We're destroying our
environment and constantly releasing harmful toxins into the veins
of Mother Earth, who can only take so much.
At the same time, disease rates are rising at an exponential rate, and it's clear that multiple factors could be contributing to this, including a lack of access to clean healthy water, on a global scale.
A new investigation conducted by Orb Media, who shared their findings exclusively with The Guardian, had tap water samples from more than a dozen nations around the world analyzed by scientists, and they found that a shocking 83 percent of the samples were contaminated with plastic fibres.
The scientists discovered that European nations had the lowest contamination rate. Despite that, it was still high at 72%. European nations that were tested include,
On the other hand, the U.S. had the highest rate of contamination, at a staggering 94%.
Plastic fibres were found in the drinking water ,
...and at multiple other sites, including Congress buildings.
This is a huge problem, and microplastic contamination is now extremely widespread. Our oceans are littered with plastic, which is killing whales and other marine mammals, and contaminating fish.
Previous studies have shown when people eat seafood, they are also eating high levels of microplastics, not to mention taking in a lot of mercury as well.
Dr. Sherri Mason, a microplastic expert at the State University of New York in Fredonia, who supervised the analyses for Orb, told the Guardian:
The piece goes on to site another study conducted in Ireland, where research also found a great deal of microplastic contamination in a number of water and well samples.
According to the Guardian, Dr. Anne Marie Mahon, the lead other of that study, said there were two concerns here:
A study (Plastic Debris in the Open Ocean) published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) a few years ago found that approximately 90 percent of the Earth's ocean surface is polluted with plastic debris.
The study was conducted by scientists from the University of Cadiz, Spain as well as the University of Western Australia.
The study is based off of 3,070 total ocean samples that were collected all around the globe, and the total amount of plastic in the open-ocean surface is estimated to be between approximately 7,000 and 35,000 tons.
Although this amount is huge, scientists were surprised as it is much lower than the amount they expected.
The thing about microplastics is that they can attract large amounts of bacteria that's actually found in sewage.
According to Mahon,
The Guardian lays it out well, and this is definitely something to pay attention to because the scale of global microplastic contamination is literally insane.
Unfortunately it's not just in water, it's in our seafood, and it's even found in beer, honey and sugar.
Paris researchers in 2015 (Microplastic Contamination in an Urban Area - A case of greater Paris) actually found microplastic samples falling from the air...
Is Bottled Water Any Better?
Apparently not, this Orb study also found the same problem within bottled water, because after all, where does it come from?
And what is it bottled in!
For more details, you can refer to article "Identification of Putative Steroid Receptor Antagonists in Bottled Water - Combining Bioassays and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry".
The best solution is to completely overhaul our planet, and start using clean and green biodegradable substances, like hemp.
Secondly, we need to utilize and expand upon existing technologies that could help us clean up our oceans, and assist the Earth in her cleansing strategies, whatever they are.
For example, years ago we published a story of then 19-year old, Boyan Slat, who developed a cleanup array to remove more than 7 million tons of plastic from the Earth's oceans.
We also recently published a study about how two young surfers are cleaning up the ocean.
Navy ships could develop a method for locating and dragging nets for clean up, as various solutions exist that could be used and implemented.
I wish I had the answers, and could provide more solutions and information on how we could do this. I know that if the world's ‘leaders' came together and really wanted to pool their resources to clean up this planet, it could easily be done.
Instead, they often pool their resources to destroy it for our materialistic wants.
The human race has become very detached from nature. We still don't realize that our potential to create a world where everybody's needs are provided for, where we live in balance with nature and all living things on the planet are infinite.
We could easily utilize technology and human genius to live in a world where everybody can thrive, where we could take the human race out of its adolescence and into adulthood.
It can be done, and there is indeed light at the end of the tunnel.
Our planet is currently experiencing a massive worldview transformation. We live in exciting times, so keep your head up, and be the change you wish to see in the world.
It starts with you and your lifestyle...
I'll leave you with this video from the photographer, Chris Jordan: