by Aaron Bandler
14, 2016
DailyWire Website

AP Photo/Bullit Marquez
GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump appeared to do an
about-face on the issue of climate change, urging Americans to move
away from fossil fuels and signaling that there may be some truth to
global warming theories.
Washington Examiner
reports that on Tuesday, Trump was
asked about climate change on a questionnaire and said that "there
is still much that needs to be investigated" about climate change,
calling for Americans to transition from fossil fuels to alternative
energy sources.
Trump has called climate change a
"hoax" in the past.
Obama hails 'historic day' in climate
change fight
Here are seven things you need to know
about global warming.
A few decades ago the media
and many in the scientific community were in hysterics over
global cooling.
Newsbusters has a roundup of the various
news outlets that promoted the global cooling hysterics from
"Scientists See Ice Age in
the Future," Washington Post, January 11
"Is Mankind Manufacturing a New Ice Age for
Itself?", Los Angeles Times, January 15
"Pollution Could Cause Ice
Age, Agency Reports," St. Petersburg Times, March 4
"Scientist predicts a new ice age by 21st
century," Boston Globe, April 16
"Pollution called Ice Age Threat," St. Petersburg Times,
June 26
"U.S. and Soviet Press Studies of a Colder Arctic," New
York Times, July 18
"Dirt Will Bring New Ice Age," Sydney Morning Herald,
October 19
An article from
Newsweek in 1975 cited
the "almost unanimous" consensus among meteorologists that
global cooling,
The article even cites a
report from the National Academy of Sciences at the time
Sounds familiar.
There is no consensus that
global warming is a man-made phenomenon that requires
"urgent" action.
One of the most common talking
points used by global warming alarmists is that 97 percent
of scientists agree that it's man-made and unless action is
taken, Armageddon will ensue.
This is patently false, as
Joseph Bast
and Dr.
Roy Spencer explain in
The Wall Street Journal,
this number comes from three sources and they're all riddled
with errors
In 2009, a University of
Illinois student conducted a two-question survey for her
master's thesis that asked respondents if,
Skeptics and proponents
typically answer yes to both questions, so unsurprisingly 97
percent said yes. Additionally, only 79 scientists responded
to the survey.
A student at Stanford found in
2010 that 97 percent or 98 percent of "the most prolific
climate change writers" believed that
No mention on how serious the
problem was, and he only found the views of 200 researchers
when the number of climate change researchers are in the
Blogger John Cook
determined in 2013 that 97 percent of,
"abstracts of
peer-reviewed papers" believed that "human activity
is responsible for some warming," but a more
exhaustive study of Cook's work determined that only
0.3 percent of the 11,944 papers reviewed by Cook
concluded that "human activity is causing most of
the current warming."
There are also plenty of
scientists, meteorologists and researchers who don't think
human activity will result in overheating the planet:
Surveys of meteorologists
repeatedly find a majority oppose the alleged consensus.
Only 39.5% of 1,854
American Meteorological Society members who responded to
a survey in 2012 said man-made global warming is
Finally, the U.N.'s
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - which claims
to speak for more than 2,500 scientists - is probably
the most frequently cited source for the consensus.
Its latest report claims
"human interference
with the climate system is occurring, and climate
change poses risks for human and natural systems."
Yet relatively few have
either written on or reviewed research having to do with
the key question:
How much of the
temperature increase and other climate changes
observed in the 20th century was caused by man-made
greenhouse-gas emissions?
The IPCC lists only 41
authors and editors of the relevant chapter of the Fifth
Assessment Report addressing "anthropogenic and natural
radiative forcing."
Of the various petitions
on global warming circulated for signatures by
scientists, the one by the Petition Project, a group of
physicists and physical chemists based in La Jolla,
Calif., has by far the most signatures - more than
31,000 (more than 9,000 with a Ph.D.).
It was most recently
published in 2009, and most signers were added or
reaffirmed since 2007. The petition states that,
"there is no
convincing scientific evidence that human release
of... carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse
gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future,
cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere
and disruption of the Earth's climate."
There is no "consensus" that
there's man-made global warming that will cause an ensuing
Some global warming alarmist
scientists weren't able to get the results they wanted, so
they tampered with the data.
For instance, there was the
infamous scandal known as "Climate-Gate" where leaked emails
showed that a cabal of world-renowned scientists discussed
hiding the lack of warming because it wasn't the outcome
they wanted, as documented
here and
NASA appeared to have
cooked the books as well; in 2007 they found that 1934 was
the hottest year in its record instead of 1998, so they
recalculated the data to make it seem like 1998 was actually
the hottest year on record.
There has simply
not been a lot of global
warming in recent years.
As The Daily Wire
Ben Shapiro has
For example, The
Economist reported in 2014,
“Between 1998 and
2013, the Earth’s surface temperature rose at a rate
of 0.04°C a decade, far slower than the 0.18°C
increase in the 1990s.”
That forced the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to come up with a
whole new way of evaluating its data to fight those
It also forced global
warming advocates to claim that the oceans somehow ate
up all of the excess heat in the air.
All of that led President
Obama to claim to the world in Paris that 14 of the past
15 years have been the hottest on record.
But when scientists said
that 2014 was the hottest year on record, they admitted
they were only 38% sure that was the case.
This trend continued in
2015, which was nowhere
near the hottest year recorded by satellite, meaning that
there has been
an 18-year pause in global warming.
Additionally, there has been
a "trend since 1900 [that] is equivalent to 0.75°C per
century," which is statistically insignificant, according to
Christopher Monckton.
The sea levels are not rising
by record levels, and there has not been an increase in
extreme weather events.
Here are the relevant facts
for each, as previously reported by
Daily Wire:
There has been a net increase
in ice growth in Antarctica.
Data from
NOAA shows that there has
been a decrease of tornadoes, falling hurricanes, droughts,
heat waves and bitter winters.
There is also evidence that is
no link between
global warming and
wildfires and
extreme rainfall.
There is evidence to suggest
that it is actually higher temperatures that result in
higher levels of CO2.
The videos below provide the
evidence and explain why this occurs:
In fact, there is a
graph in Al Gore's An
Inconvenient Truth that
shows exactly this, but it's only shown for a short amount
of time in the movie so the viewer doesn't see the
Not only will the left's
"solutions" to global warming do little to actually stop
warming, they would cause massive harm to the economy.
As radio host and
constitutional scholar Mark Levin has written in his
book Liberty
and Tyranny - A Conservative Manifesto, Dr.
Niv Shariv at Hebrew University concluded:
"Even if we halved the
CO2 output, and the CO2
increase by 2100 would be, say, a 50 percent
increase relative to today instead of a doubled
amount, the expected reduction in the rise of global
temperature would be less than 0.5°C. This is not
California Gov. Jerry Brown
(D), President
Barack Obama and
Democratic presidential nominee
Hillary Clinton have
all called for an 80 percent reduction in carbon emissions
by 2050.
Shapiro explains just how
devastating this would be:
In California, the average
resident is responsible for 9.42 tons of carbon
emissions each year. By 2050, that would have to drop to
1.88 tons.
That’s about what the
current residents of North Korea emit, according to
Robert Bryce of the Manhattan Institute. Per capita GDP
in that country is currently $1,800 per year.
If we extend that model
out to the entire United States, every resident would
have to drop to below-Mexican standards of carbon usage,
and likely to Mexico-standards of GDP (try $10,400 per
It would apparently cost
us $5 trillion by 2050 just to subsidize businesses to
create more energy efficient solutions.
And that doesn’t mean that
the solutions are better than what we currently have.
This suggests that the left is
using the idea of global warming as a cause to promote their
de-growth agenda.