by Bernhard Guenther
April 22, 2012
VeilOfReality Website

A topic that has been coming up recently in a conversation with some
friends is the idea of "Wanderers" in relation to esoteric work, the
awakening process and the Time of Transition we are in.
It is
something that has been on my mind for a while and wanted to explore
a bit deeper, also reflecting on my own life.
I first came across this subject when I
read the
material in the 90's as well as Barbara Marciniak's "Bringers of the Dawn".
According to Ra, Wanderers are individuals whose
souls have incarnated from a higher density (4th or 6th density)
into this 3rd density with a specific mission to accomplish in order
to assist humanity, helping with
The Harvest or Graduation to 4th Density during this Age of
However, due to the "veil of forgetting" when
entering a lower density, the mission/task by the Wanderer is
forgotten and he/she needs to awaken to what they came here to do.
Ra tells us:
Questioner: You
spoke of Wanderers. Who are Wanderers? Where do they come from?
Ra: Imagine, if
you will, the sands of your shores.
As countless as the grains
of sand are the sources of intelligent infinity. When a social
memory complex has achieved its complete understanding of its
desire, it may conclude that its desire is service to others
with the distortion towards reaching their hand, figuratively,
to any entities who call for aid.
These entities whom you may
call the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow move toward this calling
of sorrow. These entities are from all reaches of the infinite
creation and are bound together by the desire to serve in this
Entities are from all reaches of infinite creation,
bound together by desire to serve in Earth's 3D.
Questioner: How
many of them are incarnate on Earth now?
Ra: The number is
approximate due to an heavy influx of those birthed at this time
due to an intensive need to lighten the planetary vibration and
thus aid in harvest. The number approaches sixty-five million.
Questioner: Are
most of these from the fourth density? Or what density do they
come from?
Ra: Few there are
of fourth density.
The largest number of Wanderers, as you call
them, are of the
sixth density. The desire to serve must be
distorted towards a great deal of purity of mind and what you
may call foolhardiness or bravery, depending upon your
distortion complex judgment.
The challenge/danger of the Wanderer is that it will forget its
mission, become karmically involved, and thus be swept into the
maelstrom of which it had incarnated to avert the destruction….
It was the aim of Wanderers to serve
the entities of this planet in
whatever way was requested and it was also the aim of
Wanderers that their vibratory patterns might lighten the
planetary vibration as a whole, thus ameliorating the effects of
planetary disharmony and palliating any results of this
Specific intentions such as aiding
in a situation not yet manifest are not the aim of Wanderers.
Light and love go where they are sought and needed, and their
direction is not planned aforetimes."
…The energies of the Wanderers,
your teachers and adepts at this time are all bent upon
increasing the harvest.
However, there are few to harvest."
Carla L. Rueckert, the
"instrument" through which Ra spoke wrote
"A Wanderer's Handbook", exploring this topic in more depth and
also incorporating other channeled material:
"In addition to those lessons which
are learned in a manner native to those who work through the
third density for the first time,
those who are what you call
Wanderers bring a certain task and a certain responsibility,
which may be viewed as operating so as to put into an unique
light, a particular slant or bias, those precise lessons which
within third density all must learn.
And so in a sense, the task is
compounded proportionate to the unique gifts which have been
brought from other densities, so that they may be laid down in
service to the souls which seek, so hungrily, to reach beyond
the limits which are those of third density, a density of
The Pleiadians in Barbara Marciniak's
"Bringers of the Dawn" refer to the same concept of Wanderers as
"System Busters" and "Family of Light":
"You represent the renegade group of
light, and you have agreed to come back on the planet.
You are
on assignment. You come into these physical bodies and take them
over, and you intend, through the power of your spiritual
identity, to change the physical body.
You all selected with
great care the genetic lines that would best give you head
starts with all of this. Each of you chose a genetic history
through which members of the Family of Light have threaded…
As members of the Family of Light,
you have incarnated on this planet to prepare yourselves to do
your work.
What is your work?
Your work is quite simple: you carry frequency into systems that
have limited light frequency, because
light is information.
This is not cold, computer-data information; it is information
that is transmitted biologically through an electromagnetic
send-out of consciousness.
This is what you are experts in. If
you were to have a business card printed up for yourselves when
you are in full memory of your identity,
it would say something
"Renegade Member of
Family of Light. Systems Buster. Available for altering systems
of consciousness within the free-will universe. On call"…
You go for it! This is what you do.
This is an aspect of your identity that you all have in common,
and you are here in the millions at this time. You are here
primarily to remember who you are, to operate multi-
dimensionally within the system,
and to teach humans-the natives
in this place that have been under frequency control for a long
The task for you members of the
Family of Light who have desired to take this information inside
of yourselves is to anchor a new frequency on the planet by
anchoring it impeccably inside yourselves.
This is not easy. It was not meant to be easy. You did not come
here to have an easy assignment. You are renegades, and
you have been renegades…
Before you came into the body, all
of you committed to designing events that would fire your
codings, or blueprints that would activate your memories.
Then you came into the body and
you forgot. All of you have had your blueprints and
codings fired to some extent because you understand that there
is a divine purpose or Divine Plan that you are a part of…
Part of the friction you feel with others is that
you are on this path of evolution and bursting forth.
Others don't like this because they
are not coded at this time to respond the way you are. Some
people are not coded at all for this…
As members of the
Family of Light,
you are renegades.
You are systems busters, here to conquer your
own fears and to show the rest of the planet that there is no
reason to fear anything. You love to go in and cause trouble.
You are famous, your branch of the Family of Light. You are
famous for going into systems of reality and altering the
frequency, thus bringing information.
It is not your task as members
of the Family of Light to proselytize.
You simply go
into systems and act as receptacles; you receive the creative
cosmic rays into your bodies, the bodies that you occupy as
humans. You are in disguise as humans, and you allow a process
to take place…
You are coded, and as your memory begins to rise,
you will respond to the plan with which you came here to
participate to alter the frequencies.
You will begin to hold, keep, and maintain a certain frequency
and then to line it. Identity as frequency is the sum total of
your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies broadcast
as electronic pulsations.
As you live your frequency, you affect
everyone, every place you go. That is what you are doing now. There
are many who already understand their assignment, and there are
those whose memories are just beginning to rise…
As members of the Family of Light,
you have access to a tremendous amount of understanding that
others do not have. You came in with it, you are being reminded
of it, and you are now learning it and accepting it…
is information, so the Family of Light is the family of
Believe us when we say that
you, as members of the Family of Light, made a vast study of the
historical manipulation that has been going on on this planet,
just as anyone sent on assignment would be trained for a long
period of time before they were sent out into the field. Each of
you has been trained, and you have the knowledge inside you.
Our part is to hit key chords
and play your consciousness into activity so you can go ahead
and make the tune or song or dance you are prepared for.
Your knowledge is inside of you, and as you agree to discover
it, it will awaken on deeper and deeper levels. You will become
very self-sufficient, those of you who agree to this.
You will
also become incredibly knowledgeable, those of you who do not
stop because you are frightened.
Light is
information; ignorance is darkness…
We speak to you as if you are not
human because, to us, you are not. To us, you are members of the
Family of Light, and we know your multidimensional selves.
speak to you about dealing with humans because it is your
assignment to integrate with them, soothe them, and awaken a
spark of light within them so that they are not all destroyed
and so that this place can house a new species and a new realm
of activity…
You have been hired and are on
assignment from the future to catapult back into this cycle of
existence to incarnate many times so that you can understand
what has kept humans controlled. In this way, you can operate
from the inside and change the system…
As each of you has been assigned to
become informed and to bring about a frequency alteration on
this planet, you must learn to become Keepers of Frequency.
You must rise to a certain
place of knowledge and consistently stay there. You
must become in command of your body so that you can will it into
stillness or into activity. You
must be able to go inside yourself and heal what needs to be
healed emotionally and physically.
You must begin to
part the jungle of self and find the clearing so that you can
show others the way…"
The topic of Wanderers or higher
dimensional-beings who have incarnated for the purpose of assisting
humanity is somewhat popular in the New Age movement.
There are
plenty of people these days who claim to be "Star Seeds" or "Light
Workers" from planet this or that.
However, some of them seem to use
this identification to enhance their ego and self-importance,
over-estimating their level of Being and Awareness, appearing "special" and
"mysterious", clouded in a very fluff talk of Love and
Especially nowadays, where it is hip to be "spiritual", many
self-proclaimed lightworkers dress accordingly and give themselves
fancy spiritual names which are supposed to reflect their higher
state of awareness, claiming to be awake. It's easy to identify
oneself with such an idea but does one's life truly reflect that?
Does one truly KNOW what it means to be a lightworker or Wanderer
and the work it entails? Or is it just another label used for
appearance's sake and to make oneself feel better?
There are many
distortions and people tend to project their own filtered view into
it. As with everything these days truth is mixed with lies.
Personally I don't dismiss the idea of
higher density souls coming back in time with a specific mission to
fulfill. However, I also take it with a grain of salt at the same
Reflecting on my life, I can see that I could fit the profile
of a Wanderer and learning about it has given much clarity and
understanding of myself and what I felt deep inside all along.
However I don't see myself as being special or better since I have
to learn my lessons as everyone else in this 3D human experience.
Throughout my whole life I felt
different and was very much a loner in high school, not being able
to fit in, dealing with a high sensitive nature and a deep emotional
life which was confusing to say the least.
Obviously many children
feel this way growing up in our pathological world and is by no
means an indication that one is automatically a Wanderer.
parents did their best in raising me according to their knowledge. I
didn't have a bad childhood or was abused by any means.
I just felt
I wasn't from here and even as a young kid in my pre-teens I used to
look at the stars at night thinking and longing,
"Take me home… Why am
I here?… Why am I so alone?".
However, I never truly made the
connection that I was maybe a Wanderer, nor was I conscious of this
idea. It was just natural for me for me to stare at the night sky
asking these questions and it had a soothing affect on me.
Scott Mandelker who has published
several books on the Ra material and Buddhism came up with a
questionnaire (similar to determining personality types) which
can help to find out if one is potentially a Wanderer.
there is no true scientific way to prove one way or another. I think Mendelker's quiz is over-simplified, short and vague and missing
some important points which can also lead to misinterpretations.
Deeper introspection and understanding of what being a Wanderer
entails is certainly needed.
I would not go by this questionnaire
alone and proclaim "I'm a Wanderer" even if I can answer most
questions with a yes. It's easy to read into things and "bend the
truth" in order to fit it for oneself.
As Laura (Knight-Jadczyk) mentioned
earlier, what is it you truly DO about it?
I started questioning the world as we
know it more consciously when I went to the University of Munich
studying business in 1991, a choice I made due to social pressure,
being confused, not knowing myself and just doing what everyone else
getting a degree, so I can have a secure job and make a living.
I was depressed and felt just like I did in High School, doing
things that I didn't like to do but thought I had to do in order to
"fit in".
I kept thinking there must be more to life than this!
Well, as the saying goes, ask and you shall receive and I was asking
sincerely from the depth of my being. The call was answered when a
good friend I met around that time asked me to try out playing drums
for his band.
My life changed completely. Music has always been my
ally in my life.
Listening to it helped me to deal with my complex
emotional life. But I was so conditioned and lost that I never
thought to make music myself. I was in awe when I saw bands playing
live and especially intrigued when watching the drummer.
My low
self-esteem didn't even make that connection that I could be doing
this myself since I thought I had to study and be a good student in
order to get a degree in something more practical and secure to fit
into society and also please my parents.
Playing drums connected me to something
deeper within me and for the first time in my life I truly knew what
I wanted to do. I was so infused with inspiration and sudden
self-confidence that I dropped out of university, saved up money and
moved to Los Angeles to study drums and percussion at the Musicians
At that time I realized there must be even more to life
and more to who I am, that there is purpose to my life, that there
was something I'm here to do.
A lot of things came up for me and it
was not always a happy time.
Dealing with depression, childhood
programming, social conditioning and this seemingly never-ending
feeling of loneliness, unable to connect with people on a deeper
level, I started to look for answers, trying to figure myself out as
I was going through the "dark night of the soul" with suicidal
thoughts and even drug abuse (which didn't last long, since it
interfered with my passion for playing drums. Music literally saved
my life).
My search and asking fueled by intense internal suffering
lead me to the works of Carl Gustav Jung, J. Krihshnamurti,
Watts, Joseph Campbell and other spiritual/psychology/philosophy
literature as well as Astrology, which helped me in the process of
seeking answers to deeper life questions and understanding myself

Another big shift in my life started
when I first read "Bringers of the Dawn" (BOTD) by Barbara Marciniak
in the late 90's.
No other book has had such a deep impact on me. It
was almost like an instruction manual I've read before, awakening
something within me that was always there. It was more a recognition
than learning something new.
It resonated with me deeply. Readers of
my blogs know that I don't take the idea of "resonating" lightly
since I believe that there is such a thing as "false resonating".
While there is validity to the idea of
"resonating" with a certain teaching or source, it can easily be
misapplied if the "reading instrument", the Self, is not "tuned"
correctly. Some fundamentalist Christians also "resonate" with the
Bible in literal terms, believing the earth is only 5000 years old.
"Feel good" messages are no proof of truth and can also be very
emotional manipulative. Disinformation is always lies mixed with
Enough truth to use as a bait to get the seeker's attention
and then put him/her on a false lead so to speak, keeping him asleep
while he believes to awaken.
In order to find the true resonance one
needs to separate the false self (with its assumptions,
conditioning, expectations, wishful thinking, buffers, emotional
hooks and ego desires) from the true self which is grounded in
Knowledge, connected to the small voice inside that can always
separate a lie from truth, using intuition and critical thinking
alike, even if the truth is not very "pleasant" and challenging to
one's world view. In other words, honest self-work is needed in
order to resonate with truth.
Within and without.
Marciniak's book started my quest for
truth on a whole new level, confirming my feeling that there is
something else happening on our planet besides what we have been
taught and told by official culture.
For many people the information
in BOTD is too far out or laughable, however that also makes sense
as I'll explain later on.
It was not only the idea of higher density
souls coming "back in time" incarnating in human form (Renegades,
Family of Light) with a mission profile to assist humanity during
this time of transformation which I resonated with, but also the
more disturbing topic of hyperdimensional control and that humans
are not on top of the food chain, nor in control of themselves, but
have been manipulated genetically and controlled by "Aliens"
(hyperdimensional 4D STS forces).
Her work led me to the Ra material, as
well as the Cassiopaean Experiment and the work of
Knight-Jadczyk who wrote in depth about the Theological Drama with
hyperdimensional forces working through humanity, incorporating a
vast array of esoteric teachings, channeled material (Ra,
Marciniak's Pleiadians) and research into ancient history,
connecting the dots scientifically, esoterically, historically and
Her personal story and discoveries are written about in
"The Wave" and "The Secret History of the World".
According to the Ra material and
Cassiopaean transmissions humans have been of
STO (Service to
Others) orientation before the "Fall".
Both sources talk about the "Fall" from this state happening about 300,000 years ago when 4th
density STS (Service to Self) entities (called
the Orion Group by Ra
or Lizzies/Reptilians by Cassiopaea, Pleiadians) "raided" this
planet, took over control (from a hyperdimensional point of view as
in frequency/consciousness control) and humans became STS
(development of ego, false personality, worship of physicality, cut
off from the higher centers).
We're now at the end of a big cycle
where mind/body/spirit complexes (Ra) of 3rd density (humans) have
the opportunity to "graduate" or "evolve" to 4th density STO
orientation (The "harvest" according to Ra).
However, this is a
According to both sources as well as various ancient
esoteric teachings, conscious self-work and effort are required to
move on to the next level so to speak, activating the higher centers
by gaining knowledge, engaging in sincere self-work and being of
Planet earth as it is now is of STS
orientation. We all are STS and cannot be otherwise, however one can
become a STO candidate and polarize oneself to that
vibration/frequency through esoteric work.
4th density STS entities
try their best to manipulate
our "free will" through frequency and
genetic control which has been going on since "the fall", keeping us
in a lower form of consciousness as they feed off those lower
It's simply
food for them and sustains/nourishes them,
like plant and animals (2nd density) serve us for food. 3rd density
feeds off 2nd density and 4th density feeds off 3rd density. Humans
are not at the end of the food chain.
As above, so below.
phenomenon relates to this and is for the most part a manifestation
of the hyperdimensional matrix control system as examined in more
depth in the documentary "UFOs,
Aliens, and the Question of Contact" I made with Humberto
Now is a window of opportunity to break
free from this control and evolve to a higher level of existence.
Not everyone will "graduate". It's everyone's own choice/calling and
doesn't depend on anything or anyone "out there". No one can do it
for another, but one must do the self-work in order to activate the
higher centers, raising one's level of Being and Awareness above a
certain minimum.
This is also not something that happens over night
or on a specific date (like the much popularized end of the
Calendar 12/21/2012) but is related to the shift of ages spanning
over a many years and we are already in the midst of it.
There is a choice to be made very
shortly, and it would be preferable if all of the people of this
planet understand the choice that is to be made.
It will be difficult for many of the people of this planet to
understand what this choice is, because it is a choice that they
have not considered. They have been much too involved in their
daily activities and their confusion and their desires of a very
trivial nature to be concerned with an understanding of the
choice that they are very shortly to make.
Whether they
wish to or not, whether they understand it or not, regardless of
any influence, each and every one of the people who dwell upon
planet Earth will shortly make a choice. There will be no middle
There will be those who choose to follow the path of love
and light (knowledge) and those who choose otherwise.
This choice will not be made
by saying, "I choose the path of love and light," or "l do not
choose it." The verbal choice
will mean nothing.
This choice will be measured by the individual's demonstration
of his choice.
This choice is measured by what we term
the vibratory rate of the individual.
It is necessary, if an
individual is to join those who make the choice of love and
understanding, for his rate of vibration to be above a certain
minimal level.
At the time at which each of you incarnated, my friends, each of
you was aware that certain lessons, hitherto unlearned, were to
be the goals for achievement in this incarnation.
If it seems to
you that your entire incarnation within this illusion has been a
series of difficulties of one particular type, then you are
almost certainly aware in some manner of one of your lessons.
As you
can see, these lessons are not to be avoided. They are to be
from Hatonn, L/L Transcripts
Going back to the topic of Wanderers and
renegades who have incarnated in this time and age with a specific
mission relating to the shift we're in, there is also this
insightful writing by
Marshall Vian Summers about the deeper meaning
of purpose, our "ancient home" and how it is intrinsically connected
to gaining Knowledge.
Purpose is not a definition or an end in
itself, but a journey to be discovered as we work on ourselves and
separate truth from lies within and without.
This process is
different for each as everyone has different lessons to learn and
talents to develop.
UNDERSTAND as you climb higher on the mountain of life.
As you
gain a greater vantage point, you will understand more of the
journey itself, by looking behind and by being increasingly able
to anticipate what is up ahead.
Purpose is realized by taking
the journey, not by establishing a favorable or fascinating
explanation or a definition for oneself. Purpose is not a
justification. It does not compensate for anything.
Purpose is
something that is waiting for you to discover. You can only
discover it by taking the journey, by following the way, by
learning as you go and by gaining the greater perspective and
understanding that one acquires as one matures in The Way of
As we have said before, you have
come from someplace and you will return to that place. You have
come bearing gifts for the world. Your greater purpose is
embodied in this idea.
Because of your origin and your destiny,
you have something greater to give to the world, something that
the world cannot give to you.
Your gift is hidden within you like a secret cargo, but you
cannot gain access to it until you have advanced. Then it will
begin to emerge, slowly and incrementally, all on its own.
Your calling in life is very specific. It
involves engaging with certain people for specific reasons at
certain junctures of your life. The greater purpose that you
share with everyone is to keep Knowledge alive in the world and
to bring something from your Ancient Home into the world.
This is a definition that you can abide with because it will not
limit you and it will not deceive you, but go no further in your
Allow the manifestation of your purpose to take
place naturally, as it will if you follow in The Way of
Knowledge. Your purpose now is to prepare to gain a greater
understanding of the world, the world's evolution and the
world's destiny.
Within this larger context you will gain a new
vantage point for understanding your role in the world and your
reason for coming here.
Your life must be fulfilled. It must
be justified. The world is a difficult place to come to. It is
not a vacation spot. It is not a place where you are sent for
punishment. It is not a place
where you are sent for pleasure.
It is a place that needs your
gifts from your Ancient Home, and for this reason you have come.
Your purpose is not to escape the world.
Your purpose is not to run home to your Creator.
Your purpose is to give what
you came here to give, to reunite with those whom you are
intended to reunite with and to contribute all that you have
brought with you - that secret cargo that you carry even
at this moment.
You are here in the world for very
specific reasons.
They are not your personal reasons. You are
here to contribute to and participate in a greater order of
reality that exists within the world and beyond the world and
even beyond the physical manifestation of life.
With greater awareness comes a greater ability.
This all comes from Knowledge. Here you are asked to follow, to
respond and to learn the great lessons in discernment,
discretion, communication and affinity.
These lessons are inherent in the preparation itself. From the
first step to the last, you will be learning these things, and
life will be your laboratory.
As you come to realize that your purpose is not
for you alone, then you will realize that you must not allow
yourself to become self-possessed or self-absorbed.
Indeed, the great liberation is a liberation from this
self-absorption which returns you to life with an open mind and
with all of your faculties fully activated.
The ones who will succeed are the
ones who focus on their preparation and allow the course of
their life to unfold without determining its result and without
determining what it will look like, how it will be and so forth.
Here you must develop a great and growing faith in yourself, in
the beneficence of those people who assist you, in the Unseen
Ones who guide you and help you and in the power and presence of
Knowledge within you.
Purpose is a process; it is
not a definition. It is not a validation.
It is not a form of
self- comfort. It is something that awaits you. It is a great
journey. It is a door that is open to you now, a door that you
can pass through. It is a journey where you do not lead yourself
alone, but instead become a part of the greater education that
exists throughout the universe.
The Creator is at work
everywhere, reclaiming the separated through Knowledge. This is
the Creator's purpose.
Your purpose is to give what you are designed to
give, according to your nature and your true abilities.
In this,
your life becomes fulfilled because everything you have done can
now serve a greater purpose.
This journey requires phenomenal self-honesty.
Humility, honesty, openness, discernment, restraint, discretion,
tolerance and compassion - these are qualities that result from
preparation and advancement in The Way of Knowledge.
These things are what provide inspiration and true ability in
Your purpose is the same as everyone
However, your calling is specific. It is a specific set
of tasks with specific people and in specific relationships for
certain purposes. That is a calling.
But for a calling to be
genuine, to be real and to really bear fruit in life, it must be
fundamentally based within the greater purpose that you share
with everyone.
It is not wandering around blindly,
speculating and having big ideas.
Instead, it is engaging in a
process of development that has been provided for you by your
Creator and by your Spiritual Family to initiate you in this
life into the greater calling and purpose for which you have
come. Only through this discovery will your life be fully
justified and fully realized.
Here you will enter a greater
range of relationship and understanding which will make you a
person of incredible value in the world.
The world is a hungry and lonely place. It is
full of fantasy and folly. Its suffering is profound. Its
confusion is deep. Its violence is sickening. Its possibilities
are great. Who can see these things but those who realize that
they have come from beyond the world to give something?
realize this because it is something they can feel. It is not an
emotion; it is something they feel. They feel that they have
come here for a reason. It is something that they cannot yet
define, but they cannot make it go away either.
greater is calling them. This is purpose.
Their awareness of the mystery
of life will grow more and more profound, and their ability in
life - in their relationships, in their career, in all their
activities - will deepen. This is purpose.
At some point,
they will give themselves to something that involves other
people in service to the world in one capacity or another
according to their nature and their design. It will be natural
for them to give themselves in this way, as it would be
unnatural for them to decline it.
This is purpose.
As we describe this process of
preparation in a very general way, do not think that you are
near the end. Do not claim that you are anywhere in the process,
for how can you tell?
You cannot pull yourself out of life and
examine your life. You do not have that vantage point yet.
Accept that the journey is
great. It is marvelous. It is at times difficult.
But in all
ways it refines you. It washes away that which is nonessential
in you and reveals that which is permanent and meaningful.
real purpose and calling become apparent when all that hides and
conceals them has fallen away, and what is left is what is real,
and that becomes welcomed and embraced.
This is the time that you are here,
and this is the condition of the world and the evolution of the
world at this time.
Though your specific calling may seem to
have little to do with the Greater Community, you are serving
the world in its emergence into the Greater Community. You are
fostering goodness, Wisdom and the reality of Knowledge in the
world through your own demonstration.
This is your purpose.
Let's summarize what we can see so far
from these quoted sources.
Wandereres/Renegades are souls from a
higher density (4th or 6th) that have incarnated in a human body in
order to be of assistance during this Time of Transition.
They are "system busters" challenging the status quo who don't fit in with
most of humanity. Due to entering the lower density of physical life
they have forgotten that it was their conscious choice to do so in
order to perform certain tasks according to a mission profile.
memory from the "ancient home" is buried deep within them which
needs to be awakened. This purpose is an ongoing discovery that
depends on conscious self-development and gaining Knowledge.
Love is Light, is Knowledge.
Ra says that the reason for this "forgetting" is also rooted in respecting the free will of 3D
"Free will of 3D entities needs to
be preserved.
Thus Wanderers volunteer for 3D genetic or DNA
connections to mind/body/spirit complex. Forgetting process can
be penetrated to extent of Wanderer remembering what it is and
why it is upon the planet.
However, it would be an infringement
if Wanderers penetrated forgetting so far as to activate more
dense bodies and thus be able to live in a god-like manner.
would not be proper for those who have chosen to serve."
The Ps (Pleiadians) tell us that
wanderers/renegades are,
to designing events that would fire [their] codings, or blueprints
that would activate their memories."
In other words,
the friction and struggle many people (who could be Wanderers)
perceive can be used as catalysts to help them awaken and remember
what they came here to do.
lessons are not to be avoided, but are to be learned.
The obstacle that is in the way of a Wanderer to awaken is that
he/she becomes karmically involved and conditioned/programmed
through upbringing and society, steering him/her off the path.
order to activate the higher centers, connecting them to their
higher selves and giving them access to their "blueprints", sincere
self work is necessary to cut through the lies and conditioning of
the false personality, which everyone has to one degree or another.
This shows us that despite their hidden
higher knowledge and awareness that Wanderers bring with them, they
need to deal with the challenges of life like everyone else on the
It is of no use to proclaim proudly that one is a Wanderer
without realizing and engaging in the work that is necessary to
truly walk the talk.
The verbal
choice will mean nothing. This choice will be measured by the
individual's demonstration of his choice.
However, due
to being "foreign" to 3rd density, Wanderers do have more problems
adjusting to the planetary vibration of physicality than humans
whose home is 3D.
Ra tells us:
"Due to the extreme variance between
the vibratory distortions of third density and those of the more
dense densities, if you will, Wanderers have as a general rule
some form of handicap, difficulty, or feeling of alienation
which is severe.
The most common of these difficulties are
alienation, the reaction against the planetary vibration by
personality disorders, as you would call them, and body complex
ailments indicating difficulty in adjustment to the planetary
vibrations such as allergies, as you would call them".
"Possibility of such problems due to
6D incarnating in 3D is rather large. Not necessarily a problem
- it depends upon unique orientation of each m/b/s complex
having this situation or placement of energies."
"There are, in case of Wanderers,
not only a congenital difficulty in dealing with 3D vibratory
patterns but also a recollection, however dim, that these
distortions are not necessary or usual in home vibration."
Many people who resonate with
being a Wanderer do so because of the
most common of these
difficulties, alienation, that is severe (and I can
certainly relate to that), which is probably due to the difficulty
of dealing with
3D vibratory patterns that are not necessary or
usual in home vibration (6D).
These difficulties are crucial and can
be approached in two ways for better or worse.
One can use them as
an excuse to not deal with 3D life because one feels "too
spiritual" or "too good" to do so or claiming to have "transcended"
anything that may require too much work to confront, be it within
oneself or in the world.
I have heard many times from people
(Wanderers or not) that they are "too spiritual" for politics or
speaking out against injustices in the world (and ultimately the 4D
STS control system) because they have "transcended" it all and just
want to live in the Light (misunderstanding that Light actually
means Knowledge).
But as Marianne Williamson said, addressing that
at a
talk at "Lightning in a Bottle":
"There is a difference between
transcendence and denial".
Others even use their "spiritual
highness" as an excuse to not pay their bills, get a source of
income or just managing ordinary daily affairs and reject anything
that is part of life in our current 3D reality.
They tend to manipulate, leech (and essentially feed) off others, which can keep
them in 3D STS frequency with the potential of getting "stuck"
there, not graduating (or not going back "home") and having to
repeat the 3rd density cycle.
"If Wanderer demonstrated through
action a negative orientation towards others it would be caught
into the planetary vibration and, when harvested, possibly
repeat master cycle of 3D as a planetary entity".
One needs to watch out that seeing
oneself as a Wanderer doesn't become an escape and is not used as a
buffer/excuse, which will only be in the way of living up to one's
potential and purpose.
Laura Knight-Jadczyk makes an important point
in that regard:
"This is another area where there
are some misunderstandings in the spiritual life.
Many seekers
believe that their inability to function in the real world is
like a badge of merit - a proof of their great spirituality.
Physical ailments, loss of function, inability to manage
ordinary daily affairs, and so on and on are all excused because
the person is so "spiritual" that they cannot be expected to be
bothered with such things.
Well, that's all fine and good but
wouldn't you think that a person who is supposed to have
graduated to higher spiritual realms did so because they
mastered the lower ones?
And, if that is the case, what is so
hard about remembering those lessons and activating them at a
higher level of competence this time around?
If you have graduated to sixth
grade, surely you can ace all the tests of third grade?"
The healthier approach, which will
actually help Wanderers to truly remember what they came here to do
and act on it, is to confront these difficulties, learn the lessons
and use the friction and shocks to create the fire within,
transmuting lead into gold, building the magnetic center within,
which connects them to their higher self, the real "I" and the
hidden knowledge within them.
This is where esoteric works come in.
Wanderers actually have a better disposition to engage in this work
"this is not more than a
bias and cannot be called an understanding" as Ra said
(more on that later).
Instead of rejecting these experiences
and lessons due to an unconscious feeling that this is not their
natural habitat, Wanderers have actually all the "tools" and
knowledge to deal with them, especially since they chose to
incarnate due the "the call" and request.
Hence, being "spiritual"
and/or being a Wanderer implies taking absolute responsibility for
one's life regardless what the challenges and difficulties may be
without blame, self-pity or self-importance.
This also relates to
the work of
Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan's teaching of the "warrior":
"Only as a warrior can one withstand
the path of knowledge. A warrior cannot complain or regret
anything. His life is an endless challenge, and challenges
cannot possibly be good or bad. Challenges are simple
"What seems natural is to think that
a warrior who can hold his own in the face of the unknown can
certainly face petty tyrants with impunity. But that's not
necessarily so.
What destroyed the superb warriors of ancient
times was to rely on that assumption. Nothing can temper the
spirit of a warrior as much as the challenge of dealing with
impossible people in positions of power.
Only under those
conditions can warriors acquire the sobriety and serenity to
withstand the pressure of the unknowable."
So regardless of Wanderers being "higher
evolved" or old souls, they're on the same playing field as everyone
else on 3D earth and must do the work to access their knowledge.
only "help" they have is that they may get triggered in some way and
the right book appears at the right time for example or
synchronicities and coincidences may lead them to the information or
life situation they need to come across and experience in order to
be awakened.
But they need to do the work themselves with
discernment, separating truth from lies within and without. The
friction and limitations of 3rd density actually serve as a catalyst
for faster learning, growth and polarization.
What seems clear is
that Wanderers didn't just choose to be of assistance with their
coded mission and potentially teach/heal but also to learn the
lessons they need to learn for their own evolution and polarization.
"[The] Wanderer has potential of
greatly accelerating density whence it comes in its progress in
This is due to intensive life experiences and
opportunities of 3D. Positively oriented Wanderers choose to
hazard danger of forgetting to be of service to others by
radiating love of others.
forgetting is penetrated, amount of catalyst in 3D will polarize
Wanderer w/ much greater efficiency than shall be expected in
higher, more harmonious densities."
They may also be guided and awakened by
higher density STO forces to be triggered through subconscious
impulses but not to do the work FOR them.
As the Ps said:
"All of you jumped at the chance to
be here in such a challenging place at such a challenging time.
You were certain you could do it. Also, you were told before you
came here that there would be much assistance and that, at
different junctures of your development, different entities
would present themselves upon the planet in different capacities
to trigger you, fire you up,
and remind you-not to do it for you. We are one of
those triggers, a catalyst.
...You yourself chose to be here. You
are on assignment to bring memory forward and to bring the value
of human existence back to the forefront of creation. You are
Each of you has been trained,
and you have the knowledge inside you.
Our part is to hit key chords
and play your consciousness into activity so you can go ahead
and make the tune or song or dance you are prepared for.
Your knowledge is inside of you, and as you agree to discover
it, it will awaken on deeper and deeper levels. You will become
very self-sufficient, those of you who agree to this.
You will
also become incredibly knowledgeable, those of you who do not
stop because you are frightened.
Light is
information; ignorance is darkness…
Assistance comes to you in all avenues of life,
yet others cannot do things for you because you designed life in
such a way that the species must self-motivate and evolve in
order to be empowered…
It is very important to observe how
you deal with events. Different events are brought to you so
that you can observe them.
Learn to observe your behavior and to
spend much more time alone even if sometimes it is difficult for
you and you feel lonely.
In the long run, you will thank us for directing you to have a
more meaningful encounter with yourself…
Who's going to bail
you out when the going gets rough? Where is the rescue team? You
are it.
In order to have this transformation take place, you must use
what you have to bring it about.
There is incredible assistance
from all kinds of realms; however, it all depends on you, not
You are going to change the frequency simply by
commitment, determination, and willpower…"
And from the Ra material:
"The methods used to awaken
Wanderers are varied.
The center of each approach is the
entrance into the conscious and subconscious in such a way as to
avoid causing fear and to maximize the potential for an
understandable subjective experience that has meaning for the
entity. Many such occur in sleep, others in the midst of many
activities during the waking hours.
The approach is flexible and
does not necessarily include the 'Close Encounter' syndrome."
This is also where free will comes
Wanderers incarnated because of the "request" and "answering the
Their mission is not to preach, impose or
give without being
asked. From an STO perspective one can only give when asked and many
people choose not to wake up, they choose not to seek truth or do
conscious self-work.
They choose to stay asleep, dreaming to be
Many even choose to be STS on a soul level, just as many
choose not to "graduate" to 4D. Free will needs to be respected,
even if it is the free will to stay ignorant. Only STS violates free
will through self-serving manipulation and non-asked interference.
This also relates to the esoteric sayings,
"Being wise as serpents and
gentle as doves" and
"Do not give
what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or
they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to
Asking can come in different ways and it
not necessarily verbal, however, not every asking is sincere, so
knowledge, discernment and awareness are required to truly
distinguish between STS and STO, especially within ourselves as we
all have STS tendencies, mistaking them for STO (remember that STS
is the default polarity for this current 3rd density we are ALL
subjected to).
Are we giving to another without expectation and to
truly help the other person?
What part in them are we supporting?
Sometimes NOT giving is actually STO in order not to support the STS
feeding dynamics.
Are we being externally considerate?
Or are we
considering internally and are trying to make ourselves feel better
by "being of service" or for the sake of image/appearance/status,
inflating our self-importance?
For example, if people donate money
to various causes, what is their true underlying drive?
"How we admire you.
We remember
third density. It is the shortest of the densities, the density
of choice. You are here to
choose to serve the Creator by serving others or by serving the
self and manipulating others.
As you serve others, you
may be asked to do outrageous things, to go beyond your
limitations, to do what cannot be done yet which shall be done
because it must.
And in those situations we strongly advise that
you release your personal personality and move to an impersonal
portion of your deep self, that god-self of unmitigated and
straightforward compassion.
determine what is pleasing as opposed to what is serving another
entity is sometimes difficult, especially on the spur of the
People have to learn their own lessons
even if we can see how much they're lying to themselves and are in
their own ways.
Free will is essentially tied to learning the
lessons and understanding that everyone has their own lessons but
also that there are collective lessons for all of humanity to learn.
From the
Q: What creates this environment of
A: It is the grand illusion which is there for the purpose of
Q: And who put the illusion into place?
A: The Creator who is also the Created. Which is also you and us
and all. As we have told you, we are you and vice versa. And so
is everything else.
Q: Is the key that it is all illusion?
A: Basically, yes. As we have told you before, if you will be
patient just a moment, the universe is merely a school.
And, a
school is there for all to learn. That is why everything exists.
There is no other reason. Now, if only you understood the true
depth of that statement, you would begin to start to see, and
experience for yourself, all the levels of density that it is
possible to experience, all the dimensions that it is possible
to experience, all awareness.
When an individual understands
that statement to its greatest possible depth, that individual
becomes illumined.
And, certainly you have heard of that. And,
for one moment, which lasts for all eternity, that individual
knows absolutely everything that there is to know.
As an STO candidate one cannot interfere
with the learning process of another, but only assist with advice,
mirrors and suggestions if it is asked for.
One can also spread "seeds of awareness", share information and show the
"door" if
appropriate but people will have to walk through it themselves. Each
situation is different and specific. No one can do the work for
another, nor can anyone "save" another.
As Morpheus told Neo in "The
"Unfortunately no one
can be told what the matrix is, you have to see it for yourself."
"[The wanderer's] desire is service
to others with the distortion towards reaching their hand,
figuratively, to any entities who call for aid… Specific
intentions such as aiding in a situation not yet manifest are
not the aim of Wanderers.
and love go where they are sought and needed, and their
direction is not planned aforetimes."
"[Different attitude toward
unharvestable Earth entities?] Not substantially. To those
who wish to sleep we could only offer comforts designed for
sleeping. Service is only
possible to extent it is requested. We were ready to
serve in whatever way we could. This still seems satisfactory as
a means of dealing with others in 3D.
To be each entity which
one attempts to serve simplifies grasp of what service is
is not your task
as members of the Family of Light to proselytize.
You simply go into systems and act
as receptacles… Assistance comes to you in all avenues of life,
yet others cannot do things for you because you designed life in
such a way that the species must self-motivate and evolve in
order to be empowered…
everyone is going to make the shift. Not everyone is in the
vibration that wants to work in harmony at this time."
Laura Knight-Jadczyk writes:
"Ra tells us about
'wanderers,' or higher dimensional-beings who have incarnated
for the purpose of assisting
humanity without violating free will. This 'service to
others' is described as a 'dispassionate attempt to share
information without concern for numbers or growth among others.'
The attempt to make the information available is the service.
There are no shortcuts to
enlightenment. It cannot be taught. It cannot be achieved with
rituals or formulas.
The only thing that can be shared is
information, stories of inspiration, love and mystery, and
experiences that may spark another person to reach out and begin
seeking on their own…
Ra warns that the challenge and
danger of the wanderer is that he or she will forget the
mission, become karmically involved, and thus be swept into the
maelstrom. The question here is, of course, how does one become
karmically involved?
Ra answers: By acting in a consciously
unloving manner in action with other beings. As the readers have
what is or is not 'love' is a
huge issue.
And it is in this subject that the most intensive
disinformation has been promulgated, or so it seems."
All of this also relates to the topic of
Organic Portals (OPs), the possibility that half of humanity does
not have an individual soul and has no ability to access the higher
centers, which would enable them to engage in esoteric work in order
to graduate.
There is nothing wrong with them, it is just part of
the evolutionary process.
However, one must be aware not to project
one's own soul potential into OPs who can serve as portals through
which 4D STS forces can work through in order to keep souled
individuals from advancing (esoterically speaking), just like agent
Smith in "The Matrix" was able to insert himself into humans
(programs) trying to keep Neo from awakening.
The reader is
encouraged to read "Organic
Portals - Soulless Humans" to get a better
understanding of that important topic.
Especially Wanderers need to be
conscious and aware of the traps, deceptions and distractions in 3rd
density which may interfere with their mission since most people are
NOT like them, but have a different inner wiring so to speak.
Ra mentions that,
"the Wanderer is
less inclined to the deviousness of third density and therefore does
not recognize as easily as a more negative individual would, the
negative nature of thoughts or beings".
"Ra tells us that wanderers
are vulnerable because they become completely the creature of
third density in mind and body, and are, by nature, less
inclined to deviousness and manipulation.
For this reason, they
often do not recognize as easily the negative nature of other
beings or thoughts before they become involved with them.
Then, very
often, because of this very lack of perception of negativity,
they often persist in relationships that are negative because
they repeatedly attribute to the other person their own
benevolent motives and perceptions.
Additionally, there is just as much chance of
negative hyperdimensional telepathic mind control influence
being brought to bear on a wanderer as anyone else.
The only difference occurs in what Ra calls the "spirit complex"
which, if it wishes, has an armor of light which enables it to
recognize more clearly that which is not appropriately desired.
This is not more than a bias, and cannot be called an
So, in other words, you just have an
instinct about things that are not right. But then, with all our
be-nice programming, we generally override the instinct and
shove such signals under the rug, or search endlessly for
reasons to excuse bad behavior…
Ra and the Cs
both confirm that wanderers, however they are defined, are most
definitely high-priority targets of the Matrix Controllers."
Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Wanderers are not only subject to
hypedimensional manipulation in this Matrix Control System as
everyone else, but are PRIMARY targets of the 4D STS forces (Orion
STS according to Ra.
The Lizzies/dark shirts according to the Ps)
because their mission obviously interferes with the plans of the
controllers of this world and they don't want this to happen. They
don't want to loose their food source.
Laura Knight-Jadczyk wrote
about it in "Soul Hackers - The Hidden Hands Behind The New
Age Movement" (The Wave Book 2), chapter "All There Is Is Lessons,
or Wandering Around in Third Density Can Be Hazardous to Your
Here's an excerpt:
[…] The problem seems to be that of
"waking up" [of the wanderer] to the nature of the mission and this
presents special problems. Ra gives us several more clues:
"Wanderers become completely the
creatures of third density in mind/body complex.
There is just
as much chance of [them being subjected to Orion STS mind
programming attempts] as to a mind/body complex of [strictly
third density].
The only difference occurs in the spirit complex
which, if it wishes, has an armor of light, if you will, which
enables it to recognize more clearly that which is not be
desired by the mind/body/spirit complex.
This is not more than a bias
and cannot be called an understanding."
So we begin to understand that even the purest of the pure are
subject to corruption and deception.
They do seem to have a bit of help in separating the wheat
from the chaff, but Ra describes it as,
"not more than a bias and
cannot be called an understanding."
The problem is, the "bias" often comes
into direct conflict with the mind programming efforts of the Orion
STS and a lot of suffering and torture can result.
And there is also
a special weakness of those who are configured to STO - since they
don't have meanness and deception in their own hearts, it can take
almost forever for them to see it in others who are being used to
keep them from awakening!
Ra remarks on this as well:
"Furthermore, the Wanderer is
less inclined to the deviousness of third density and therefore
does not recognize as easily as a more negative individual
would, the negative nature of thoughts or beings…
[If the
Wanderer is successfully co-opted by the Orion STS it would be]
caught into the planetary vibration and, when harvested,
possibly repeat again the master cycle of third density as a
planetary entity."
Ra also confirmed Don's remark that those with missions, Wanderers,
are "high priority targets" of the Orion STS faction.
That's a scary thought!
What it means is that if a
person comes into incarnation from a higher density with a mission
to serve, not only are they enveloped in the "veil of forgetting",
they become special targets for a bunch of Intergalactic rapists and
murderers who are only restrained in their actions by some sort of
vague Law of Free Will which still allows every imaginable trick and
deception to be perpetrated on them so that they will engage in
relationships, beliefs, actions or reactions designed to "bring them
down a few densities," so to speak!
And they only get a "bias" toward what
is Truth, and not a clear understanding!
So with all of this information we are
trying to put together about what is out there just waiting to trap
and deceive us, how in the world are we supposed to have a clue as
to what is going on?
Just who are the Good Guys here?!
"[In terms of STO contacts from the
higher densities] the infringement upon free will is greatly
Therefore, those entities, which are Wanderers upon
your plane of illusion, will be the only subjects for the
thought projections that make up the so-called "Close
Encounters" and meetings…"
Ra seems to be saying that only the
"Wanderers" have any hope of being in contact with the higher level
"Good Guys" because they are, ipso facto, already of STO
configuration and therefore, contact is not an infringement upon
their free will as it would be if the STO contact came to a third
density being who has not yet graduated to the higher densities.
Of course, they all look alike here on
the Big Blue Marble, and they are all mostly engaged in living
relatively normal lives side by side with one another. And they do have to be "awakened"! Also, there is a special condition
under which Wanderers may be contacted, it seems, that pretty much
eliminates your "weekend seminar" in channeling.
It seems that there
is an almost mathematical law involved in being able to communicate
with higher density beings:
The calling of a group of
people whose square overcame the integrated resistance of those
unwilling to search or learn…
If we just stop and think for a moment about the nature of most
people on the planet who do not want to search or learn;
they do not want to think or do the necessary work that prepares a
"vessel" for the inflow of higher knowledge; they want to be "saved"
with as little effort as possible, then you begin to understand the
odds against contact with truly higher density STO beings.
That is the operation of the Law of Free
The majority of beings of third density
are STS - they would not be in this density otherwise. By
this choice, they have also chosen the illusions that are part of
this "con job".
Yes, at a very deep level, it is a choice to
experience in order to learn, but let's not get ahead of ourselves
By the
very fact that this is the choice of the majority, the few who might
truly wish to perceive the truth are overruled by the mass choice
according to the law of Free Will!
Even if
the being is a fourth or sixth density "Wanderer", by entering this
density, they have chosen to "play by the rules" and cannot abridge
Thus, in order to penetrate this
"veil of forgetting", extreme effort is required
in a
mathematical ratio. A consistent "call" by a group,
must go out. And the energy required to penetrate the veil must be
built up over a period of time in order to meet this requirement.
This principle is expressed in two of the purported sayings of
"Wherever two or more are gathered in my name…" and
you must "ask and keep on asking, knock
and keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you."
So, just by thinking about this very
simple Law of Free Will and its implications, we come to an
understanding that the likelihood of the many "sources" of
information that purport to have "serendipitously" contacted this or
that channel who was just humming along one day and - ZAP! - along
came Swami Whosits or Koot Hoot or Lord Sandyando or whoever, are
very likely victims of the deception - possibly even Wanderers being
"neutralized" by STS forces, or simply those who are "agents" of the
STS forces, including those programmed a la Greenbaum.
Ra did
give us a figure: 65 million Wanderers on the planet at the time he
was speaking. That amounts to about one person out of every hundred
on the planet.
But how many of them survive the attacks? How many of
them actually do, can, or will wake up? Particularly when we must
expect them to be objects of special "attention" in terms of "attack"?
But, apparently all is not lost!
Wanderers who have struggled and worked or survived the
attack/lessons to the point that something inside them is ready can awaken via subtle "contacts" or inner urgings:
"The feeling of being awakened or
activated is the goal of this type of contact…
The methods used
to awaken Wanderers are varied. The center of each approach is
the entrance into the conscious and subconscious in such a way
as to avoid causing fear and to maximize the potential for an
understandable subjective experience that has meaning for the
Many such occur in sleep, others in the midst of many
activities during the waking hours.
The approach is flexible and
does not necessarily include the "Close Encounter" syndrome."
So we are given to understand that such
"wake up" experiences can be varied.
Considering the deceptions and
manipulations of the Orion STS that have already been described, we
also must consider that there will be many efforts to block,
obfuscate, or mimic such awakenings. Again, only knowledge
can give us the tools with which to discriminate.
Again Ra
brings up a special class of attack that can occur to those who are
on a destined mission, as the Cassiopaeans call it:
"Wanderers do have "Close
Encounters" with Orion STS, though it is rare.
[Such] occurs
either due to the Orion entities' lack of perception of the
depth of positivity to be encountered or due to the Orion
entities' desire to, shall we say, attempt to remove this
positivity from this plane of existence…
A mistaken Orion
STS contact with highly polarized positive entities can wreak
havoc with Orion troops unless [they] are able to depolarize the
entity mistakenly contacted.
This occurrence is almost
unheard of. Therefore, the Orion group prefers to make physical
contact only with the weaker-minded entity…
The most typical
approach of Orion entities is to choose what you might call the
weaker minded entity that it might suggest a greater amount of
Orion STS philosophy to be disseminated."
So now we begin to understand the
special traps set up for these Wanderers wherein human agents
are used to manipulate and control them.
If they cannot be corrupted
directly, the strategy is to corrupt those around them - including
family, friends, spouses and associates of all kinds.
I would never claim to be one of these "Wanderers", even if the
profile does fit (since I am not inclined to "true believership" in
anything), there was a curious exchange with the Cassiopaeans at one
session which included another individual who also fits this profile
that gives some clues as to how this occurs:
May 3, 1997
Q: (L) Reading through the session
of May 23, last year, when TK was also here, and the issue of
his living in isolation from the rest of the world was
addressed, you asked who had begged him to stay there even
though he wanted to move to a place where he could have more
contact with other people and more opportunities for growth and
The answer to this question was that it was his
wife who insisted on remaining even though it was clear that he
was unhappy in the environment. Then you made a remark about an EM [Electromagnetic] vector.
The way I understood it is that you
were saying that a person can be an EM vector. Is that possible?
A: Vector means focuser of
Q: (L) So his wife is the one who
controls the focus of his direction. But how? Could that mean
that a human being can vector EM waves simply by their presence
and that these EM waves are part of the control system that
manipulates people?
Can it be that such "agents" are used as EM
vectors in the sense that they emanate a special frequency that
literally affects the mind in terms of shutting down clarity, or
even actually transmitting pre-coded thought loops?
A: Precisely.
Q: (L)
I also noticed that several of
us have been involved with persons and relationships that seem
designed to confuse, defuse, and otherwise distort our learning,
as well as drain our energy.
Basically, keeping us so stressed
that we cannot fulfill our potential. Is there some
significance to this observation?
A: That is elementary, my dear
Knight! […]
Q: (L) Were the individuals in our
lives selected for the extremely subtle nature of their
abilities to evoke pity, or were we programmed to respond to
pity so that we were blind to something that was obvious to
other people?
A: Neither. You were selected to
interact with those who would trigger a hypnotic response that
would ultimately lead to a drain of energy.
Q: (T) Well, it is a fact, because
my energy is sure drained. (L) What is the purpose of this
draining of energy?
A: What do you think?
Q: (T) So you can't concentrate or
do anything. You can't get anywhere with anything.
A: Or, at least not the important
Q: (T) Is that why my concentration
is so low?
A: Yes. You are dealing with a
no-win situation!! As you know.
Q: (T) So, if I don't get out, I
will just keep going down. Is it the area or the person?
A: Both. One is wrapped within the
other. […]
Q: (L) Is it true that being in the
presence of such people, that one is under the influence of an
energy, an emanation from them physically, that befuddles the
mind and makes it almost impossible to think one's way out of
the situation?
A: It is the draining of energy that
befuddles the mind.
Q: (L) Where does this energy drain?
A: 4th density STS.
Q: (L) These people we are
associated with drain our energy from us and fourth density STS
harvests it from them?
"They" do nothing!!!! 4th density
STS does it all through them! […]
Lesson number 1: Always expect attack.
Lesson number 2: Know the modes of same.
Lesson number 3: Know how to counteract same.
When you are under attack, expect the unexpected, if it is going
to cause problems… But, if you expect it, you learn how to "head
it off," thus neutralizing it. This is called vigilance, which
is rooted in knowledge.
And, what does knowledge do?
Q: (L)
Protects! I
guess that a person just has to come to the full realization
virtually everything that happens on the planet - no exceptions
- is a symbol of some interaction of STS vs. STO energy at
higher levels.
Yes, and for most, that is not as of yet realized. It must be
part of a natural learning process.
Q: (L) Well, I guess that all of us
tend to keep one or another area sacrosanct and think that it is
not subject to attack, or that we can use logic and third
density thinking to explain it.
Until a person realizes that
attack can come through even one's self, wives and husbands,
children and parents, friends - virtually anybody - nobody is exempt.
A: The block is a lack of
faith in the concept.
Remember, when one has been indoctrinated by
religion, culture and/or science, they are predisposed to view
all things in the sense of the measurable physical reality
One must be cured of lack of faith in the reality of nonphysical
One major thing we see from the
above is that our associations can be crucial.
Of course, if we are aware that anyone and everyone can be used as an "EM
vector" to modulate our frequency or behavior or thinking, then we
have some protection.
But to be unaware of it, to be in close association
with those who are unaware themselves, and therefore subject to this
manipulation, is to be firmly "in the trap".
But suppose one person in a relationship
begins to "wake up", and becomes aware (even if only vaguely), that
all is not as it seems.
They will have continual glimpses of the
reality, mostly when not in the presence of the other individual.
They may clearly see that something is not working, that it is not
right, and may even make decisions to change it or to leave.
But the
instant the other person is physically present with their EM
vectoring capabilities, the glimpses of truth are "damped" or even
shut down and the waking person begins to feel schizophrenic or
crazy in some way for having such conflicting and opposing thoughts.
Add to this the social and religious enculturation to "turn the
other cheek" or "suffer because it's noble and holy," and you have
the recipe for cooking the Wanderer's goose!
Another of the factors in the control
system is the "self-destruct" program. Obviously the aliens have no
problem abducting and killing and eating many people who are still
lost in the initial choice for STS/third density.
But there are the
special cases of the Wanderers who, obviously, the STS invaders
don't want to tangle with at that level, as described above by Ra,
so they have a rather clever way around this little
stumbling block to their machinations: the suicide game.
This is a very cunning setup, I can tell
you! It can follow a variety of lines in the lives of different
people, and it seems that the STS Orions take some sort of fiendish
delight in designing variations for their entertainment pleasure,
but the gist of it is this: a Wanderer is born.
Obviously they have
to be born somewhere, to some family, with certain genetics. It is
also equally obvious that the choices probably don't
include having Wanderers for parents or siblings, (though there are
There they are, innocent little babies, volunteers for
a great mission, surrounded by potential EM vectors and Lizzie
And the game begins!
Abuse - physical, sexual, and psychological - comes into play to "set them up" for a later fall
- if in fact they are not just simply
killed by same right at the beginning. But the special
characteristic of the Wanderer type is that they continue to "shine"
with a sort of "inner purity" of the questing spirit even in the
face of such treatment.
As a result
of this abuse, they can be attached by any number of "dead dudes" or
elementals or even demonic-type entities that enter in through
wounds in the psychological/psychic shield like cosmic bacteria.
The usual next stage in this drama is to cause the Wanderer to be
attracted to a particular type of person who is a sort of "false
image" of STO.
This can be what researcher
Eve Lorgen calls
a Love Bite relationship where a great "cosmic love" is
simulated, only to fall flat as soon as the EM vector is turned off.
The intended result of this betrayal
is to induce suicidal feelings or to set the Wanderer up for the next variation of the game.
What happens now is that the Wanderer is
set up by the previous dramas to seek out marriage or love partners
who are also abusive either overtly or covertly. And, of course, the
Wanderer's special characteristics of being unable to really
understand negative thinking because it is not a part of their own
make-up, prevents them from seeing exactly what is going on.
always seem to attribute the same high motives and ideals to others
that are in themselves.
They endlessly excuse abuse and hurt to
themselves and others with the idea that if they just love the other
long enough, hard enough, pure enough or stand by them through thick
and thin, that the abuser will overcome their hurts/wounds
which are the cause of their abusive behavior, and they will then be
able to be whole, which, of course, the Wanderer believes to be a
person similar to themselves!
Gee, sounds like the Way of the Monk,
doesn't it? Perhaps that "way" was created just to trap such
positive individuals and to use them as energy food for STS.
Then there is the constant
projection of the suicide program by the many EM vectors that the
Wanderer finds in their environment.
It takes careful observation to determine who these individuals may
be, but it can be done!
The natural feelings of being lost and alone
and alienated from this environment are intensified and twisted so
that the Wanderer begins to focus solely upon the idea of getting
out from under this enormous psychic pressure.
Spirit attachments
can also be used in this respect, attacking the Wanderer from the
"inside", so to speak.
April 15, 1995
Q: (L) [You have mentioned attack.]
Is this physical danger or just harassment danger?
A: Mind attack for purpose of
Q: (L)
Is there anything that can be done to shield against this kind
of attack?
Yes. Knowledge input on a continuous basis.
Q: (L) And what form should this
knowledge take? Does this mean channeled information, books,
videos, what?
A: All and other. Networking of
information now, warning!!! All others will very soon experience
great increase of same type of attack, two of you have had
episodes in past from same source for similar reasons, but now
your association puts you in different category!!
Remember all channels and those
of similar make-up are identified, tracked, and "dealt with".
Suicidal thoughts?
Q: (T) So, we have the knowledge and
that's all we need to do to prevent the attacks from being
A: You do not have all the awareness
you need! Not by any means! Remember, all there is is lessons.
Daily prayer helps.
Through it all, the Wanderer never
whines or complains that others are "doing it to" them; they always
tend, first of all, to seek in themselves the cause of the
events or the treatment they receive.
They react with the idea that
somehow they are not giving enough or in the right way, though they
are entirely naive about what "giving" really is because, as
mentioned, they have been brainwashed by the erroneous ideals of the
third density STS environment which are manipulations to induce
service to an illusion.
With this enculturation, the most difficult thing that the Wanderer
has to face and do is to learn to not give in some
instances, because this not giving is actually a form of
giving at the soul level.
exemplifies this in a curious series of comments:
For many of your centuries, both the
[STO group] and the [STS group] busied themselves with each
other upon planes above your own, shall we say, planes in
time/space whereby machinations were conceived and the armor of
light girded. Battles have been and are continuing to be fought
upon these levels.
…Picture [your mind] in total unity
with all other minds of your society. You are then single-minded
and that which is a weak electrical charge in your physical
illusion is now an enormously powerful machine whereby thoughts
may be projected as things.
…In this endeavor the [STS group]
charges or attacks the [STO group] armed with light. The result,
a standoff, as you would call it, both energies being somewhat
depleted by this and needing to regroup; the negative depleted
through failure to manipulate, the positive depleted through
failure to accept that which is given.
…[To explain "failure to accept that
which is given"]: At the level of time/space which this takes
place in the form of what you may call thought-war, the most
accepting and loving energy would be to so love those who wished
to manipulate that those entities were surrounded and engulfed,
transformed by positive energies.
…This, however, being a battle
of equals, the [STO group] is aware that it cannot, on equal
footing, allow itself to be manipulated in order to remain
purely positive, for then though pure it would not be of any
consequence, having been placed by the so-called powers of
darkness under the heel, as you may say.
It is thus that
those who deal with this thought war must be defensive rather
than accepting in order to preserve their usefulness in service
to others. Thusly, they cannot accept fully
what the [STS group] wishes to give, that being enslavement.
only consequence which has been helpful is a balancing of the
energies available to this planet so that these energies have
less necessity to be balanced in this time/space, thus lessening
the chances of planetary annihilation.
So we see here a guiding principle
of balance.
For those who believe that it is Love to "accept
enslavement" - which is to respond to manipulation and thereby serve
the STS faction, it becomes clear that to do so is to neutralize
their effectiveness as an STO candidate because they are then no
longer "purely positive"!
By accepting the manipulations, they become part
of the other side!
The bottom line here is
this: if you are duped or sucked into the illusions of the
machinations of STS, you are effectively "one of them", no matter
what your intentions, and you thus further contribute to the
unbalanced energies.
This neutralizes the true nature of Service to
Others. […]
[end of excerpt]
We can see now that being a Wanderer is
not a walk in the park, nor a "free ride" on this planetary
It doesn't matter what knowledge they have brought with
them. It takes tremendous work, vigilance and discernment to bring
it forth and act on it, being aware of attacks from the "other
This entails much conscious struggle and suffering,
especially at the beginning, as the Wanderer is activating his/her
higher centers linking him/her to his/her higher self more
consciously, so they start to remember and align themselves with
their life's purpose.
This purpose is not a definition and
task one realizes over night. It's a process and since the future is
open with different potential outcomes, the tasks based on the
wanderer's inherent gifts will reveal themselves more specifically
according to specific situations and the choices they make.
Their direction is
not planned
aforetimes. This also depends on the Wanderer's
conscious self-work to learn the lessons he/she needs to learn in
order to be truly of service.
This implies not only remembering
themselves but also gaining Knowledge on a continuous basis.
"Purpose is realized by taking
the journey, not by establishing a favorable or fascinating
explanation or a definition for oneself.
Purpose is not a
justification. It does not compensate for anything. Purpose is
something that is waiting for you to discover.
You can only
discover it by taking the journey, by following the way, by
learning as you go and by gaining the greater perspective and
understanding that one acquires as one matures in The Way of
This journey requires phenomenal self-honesty.
Humility, honesty, openness, discernment, restraint, discretion,
tolerance and compassion- these are qualities that result from
preparation and advancement in
The Way of Knowledge.
These things are what provide inspiration and true ability in
life…..With greater awareness comes a greater ability.
This all
comes from Knowledge. Here you
are asked to follow, to respond and to learn the great lessons
in discernment, discretion, communication and affinity.
These lessons are inherent in the preparation itself…
that the journey is great. It is marvelous. It is at times
difficult. But in all ways it refines you. It washes away that
which is nonessential in you and reveals that which is permanent
and meaningful.
Your real
purpose and calling become apparent when all that hides and
conceals them has fallen away, and what is left is what is real,
and that becomes welcomed and embraced."
I can relate to this in my own life.
mentioned before, I came to the Los Angeles to study drums and
percussion and play in bands. It was the beginning of my journey
towards self-discovery. I was following my bliss, as Joseph Campbell
would say.
Back then I thought that was my purpose, what I really
wanted to do. Nothing else mattered. I played drums 4-6 hours a day,
rehearsed with my band and put my heart and soul into it.
All I
wanted to do was make music, tour and make a living as a musician.
However, I was still suffering and struggling internally. A lot of
things came up during that time for me which I was forced to look
at, otherwise I would have not survived as my depression and despair
put me on the edge of insanity.
At the same time new friends and and
situations came into my life which introduced me to the healing
arts, in particular yoga, qi gong, and bodywork as well as shamanism
and medicine plants, which also helped me in my inner process.
Interestingly I wasn't seeking these things out fully conscious. It
just happened in the flow of life as I was seeking answers and
trying to heal and understand myself.
Something else was guiding me.
During that time I also discovered another talent: bodywork. My
roommate back then, who was a yoga teacher and body-worker,
introduced me to it, worked on me and started to teach me some basic
massage techniques.
He became my mentor. Having had tremendous
breakthroughs and healing moments physically and emotionally through
receiving bodywork, I experienced first hand the healing power of
it. I began to do bodywork on friends and seemed to have a healing
touch for it based on the feedback I received.
People came to me
asking me to work on them on a regular basis, yet I didn't think of
doing it professionally back then. My focus was still on music and
I started to write during my time with
my band
Revolve in early 2000. We gave out writings at our shows to
spread awareness, but eventually my drive to seek truth and
knowledge overshadowed the musical aspect of my life and it seemed
very natural when the band broke up.
Writing helped me to learn and
clarify the new information I was taking in. Many insights came
along with it. I was inspired and wanted to share all this amazing
hidden Knowledge about our reality and what was happening on our
Looking back I can see how this at times was not externally
considerate and I was trying to give without being asked. I can also
see how I was gullible and not discerning about some of the
information I came across back then. I was drinking the New Age
cool-aid at one point, driven by wishful thinking, emotional hooks
and was not very discerning. However, it complicated my life even
Thankfully the universe didn't give me what I "wanted", but
what I "needed" at that time to snap me out it.
When my band Revolve broke up after
inspiring years of musical creativity, recording and touring, I
enrolled in Massage School to pursue bodywork, the new talent I had
discovered. It seemed the universe literally pushed me to do it and
I was answering the call.
I have been working as a professional bodyworker ever since. It was a complete shift in my life path and
it seemed that certain triggers lead me to it without my "conscious"
choice. Looking back at my life, connecting the dots, I feel like
what the late Apple founder Steve Jobs said.
When discovering your
bliss, sometimes you just have to do things because you are drawn to
them for reasons you can't fully understand in the moment and only
in retrospect can you connect the dots in your life and see how it
all works together.
For example, I know now that without my years as
a drummer, using music and drumming for healing and emotional
exploration (even if I wasn't fully aware of that back then), and
without my suffering and crisis, I wouldn't be the body-worker and
healer I'm today nor write about the things I'm writing now.
However, I never "planned" to become a body-worker or writer.
I know
now that I had to confront my dark side, programming and
conditioning and heal myself, however painful it was, in order to
become my real Self (and there is always more work to do).
As Carl
Jung said:
"There is no coming
to consciousness without pain."
It's the mythological
Journey of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, who in his search for his own
cure discovered how to heal others.
The lesson of Chiron teaches us
is that we can overcome pain and transcend into knowledge.
"You can't connect the dots looking
forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.
So you
have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.
You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma,
whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made
all the difference in my life."
Steve Jobs
I also had many assisting forces, seen
and unseen, spirit guides and non-physical STO forces that guided me
along when I was able and willing to "listen".
There were many
friends, mentors and teachers that came in and out of my life who
helped me along the way, assisting me on my path or giving me just
the right book to read.
And of course, in light of the Knowledge I
have now, I can also see how STS forces and
the Matrix Control
System have tried to steer me off my path (sometimes disguised as "angels",
"friends" or romantic relationships) working through
people (and my own "predator-mind") with temptations and
distractions, getting at my weak spots.
However, I felt very
strongly throughout my life that I came here with a specific purpose
that is beyond what I "think" I want to do at times and this purpose
seems to crystallize itself and becomes clearer as I learn my
lessons, "get myself out of the way" and remember more of who I
truly am.
There is still much more to learn and to remember.
"A hero is someone who has given his
or her life to something bigger than oneself."
Joseph Campbell

My intent for sharing my personal story
throughout this article is also for you to reflect back on your own
life and see how you "got here", so you can understand your past and
your life choices better, when you have been truly acting in
alignment with your higher self or self-sabotaging because of
conditioned/programmed patterns and beliefs.
That way we can
understand our present better and create our future more
consciously. What worked for me may not work for another.
We all
have our own story, individual lessons to learn, karma to work out
and talents to develop.
"Each Wanderer has unique abilities,
biases, specialties so that from each portion of each Density
represented among Wanderers come array of pre-incarnative
talents which may be expressed so that each Wanderer, in
offering itself before incarnation, has some special service to
offer in addition to the doubling effect of planetary love/light
[vibrations adding to the planet just as electrical polarity or
charging a battery] and basic function of serving as beacon or
The best way of service to others is
the constant attempt to seek to share the love of the Creator as
it is known to the inner self. This involves self knowledge and
the ability to open the self to the other-self without
This involves, shall we say, radiating that which is
the essence or the heart of the mind/body/ spirit complex…
The best way for each seeker in
third density to be of service to others is unique to that
mind/body/spirit complex. This
means that the mind/body/ spirit complex must then seek within
itself the intelligence of its own discernment as to the way it
may best serve other-selves.
This will be different for each."
Let's take the archetypal Hero's Journey
a bit deeper and look at the awakening process more closely, knowing
now that there are other forces acting against us, trying to keep us
from advancing esoterically.
The initiatory process is the same in
all true mystery teachings. It is not a sudden "enlightenment" where
one feels One with everything.
It is not a pleasant event at all,
but is a decent into the underworld, fighting demons, coming to
terms with the predator within and the lies one is telling oneself,
dying and being reborn, crossing the threshold which enables one to
engage in esoteric work consciously.
Laura Knight Jadczyk writes in "The
Wave" Volume 5&6 "Petty Tyrants & Facing the Unknown":
"The moment of true
initiation. It seems that, as the great masters teach us, it is
not a moment of "great enlightenment." It is not someone who
comes to "show us reality."
It is not a "seeing all the world as
a oneness." It is seeing the self as a liar and a feeder on
It is measuring the self with TRUTH. It is seeing that the
predator has been feeding on the self, that the self has been
feeding on others and propagating the infection on to all those
who one claims to love and wish to help.
Initiation is not a glorious
in-pouring of life and love and tears for the beauty and oneness
of the world.
It is sheer terror.
It is a descent into Hell. It is the
Shamanic descent into the underworld to do battle with demons.
It is the dismemberment of the body, the flaying of the flesh
from the bones, and the subsequent rebuilding of the self on a
different foundation - a foundation of spiritual verity.
And if I could convey to you that
Hell, that sensation, that solitary test in which the soul is
weighed, BY THE SELF, finally and completely and seen for what
it has truly done, you would see how little truth there is
because of all the beliefs of the Matrix that have been
inculcated and promulgate and tended so carefully by our
emotions and by the deceptions of the predator within who
convinces us that we are "good" and "pure" and there is
Indeed, one sees that there is
"oneness," but one sees that the aspect of God that is
experienced at this level is the black, sucking, feeding maw of
STS (Service to Self).
One sees how little true Love is actually
manifested at this level of being.
One sees that all of our
illusions about "goodness" and truth and beauty are LIES.
They are masks for more feeding. And that is so horrifying an
initiation that few survive.
That is "paying everything."
Now, re-read what Gurdjieff had to
say about the matter; how he pointed out that a person has to
"pay in advance," that the key is to accept the idea that one is
not what one thinks, that there is a different reality from
which our own is projected, and that developing this idea in the
realm of pure thought, and then using it as the platform by
which one can observe and analyze, is the key to being able to
see for a moment, and then again.
One must be able to see the
interactions of the Petty Tyrants in our lives, the Predators
who prey on us in the Theological Reality.
And then, one must be
willing to act. It is only after action that the true nature of
the Predator reveals itself just as the Vampire reacts with
violence to being exposed by the presence of a mirror.
it must be kept always in mind that there ARE predators who are
predators by choice - even if that choice is made at some level,
in some part of themselves that is not available to even their
own conscious awareness.
They, too, are part of the Matrix, and
they wouldn't be able to play their roles if they were not
consciously convinced that they are right, that they are "good,"
that they are righteous and long-suffering."

As I was diving deeper into Esoteric
Science coming across Gurdjieff's 4th Way Teachings as well as
Boris Mouravieff's "Gnosis", it all seemed to confirm in many ways what
I've encountered throughout my life in the process of awakening and
in relation to my inner state and to outer circumstances, people and
the world at large, from "moral bankruptcy", the death of the "personality", to struggle with forces trying to keep me from
advancing/waking up, to seeing the light and forming the "magnetic
All of which is still a process and much work is still to
be done.
We are all works in progress in our own ways.
"The Way is the ensemble of
practices which, carried out properly according to the
principles of esoteric science, will allow man to evolve."
Boris Mouravieff, Gnosis I
As mentioned before, every once in
a while a book or teaching presents itself, which acts like a
"guide", appearing sat just the right moment in time, helping and
showing me that I'm "on track", describing things I've been through
and hinting at where it is all leading to and what one must do or
not do in order to awaken.
What follows are some insights into
Esoteric Science as transmitted by
Boris Mouravieff in his trilogy "Gnosis"
Maybe some of you can
recognize yourselves in these words as well. For some these writings
may strike home, touching something deep within beyond the
personality of the false "I".
For others it may sound very foreign
and complex. This also relates to what Ra said about Wanderers
having a disposition towards esoteric work or other souled
individuals who have the seed that can sprout and grow, activating
the higher centers.
This work is
not for everyone.
As Mouravieff said in his introduction to
"Some people complain that the
subject of the fundamentals of esotericism is not simple. Others
have said that it leads to great clarity.
This apparent
contradiction is explained by the fact that esotericism is
addressed to readers who are predisposed to esoteric culture by
their nature, formation or personal experience."
We also know that no steps can be
skipped, the lessons need to be learned and that starting with the
right foundation is imperative so one doesn't over-estimate one's
level of Being at the start of the journey.
I know out of personal
experience that I was grasping certain esoteric ideas intellectually
at first, but it wasn't matched up with my Being and Understanding
to truly apply the Knowledge I gained. In other words I didn't
embody it. It's the fine balance between Knowledge, Being and
A false foundation can also result if one gets hooked
by a false teaching for example, mistaking lies for truth or having
"sacred cows", which are beliefs one is identified with, hence
taking any challenge to ones beliefs as a personal attack
(Identification with a nation/country is a good example for that).
As the Cs said: "Gaining false
Knowledge is more dangerous than gaining no Knowledge."
Gurdjieff makes this point in Ouspenky's
"In Search of The Miraculous":
"In the history of humanity there
are known many examples when entire civilizations have perished
because knowledge outweighed being or being outweighed
"What are the results of the development of the line
of knowledge without being, or the development of the line of
being without knowledge?" someone asked during a talk upon this
development of the line of knowledge without the line of being
gives a weak yogi," said G., "that is to say,
a man who knows a great deal but can do nothing, a man who does
not understand" (he emphasized these words) "what he knows, a
man without appreciation, that is, a man for whom there is no
difference between one kind of knowledge and another.
the development of the line of being without knowledge gives a
stupid saint, that is, a man who can do a great deal but who
does not know what to do or with what object; and if he does
anything he acts in obedience to his subjective feelings which
may lead him greatly astray and cause him to commit grave
mistakes, that is, actually to do the opposite of what he wants.
In either case both the weak yogi and the stupid saint are
brought to a standstill.
Neither the one nor the other can
develop further.
In order to understand this and, in
general, the nature of knowledge and the nature of being, as
well as their interrelation, it is necessary to understand the
relation of knowledge and being to 'understanding.'
Knowledge is one thing, understanding is another thing.
People often confuse these
concepts and do not clearly grasp what is the difference between
them. Knowledge by itself does not give understanding. Nor is
understanding increased by an increase of knowledge alone.
Understanding depends upon the
relation of knowledge to being.
Understanding is the
resultant of knowledge and being. And knowledge and being must
not diverge too far, otherwise understanding will prove to be
far removed from either. At the same time the relation of
knowledge to being does not change with a mere growth of
knowledge. It changes only when being grows simultaneously with
knowledge. In other words,
understanding grows only with the growth of being.
In ordinary thinking, people do not
distinguish understanding from knowledge. They think that
greater understanding depends on greater knowledge. Therefore
they accumulate knowledge, or that which they call knowledge,
but they do not know how to accumulate understanding and do not
bother about it."
"…A man must first of all
understand certain things. He has thousands of false ideas and
false conceptions, chiefly about himself, and he must get rid of
some of them before beginning to acquire anything new. Otherwise
the new will be built on a wrong foundation and the result will
be worse than before.
To speak the truth is the most difficult
thing in the world; one must study a great deal and for a long
time in order to speak the truth. The wish alone is not enough.
speak the truth one must know what the truth is and what a lie
is, and first of all in oneself.
And this nobody wants to know."
The path toward "Ascension", to rise
above this world (Being in this world but not of it),
The Way of esoteric work is also told in stories in form of
The clues are everywhere for the Initiated to see.
It relates to seeing the unseen.
There are 'B' influences, not of this world which are conscious
in their origin and have been created consciously outside
life by conscious people for a definite purpose.
These influences
are the "soul" of any culture and they are embodied in the form of
religious systems and teachings, philosophical doctrines, art, etc.,
as opposed to 'A' influences ( such as race, nation, country, pop
culture, family, profession, entertainment, current ideas, customs
and so on) which relate to "The General Law" and "Law of Accident",
keeping man asleep at the mercy of the external world , lost in the
wilderness of everyday life.
Discernment between those two is vital
for the wanderer, esoteric student and seeker, separating truth from
A and B influences have been mixed
throughout history. Many spiritual inclined people tend to mistake A
for B influences. Much of the popular New Age material with its
superficial and vague spirituality falls into that category.
We can
see millions of well intentioned people in our world wanting to
change the world for "the better" through voting or pseudo new age
spirituality a la "The Secret", wanting to "create" a new reality.
However, most of
them don't confront their interior but stay in the "wilderness" of
'A' influences, the lies that are the basis of the Illusion/Matrix.
And so instead of breaking out of the prison, they re-enforce it
through the distortion of their conditioned personality and wishful
thinking, enhancing their false "I" instead of strengthening their
essence. In many ways what we see in today's popular spiritual
concepts and self-help books is the opposite of what the ancient
esoteric traditions have taught.
People can be very successful
within the matrix of A influences, make a lot of money, have a
successful career, become famous, etc. but not have progressed
esoterically/spiritually one bit.
From Mouravieff's Gnosis:
"If man spends his life without
distinguishing between 'A' and 'B' influences, he will end it as
he started, one could say mechanically, driven by the Law of
However, according to
the nature and the intensity of the resultant forces to which he
is subjected, it can happen to him to make a brilliant career,
in the meaning the world gives to this expression.
Yet he will
come to the end of his days without having either learned or
understood anything of Reality."
can delude himself and, believing he is absorbing 'B' influences
and making the necessary selection all the while, he in fact
absorbs 'A' influences.
This will put him into contact with
people who possess magnetic centers of the same nature: who are
themselves duped or who dupe others, and who have no direct or
indirect link with the esoteric Centre.
guarantee can man have that he will not dupe himself and that he
will not fall into the latter situation? The answer is simple.
The purity of the magnetic centre must be scrupulously
maintained from the start and all through his evolution."
One can see now very clearly that much
of the New Age and pop-spirituality is in actuality 'A' influences
packaged in a 'B' wrapping.
Truth mixed with lies, which can divert
the seeker from his real "I" and true awakening. An example would be
the whole abstract new age bits of "sending love and light into the
world", focusing just on "good" thoughts, visualizing the "light
body" as a means of ascension, or just "being open", avoiding
anything "bad" or "negative", ignoring the "unpleasant" and just
focus on manifesting one's desires, etc…
As long as one has not established the
purity of the magnetic center through deep self-work and conscious
suffering one just acts in STS, putting the false personality's
(ego's) subjective will on to the world which only fuels entropy and
feeding dynamics, strengthening the STS polarity while lying to
oneself about one's state of being and awareness.
In that sense much New Age material is
just like fundamental Religion. It works on blind belief, wishful
thinking, not Knowledge and Truth.
And so many seekers are
developing a false magnetic center, a false foundation,
"who are themselves duped or who dupe others, and who have no
direct or indirect link with the esoteric Centre."
That's also how wanderers can be duped and being vectored away from
the mission they came to accomplish.
Furthermore, the one's promoting just to
focus on "love and light" (without understanding the true meaning of
these words) and ignoring the "bad/negative" the loudest are the
ones most heavily duped, more duped than the average sleeping man,
because the former actually thinks he has awakened and can "see"
now… little does he know that he's going in circles vectored by 'A'
influences and staying in the "wilderness", dreaming to be awake.
On that note, there is nothing "wrong"
with desires of the ego/personality and just creating reality based
on unquestioned desires of the "I", nothing "wrong" with shutting
off anything "bad" and "unpleasant" and keep living in a subjective
tunnel vision and wishful thinking based on Service to Self (STS).
Enjoy! It's a free will universe. Everyone can do as they want to,
be it you, me, Bush, Obama or anyone else.
However, what needs to be
kept in mind is that this approach has nothing to do with conscious
spiritual evolution or the "path of ascension". It is the reason why
the world and its people are on a course to self-destruction. It's
not a spiral upward but a spiral downward that grinds itself into an
Humanity has evolved technologically, but not
spiritually/consciously really at all and man is still mostly driven
by his lower centers and mechanical personality.
"What strikes us from the very
beginning is that man confuses moral progress with technical
progress, so that the development of science continues in
dangerous isolation.
The brilliant progress that has come from
technology has changed nothing essential in the human condition,
and will change nothing, because it operates only in the field
of everyday events. For this reason it touches the inner life of
man only superficially."
Mouravieff, Gnosis
Life on Earth as we know it, this 3rd
density experience is based on STS, Service to Self.
STO, Service to
Others, is something man can aspire to through conscious evolution.
During this Time of Transformation the choice to be made is really
between STO and STS and truly understanding what that means,
differentiating between A and B influences, separating lies from
truth, inside oneself and outside in the world.
This is the age of
awakening but also the age of deceit and deception, not only through
the obvious political circus, but through corrupted spiritual
teachings as well, be it dogmatic religion or New Age hype.
"The next is manipulation of
spiritual values and tendencies.
It is no accident that in the
last four years that we've seen in new religious thought the
religion of acquiescence and passivity: trusting in the process;
whatever happens is what needs to happen; everyone is right
where they need to be;… you don't resist; you acquiesce; to
resist is to be negative, is to be fearful, is to be
A great prescription for convincing the natives to
give over the keys to the kingdom, a very good, clever form of
M. V. Summers
It's like taking the red or blue pill
(as in the film "The Matrix"), truth or illusion, waking up or
staying asleep.
There is no "right" or "wrong" choice. There is only
choice, as it is, respecting free will.
However, most people do not
even know that there is a choice to be made in this time of
transition and are in the dark about what is happening on this
planet, manipulated through hyperdimensional STS forces working

Interestingly, one can also see how the
mystery teachings were also describing a "Hyperdimensional Control
System", the "General Law" in esoteric terms, acting on man, keeping
him in line with mechanical unconscious behavior to be "Food for the
In order to escape the Matrix/General Law man needs to align
oneself with "The Law of Exception", engaging in esoteric work with
conscious effort. There is a threshold to be crossed, a void, which
puts the seeker on The Way.
The process and necessity of
moral bankruptcy, which initiates the seeker into "The Way" of
esoteric work, is described in more detail in Boris Mouravieff's "Gnosis".
This also relates to the idea of wanderers and their
initiation/awakening process.
"This void, which can only be
crossed at the cost of considerable effort or even of
super-efforts, operates selectively.
character and the quantity of effort necessary differs for each
person, depending upon the nature and degree of deformation of
the mind of each exterior man; an individual factor…
Man was compared to a cell of
organic life on Earth. Because he belongs to this organism,
man is subject to the General
Law, and it is only when he has escaped it that he is elevated
to the Law of Exception.
We are not aware of how much
we are bound by the action of the General Law. Acting on us as
it does on our cells, this law immobilizes us or constantly
tends to bring us back to our place. Its strength leaves us
little freedom of action outside the limits of its direction
and scope. It acts in various ways.
One can say that if man lives
'like everyone else', if he does not venture off the beaten
track, he will never perceive the existence of this force, or
rather this force will ignore him."
We can see this very clearly in our
Everyone who is just going along with the masses and the
accepted reality of official culture has not much struggle in the
world. Birth, school, choose a career, get a job, buy a TV, consume,
reproduce, entertain, be nationalistic or religious, follow your
desires and impulses unexamined, etc…
Not knowing himself, but a
slave to the outside world, fully asleep, dreaming to be awake under
the control of the General Law/Matrix, the common man has no free
will, although he thinks he does. However, whenever someone
awakens, steps up and tries to "escape" the General Law/Matrix by
speaking up and seeking truth, forces are put on to him to put him
back in line, back to sleep.
They will be ridiculed or even silenced
(Gandhi, MLK, John Lennon and many other truth seekers most people
haven't even heard about), depending on their impact.
Anything that
is not a threat to the MCS (Matrix Control System) or General Law
will be ignored or even promoted heavily, be it dogmatic religion,
politics, entertainment or new age fluff which works in favor of
the PTB (powers that be).
if his enterprises are out of the ordinary, no matter what
field they are in, but especially in esotericism, this force
begins to act, and stirs up all sorts of obstacles in order to
bring him back to the point where - according to the General
Law - he must reside.
Even without knowing this force,
we have an intuition of its existence and of the many forms
which clothe it. The Holy Scripture s speak of it more than
once, especially where esoteric work is concerned.
Thus, if this conservative force, which is the
servant of the General Law, does not succeed in 'calming' man
by acting directly upon him, it
tries to reach him indirectly through the people of
his household, either through the feelings they invoke or the
coolness and contempt they openly show him.
As long as it is not
mastered, the force of illusion keeps each one of us in his
place, obliging him most often to mistake the false for the
Submerged in unreality, instead of
advancing, man marks time; one step forward and two steps
backwards; two steps forward and one step backwards, and so
We generally agree to recognize the existence of the danger
of Illusion, but rather theoretically; most often, we see its
action on those round about us, but not on ourselves. We
continue to live day by day in the same old way, so that the
power we know as the Devil still triumphs. Whatever name we
give it, it remains ever-present.
We live in an artificial, illusory world. The
power of illusion which chains us exerts its action individually
on each one of us, as well as collectively. Each mind is
falsified in a way peculiar to it.
What can be the outcome of such a situation? If we keep quietly
to our place, human careers open to us… just as long as we stay
far away from t he void.
We may have a happy or unhappy life; a
family life; a life of loves; we may make discoveries, travel,
write. Then comes the end. Our reasoning starts to become more
realistic if our attention is concentrated on this end.
Everything can happen to us in life; or nothing.
Our aspirations
can be fulfilled or unfulfilled, but there is a sure end, which
is death."
"The Threshold" to be crossed out of the
wilderness which grants the access to the "The Way" and staircase to
transcend the Matrix/General Law is described in esoteric parables:

Lost in a forest full of wild
beasts, moved by confused but deep feelings, a bewildered man
searches for the way.
Exhausted after running the gauntlet of a
thousand dangers, he emerges at the edge. Spread out before
him is a view which fills him with admiration mixed with fear:
a great castle of primitive beauty is on the other side of a
large moat filled with clear and living water.
Behind the castle
a happy valley opens out, lit by the last rays of the sun. To
the left, a dark reddish horizon warns of a coming storm.
Marveling, and seized by a passionate desire to reach the
castle, he forgets the dangers and fatigue to which he has been
- 'How do I get there?' He asks
Suddenly he hears a Voice speaking
to him from his inmost heart.
'The moat', it says, 'can only be
crossed by swimming… the current is strong and the water icy.
'In spite of this, the man feels a
surge of new strength mounting within him. Committed, he throws
himself into the moat. The cold paralyses his breathing, but by
an extreme effort of will he reaches the other side in a few
strokes and jumps onto the first step of the stairs, where he
gets a foothold. Three more immense granite steps tower above
They lead to a large stage in the form of a semicircle,
defended by two towers. Two closed doors give access to them. A
roaring sound comes to his ears. The man turns.
At the place
where he stood only instants before, a pack of wolves paw at the
ground. The day is coming to an end. In the dusk he can still
distinguish the blazing eyes of the hungry beasts.
Again he
hears the Voice telling him:
- 'All in all, the risk was not that
great. If you had refused, you would have been torn to shreds by
the wolves.'
Terrified by his escape from that
danger, the man estimates the difficulties that will accompany
his climb.
He had hardly started to climb the second step when a
deluge of rain falls, making the stones slippery and
obstructing his movement - yet he ends by getting a foothold.
The storm passes and the rain diminishes.
His face and clothes
drip heavily onto the stone.
- 'Little does it matter,' says the
Voice, 'you had already got wet crossing the moat'
The man regains his breath again and
starts climbing. Night falls, and the crescent of the new moon
appears pale and golden on his right, towards the setting sun.
- 'A good sign,' he hears within
The man smiles.
Now he clings to a tiny ledge,
reaching for the third step. He reaches it, hands and legs
stained with blood. No sooner had he stood up than a gust of
glacial wind almost throws him off again.
Clinging to the
ground, he climbs up to the wall forming the fourth step, and
finds shelter there.
- 'That is not all,' says the Voice.
Do not waste time taking shelter. The step can split, and then
the earth will swallow you up.'
His resistance to the storm, instead
of exhausting him, redoubles his strength.
Now he climbs the
fourth step with little difficulty, although it is as high as
the preceding ones. Standing, he hears an alarm trumpet like
thunder. Suddenly, a scorching wind strikes him in the face.
lifts his eyes.
In the obscurity of the night, a shining figure
stands to attention before him: It is the Guardian, clad in
armor and shining helmet, arms outstretched, a blazing sword in
his hand and pointed towards the man.
- 'Who are you, pilgrim?' he asks.
'To what end and in whose name have you passed these obstacles
and climbed the steps of paradise?'
Overcome by a surge of ineffable
joy, the man repeats in a loud voice the words he has just
heard in the depth of his heart.
He feels as if they are now
his, and answers the Guardian with courage.
- 'I am the Soul in search of divine
happiness; a particle aspiring to unite with the Creative
Principle I'
- 'Your answer is correct', replies
the Guardian.
The door to the tower on the right
opens. The sword returns to its sheath. The Guardian takes the
man by the hand and leads him across the threshold of the
open door… Dawn gilds the eastern sky.
Precursor of the Sun, the
morning Star shines above the happy Valley.
Here is another one of these fragments,
taken from classical literature, a passage from Turgenev:
I see a great building, one enormous
mass. In the front wall is a narrow arch with open doors; behind
them, dark mists. In front of the high threshold there is a
young girl… a pretty Russian girl.
A breeze comes from the dark and icy
mists, a current of freezing air, bringing with it from the
depths of the building the sound of a slow and muffled voice.
- 'You who aspire to cross this
threshold, do you know what awaits you here?
- 'I know,' answers the young
girl. - 'Cold, hunger, hate, mockery, scorn, injustice, prison,
illness and even death?'
- 'I know it. '
- 'Do you expect to
be shunned by everyone? Do you expect to be totally alone?'
- 'I am ready. I know it. I shall
bear all the suffering and all the blows'.
- 'Even if they do
not come from enemies, but from parents, from friends?'
- 'Yes…
even from those…'
- 'Good. Do you accept the
- 'Yes'. - 'An anonymous sacrifice? You will perish
and nobody… but nobody will even know whose memory to honor?'
- 'I have no use for recognition
and pity. I have no use for a name.' - 'Are you ready for crime?'
The young girl bowed her head.
- 'Even for crime.'
The voice which was questioning her
did not continue right away.
At last it started again:
- 'Do
you know that one day you will believe no more in what you
believe in now, and come to think that you have been a dupe and
that it was for nothing that you have lost your young life?'
- 'That too I know. Well though I know it, I wish to enter.' The
young girl crossed the threshold.
A heavy curtain fell. Gritting his
teeth, someone uttered behind her:
- 'A foolish girl!'
At which, from another place, a
voice replied:
- 'A saint!'
Mouravieff explains the meaning of those
"These two fragments, both of
esoteric origin, give some idea of the access to the Way.
further our studies progress, the better we will decipher their
meaning, as everything they say is significant. For now, we draw
the attention of the reader particularly to the first clue, the
most important for him: the way
is a one-way street.
Meaning that whoever begins to
walk it is forbidden to turn back.
This is not because of some
kind of external imperative, but
due to the fact that each step forward on the Way irrevocably
modifies the content of whoever has started walking it.
follows that he will become more and more of a stranger to his
surroundings; that he will lose more and more interest in
exterior life, in which only yesterday he participated fully.
The appearance of things, and
especially of beings, undergoes a deep change in his eyes.
will one day be surprised to constate that certain faces which
only yesterday he found very beautiful now reveal to him marks
of bestiality behind their features: not all, but many of
"The more man progresses on the Way,
the more his feeling of being a stranger is intensified. Soon he
will become boring: later still he will become unbearable, and
finally, odious.
That is why,
prophet is despised in his country, among his close relations
and in his own house.'
That indication is precise
and leaves no room for doubt.
He who wants to start esoteric
studies is invited to think it over twice, and weigh it all,
before he rushes to cross the moat-threshold.
We repeat that it will not be
possible for him to return to exterior life and to find his
place, his pleasures and his satisfaction there as in the past.
However, as well as the difficulties which are the first results
of his evolution, such a man will receive comforting
impressions, especially in his human relations.
He will be surprised to
perceive one day that certain faces which only yesterday
appeared to him ordinary, today shine in his eyes with a bright
It is because his sight, sharpened by esoteric work, has
acquired the faculty of penetrating beyond the external crust.
It is amongst these brighter beings
that he will find his new friends.
Their society will welcome
him as one of their own.
He will be understood among them, and
their community of common aims and interests will be a stimulus
and a help for all."
Looking back at my life I can certainly
relate to this and maybe others who are in the same process of
seeking truth and starting esoteric self-work can see this in their
lives and associations as well.
Literally all the friends I thought
I had showed dis-contempt toward the things I was getting into and
was talking about, be it through ridicule or making fun of me or
even attacking me for daring to question their beliefs.
As I was coming to terms with my own
predator, programming and mechanical behaviors I saw it even more in
others. I saw the feeding and the lies people were telling
themselves. Not only that, but I realized that I have been feeding
on others myself and they were feeding off me.
It seemed something
else was in control of humanity and working through us.
'Think for a
moment, and tell me how you would explain the contradiction
between the intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity
of his systems of beliefs, or the stupidity of his contradictory
Sorcerers believe
that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our
ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who
set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or
failure. They have given us covetousness, greed and cowardice.
It is the predators who make us complacent,
routinely, and egomaniacal'…
In order to keep us obedient and
meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous
maneuver - stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a
fighting strategist.
A horrendous maneuver from the point of
view of those who suffer it.
They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators
give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators' mind
is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being
discovered any minute now…"
Through the mind, which, after all, is their
mind, the predators inject into the lives of human beings
whatever is convenient for them.
And they ensure, in this manner, a degree of security to act as
a buffer against their fear."
Don Juan Matus
The Active Side of
Infinity (Carlos Castaneda)
"There are a thousand things which
prevent a man from awakening, which keep him in the power of his
In order to act consciously with the intention of
awakening, it is necessary to know the nature of the forces
which keep man in a state of sleep. First of all it must be
realized that the sleep in which man exists is not normal but
hypnotic sleep.
Man is hypnotized and this hypnotic state is
continually maintained and strengthened in him.
One would think that there are
forces for whom it is useful and profitable to keep man in a
hypnotic state and prevent him from seeing the truth and
understanding his position."
G. I. Gurdjieff
I was living a lie based on my false
"I", dreaming to be awake.
I also realized that all the talk and
notions about love and happiness were buffers and illusion people
tell themselves for self-calming and had nothing to do with real
love. I mistook many things for love myself.
During my "dark night
of the soul" and "moral bankruptcy" I had intense periods of deep
despair and depression, sometimes not being able to get out of bed,
but lying in fetal position and crying a lot.
As I mentioned before
I was even contemplating suicide a lot back then. It was emotionally
and physically intense as if something within me was dying.
Later on as I gained more knowledge
about the process I was going through esoterically and
psychologically, I realized that my depression was actually a
stepping stone towards becoming my true self.

Kazimierz Dabrowski is a Polish
psychiatrist and psychologist who developed the Theory of Positive
Disintegration (TPD).
The Theory of Positive Disintegration is a
novel approach to personality development and relates to "depression
as a stepping stone".
What is very interesting about this
model is how it is similar in ways to certain esoteric teachings,
such as Gurdjeff's Fourth Way, Mouravieff's Gnosis or Shamanism as
transmitted through Don Juan Matus.
It sees crisis such as
depression or maladjustment to social norms as important stepping
stones and potential for personality development.
Contrary to mainstream psychology, which
tries to adjust the individual to society and its norms (sometimes
through anti-depressants or any other mood-influencing
pharmaceuticals), the Theory of Positive Disintegration sees it as a
"good" sign if one is getting maladjusted to society, seeing it as
potential for higher integration and values (non ego-centric).
Certain generic New Age teachings also merely avoid the aspect of
positive Disintegration through denial and a distorted understanding
of negative emotions (such as just focus on the "positive", avoid
anything "negative", meditate on "peace", etc…)
The levels of development as defined by
Dabrowski can be compared to the staircase of esoteric evolution and
the moral bankruptcy man experiences when his old conditioned self
conflicts with the emerging individuality.
Like Gurdjieff, Dabrowski saw the
"average" man as mechanical robot-like beings (Level I) who simply
exist on lower impulses as dictated by society and "official
culture", living in a reactionary state of external stimuli and
influences. No true individuality can be formed on that level.
Certain people who experience so-called
overexcitability (OE) ("Supersensitivities" in terms of Psychomotor, Sensual, Emotional, Intellectual, and Imaginational)
have the potential to grow out of the lower levels and integrate
their being into the higher ones.
However, just as explained in the
aforementioned esoteric teachings, Darbrowski also points out that
this process requires conscious work and it doesn't happen by
In other words, if one does not use the "shocks" to further
one's evolution and does "the work" to gain self-awareness, one will
stay at the lower level where most of humanity exists, mechanically
and reactionary, feeding one's little "I's" based on conditioning
and programming.
In light if what we've explored so far, one can see
how OE (especially in children) could also be an indication that one
may be a wanderer. I certainly can relate to Darbowski's TPD and see
how it applies to my upbringing and personality development.
very brief sketch of Dabrowski's theory of Positive Disintegrstion"
by W. Tillier:
Suffering, aloneness, self-doubt, sadness, inner
conflict; these are our feelings that we have not learned to
live with, that we have failed to appreciate, that we reject as
destructive and completely negative,
but in fact they are symptoms of an
expanding consciousness.
Dr. Kazimierz Dabrowski has spent 45 years piecing together the
complete picture of the growth of the human psyche from
primitive integration at birth; the person with potential for
development will experience growth as a loosening of the stable
psychic structure accompanied by symptoms of psychoneuroses.
Reality becomes multileveled, the choices between higher and
lower realms of behavior occupy our thought and mark us as
Dabrowski called this process positive disintegration,
he declares that psychoneurosis
is not an illness and he insists that development does not come
through psychotherapy but that psychotherapy is automatic when
the person is conscious of his development...
Without intense and painful introspection and
reflection, development is unlikely.
Psychoneurotic symptoms should be embraced and transformed into
anxieties about human problems of an ever higher order. If
psychoneuroses continue to be classified as mental illness, then
perhaps it is a sickness better than health.
To Dabrowski, real therapy is
autopsychotherapy; it is the self being aware of the self
through a long inner investigation; a mapping of the inner
There are no techniques to eliminate symptoms
because the symptoms constitute the very psychic richness from
which grow an increasing awareness of body, mind, humanity and
Dabrowski gives birth to that process if he can.
people who are acting on low impulses or who are simply
robotically emulating society have little self conflict. Most
conflicts are external.
During development, the clash between one's actual behavior and
environment and one's imagined ideals creates a great deal of
internal conflict.
This conflict literally motivates the
individual to resolve the situation, ideally by inhibiting those
aspects he or she considers lower and by accentuating those
aspects he or she considers higher. At the highest levels, there
is a new harmony of thought, emotion and action that eliminates
internal conflict.
The individual is behaving in accord with
their own personality ideal and consciously derived value
structure and therefore feels no internal conflict.
Often a person's
external focus shifts to 'making the world a better place.
passing through very difficult experiences and even something
like psychoneurosis and neurosis we cannot understand human
beings and we cannot realize our multidimensional and multilevel
development toward higher and higher levels."
K. Dabrowski.
It is part of a necessary process and
even today there are times of depression (although not as intense
anymore) as I keep working on myself and peel off the layers of my
false "I".
The work never stops, it just becomes more refined and
deeper. At the same time the moments of true love as a state of
being and consciousness increase (not dependent on anything or
anyone outside myself) as opposed to an chemical emotional
I feel more and more aligned with my real "I", making
the personality/ego a vessel/instrument for the higher self to work
through and not letting the ego be in the driver's seat.
Just as
noted in the quote above, there happens a shift at one point away
from pre-occupation with oneself towards
the world a better place.", not acting on mechanical
self-absorbed lower impulses but conscious actions based on the
higher centers.
This can also be related to a shift from STS towards STO activating the Wanderer's mission profile to be of service and
assistance. However, I still slip into the mechanicalness of my
little "I's" if I'm not watchful and make the effort to stay
Despite society's view that there is
something wrong with you if you are depressed and selling you
anti-depressants, it is actually a GOOD thing. The soul and true
self is screaming for attention.
As J. Krishnamurti said:
is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick
One shouldn't avoid it or numb it with
medication, drugs or "feel good" pop-psychology but go with it and
trust that it is actually a natural process that can be used as a
catalyst for growth and esoteric development.
Laura Knight-Jadczyk talks about this
process in an exchange with the Cs:
Q: (L) My experience has been, over
the past couple of years, that whenever there is a significant
increase in knowledge, that it is sort of cyclical - I go
through a depression before I can assimilate - and it is like an
inner transformation from one level to another. Is there
something we can do, and if so, is it desirable, to increase or
facilitate this process in some way?
A: It is a natural process, let it be.
People support each others' pathologies
and neediness, mistaking that for love and their emotional and
physical addictions for happiness.
There are no conscious actions,
just pre-recorded patterns playing themselves out. People are not in
control of themselves, not realizing the prison they are in.
I saw
the "horror of the situation" and what Gurdjieff told Ouspensky in "In Search of the Miraculous":
"'What do you expect?" said G.
"People are machines. Machines have to be blind and unconscious,
they cannot be otherwise, and all their actions have to
correspond to their nature. Everything happens. No one does
anything. 'Progress' and 'civilization,' in the real meaning of
these words, can appear only as the result of conscious efforts.
They cannot appear as the result of unconscious mechanical
actions. And what conscious effort can there be in machines?
And if one machine is unconscious, then a hundred machines are
unconscious, and so are a thousand machines, or a hundred
thousand, or a million.
And the unconscious activity of a
million machines must necessarily result in destruction and
extermination. It is precisely
in unconscious involuntary manifestations that all evil lies.
You do not yet understand and cannot imagine all the results of
this evil. But the time will come when you will understand...
…A considerable percentage of the
people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside,
that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us
that we do not see and do not know it.
If we knew what a number
of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead
people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror."
These were trying times since I realized
I had no authentic friends, because I hadn't been authentic myself.
I tried to wake up my friends and family, but this just created more
conflict and attacks. I still hadn't learned the basic lesson of
esoteric work and what STO truly means:
Don't give without being asked
and be externally considerate.
Free will needs to be
respected, even if it is people's free will to stay ignorant and
asleep. No one can be forced to wake up. However, as I started to
wake up and engaged in the work, letting go of my associations and
friends, new people and help came along, just as Mouravieff wrote,
fellow seekers who saw what I saw and who were struggling with the
same things.
The importance of networking with like-minded and
collinear people was imperative, because alone a man can do nothing.
There were not many, but it is about quality over quantity.
that time I also spent much time alone, not engaging in
relationships or drawn to exterior life at all. I didn't enjoy the
things I used to enjoy. Everything seemed so shallow, empty and
I knew I had to disengage from certain associations and be
conscious about who and what I gave my energy to, so I didn't slip
back into the "wilderness" where the Matrix/General Law is trying to
keep man to be food for our hyperdimensional overlords.
"When man goes in search of the
Way, it generally signifies that something within him has
collapsed. Apart from exceptional cases, this collapse is
preceded by a re-assessment of moral values, which in the
searcher's eyes lose the value he had previously given to them.
"Interior collapse leads to certain
consequences. Man starts to see things in a different light. Two
diametrically opposed effects can result. If man is sufficiently
strong and impartial, he will not lower his eyes before
implacable reality.
He will
have the courage to face things directly, and to accept the
constatations which are imposed on him, no matter how
disagreeable they are. This signifies that he has
firmly started on the track which leads to the path of Access to
the Way.
On the other hand, if the man is
weak, this experience will weaken him even more.
The law is explicit:
'To whosoever hath, to him shall be given. But
whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that which
he hath.'
If man does not accept his situation and, in
particular, his inner state as it appears to him, thanks to
brief illuminations from the consciousness of the real 'I'-
if he is obstinate against all
evidence, justifying his Personality by protecting himself
behind logic, legitimacy and justice, he will then turn his back
on the path of Access, and thrust himself further into the
can reach the path of Access to the Way, without first passing
through an interior bankruptcy; a moral collapse."
of energies too is a must, as the walk to and on the Way demands
their total mobilization. Any unjustified expenditure can lead
in the end to failure.
We must always keep this in mind. In
general, the reaction of those around towards someone who begins
to search for the Way is negative.
This negative attitude is the result of the action of the
General Law, which, as we know, tends to keep man in his place.
Not being able to do this directly by the action of Illusion,
the General Law, when it loses its dominion over the man who
'moves', acts indirectly by the mediation of those around him."
"It is a classic situation.
From his side, after having passed through moral bankruptcy, he
who seeks the Way becomes different from men who continue to
live within the limits permitted by the General Law, and thus
take mirages for reality.
Due to this, he will feel himself more
and more isolated. The centre of gravity of his interest will
progressively turn to esoteric work, which will end by absorbing
him completely.
But it is entirely in his interest not to show
the new attitude which he has taken towards exterior life. The
'World' will be hostile to him, because its own purposes are
different; it is not in his interest to provoke this tendency,
and even less to keep it alive.
The day will come - if he
remains in the same milieu - where, apart from rare exceptions
he will be openly or secretly hated."
"If we ponder this in depth, we shall understand
that psychologically this hostile attitude of the 'World'
towards someone who carries on esoteric work is not only a
normal phenomenon but is so to
speak, a necessary one.
he who lives in the wilderness - and is satisfied to be there,
were to approve of the attitude of one who walks on the track,
it would be equivalent to recognizing his own bankruptcy.
is why the 'World' considers the latter as a failure. The more
he progresses with his work, the more he becomes an object of
That is why it is said that:
'no prophet is acceptable in
his own country' and also: 'A prophet is not without honour,
save in his own country, among his own kin and in his own house.'"
Let's examine the part,
"If he who lives in the
wilderness - and is satisfied to be there, were to approve of the
attitude of one who walks on the track, it would be equivalent to
recognizing his own bankruptcy" a bit closer in
relation to today's' world and events.
One can easily refer this to
people who keep denying that 9/11 was an inside Job or that UFO's
are and have been visiting this planet for ages and human beings are
being farmed for "food".
The common man lives in the wilderness of
the General Law/Matrix and has a very conditioned/limited view of
If he'd approve the truth of 9/11, the hyperdimensional
manipulation of humanity or that Psychopaths with no conscience are
ruling the world, it would produce an immense internal and
psychological discomfort forcing him into moral bankruptcy as his
long held beliefs would be shattered and he would have to face
himself, confronting the illusionary existence he's been living
since birth based on lies.
The common man has much invested in his
illusion, psychologically and materialistically, his image, career,
rank and status, and he will protect it against whoever threatens
it, defending the prison he is in.
As Morpheus tells us in "The Matrix":
The Matrix is a system, Neo. That
system is our enemy.
But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see?
Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are
trying to save.
But until we do, these people are still a part of that system
and that makes them our enemy.
You have to understand, most of these people are
not ready to be unplugged. And many
of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system,
that they will fight to protect it.
The Matrix is everywhere. It is all
around us.
You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on
your television.
You can feel it when you go to work… when you go to church… when
you pay your taxes.
It is the world that has been pulled
over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
We can see now how esoteric work with
all its struggle, suffering and attacks relate to the awakening
process and initiation of the Wanderer.
Super efforts are needed to
truly wake up and accomplish one's mission, whatever it turns out to
be. There is also nothing "special" being a wanderer.
The opposite,
it takes great humility, awareness and responsibility combined with
sincere self-work, gaining knowledge and learning the lessons to
walk the talk and be truly of service.
"Disillusion" is a painful process
and can be prolonged, depending on how much time the individual
takes to realize he is living artificially and that this
condition is a product of his internal dreams.
Great courage is
required to face reality and to destroy the mirage of a pleasant
John Baines,
The Stellar Man
"Every time a man sets himself to
learn, he has to labor as hard as anyone can, and the limits of
his learning are determined by his own nature. Therefore, there
is no point in talking about knowledge.
Fear of knowledge is
natural; all of us experience it, and there is nothing we can do
about it.
But no matter how frightening learning is, it's more
terrible to think of a man without knowledge."
Don Juan Matus
We live in intense times.
A lot of
things are happening on our planet. Technology has advanced
exponentially, yet human consciousness has not evolved at the same
rate. We are in the midst of a major transformation, the shift of
the ages, which many prophecies and mystery teachings have talked
It won't be over
by 12/21/2012. Far from it...

This work is also open for any souled
humans, not just Wanderers.
Many are called, yet few choose to answer the call.
Wanderers are not any better than "humans".
We all are
multidimensional beings who have access to the deeper knowledge
within us. We are them in the future.
They may just have come back
in "time" (since time doesn't really exist but is a 3D concept,
which doesn't apply on higher densities) for assistance, but not to
do the work for us. There is a spiritual war happening with forces
at work most people are not even aware of.
Understanding the
Theological Drama behind STO/STS dynamics and the how the matrix
control system works through ourselves is crucial for the awakening
process of the wanderer and any sincere truth seeker.
"And as we have learned from Jesus,
Gurdjieff and the Gnostic Sufis, Castaneda, and the Cassiopaeans,
the rules of this World in which we live were set up and are
controlled by this STS hierarchy and have been for a very long
Each and every time the revelation of this Control System
is attempted, the Matrix goes into overdrive to destroy it.
it is clear that this is the present situation….It
is in "seeing the unseen" that we become aware of higher levels
of being; it is in ordinary human interactions that we
experience the "battles" between the forces of STS and STO!
And it is most definitely this
factor that the Matrix Control System vigorously attempts to
In other words, we are not just talking about
a "petty dispute," we are
talking about a battle of forces at other levels, manifesting - as ALWAYS
- in human dynamics."
Laura Knight Jadczyk
"The Wave"
Volume 5&6 "Petty Tyrants & Facing the Unknown"
It takes much work and effort to anchor
TRUE Love and Light, freeing ourselves from this current STS
Just as individuals who have soul potential are called to
engage in sincere self-work, making the darkness conscious and
understanding what it truly means to
BE the change we want to see, so the world needs to go through a
collective "moral bankruptcy" and "dark night of the soul" before
any true shift of consciousness can occur.
We are in the muck and
mire of the
Kali Yuga.
"This is the hardest time to live,
but it is also the greatest honor to be alive now, and to be
allowed to see this time.
There is no other time like now. We
should be thankful, for creation did not make weak spirits to
live during this time. The old
ones say 'this is the time when the strongest spirits will live
through and those who are empty shells, those who have lost the
connection will not survive.'
We have become masters of
survival -we will survive- it is our prophecy to do so."
Tiokasin Ghosthorse
"I wish it need not have happened in
my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all
who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given
from 'Lord of the Rings'
These are difficult times but also
exciting times.
There is love, help and support out there and good
things are and can happen, but it all depends on us. The shift into
the ascension and transformation into the STO vibration of
Love in Light in the Deepest Meaning it these
Words (below video) is an
opportunity, a choice - not a guarantee - for the ones answering
the call.
The struggle, for the most part, is with oneself.