by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf
Fosar-Bludorf Website
The year 1998 just began - surely a
crucial year briefly before the turn of the century.
In this time
naturally once more all kinds of end time prophecies have boom, to
which we want to take position in this article too.
Now it is well known that we don't work as prophets, but some
important trends are already to be seen, so that one may talk about
them founded. The most important of these trends surely is that
mankind is in the transition from the age of matter to the age of
What does this mean?
First of all, still in the
classical-materialistic sense, the transition to a globalized
communication society. World-wide telephone, fax and computer
networks or the Internet are indicators.
Particularly the Internet
is not explainable completely in terms of techniques anymore, and
that is something fundamentally new, but it concerns an immaterial
self-organizing structure in the sense of chaos theory.
Also in the realm of medicine frequency methods intersperse
themselves more and more. Soft ultrasonic operations are refined by
exotic techniques like the use of "acoustic mirrors", whereby an
accurate detection for example of kidney stones is made possible by
reflection and resonance methods.
But if we speak of a transition to the frequency age, we mean more
by far. The ability of humans to perceive goes through a crucial
change at present. More and more humans are able to notice
fine-material energy fields and thus take up contact to other levels
of our existence.
To these surely belong mental dimensions
and, in addition, invisible intelligences like the elves from our
fairy tales and legends, possibly even more bizarre
encounters with extraterrestial intelligences, which were classified for long time
under the somewhat misleading term of "UFO abductions".
In the broadest sense to this extended perception also belong the
Viewing" techniques, a form of controlled extrasensory
perception, which were developed by American military in the
seventies under the pseudonym "Project
It shows up that these remote viewing
protocols - in the meantime published to a large extent - not only
make possible the investigation of far objects, but also opens a
gate to hidden realities in our "here and now", which we could prove
by own experiments:
With the same methods, human consciousness may move freely not only
in space, but also in time. By our experiments we found that it is
thereby even possible for humans to explore own earlier incarnations
and to exceed the limits of personal perception - also in cosmic
Therefore, in place of the too narrow seized term "Remote Viewing"
we defined the new term "Refined Perception". It contains thereby
not only a form of "seeing", but also other senses like feeling,
radiesthetic phenomena like dowsing, and above all in addition, the
perception with help of the human energy field, the aura.
Newest scientific research resulted in that humans can get into
resonance with the earth and with other organisms via their
different body-own electromagnetic fields. In this article thereby
the electromagnetic waves produced by the human brain are our main
field of interest.
The investigation of the earth resonance frequencies and/or the
Schumann waves is the key for the new scientific
realizations. These are also well known in esoteric circles, however
usually presented physically incorrect.
Nevertheless Schumann waves will become already now increasingly
important for all of us.
These natural "magic chant" of the earth
has a broad influence on our world climate, in addition, on the
evolution of human consciousness, and they are for a long time
subject of doubtful military technologies. Already the discovery of
these waves became a science crime story of first order.
About this we write in our book "Zaubergesang"
("Magic Chant"):
"For a long time we already know
that the electrically positively loaded ionosphere forms a pole
to the negatively charged earth's surface, and that between both
constantly an electrical tension prevails.
This tension unloads
itself regularly, whenever on earth a thunderstorm takes place
somewhere. Such a system of two concentric, opposite
electrically charged balls in physics is called a ball
These physical characteristics of the
ionosphere is used technically in the wireless information transfer.
For radio waves, which are emitted from a transmitter on earth, the
ionosphere works like an enormous hollow mirror. From this the radio
waves will be reflected and in such a way transferred over large
Everyone who tried once to hear a far radio station with a medium
wave knows the effect that the receipt becomes clearly better after
sunset. The reason is that the breakdown effects by the sun exposure
to the ionosphere are then omitted.
These physical facts were described for the first time at the
beginning of our century by the Croatian physicist and inventor
Tesla, which accomplished at this time experiments
for wireless transfer of energy at
Colorado Springs.
Tesla produced at that time enormous electrical tensions of several
for hundred-thousand volts with his experimental assemblies, with
which he could produce even artificial lightnings.
He found out the
fact that with every such lightning also radio waves of extremely
low frequency are radiated, which can penetrate through and into the
earth almost without resistance. Thus he had discovered the
electromagnetic resonance frequency of the earth.
Tesla's work encountered at that time little approval, and because
the economic use was not immediately foreseeable, also his backers
withdrew themselves rapidly, so that he could not terminate his
research work. Thus it took nearly a half century, until someone
other encountered this effect - again more or less by coincidence.
It was in the year 1952. The German physicist Professor Dr.
W. O.
Schumann of the Technical University of Munich wanted to give
his student exercises to the physics of electricity. Just at that time he worked with them on
the computation of ball condensers.
In order not to let it become
too theoretical and abstract, Professor Schumann said to his
"Imagine the ionosphere as the one
ball and the earth's surface as the other ball. Calculate then,
what will be the results."
Schumann had no idea, which value would
result from this, and to be able to examine his students' work,
himself took a pencil and a sheet of paper and made a rough
He found a value of approximately 10 Hz.
Again to the illustration:
This value is the resonance frequency of
the earth, thus the frequency, with which the earth begins to swing.
Each energy discharge between ionosphere and earth's surface, thus
each normal thunderbolt, produces radio waves of such a frequency,
which are resonanceable with the earth as by-product.
They cannot
therefore only penetrate into the earth, but at the same time
accumulate whereby it comes to the formation of enormous standing
waves, which may remain stable over long time.
Schumann himself at that time in no way knew about the consequences
of his discovery. Nevertheless he published the result in a physical
technical periodical.
After that, the Schumann frequency, as it is called today in honors
of its discoverer, would probably land in the waste-paper basket of
science history, but a physically interested physician
coincidentally read the paper. He called to Schumann immediately,
because for him - the physician - the hair stood to mountains, when
he saw, what he read there.
The Schumann frequency is also a
resonance frequency of the human brain!
Measurements of the
brain waves of humans with a, electrical
encephalograph show that the brain produces electromagnetic waves,
which lie in the range between 1 and 40 Hz.
This spectrum is in medicine divided
into four ranges, which accompany with different consciousness
Delta waves (1-3 Hz) are
characteristic for dreamless deep sleep and coma conditions.
Theta waves (4-7 Hz) are
characteristic for the dream sleep.
Alpha waves (8-12 Hz) arise in
the relaxed awake condition, e.g. in a meditation or
briefly before falling asleep and/or immediately after
Beta waves (13-40 Hz) are
dominant in the normal awake condition.
The physician explained to Schumann that
it was nevertheless a strange coincidence that earth and brain have
homogeneous resonance frequencies, and so Schumann instructed his
graduate student and later successor on its chair, Herbert König,
to further investigate this.
König, who got also well known from his scientific investigations
about the
dowsing phenomenon some years ago, accomplished now in the
context of his doctor work extensive measurements of the earth
resonance frequency and thereby naturally came to a more exact value
than Schumann during his rough calculation.
The accurate value of
the Schumann frequency is 7,83 Hz.
Thus it is finally clear that the agreement with the human brain
frequencies is not coincidental, because this value corresponds
accurately to the fundamental brain frequency of most mammals. For
humans it lies scarcely at the lower limit of the alpha range, thus
at the border between sleep and being awake.
Is this the reason that
animals have a less evolved consciousness comparing with man? Are
they only at the threshold of higher consciousness?
The agreement between earth and brain frequency is indeed no
coincidence, because animals and humans are children of the earth
and their brain frequencies adapted quite easily to the natural
conditions of their habitat in the process of the evolution.
similar result also Miloslaw Wilk found out when he investigated the
power spectra of the earth and humans.
It is well known in
science that the brain reacts on electromagnetic frequencies
which are "offered" to it from the outside if they are in the
correct frequency range. This is a typical resonance effect.
On this principle
many of the "mind machines" are based, which should be helpful
to achieve a relaxed, meditative condition, thus the alpha
condition, where the calm waves of 8-12 Hz dominate and the
restless thought activities of the normal beta condition stop."
We hold: Via Schumann waves all humans
are in resonance to the earth, since the fundamental brain
frequencies go conformal with the earth resonance frequency.
This makes it possible for humans to go
into direct contact to the Earth with their consciousness and
to pick up information outside of their five senses, if they are
modulated for example on such a Schumann wave.
And here the danger starts, that with help of technically
manipulated Schumann waves an inaudible and invisible influence of
mankind will be possible, or already is, in order to manipulate the
emotional conditions or the state of health of whole populations, or
in order to feed suggestions quite directly into the brains of
Such a technology is not based on
Science fiction, but already exists, in form of the
project in Alaska. We reported about it in our
Karmakurier magazine in December 1996 and March 1997. We wrote
at that time that this project will go into full operation in the
year 1998.
Also the effects of the Schumann waves based technology on the
weather was long time negotiated, but in the course of our research
for our book "Zaubergesang" we found the necessary proofs.
In an American patent specification from
the year 1987, which became the basis of the HAARP antennas, the
possibility of such a
weather manipulation is expressly mentioned.
We can't deal further in the context of this article with the facts,
which are more comprehensively examined in the book. Instead we want
to turn to the current results with the study of the Schumann
Here in many publications, particularly
from the spiritual range, many facts are misunderstood.
What we mean:
The present developments in the
climatic area, in addition, increasing tendencies of global
thought and mind control, arouse the impression in many people
that a kind of "end time" started now, as they are predicted in
many old prophecies of the holy writings of mankind.
This is the first fundamental
misunderstanding, which is based on the fact that usually the
old prophecies are interpreted only too superficial. We will
refer to this in detail in a separate article.
In other publications the true statement
is seen correct e.g. from the John's revealing in the Bible that it
concerns a transformation process of mankind and the earth.
For this
the Schumann frequency is then usually referred. It is written then,
that this frequency at present would increase and would reach rather
soon values of 13 Hz, whereby
human consciousness would be waked up.
We asked concerning this the at present world-wide best experts in
the area of the Schumann frequency, thus for example,
Professor Dr. Davis Sentman (University of Fairbanks, Alaska)
Dr. Earle
Williams (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Dr. Gabriella Sátori
(Academy of Science, Sopron, Hungary)
The statements of these scientists to some extent were surprising.
They partly knew even about it, which
rumors circulate over the Schumann frequency at present within the
esoteric range. They explained that these statements were not
explainable by scientific facts. However - and the large "however"
comes now - they confirmed us too that the Schumann waves actually
go through a change process at present.
Also for this we would like to quote a
passage from our book "Zaubergesang":
"First of all after newer research
results one can't talk any longer only about "the"
Schumann frequency, because
there are several of them.
The earth is not only resonanceable to only one frequency, thus
a bare tone, but actually sings a charm singing with several
Already for approximately thirty years it is well-known to
science that with thunderstorms apart from the elementary
Schumann frequency by 7,83 Hz further resonant vibrations are
actually produced. Until today at least eight such frequencies
could be identified.
The rounded off frequencies are 8, 14, 20,
26, 33, 39, 44 and 50 Hz.
Not only the first Schumann frequency lies in a range, to which
the human brain is sensitive, but this applies at least to the
first six ones.
Thus humans are not only bombarded with "sleep inducing"
Theta waves of 7,83 Hz, but at the same time also with
additional waves, which lie all together in the beta wave band,
which are considered as characteristic to the awake condition.
Now the lowest, classical 7,83 Hz frequency is without any doubt
the most intensive. But the higher form a spectrum of different
oscillations, to which the brain is all together sensitive. The
Schumann frequency spectrum (s. fig. P7) is remarkably similar
to that of the human brain, because similarly in EEG
measurements the alpha and theta frequencies are characterized
by far, high excursions, while the beta waves are flat and
Thus the Schumann waves as a whole tend rather to calm down and
wake up the human brain at the same time.
The result might be a condition of brain synchronization, which
is momentarily still with difficulty conceivable for us. Newest
results of the brain research show that the old conception was
too naive that the brain reconstructs offered frequencies simply
from the outside, and does not describe the real procedures.
Instead the brain reacts to outside energies and oscillations,
to which it is sensitive, with an extensive reorganization of
its internal circuits. This leads - similarly as the decrease of
the magnetic field - for a moment to a chaotic, stress-promoting
unrest effect. Then however the brain is inclined to organize
itself on a higher oscillation level again. It achieves a higher
consciousness condition, which is not explainable from the sum
of the two single conditions.
This condition cannot only be described lapidary as "brain
synchronization", how it is reached by meditation techniques
like the tables of Chartres or certain tape cartridges. This
higher consciousness condition is somewhat much more powerful.
Perhaps one can describe it best as a condition, in which humans
are awake and asleep at the same time, and the normal daily
consciousness with the ability for critical, free decision and
the immeasurable possibilities of the sub-consciousness are
available at the same time.
In this condition human consciousness transcends the fourth
dimension - man becomes the master of time.
There is - at least in our culture - at present only one
consciousness condition, in which this is realized. It concerns
the so-called lucid dream.
Normally awake consciousness is more or less switched off during
a usual dream, what is also recognizable by the fact it that in
the dream condition the theta and alpha waves dominate. Men are
therefore predominantly passive in their dreams and let the
dream action evolve itself.
Criticism ability is to a large extent suppressed, so that also
the bizarre realities, which one meets usually in dreams, are
not noticed during the dream.
This essentially corresponds to the consciousness condition of
"dream time", in former times, in which humans were more or less
delivered to external influences also in their daily life and
were able only to react. They could nevertheless survive -
similarly as the animals -, since they were integrated part of
the total structure of nature. Quite simply the consciousness of
the free will was missing to them, which could enable them to
In daily consciousness against it our rational understanding
dominates, which lets us meet critical and self-conscious
On the other hand the immeasurable creative forces of
the unconscious are now in the background - forces, which permit
us to create whole realities in our dreams. Also this limits our
scope of action, because our awake understanding is not able to
seize and control nature in their entireness. Our rational
understanding is inclined to define itself and so the wisdom of
the unconscious, the feeling of belonging to a larger entireness
is missing.
In the condition of the lucid dream these two contrasts are
bridged. One become conscious during the dream of the fact that
he dreams, and so on one hand knows that the reality, which he
experiences, was created totally by himself. The creative forces
of the unconscious are fully at his disposal.
On the other hand
also his critical understanding is active, so that his ability
to self-conscious acting is available too.
In lucid dreams humans may change the dream action therefore by
the power of their thoughts according to own desires. Thereby
abilities are at the disposal which one could call "magic".
These are not spiritual speculations, but secured research
results of the modern psychology. Lucid dreams have been
investigated intensively for years, for example by the important
lucid dream pioneers Professor Dr. Paul Tholey of the
University of Frankfurt/Main and by Dr. Stephen LaBerge
of the Stanford University in California.
Lucid dreams arise for many people occasionally and
spontaneously. Usually the people are surprised then, so that
they do not know to do anything with this, but are only
confused. But one can learn lucid dreaming systematically, as we
ourselves could prove in our lucid dream intensive courses again
and again.
What would happen, if humans would experience this consciousness
condition by day, if thus, apart from normal awake
consciousness, also the creative strength of the unconscious
were fully available? One can only speculate upon this fantastic
possibility. Would it be then possible for us, with the strength
of our thoughts, to influence our environment consciously to
affect - so to have by day abilities which one would have called
some centuries ago still "magic"?...
It is momentarily however difficult to make really reliable
statements about the long-term development of the terrestrial
"magic chant" since for this simply the long-term measurements
are missing. In the past decades the science only sporadically
worked on this topic, while systematic investigations exist only
for some years.
We nevertheless know that the earth turns the charm singing
slowly louder, that means, the intensity of the Schumann waves
constantly increased and that humans are exposed at the same
time thereby in natural way to waves from the theta and beta
But there is still another trend, which is recognizable from
newest research results and which still strengthen
consciousness-changing effect of the Schumann waves.
The Nagycenk observatory in the Hungarian city Sopron is
an institution, which belongs to the geophysical institute of
the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. There the geophysicist
Gabriella Sátori with their colleagues investigates the
development of the Schumann frequencies for some years
The Hungarian scientists came thereby to the remarkable result
that not only the intensity of these waves, but the frequencies
themselves are subject to substantial fluctuations, which are
likewise controlled by the warming of earth.
Thus the lowest Schumann frequency is not today already any
longer with those 7.83 Hz, which measured Herbert König
in the fifties, but over far distances of the year already in
the proximity of the "magical" border of 8 Hz,
sometimes even
We called this border "magical", because it represents exactly
the transition from the theta to the alpha frequencies. Only in
such moments it be will possible to let the
consciousness-extending effect of the Schumann resonance
spectrum as a whole become fully effectively because the
sleep-inducing, i.e. consciousness-clouding effect of the theta
waves is void.
The highest frequency values occur thereby in the summer months
(of the Northern Hemisphere), while they drop down again in
The trend is still confirmed by investigations of the second and
third Schumann resonance frequencies. Here the seasonal
fluctuations are to be observed even more strongly. They move
between 13,8 and 14,1 Hz resp. between 19,5 and 20,3 Hz.
What does this mean for our consciousness?
Research over unusual consciousness
conditions, as for instance the psychologist documents Michael
Murphy performed, points out that for example
shamans or Indian
fakirs reach the most pronounced metanormal abilities in
conditions, which one cannot describe with the usual term
"trance", what we mostly understand as a sleep-similar condition
of lowered consciousness.
Rather it concerns a feeling of
increased awakeness, thus a condition of the excitation or
ecstasy, that is characterized in the EEG rather by the higher
beta frequencies above 20 Hz.
If due to the climatic changes on earth the natural spectrum of
the Schumann waves would thus expose us on the one hand a
constantly with intensifying alpha frequency, on the other hand
however a likewise ever more intensively becoming beta wave
spectrum, which is appropriate to a large extent above 20 Hz,
then this would mean that we are all going towards a condition
of increased awakeness. This is strengthened still, as we see,
by the continuous decrease of the earth's magnetic field.
If we see however these effects as a whole, then we will feel
this consciousness condition no longer as stress or will become
sick. The reassuring alpha waves take care about this, which
have the largest intensity in the Schumann wave spectrum. It
might be very more balanced rather, positive consciousness
Since it does not concern however a pure alpha condition, we
will not be in danger of increased manipulation."
Everything points thus on that
regardless of all global dangers mankind steers on a new age of
higher consciousness, not from own drive, but steered by the "charm
singing" of the earth.
Did the old prophecies be wrong?
In the opposite - we will see that in
2000 years old writings this development was already foreseen