from PreventDisease Website
Empaths are truly in an in-between and special stage of development.
But how do they differ from sympaths and those who practice compassion?
A sympath, an empath and one who practices compassion all observe a cat chasing down and killing a mouse.
Do you see the
For some it takes decades, especially if they persist with the same assumptions of needing protection, shielding or fear of any intrusive energy, all of which are non-existent to those who practice compassion.
A compassionate person stands in their power and they do not require any external object other than themselves to clear a room.
They are the crystal,
they are the amulet, they are the talisman, they are the frequency
tool, they are the cleanser... they are everything that many empaths
today rely on as objects outside of themselves to give their power
away to something other than themselves in the guise of protection.
It's not that a sympath becomes an empath and then compassionate... not at all.
In fact a person who is compassionate can dive into empathy and completely forget compassion itself. It also doesn't mean a sympath can't be compassionate, but it's more about where our strengths lie.
And the goal is not to necessarily reach compassion as a nirvana.
There is no goal. We are where we need to be. So if you find peace as a sympath, so be it. If you find peace in compassion, so be it. And if you feel comfortable with the range of sensitivities as an Empath, even if it is a transitory stage, that is fine as well.
It's about how do we feel where we are.
Are we being drained
where we are. It's about where do we place our focus, and that is
where we can see the sameness, uniqueness and differences and none
are better than the other.
They drown themselves in the default pain unable to move forward because it is a safer place for the empath to explore. Beyond that can be far too scary, that is, until they learn to embrace what they have always resisted.
Some will need this to
move past it and for others it will progress.
The empath can rise quickly to compassion and vibrate at very high levels that the average person cannot easily attain.
The reason for that is that they feel pain to a greater extent than the average and they dive deeper into the realms of darkness, pain and suffering. So there is a type of potential energy stored that can become tremendous kinetic energy on the other side.
It's like a snow ball rolling down a steep hill that grows bigger and moves faster. It can contract and become destructive internally or expand and move to higher levels of awareness.
That's the kind of energy an empath can emit once they transition all the fear, pain, suffering and their need to save the world to one of love and compassion. A knowing that all is well and all ends well regardless of what is felt.
In that space, the empath
finds their true power and it is one that will transform them to a
place where they can stand in their power rather than around it.