Español |
- ¿Abrirá
el Gran Colisionador de Hadrones un Portal a otra
Español |
Anomalía Detectada en el Gran
Colisionador de Hadrones podría Cambiar la Teoría con
que se explica el...
A Particle God Doesn't Want Us to
- Could The Large Hadron Collider Be Sabotaging Itself
Prepares Collisions at Double Potency
Español |
CERN - La Mayor Estafa en
la Historia de la Ciencia
Español |
CERN - ¿Tú Que Sabes?
Doomsday In Reverse?
Español |
El Acelerador de Hadrones y El
Dios Hindú 'Shiva el Destructor' Como Símbolo
Español |
El Bosón 'W' desvela su Masa - Es
un Elemento Clave en la Búsqueda de Nueva Física
Español |
El Gran Colisionador de
Hadrones del CERN
- Comienza La Cuenta Regresiva
Extreme Machine
- Large Hadron Collider
Hamster in Tutu Shuts Down Large
Hadron Collider
Español |
La Cara
Oculta del Colisionador de Hadrones
Español |
La Gran Máquina del Big Bang
- El Gran Colisionador de Hadrones
Español |
La Maquina de 'Dios' - Gran Colisionador de
Español |
La Máquina del 'Big Bang'
Large Hadron Collider Discovers a
New Type of Matter - Exotic Hadrons
Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
Generates A 'Mini-Big Bang'
Large Hadron Collider Scuttled by
Birdy Baguette-Bomber
Large Hadron Collider to Start Up
in Three Weeks
LHC Researchers 'Set to Create a
Mini-Big Bang'
LHC Smashes Protons Together for
First Time
LSAG Report
- Review of the Safety of LHC Collisions
Español |
Misteriosa "Onda Temporal" de La Puerta del Sol Ennegreció América del Sur
Analysis of Large Hadron Collider Results confirms 'Something
Weird' is Happening
Physicists Break Down Concept of
'God Particle'
Professor Otto
Rössler Takes On The Large Hadron Collider
(LHC) - Interview
- 'Something
May Come Through' Dimensional 'Doors' at The Large
Hadron Collider
The Big Bang Machine
The Collider, the Particle and a
Theory About Fate
The Large Hadron Collider and The
Future of Physics
- Betting on The LHC
The Race to Reveal Antimatter's
Time Travel Accidentally
Discovered at CERN by LHC?
What The LHC Is Really Looking For
- In SUSY We Trust
Why there's more Matter than
Antimatter - Study Sheds Light on one of Physics'
Biggest Mysteries - CERN
Will the Large Hadron Collider
Open Up a Portal to Another Dimension?
Additional Information |
A Modified Naturalness Principle
and Its Experimental Tests
Anthropic Bound on The
Cosmological Constant
Supersymmetry Fails Tests, Physicists Seek New Ideas
- Large Hadron Collider
CEPC - Conceptual Design Report -
Volume I - Accelerator
CEPC - Conceptual Design Report -
Volume II - Physics & Detector
CERN Physicists Trap Antimatter
for 1,000 Seconds
- Unlimited Future Energy?
Designing Magnets for the World's
Largest Particle Collider
Design Reports released for
Proposed CEPC China Supercollider
Español |
El Modelo Estándar de la Física de
Partículas sigue Agonizando
How CERN's Documents Contradict
its Safety Assurances
- Plans for 'Strangelet' Detection at the LHC
Español |
Los Experimentos Científicos Que
Hay Que Seguir en El Siglo XXI
Español |
"OTROS" Liberaron la Copiosa Producción del CERN de Agujeros Negros
y Detuvieron la Puerta...?
of the W-Boson Mass in pp Collisions at \(\sqrt{s}=7\, \hbox {TeV}\)
with the ATLAS Detector
New Physics Complications Lend
Support to Multiverse Hypothesis
Español |
Nuevas Complicaciones en La Física
Apoyan La Hipótesis del Multiverso
Physicist Dismisses 'Discovery' of
Particles That Can Travel Faster Than The Speed of Light
Review of The Safety of LHC
Supersymmetry - Reflections and
Impressionistic Portrait
- Conference F.B.S.M., Oct. 2012
UFO Sightings Connected to Large
Hadron Collider Experiment?
CERN - Black
Holes, Stargates and Portals |
A Critical Review of Safety Papers
Concerning Black Holes at The LHC
Español |
Bajo el CERN hay un Portal por el
que entran y salen Seres de Otras Dimensiones - Afirma
científica suiza
CERN's Orion Stargate - Decoding
Large Hadron Collider
Con-CERN erupts over Portals,
Particles and the Large Hadron Collider
Did "OTHERS" Disengage
CERN's Copious Production of Black Holes &
(Temporarily) Stop The Stargate?
Español |
La Puerta Estelar de Orión del
CERN - Decodificando el Gran Colisionador de Hadrones
Large Hadron Collider Exposed -
The Stargate of Shiva
Español |
- Los
Científicos del Gran Colisionador de Hadrones esperan
hacer pronto, Contacto con Universo Paralelo
Mysterious Sun Gate 'Time Wave'
Blacks Out South America
- Experiments at The Large Hadron Collider
Español |
- ¿Que
está Haciendo el CERN?
- Nubes Extrañas sobre el
Gran Colisionador de Hadrones Prueban que...
Scientists at Large Hadron
Collider Hope to Make soon Contact with Parallel
The Black Hole Case
- The Injunction Against The End of The World
What is CERN Doing? - Bizarre Clouds over
Large Hadron Collider Prove Portals are Opening
There's a Portal underneath CERN
where Multidimensional Beings come out
Higgs Boson |
After Higgs, Ramped-Up Collider
Hunts for Next Puzzle
Español |
Científicos Cuestionan la
Existencia del Bosón de Higgs
Español |
Cómo fue Introducido este Universo
- "God
Particle" Found? - "Historic
Milestone" from Higgs Boson Hunters
Particle is 'Found' -
Scientists at CERN Expected to Announce Higgs Boson
Particle Has Been...
Data Could Spell Trouble for Leading Big Bang Theory
How this Universe was Introduced
IndisCERNible - The So-Called "God
Particle" is Most Likely an Illusion
Español |
La Base Evolutiva para la
Condición de la Conciencia Humana |
Español |
La Ciencia de El Amor - La
Evolución de la Conciencia y el Campo de Higgs
Large Hadron Collider Will Restart
at Half-Power
- It Is Hoped The LHC Will Discover The Higgs Boson
The Evolutionary Basis for the
Condition of Human Consciousness
The Evolution of Consciousness on
The Higgs Field, the Universe and
the Experience of Life and Death
The Physics Still Hiding in the
Higgs Boson
The Science of Love - The
Evolution of Consciousness and the Higgs Field
the Higgs Boson May Seal Fate of the Universe
What Is The Higgs Boson?
Multimedia |
Catedrales de La Ciencia - 50 Años del C.E.R.N.
CERN and a Short Course in Demon
Management World
CERN and The Large Hadron Collider
- Holger Bech Nielsen
CERN in 3
Horizon - El Experimento de Los
6000 Millones de Dólares
The Big Bang Machine
Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
Sabotaging Itself
- The "Big Bang" Machine
LHC - El Gran Colisionador de
Mayan Explanation of What Will Happen on 21st December
On The Road With… Scientists at
Risks in Operating The Large
Hadron Collider?
and Cosmology
- Nassim Haramein - Coast to Coast AM - February 3, 2010
Strange Matters
- A 2015 Documentary
The Large
Hadron Collider
Related Reports |
Agujeros Negros - Black Holes
- Main File
Free Energy
- Hi-Tech/Top Secret Projects
- Main File
Gravity and Antigravity
- Main File
- Main File