by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf
Fosar-Bludorf Website
Can you imagine that mankind will get
serious problems in the future, because genetic manipulations on
humans affect the psyche devastatingly?
That inter-human
communication breaks down, as soon as too many individuals take part
in it?
That our descendants will have a perfectly different time
All of this are no speculations of future researchers, but first
results of the research project LITE (Low Invasive time
exploration), which possibly succeeded to prove signals from the
This surprising success is to be owed to the fact that one
did not stop on the utopian conception of the "time machine" or the
too subjective statements of sensitives but used a third way.
In our article "This is the future?" (KonteXt
1/2000) we discussed the difference between physical and
mental time travel - both forms are considered in the meantime as
physically conceivable.
time travels mean that - with help of a technology existing
in the future - humans are possibly shifted physically into another
time. We discussed the technical difficulties of such a hypothetical
travel in detail thereby.
In contrast to this mental time travels always existed. People could
look beyond the borders of space and time in an altered state of
consciousness and received information about the life conditions in
other ages. From this many prophecies in history resulted, but the
objectivity of such statements will remain always disputed.
But we did not consider so far that - following newer scientific
considerations - there is a third possibility, which is located
between the two shown alternatives.
The third way
If we want to get information about a distant place in our current
time, we don't need to visit it personally or to go there with help
of extrasensory perception like a "mental journey". Instead we use
our technology, for example of the satellites, with whose assistance
we accomplish remote sensing next evaluate the data.
Therefore we must accept it as probable that a future civilization,
before one will undertake physical time travels, will be able to
investigate other time epochs with the help of such technical remote
sensing. It would concern thus a kind of hybrid technology. On one
hand the physical time travel with the necessity for a complex
space-time curvature and all other dangers and imponderables is not
needed, on the other hand also the disadvantage of missing
objectivity is switched off, as is with the purely mental methods.
If we think thus the "futures" are capable to build a time machine,
then we have to assume even more that they "observe" us from their
time or "listen" to us.
Such a technology would be by far less utopian than the time
machine, and it touches down even already on our current knowledge.
For example at the university of Cologne already some years ago
scientists succeeded to transport a piece of music through a
space-time tunnel and going around in this way a forbidden range in
our reality. At the other end of the tunnel the music was rushed,
but still recognizable.
In this example entrance and exit of the tunnel were in the present,
and only the range "between" was in the higher-dimensional
hyperspace. But this is not compelling necessarily. A microscopic
wormhole channel may be also connected with an exit in another time
via a higher dimension - after everything that we know today about
the universe.
Only again the well-known "skeptics question" arises: If there
should be such a technology in the future, wouldn't then traces of
signals from the future have to be recognizable in our time?
At present it looks completely after the fact that such traces are
actually discoverable!
We don't talk about the visions of sensitives or psychics now, which
believe to be in connection with the future. Technically produced
signals from another time, if they should exist at all, must be
objectively provable also with technical equipment.
Only the question arises, how and in which way one should look for
them. Newer research results set up a systematic beginning for this
and led to surprising results!
The basic idea is as follows: It doesn't make sense to look into the
frequency and wave patterns of our technical age to search for such
Such an attempt would be similar to the proverbial search
for the pin in heap of hay, as with the SETI project, which
looks so far unsuccessfully for intelligent information from the
Signals from
the future discovered?
Therefore one tried to include - after our current knowledge - the
necessary physical conditions into the search for future signals.
The first experimental findings are promising. Meanwhile there was a
success in seeking out signals which are rushed, but are
nevertheless interpretable, and their origin probably lies in the
They contain above all information about future developments in
genetics and communication, in addition other contents, which are
today not interpretable for us, since the necessary scientific bases
are not known to us by now.
How could it come to these spectacular discoveries?
In view of the fact that it concerns a
so explosive topic, we want to describe the scientific bases in
detail to you.
Bases of the
search for future signals
Hypothetical "extraterrestrial" signals may be sent in principle
within our space-time structure too (whereby they would travel with
the speed of light and according to this be on their way for a long
time). On the other hand it is compelling for signals from the
future that a except-spatiotemporal information tunnel was used via
the higher-dimension hyperspace.
Such channels are however in our reality constantly present, in form
of microscopic wormholes. These have however the characteristic to
exist only for fractions of a second and collapse then, due to their
own gravitation. Wormholes thus form on the level of the quanta a
microscopic bubbling foam carpet in our space-time, similarly for
the carbonic acid beads in a glass of champagne.
In order to be able to in-listen into our reality, a future
civilization would need therefore somewhat larger wormhole channels,
which are stable for a certain time (one period in the order of
magnitude up to one second would probably already be sufficient for
an information transfer).
Such channels aren't today anymore utopia. In Russia the scientists
Dmitrijev and Djatlov proved that sometimes such
channels arise under certain physical conditions and form so-called
"vacuum domains".
These are measurable and observable,
since they form electromagnetic fields, which may shine and even
explode in the atmosphere (see for this in
From such vacuum domains it is well-known that they may radiate and
in this way even step into "communication" with an observer using
radio waves in the low-frequency range. It is still unknown whether
these waves are modulated with intelligent information or only -
like the
Schumann waves - arose in a purely natural way.
And even if
they were carriers of information, one would not know naturally yet,
from where this information comes.
However one does not have to wait for such a large vacuum domain, in
order to look for signals, because in the small ones the same
effects constantly arise around us.
Smaller, short-lived vacuum domains,
which are not visible, may be proven indirectly,
by measurable electromagnetic
fields of unknown origin in space (from such measurements it
results that such channels may have a life span up to
several hours) or,
by the influence on space-time
itself, as clocks are affected in their running accuracy.
Such influences on time are naturally
extremely small and therefore not measurable with conventional stop
But the system clocks of today's
computers, whose processors have clock frequencies of several
hundred megahertz, may be disturbed in this way however already
The "disturbed
An unexpected computer disturbance, resulting in appearance of a
strange text in the computer, was by the way the start point for the
entire research work of LITE. Who ever listened on the other side,
he wanted to be noticed and accepted contact.
Here the procedure of LITE starts, which led to the discovery of the
mentioned signals. In addition special computer software is used.
Principal item is an anti-coincidence monitor, which supervises
stochastic processes going by whether the coincidence is
Since each stochastic process is characterized by the fact that it
does not run perfectly regularly, but permits certain statistic
fluctuations (this is in fact the nature of the "coincidence"), this
monitor strikes alarm only if the deviation from the coincidence is
substantial, i.e. if during a longer period regular samples result
which are not any longer coincidental.
Due to the explosive topic the criteria were set around more
strictly by a multiple than it is usual in the scientific
statistics. While coincidence deviations of 1:20 are normally
already regarded as no longer coincidentally, the anti-coincidence
monitor usually starts only with 1:1000.
Even under these conditions it was shown that again and again for
short periods (up to some seconds) the coincidence is actually
disturbed in such a measure, which means that in our reality - for
us imperceptibly - a space-time window opened. Usually this happens
several times per hour!
Under special atmospheric, meteorological or other physical
conditions (solar eclipse, TLR factor, Jetstream etc.) these effects
substantially strengthen and also occur substantially more
frequently (partly in the minutes pulse). This is a clear reference
on the fact that these windows develop in natural way. Of course
this doesn't mean automatically that they could not be used
technically in any way.
Thus it is not sufficient only to prove the existence of these
windows. Therefore the anti-coincidence monitor - when finding such
a coincidence disturbance - sets further software components in
course, whose task is to search for intelligent signals in the short
time when the window is open.
Intelligent signal or natural noise?
This does not mean now by any means that one listens with an antenna
into the ether. Thus one would turn in the circle and again would
drop back to the SETI level.
Rather it applies to analyze the "disturbed coincidence" itself.
already said that the monitor starts, as soon as the coincidence is
disturbed in a statistically significant way thus a no longer
coincidental sample trains. Structure and form of this
anti-coincidence sample, which consists first only of a set of
numbers, apply to examine it now.
For this there are two obvious possibilities:
One could interpret and
transform the sample into a frame as graphic data, which one
may analyze later.
One may also examine, whether
the anti-coincidence sample points out structures, similar
to a human language (word frequency, grammar etc.), and thus
try to convert the sample into text.
Both possibilities were already tested.
The analysis of the frames is difficult. It seems that behind the
superficial chaos sample of such pictures holographic information
could hide itself, similarly to the well-known 3D images, but an
objective proof for this did not succeed yet.
The attempts with the second alternative were more successful, even
if one should not imagine that under any circumstances now would be
possible to pick out a clear text easily from the found
anti-coincidence sample.
The anti-coincidence sample is simply a long row of coincidental
numbers, whose characteristic is not to be coincidentally arranged.
From the research of Professor Garjajev at the Russian
Academy of Sciences in Moscow one knows that all human languages
have a common basic pattern, which is based on the basic modules of
our genetic code (see for this "The
biological chip in our cells").
If the found anti-coincidence sample should be of intelligent, more
exactly: human, origin, it should represent this basic pattern.
Impressing the coincidence sample to any sufficiently long text,
from this a word sequence would have to develop which at least
should enable us to interpret the sense of the information.
The same way this idea appears original, it was successful, because
it actually succeeded, in scientifically proof-strong repeatable
way, without subjective interferences, only using a computer and the
special software mentioned.
One information, which one could decode, was for example about the
artificial installation of plant genes into the human genetic
substance - an interference, which is already possible for us and
was already accomplished with animals and plants. Against
experiments with humans at present only laws protect us (which may
be changed at any time).
As reason it was indicated that one wanted to make special enzymes
and information patterns available to the human body.
A control experiment (other experimenter, other raw text) confirmed
this interpretation, although in something other words
("chlorophyll" should be made available) and added the consequences:
The genetic interference had obviously devastating consequences for
the human psyche, above all which concerned the collective
unconscious (quotation: "The 'We' under the 'I' opens unusual plant
world... The strange prevents consciousness.").
Regardless of the fact that such a development unfortunately is not
impossible in the future - why should this information come from
Now - from our present or past it surely does not originate, and
from the fact that human language patterns were used, which made a
decoding possible, may be assumed also with security that the origin
is human and not "extraterrestrial" or from another dimension.
It was shown that the software could be made also interactive.
Questions were then answered regularly referring and meaningfully
(also control questions), entered by the experimenter, whereby the
raw text taken as a basis for decoding could be exchanged at will.
Questions about the origin of the information (briefly said: "In
which time do you live?") were answered however so far only
unsatisfactorily, which is obviously because of the fact that the
author of the information uses another time calculation than we do
and therefore doesn't know too much about our "years" and
The time calculation of the "strangers"
seems to be event-oriented in any way, since in that time one works
more strongly with virtual realities.
This came out from some decoded
information clearly:
"(for us) year no reality. (we)
synthesize light spot... the following theory: Point more
clearly (with) psychological achievements... always before
present experiencing cosmic yardstick... Excessive quantity
model... (you) years assume."
These are of course only quotations from
a large data set, in which the interpretations again and again
mutually confirm. They also show that the information is rushed and
the grammar of the statements appears somewhat strange.
Further information led to the surprising statement that the
possibility of technically supported group consciousness
communication encountered a strange obstacle (the text was smoothed
by us fore better comprehensibility and provided with notes).
"we can develop scientifically it,
(after) Wittens universe (superstring theory), but puzzlingly,
with thousands were reduced. Afterwards had not group
consciousness. Change... System biologist saw network matter,
later therefore network humans... from superconductor this
success visible... then absence of consciousness... bizarre
research results, communication not human degree."
Still it is too early, in order to
reveal all facts about this remarkable project, since still many
scientific questions are unresolved.
It is clear that with this procedure
information of intelligent origin becomes available, also in
dialogue form.
What do the
"Futures" want from us?
Why - so the next skeptics question - should the "Futures" be
interested in us? For the same reasons, why there are historians in
our times: One wants to explore, why in the past things developed,
in order to better understand the present.
For this not always conventional historical books are sufficient,
because human knowledge - our current experience already shows - may
get lost too. Who ever might be the author of the strange
information, he seems to want to learn from us.
A recapitulatory interpretation of the information decoded so far
results in that mankind of the future by genetic manipulations lost
the connection to the normal human archetype memory, briefly said:
to the
morphogenetic field.
If this frightening statement should be
correct, then the puzzling interlocutors are desperate travelers
searching for their own lost past.
This way the whole story becomes logical and consistent, because if
one looks for a suitable past in a multi-dimensional universe with
myriads of parallel realities, one may possibly correct erroneous
trends this way.
Perhaps we were thinking too much as
"presents" assuming that a time traveler must appear personally in
the past, in order to prevent for instance a war or a dangerous
discovery. It is sufficient to seek out one past in which the
unwanted event did not take place (or at least not yet) and to
couple this past - the morphogenetic fields - to one's own reality.
With us they seem to have found such a suitable past: On one hand we
have already a quite high knowledge level in the genetic
engineering, on the other hand large-scale experiments on humans
were omitted here so far. We would be thus the "ideal past" for the
others, in order on one hand not to lose certain scientific know-how
of our epoch (e.g. "Witten's universe"), on the other hand be able
still to influence certain developments.
As the strange interlocutors try to acquire themselves lost
knowledge of our epoch again and to warn us at the same time of
their errors, a union of both realities may lead to a new causal
chain, which could give us a better future and to the others a
better past.
The future develops
from the past!
As we saw, the past of a civilization is crucial for future
developments. So seen, we put today the foundation-stone for future
civilizations, as in the past the switches for our today were
In our days however some crucial questions arise to us:
What happens with the
development of the earth resonant frequencies?
How do they influence on our
Will there be a pole shift on
We may consult for this of course
scientific results of measurement from our days, but, in addition,
ask our past. In past humans were already several times confronted
with similar developments, and we know about this from old myths and
holy writings.
Some peoples and cultures, so e.g. the mysterious "Tuatha
De Danann" in Ireland, obviously already knew about the
secrets of the
Schumann frequencies and could use them for their
"druid magic".
It is written again and again that whole
peoples disappeared by the use of such techniques without any trace.
More exact information concerning this in our article "Transition
to the age of frequencies", or still in more detail and
with numerous quotations and illustrations in our book "Zaubergesang"