by Mike Adams
May 25, 2016
NaturalNews Website

Even though the big revelations
about Big Pharma's science paper
research fraud came out years ago, most people are still not aware
of this.
Here's the scoop:
Drug companies routinely pay P.R.
firms to
ghostwrite clinical science
papers which are published in medical journals and forwarded to
the FDA to "prove" the drugs are safe and effective.
But it's all a farce:
The papers are pure fiction, dreamed
up by what are essentially marketing firms for the sole purpose
of getting drugs approved even when they don't work.
"In 2009, around fourteen
thousand women who developed breast cancer while taking
Prempro, a hormone
replacement therapy (HRT), sued the drug's manufacturer,
Wyeth," wrote Rupert
Sheldrake in an extraordinary book called
Science Set Free.
In court, it turned out that many of the
medical research papers supporting HRT had been ghostwritten by a
commercial medical communications company called
DesignWrite, whose website boasted
that over twelve years they had,
"planned, created and/or managed
hundreds of advisory boards, a thousand abstracts and posters,
500 clinical papers, over 10,000 speakers' bureau programs, over
200 satellite symposia, 60 international programs, dozens of
websites, and a broad array of ancillary printed and electronic
It emerged that DesignWrite organized a
"planned publication program" for Prempro, consisting of review
articles, case reports, editorials and commentaries, using the
medical literature as a marketing tool.
As Ben Goldacre
reported in the Guardian:
DesignWrite wrote the first drafts
and sent them to Wyeth, who advised on the creation of a second
draft. Only then was the paper sent to the academic who would
appear as the "author"…
DesignWrite sold Wyeth more than 50
peer-reviewed journal articles for HRT, and a similar number of
conference posters, slide kits, symposia, and journal supplements.
Adrienne Fugh-Berman (an
associate professor of physiology at Georgetown University) found
that these publications variously promoted unproven and unlicensed
benefits of Wyeth's HRT drug, undermined its competitors, and
downplayed its harms…
[A]cademic journal publications are
not regarded as promotional activity, so all this was legal.
Worst of all was the complicity of the academics…
"Research shows high clinician
reliance on journal articles for credible product
information," said Design Write.
They're right: when you read an academic
paper, you trust it was written by the person whose name is on it.
Wyeth was only caught
after its toxic HRT drugs started causing a wave of cancer among
This nefarious activity was uncovered by
PLoS Medicine, an open source medical journal that has a history of
being far more transparent than the usual pharma-corrupted journals
BMJ and
The Lancet.
PLoS reported:
…the documents illustrate how Wyeth
Pharmaceuticals contracted with DesignWrite, a medical
communications company, to write articles for top-tier medical
journals with the intention of bolstering the sales of the
Premarin family of hormone replacement products.
After the articles were written,
DesignWrite solicited prominent health professionals to appear
as "authors."
As all this was unfolding, Sen.
Charles Grassley launched an investigation into the fraudulent
practices of Big Pharma.
As reported by
Wyeth, [a] pharmaceutical company,
is accused of hiring ghostwriters to produce medical journal
articles favoring its hormone replacement therapy (HRT) Prempro,
according to Congressional letters seeking more information
about the company's involvement in medical ghostwriting.
Mr. Grassley's staff released several of internal corporate
documents gathered from lawsuits that show the central,
previously undisclosed role of Wyeth and DesignWrite in creating
articles promoting hormone therapy for menopausal women as far
back as 1997.
The documents also show Wyeth executives came up with ideas for
medical journal articles, titled them, drafted outlines, paid
writers to draft manuscripts, recruited academic authors and
picked publications to run the articles - all while failing to
disclose the companies' role to journal readers and editors.
This was all part of the Hormone
Replacement Therapy (HRT)
drug scam, when tens of millions of women were told
they should be taking HRT drugs.
In reality, those drugs caused huge
spikes in breast cancer, generating a wave of new profits
for the cancer industry.
Big Pharma's business
model is based on CAUSING the diseases that bring in repeat business
See how this works?
Big Pharma invents a drug that
causes cancer
then hires a bunch of fraudulent
P.R. firm scientists to slap together a series of fictional
science papers
the FDA approves the drug
and doctors start pushing it
The drug companies
bribe the doctors with free
vacations to Hawaii, then prescriptions skyrocket, earning billions
for the pharma giants.
As the cancer rates start to skyrocket,
the cancer industry cashes in on all the cancer surgery, radiation
chemotherapy profits.
It's called "repeat business," and it's the core business model of
the corrupt pharmaceutical industry.
What else is new?
Big Pharma is a corrupt, criminally run
science fraud industry based on hucksterism and
quackery. Every once in a while, they actually get caught and have
to pay a big fine… and then they just keep on committing fraud
because it's so damn profitable!
Wyeth, by the way, is now owned by Pfizer, makes of numerous
vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs,
all of which have toxic side effects.
The industry no longer needs to poison
women with HRT drugs, because they've managed to
insert cancer-causing viruses into vaccines,
guaranteeing a strong future windfall of cancer profits as all the
vaccines kick in...