also a countless number of victims throughout the world.
Mengele’s direct involvement at the infamous Auschwitz concentration camp was suspiciously downplayed during
the Nuremberg Trials, and consequently no intensified effort
by the U.S. and it’s allies was directed toward his capture.[13]
His unprecedented research, at the expense of
thousands of lives, undoubtedly was a significant bonus to U.S.
interests. Besides using the pseudonym of Dr. Green,
survivors knew him as Vaterchen (daddy), Schoner
Josef (beautiful Joseph), David and
Fairchild. A gracefully handsome man of slight stature,
Mengele would disarm people with his gentle demeanor, while at
other times, he would explode into violent rages.[14]
When he pulled off the last
daisy petal, he would maliciously torture and kill a small child in
front of the other child he was programming. Distraught survivors
also recalled being thrown naked into cages with monkeys, who were
trained to viciously abuse them. Evidently, Mengele enjoyed
reducing people to the level of animals. He also would purposely
restrain his victims from crying, screaming, or showing any
excessive emotion.
Experimentations were
conducted at several locations in Montreal, mostly at
McGill University, St Mary’s Hospital
and Allan Memorial Institute.
Many of those exploited were abused children which had been run
through the Roman Catholic orphanage system.
Much to the dismay of the young victims’ parents,
all charges were dismissed. Code-named "Malcolm",
Aquino was reported to have developed training tapes on how to
create a MONARCH slave and worked as a liaison between
Government/Military Intelligence and various criminal organizations
and occult groups in the distribution of MONARCH slaves.[16]
protégé, E. Hummel is active in the Northwest, along with
W. Bowers (from the
Rothschild bloodline).
In order to keep MKULTRA
from being easily detected, the CIA segmented its
subprojects into specialized fields of research and development
at universities, prisons, private laboratories and hospitals. Of
course, they were rewarded generously with government grants and
miscellaneous funding.
The "final product" was/is usually created on military installations and bases, where maximum security is required. Referred to as (re) programming centers or near-death trauma centers, the most heavily identified are:
Other places recognized as major programming sites are:
Jones, whose birth name is Jessica Wilcox, apparently fit the physiological profile as to be one of the initial experiments or human guinea pigs under the government’s "scientific" project, MKULTRA.
The most publicized case of MONARCH monomania has surfaced through the book TRANCE Formation of America: The True Life Story of a ClA Slave by Cathy O’Brien.
On the back cover it emphatically states,
This documented autobiography contains compelling accounts of O’Brien’s years of unrelenting incest and eventual introduction into Project MONARCH by her perverted father.
Along with co-author Mark PhiIlips, her
rescuer and deprogrammer, Cathy covers an almost unbelievable
array of conspiratorial crime: forced prostitution (white slavery)
with those in the upper echelons of world politics, covert
assignments as a "drug mule" and courier, and the country-western
music industry’s relationship with illegal CIA
He has testified about sexually-abused males selected from Boy’s Town in Nebraska and taken to nearby Offut AFB, where he says they were subjected to intense MONARCH programming, directed mainly by Commander Bill Plemmons and former Lt. Col. Michael Aquino.[18]
After thoroughly tormenting the young boys into mindless oblivion, they were used (along with girls) for pornography and prostitution with several of the nation’s political and economic power brokers. Bonacci recalled being transported from the Air Force base via cargo planes to McClelland AFB in California. Along with other unfortunate adolescents and teenagers, he was driven to the elite retreat, Bohemian Grove.
The perpetrators took
full advantage of these innocent victims, committing unthinkable
perversions in order to satisfy their deviant lusts. Some victims
were apparently murdered, further traumatizing already terrified and
broken children.
Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan-Sirhan, Charlie Manson, John Hinckley Jr., Mark Chapman, David Koresh, Tim McVeigh and John Salvi are some notable names of infamy, strongly suspected of being pawns who were spawned by MKULTRA.
Additional information about Cathy O'brien.
He essentially confirmed the suspicions of the attentive crowd of mental health professionals, wherein a certain percentage of their clients had undergone mind control programming in an intensively systematic manner.
alluded to the Nazi connection, military and CIA
mind control research, Greek letter and color programming and
specifically mentioned the Monarch Project in relation
to a form of operative conditioning. Shortly after his ground
breaking speech, he received death threats. Not wanting to
jeopardize the safety of his family, Dr. Hammond stopped
disseminating any follow-up information.
His inquisitive demeanor, strong conscience and heart-felt concern for Cathy O’Brien, a "Presidential Model’ under Project MONARCH, prompted him to reveal the inner-workings of this grand deception beginning about 1991. As the story goes, he helped Ms. O’Brien escape from her captors and was able to deprogram her in about a years time in Alaska.
The controversial
Phillips has his share of critics who are skeptical of the
veracity of his claims.
The astonishing testimony made by these two brave women included accounts of German doctors, torture, drugs, electroshock, hypnosis and rape, besides being exposed to an undetermined amount of radiation. Both Wolf and her patients stated they recovered the memories of this CIA program without regression or hypnosis techniques.[19]
Wolf presently devotes much of her time to counseling such
His clients, Jerry L. Dotey and Ann White, were victims of apparent radiation exposure; but as Mr. Rosenbaum probed deeper in the subsequent interview sessions, a "Pandora’s Box" was unveiled.
His most astonishing conclusion was that Jerry Dotey and Ann White were likely the off-spring of Adolf Hitler, based in part on the uncanny resemblance from photos (facial features; bone structure and size were taken into consideration).
Rosenbaum also states,
Dotey and White were allegedly subjected to torture of
many kinds while under drug induced hypnosis, with each one
undergoing at least three training techniques by plant physicians.
MKULTRA veteran, Dr. Bernard Diamond, Dr. Martin Orne and Dr. Josef Mengele regularly visited the ARCO plant, according to Rosenbaum.
The special conditioning of Dotey and White
was intended for the artificial creation of dual German
personalities. Rosenbaum, who is Jewish, has maintained a
deep friendship with the two, despite the seemingly precarious
Journalists who have recently expounded on the subject matter in
exemplary fashion are Walter Bowart, Operation Mind
Control, Jon Rappoport, U.S. Government Mind-Control
Experiments on Children and Alex Constantine, Psychic
Dictatorship In The USA.
When former CIA Director William Colby was asked directly,
Suffice to say that society, in its apparent state of cognitive dissonance, is generally in denial of the over whelming evidence of this multifarious conspiracy.
Numerous victims/ survivors of Project MONARCH are in desperate need of help. However, the great majority of people are too preoccupied with themselves to show any genuine compassion toward these severely wounded individuals. Apathy has taken over the minds of the masses, who choose to exist within the comforts of this world.
Reality has thus become obscured by relativism and selfishness.
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