by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
30 June 2008
Sott Website

How the Tunguska object may have appeared.
One hundred years ago today, on the night of 30 June and 1 July, one
of the most extraordinary events in modern history occurred.
The first reports of a strange glow in the sky came from across
Europe. Shortly after midnight on 1 July 1908, Londoners were
intrigued to see a pink phosphorescent night sky over the capital.
People who had retired awoke confused as the strange pink glow shone
into their bedrooms. The same ruddy luminescence was reported over
The skies over Germany were curiously said to be bright
green, while the heavens over Scotland were of an incredible intense
whiteness which tricked the wildlife into believing it was dawn.
Birdsong started and cocks crowed - at two o'clock in the morning.
The skies over Moscow were so bright, photographs were taken of the
streets without using a magnesium flash. A captain on a ship on the
River Volga said he could see vessels on the river two miles away by
the uncanny astral light.
One golf game in England almost went on
until four in the morning under the nocturnal glow, and in the
following week The Times of London was inundated with letters from
readers from all over the United Kingdom to report the curious
'false dawn'. A woman in Huntingdon wrote that she had been able to
read a book in her bedroom solely by the peculiar rosy light. There
were hundreds of letters from people reporting identical lighting
conditions that went on for weeks...
(Tom Slemen)
None of the people witnessing this strange phenomenon had any idea
that, in the central Siberian plateau, just after 7:15 a.m. local
time, the planet had been hit by a cometary impactor that exploded -
as most such impactors do - in the atmosphere just above the Earth's
There was, of course, a great deal of comment about the
strange, glowing sky in newspapers and scientific journals at the
time. A theory was proposed that icy particles had somehow formed
high in the atmosphere and were reflecting sunlight. Another theory
suggested that a strange auroral disturbance was involved. The
Danish astronomer Kohl pointed out that several very large meteors
had recently been observed over Denmark and he suggested that comet
dust in the high atmosphere might account for the phenomenon.
He was
getting close, but in general, there was no agreement as to what had
An Irkutsk newspaper dated 2 July reported that, in a village more
than 200 miles from the Tunguska river, peasants had seen a fireball
brighter than the sun approach the ground, followed by a huge cloud
of black smoke, a forked tongue of flame and a loud crash as if from
All the villagers ran into the street in panic. The old women wept
and everyone thought the end of the world was approaching.
Nearly 400 miles south-west of the explosion, at 7:17 a.m. on 30
June, a train driver on the Trans-Siberian express had to stop his
train for fear of derailment due to the tremors and commotion. In
towns 300 to 400 miles away, hurricane-like gusts rattled doors,
windows and crockery. This was followed within minutes by shock
waves which knocked down horses and hurled people working on boats
into the river.
Over 550 miles to the south of the explosion, a seismograph in the
city of Irkutsk near Lake Baikal, close to the Mongolian border,
registered strong earth tremors.
Local Siberian newspapers carried stories of a fireball in the sky,
and a fearful explosion, but by the autumn of 1908 these stories had
died out, and they went unnoticed in St. Petersburg, Moscow and the
West. The region was arguably one of the most inaccessible places on
Earth, in the center of Siberia.
The closest observers of the explosion were reindeer herders asleep
in their tents in several camps about 30 km from the site.
They were
blown into the air and knocked unconscious; one man blown into a
tree later died of his injuries.
Early in the morning when everyone was asleep in the tent, it was
blown up in the air along with its occupants. Some lost
consciousness. When they regained consciousness, they heard a great
deal of noise and saw the forest burning around them, much of it
The ground shook and incredibly prolonged roaring was heard.
Everything round about was shrouded in smoke and fog from burning,
falling trees. Eventually the noise died away and the wind dropped,
but the forest went on burning. Many reindeer rushed away and were
Thousands of reindeer, in the general area around ground zero, were
killed. Many campsites and storage huts belonging to the herders
that dotted the area were destroyed.
Rumors of an extraordinary event persisted, transmitted back by
geologists and other researchers working in the area. These stories
attracted the attention of a meteorite researcher, Leonard Kulik.
But, it was not until 1927 that he could finally lead an expedition
to the site of the 1908 explosion.
Kulik got off the Trans-Siberian railway at the Taishet station and
on horse-drawn sledges they set off on an arduous three-day odyssey
through 350 miles of ice and snow until he and his men reached the
village of Kezhma, situated on the River Angara. At the village
Kulik and his party of researchers replenished their supplies of
food, then struggled on for a three-day journey across wild and
unchartered areas of Siberia until they reached the log-cabin
village of Vanavara on 25 March.
Kulik then tried to make headway through the untamed Siberian
forests, or taiga as the Russians call it, but was forced to turn
back after heavy snowdrifts almost froze the horses to death. For
three days Kulik was forced to remain in the snow-bound village of
Vanavara, but during this period he interviewed many of the Evenki
hunters who had witnessed the Siberian fireball's arrival on this
The tales of the sky being ripped open by a falling sun and of a
great thunder shaking the ground made Kulik even more eager to
penetrate the taiga to find his holy grail.
When the weather gradually improved, Kulik set out for the Tunguska
Valley. When he finally reached the site of the mysterious
explosion, he was almost speechless. From a ridge overlooking the
scene, Kulik took out his notebook and scribbled down his first
impressions of the damage wreaked by the cosmic vandal.
Kulik wrote:
From our observation point no sign of forest can be seen, for
everything has been devastated and burned, and around the edge of
the dead area, the young, twenty-year-old forest growth has moved
forward furiously, seeking sunshine and life.
One has an uncanny
feeling when one sees twenty to thirty-inch [thick] giant trees
snapped across like twigs, and their tops hurled many yards away.

Aftermath of the Tunguska explosion
There were three further expeditions to the site of the Tunguska
explosion, all of them headed by Kulik. In 1941, Hitler attacked
Russia. The 58-year-old Leonid Kulik volunteered to defend Moscow,
but was wounded by the Nazis.
He was captured by German troops and
thrown in a prison camp where he died from his wounds.
[Tom Slemen]
The energy of the explosion has been calculated from the extent of
the flattened forest and from the small pressure waves which arrived
at the speed of sound and were recorded on barographs around the
world including stations between Cambridge, 50 miles north of
London, and Petersfield, 55 miles south.
Interestingly, it took the
meteorologists in England twenty years to make the connection
between their records and the devastation in Tunguska.
The wave
trains were unlike any others which had been recorded up until that
time but nowadays we know that they do resemble those obtained from
a hydrogen bomb explosion. It seems that the impact had an energy of
30 to 40 megatons, the combined force of a few dozen ordinary
hydrogen bombs.
According to John Baxter and Thomas Atkins, in their book
The Fire
Came By, the explosion resulted in an enormous "pillar of fire" and
the blinding column was visible for hundreds of miles.
The series of
thunderous claps that followed could be heard for 500 miles or more.

What the Tunguska explosion may have looked like.
The noise of the explosion deafened those close to the blast.
Following that, a searingly hot thermal current from the fire in the
sky raced across the forests. Tall conifers were scorched and
ignited and the fires burned for days.
Residents of Vanavara, a
small trading post about forty miles distant, felt the fierce draft
of heat. Some individuals there were flung into the air as the shock
wave arrived; pieces of sod were gouged up, ceilings collapsed, and
windows were shattered.

Aftermath of the Tunguska explosion
As it happens, the date of fall, 30 June, corresponds to the passage
of the Earth through the maximum of the Beta Taurid stream. From
this and its trajectory, it appears that the Tunguska object was
part of the Taurid complex. Probably the Earth passed through a
swarm within the stream.
The scientific investigation undertaken by Kullik in 1927 revealed
that near the center of the blast many of the trees were still
standing upright, even though denuded of limbs and leaves. Further
from ground zero the trees were blown down and seared, forming
concentric circles with the bases of the trees all pointing in the
direction of the center of the blast.
All of this evidence pointed
to the fact that the blast almost certainly occurred in mid air.

This image shows the directions of the blast
The occurrence, this century, of an impact with the energy of a
really big hydrogen bomb does give one pause. Had the incident
occurred today, it would probably trigger World War Three. Just a
few hours earlier or later and the impact could have been over a
major city or urban area.
But that didn't happen.
As noted, it was
twenty years before anyone really had an inkling of what DID happen.
That was partly due to the fact that the Russians in 1908 were
somewhat occupied with politics. The previous year, 1907, Czar
Nicholas had found himself faced with revolutionaries being elected
in large numbers to the newly created parliament - the Duma.
eventual revolution began in 1918. One might even say that the
Tunguska event was a harbinger of things to come. And maybe in more
ways than anybody thinks.

This diagram shows the area of damage in Tunguska as compared to the
size of Washington D.C.
Eighty-six years later, in July of 1994, there was another
harbinger: the fragments of
Comet Shoemaker-Levy struck Jupiter.

If they were able to brush Tunguska off as a fluke, scientists were
not so easily able to put aside the spectacle of a whole string of
comets hitting another planet in our solar system, one after the
other, as the planet spun in space.
In the same year, a book
Hazards due to Comets and Asteroids was published in
reaction to this, then impending, event. The book is a collection of
papers which I have referenced before in this series.
One of the
papers in that book says:
Our understanding of the history of Earth and its inhabitants is
undergoing a radical change. The gradual processes of geologic
change and evolution, it is now clear, are punctuated by natural
catastrophes on a colossal scale - catastrophes resulting from
collisions of large asteroids and comets with Earth. It is, to use
the popular term, a "paradigm shift."
This "new catastrophism," is not unlike the revolutions brought
about by the heliocentric solar system of Copernicus, or Darwinian
evolution, or the big bang. In retrospect, such revolutionary ideas
always seem obvious.
On reading the Origin of Species, Thomas Huxley
remarked simply:
"Why didn't I think of that."
Now, looking at the
Moon, we find ourselves wondering why it took so long to ask whether
the process that cratered its surface is still going on.
Robert L.
Park of The American Physical Society
Lori B. Garver of the
National Space Society
Terry Dawson, a staffer for the House
Committee on Science, Technology, and Space working for the
Committee's then Chairman, Rep. George Brown
Let me repeat that most important remark:
Our understanding of the history of Earth and its inhabitants is
undergoing a radical change. The gradual processes of geologic
change and evolution, it is now clear, are punctuated by natural
catastrophes on a colossal scale ...
That may be the understatement of the millennium.
It has been suggested by a number of researchers that the current
"climate change" issues are actually due to the earth moving through
cosmic dust clouds and that all the hoopla about global warming is
simply a cover-up of this fact.
Astrophysicist Victor Clube suggests
that it is a cometary cosmic dust cloud, left over from the break-up
of a giant comet that, for a long period of the Earth's history,
threatened and bombarded our planet with unspeakably horrible,
civilization destroying fragments, i.e. the progenitor of the Taurid
stream, including the Tunguska comet.
Clube also argues that these
events were the basis for the formulation of humanity's ideas about
the cosmos, god and religion and even astrology.
Over time, as the
giant comet spent most of its mass in its Titanic fury, dying away
to occasional less than civilization destroying bombardments, our
conceptions of gods changed; the reality was tossed out the window
in favor of fairy tales for both science and religion, not to
mention astrology.
He writes:
Three thousand years ago, in accordance with age-old practice, the
kings of Babylon were still employing astronomer-priests to give
warnings of cosmic visitations. A thousand years ago, the emperors
of China were still relying on similar skills, while in Europe the
Pope saw messages in the sky and urged Holy War. But this latter was
an aberration; for the last two and a half thousand years have seen
the decline and fall of the sky gods, and the growing presumption
that the cosmos is stable and regular.
The shift of paradigm has
been unconscious, convenient, insidious and thorough. Probably, the
rediscovery of a lost tradition of celestial catastrophe could not
have been made through analysis of ancient texts alone; a key had to
be provided, and it has been, by the paraphernalia of modern
science. It is a salutary lesson both on the capacity of human
reasoning to get it wrong for long periods of time, and on the
essential unity of knowledge.
It would be naïve to think, however, that one merely has to point to
deep-seated cracks in the structure of modern knowledge to have
scholars setting to and constructing a better framework within which
mankind might plan his future. There is considerable intellectual
capital invested in the status quo, enough to ensure that those with
an interest in preserving it, the 'enlightened' and the
'established', will continue to present the cosmos to us in a
suitably non-violent form.
The history of ideas reveals that some
will even go further and act as a kind of thought police, whipping
potential deviants into line. For them, temporal power takes
precedence over the fate of the species.
The Cosmic Winter)
This problem of the "status quo" and "thought police" is not a minor
In this series of articles that were kicked off by Mike
Baillie's book
New Light on the Black Death, we have repeatedly come
face to face with the obvious fact that those in positions of power
and authority lie to the masses of humanity as a rule rather than an
Again and again in this series, we have discussed historical
cometary bombardments, the consequences for humanity being dire
enough to begin with, but which were then exacerbated and
capitalized upon by pathological deviants, following which the facts
were covered up by lies. Worse, again and again we have seen that
the masses of humanity that suffer the most from these assaults and
manipulations appear to be quite willing to be deceived even to
their own death and destruction (if only someone will give them
something warm and fuzzy to believe in and a scapegoat to blame).
present, we are observing this phenomenon playing out on the global
stage in real time and again and again we shake our heads and ask
"why?!" What is it about our world, our present day culture, the
human beings that occupy our planet, that gives rise to this bizarre
condition that lies are preferred over truth, death over life?
As I have pulled on the many threads that lead to and away from
these matters, what I see repeatedly is a small group of people on
the planet who rule over the masses of people, who do not have
humanity's best interests at heart - another staggering
understatement, but I'm on a roll so why stop now? What I see is the
constant - and mostly successful - efforts of this small group
driving to enforce totalitarianism in one guise or another - from
politics to religion to all fields of science - on the entire world.
And again and again they utilize disasters as a means to consolidate
their power. Read Naomi Klein's book
The Shock Doctrine to get a
good grip on exactly how this works now, and how it has always
There is nothing new under the sun!
Parallel to the growing awareness of pathology in power is the
expanding research among a few maverick scientists and researchers
showing plainly that cometary disasters are cyclic and it is
altogether possible that there are still a few big bangs left in the Taurid meteor stream. It is also possible that there are new swarms
of comets heading our way as recent "global warming" and "moon
capture" events on the other planets seem to indicate.
Something is
definitely going on in our solar system and we need to know what it
What seems certain is that if disasters are in our future, it
will be seen by the elite as just another opportunity to use their
Shock tactics to consolidate their power over the entire globe,
never mind that there might be so few people left that it will only
amount to being a big frog in a small pond - and possibly a frozen
one at that.
In her book
The Origins of Totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt wrestles
mightily with the problem, never quite reaching a complete
explanation nor solution.
After all she saw, all she experienced,
all her research, in the introduction she wrote:
Two world wars in one generation, separated by an uninterrupted
chain of local wars and revolutions, followed by no peace treaty for
the vanquished and no respite for the victor, have ended in the
anticipation of a third World War between the two remaining world
powers. This moment of anticipation is like the calm that settles
after all hopes have died.
We no longer hope for an eventual
restoration of the old world order with all its traditions, or for
the reintegration of the masses of five continents who have been
thrown into a chaos produced by the violence of wars and revolutions
and the growing decay of all that has still been spared. Under the
most diverse conditions and disparate circumstances, we watch the
development of the same phenomena - homelessness on an unprecedented
scale, rootlessness to an unprecedented depth.
Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended
so much on political forces that cannot be trusted to follow the
rules of common sense and self-interest - forces that look like
sheer insanity, if judged by the standards of other centuries. It is
as though mankind had divided itself between those who believe in
human omnipotence (who think that everything is possible if one
knows how to organize masses for it) and those for whom
powerlessness has become the major experience of their lives.
On the level of historical insight and political thought there
prevails an ill-defined, general agreement that the essential
structure of all civilizations is at the breaking point. Although it
may seem better preserved in some parts of the world than in others,
it can nowhere provide the guidance to the possibilities of the
century, or an adequate response to its horrors.
Desperate hope and
desperate fear often seem closer to the center of such events than
balanced judgment and measured insight. The central events of our
time are not less effectively forgotten by those committed to a
belief in an unavoidable doom, than by those who have given
themselves up to reckless optimism. [...]
This book [...] was written out of the conviction that it should be
possible to discover the hidden mechanics by which all traditional
elements of our political and spiritual world were dissolved into a
conglomeration where everything seems to have lost specific value,
and has become unrecognizable for human comprehension, unusable for
human purpose.
To yield to the mere process of disintegration has
become an irresistible temptation, not only because it has assumed
the spurious grandeur of "historical necessity," but also because
everything outside it has begun to appear lifeless, bloodless,
meaningless, and unreal.
The conviction that everything that happens on earth must be
comprehensible to man can lead to interpreting history by
commonplaces. Comprehension does not mean denying the outrageous,
deducing the unprecedented from precedents, or explaining phenomena
by such analogies and generalities that the impact of reality and
the shock of experience are no longer felt.
It means, rather,
examining and bearing consciously the burden which our century has
placed on us - neither denying its existence nor submitting meekly
to its weight. Comprehension, in short, means the unpremeditated
attentive facing up to... reality.
In this sense, it must be possible to face and understand the
outrageous fact that so small (and, in world politics, so
unimportant) a phenomenon as the Jewish question and anti-Semitism
could become the catalytic agent for first, the Nazi movement, then
a world war, and finally the establishment of death factories. [...]
or the curious contradiction between the totalitarian movements
avowed cynical "realism" and their conspicuous disdain of the whole
texture of reality. [...]
The totalitarian attempt at global conquest and total domination has
been the destructive way out of all impasses. Its victory may
coincide with the destruction of humanity; wherever it has ruled, it
has begun to destroy the essence of man.
(Hannah Arendt, Summer,
Hannah's comments and observations of our world, wrung from her own
pain and experiences, have never been more poignant than today when
we face exactly what she was describing: Global Totalitarianism
rising like a mighty juggernaut with the end of humanity in sight.
And never have we seen more clearly that characteristic of the
authoritarian type Hannah also saw:
"avowed cynical 'realism' and... conspicuous disdain of the whole texture of reality."
If you
want to see a stunning portrayal of this type of individual, get a
copy of Lions for Lambs (below video) and watch Tom Cruise deliver a drop-dead
We regularly discuss the problem of pathological
deviance and how pathology can drive an individual to seek power
over others.
We have brought forward the work of Andrzej Lobaczewski,
Political Ponerology, and this goes a long way toward providing a
framework in which the history of evil - particularly political evil
- can be understood.
As far as I can tell, Hannah Arendt did not consider the problems of
pathology and how it operates in society as a corrupting element,
nor did she consider the factor that Judaism and its offspring,
Christianity and Islam, could be the carriers of the disease of
In this sense, it is really important to come to
the knowledge of
how religions are created and by whom - generally
pathological deviants - and how they are used, in combination with
politics, to control masses of people. This, of course, takes us
back to the problem of comets in our skies and impacting our planet.
As it happens, after pulling on so many threads relating to the
topic, it occurs to me that comets may, indeed, have a great deal to
do with the major social problem on our planet today: psychopaths.
One might reasonably ask: Is some evolutionary process at work here?
Clearly, staggeringly large numbers of people die repeatedly when
they place their trust in lies and liars. And nearly as often do the
liars in power find themselves in difficult situations as a result
of their over-reaching and ignoring facts. Obviously, if evolution
is at work here, those individuals - and their offspring who believe
lies are ultimately eliminated from the gene pool. What happens to
those who, as Arendt suggests, try to comprehend, understand, and
face the facts of our reality, remains to be seen.
As she also
states, this comprehension must not deny the outrageous, nor attempt
to deduce the unprecedented from precedent.
You see, evolutionarily speaking, psychopaths should not exist.
Throughout history it can be seen that human beings have needed to
co-operate and care about one another in order to survive and
produce a new generation that will carry on the processes of
society. Most human dynamics are based on people trying to work out
their problems and come to resolutions agreeable to the greatest
number or, at the very least, in the interactions between two
The issue of trust is paramount. Someone who betrays your
trust is someone you cannot live or work with. Therefore,
psychopaths, who are untrustworthy should have long ago become
extinct. But that isn't the way things are.
It appears, in fact, as
psychopathy has increased!
As we can observe throughout history right down to the present day,
being the only psychopath in a group of trusting people can be a
very good thing for the psychopath. As groups get larger, they can
accommodate more psychopaths. It seems that when the number of
people carrying the psychopathy gene is small enough, those few who
carry it can achieve phenomenal breeding success.
Glenn Whitman
explains it:
What's nice about this explanation is that it not only explains why
psychopaths exist, but also why we're not all psychopaths. If there
are few enough psychopaths in the population, then being a
psychopath makes sense because you'll mostly have winning
confrontations with nice people.
But if there are too many
psychopaths, then the gains from taking advantage of nice people
will be swamped by the losses from confronting other psychopaths. In
equilibrium, you'll get both psychos and nice folks, with each
strategy generating approximately equal returns, and with the
precise balance determined by the relative payoffs of different
The problem is, as noted, we are living in a time when psychopathy
seems to have increased almost exponentially. Moreover, as Hannah
Arendt notes - and this was never more true than today - the broad
sweep of history indicates that the psychopaths are winning and that
means destruction for all, including the psychopaths.
Which leads us to the problem: psychopathy being what it is and
doing what it does, should certainly have brought the human race to
total destruction a long time ago IF, as a taxon, it had existed
throughout the development of humankind. And that suggests that it
did not. In fact, the studies of
Marija Gimbutas indicate that there
was a time when psychopathy was not "at the top".
As far back as we can go with archaeological records; i.e. "hard
science," we find that the worship of the Great Celestial Goddess
was the act of veneration of the Universe and all within it as the
living body of the Goddess-Mother-Creatrix. This goddess was
symbolized by the double wavy lines of water - both the cosmic sea
of potential/activation, as well as the life giving moisture that
emanated from the body of the Goddess and all women as her
representatives on earth; the oceans and seas, rivers and springs
and wells.
She was the sky Goddess and the Earth was her womb and all upon it
were her children. The "Son/Sun-King" died every year and was reborn
in the passing of the seasons. Rites and rituals were enacted to
insure the rebirth of the "Son-Sun" through the "womb of the Earth,"
the generative organ of the Cosmic Mother.
There was a purity and
innocence... a pastoral, Arcadian simplicity and symmetry to life.
Men and women were equals in importance as the "Twin offspring" of
the Goddess.
Women were honored and cherished in their three manifestations: the
virgin-future-mother; the mother-nourisher; and the crone-mother of
wisdom. Men were partners and protectors of women, thereby
protectors of their own being since all were born and nursed by
women. The male energy served the female because the female served
the male; there was cycling energy, synergy, symmetry and balance.
The wavy lines of water, the Cosmic Sea of the Mother, were, at some
point, corrupted into the symbol of the serpent; the woman became
associated with the serpent instead of the Stars; and everything
went downhill from there. This event is described in Genesis 3:19
where Adam is told by Yahweh: "In the sweat of your face you shall
eat bread till you return to the ground, for out of it you were
taken; you are dust, and to dust you shall return."
Here, the "dust" or the Earth, is denigrated and reviled as
worthless in the same passage as woman, herself, is denigrated and
reviled as the temptress. But, in the pre-existing Goddess
religions, the earth out of which all life has been born is NOT
dust, but alive - as the womb of the Goddess herself!
And, judging
by the massive evidence collected by Marija Gimbutas, this was the
most ancient and worldwide order of thought, antecedent to and
underlying all other myths, predating the male-dominated pantheons
by many thousands of years!
The main theme of the Goddess symbolism is the mystery of birth and
death and the renewal of life, not only human, but all life on earth
and indeed, in the whole cosmos. Symbols and images cluster around
the parthenogenetic Goddess and her basic functions as Giver of
Life, Wielder of Death, and, not less importantly, as Regeneratrix,
and around the Earth Mother, the Fertility Goddess young and old,
rising and dying with plant life.
She was the single source of all
life and who took her energy from the springs and wells, from the
sun, moon, and moist earth. This symbolic system represents
cyclical, not linear time. In art this is manifested by the signs of
dynamic motion: whirling and twisting spirals..."
[Gimbutas, 1989]
At some point the goddess, or source of moisture and all life, was
identified with the serpent-as-tempter and became the wicked
Temptress herself.
There is some difficulty in untangling the
threads of the currently known symbolic systems of which there are
now two: one reflecting a matriarchal-serpent culture, and the other
an androcratic-militaristic-serpent culture. The man and woman, who
were formerly united as the original "Twins of Creation," and who,
in their union could "control" the serpent, became opposed to each
other; unbalanced; antagonists, not partners.
The benevolent
"Son-King," the leader of the flock, was no longer sustained and
supported by the female energy, channeled from the Goddess through
the "Tree," in the body of the Goddess' representative on Earth,
Woman, but instead became the male "killer" of the serpent AND
controller/oppressor of the Goddess, who became the exemplification
of temptation and occasional consort of the serpent!
At some point, the ancients say that
Eve betrayed Adam, Cain killed
his brother, Abel, and psychopathy was let loose on our planet.
Tunguska was the first key to this problem.
If it had not been for the cometary impact at Tunguska one hundred
years ago today, and then the
Shoemaker-Levy impacts on Jupiter
eighty-six years later, our attention would not be drawn to certain
aspects of our history that have been thoroughly covered up, nor the
effects of those lies and distortions on our world today.
psychopaths and comets are inextricably bound together; it is even
possible that the same cosmic forces that sent comets our way also
"created" psychopaths. This is what I want to explore in the final
installments to this series of articles.
Stay tuned, our next stop is the end of the Last Ice Age when the
Cosmic Serpent appeared on the scene and the processes that have led
to our involvement in the Sixth Extinction got underway.