by Kelsey Tsipis
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
May 15, 2019
PHYS Website

Aerial view of the coastline of Kauai Island.
U.S. Geological Society
Far from the vast, fixed bodies of water oceanographers thought they
were a century ago, oceans today are known to be interconnected,
highly influential agents in Earth's climate system.
A major turning point in our understanding of ocean circulation came
in the early 1980s, when research began to indicate that water
flowed between remote regions, a concept later termed,
the "great ocean
conveyor belt."
The theory holds that
warm, shallow water from the South Pacific flows to the Indian and
Atlantic oceans, where, upon encountering frigid Arctic water, it
cools and sinks to great depth.
This cold water then
cycles back to the Pacific, where it reheats and rises to the
surface, beginning the cycle again.
This migration of water has long been thought to play a vital role
in circulating warm water, and thus heat, around the globe. Without
it, estimates put the average winter temperatures in Europe several
degrees cooler.
However, recent research indicates that these global-scale seawater
pathways may play less of a role in Earth's heat budget than
traditionally thought. Instead, one region may be doing most of the
heavy lifting.
A paper (Global
Ocean Heat Transport dominated by Heat Export from the Tropical
Pacific) published in April in Nature Geoscience
Gael Forget, a
research scientist in the MIT Department of Earth,
Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) and a member
of the Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate
David Ferreira,
an associate professor in the Department of Meteorology at
the University of Reading (and former EAPS postdoc),
...found that global
ocean heat transport is dominated by heat export from
the tropical Pacific.
Using a state-of-the-art ocean circulation model with nearly
complete global ocean data sets, the researchers demonstrated the
overwhelming predominance of the tropical Pacific in distributing
heat across the globe, from the equator to the poles.
In particular, they found
the region exports four times as much heat as is imported in the
Atlantic and Arctic.
"We are not
questioning the fact that there is a lot of water going from one
basin into another," says Forget.
"What we're saying
is, the net effect of these flows on heat transport is
relatively small. This result indicates that the global conveyor
belt may not be the most useful framework in which to understand
global ocean heat transport."
Updating ECCO
The study was performed using a modernized version of a global ocean
circulation model called Estimating the Circulation and Climate
of the Ocean (ECCO).
ECCO is the brain child
of Carl Wunsch,
EAPS professor emeritus of physical
oceanography, who envisioned its massive undertaking in the 1980s.
Today, ECCO is often considered the best record of ocean circulation
to date. Recently, Gael Forget has spearheaded extensive
updates to ECCO, resulting in its fourth generation, which has since
been adopted by NASA.
One of the major updates made under Forget's leadership was the
addition of the Arctic Ocean.
Previous versions omitted
the area due to a grid design that squeezed resolution at the poles.
In the new version, however, the grid mimics the pattern of a
volleyball, with six equally distributed grid areas covering the
Forget and his collaborators also added in new data sets (on things
like sea ice and geothermal heat fluxes) and refined the treatment
of others.
To do so, they took
advantage of the advent of worldwide data collection efforts, like
ARGO, which for 15 years has been
deploying autonomous profiling floats across the globe to collect
ocean temperature and salinity profiles.
"These are good
examples of the kind of data sets that we need to inform this
problem on a global scale," say Forget. "They're also the kind
of data sets that have allowed us to constrain crucial model
Parameters, which
represent events that occur on too small of a scale to be included
in a model's finite resolution, play an important role in how
realistic the model's results are (in other words, how closely its
findings match up with what we see in the real world).
One of many updates
Forget made to ECCO involved the ability to adjust (within the
model) parameters that represent mixing of the ocean on the small
scale and mesoscale.
"By allowing the
estimation system to adjust those parameters, we improved the
fit to the data significantly," says Forget.
The balancing
With a new and improved foundational framework, Forget and David
Ferreira then sought to resolve another contentious issue:
how to best measure
and interpret ocean heat transport.
Ocean heat transport is
calculated as both the product of seawater temperature and velocity
and the exchange of heat between the ocean and the atmosphere.
How to balance these
events - the exchange of heat from the "source to sink" - requires
sussing out which factors matter the most, and where.
Forget and Ferreira's is the first framework that reconciles both
the atmospheric and oceanic perspectives. Combining satellite data,
which captures the intersection of the air and sea surface, with
field data on what's happening below the surface, the researchers
created a three-dimensional representation of how heat transfers
between the air, sea surface, and ocean columns.
Their results revealed a new perspective on ocean heat transport:
that net ocean heat
redistribution takes place primarily within oceanic basins
rather than via the global seawater pathways that compose the
great conveyor belt.
When the researchers
removed internal ocean heat loops from the equation, they found that
heat redistribution within the Pacific was the largest source of
heat exchange.
The region, they found,
dominates the transfer of heat from the equator to the poles in both
"We think this is a
really important finding," says Forget.
"It clarifies a lot
of things and, hopefully, puts us, as a community, on stronger
footing in terms of better understanding ocean heat transport."
The findings have profound implications on how scientists may
observe and monitor the ocean going forward, says Forget.
"The community that
deals with ocean heat transport, on the ocean side, tends to
focus a lot on the notion that there is a region of loss, and
maybe overlooks a little bit how important the region of gain
may be," says Forget.
In practice, this has
meant a focus on the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans, where heat is
lost, and less focus on the tropical Pacific, where the ocean gains
These viewpoints often
dictate priorities for funding and observational strategies,
including where instruments are deployed.
"Sometimes it's a
balance between putting a lot of measurements in one specific
place, which can cost a lot of money, versus having a program
that's really trying to cover a global effort," says Forget.
"Those two things
sometimes compete with each other."
In the article, Forget
and Ferreira make the case that sustained observation of the global
ocean as whole, not just at a few locations and gates separating
ocean basins, is crucial to monitor and understand ocean heat
Forget also acknowledges that the findings go against
'some' established schools of thought, and is eager to continue
research in the area and hear different perspectives.
"We are expecting to
stimulate some debate, and I think it's going to be exciting to
see," says Forget. "If there is pushback, all the better."