by David Moye
Contributor AOL News
April 20, 2010
AOLNews Website
Although scientists are working nonstop
to learn all they can about earthquakes, some people already have
the answers.
At least they think they do.
For instance, one Iranian cleric is blaming all the recent
earth-shaking activity in Mexico's Baja California, Chile and Haiti
on booty-shaking women flaunting their sexuality.

Courtesy the Rev. Brian Keneipp
The Rev. Brian Keneipp says the recent rash of earthquakes is karmic
for the violent way NASA's LCROSS rocket gashed into the
moon's surface.
According to
Fox News, Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi, a senior Iranian
cleric, blames earthquakes on ladies who wear revealing clothing and
behave promiscuously.
"Many women who do not dress modestly... lead young men astray,
corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which
[consequently] increases earthquakes," Sedighi told Iranian media.
Determining the cause of quakes is a big deal in Iran, one of the
most earthquake-prone countries in the world, and Sedighi's anti-hootchy-kootchy
decree comes on the heels of a recent prediction by President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that a huge earthquake was imminent and that
many of the 12 million citizens of Tehran should relocate.
But research suggests that earthquake theories are like rear ends - everyone has one.
For instance, the Rev. Brian Keneipp, executive director of the
Aetherius Society of America, a worldwide spiritual organization,
claims the recent rash of earthquakes is simply karma for the
"cosmic vandalism" done to the moon by NASA's recent
LCROSS mission,
which was designed to search for water in some deep craters on the
moon's southern hemisphere.
Keneipp concedes that earthlings have left lots of space junk on the
moon since the first rocket was sent in 1959, but he says most of
those crashed at a low angle of impact. On the other hand, he says,
LCROSS hit the lunar surface at a very sharp angle, almost as if
NASA went out of its way to create the most violent impact possible.
As a result, Keneipp says, we are now getting karmic payback in the
form of earthquakes.
"The law of karma is based on this principle: As you sow, so shall
you reap. If a civilization does something wrong, then universal law
kicks in, and the civilization has to pay for what it's done,"
Keneipp says.
Granted, he admits that the size of the LCROSS rocket was probably
an amoeba compared with the size of the moon, but that's no excuse,
since humans have a higher consciousness than amoebas.
"A raised consciousness means a higher responsibility," he says.
"The mistake we make is throwing rocks at the moon and assuming it's
a lifeless rock that we can do whatever we want to. It's not showing
reverence to the moon as a life form."
Keneipp doesn't know how long the earthquakes will continue, but he
promises that the moon won't hold a grudge.
"Advanced beings are way
beyond this eye-for-an-eye thinking," he says.
But are they?
Not according to graphic artist and self-proclaimed pagan Dame
Darcy, who says earthquakes represent a symptom of what happens when
Mother Nature goes through menopause and has a hot flash.

Courtesy Dame Darcy
Graphic artist and self-proclaimed pagan says earthquakes are
Nature's revenge for all the global warming that is killing the
coral on the ocean floor.
"Global warming is Earth's version of menopause," Darcy says. "You
throw her off her cycle and she'll throw tsunamis and earthquakes at
As a pagan, Darcy worships the Earth goddess.
As such, she compares
the coral on the bottom of the oceans to menstrual blood.
"Coral is like a lining at the bottom of the ocean, and it's like
the lining of blood that feeds a fetus," she explains.
"The coral is
depleting in a dangerous way - and it's not a plant, it's a living
creature. Take it out of the ocean and it throws everything off
balance, and that makes Mother Nature mad, and that's when you get
tsunamis and earthquakes."
But while some folks blame earthquakes on trampy women, a miffed man
in the moon or a menopause-mad Mother Nature, Alfred Webre, an
environmental journalist in Vancouver, British Columbia, created a
website that explores what he says is the real, simpler cause of
recent earthquakes: the almighty dollar, or, rather, the quest for
Webre suggests there is ample evidence that both the
U.S. and Russia
have developed electromagnetic weapons that can trigger earthquakes.
He believes this resulted in the recent quakes in Chile and Haiti.

Courtesy Alfred Webre
Environmental journalist Alfred Webre says evidence suggests the
and the United States are using seismic warfare against
countries like Chile and Haiti.
"The Haiti earthquake was a 'seismic bomb' responsible for more
deaths than Hiroshima," Webre says. "There are enormous gold and oil
deposits under Haiti and the island of Hispaniola, and the Haitian
government has long been opposed to letting foreign interests
exploit it."
He speculates that the earthquake was designed to destroy the
government and infrastructure so the asset exploitation could
On the other hand, Webre wonders if the Chilean earthquake was
designed to put all the governments of South America on notice.
"There are a massive number of petroleum reserves under the Falkland
Islands, and a group of South American nations, led by Venezuelan
dictator Hugo Chavez, are trying to get England to give those
reserves to Argentina," Webre says.
He thinks the earthquake was a subtle way of letting South Americans
know that they should worry about other things besides those oil
Whether or not Webre's allegations are true, the idea is chilling
because, as he points out,
"there's no way to tell if an earthquake
is caused by nature or machine."