May 25, 2016
AxisChange Website

I take exception to any implications that this is some doomsday
I only post factual data about the
position of the sun. I keep everything simple and easy to
understand. You can look outside each June 21st and verify what I
have posted.
I have never said it was doomsday, or incited panic, or try to
recruit followers. I do not have an agenda nor some crazy end of
world ravings.
I have said the axis will eventually shift the Earth onto its side.
NOT upside down. There is insufficient land mass at the north pole
to invert our planet completely.
I have also said this would create
Tsunamis and other problems. But this can be a survivable situation
which is why I caution about coastlines and tsunami's which is a
real event as it was in 2004 and 2011 (among others).
I also have info on surviving such situations. But I do not claim
doomsdays or other shock and awe tactics to prey on people. I simply
post the sun's position each year and my opinions on what our
situation is at the time.
It doesn't matter to me whether anyone believes the axis has
shifted. I already know the truth. This site is for your benefit not
mine. I have nothing to gain in this endeavor.
There is also a difference between pole shift: magnetic shift and
axis shift. This site only addresses the shifting axis tilt of the
Earth which we measure each year on the longest day (the summer
solstice) when the sun is at its furthermost north position. Which
was the Tropic of cancer in mid Mexico.
Yet we are seeing the sun north of the
Any schoolchild knows the sun should
never be farther north than mid Mexico's latitude.
As for pole shifting, something quite different, the magnetic north
may creep around the north pole a few miles each year but that is
mostly caused by the shifting axis. Not some huge pending magnetic
pole shift.
Our universal forces will prevent any
magnetic pole shifts. If it ever does, the drain water would reverse
spin direction but that wont happen.
The galaxy and universe have universal constants of magnetic fields
and gravity which keep the solar systems and planets aligned and
orderly. Unfortunately, it cannot prevent the axis from shifting as
the Antarctic land mass Gyroscopic counter balance anchor loses
weight or mass as the land based glaciers melt.
This loss of anchor weight allows the
planet to physically shift further on its axis. I am not dumb enough
to put a date on this event because I do not know when. I can only
watch, measure and judge by the situational changes. It appears to
be soon. I will know better in June.
When Earth's axis reaches a tipping
point, the earth will shift the remainder onto its side.
But it will continue to rotate and we
can survive once the tsunami flood waters recede. But we will have
to live between the tropic zones for the best survival region as we
rotate horizontally. I believe it is Uranus which rotates. like
this. I'll have to look it up.
So disregard these "pole shift" sites and magnetic reversals.
It is NOT the same thing as an axis shift. Neither a pole
shift nor magnetic reversal are going to occur. We will only see the
creeping variations in magnetic north because the axis tilt
continues to change.
The shifting of our axis in turn affects
the molten planetary core and orientation with the galactic
constants as we continue to rotate in our changing tilt conditions.
The axis shift is NOT related to the magnetic poles. Those
soothsayers predictions have come and gone. They are after fame,
power, control and money. They also tried to piggy back on the axis
Neither them or their ideas are
associated with the axis change or our site. I have not earned one
penny for my effort. Nor fulfilled any vice.
My only interest is the truth. If I'm
wrong I will correct it.
I simply measure the sun each year and
keep track of the changes.
However, this does not mean our government and scientists are not
capable of doing something stupid to affect the Earths magnetic
poles. Who knows what giant CERN-like device they may have built at
the poles.
Our scientists are quite capable of
utter stupidity which could destroy the planet.
Remember the movie "Crack
in the World"?
I hope they aren't this stupid but after
CERN and other such colliders built
under residential areas, I have to wonder. It is always a
possibility so we need to keep an eye on the government and their
hireling scientists.
The government can't easily hide the sun. They can only try to
divert your attention.
I try to point out any diversionary
tactics I see such as a farce hole in the earth. They are trying to
divert us from something. I just don't know what. It could be the
axis change or something totally different. But we need to beware
and keep an eye on them.
Everyone can see the sun is not where it is supposed to be. I do my
best to keep everyone informed on the situation and provide survival
info should we ever need it.
I already know these things about the axis shift and how to survive;
so it makes no difference to me whether others believe or not. I
don't need to post the info for my sake. It is for yours. The time
and effort is all free. I do not place ads on this site. WordPress
does that for themselves.
But there is no point in panicking. We can't do anything about it
except to have emergency preparations ready for any type of
disaster. Place your emergency gear in giant plastic Ziplocs so it
will float in case of flood.
I can only guess when the planet will shift over when we reach the
tipping point. We were very close in 2014 before the reversion or
wobble. Keeping an eye on the government's behavior can provide
major clues. I try to point out these diversions as well.
You don't actually think the government will tell you if a disaster
is pending? It may be some other disaster we aren't expecting.
The government and their buddies will
run to
their elite shelters built at our
expense and leave the rest of us to die at the mercy
of FEMA and the troops to corral
and contain you away from their shelters.
This isn't speculation. I was on a major
metro Emergency management group with FEMA and their red cross
cohorts. I already know what they plan to do.
The earth may shift over in the next 10 years or it may not do so
for 100. This is why I measure the sun's position each year and post
it. I also invite others to do the same. Hopefully, our efforts will
give us some advanced warning of the final shift.
This is not a doomsday site. Panicking is a waste of energy.
Everyone is free to believe as they wish but they wont be bombarding
anyone on here by posting their bad altitudes.
This is a group who are interested in
the facts and collaborate on the observations and
measurements around the globe.
We help each other to know the facts and when or if we should
worry and how to survive. Continue to post your observations of
unusual weather, solar activity etc. under your regional comments.
June 20 and 21 (2016) are coming soon for our next Summer solstice