by Alex Newman
March 20,
TheNewAmerican Website
Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American,
regularly attends UN climate summits, including the
COP21 in Paris.
can be reached at
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Global warming zealots, including
Green New Deal
advocates, are throwing an enraged fit against
president Trump's Climate Science Committee that
seeks to establish the factual truth about
climate change.
A massive coalition of environmental organizations, activists, and
think-tank leaders signed a letter to President
Donald Trump supporting the
proposed Presidential Commission on Climate Security (PCCS),
as well as the work of Trump climate and national security adviser
Dr. William Happer of Princeton University.
The campaign, which comes
amid fierce establishment resistance to re-examining government
"climate science," also backs an independent scientific review of
the increasingly dubious claims made in federal climate reports.
Analysts say this battle
will be crucial in establishing the credibility of government
climate science - or the lack thereof.
The coalition letter, signed by almost 40 leading policy
organizations and well over 100 prominent leaders, argues that an
independent review of federal
global-warming reports is "long
"Serious problems and
shortcomings have been raised repeatedly in the past by
highly-qualified scientists only to be ignored or dismissed by
the federal agencies in charge of producing the reports," the
leaders and organizations explained.
Indeed, in multiple
cases, federal bureaucracies have even been accused of
fraudulently manipulating data and findings
to support their politically backed conclusions.
"Among major issues
that have been raised and that we hope the commission will
the models used
have assumed climate sensitivities to CO2
concentrations significantly higher than recent research
the models used
have predicted much more warming than has actually occurred
predictions of
the negative impacts of global warming have been made based
on implausible high-end emissions scenarios
the positive
impacts of warming have been ignored or minimized
temperature data sets have been manipulated to show more
rapid warming than has actually occurred,"
...the signatories wrote.
The highly unscientific
nature of the claims - many of which cannot be tested or falsified -
also casts doubt on the alarmist findings contained in widely
ridiculed federal climate reports.
"An underlying issue
that we hope the commission will also address is the fact that
so many of the scientific claims made in these reports and by
many climate scientists are not falsifiable, that is, they
cannot be tested by the scientific method,"
...explained the
coalition letter to Trump supporting the PCCS, which brought
together many of America's most influential environmental and
conservative-leaning public policy organizations.
Perhaps the most alarming element of the whole saga is that this
supposed "science" is serving as the pretext for trillions of
dollars in government spending, as well as unprecedented empowerment
of governments and international bureaucracies such as
the United Nations and its various
The man-made
global-warming hypothesis also underpins drastic policy changes
that restrict individual liberty and free markets that harm
everyone, and especially the world's poorest people, for
nebulous alleged 'benefits'...
As such, the science must
be thoroughly reviewed, and it must be completely transparent, the
coalition said.
"The conclusions and
predictions made by these reports are the basis for proposed
energy policies that could cost trillions of dollars in less
than a decade and tens of trillions of dollars over several
decades," the letter explained.
"Given the magnitude
of the potential costs involved, we think that taking the
insular processes of official, consensus science on trust, as
has been the case for the past three decades, is negligent and
In contrast, major
engineering projects are regularly subjected to the most
rigorous and exhaustive adversarial review.
We suggest that
climate science requires at least the same level of scrutiny as
the engineering employed in building a bridge or a new
As we reported
earlier this month, the
establishment is in full freak-out mode over the proposed
presidential commission on climate science.
Far-left Democrats in
Congress have
slammed the idea as "dangerous."
A coalition of globalist
"national security" professionals, mostly from the far-left
administration, even claimed reviewing the science would
be a threat to "national security."
The establishment media
has gone absolutely bonkers, endlessly demonizing Trump and Happer
for failing to genuflect before their climate beliefs - the faith of
a "climate" movement that leading experts such as MIT meteorologist
Richard Lindzen have even described as a "cult."
The letter highlighted how bizarre this was.
"We note that
defenders of the climate consensus have already mounted a public
campaign against the proposed commission," the signatories
"We find this
opposition curious.
If the defenders are
confident that the science contained in official reports is
robust, then they should welcome a review that would finally put
to rest the doubts that have been raised.
On the other hand,
their opposition could be taken as evidence that the scientific
basis of the climate consensus is in fact highly suspect and
cannot withstand critical review."
Indeed, as this magazine
and many other sources have documented, the alleged "science" upon
which the man-made global-warming hysteria is based is highly
suspect at best.
Self-styled "climate
scientists" have been repeatedly exposed in unethical behavior,
including hiding and manipulating data that contradicts their
The predictions of the
alarmist movement have been remarkably consistent, too - for
decades, they have been wrong about virtually everything.
And even former members
of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
have blown the whistle on massive fraud, only to be ignored or
demonized by alarmists.
The nasty and vitriolic attacks on skeptical scientists such as Dr.
Happer are also highly suspicious.
"We further note that
opponents of the proposed commission have already stooped to
making personal attacks on Dr. Happer," the letter to Trump
continued, praising the Princeton physics professor who is
almost universally respected in the scientific community.
"Many signers of this
letter know Dr. Happer personally and all are familiar with his
scientific career. We know him to be a man of high capabilities,
high achievements, and the highest integrity."
Indeed, Happer is a
leading expert in this field, and is widely respected scientist even
among those who disagree with him.
He also happens to
disagree with the increasingly discredited hypothesis that man's
emissions of CO2 - a fraction of one percent of all the
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere - control the climate.
will be good for the Earth,"
...Happer told The New
American magazine at a 2016 climate conference in Phoenix,
Arizona, that brought together leading scientists and experts in
various fields to expose the lies and alarmism.
He added it was,
"pretty clear that
we're not going to see dangerous climate change" as a result of
human CO2 emissions.
Among the lead
organizations involved in gathering signatures for the letter was
the non-profit Heartland Institute, a leading scientific
think tank on climate issues.
The group, which has
organized climate conferences and helps put together the
Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC)
and its flagship "Climate
Change Reconsidered" reports examining the scientific
literature, recently released a policy brief highlighting the
national security threat to America posed by alarmist-inspired
energy restrictions.
Also playing a lead role
was the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI.)
Both organizations, which
focus on the environment, helped gather signatures and support.
"An unbiased,
independent examination of the science of climate change by an
official government body is long overdue," said Tim Huelskamp,
Ph.D., president of the Heartland Institute.
"It's only necessary
because government bureaucrats have put ideology above science
and excluded the wealth of data and research that undermines
their narrative that human activity is the main driver of
catastrophic climate change."
Alongside scientists,
climate experts, and other signatories, former Congressman Tim
Huelskamp urged Trump to,
"resist the cries of
alarmists inside and outside government and allow the esteemed
Dr. Will Happer to convene this commission and report back the
results to the American people."
Other organizations
involved include,
Heritage Action
American Energy
Citizens Against
Government Waste
the Committee For
A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)
Climate Depot
the 60 Plus
Science and
Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)
Institute for
Energy Research
Center for the
Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change
the International
Climate Science Coalition
Eagle Forum
Americans for
Limited Government
Energy and
Environment Legal Institute
Cornwall Alliance
for the Stewardship of Creation
Leadership Fund
Action Project
CNP Action
American Lands
American Policy
the Institute for
Caesar Rodney
Ethan Allen
John Locke
Rio Grande
The Mackinac
Center for Public Policy
Alliance for Wise
Energy Decisions
Center for
Industrial Progress
Clear Energy
...and many more.
Dozens of scientists and
experts also signed in their individual capacities.
The tax-funded "climate" alarmism lobby is in total panic about the
proposed commission to review the science.
And it seems they have
good reason to be terrified - after all the scandals such as
Climategate more recent NOAA data suppression, it
has become clear that the alarmism is not based on science at all.
Trump, who has ridiculed
man-made warming hypothesis as a
"hoax," is under tremendous pressure to cave in. Analysts who spoke
with The New American said this battle over the PCCS
represents the culmination of this struggle.
For those who value real
science, it is imperative that the alleged science underpinning the
alarmism be reviewed by independent experts. As the scientists and
experts behind the letter explained, Trump must move ahead.
The future of freedom
depends on it.