by Bernhard Guenther
July 12,
Shift Website
Spanish version

Many people (myself included) talk sometimes about "resonating" with
something or not, when determining the "truth" of a particular
writing, teaching or information.
It's that non-verbal
intuitive "knowing".
However, there can also
be "false resonating" (positively or negatively) when it is mistaken
for wishful thinking or based on (unconscious) projections or
Sometimes, the false part
within us based on conditioning, programming, and wounding resonates
with something which we mistake for our true self and resulting
false resonance or we reject the truth of something because it
challenges deep ingrained belief systems we are identified with and
hence "don't resonate with it" because it brings up uncomfortable
feelings… which also ties into
cognitive dissonance.
While there is validity to the idea of "resonating" with a certain
teaching or source, it can easily be misapplied if the "reading
instrument", the Self, is not "tuned" correctly.
For example "feel good"
messages are not necessarily proof of truth and can also be very
emotional manipulative (especially when ego feeds off of it)… just
like information that brings up fear is not necessarily false either
nor is it "fear mongering".
In order to find the true resonance one needs,
to separate the
false self (with its assumptions, conditioning,
expectations, wishful thinking, wounding, buffers, bias,
emotional hooks and ego desires)
from the true
self connected to the Divine, that small nonverbal voice
inside that can always separate a lie from truth, using
intuition and critical thinking alike, even if the truth is
not very "pleasant" and challenging to one's world view and
especially to one's self-image
In other words, honest
sincere self-work is needed in order to detect the lies we tell
ourselves and all the rationalizations and denial that come with it
so we can get more and more in tune with our soul resonance/knowing.
From an esoteric
perspective, lies to the self are the most harmful and hardest to
detect, way harder than detecting the lies "out there" via an
intellectual thought process.
Essentially, one's level
of Being (soul embodiment) also determines how much (higher)
Knowledge one can access via direct experience (Gnosis) that goes
ways beyond a mental approach of "thinking" or just intellectually
dissecting/processing information.
"False resonance" is the reason why many well-meaning people
spread disinformation and corrupted/pop-spiritual (New Age)
I don't take myself out
of the equation for I have done that as well, especially in my
New Age days when I was not very
discerning but mistook my own wishful thinking and emotional
projections for "resonating".
But "critical thinking"
(while it is very much needed and has its place) is not enough.
If there is no emotional
Intelligence and embodiment (soul integration) combined with shadow
work to raise one's level of Being, one will get stuck on an
intellectual level and can appear very "smart" without progressing
any further… esoterically speaking, from the perspective of soul
False resonance is also what
COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence
Programs) targets and the basics of
Matrix Mind Control.
Good disinformation
is most often lies mixed with truth...
Enough truth to use as a
bait to get the seeker's attention/resonance or hook his/her ego and
then put him/her on a false lead, because
he/she swallow the lie as
well, keeping him/her asleep while he/she believes to awaken.
Finding "true resonance" is related to the triad of
"Knowledge is one
thing, understanding is another thing.
People often confuse
these concepts and do not clearly grasp what is the difference
between them. Knowledge by itself does not give understanding.
Nor is understanding increased by an increase of knowledge
Understanding depends
upon the relation of knowledge to being. Understanding is the
resultant of knowledge and being. And knowledge and being must
not diverge too far, otherwise understanding will prove to be
far removed from either.
At the same time the relation of knowledge to being does not
change with a mere growth of knowledge.
It changes only when
being grows simultaneously with knowledge. In other words,
understanding grows only with the growth of being. In ordinary
thinking, people do not distinguish understanding from
They think that
greater understanding depends on greater knowledge.
Therefore they
accumulate knowledge, or that which they call knowledge, but
they do not know how to accumulate understanding and do not
bother about it."
In Search of the Miraculous
It also relates to the
fallacy or "misapplication" of the idea that "truth must be simple":
"It is generally
accepted that nobody can go on to secondary school without
having completed an elementary education.
Exactly the same is
true in the esoteric Tradition.
However, in our modern world, we encounter a curious phenomenon.
For example: we would not seek to discuss Newton's binomial
theorem without having studied algebra, for without this, every
opinion we expressed on the subject would be worthless.
Yet, in the esoteric field, we find a host of "experts" who
declare their opinions on esotericism without having ever
learned even the rudiments of this knowledge.
At the same time, some of them demand "simplicity" from esoteric
teachings on the generally accepted principle that Truth itself
must be simple. They conclude from this that access to Truth
ought to likewise be simple.
Then they assert that
the methods to access Truth must be easily assimilable.
This argument would be perfectly correct if human beings and the
problems they face were simple and just. However, that is not
the case. There is a long road to travel from our state of
distorted inner disorder to any "original simplicity."
In practice, the doctrine of "simplicity" - if regarded as an
axiom - turns the student aside from the strait gate and the
narrow way that leads to Life.
Impelled by this
counter-truth, he believes he stands before this door, when he
is in reality - although undoubtedly in perfectly good faith -
walking the wide path that leads to perdition, ad majorem
Diaboli gloriam, of course.
The Doctrine of Simplicity, correct in itself, but wrongly
interpreted, becomes a snare for hearts and minds that are
already too corrupt; a danger which should be recognized and
Some people complain that the subject of the fundamentals of
esotericism is not simple. Others have said that it leads to
great clarity.
This apparent
contradiction is explained by the fact that esotericism is
addressed to readers who are predisposed to esoteric culture by
their nature, formation or personal experience.
It is difficult, if not impossible, for an esoterically
unevolved person to discern false prophets spontaneously.
He will recognize
them more easily by their "fruits," by the observable results of
their works, which serve as signs."