by Phillip J. Watt
April 27, 2016
TheMindUnleashed Website
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Phillip J. Watt
lives in Australia.
His written work
deals with topics from ideology to society, as well as
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What a wild ride 2016 continues to be...
The good news is that people continue to
wake up in droves and it's causing even the most highly
indoctrinated to question the 'beliefs' they've been 'designed'
with. Even the official
911 story is finally being
questioned by those who never did their proper research, thanks to
the recent Saudi Arabia debacle.
On the other hand, the shift is really hitting the fan.
Examples include:
banks finally admitting serious
fraud (such as money laundering and precious metal market
a culminating European refugee
and banking crisis
massive Australian and Chinese
'private-debt' and 'housing' bubbles
increasing geopolitical tensions
in the Middle East
amplifying earthquakes and
volcanic activity along the ring of fire
concerns over an escalating
WWIII scenario,
...to cite but a few...
The list goes on and on.
Economic Collapse vs.
Over the last several years however the primary concern is in
regards to our failing fiat monetary system and the death of the US
dollar (and the petrodollar).
This really culminated mid last year and
has only gotten more serious since, however the stock price
manipulators (Plunge Protection Teams, corporations buying their own
stocks and Central Bank activity) have been propping up this asset
class which has recently given us the appearance that 'everything is
If you've been watching, you would have noticed the global stocks
have been bipolar in their behavior, crashing one month and high on
life another.
There has been a triple top in the US
markets, which has some alternative economists and commentators
calling the inevitable failure of the manipulation, because the
house of cards is just too unstable.
Simply, the view in the alternative community is by far focused
towards the slow death of the current western fiat system and many
are stating that major changes will be happening in the very near
Considering that the fundamental or 'main-street' economy has
continued to whither away, the
global economic situation is simply
nowhere near as great as we've been led to believe by the oligarchical-controlled media and the recent rise in stock prices.
For example,
...and other national economies in
recession, depression or experiencing hyperinflation are indicative
of what could soon be a harsh reality throughout the rest of the
It is likely by mid 2016 it will finally be official that the US has
been in a technical recession, even with their manipulated GDP and
other data.
Regardless, the global economy is
clearly in a deflationary cycle. If this bottoms out in a global
economic depression like that of the early 20th
Century, then hyperinflation will likely occur across the world,
just like it has in Venezuela.
However, in an interview with the notorious Professor Steve Keen
a few weeks ago (video at bottom page), he stated
that they could keep this system going at a painfully stagnant rate,
just like they have in Japan for so long.
Others ferociously disagree with this
analysis, particularly because of the massive derivatives bubble and
other factors that didn't relate to Japan's situation all those
years ago.
Steve admits that he isn't an expert on derivatives; he focuses on
private debt levels.
So given he is an "anti-economist" in
his own words, which means that he debunks the Keynesian approach to
economic design, he is in the alternative camp with others who see
the failure of our current economic design, which illustrates the
internal division on what will happen and how to move forward.
Gold Standard
Vs People's Fiat
Steve also believes that going back to the gold standard is not the
answer (where all currency is backed by gold). Given its failure in
the roaring 20's and the depression of the 30's, his point may very
well be justified.
This view is also supported by Bill
Still, who was recently interviewed at the SGT Report:
Many in the sovereignty movements believe in going back to the gold
standard, but have they really considered the other option?
The alternative potential is for the
government (the people) to capitalize on the power we have to create
money out of nothing.
First, we must take away the
illegitimate power of private banking institutions to do it,
including all private central banks, and then legislate it to be
done by the government solely for the benefit of the people and the
As one example of a policy package already designed to achieve this,
a political party in Australia has proposed two economic policies
which ensure that the Government retakes it power to create an
honest money supply, as well as guarantees that the multinational
corporations pay their fair share in tax.
First is
their monetary policy
which stops private banks creating money out of nothing and
ensures that the government creates the $120 billion needed
each year to ensure that the debt which is repaid to the
banks, as well as population growth, doesn't result with
This money will be immediately
invested into asset-backed infrastructure, which embarrasses
the $1.5 billion averaged each year for the last decade or
The difference is staggering and
would result in huge projects like high speed rail and
pipelines built to green parts of the desert.
Second is that all taxes are to
be removed (except import and export taxes) and
with a 2% debit-transaction tax.
Given there are tens of
trillions of dollars that move through the Aussie economy
annually, all up these two policies would generate more than
double the revenue currently received each year, with
businesses and individuals only paying 2% tax.
This is compared to up to 50% or
more that some working class people pay when you include
licenses, registrations and taxes on land, fuel, alcohol etc
These are truly revolutionary policies
which deal with the toxicity and inequality of the system we have
today, and coupled with their approaches to,
natural resources
...and many others, they should be
immediately considered by political and community representatives
from all around the world so that a mainstream dialogue can
subsequently occur.
Further to the idea that the monetary ponzy scheme instituted
by the oligarchs will be kept alive for quite a while longer, it's
important to consider that many truth-seeking economists and
analysts were saying that the system was going to break before
Quantitative Easing (QE)
was invented after the great recession of 2008.
Then QE came along to save the economy
from a deflationary implosion - so the puppeteers could once again
do something similar given the current contraction in the global
A quick fix they might utilize to re-stimulate the economy is QE for
the people, or helicopter money.
What this means is that instead of
creating money out of nothing and injecting it into the finance
sector (QE), it is injected into main street (or all our personal
bank accounts). This would need to be a coordinated strategy done by
many governments of the world so that it doesn't cause
hyperinflation, and this money must be created by governments so
that there is no debt attached to it.
It also should be used to pay off personal debt, whilst those with
no debt can spend it into circulation.
Even if they do use this approach, the fact still remains that we
need to do something comprehensive about this complete economic
failure because the mainstream economy has been suffering for a
decade now, and arguably longer.
For example, we should not take the
official unemployment rates seriously; the amount of people
struggling to survive because they are either underemployed or have
given up trying to find work is staggering.
Poverty, homelessness, mental health
issues and addiction is increasing all over the western world,
whilst the middle class is rapidly shrinking.
These issues are a direct result of the unethical power that the
shadow order has. Its a hard pill to swallow, but the system is
designed to
favor the banking and transnational corporations that
control both our money supply,
and our mainstream media.
The disappointing aspect is that most
politicians, media personalities and other famous social
commentators have no idea of this fact, so its no wonder that they
sound convincing when they spray misinformation which does not speak
to this fundamental truth.
If they do understand it and choose not to speak up, then they will
not be on the right side of history, nor do they have the courage
and ethics to truly represent the needs of not just the people, but
our natural systems too.
We need real leaders who are prepared to
make personal sacrifices in the name of truth, honor and
sovereignty, not ill-informed or complicit mouthpieces of the social
engineering agenda.
What Next?
So what will happen in terms of the global economy?
It appears its anyone's guess. Unless of
course it's a controlled demolition, then there are some who would
There are a few voices saying the
fundamentals are just too weak to keep this ponzy scheme going for
too much longer and that the result might be a return to a gold
standard just like the Eastern World appears to be preparing for
with their gold accumulation and the Chinese creating a mirror to
the London gold fix.
There are others however who say that the
powers-that-will-no-longer-be will try to manipulate this system to
survive until at least after the US election so they can get
Hillary into power to maintain their goals of a one world
government and a one world currency.
The US
The US Presidential Race is an absolute circus,
especially because the delegates system is rigged, as is the
electronic voting system which will be used as a fail-safe.
Trump appears to have little
policy substance, as well as a bigoted energy which is creating a
lot of division, however he does speak some truth and hints towards
taking the power from
the FED to create the US money
supply (he says he will pay off the national debt in 8 years which
is the only way he could do it).
Bernie is arguably the representative with the most truth,
particularly around the unethical and illegal union between Wall
Street and the US government, however his policy approach is
considered by the free market advocates as one that will destroy the
economy and issue in a socialist ideological framework. The latter
is quite ironic actually considering we have had socialism for the
rich policies for quite some time now.
In any case, as these two candidates appear to be
anti-establishment, even with their alleged shortfalls they are
clearly the best options.
That's because on the other hand
Clinton is an absolute
criminal, a puppet for
the establishment and a
psychopath. It's unbelievable that
she's even allowed to run for President, so if she gets in (which is
clearly the plan) then I hope that the American people will finally
stand up and take back their power like they should have done a long
time ago.
Don't believe my word though; watch Abby Martin's expert breakdown
to understand who the real Hillary is:
Final Thoughts
Whilst the world wakes up, the world falls apart, and that's a good
With more personal reasons for people to
search out alternative information, this amplifies the crash of
the Matrix of control. Ultimately,
we really have an unprecedented potential to emancipate ourselves
from the economic and ideological enslavement that has characterized
the hierarchical system since the conception of civilization.
Unfortunately however there is disunity within those who have woken
up to the shadow power structure and the control system that has
been established to maintain it.
The truth we should all remember though
is that we can disagree all we want about how to move forward into
the short and long term future, but as long as we recognize the two
primary mechanisms for control - namely the money supply and
corporate media - then we have a space for uniting in action.
Then, we should remain open to the fact that we've all changed our
views over time and that we'll most likely continue to do so as we
personally and collectively evolve.
In addition, the following interview is with Steve Keen.
He explores the stagnation of the global
economy and the bubbles in the Australian and Chinese debt and
housing sectors, as well as the legitimacy of the
Australian Sovereignty Party's
policy approach to the dishonest money supply and the tax evasion by
big money.