by Elva Thompson
09 June 2016
ZenGardner Website

Listening to Lily Earthling's presentation on integrating our
essence into source energy inspired me to write this article.
Like Lily, I too, have experienced the
timeless wonder and joy of re-connection with the planet/plane - the
shift beyond personal identity, home and surroundings - and a sense
of all encompassing reality, where light and dark, love and hate are
It is a consciousness of oneness with
the All, that is beyond the limitations of mind, memory, time and
space. In this infinite awareness, the sense world disappears.
The chattering voice of the ego, the
artificial intelligence vanishes like mist in sunrise. There is no
conflict, only ecstasy - the I, Intellect and self absorption simply
cease to be.
The flip side of the coin
Paradise is only one side of the coin of duality - the other side is
hell. A sacrificial, prison planet fuelled by fear, sex, war and
death - the glaring reality we call the 'real' world...
Death after
One only has to consult the history books to see the brutal wars
that proliferate like poisoned seed - season after season, and the
universal soldier of the Matrix mind that kills and spills its blood
and guts on the battlefields of everywhere, generation after
generation, in senseless satanic wars of politics and power.
All the billions of folks that have died
on the bloody plane of life for their emperor, king or
priest - for
country, duty, honor and cause - and for freedom which is soon
replaced by slavery.
These conflicts are the programs of
the Matrix mind that are forever on repeat.
Death after death, but we are not in
life long enough to notice...

The Loosh Rote
It is a sobering thought when we consider the billions of humans
that have perished, dreams ruined and lives lost in a blood fest of
warfare, fear, and death.
For history makes it clear, that nothing
in this sacrificial reality changes except the names, causes, the
costumes, and the backdrops in the ongoing slaughterhouse of
Into this house of soulless horror we
are born.
We are farmed, squeezed for our emotional energy, and the
agony we discharge is called
the Loosh Rote, the harvesting of human
and animal misery for our satanic masters.
Suffering is the hallmark of the farm
that houses the human herd (see
Meet the Firm and
Satan's Eden.)
A Separate
Reality from Source
Readers of my blog will be acquainted with the Luciferian deception,
the genetic manipulation of our awareness, and our species drop in
density known in ancient writings as the 'Fall' (see
The Light-bringer
Fallen Angels).

We as a species are parasitized by an
Alien (Foreign) installation, artificial
intelligence, a virus - whatever name we want to call the
force that uses our minds to create the world it wants, a fast and
busy 'whirled of lust and power, pain and sacrifice.'
The invader of our consciousness has cast a spell over our divinity,
usurped our multi-dimensional awareness, and engineers our every
move in the unwinnable Matrix game of opposites - the forever battle
of me versus you and us versus them.
The separate reality we are born into is all about division - that
is - until we wake up and see the game in play.
The Opportunity
We are at the end of a Grand Cosmic year (twenty-six thousand
years) and the Matrix program is being re-set for the next
cycle. The frequency fences (the lights in the sky known as
planets) that lock us into the Matrix are energetically at their
weakest point.
Our handlers know this, and are so
desperate to keep control of the human herd they have created a
digital revolution, an electro magnetic smog to block the cosmic
information and awareness available at the end of every Age.
The quickening
In spite of our adversary's diabolical intent, many are
resonating with the cosmic opportunity on offer at this time.
This is the true awakening - the quickening of spirit and the
purifying of intent.
The physical body is the lens - the computer program that
anchors us to this dimension. When we die the virtual reality
disappears and we become just another frame in the game of life
and death.
Death is a transition from one state of being to another and
scads have been written on the subject of the after-life.
internet is teeming with articles about near death experience,
angels, demons, heaven and hell, the tunnel to the light,
recycling of souls and reincarnation themes.
The idea of
re-incarnation, life after life is comforting to the
conditioned Matrix mind that cannot envision an awareness where
I - me and mine does not exist.
It is comforting because they
have no template, no understanding or experience of any other
kind of life.
The false
Because survival is the strongest instinct in the Matrix program,
many people are fixated on death, worrying about disease, and how
they will make their exit - the grave is a spectre that is always at
their shoulder.
Most believe their personalities survive
the death of their physical body, and they'll meet up with their
loved ones once again.
They do not realize that the
personality, the I, the me and mine, is the artificial intelligence,
the usurper of their multi-dimensional awareness, and without the
body to play the game, the personality has no basis in existence.
No doubt some of you have seen ghosts, have heard of the dead
sending messages to the living. When I was a child my mum took me to
séance many times. She used several mediums in the hope of making
contact with her brother.
From years of observation, I have come
to the conclusion that the spirits so presented are not the real
deal, but negative frequencies taking images from the querent's
Thought forms
and belief systems
The Matrix doesn't want to lose its slaves, and so it sets us up
right from the beginning.
We are indoctrinated with fear, thoughts
of heaven and hell, angels and demons, and if we obey the lie-laws
we will go to heaven and live happily ever after. If we believe
something long enough and never question it, it takes on a life of
its own called a thought form.
The belief systems held by those on
point of death belong to the Matrix, and through sympathetic
resonance, the departing spirit will be embraced by their own
thought creations, angels, messiah's and all the other bullshit
that's been programmed into them.
They will flock to
the false light
because that is all they knew in life - and all they know in death.
Coerced through guilt, or false illusions,
they will make a contract
with the Matrix to return, and be recycled into the sacrificial farm
called third dimensional reality.
Many ego's would welcome such a chance,
but for those who have experienced multi-dimensional awareness, to
return to this separate reality is a return to hell.
Everything is frequency, and for those who have aligned themselves
with the spirit of the All in life, there will be no false light,
for they will know who they are, a fragment of divinity returning
home to source.
