September 19,
AncientCode Website

Dubbed SUSTAIN, the laboratory offers the necessary tools for
scientists to 'CREATE' a Category 5 hurricane...
A project worth around $45 million gave scientists from the
University of Miami the ability to create an actual hurricane, with
up to category 5 wind speeds in a scientific laboratory.
Known as
SUSTAIN (short for SUrge STructure
INteraction) the lab had the ability - nearly two years ago -
to create an artificial hurricane with winds speeds reaching a
staggering 252km per hour.
Many people would agree that this is beyond worrying.
The lab where 'hurricanes are made' is composed of a 75 foot long,
30,000-gallon capacity acrylic water tank, equipped with a
1,700-horsepower fan and a 12-paddle wave generator.
The fact that scientists are able to recreate a hurricane in a lab
is scary...
SUSTAIN lab director Brian Haus
told Popular Science in 2016:
"We can create the
equivalent of a hurricane with winds over 200 miles-per-hour.
That's an off-the-charts Category 5."
When turned on, the
multifunctional tools work together in order to create a wide range
of weather conditions in order to produce a hurricane.
This leads us to another controversial topic greatly covered in the
last couple of decades:
Weather control.
Many academic institutions in America are closely tied to the
Military Industrial Complex (MIC) where different subjects -
weather warfare or
geoengineering are covered by groups of
Examples of such academic institutions are MIT with defense
contractors such like
Raytheon and the MITRE Corporation
closely working in conjunction with academic institutions and the US
Understanding this connection, geoengineering researchers have
rightfully wondered whether it is possible that the recent
hurricanes were engineered or altered in any way with top-secret
geoengineering technology.
SUSTAIN has the ability to try and recreate some of the most
powerful historical storms, and scientists argue how their lab gives
them the opportunity to measure wind and wave patterns for
hurricanes that have struck the American Continent in the past.
On paper its only science for the 'good' of humanity, but looking from
the side, many people argue there's more to SUSTAIN and other
military labs than what we are being told.
We explain how SUSTAIN works and what it does:
They can also monitor
the differences between different categories of storms and
ultimately advise governments and authorities on the best ways
to tackle them, thanks to the data pulled from the lab.
There are various different uses for the specialized hardware
inside the SUSTAIN lab:
testing the resilience of model houses
and buildings
studying how sea spray affects the
growing intensity of a storm (due to the transfer of heat from
the water to the atmosphere as spray is generated)
tracking the way carbon dioxide moves from the ocean to the air
during a hurricane
And while all of this may sound more dangerous than it actually is,
it is a clear indicator of how well-developed the science of
control, aka geoengineering actually is.
After all, when you think about it, he who controls the weather,
controls the battlefield...