by Luke Miller
December 26, 2016
TruthTheory Website

Firstly I would just like to say, this article is not being put here
to instill fear in anyone.
It is hard not to be a little shaken by
what has been discovered, but there are people who understand what
is happening and we have the power as the people to give those who
have this knowledge a platform.
The problem with a lot of mainstream media is they speak from a
fear based perspective and offer very little in the way of
solutions, and while I don't claim to have the solution to this
issue, if we band together and unite we can certainly attempt to
find one.
I recently watched a video, which I have to be honest I struggled to
understand with any real clarity to start with. But as I went over
it it made a little more sense. I will summarize for those of you
who don't want to sit through the whole video.
There has been a large wave of energy that was unintentionally
picked up by the
MIMIC TPW microwave background

Click above
The glitchy curved lines that appear across the screen are the large
waves of energy in question.
In the below video from
he has said,
"This system
usually only shows precipitation/water vapor, yet in some
rare instances large energy returns can be seen when solar, space-weather, and other energy events impact the planet.
We have seen
examples of X class flares, and large Earth facing Coronal Mass
Ejections cause large disruptions of this very same feed -
however this 'wave' of energy produces a return that crosses the
same bandwidths detected (and used by) the MIMIC microwave
background system.
The energy
spans the planet on both (all) sides over several hours time.
This wave of energy started to form on 12/18 at about 15:00 UTC,
and is currently ongoing.
A check of the
X-ray flux monitors from GOES shows low activity, minor solar
winds, no major solar storms, Total Electron Content in the
ionosphere shows 'minimal'... thus the source/cause of this
event is still "unknown".
If this 'event'
really occurred (if it's 'real') then we're looking at a huge
amount of energy impacting the planet causing a planet wide
microwave return going off the scales.
convert to DC energy in a natural 'rectenna' process when the
waves become trapped in the Earth's magnetosphere - the radio
waves convert to DC power, and are taken to ground.
ultimately being the core of the Earth.
If the event is
really occurring, then the potential amount of energy going to
the core of the planet would be tremendous - this of course
could increase volcanic activity, and cause large earthquakes.
I don't know
what to make of this - this is the first time I've ever seen
something this large over such a vast area show up on MIMIC like
The website which picked up this activity has issued a notice
"2016 Dec 22:
We're seeing a long segment of
bad data being wrapped into this product every few days.
comes from a glitch in the incoming satellite data. For a more
accurate representation during those times, try the
MIMIC-TPW2 product."
However since this
event there has been an influx of earthquakes over the globe with
the latest being a 7.6 magnitude earthquake in Chile at 14:22
Christmas day local time.
But this is not the
only event since this activity has been picked up.
There have been
257 earthquakes over magnitude 5
and many more very
close to this number.
Just to put this into perspective,
on average there is an estimated
3.6 earthquakes of a magnitude of 5-5.9 a day, in the last 9 days
there have been an average of 24.8 nearly 7 times what is usual.
is estimated there is a 6-6.9 magnitude earthquake every 3 days, we
have had 2.6 a day for the last 9 days.
Lastly for the big earthquakes of magnitude 7-7.9 you usually get 1
every 25 days (estimate) there have been an average of 1 a day for
the last 9 days.
Obviously there are
going to be moments when activity is higher, but given the fact that
this video predicted it before hand and on the date of this video
there was 71 earthquakes over a magnitude 5, we have to question the
Perhaps it is a
type of energy they do not understand.
You can view the
earthquake reports