by Diana Rose Kottle
08 August 2016
HuffingtonPost Website
Spanish version
Diana Rose Kottle,
MA, MFT is a Writer, Soulful Alignment Coach™ &
Psychotherapist - Inspiring Humanity to Awaken to who we
truly are as Energetic Spiritual Beings through Being
Authentic, Speaking our Truth, Connecting to Our Inner
Wisdom, and Attuning to Love.
She holds a BA in
Psychology, an MA in Counseling Psychology, and a
license in Marriage Family Therapy. She is the Founder
of Mind Body Soulful™ and Soulful Alignment Coaching™.
Diana Rose is
a contributing writer for the
Huffington Post and the
author of 'Drop Into Your Heart: Unlock A World Of
Infinite Possibilities'. You can connect with Diana Rose
Kottle on
Facebook or via
dianarosekottle.com |

Photo by:
Diana Rose Kottle
Angelic Light Hologram in the Woods
Currently the planet is going through an
epic energetic shift in global consciousness and frequency upgrades,
unlike anything we have seen before, and it is happening rapidly.
People are
quickly awakening and gaining
access to,
their own light
their own power
their own information
their own truth
With this level of change, comes great challenges (opportunities
for learning and growth) and disruptions that may rock
you to your core, as you release the old and make room for the new
emerging energies to come into form.
The old structures must fall; the limitations must be released; the
castles of corruption must crumble to the ground.
Essentially, we must empty out the
garbage first, removing the layers of trash from our lives that are
clogging the pipes and stopping the flow, before we can be filled
with and hold, the high frequency light that is available to all of
us, now more than ever before.
We are entering a new era, a time where many of us are,
cracking open out of our old
hardened shells
shedding limiting belief systems
and toxic thought patterns
dismantling the false structures
of control
unhooking from the planetary
programming grids
busting through the illusions of
fear and separation,
...that are designed to intentionally
keep us small and stuck and complacent, dependent and enslaved.
And we are instead gaining new levels of
awareness and embracing the true essence of who we are at the core
soul level of our being.
We must stop
dimming our light and hiding in the shadows of fear
Now is the time to fully step up into our creative manifestation
as a collective consciousness, as a unified sea of our unique
individual voices, whose authentic expression, whose particular
specific sparkle, when united in our bright shining light and
connected empowerment, creates a tidal wave of healing alchemy,
a shimmering ocean of infinite possibilities, weaving together a
tapestry of high frequency crystalline light packets of
information and sacred geometries, creating the golden grid of
the new paradigm.
Why do we dim our
Simple. We are programmed and conditioned to from birth.
It is bred into us from day one, woven
into the very fabric of our society.
We see this out-pictured as agreed upon
social norms, via our corrupt political system, through standardized
government funded
public schooling (which among other things,
inserts its own agenda of controlling what, and how, we learn) and
in belief system constructs that are constantly hammered into us,
designed to limit, constrict and abolish free expansive thought and
All under the guise of freedom of
We are taught to stay in the box and
follow the rules, color in the lines, dot your i's and cross your
t's like a "good little boy or girl", to be rewarded, to graduate up
to the next level, which simply means moving up to the next little
box with a new tight little lid, that is promptly set and sealed
firmly in place.
We are controlled and manipulated through
our food and
water supply,
not being told what we are really consuming, yet being told it is
good for us when it is brimming with chemicals and hidden toxins
that our bodies can't possibly process, which results in dis-ease
and a litany of illnesses on all levels (mental, emotional,
physical, spiritual, energetic).
We are forced
to vaccinate our children
who become sick from the poisons and toxic substances they contain.
We are told lies of fear through
news and media, as if they are truth; we are really only shown what
fits the specific agenda of those with the power, the puppeteers who
are installing, and then pulling our strings.
We are groomed to be muppets (aka: mindless puppets) and become
hypnotized sheep, who follow blindly, sleepwalking our way through
the world, after being led through enticing magical fields filled
with beautiful scarlet poppies whose intoxicating aroma of
manipulation and unconsciousness makes us check-out, and serves to
lull us into eternal sleep.
My god, we are even taught to count
sheep as children to help us fall asleep at night.
We are constantly being fed fear and propaganda as truth, which
conditions us to doubt our natural instincts; so we choose to stay
in our separated boxes of imagined safety because we are so afraid
of what we are told is "out there", beyond the iron clad walls that
are built around our hearts, to "keep out" and protect us from the boogeymen, and other things that go bump in the night.
Is it any wonder we are too petrified to
even turn on the light switch to see if there is really a scary
monster in our bedroom lurking in the shadows or hiding under our
We are so traumatized we hide under the covers, paralyzed and
trembling with fear, anchoring our feelings of powerlessness even
deeper into our incredibly impressionable psyches.
We are pumped full of fear based, hyped-up, trumped-up scenarios
(diversions and red herrings), designed specifically to distract us
and keep us focused away from the real solutions, and even the real
issues, whose discovery of does not serve the status quo, nor the
hidden agenda, of keeping us numbed-out, dumbed-down and completely
disconnected from the actual real conspiracies (not theories) that
are going on, often being hidden right under our noses, in plain
We are told to only believe what we can see, what is "proven" by
mainstream Newtonian Physics, which does not address or even
acknowledge the effect
of consciousness on outcomes (The Observer
Effect is a basic premise of Quantum Physics, which simply put
says: the mere act of observing something, influences it, and
changes it on a quantum level) which affects and changes everything,
in a major way.
So we are taught to buy into an old outmoded system of Science that
does not accurately reflect the forward movement, the upgraded
consciousness (or even the role consciousness plays on matter for
that matter) and ignores the new model of the world we are actually
living in and experiencing today.
It reflects instead a closed system that
is now exploding from the pressure of the heightened creative
consciousness bursts of the planet expressing itself as higher light
frequency, in an entirely new expansive way.
We are taught this because mainstream acknowledgment and acceptance
of the Quantum world, is a threat to the current dysfunctional
systems run by the select few governing elite, in positions of high
power, who financially benefit from the old models staying intact:
they profit by keeping us sick and afraid.
New thought and change frightens and
threatens the old regimes,
the corrupt elite groups, the old
outmoded structures, that are now beginning to crack and crumble
from the pressure, as we enter these new energetic times, where the
rules and the rulers are changing.
When we live in
a Matrix of fear, we are anchored into the lower
denser frequencies.
The vibration at this level is thick and
dense and heavy and dark.
This is designed specifically to keep
you hooked into the program of control, tethered to the hamster
wheel at the bottom of the dark ocean, running endlessly through
mazes of circular loops, going nowhere, while eternally drowning and
gasping for air.
You really
think anyone is thinking about enlightenment or spiritual evolution
in that scenario?
Imagine Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of
At the bottom of the pyramid, you have
safety and survival. At the top, you find self-actualization and
To access these enlightened states of being in
frequency, you must move up in vibration.
And as long as you are strapped to the
lower energies and denser frequencies scrambling to get your most
basic needs met (and not die), you are trapped, hooked into the
control Matrix of fear, pain, unconsciousness, unworthiness.
In essence, you are suppressed, hypnotized by the very convincing
illusion that says,
"you are unable (not powerful enough) to ever set
yourself free".
The programming and fear is so thick at this level, it is insidious,
infused in everything and found everywhere; so we believe that it is
normal and that it is,
"just the way things are".
We become a valley of complacent cows
and submissive sheep waiting to be slaughtered by the very hand that
fed us the lies to begin with that keep us enslaved and unaware, all
the while oblivious that we are even enchained.
Yet we are the chained elephants conditioned to believe we are stuck
and rendered powerless, by the tiny little stake in the ground tied
to only one of our enormously powerful feet.
The distortions and corruption is layered and hidden (running very
deep indeed). It is woven into the very fabric of what we are taught
to trust.
It is sprinkled into our "health" food,
added to our "clean" water supply and laced into the "natural"
supplements we are told will keep us healthy.
All this is done with a big fake smile
dripping with enticing false promises, that find and push on our
pain points, inflicting scarcity and fear and lack consciousness,
to convince us of an illusion
designed specifically to keep us in struggle
to keep us separate
to keep us subdued
to keep us from questioning
to keep us from remembering how
powerful we truly are.
Well this is
not normal and it is not the only available option - Not by a long
It's time now for you all, especially,
the Light Workers and Way
the Earth Angels on this planet
the Empaths and Energy Healers,
...and everyone else who has a deep soul
calling to help others awaken to their own light, to start shining
your own light more brightly than you ever have before,
on these illusions
on these distortions
on the garbage that the masses
keep consuming as if it is caviar
guzzling down like it's the
finest bottle of Dom Pérignon
remaining drunk
wandering around in a constant
dazed collective stupor,
...from the countless hypnotic bubbles
of toxic corruption that are consistently coursing through their
bodies on an automatic drip system.
It is time for a massive wake-up call to all of humanity,
to remember and ignite your own
inner light
to come together in the
frequency of love, truth, and collective empowerment
to know that we are so much more
powerful than we were ever taught to believe
How do we
share this message with those who are hypnotized and asleep?
We do this,
by being the light
by speaking our authentic truth
by releasing our own dark
shadows that want to drag us into debate and separation and
superiority, triggering our need to be right or better than
others (or however this ‘right' vs. ‘wrong', ‘good' vs.
‘bad', ‘us' vs. ‘them' separation power struggle
out-pictures specifically in your life)
We lead by example, sharing our messages
of empowerment, worthiness, connection and love with the world,
through our own unique authentic voices of truth.
By doing this we will reach
a critical mass, a tipping point of
awakening, where a new morphic field is created and becomes its own
powerful force of light, whose unique signature stands tall, like a
glowing lighthouse in the thick dark fog, shining brightly, guiding
the way home to those vessels who are lost at sea, being tossed
about in the crashing storm of monstrous waves.
This is how we create the new paradigm;
this is how the new way, the new energies on the planet, come into
This is how a new world is born...
A call
to all of you who came here to help awaken the planet
Please get your own house (your own
internal world) in order pronto, so that you can do and be what you
came here for.
Because the world is waiting for you: to
stand tall; to shine brightly; to stop apologizing for who you are
and be your true authentic self; and to play your specific role in
the awakening of the planet and human consciousness to the absolute
fullest now.
It is time for what I call, The Alchemy
of Awakening.
And so it is...