by Zen Gardner
May 05, 2017
BornOutsideTheBox Website
Spanish version
Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and
speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint.
writings have been circulated to millions and his
personal story has caused no small stir amongst the
entrenched alternative pundits.
book "You
Are The Awakening"
met rave reviews. |

It's just getting
interesting here on planet earth.
Now's when Truth breaks
through, Gaia shrugs and the Universe humbles our puny paradigms to
bring the point home.
What groundless, truthless and ruthless insanity we're witnessing.
Think of the fear based mindset behind almost every action and
reaction, the craving for safety and security and self preservation.
Besides survival being an imposed false goalpost in the human
psyche, people don't see the power of death as their friend and
Humanity is so caught up in linear duality it's remarkable.
Their hearts know better but they
won't stop to listen.
This Yahweh and Co.'s creepy hierarchical control plan has
almost fizzled out now, yet humanity sustains it. Hence the death
throes and psychopathic vibes by which people are whipped around.
If they haven't done the
true self work they'll be thrown under the bus. You can't do
anything about that except individually. People can't hear any
longer. They're set in their socially engineered and
self-preservation powered ways.
Yet it all enigmatically works for good.
Or should I say can...

"Man did not weave the web of
he is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web,
he does to himself."
Chief Seattle
Starts at Home
Everything is energy and vibration. Everything recycles, nothing is
ever lost.
The play out of this evil
contagion is part of the whole, yet our conscious response is
intrinsically part of the vibrational fabric.
Or cause and
Or both?
For some "reason" perhaps
we're simply here to experience, witness,
participate actively or passively, and learn from it.
We can and are able to do
what we can do, or not do what we don't. The majesty of choice is
always there and our indomitable infinite spirits are just fine and
always will be.
Did or do we
respond to the call to consciously participate?
Did we respond to
the foundational inner knowledge of natural law and help
mitigate needless suffering, or just get by while describing
the scenery, saying something needs to be done?
What's remarkable is how
simply living consciously is; truly disengaging from the system and
contributing our energy to the creative change process.
From there real
activism is born...
It's ultimately a happy yet conflicted class time to the awake, and
do enjoy your truth learning to whatever degree in whatever manner.
This is, if you've started to pay attention.
I hope people are
learning the fundamental that there's absolutely nothing better than
being in and working with truth in the form of space and nature.
Keeping spaces in our
lives is vital, and learning to speak to and
listen to nature and its rhythms.
They're our best teachers. We have so much clutter blocking our true
higher selves and have a multitude of things that attempt to keep us
from truly seeing.
That's the challenge. And the ongoing reward...

"Our destiny is never
something that occurs without our participation.
We, and only we,
are the creators and the keepers of our own destiny. The future
is always being made up of the present moment.
This means that our
future is always changing and that our destiny can drastically
change course at any moment in time - that is, if we choose to
take charge of it."
Danielle Benvenuto
Cycles to
Learn From, or Crippling Perception Perimeters?
I'm getting tired of hearing about cycles, big and little, whatever
trends they may or may not indicate, considering we know nothing
about real history and that this whole game we're witnessing is
completely manipulated.
How potentially disempowering...! Like astrology can be to some
They're supposed to be
tools, not crutches. What is free will for then, if we live in this
fatalist, determinist mindset? There can't be both the inclination
towards cycles and freewill at the same time, and one not affecting
the other. That might sound way out there but think about it.
Which one is in charge?
It's a question that plagues every human heart at one level or
When the question becomes,
"Do we even make a
...then we know the
crippling has taken effect.
We've lost our sovereign
state, never mind potential warrior status.
So if any one of us doesn't snap out of this machine-like cycle
to nowhere, we all suffer. How's that for personal
responsibility? Each of us are either promoting violence and
violating others' rights, or mitigating those affronts on humanity.
Because that's what it all comes down to.
More information and partial wake ups are bullshit at this stage if
we're not willing to go all the way and
let go of anything and everything
to help break the spell, and all those who aren't are part of the
Sound absolute? It is.
And anyone who complains about those "conditions" is deliberately
sound asleep or not human.
That's why this information avalanche is in place and all this ego
and pride-bolstering so called knowledge increase. It feeds
the self serving beast - the false self that individually and
collectively helped and is helping to create this mess.
And the problem rolls on.

Let Go - What
You're Holding On to Isn't Real
Get free. Let the paradigms and cherished beliefs crumble.
It's time to get radical
if you truly care. That's where we'll find our way. It's already
here and always has been.
True awakening is a destructive process,
and a continual one. Then we'll find our footing in real, raw truth
where taking responsibility becomes a natural course of action.
Is that something to fear?
That depends on what you're holding on to, and how, if you can even
discern that at this point.
The ego and the accumulated
mind parasites on humanity will
fight that tooth and tong.
More importantly,
what and who is doing
the holding on?
That's the root of the
problem for each of us. And our collective condition. It's all
fear based. All of it. We're so quick to judge others and
"the masses" for operating in fear. It's time to take a deeper look.
Let go and do everyone a favor. You might just be "the one" to break
the cycle.
Think Neo. The call awaits the willing...
Humanity's condition
depends on it...
"A man goes to knowledge as he
goes to war,
wide-awake, with fear, with
and with absolute assurance.
Going to knowledge or going to
in any other manner is a
and whoever makes it
will live to regret his steps."
Don Juan Matus