by D. Wilcock
CONVERGENCE from PrinsVortex Website
Looking back at all we have gathered so far, it is obvious to conclude that the Great Cycle is affected and caused by planetary conjunctions, especially of the largest planets, and that this is what causes our effects.
But wait... didn’t we just say before that this cycle measured the sunspots? Didn’t we also say that the effects of this cycle caused the Earth’s poles to wobble in a regular fashion?
Right. You’re starting to get it.
There is a mutual interdependence
between all of these measurements that suggests a greater astrology,
associated with the Sun being a living, "breathing" multidimensional
As Chatelain just indicated, this huge cycle came off of Sumerian clay tablets, which were found in the burned - down remains of the Library of King Assurbanipal in Nineveh.
This library was discovered in the ruins
of the Assyrian civilization, located in modern - day Iraq in the
nineteenth century through the work of Paul Emile Botta
Layard later excavated the site of Kuyunjik, in search of
the capital of Assyria, known as Nineveh.
These writings were, as Chatelain says,
Chatelain goes on to show how these discoveries led to the unearthing of the story of the epic saga of Gilgamesh, which has been confirmed by the scholars to be the original source document for the story of Noah and the Flood.
Indeed, the modern Biblical account is shown to be a simplified version of the Saga of Gilgamesh, with a change in the names and a great deal of omissions.
Zecharia Sitchin, a
controversial Sumerologist and proponent of the Ancient Astronaut
theory, discusses this as well.
Chatelain’s attention was drawn to the number 195,955,200,000, and he explains in his book how this is the expression of 70 multiplied seven times by 60. [For simplicity's sake, we will shorten this number to 19.5 x 1010.]
He then goes on to indicate that as the
Sumerians counted by 60, the number apparently came directly from
their civilization, and modern Sumerologists agree that these
tablets originated there. Since the Sumerians invented the use of
days, hours and seconds, using their base - 60 counting system, Chatelain inferred that this number might have been a measurement of
a certain discrete quantity of seconds.
With this one number alone, you can
calculate the exact time it takes any planet, comet or celestial
object in the Solar System to make one full cycle around the Sun,
down to the second. And that is not all. This mysterious number also
encompasses an exact multiple of the precession. As we now know, it
would also encompass the sunspot cycles as well, since they are a
direct harmonic of the precession through the Solar Breath.
Yes, it sounds impossible, but we must remember that astrophysics was Chatelain’s job, and he had worked on calculating the orbits for such things as the Apollo missions; thus, he was not scared by these numbers, and could work with them rather easily.
And furthermore we can prove here that this cycle was
derived at least 6,000 years ago, and was probably quite archaic by
that time.
If you want
Halley’s Comet, divide the number by 81,000. It really is that
simple. Again, we see here that Chatelain was a pioneer, making a
major scientific breakthrough that has now faded into nearly total
Indeed, Chatelain shows us that the Nineveh Cycle existed on both sides of the Atlantic; the Mayans had it as well, only in a different harmonic.
The Maya arrived at the Great Constant of the Solar System in two ways.
Again, we see the Maya's insistence on
the use of 26 and 260 for counting.
As we go deeper into an exploration of the
galaxy’s role in the Great Cycle of 25,000 years, this will
not look so crazy. We certainly should not impose arbitrary limits
on the knowledge of the Ancients, as we are only now starting to put
the pieces together.
This is the count
number for the Great Breath of the Sun (Ra/Law of One).
It also is of extreme Pyramidological importance, as we will
indicate in a second. Chatelain’s discoveries also encompass an even
further extenuation of the harmonic importance of 25,000 in the
Great Cycle of the Solar System.
When you divide this round number into
the Nineveh Constant of 19.5 x 1010 or 2,268 million
days, you get - are you ready? - 25,000.
By squaring the number, we then have a tremendous increase on the basic meaning of initiation. Lemesurier, author of Great Pyramid Decoded, refers to this number as an indication of the Messiah, or "The Great Initiate." Indeed, 25 is the fundamental number of all Ascended people. The Cayce Readings explain that the Second Coming of Christ is the dawning of the Christ Light within all of humanity.
Thus, we have a possible numerological clue that tells us
that this Grand Solar System Cycle itself produces initiation, or
what we are referring to as higher - dimensional advancement.
holographic universe theory would
state that the planets are nothing more than the physical
projections of conscious, intelligent energy.
If the Earth was on the far side of
Maldek's explosion when it happened, it might have been sent further
away from the Sun as were Jupiter and Saturn, increasing its orbit
by about five days a year. Indeed, when you realize how close 365 is
to the perfect harmonic number 360, you wonder why you never thought
about this before. The Maldek explosion could also possibly
explain why we measure Pluto at 90,727 days of orbit instead of the
harmonic ideal 90,720.
We also break up the lines of latitude and longitude on the planet into these same degree measurements. Perhaps these measurements were chosen as an expression of the Divine creation behind the Solar System, in the precise length of Earth’s orbit.
The very first multi-planetary system that we have discovered, orbiting pulsar B1257+12, has been discovered to be a precise duplicate of the inner workings of our own Solar System, both in terms of planetary size and planetary spacing.
The following excerpt is from an article by John Gribbin in the London Guardian, at that says just this, with our own italics added:
It is therefore extremely likely that the B1257+12 system is equally harmonic and precise in its orbital function as our own, operating under the exact same laws of vibration as the Constant of Nineveh. So in short, the sacred numbers involved in this series of multi-dimensional cycles could well be universal.
After all, this is the very first planetary system of its nature that we have discovered, among many other potential areas that we could have studied, and it just so happens to have near-identical properties to our own. Even the mainstream article above admitted that a previously unknown "law of nature" may be at work.
Chatelain explains that there are many ancient cultures that count as though there were still only 360 days, and begrudgingly add five days in at the end to make everything fit.
We again remember that Thompson and Cremo backdate fully human remains some 10 million years, and Ra says Maldek blew only a half-million years in the past. The arguments of proof behind this would lead us off into another large tangent, so we will just put this out for consideration.
Chatelain himself speculates that a
major cataclysm could have disturbed the Earth’s orbit and slightly
pulled it away from the Sun, thus slightly increasing its length. He
doesn't mention anything concrete about what this cataclysm might
have been, though.
We now plug in the ‘original’ sacred
length of the Earth year as 360 days instead of 365.2422. If our
"perfect Precession cycle" for Earth would be exactly 25,000 years
of exactly 360 days in length, how many days total would be in that
"perfect cycle?" In order to get this number, we would simply
multiply 360 by 25,000.
Yes, folks, it reduces down to a straight nine. Nine is the penultimate number to the Maya, the cornerstone that underlies all other harmonic numbers in the Mayan Calendar, such as 36, 72, 144. In later chapters, we will see these same Mayan numbers show up, interestingly enough, as the frequencies of vibration that produce musical sound.
These are the types of numerical synchronicities that lend serious credibility to the notion that these sacred measurements were at one time accurate. The harmonic number 9 has long been considered in numerology to be indicative of "perfect perfection," or the number 3, which means "perfect", multiplied by itself. At this point, we must start to seriously question whether or not the entire Solar System itself did not haphazardly arrange into its present configuration, but was put that way.
It is a function of the Solar System
acting as one giant "consciousness unit."
This cannot be
an accident. Earth appears to have been consciously designed as a
key planet for species evolution, as its own system of years provide
a similar anchor for the Great Solar Cycle; the precession may at
one time have been precisely 25,000 years.
As we just stated, the square root of 25
is 5. Thus, as we have seen, the numbers 5, 6 and 7 appear to be
fundamental "building blocks" for the conscious universe and its
design of the cycles of time. Then, we have the octave of
dimensions, working off of the number eight, and nine as the
cornerstone to the entire system of frequencies, as given by the
Maya. So, all numbers 1-9 all can be demonstrated as being much more
than the dead units used for counting; they are dancing with the
life of the Universe itself.
We will demonstrate how Richard Hoagland's team is on
the right track of discovering this fundamental nature of the CU by
finding the geometric shape known as the tetrahedron hidden in the
gravitational forces of almost all planets in the Solar System. The
Earth's Global Grid shows us the complete spectrum of geometries
involved in this.
Therefore, it makes sense that when
seeing the entire Solar System as a giant CU, we would find that the
numbers are very harmonic and very simple. For example, it is a
well-known fact that the spacing of the planets directly correspond
to musical ratios, except that there should be a planet where the
Asteroid Belt was - Maldek. Once we start seeing the interdependence
of the quantum level of the atom and the macro level of the Solar
System, these harmonics do start to make more sense to us.
Grand Solar System Cycle can be seen as the measurement of precisely
how long it takes for every object in the entire Solar System to
line up exactly. If this cycle did not represent an exact alignment
of every body in the solar system, it would have been impossible for Chatelain to precisely derive all of the planetary orbits from it.
But why might this have been done? Here's a big hint.
By establishing a sort of "absolute
zero" point for the Solar System, some very interesting "hyperdimensional
gymnastics" could be possible for extraterrestrial, or more
appropriately, extradimensional beings. The author’s own experiences
with the forces he works with have shown him that finding the proper
"coordinates" is actually extremely difficult. We will try to
explain why.
Were they to
observe the Solar System all at once, with no linear time, they
would see every planet in all probable positions. In other words,
the orbit of each planet would be a giant ring that appeared to be
solid. If they were then able to speed up or slow down the image,
they could then begin watching it for certain conjunctions.
You're the average, workaday Joe, a sixth-dimensional being with an assignment to spread Light and Love over in the Solar System. Your assignment requires you to participate in a particular time period on a planetary body. Right away, you have a big problem; to you, there is no such thing as linear time. Unless there are greater shortcuts, you would need to have a massive, yet precise set of coordinates to follow in order to navigate your way in.
Since all physical matter is formed of
consciousness in the first place, these neat and orderly cycles of
time in our Solar System were designed to simplify this process for
those in higher realms.
This would actually be the first point
where you would begin compressing your way into the linear time
stream. It might indeed be very easy to find, as the Great Cycle of
the Sun obviously is tied in to cataclysmic physical changes. It is
also possible that the Nineveh cycle, where every single body in the
entire Solar System is in a perfect line, creates an even greater
gravitational effect that would cause incredible changes on the
planets themselves.
Then, by the basic Einsteinian principle
of relativity, the passage of time around you would slow down enough
that you could actually make out the slowest planets. Though to us
the lengths of time involved are staggering, you could watch all the
planets whipping around like a big clock. You could triangulate on
any time period you wanted by simply counting the number of Pluto
cycles, knowing that 25,000 revolutions of Pluto would bring you to
the beginning of the next cycle.
You would then start to follow the next
25,000-year constant, the Solar Breath Cycle of 25,000 Earth years.
Let’s say, just as an example that the second line of your
coordinates was "Sun Breath Cycles - 36." You would simply count 36
breaths, each of which could be shifting magnetic poles and
destroying entire worlds and species, and then slow down your speed
even more.
Therefore, you could simply start counting the conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn to keep things simple. The two largest planets in any Solar System may have been consciously designed to have nearly perfect 20 - year conjunctions that link everything else together with the sacred number 260.
Thus, you are now within twenty years of your destination, continually slowing down, and at this point your formula might read,
After working in these 20 - year divisions, we can then see how even smaller cycles could be used, such as Venus - Mercury conjunctions, for example.
Or, you might be watching for a grand conjunction between certain planets, and you would just wait until what you see matches your picture.
This could be one example of the design behind the 11:11 conjunction in 1999. A solar eclipse might be a very easy way for extraterrestrial beings to find us in this manner. Indeed, at the exact moment of the total solar eclipse over Mexico City in 1991, a whole fleet of UFO’s appeared in the sky. Many different people with cameras filmed them from separate angles, although this case is never covered in mainstream American media.
Perhaps this Ascension we are referring to will have some sort of
outside assistance, and these forces will use the solar eclipse in
the same manner in which they did in Mexico City.
This, according to the author’s sources,
is one reason why they can do their best sessions with him
surrounding the Full Moon; it is very easy to find, and the
spiritual "radiations" coming from it are at their peak.
"photo album" would be the many different crop circles that appear
year after year in the same places.
They would have a graph or table showing them what
picture corresponds to what time period, and they would then wait
for the right picture. Crop circles have been documented since 1975,
so the system was possibly being built up a full four years in
It is apparently a burden for these spiritual forces to have to go through the entire cycle on a whim, and without proper preparations, it might be difficult to actually synchronize perfectly. Thus, when doing any work with these forces, keep a regular schedule for a certain time of day, and they will be able to contact you with much more strength.
Also, the higher the dimensional frequency the source is coming from, the more they are compressing to get here in the first place.
So what we have, in essence, are some very precise cycles that were charted by some very old cultures.
These cycles appear in very precise and harmonic intervals of time, working off of basic numbers such as 9, or the square of 3, and as we saw here, the numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8, the octave.
All of this suggests intelligent design with intelligent purpose. Indeed, these cycles must have been well known by the visitors that furnished them in the first place. In order to derive such formulae, it would be necessary to know the orbital periods of the planets with an even greater sophistication than we have in the present, even with our very advanced instruments.
Or maybe not, if the orbital periods themselves are
just functions of these harmonic cycles.
Thus, the Breath of the Sun and possibly the Great Cycle of Nineveh are actually the shadows of the slow, continuous spiraling motions that we travel through as we change in position to the Galaxy. Yes, dear friends, welcome to the 21st Century. It’s not just a nine - planet birth chart anymore.
What we are dealing with here is Galactic Astrology, the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe.