by Elva Thompson
26 September 2015
HeartStarBooks Website
Spanish version

'The sorcerers' idea is
we are entombed by social upbringing,
into perceiving the world
as a place of hard objects and finalities.
We go to our graves denying we are magical beings;
our agenda is to
service the ego instead of the spirit.
Before we know it, the battle
is over...
we die squalidly shackled to the self.
Carlos Castaneda
The World's Firm
Our world is run by a demonic cabal,
conglomeration of the most depraved consciousness on the planet.
dead eyed, fake smile sociopaths with their affected accents, smart
suits and fast cars, run the show from top to bloody bottom. Their
lackeys are the patronizing politicians with their clean cut looks,
the snake oil salesmen that proclaim each day
on CNN or Fox or
whatever brand of conditioning people chose that everything's okay…
These narcissists are the pillars of a corrupt establishment and are
shameless in their lusts, lying, scheming and murdering their way up
the greasy pole of power.
The smooth savage looks normal to the non
discerning eye, normal enough to pass for human… he is the yes man,
the smarmy bastard who decides who eats and who starves, who lives
and who dies. He is the fabricator and creator of the bogey men, the
fakes used to fuel the ever lasting wars of conquest…
The sociopathic rulers and their ilk are the gate-keepers of the 'Loosh
rote', supervisors of the farm and,
service to self
(STS) is the only game they play.
The 'Loosh Rote'
The 'Loosh Rote' is the term coined by the great pioneer of astral
travel and out of body experiences, Robert Monroe.
His OBE's led him
to the understanding that the Earth world is a farm, set up for the
sole purpose of harvesting the energy of fear and suffering from
living creatures.
Quote from Robert Monroe,
Far Journeys.
'From experience, the Collectors have evolved an entire technology
with complimentary tools for the harvesting of the Loosh from the
Type 4M [i.e. human] units.
The most common have been named,
friendship, family, greed, hate, pain, guilt, disease, pride,
ambition, ownership, possession, sacrifice - and on a larger scale,
nations, provincialism, wars, famine, religion, machines, freedom,
industry, trade,
...to list just a few.
Loosh production is higher than
ever before…
As Morpheus says in
the Matrix,
'we are all batteries…' and I would
add, on tap 24/7.
Just imagine a mind parasite sending us into a past trauma… for half
a pint of abandonment with a shot of jealousy thrown in!

psycho's in power run the 'loosh farm' as a business, where
profit and loss is governed by how much energy is generated and
collected from mankind and the animal nations, physically and
Amplification of suffering
shootings at Aurora in Colorado and
Sandy Hook took place on ley
lines, amplifying the human misery for a mega loosh collection…
this is why so much death and mayhem happens upon the
power lines of
earth's magnetic grid.
The major football stadiums are built upon the grid, and think of
all the 'ra... ra' energy, pure testosterone and adrenaline in action
at a game… the raw 'loosh' of the intoxicated fans, amplified by a
ley line is a feast for something…
You've got to hand it to the Firm, they've got us all wrapped up.
Their bought and paid for media hangs right in there and inundates
us with cruelty and bloodshed, lewd Saturnalia's, buzzing with
spells and symbols at the Superbowl and Olympics, and all the while
pumping out fear based propaganda of war… of shock and awe.
The Firm knows how to program our psyche's with poverty and loss,
wanton cruelties, false flags and lies, so we will continuously
produce emotional misery and torment. The loosh rote is big business
for the devil's pimps.
Peter Singer the author of Animal Liberation believed that
the meat
industry deliberately devised the slaughtering process to increase
suffering in animals… as another way of increasing the 'loosh
harvest' for the diabolical owners of the farm
Happy Days
According to John Monroe, our 'happy' energy is harvested along with
our misery, and in line with the Law of Duality/Polarity this makes
perfect sense.
Happy is the opposite polarity to sad, the two opposing ends of the
same energetic charge. Everything in this reality is dual… that's why
in the testament there are two creation stories and two gods… Mr Nice
and Mr Nasty.
Human life is geared to elicit emotional response, and the off
planet director of the Firm, knows there has to be some reward, some
joyful moments in our lives, otherwise we would kill ourselves and
the human farm called' life on earth' would disappear and with it
the collection of the 'loosh'.
The Horror Show
The concept that we are farmed for our emotional content good or bad
is a terrifying idea.
Just as horrible as the thought put forward on Exo-politics TV a while back, that
the essence of third dimensional
fractals are stored after death in vats on the dark side of the
moon, and their re-incarnation into the fractal bodies of earth's
babies, is overseen
by greys.
This is horrible stuff… in the realm of
H.P. Lovecraft.
But fact is
often stranger than fiction...
Taking back the 'Loosh
Loosh is most readily obtainable in the game of 'us versus them' and
none of us are immune to conflict. But we can make a start to
mitigate its effects by refusing to be drawn in to the divisive
nature of the game.
I don't mean being a doormat...
In 3D… there's always a predator
looking for a victim. This is a hard and unforgiving world, run by satanists and populated by zombies, using up their essence in the
constant drama's and fights of unfulfilled existence.
We have to learn to state our case, stand our ground and be active
in the world without emotion getting the better of us… without flying
off the handle, losing our cool… or fuming about this and that.
Learning to stay in neutral… at the centre of the charge of 'us and
them' is a struggle in this insane world, but the more we observe
from that perspective the easier life becomes.
Every moment we are truly alive in the now, and in love with life,
we are free of
the mind parasite, free of the virus that has
blighted our lives. For too long we have been beaten down into the
shadows, crippled by trauma and exploited by a ruthless system.
As we withdraw our emotional energy from the game, we become free
'spirits' and can connect energetically with all beings that
resonate on the love vibration.
Take back the 'loosh rote', be in love with the dream and it will
Now is the time…