by Compton N.
May 30, 2016
BendedReality Website

Ever since the whole 2012 prophecy shenanigans I've had a slightly
more than casual curiosity with earthquake patterns and earthquake
A couple years prior to and a few years
following 2012 I became slightly obsessed with checking the quake
reports and on a few occasions I noticed a few strange things.
One of those strange things being the rare odd occurrence of
extremely deep earthquakes. I think the first one that ever popped
out at me and caught my attention was one in Russia's Sea of Okhotsk
in 2013.
Yesterday on May 29, 2016 I was taking a quick glance at the days
earthquakes and there were no unusually large quake to take note of
but something did stick out.
Bolivia had a fairly modest 4.3 event,
however the depth was the point of interest, it was 562km
deep in the earth.
I'm not sure if most of you realize how
extreme that is but just think how far down just ONE kilometer or
mile is and you quickly realize how astonishing 562km deep in the
earth is (click here to see the headline image in full to get a
visual idea of the depth we are talking about)
This 4.3 Bolivia extreme deep event may
seem like just another rare odd event, except it isn't as rare as it
probably should be.
Here are two interesting records, the strongest deep-focus
earthquake in seismic record was the 2013 Okhotsk Sea earthquake
(magnitude 8.3) that occurred with an epicenter in the Sea of
Okhotsk at a depth of 609 km.
However, the deepest ever recorded
earthquake is the 1994 Bolivia earthquake with a focal depth of 647
km and a moment magnitude of 8.2 (source Wikipedia)
A bit more on the
Okhostsk deep earthquake in 2013
which I mentioned earlier:
A magnitude 8.3 earthquake that
struck deep beneath the Sea of Okhotsk on May 24, 2013, has left
seismologists struggling to explain how it happened.
At a depth of about 609 kilometers
(378 miles), the intense pressure on the fault should inhibit
the kind of rupture that took place.
It's a mystery how these earthquakes
"How can rock slide against rock so
fast while squeezed by the pressure from 610 kilometers of
overlying rock?" said Thorne Lay, professor of Earth and
planetary sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
"Seismic analysis revealed that this
was the largest deep earthquake ever recorded, with a seismic
moment 30 percent larger than that of the next largest, a 1994
earthquake 637 kilometers beneath Bolivia.
Deep earthquakes occur in the transition zone between the upper
mantle and lower mantle, from 400 to 700 kilometers below the
They result from stress in a deep
subducted slab where one plate of the Earth's crust dives
beneath another plate. Such deep earthquakes usually don't cause
enough shaking on the surface to be hazardous, but
scientifically they are of great interest.
The energy released by the Sea of Okhotsk earthquake produced
vibrations recorded by several thousand seismic stations around
the world."
The researchers also mention that this
extreme deep quake behaved very unlike other deep quakes and instead
behaved like a normal shallow quake which they thought impossible
due to the amount of weight and force acting on the materials at
this extreme depth and the consistency of the materials being more
flowing as a result of the extreme temperatures.
In addition to the deep quake
(4.3M at 562 KM depth) that occurred yesterday (May 29,
2016) in Bolivia, there was also one in January of this year
(2016) in Bolivia.
A strong and very deep
earthquake registered by the USGS as 6.1 Magnitude hit
Bolivia at 03:25 UTC on January 14, 2016. The agency
reported a depth of 582.4 km (361.9 miles).
So that's two rare extreme deep quakes
in Bolivia this year (2016) alone so far.
It's get's a little more chilling, to
add to the strangeness of the fact that there's already been two of
these this year already, where normally we probably see one or two
the whole year at this depth!
6.4 Ndoi Island, Fiji 2016-05-27
(572.1 km deep)
6.6 Ndoi Island, Fiji 2016-05-28
(416.8 km deep),
...so that's FOUR rare extreme deep
quakes already this year so far (that I was able to quickly find),
very strange developments indeed!
Here is some fascinating details on the record deep 1994 Bolivia
deep earthquake:
Harvard assigned it a depth of 647
km and a really big magnitude of 8.2
A remarkable feature of South America is that it possesses a
disproportionate fraction of the world's large very deep quakes.
Bolivia holds the largest deep quake record and Colombia second,
northern Peru third also the 10th, 13th,
15th and 18th. Why such
large earthquakes occur here and not elsewhere is a significant
Although the 1994 Bolivia earthquake was felt throughout much of
South America, it caused only minor damage.
It broke windows in tall buildings
and caused some structural in La Paz, Cochabamba and Oruro, all
towns within about 500 km of the epicenter. It caused numerous
landslides in Peru.
An unusual feature of the 1994 Bolivia earthquake was that it
was felt in North American cities at distances of 50-80 Degrees
from the epicenter.
Deep Earthquakes

Here is an excerpt from an short article someone wrote back in 1994
on the strange deep quake.
Most earthquakes are shallow. They
are concentrated no deeper than 20-25 kilometers down. However,
a few extremely deep quakes rumble at depths of about 600
On June 8, 1994, what may be the
largest deep earthquake of the century - magnitude 8.2 -
exploded 640 kilometers beneath Bolivia.
"Exploded" may or may not be the
proper word.
Geophysicists are really not certain what causes the very deep
quakes, because at 640 kilometers rocks are so hot that they
flow rather than snap under geological stresses. The more
common, shallow earthquakes are generally created when rocks
snap and fracture.
Since the deep quakes seem to be
concentrated in subducted slabs of terrestrial crust that plunge
down deep into the earth's mantle, geophysicists suppose that
the increasing heat and pressure applied to the descending slabs
may cause "explosive" phase changes in minerals contained in the
Phase changes often involve volume
changes that, if sudden, might generate seismic waves. Too,
water of hydration in minerals may be explosively turned into
But this is all surmise at present.
The Bolivian quake also caused the whole earth to ring like a
bell. Every 20 minutes or so, the entire planet expanded and
contracted a very small but detectable amount.

This immediately made the thought of
an exploding planet or
one breaking up enter my head.
Why are these deep Earthquakes even able to happen when
scientifically they should not be possible… what could be causing
Could it be an unseen external force
acting on our planet or is it just some type of natural
occurrence that we've yet to understand.
UPDATE ADDED (June 3, 2016)
I'm going to keep an ongoing list of new
extreme deep quakes which I will do my best to keep track of and add
any deep quakes of around 400+ KM deep so we can try to determine if
there is indeed increasing occurrence.
June 03, 2016: Bolivia, South
America 4.6M at 590.0km deep
June 03, 2016: Congkar Indonesia
4.2M at 627.4km deep
June 04, 2016: Ndoi island, Fiji
4.6M at 470.7km deep
June 05, 2016: Banda Sea 6.3M at
428km deep
June 06, 2016: Lambasa, Fiji
4.5M at 594.2km deep
June 07, 2016: Ndoi island, Fiji
4.9M at 525.2km deep
June 07, 2016: Ndoi island, Fiji
5.5M at 523.0km deep
Something unusual seems to be taking
place, it is an unusually high amount of quakes for this depth and
it's only half way in the year so far!