by Shift
October 22,
Shift Website

It may seem like the world is a chaotic mess right now. However,
maybe it's good...
It's a good idea to
remember the Chinese parable of
The Old Man and His Horse.
Something may appear at first to be terrible or catastrophic, yet it
leads to something better.
We are seeing this play
out right now but on a grand scale.
The old world, which
didn't work that well for anyone, is falling away.
A new world is
emerging to take its place...
Endings are New Beginnings
You need not cry because something is over. Instead, you can smile
because it happened.
Let's face it.
The 'system' was
dysfunctional at its core.
Even the wealthiest
beings in the world have to breathe the same polluted air
everyone else does.
Nobody is separate
from a collective consciousness and self-contained ecosystem.
From an expanded
energetic perspective, when any one being suffers, all others
The system that has
been operating society for so long has finally buckled.
It is no longer
supported enough to keep running on fumes.
It's game over for
that which was so grossly out of alignment when life, abundance,
harmony, and coherence.
A Bright
Future Is On the Horizon
There is a bright future coming into focus.
A new day is
The darkest the night
becomes is right before the dawn.
It may seem like it's
hell on Earth, but that's as
much of an illusion as this
holographic reality where matter
itself doesn't even exist.
Ideas, memes,
entities, and all the rest of it, are ultimately amorphous
configurations of consciousness that can transform in an
Without getting too
esoteric here, let's just say that,
each one of
us has tremendous power to turn thoughts into things...
Every single thought
is creative energy manifest into some kind of form, be it
tangible or intangible.
Get enough people
together, and those thoughts co-create an entirely new template
and blueprint for humanity to experience life in.
There are different
figures given by people who study how much
conscious energy and how many
intentional people it takes to reinforce and lock in a new thought,
idea, and paradigm.
Some say it's the
square root of 1% of the population.
Others say it's a few
hundred thousand or a few million.
You will even find
some saying only a small group people calibrating at the
consciousness levels of love, joy, or peace are enough.
We should avoid getting
hung up on any specific numbers, since there are many factors at
Something more
constructive we can do is,
to play our part in
the creation of the new world, that new conscious paradigm where
everyone can truly thrive...
Instead of getting
wrapped up in all the death throes of a dying world, you can help in
creating the new one.
Think of the
exceptional opportunity you have available to you right now to
do this.
An opportunity like
this has not ever occurred in recorded history.
The world is what we make it.
We can do
everything the dying world demands we do to support it, or
we can stop agreeing to its distorted demands.
We can stop
playing their game, flip the board over, and knock all the
pieces off of it. There can be a new template designed by
us, for us...
We have immense
power within us, that is powered by the infinite Source
of All That Is...
It's time we lived as if
this was true.
You are not
You are an
extraordinary being of luminous light that can shine with the
radiance of a thousand suns and dispel even the darkest