by Sean Martin
28, 2017
Express Website

assume that technology must be used to modify the
weather to their liking, but they didn't ask anyone
else for an opinion because the 'science is
invent because they can, not because there is a real
need to do so.
The military
has been experimenting with weather modification as
a weapon of war for decades.
Scientists have discovered a bizarre way to potentially
control the weather using laser beams and could potentially
beat the threat of droughts, it has been revealed.
A six year drought in California was finally declared over this year
but the threat for the south-western state as well as other
locations in the world remains the same.
But scientists may now be able to induce rain and lightning storms
using high energy lasers in a breakthrough that could potentially
eradicate droughts throughout the globe.
The possibility of condensation, lightning and storms are ever
present in the clouds and are contained through high amounts of
static electricity.
Experts from the University of Central Florida and the University of
Arizona believe that by firing a series of laser beams, they can
activate the static electricity and induce rain and storms.

Scientists 'able to
CONTROL the weather using LASERS'
One beam would be fired, and this beam would be surrounded by
another beam which acts as an energy reservoir - which will allow
the laser to be sustained for longer and prevent dissipation.
Laser beams can travel vast distances, but,
"when a laser beam
becomes intense enough, it behaves differently than usual - it
collapses inward on itself," said Matthew Mills, a graduate
student in the Center for Research and Education in Optics
and Lasers (CREOL).
He said:
"The collapse becomes
so intense that electrons in the air's oxygen and nitrogen are
ripped off creating plasma - basically a soup of electrons."

The laser can activate
static electricity
When it reaches that point, the laser tries to spread the beam out
and eventually collapses in on itself.
This struggle is known as "filamentation" and creates a "light
string" that only lasts for a short time before it disperses.
Matthew Mills said:
"Because a filament
creates excited electrons in its wake as it moves, it
artificially seeds the conditions necessary for rain and
lightning to occur.

revelation could solve droughts
"What would be nice is to have a sneaky way which allows us to
produce an arbitrary long 'filament extension cable.'
"It turns out that if you wrap a large, low intensity,
doughnut-like 'dress' beam around the filament and slowly move
it inward, you can provide this arbitrary extension.
"Since we have control over the length of a filament with our
method, one could seed the conditions needed for a rainstorm
from afar.
"Ultimately, you could artificially control the rain and
lightning over a large expanse with such ideas."