by Sylvain Lamoureux
06, 2020
Syllamo Website

Perfectly Programmed Ego
- the YOU - you
were brought up to be
or the one you
were born to be...?
Making a hundred year plan involves the basics of programming - if
and then - if you do this to the public, then that happens.
Little by little, nudge
by nudge, bit by bit, generation by generation until the perfectly
programmed egos drive themselves over a cliff - for
those in control of said egos, this
was perhaps the plan all along.
I've mentioned over the years, the programmed
ego and that the shedding of
such is the basis of our collective escape from this madness.
Below, I shall discuss
some of the things which I have observed and believe are part of
this programmed ego.
The programmed ego is obedient in order to avoid the consequences
from its masters but believes that it is of their own 'free
will' and that their masters are by 'choice'.
It will excuse and
justify obedience of the masters at every turn but with each other,
lack consideration, courtesy and common sense - just like telling
you to give the school bully your lunch money so he won't beat you
up instead of joining you to stand up to it.
The programmed ego is a follower and will vehemently shame
others for not following their 'reality'.
It is well trained to
obey and happy to make sure others obey also by using learned
'shame and guilt tactics'.
It needs to punish,
it needs its scapegoats it needs its Point Of Blame (POB)
to focus on; as long as it isn't it (sort of an endless game of
blame tag where you are never it).
The programmed ego is big
on telling you,
"What you need to
It happily will project
fears based upon ignorance and then expect validation (it gets angry
if you don't validate).
The programmed ego lacks the ability to communicate as it speaks in
ambiguity and has difficulty listening, but boy, does it like to be
heard. It has not learned the difference between intention
and perception.
The programmed ego believes itself to be intelligent because it may
be papered or successful within the paradigm it is offered. It has
acquiesced its power to money and measures accordingly its levels of
It has a difficult time
thinking for itself but sure believes it knows what others think.
The programmed ego doesn't like to learn new tricks, especially if
said knowledge leads to it 'seeing' itself honestly and possibly
ignorant (which is the first step towards knowledge).
I see it as having
Ignorance based knowledge which it defends and justifies to the
It may be a great debater
but what has it really learned except how to tear others down.
The programmed ego
doesn't really think about what anyone else thinks unless it
believes that it is the subject of negativity or animosity in
said thoughts.
It does not like to
be judged and sees it everywhere and will even invent scenarios
in its mind as a sort of self validation of its fear.
It doesn't like to
look 'worse' than someone else (or feel like it does).
Perhaps this
stems from a low self esteem with a competitive edge spurred
by jealousy?
Who knows but the
The programmed ego never
has enough time as time is viewed as an 'inconvenience' due to its
inherent 'scarcity' - i.e. time is money therefore must be
'productive' on every level.
This is what turns things
into 'work':
e.g. gardening as
work, cooking as work, child rearing as work...
Time is money - never
enough time - losing time (where does it go?)...
What happens to the
time I think I have 'lost'?
Can I ever get it
What about all that
time I 'wasted'?
How about all that
sleep I think I 'lost', where did that go?
Appreciate the sleep you
do get and don't fret about the sleep you believe you 'missed'. Stop
driving yourself mad with time.
The programmed ego loves its subjective dreams based on love/hate
and 'trendy' colors but are lacking in the execution and logistics
to achieve those 'dreams' - sometimes it is like it believes that
things just 'happen' as if by magic.
Today's importance on
"subjective" truths feeds the programmed ego and you better agree
with it.
The programmed ego is intellectually lazy as it asks
for answers rather than having a thought or looking about at the
answer which may be in front of them the whole time. It would rather
be told something than know it for itself.
Perhaps a product of
memorize and regurgitate 'schooling'?
The programmed ego does not pay attention to detail when completing
'menial' tasks and usually does just enough to say it did something.
It validates its
ineptness by claiming things such as clumsiness or forgetfulness
like it is external to it and beyond its control.
The programmed ego does
not hear itself speak or even, it would seem, type.
A typed comment can
be so wrong but will usually produce a 'doubling down' effect
rather than reflection when challenged; as will face to face
For the programmed ego,
most fears and reactions are believed as something out of its
control which can not be handled by the individual and so easily
succumb to fears based on ignorance.
It is afraid of its
frailty and deems the world a 'dangerous place'.
Perhaps a result of
'helicopter parents'.
The programmed ego has
reactions rather than responses which require thought and can be
easily manipulated into compliance.
There is nothing like
a bout of helplessness to make it search for exterior
'solutions' and obey orders.
The programmed ego may
see these things in others but refuse to acknowledge them in itself.
I could go on, but I think that you get the point and here are a
couple of things which I feel the programmed ego needs to hear:
If you think you
have all the answers, you don't know how to ask questions.
It is interesting
what one can hear when one can listen and observe and from
that, what one can learn.
what are the
objectives of a programmed ego?
Control, servitude,
changes to habits, formation of habits, control of emotion -
total world domination?
How can there any be any global change for the better when
individuals will not begin the process by changing themselves at
the smallest levels? When people seem to fight to keep the worst
parts of them intact.
Is what is keeping us
enslaved our pride?
In what?
A lie?
A whole trainload of
lies? Especially the ones we tell to our selves...
We know that we have been
dumbed down over the generations:
that the foods which
we ingest
no longer contain the nourishment of old.
We know that we have been
manipulated since the invention of the television and longer through
various mediums and corporations or what we believe as 'life'...
The entrainment (the practice of entraining one's brainwaves to a
desired frequency) in schools and the subsequent work environments
along with the 'normal' lives we 'live' have chipped away at our
very essence and domesticated us like pets without a remembrance of,
or respect for
I do not know if one can
ever 'break out' of their program completely but one can learn to
identify and adapt one's habits and eventually deprogram one's self
to a more human level willing to learn.
I have to tear my self down, without breaking it, to get to the
root of ME in order to release the shackles that THEY have
offered and I have ACCEPTED.
I cannot admit my own
complicity if I believe I am 'immune' and I cannot change that
complicity without first admitting it - at one point one has to get
tired of chasing TALES.
Once you realize that most of your thoughts and fears may
not actually be your own, you gain a certain freedom
from then on to delve in and make those necessary tweaks to release
YOU from your self induced bondage and your insistence that everyone
else enjoy it also.
The belief that
a group of people you will never meet
can exert any power they deem fit over you, fades away and with it a
glimpse of perhaps a way forward.
This way forward does
not include tyranny...
Ignorance is bliss
for those which take advantage of it.
Haven't they lived in
bliss on the backs of everyone else long enough?
I am striving for more -
the picture from
my last post shows how the 'masters'
view us - I am looking beyond their measure; I am reaching for
High Grade Moron (I know, off the scales).
Take back your power - don't accept the fears
projected to you and don't reach out for the GovernMent's 'helping'
As I mentioned before,
only YOU
can FREE your SELF... so go out and do it...