Artificial Fruit Drink Creates its
Own Cancer Causing By-Product
Biologist Calls Sodas and Fizzy
Beverages 'Evil'
Español |
Biólogo llama 'Malignas' a las
Sodas y Bebidas Gaseosas
Brands to Boycott - 'Naked Juice' owned by PepsiCo and 'Odwalla'
owned by Coca-Cola
Cancer Causing Chemicals Found in
Cola Coloring Ingredient
Español |
Del Porqué los Refrescos son
Peligrosos para Su Salud - Pruebas
Diet Soda Now Promoted as Medicine
to Stop Kidney Stones
- Opinion
Español |
El Consumo de Bebidas Gaseosas te
Envejecerá tan Rápido como Fumar
- 10 Razones para Evitarlas
Español |
Encuentran Glifosato en 19 de 20
Cervezas y Vinos de Estados Unidos Analizados
Glyphosate Pesticide in Beer and
Wine from the U.S. - Test Results and Future Solutions
Energy Drinks cause Kidney Damage and Hypertension
Italiano |
Il Consumo di Bevande Gassate ti
Farà Invecchiare Rapidamente come Fumare - 10 Ragioni per Evitarlo
Kids Get 7 Trillion Calories of
Sugar from Cancer-Causing Beverages Each Year
Español |
México se Lanza contra las
Multinacionales - "Son el Motor de las Enfermedades
Mounting Evidence Exposes Dangers
of Energy Drinks
New Research Shows Diet Soft
Drinks Cause Stroke, Heart Attacks and Vascular Death
Oklahoma Lawmaker Wants to Stop
Pepsi From Using Aborted Fetus Cells in Soda Flavoring
Poisonous Soft Drink Industry - Call it HFCS or Corn
Sugar Its Still Dangerous to Public Health
Review Finds Diet Soda to Be
Health Destroyer
Soda Pop Industry Branded Baby
Bottles With Soft Drink Logos
Soft Drink Consumption will Age
You as Fast as Smoking - 10 Reasons to Avoid
Suffering From Soft Drinks
- Grocery Products That Are Dangerous To Your Health
The Shocking Ingredients In Beer
We Know About Caffeine in Energy
Drinks Like 'Monster,' but What About The Other
What Happens when You Submerge
Cans of Diet Soda and Regular Soda in Water?
Why Soft Drinks are Dangerous to
Your Health
- Hard Facts
Additional Information |
Artificial Sweeteners Produce the
Counterintuitive Effect of Inducing Metabolic
Associations of Sugar and
Artificially Sweetened Soda with Albuminuria and Kidney
Function Decline in...
Español |
De Cómo el Cáncer se Alimenta de
Azúcar - Y Otras Grandes Razones
para Evitar los Dulces Refinados
Destroy The Globalists - One
Fat-Cat Corporation at a Time
Deutsch |
Die Globalisten zerstören - Einen
fetten Konzern nach dem anderen
Health Effects and Public Health
Concerns of Energy Drink Consumption in the United
How Cancer Feeds on Sugar
- And Other Big Reasons to Avoid Refined Sweets
and Cell Aging - Associations Between Sugar-Sweetened Beverage
Consumption and Leukocyte...
Before You Drink!
Bottled Water
- Agua Embotellada |
A 280,000% Mark Up for... Water?
- A Look Inside the Bottled Water Industry
Español |
Agua de Botellas Plásticas Tiene
Hormonas Capaces de Afectar Sistema Endocrino
Español |
Aquafina ya No Es tan 'Fina' -
PepsiCo Embotella Agua del Grifo
A Rapid-screening Approach to
Detect and Quantify Microplastics based on Fluorescent
Tagging with Nile...
Bottled Water Exposed
(Not Good) and a List of Brands to Avoid Revealed by
Bottled Water Found to Contain
over 24,000 Chemicals, Including Endocrine Disruptors
Bottled Water Leeches 24,000
Chemicals into Your Body
- Study Finds
Identification of Putative Steroid
Receptor Antagonists in Bottled Water - Combining
Bioassays and...
Español |
La Verdad del Agua Embotellada
Italiano |
Le Migliori Marche di Acqua in
Bottiglia Contaminate da Particelle di Plastica
List of Bottled Water Without
PepsiCo finally Comes Clean and
Admits the Truth about their 'Bottled Water'
Plus Plastic - Microplastics found
in Global Bottled Water
Study Finds More than 24,000
Chemicals in Bottled Water - Which Ones are Harming You?
The Bottled Water Industry
- This Common Beverage Can Spike Brain Damage, Obesity,
and Cancer Risk
Top Bottled Water Brands
Contaminated with Plastic Particles
Multimedia: |
TaPPeD - La Industria del Agua
- El Film
TaPPeD - The Bottled Water
- The Movie
The Story of Bottled Water
Cola |
Coca-Cola and Pepsi Lobbying the FDA for a GMO Labeling
Bolivia to Expel Coca-Cola in Wake
of 2012 Mayan 'Apocalypse'
- 'End of Capitalism'
Can of Worms - Girl Hospitalized
after drinking Coca-Cola complete with Invertebrate
and Nestlé to Privatize the Largest Reserve of Water in
South America
Coca-Cola Caught Running Massive
Payola Scheme to Churn Out Deceptive Corporate
Propaganda on...
Español |
Coca-Cola "La Chispa de La Vida" o Chispa de La Muerte
Español |
Coca-Cola - La Historia Negra de
Las Aguas Negras
Coca-Cola, McDonalds and Monsanto
Pay for Propaganda - Is it Working?
Coca-Cola named Worst Plastic
Polluter in the World for Second Year in a Row
Español |
Coca-Cola nos Muestra como
Funcionan las Cosas en El Mundo Real
Coca-Cola Sucks Wells Dry in
Chiapas - Forcing Residents to Buy Water
Coca-Cola, The CIA and The Courts
Coca-Cola - The Company that
Taught the World to Sing
Coke a Good Snack? - 'Health
Experts' who Work with Coke Say So...
Español |
- ¿Con
las Manos en la Masa? - Coca Cola Paga 550.000 Dólares
al Líder de un Colectivo Antiobesidad
- "Diet
Coke Is Healthier than Water!"
Does Low-Energy Sweetener
Consumption Affect Energy Intake and Body Weight?
How Coca-Cola Controls and
Manipulates Research
How Coca-Cola's Ruthless Business
Tactics Created a Despicable Global Powerhouse
Waste' found in Coca-Cola Cans at Company Plant sparks
Police Probe
Español |
La Diabetes se Apodera de una
Ciudad Mexicana donde la Coca-Cola Sustituye al Agua
Pepsi and Coca-Cola Used as
Pesticide in India Because they're Cheap and Get the Job
Several Established Uses for
Coca-Cola Proves it Does Not Belong in the Human Body
Tell Coca-Cola to Stop The
- Campaign to Stop Killer Coke
Ten Things Coke, Pepsi and Soda
Industry Won’t Say
- The Hard Truth About Soft Drinks
The Coke Machine
- The Dirty Truth Behind The World's Favorite Soft Drink
To this Day, Coca-Cola Still
Imports Coca Leaves Which are Used to Manufacture
Cocaine in The United...
U.S. Group Flags Chemical Levels
in Coca-Cola Sold Abroad
What Chemicals are Really in Coca-Cola’s Coke Soda?
What Happens One Hour After
Drinking a Can of Coke
World Health Organization (WHO)
'Taking Cash Handouts from Coca-Cola to Plug Black Holes
in Budget'
Multimedia |
Español |
Acidez y pH - Experimento con
Refresco y Té Helado dan Resultados Alarmantes!
Español |
Adictos al Plástico
Aspartame and
Coca-Cola - A
Closer Look
Español |
Botellas de Plástico - La Batalla
del Agua
Español |
Océanos de Plástico - El Basurero
de La Humanidad
Poisoned Waters
- New Wave of Pollutants Entering Our Water Ways
Still Drinking Coca Cola? Watch
The Cost of A Coke
- 2nd Edition
The Murders in The Coca-Cola Case
Related Reports |
Aspartame - Un Dulce y Mortal
- Main File
and Fluoridation
- Main File
The Memory of Water
- Main File
Viruses - An Instrument in World
- Main File