by Makia Freeman April 15, 2016 from Freedom-Articles Website
GMOs, EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and geoengineering are all killing bees. Which is the biggest cause for concern?
...were all contributing to disrupting and killing bees, through phenomena like CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder).
Mankind is gravely endangering its own survival on the planet by injuring the bees like this, since we are all dependent on bees for pollination and our food supply.
Einstein famously said that humanity would only survive for 4 years if the bees were wiped out.
There may well be more than 4 ways in
which humanity is killing bees, but a recent interview with Gabe
Cruz (a former cell phone industry worker who has become a kind
of whistleblower and interspecies communicator) reveals that one of
these threats may be the greatest of all.
is apparently the
worst for the bees. Is EMF Killing Bees Most of All?
In an interview with Miles Johnston, Gabe revealed that he used to work in the mobile or cell phone industry in Britain, and was trained to understand frequencies and bandwidth.
As part of his job, he used to carry around a backpack containing all sorts of devices of varying frequencies.
Not surprisingly, being so close to so much artificial EMF and RF (radio frequencies) affected his,
He later quit his job.
What makes this story so interesting is that Gabe was telepathically contacted by the bees, or the bee consciousness, with a crucial message. (Animal communicators such as Anna Breytenbach are able to contact the collective consciousness of other species, which speaks to them in one voice).
The bees haven't merely communicated with Gabe; they have actively tried to make him understand, and make him experience, exactly what they are going through.
This has led him to get,
It appears as though the bees, through Gabe, are desperately shouting out to mankind: stop creating artificial EMFs that interfere and jam our frequencies – you're killing us!
At least with pesticides and GMOs, the bees may be able to sense and detect the inherent toxicity of them and avoid them, but as long as they must come in the proximity of mankind with all its wireless technology, the bees will find it hard to avoid artificial EMF.
Manmade or artificial EMF is killing bees the most, according to several sources.
Harmful Manmade EMFs Severely Disrupting Bee Communication
Did you know that bees have an electrical sense?
In relation to each other, bees are positively charged and flowers are negatively charged, so when bees pollinate, the electrical polarity helps the pollen stick to bees' hair. Like many creatures in the animal kingdom such as birds, bats and whales, bees also rely heavily on sound and EMFs for their very survival, including for orientation, navigation and communication.
They transmit and receive on certain frequencies, and if there is too much interference or disruption occurring, it wreaks havoc on their lives.
Manmade EMF, especially Wi-Fi, high-frequency cell phone bands and the digital horizontal block frequencies, are jamming and disrupting the bees' communication channels to the point of threatening their survival.
They have long been adapting and adjusting to the electromagnetic intrusion of mankind, but now the frequencies are becoming too much for them to bear.
The message Gabe is bringing through is borne out by scientific research.
In Bees, Birds and Mankind - Effects of Wireless Communication Technologies (2009), German scientist Ulrich Warnke wrote:
The website Electronic Silent Spring also quotes Warnke as saying that:
Famous whistleblower George Carlo, a former insider in the mobile phone industry who went public to expose the dangers of wireless, wrote strongly about the issue in June 2007:
Artificial EMF: you can't see it, but it's disrupting and killing bees, and in the long run you too.
Conclusion: Are Bees the Proverbial Canary in the Coal Mine?
Based on the evidence above (both the message through Gabe and the scientific research), it appears that humanity is killing bees at an alarming rate. However, we are not just killing bees.
We are killing ourselves...
We are electrical and electromagnetic beings. These artificial EMFs, although silent and invisible, are affecting us too, as those who are electro-sensitive can attest.
The bees may be warning us before it's too late, before we bathe our entire world in an artificial EM blanket from which it's impossible to escape.
Matter comes from energy or consciousness. The field creates the particle. We need to pay more attention to the energetic realm than the physical realm if we want to strike at the root of the problem.
As Dr. Robert O. Becker, author of The Body Electric, said: