Theory #1
One internet forum has posted a picture comparison to show people
that a
Solar flare may have been the cause of the earthquake.
Take a
look below:

Theory #2
Some internet websites are actually posting info about this so
called "Supermoon" connection to earthquakes.
BEIJING, March 15 (Xinhua)
Though scientists across the world
insist that the March 19 "supermoon" could not trigger natural
disasters, some Chinese continue to relate end-of-world topics with
the 9.0-magnitude earthquake and resulting tsunami that struck
Japan's eastern coast Friday.
This coming Saturday night, the moon
will come the closest it has been to the Earth in almost two
decades. It will appear brighter and larger in the sky than other
full moons, due to its proximity to the Earth.
Some believe the
nearness of the moon will mean earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and
other natural disasters, especially now that some of these disasters
have recently occurred.
The Times of India posted a story called "Nothing Supernatural About Supermoon"
And of course FOX News, the media conglomerate that has made a name
for itself as a government front, posted this article called "March
19, Supermoon May Cause Moonquakes, Scientist Says."
Theory #3
Although this comet theory is highly improbable, it was worth
posting. This video has been checked in internet cache and you can also
follow this link to see that it was indeed
posted 2 days before
the earthquake.
Theory #4
One website posted the University of Tokyo's
HAARP induction
magnetometer to see if HAARP was fired up around the time of the
Sure enough, following a week of electromagnetic silence, HAARP was turned on at approximately 0:00 hours 9 March, 2011 UTC
and has been going strong since.
Here is the data for the 36 hour
period it was turned on:

For the week prior to the quake, HAARP had been turned off with the
induction magnetometer looking something like this everyday:

The same website where one of the HAARP theories was presented
posted videos from 2009 and 2010 where HAARP or some similar weather
modification device is allegedly being used over Japan skies:
There was also a 2007 Niigata, Japan earthquake called "Western
Bankers Threatened Japan with HAARP Eco-Destruction a Year Before
China Quakes."
Before the
2007 Niigata earthquake, just as before the
China and Chile quakes, strange aurora-like lights were seen in the
sky, lights that HAARP experts claimed were caused by
electromagnetic disturbance coming down from the ionosphere:
Theory #5
One blog out there on the internet
has attempted to suggest a
brown dwarf star which is moving
throughout the galaxy is currently passing near our solar system
and perhaps might be affecting our Earth's gravitational and
electromagnetic forces.
Theory #6
Many people who in the Astrological community as well as the
conspiracy theory circles are suggesting that perhaps the coming
2012 alignment known as the
Mayan cosmo-genesis will be accompanied
by major earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes and other
Some 2012 theories even suggest a planetary pole shift,
which if it were to happen would be one of the most life threatening
event for the entire planet since a planetary pole shift would
literally erupt almost every volcano at once and flood all ocean
front cities as well as set off earthquakes along fault lines. It
would pretty much be a doomsday scenario if it came true.
My personal favorite 2012 researcher was
Ian Lungold. I have seen
dozens of theories and dozens of researchers with 2012 data but Ian
Lungold was by far one of my favorites, personally.
Ian died a few
years ago from cancer and still lives on in many people's lives as a
messenger and friend.
Part 1 - The Mayan Calendar Comes North
Part 2 - The Mayan Calendar Comes North