in a Billion' chance Covid emerged from Nature -
Scientist tells Lawmakers
Ab8 COVID-19 Drug Breakthrough -
Tiny Antibody Component completely neutralizes the
SARS-CoV-2 Virus
Español |
Acerca del Coronavirus y Su Manejo
- Ron Paul
A Fiasco in the Making? - As the
'Coronavirus Pandemic' takes hold, we are Making
Decisions without...
A.I. 'Spills the Beans' about the Covid-19
Event |
Español |
Algo Relacionado con el
All-cause Mortality during
Covid-19 - No Plague, but 'Likely Mass Homicide' by
Government Response
An Important Message for Future
Español |
Argentina entre los Diez Países 'elegidos'
por la OMS para Probar Terapias contra el Coronavirus
A Sea of Change in COVID Sentiment
- A Collapsing 'pandemic' Narrative
Attorney Dr. Reiner Füllmich
elucidates the Mechanics of PSYOP-19
Back to Metaphysics - Covid-19 and
'What is Going On' in the World
Español |
Banco Mundial exportó Aparatos de
Prueba de Diagnóstico de Covid-19 en los años 2017 y
Español |
Banco Mundial y OMS - Su Relación
con el Corona-Plan
- "Bastille
2022" - Building a Worldwide Movement Against "Corona
Bicarbonate proves to be 'Cheapest
Fastest Safest COVID Treatment'
Italiano |
Data' isola Milioni per la 'Lotta al Coronavirus'
Data' Segregates Millions in China's 'Coronavirus fight'
Biggest Lie in World History -
There Never Was a 'Pandemic'
Gates says COVID-19 could be the "Last" Pandemic
Biodigital Convergence - The
'Pandemic' started the Genetic Transformation of
Español |
Cambios Importantes en el
Tratamiento del COVID-19 que Salvarán Vidas - Vitaminas
C y D
Caught Red Handed - Fauci, Gates
and Moderna responsible for COVID Pandemic
CDC/FDA Smoking Gun of Smoking
Español |
China No fue el 'Villano' Original
en un libro 'Prediciendo' el Brote del Coronavirus - Fue
China's Endless 'COVID Hysteria'
is a Dark Experiment in Social Conditioning
China was Not the Original Villain
in book 'Predicting' Coronavirus Outbreak - It was
Español |
Códigos y Programación presente en
las diferentes Variantes Covid
Italiano |
Come le Masse sono state
Ipnotizzate col 'Culto del Covid'
Español |
Cómo Pacientes de COVID Murieron por Fines de Lucro - Los
Español |
Cómo se Censuró Mundialmente la
Información sobre el Covid-19 en las Redes Sociales
Español |
Cómo se Utiliza el Miedo para
'Quitarte la Libertad' - Alarmismo Pandémico
Conspiracy Theories become
Conspiracy Facts
Español |
Convergencia Biodigital - La 'Pandemia'
inició la Transformación Genética de la Humanidad
- 'Corona
Fear Virus' and the Forces of Illness
Coronavirus and 'No Weapon Left
Behind' - The American Hybrid War on China
Coronavirus has Mutated into at
least 30 Strains
Coronavirus Hype 'Biggest
Political Hoax' in History
Coronavirus - My bottom lines on
the China Epidemic
Español |
Coronavirus - Porqué Todos se
Equivocaron - La Respuesta Inmune al Virus es más Fuerte
de lo que Todos...
Coronavirus - What Real Science
would Look Like 'if' it Existed...
Coronavirus -
Why Everyone was Wrong - The Immune Response to the Virus
Stronger than Everyone Thought
Covid-19 alters Human Genes -
Explaining mystery behind Coronavirus 'Long Haulers'
Covid-19 and Anthony Fauci
- Main File |
Covid-19 Computer Models Continue
to Deteriorate - NY Marks 75% Drop...
Español |
Covid-19 - Declaración sobre el
Aislamiento del Virus - SOVI
Covid-19 may Turn Out to be like a
"Bad Flu Season" - Anthony Fauci
Covid-19 - Statement on Virus
Isolation - SOVI
Español |
- "Covid-19
- Un Acto de Guerra Biológica" - EE.UU. "Liberó
Intencionadamente el Virus en Wuhan", cumbre UE
Covid-19 was a 'Mass Mind Control
Operation' - Pandemic Used to Inflict Psychological
Terror on World
Dictators Plead for Amnesty
Covid - If there is No Virus, Why
are People Dying?
Covid - It's Not 'One Thing,' it's
Not 'One Disease'...
Covid Mandates - Tyranny of the
Covid Panic, Climate Panic -
Driven by Same People for Same Purpose
- The Destruction of Institutions and Beyond
Covid Update - What is the Truth?
Español |
Crimen Organizado - COVID-19 y
ANTHRAX-01 - Entrevista con Heiko Schöning
Crimes Against Humanity - The
Covid 'Pandemic' Case
Español |
Cuestionando al Covid
Current Trends of 'Operation
Coronavirus' as of February 2022
Czech Molecular Biologist explains
in Layman Terms COVID-19 virus Originates from Lab in
U.S. not China
Español |
Descubriendo la Narrativa
alrededor del Coronavirus - ¿Se Planeó todo
Español |
Despertar Masivo - Manifiesto a
Favor de la Libertad de los Seres Humanos
Español |
- ¡Despierta!
- Cómo las Élites están Controlando el Mundo
Destroying the Narrative - 40
Reasons Why a COVID-19 'Pandemic' Never Existed
Español |
Diez 'Buenas Noticias' sobre el
Disappearance of 'Annual Flu'
replaced with COVID-19 shows 'Corruption at its Highest
Level' at the CDC
Doctor Roger Hodkinson destroys
'Utterly Unfounded Public Hysteria' over COVID-19
 |
Does the 2019 Coronavirus Exist?
Español |
se Deposita la Proteína de la Espiga en el Cuerpo después de
la Vacuna o Contagio con COVID-19
DO NOT lock down, DO NOT
inoculate, DO NOT FEAR...
Dosages and Treatments for
Coronavirus Infections
Dr. Andrew Kaufman refutes
"Isolation" of SARS-Cov-2 - He does 'Step-by-step'
Analysis of a Typical Claim of...
Español |
EE.UU. debe Pagar una
Indemnización si se confirma la Denuncia por la Covid-19
- Rusia |
Español |
El Chantaje y la Corrupción - Lo
que llevó a la liberación del Virus Covid de Origen
Español |
Coronavirus y la Electrificación de la Tierra - Dr. Thomas
Español |
El Culto Covidiano
Español |
El Culto de COVID - Mi
Español |
El Dr. Andrew Kaufman refuta el
"Aislamiento" del SARS-Cov-2 - Analiza 'paso a pas' una
Afirmación típica de...
Español |
El Fraude de la Pandemia comienza
a Salir a la Luz en varios Países del Mundo
Español |
El Mayor Truco de Todos
Español |
El Misterioso Caso de la 'Desaparición
de la Gripe' - Enigma del COVID en el Reino Unido
Español |
"Mito del Contagio" por el Dr. Tom Cowan y Sally Fallon
Morell - Reseña del Libro
Español |
El Relato del COVID como 'Obra de
Arte Oculta'
Español |
- ¿El
SARS-CoV-2 en Realidad Existe?
Español |
Engaño Global Desenredándose
Rápidamente - Documentos del HHS admiten que CDC Nunca
Aisló "Virus...
Español |
Escuchar a los "Expertos" en
Coronavirus ha Conducido a la Muerte y Desesperación
Español |
- ¿Es
el Fenómeno Real? - Mi Investigación de COVID-19
Español |
Esta es la Razón por la que
Millones todavía Creen en las Absurdas Mentiras de COVID
Español |
Esta Prueba Demuestra que el
SARS-CoV-2 fue Creado en Laboratorio
Español |
Estoy en "Shock" con Tanta
Información y No logro Entender las Inconsistencias
respecto al Covid-19...
Español |
Estudio de la Correlación entre
Casos de Coronavirus y la presencia de Redes 5G
Español |
Estudio de la Relación entre Nº de
Casos Coronavirus/1000h y Localización de Antenas 5G
Every Facet of Government of the
U.S. is in the Censorship Business
Español |
Evidencia de Fraude Global -
Español |
Ex-directivos de Twitter aceptaron Censurar a Expertos
relacionados con el Covid por Orden del Gobierno
Español |
Expedientes del Instituto Robert
Koch evidencian el Fraude de la Falsa 'Pandemia'
Face Masks in the COVID-19 Era
- Main File |
Español |
Falso que el Covid-19 sea 'solo'
una Trombosis
Español |
Farsa Covid - ¿Cinco Armas
Criminales contra Población para Provocar enfermedades
Cardio No Respiratorias?
Fauci Hints at when all COVID-19
Restrictions may Finally End in U.S.
Final Words on Covid-19 'Pandemic'
Five Experiments and Syndromes to
Account for 'Mass COVID Trance Behavior'
 |
Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic
Español |
- 'Formación
de las Masas' - La Ciencia Aplicada a la Ingeniería
- 'Genetic
Fingerprint' reveals Synthetic Origin of SARS-CoV-2
Government admits there was No Pandemic
Giant Study disproves Myth of
'Asymptomatic COVID Spread'
- "Gigantic
Rat's Nest" - Matt Taibbi hints FBI Communications with
COVID Scientists will be Exposed
Español |
Gracias, Políticos Alarmistas,
Desinformadores a Sueldo y Globalistas Mentirosos -
Mensaje del Dr. L. Fouché
Español |
- ¿Has
sido 'Recalibrado' para el COVID? - ¿En realidad eres
Egoísta e Inmoral por No Aceptar la Vacuna?
Español |
- "Hipócritas
Asesinos" - Indignación por sugerencia de 'The Atlantic'
por 'Amnistía' para Autoritarios Pandémicos
 |
How Bill Gates and Partners used
their Clout to Control the Global Covid Response - With
little Oversight
How Complex is this 'Pneumonia
How Covid-19 Reshaped the Global
Order - Future Historians will Judge that the 'Pandemic'
marked a Fork in...
How COVID Patients Died for Profit
- Hospitals
How Fanatics 'Took Over the World'...
How Fauci created The Covid
How Fear is Being Used to 'Strip
Away Your Freedom' - Pandemic Fearmongering
How Kids' Immune Systems can Evade
How the General Public was Kept in
the Dark over Covid
How the Masses were Hypnotized
into the 'COVID Cult'
the Powerful Captured the Public in a 'Pandemic'
How to Stop Being Manipulated by
'Threats of Chaos'
Hunter Biden 'Bio Firm' partnered
with Ukrainian Researchers 'Isolating Deadly Pathogens'
using Funds from...
Español |
Identifican 6 Tipos Distintos de
Italiano |
- "Il
Coronavirus Non è la Sars - La Curva si sta Appiattendo"
- Giorgio Palù
Italiano |
Il Culto del Covid e i 10 Piani di
Italiano |
Il Culto di COVID - La Mia Ricerca
Italiano |
Il Fenomeno è Reale? - La mia
Ricerca su COVID-19
Italiano |
Il Trattato per la Pandemia - "Abbiamo
i mezzi per Migliorare lo Stato del Mondo" - Klaus
Imperial College (UK) found as
'Sole Agent of Panic over Coronavirus'
Italiano |
Imponente Studio smentisce il Mito
della "Diffusione COVID da Asintomatici"
 |
Effects of specific combination of Natural Compounds against
SARS-CoV-2 and its Alpha, Beta...
- "Inside
the COVID-19 Global Coup d'état"
Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?
Israeli Professor shows
Coronavirus follows 'Fixed Pattern'
Is the Coronavirus Scare a
'Psychological Operation'?
Is the Phenomenon Real? - My
Investigation of COVID-19
Italy 2020 - Inside Covid's
'Ground Zero' in Europe
Italiano |
I Temi Più Importanti del nostro
Ivermectin -
A Covid Defeater
- Main File
Español |
Ivermectina - Una Vencedora contra
el Covid
- Main File
Ivermectin 'Works throughout All
Phases' of COVID according to Leaked Military Documents
Kracking the Covid Ghost Code -
Mankind's Great Self Inflicted Initiation
Español |
La Batalla de los Censores |
Italiano |
La Cina non è stato 'il Cattivo'
all'origine nel libro 'Che prediceva' l'Epidemia di
Coronavirus - E' stata la 'Russia'
Italiano |
La Crisi del Corona - Sta
cambiando la Marea? - "Un Generale Rapido Risveglio"?
Español |
La Crisis del Corona-Virus - ¿Está
Cambiando la Marea? - ¿"Un Rápido Despertar General"?
Español |
La Crisis del Covid-19 es un
'Crimen Contra la Humanidad'
Español |
La Declaración de 'Great
Español |
- ¿La
Europa de las Libertades?
Español |
La Farsa del Covid-19
Italiano |
La Fase Apocalittica della
Tecnocrazia e del Transumanesimo - In Arrivo Presto
Italiano |
La Frode della Pandemia inizia a
uscire alla luce in vari Paesi del Mondo
Español |
Gente No Muere por Covid
Español |
La Guerra de Frecuencias - Una
Guerra por el Mundo
Español |
Historia Original de la 'Epidemia de China' se Desmorona por
Español |
La Insólita Razón por la que no
nos recomiendan esta Eficaz Vitamina para tratar el
Español |
La Interminable Histeria Covid de
China es un Experimento Oscuro en el Condicionamiento
Español |
La 'Lección de Historia Médica'
más importante que Nunca debemos Olvidar
Italiano |
La Nuova Cina - Il Primo Esempio
al Mondo di uno Stato Totalitario Tirannico Medico nel
Español |
OMS (accidentalmente) confirma que COVID No Es Más
Peligroso que la Gripe
Español |
- "La
OMS ha Actuado como Instrumento de Manipulación Mundial"
- Covid-19
Español |
La 'Pandemia' del Covid-19 No
Español |
La 'Plandemia'
y El Gran Despertar
Español |
La Predominante Narrativa Sin
Sentido del Coronavirus - Desmentida en menos de media
Español |
Las Teorías de Conspiración se
Convierten en Hechos de Conspiración
Español |
La Verdad sobre el Coronavirus y
la Probabilidad de que Desate una Pandemia
Italiano |
Vita nell'Ordine Mondiale Post Covid
Español |
La Voluntad de Propósito - Cruzar
el Umbral Venidero de la Humanidad
Lawyers promise 'Nuremberg Trials'
Against all behind COVID Scam
Legal Team wants 'Second Nuremberg
Tribunal' to try Global Lockdown Promoters for Crimes
Against Humanity
Lest We Forget... 'They' want You
to forget 'Lockdowns, Vaccine Coercion and Covid
Italiano |
Le Teorie sulla Cospirazione
diventano Fatti della Cospirazione |
Español |
Libérese de las Secuelas del COVID
con estos Protocolos
Life in the Post-Covid World Order
Español |
Los Científicos Investigan si
COVID-19 puede Volver a Enfermar
Español |
Los Engaños del Covid-19
Español |
Los Niños y el Covid-19 - Nada que
Temer - Ignoren el Pánico generado por los Gran Medios
de Comunicación
Italiano |
Lo Spray Italiano 'Endovirstop' -
Preventivo contro il Covid-19
Español |
Los Últimos Días del Culto
Many EU Countries roll back 'COVID
Restrictions' - Israel Scraps 'Green Pass'
Español |
de la Estructura Genética y Antídoto contra el Parásito
Intracelular "Coronavirus"
la Era del COVID-19
- Main File |
Español |
Más Conocimiento Previo de esta
Actual Plandemia
Español |
Más de 400 Estudios Científicos sobre el Fracaso de las
Intervenciones Obligatorias para 'detener' el COVID
- 'Mass
Formation Psychosis' admittedly used by Governments as
'Tool of Population Control'
- 'Mass
Formation' - The Applied Science of Social Engineering
Español |
Médicos Italianos desobedecen la
'Orden de No Realizar Autopsias' y descubren que el
'Protocolo de la OMS...
Español |
Mensaje de Alerta sobre el
COVID-19 - Profesionales de la Salud Unidos
inhibit SARS-CoV-2 and all of its alpha, beta, gamma, delta,
kappa and Mµ variants
Mild Mannered Coronavirus
Mind Control and Citizen's Brain
More Plandemic Foreknowledge...
More than Everything You Ever
Wanted to Know about the New Coronavirus
Most important 'Medical History
Lesson' we must Never Forget
Español |
Nadie ha Muerto por el Coronavirus
Nearly Half of all U.S. Covid
Cases are this 'New Variant' JN.1
Never Forget - For 2 Years,
Tyrants Locked us Down, forcibly Medicated us, and
Destroyed our Livelihoods
Covid-19 Facts - A "Pandemic" of Fearmongering and Ignorance
Español |
No hubo 'Pandemia'
Español |
No... la Gripe No Desapareció -
Trataron los Casos de Gripe como Casos de "Covid"
Español |
- "No
puedo dejar de Preguntarme por el Covid-19"
 |
and forecasting the potential domestic and international spread of
the 2019-nCoV outbreak...
Nuremberg 2.0 - Update on legal
proceedings against the CDC, WHO and Davos Group
Nuremberg Trial 2.0' is in
Preparation - WHO and World Leaders will have to Answer
for 'Crimes Against...'
Origin Story of "China Epidemic"
falls apart Completely - A Big One...
Español |
Palabras Finales sobre el Caso de
la 'Pandemia' de Covid-19
Italiano |
Pandemia Reale versus la Messa in
Scena di Pandemia
Español |
Pandemia Real versus Pandemia
- "Pandemic
is Over" - Former 'Pfizer Chief Science Officer' says
"Second Wave" faked on False-Positive Tests
- 'Pandemic'
Lessons Learned - Omicron vs. Bill Gates
- 'Pandemic'
Lessons Learned - Scientific Debate Silenced with Deadly
Español |
Pandemonium - De la 'Pandemia' al
Control Total
Italiano |
Perché il Coronavirus ha Colpito
così Forte l'Italia
Italiano |
Perché il COVID ha Risparmiato
Peter Hotez vies for power as 'Fauci
Steps Down'
Pope Francis is a 'Zealous
Cooperator' of the Globalist 'Great Reset' Plot -
Archbishop Viganò
Español |
Por qué el Coronavirus ha Golpeado
tan Fuerte a Italia
Español |
Por qué No Creo que haya Existido
jamás un Virus Covid
Proof that the Pandemic was
Planned with a Purpose
Perpetuates the 'Pandemic' and Censorship
 |
Pulmonary thrombosis in 2019-nCoV
Español |
- ¿Qué
es la "Psicosis de Formación Masiva"?
 |
Questioning Covid
Real Pandemic vs. Staged Pandemic
Reiner Fuellmich's 'Grand Jury
Court of Public Opinion' - Covid-19 Crimes Against
Reiner Fuellmich Speaks Out from
Prison in Germany
Respiratory Therapist Exposes the
'Fake Virus Pandemic'
Italiano |
Rothschilds pianificò il Covid-19
nel 2015 - Ufficio Brevetti degli Stati Uniti...
Rothschilds planned Covid-19 in
2015 - U.S. Patent Office...
Español |
Rusia reveló cómo los Experimentos
Biológico-Militares de EE.UU. prepararon el Covid-19
SARS-CoV-2 is a 'Targeted Eugenics
Science is Not to Be Trusted
Español |
- ¿Se
acerca ya el Ajuste de Cuentas? - El Genocidio del
Covid-19 clama por un Tribunal Mundial Independiente
Español |
aproxima una Campaña de Miedo para la 'Tripledemia' -
See through the 'Corona Pandemic
Hoax' and Stop it! - We are Victims and Perpetrators at
the Same Time
Español |
Se Expone la Hipocresía del
Español |
Segundo Juicio de Nuremberg -
Reiner Fuellmich anticipa una Victoria de la Humanidad
Italiano |
Sette Agende del Nuovo Ordine
Mondiale che sono collegate "all'Epidemia di Coronavirus"
Seven NWO Agendas accompanying the
'Coronavirus Epidemic'
Silenced All-Star Doctors destroy
'COVID Lies' in 5 Hours - Senator Ron Johnson Roundtable
Something to Do with Coronavirus
Something 'Very Strange' is Taking
Place in Europe regarding the 'Second Wave' - Sky News
Italiano |
Sono Stati Identificati 6 Tipi
Diversi di Covid-19
Statement on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Isolation - SOVI
Stop COVID-19 with Temperature -
Prevention and Early Treatment Only
Study Analyzes 'Wireless
Radiation-COVID Connection'
Study finds 5G Technology a
'Significant Factor' in Higher Covid Case and Death
 |
System and Method for Testing for
COVID19 - 2015
Reasons that SARS-CoV-2 is an 'Imaginary and Theoretical
Español |
Terapeuta del Sistema Respiratorio
expone la 'Falsa Pandemia de Virus'
 |
The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona
Crisis - Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic
Depression, Global...
The Apocalyptic Phase of
Technocracy and Transhumanism - Coming Soon...
The Chilling Reason they won't
declare the 'Pandemic' Over - 'Pandemic Treaty' is a
Spreading Plague
- "The
Chinese Virus is spreading..." - Deception and False
"Contagion Myth" by Dr. Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon
Morell - Book Review
Contagion Myth - Why Viruses (including "Coronavirus")
are NOT the Cause of Disease
The Corona Crisis - Is the Tide
Turning? - "A Rapid General Awakening"?
The Corona Virus is just a Concept
that only Exists on Paper
The Corrupt Billionaire Agenda -
"SARS-CoV-2 Virus is Nothing but a Seasonal Flu" - C.M.
Viganò and S. Bannon
The Covid-19 Endgame - Global
Governance, "Digital Tyranny" and the Depopulation
The Covid-19 Genocide of 2020
Covid-19 'Pandemic' Does Not Exist
The Covid-19 Power Grab as
"Organized Crime" - A Multi-faceted Deception
The Covid Cult and the 10 Stages
of Genocide
The COVID Narrative as an 'Occult
Work of Art'
The COVID 'Pandemic' Farce served
as a Trial Balloon for the New World Order - Archbishop
Viganò |
The Cult of COVID - My
Final Days of The Covidian Cult
Frequency War - A War for the World
The Global Hoax is rapidly
Unraveling - HHS Documents admit the CDC has Never
Isolated any "Covid-19 Virus"
The Great Awakening and Plandemic
3 - What's Really Happening to Our World?
Masked Ball of Cowardice
Most Important Podcast you can hear about COVID-19
The Most Important Topics of Our
The Mysterious Case of
'Disappearing Flu' - UK COVID Conundrum
The Names and Faces - The 150
Bilderbergers who Influenced and Controlled the Response to
The Names and Faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who Manipulated
the COVID-19 Pandemic response
The New China - The World's First
Example of a Medical Tyrannical Totalitarian State in
The (New) God Delusion - Bill Gates
The Non-Existent Virus - Interview
with Christine Massey
The Official Covid Narrative is
'Falling Apart piece by piece'...
The "One Health" Agenda
 |
The Pandemic
The Pandemic Treaty - "We have the
Means to Improve the State of the World" - Klaus Schwab
The 'Plandemic' and the Great
Plan' - Proof that the 'pandemic' was Planned with a
Was No 'Pandemic' - An essay by Denis Rancourt
The Smoking Gun proving SARS-CoV-2
is an Engineered Virus
The Stealth Reason Most People Die
of COVID-19
Triumph of Natural Immunity
The 'Viral Fragment Theory' of
Covid-19 Vascular Complications
- "This
is the Definition of Criminal Conspiracy - This is Not a
Theory... this is Evidence" - D. Martin & R. Fuellmich
This is why Millions Still Believe
in the Absurd COVID Lies
This is why the New World Order is
Doomed to Fail
Español |
Toda la Verdad sobre el COVID-19 -
El Libro que debería Leer antes de que lo Censuren
Twelve Experts Questioning the
'Coronavirus Panic'
Twenty-year Genetic Trail behind
Covid's Creation
Two Years that Trampled on
'Freedoms earned over Centuries' - 'Junk Science' in the
Service of Totalitarianism
Uncovering the Corona Narrative -
Ernst Wolffs' answer to the Big Questions that have
plagued all of us
Español |
Un Fármaco Oral logra Eliminar por
completo la Transmisión del Coronavirus en 24 Horas
U.S. Surgeon General Drops
Outdated WHO-CDC 'Gates Pandemic Model'
Vaccines and Covid-19 -
Gene Therapy
- Main File |
Español |
Vacunas y Covid-19 - Terapia Genética
- Main File
Warning - This Website May Harm
Your Preconceptions |
What I Can Say and What I Cannot
was Rebranded as "COVID" has always just been a Variation of
Influenza-Like-Illness (ILI)
What will Happen in 10 Years? -
The Biggest 'COVID Question'...
- "When
do we Deploy the New Variant?", "We Frighten the Pants
of Everyone..." says the British Government
When Government Funds Science,
Government Controls Science...
Where is the Virus? - Fear is the
Only Virus...
WHO Director Must Resign Now -
U.S. Congress
WHO-Sponsored Genocides - A
History of Eugenics in the United States
Why and How Doctors have Betrayed
Why has COVID Spared Africa?
Why I don't believe There Ever Was
a Covid Virus
Why the Coronavirus hit Italy so
Yes, SARS-CoV-2 is a Real Virus -
Additional Information |
1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors
have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of 'The Nuremberg
Code' - Covid-19
 |
6-month Consequences of COVID-19
in Patients Discharged from Hospital - A Cohort study
Español |
2021 - El "Gran Reinicio" de Davos
Italiano |
- "Abbiamo
i Farmaci anti-Covid ma pochi lo Sanno" - Parla
Salvatore Spagnolo...
A Brief Exploration of
COVID-Induced Mass Psychosis
Coup without Firing a Shot
A Declaration from 'The People of
Planet Earth'
Deliberately-Engineered Climate Collapse?
A False Pandemic and the
Imposition of a False Vaccine - A Criminal Plan of World
Depopulation - Viganò
After Covid, Monkeypox - The Same
Circus again...?
 |
Genomic Region associated with Protection against severe COVID-19 is
Inherited from Neandertals
Air Force 2025 Final Report
America's most Secret Intelligence
Agency DEAGEL forecasts Depopulation of the World from
A 'Natural Approach' to the
Comprehensive Control of SARS-CoV-2
An Elite-led 'Great Reset' Post-Covid?
- No, what we Need first is to Get Rid of the Globalist
approach that...
Español |
Asesores Científicos del Gobierno
admiten usar 'Tácticas de Miedo Totalitario' - Control
durante la 'Pandemia'
A Small Pandemic to allow 'One
World Government'
 |
A study on Infectivity of
Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Carriers
At Least 13 Killed in Peru
Nightclub Stampede triggered by Police 'Social
Distancing' Raid
Australia is a 'Full Scale Pilot Test' for the New World Order |
Español |
Banderas Falsas y el Amanecer del
Bill Gates 1997 "Prediction" -
2020 Extinction by Lung Attacking Virus
Bill Gates' Criminal Plans Exposed
by U.S. Trial Lawyer
Bill Gates Exposed in Italian
Parliament for "Crimes Against Humanity" - The Trend is
Our Friend
Bill Gates has Major Shares in
Both Pfizer and BioNTech - FOI revealed he is the
Primary Funder of the MHRA
- "Bill
Gates is Largest Funder of trying to find 'Viruses in
Caves' and bring them to Big Cities" - Rand Paul
Bill Gates - Most Dangerous
Philanthropist in Modern History?
Bill Gates Pushing for 7 Billion
Mandatory Experimental RNA Injections that Re-program
Human Cells
Bill Gates' Web of Dark Money and
Billionaires' Combined Wealth has
reached a Record $10.2 Trillion - Thanks to Covid-19
Bioethics and the New Eugenics
Español |
Bioética y la Nueva Eugenesia
Español |
Biopoder en la Era del 'Gran
Biopower in the Age of the 'Great
Italiano |
Braccialetti, Segnali Luminosi,
Codici a Barre - Indossabili come Risposta Globale al
Bracelets, Beacons, Barcodes -
Wearables in the Global Response to COVID-19
BRICS Bank working at Full Speed
on 'Supporting Economic Recovery' of Member States amid
Covid Crisis
Bromelain, NAC and Spike
Disintegration - A "Missile Defense" Approach
Can we Finally Heal our Collective
Trauma? - Questions of our Time 9
Español |
China Encerrada en una Guerra
Híbrida con Estados Unidos
China Locked in Hybrid War with
- The Virus Crises
Italiano |
Chi Sono e Cosa Vogliono i 'Gilet Arancioni'
Collapse of the 2020s
Italiano |
Collasso del Decennio 2020
Italiano |
Come Affrotare il Cambiamento -
Consiglio dagli Stoici
Italiano |
Come "La Sorveglianza e il 5G"
stanno Monitorando Rapidamente col pretesto della "Lotta
al Coonavirus
Italiano |
Come una Pandemia virale Giova
all'Agenda Globalista
Common Senses - Coronavirus and
Mind Control
Español |
Cómo Acabar con Todo esto en
Quince Días
Español |
Cómo Bill Gates COMPRA a los
Medios de Comunicación, a Periodistas y a 'Verificadores
de Hechos'
Español |
Cómo la Ciencia ha sido Corrompida
Español |
Cómo los Gobiernos siguen
Experimentando con sus Ciudadanos
Español |
Cómo se Manipula la Economía a
nivel Físico, Etérico y Mental
Español |
una Pandemia Viral Beneficia a la Agenda Globalista
- 'Coronavirus'
Exposes the Cracks in Globalization
Coronavirus hit East Asia 20,000
years Ago
Español |
Coronavirus y Geopolítica
Español |
Coronavirus y Globalizacion
Corporate Controlled Mainstream
Media (MSM) Exists to Demoralize the Public
Italiano |
Cosa è successo alla "Influenza di Stagione?" -
L'Influenza è stata Riclassificata come Coronavirus...
Covid-19 and Bill Gates - Puppet
Master Gaslights Millions
Covid-19 as Quantum Phenomenon - Searching for the
Español |
Covid-19 - Fracaso del Enfoque
is a 'False Flag to Reset the World'
Covid-19 is a Symbol of a Much
Deeper Infection - The Wetiko Mind-Virus
Covid-19 is 'Putting Cash in Early
Grave' all around the World
Covid-19 Shatters the Facade of
the European 'Union'
Italiano |
Covid-19 si rivela Essere una
Enorme Beffa perpetrata dai Media
Covid-19 turning out to be Huge
Hoax perpetrated by Media
Español |
Covid-19 - ¿Ultima Oportunidad
para Reevaluar Nuestros Valores?
Español |
Covid - Bioética, Eugenesia y
Paneles de la Muerte - Una Advertencia...
Covid Failed to do 'the Job' -
Bill Gates is making a Second Run at Culling the
COVID has exposed North America as
a 'Failed State'
Español |
Covid-Stasi - ¿Se Convertirán Ustedes en 'Agentes Estatales'
denunciando a sus Vecinos por infringir las...
CPI - Corruption Perception Index
2020 - Global Highlights
Español |
Cuando las Banderas Falsas se
vuelven Virales
Español |
Cuando las Banderas Falsas se
vuelven Virtuales
Español |
Datos de esta supuesta 'Pandemia'
desde la Psicología - Comunicado oficial de 'Psicólogos
por la Verdad'
Decoding the Twisted 'New World
Order Mindset'
Deconstructing Bill Gates' Agenda
Español |
De Cuarentena a Estado Policial -
Se inaugura el "Gran Reinicio"
Español |
De la Bioética a la Eugenesia
Denmark to 'Scrap All Covid-19
Español |
Desconexión del Entramado más "Caótico"
y Negativo de la Realidad del "Coronavirus"
Español |
Descontrol del Covid-19 en América
Español |
Descubren cómo el Cerebro Regula el Miedo
Español |
- ¿Después
del Coronavirus? - El "Gran Reseteo"...
Español |
Destruir Millones de Empleos o
Salvarlos a Toda Costa - EE.UU. y Europa eligen Caminos
Español |
de la Eficacia del Dióxido de Cloro en el Tratamiento de COVID-19
Español |
Dibujando Tu Línea en la Arena
Español |
Diez Cosas que hemos Aprendido
durante el 'Golpe' del Covid
Español |
Discernimiento, Amor y Sabiduría
para el 'Nuevo Virus del Miedo'
Divide, Conquer, Reset and then
Scientific Dictatorship
Italiano |
Dividi, Conquista, Ristruttura e
poi Dittatura Scientifica
Español |
Doce Acciones de Encubrimiento -
Los Alarmistas entran en Pánico
you have the 'Good' or 'Bad' Covid-19 Neanderthal Genes?
Do You Trust Your Doctor Anymore?
Dutch Leader stuns Parliament -
Exposes Globalist Covid 'Obedience Training' Plot
Español |
El Arco Iris Invisible - Una
Historia de la Electricidad y la Vida - Un Resumen
Español |
El Botón de Reinicio
Español |
El Clima es el 'Nuevo Covid'
Español |
El Coronavirus devuelve Aguas Cristalinas a los Canales
de Venecia
Español |
El Coronavirus Muestra por qué
Necesitamos la Separación de Medicina y Estado
Español |
El Covid-19 ha Envalentonado a
nuestros 'Censores' Modernos
Español |
El Covid-19 podría ser el
Detonador del Peor Sistema Totalitario de la Historia -
Afirma Yuval Noah Harari
Español |
El Documento 'Airforce 2025' de
1996 Mencionaba una Pandemia de Gripe que Mataría a 30
Millones de...
Español |
El Estado de Excepción, la
Política de la Pandemia y el Fin de lo Humano - Giorgio
Español |
El "Evento de Nivel de Extinción"
del Covid-19
Español |
El Gran Paquete de Estímulo de
Trump - Más Grande que la Economía de España
Español |
El 'Gran Teatro' de la
Bioseguridad - Covid-19
Español |
Eliminación y Disolución en
nuestra Estructura de Bloqueos y Energías asociadas al
"Egregor Covid"
Español |
- 'Ellos
No Quieren que Sepas Tratamientos Virales básicos' - El Agua
es el Tratamiento Más Básico
Español |
El Miedo a la Muerte de los
Español |
El Miedo es Contagioso y se
Utiliza para Controlarte
Español |
El Mundo Después de la Pandemia
Español |
El Nacimiento de la 'Sociedad Sin
Español |
El Oscuro Pronóstico de Carl Sagan
- Una Sociedad cada vez más Estúpida y Controlada por
Medios Tecno...
Español |
El Plan para un Sistema Global de
Esclavitud |
Español |
El Resultado Final de Ignorar el
Español |
En la Europa Cerrada al
Coronavirus la UE abre las Puertas a las Tropas de
Estados Unidos
Español |
Ensayos Clínicos demuestran
Eficacia del Dióxido de Cloro en el tratamiento de
Español |
Epidemias y Control Social - La
Otra Cara del Miedo a la Enfermedad
Español |
- ¿Erradicada
la Gripe Común en el 'Año del Coronavirus'?
Español |
- ¿Esclavos
Voluntarios del 'Estado Covidiano'?
Español |
- ¿Es
la "Segunda Ola" del Coronavirus otro Fraude?
Español |
- ¿Está
harto del COVID? - Entonces le tengo Excelentes
Noticias: Podríamos estar ante el Fin de la 'Pandemia'
Español |
- ¿Estás
Preparado para la "Infodemia"?
Español |
'ES' el Reseteo Global - Prepárense como Corresponde
Europe Rises Up against 'Coronavirus
Restrictions' - Massive Simultaneous Protests in London,
Paris and Berlin
Event 201 - 'Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation' run a Coronavirus Pandemic Simulation
3 Months Ago!
 |
Evidence Regarding Vitamin D and
Risk of COVID-19 and Its Severity - by Joseph
Español |
Evidencia Contundente de que el
'SARS-CoV-2' fue Creado por el Hombre
Ex-Russian Intel Officer exposes 'Coronavirus
Depopulation Agenda'
- 'Fahrenheit
451' predicted People would Demand Tyranny
 |
Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources in the Time of Covid-19
 |
Fatal Swine Acute Diarrhoea
Syndrome caused by an HKU2-related Coronavirus of Bat
Federal Reserve (FED) to
Quarantine Dollars from Asia on Covid-19 -
'Transmission' Concerns...
Evidence that 'Blood Type' plays a Role in COVID-19
Freedom or Fascism?
Español |
- "Frente
a 3 Millones de Muertos por el COVID hay 9 Millones de
Muertos por el Hambre al Año" - Dr. Joan Martínez
From Computers to Global Genocide
- The Staggering Influence Bill Gates on Public Health
Policy around World
From "Event 201" to "Cyber
Polygon" - The WEF's Simulation of a Coming "Cyber
Español |
Funcionario Alemán hace Público un
Informe que Denuncia al Coronavirus como "Una Falsa
Alarma Global"
Español |
- ¿Futuro
Post-Coronavirus? - Biosensores Inyectables, I.A. de
Detección de Virus, Robots y Sociedad sin...
Gates and Kissinger - On Same Path
to Population Control
Italiano |
Gates e Kissinger - Lo stesso Cammino per il Controllo della
Italiano |
Gates è Sofferente per la CO2
e Demenza Virale
Gates Suffers from CO2
and Viral Dementia
General Flynn confirms Elite did
'Dummy Run' for Covid-19 in 2017...!
Klaus Schwab - World will "Never" Return to Normal after
Technocracy and The 'Great Reset' is coming like a Bullet
Train - Covid-19
Global Warming and Pandemic - Two
Scams seen Merging to try to Scare Us to Death
Español |
Golpistas en Estados Unidos a la
Sombra del Coronavirus
Scientific Advisors admit they used 'Totalitarian Fear
Tactics' to Control People during 'Pandemic'
Grandmothers in their 90s and 100s are 'Beating Back the
Virus' - They Share an Important Advice
Growing List of Assassinations of
COVID-19 Researchers
Español |
Grupo de Médicos Cuestionó a los Infectólogos que Asesoran a
Presidente Argentino Alberto Fernández |
Español |
Guardianes del Periodismo de Gates...
Español |
- "Guardianes
Periodistas" de Bill Gates Finalmente lo Exponen...
Español |
- "Guía
para entender 'El Gran Reset' - Ampliación"
Español |
- ¿Hacia
dónde va la Línea de Tiempo de la Tierra?
Español |
Hacia una Pandemia de Solidaridad |
Español |
- ¿Has
tenido Covid? - Es muy probable que Produzcas Anticuerpos para
el Resto de su Vida |
Hillary Clinton privately warned
France that Wuhan P4 Lab may lead to 'Bioweapon
Research' - Leaked Cable
Hostile Spiritual Beings who 'Feed
Off your Fear and Anxiety' - Rudolf Steiner
How a Viral Pandemic Benefits the
Globalist Agenda
Bill Gates BUYS Mainstream Outlets, Journalists and
How Bill Gates monopolized Global
How Cybercrime has Evolved since
the Pandemic Hit
How Did a Disease with no Symptoms
'Take Over the World'?
How Have You Changed?
How Nebulized Peroxide helps
against Respiratory Infections
How the Covid-19 'Pandemic' is
Preparing Humanity for First Contact
How to Deal with Change - Advice
from the Stoics
How to Escape from a 'Sick
How to Stage a Fake Epidemic - And
Brainwash Billions of People
Italiano |
- "Ice-Nine"
- Il Lockdown Finanziario Globale
- "Ice-Nine"
- The Global Financial Lockdown
Have No Faith in the WHO' - 'The Leadership Should Face
Criminal Charges and Be Shut Down' - S.Bannon
Italiano |
Il Covid 19 sta Mettendo i
Contanti in una "Tomba Precoce" in tutto il Mondo
Italiano |
I Leader del Mondo chiedono più
Globalizzazione per 'Risolvere' la 'Pandemia' Globale
Italiano |
Il Direttore del OMS dice "Non si
Può Tornare indietro a Come Era Prima" - La Sua
Soluzione? Un NOM...
Italiano |
Globalista Klaus Schwab - Il Mondo non Ritornerà alla
Normalità "Mai Più" dopo il Covid-19
Italiano |
Il Sistema del Credito Sociale in
Italiano |
Il Web di Bill Gates del Dark
Money e dell'Egemonia
IMF and WEF - From 'Great
Lockdown' to 'Great Transformation' - The COVID
Español |
- ¿Influyen
los Tipos de Sangre en la Gravedad del COVID-19? - Coronavirus
Español |
Interrogantes de Nuestro Tiempo 2
- ¿Temer o No Temer?
Español |
Interrogantes de Nuestro Tiempo 4
- ¿Tiempo de Responsabilidad Personal?
Español |
Interrogantes de Nuestro Tiempo 5
- ¿Es Tiempo de Resonancia o de Disonancia?
a Mass Psychosis the Greatest Threat to Humanity?
 |
Is HIV to AIDS what SARSCoV-2 is
Español |
Italia recibe 26 Toneladas de
Suministros Médicos de China
Italiano |
Italia - Terreno Fertile per una
Scalata Tecnocratica |
Italy - Fertile Ground for
Technocrat Takeover |
It's Time to Launch an
Investigation into the 'Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation' for 'Crimes Against Humanity'
Journalism's Gates Keepers...
- 'Justice
will Not Come through the Courts but by the People
Rising Up' - Attorney Reiner Füellmich on Nuremberg 2
Español |
La 'Agenda 2030' de las Naciones
Unidas - La Fuerza Impulsora del COVID-19
Italiano |
La 'Agenda 2030' delle Nazioni
Unite - La Forza che Manovrea dietro il Covid-19
Español |
La Caja Idiota - Cómo te Hipnotiza
la Televisión
Español |
La 'Ciencia del Miedo' - Cómo la
Usan los Elitistas para Controlarnos y Cómo Liberarse
Español |
La Curiosidad de la Muerte -
Isabel Allende
Italiano |
La Curiosità della Morte - Isabel
Español |
La Dura Carta de una Médica
Avergonzada por las Falsedades en torno a la Pandemia
Español |
La Economía de las Pandemias y Cuarentenas
Español |
La Estafa de la Pandemia fue Muy
Grande el Año Pasado - Esto es lo que Viene a
Italiano |
Farsa Covid sta per Finire - Solo l'Italia resta nell'Incubo
Español |
La Federación Galáctica inició la
Limpieza Planetaria
Español |
- "La
Felicidad Nace del Interior" - Un Hombre que lleva 14
Años Solo en una Aldea Italiana explica Cómo Pasar...
Español |
La Identificación Digital Global
llega inmediatamente después del Pánico del Coronavirus
de 2020
Español |
Mafia Médica - El Negocio de Crear Enfermedades
Español |
La Manifestación de Berlín -
Español |
La Muerte del Catolicismo y el
Nacimiento del Dogma Pandémico - No es Ciencia, es
Italiano |
L'Antropausa è qui - Il COVID 19 riduce le vibrazioni
della Terra del 50%
Español |
- ¡La
ONU declara la 'Paz Mundial'...!
Italiano |
La Pandemia potrebbe essere una
"Vendetta della Natura" per aver Ignorato i Cambiameni
del Clima - Vaticano
Español |
La Pilgrims Society y la Conexión
entre el Coronavirus y el Monopolio Angloamericano de la
Italiano |
- 'La
più Grande Folla nella Storia della Germania' Insorge
contro Bill Gates e Big Pharma
Español |
La Protección de la Salud Pública
y el Respeto a las Libertades Individuales ante la
Español |
La Psicopatía y los Orígenes del
Español |
La Puerta sin Cerradura |
Italiano |
La Quarta Fase di Schwab
Español |
La Resistencia No Es Inútil... ¡Es
- 'Largest
Crowd in German History' Rises Up against Bill Gates and
Big Pharma
Italiano |
La Risposta al Coronavirus è il
Nuovo Ordine Mondiale-Agenda 21
Español |
La Sabiduría del Emperador
Filósofo Marco Aurelio para enfrentar el COVID-19
Español |
Las Calles de Italia se llenan de
Música en plena Cuarentena por el Coronavirus
Español |
La Secta Covidiana
Español |
La Surrealista Experiencia de un
Español viajando a China demuestra por qué ya han
Vencido al Coronavirus
Español |
La Tecnocracia Global y el 'Gran
Reinicio' vienen como un Tren Bala - Covid-19
Italiano |
La Tecnocrazia avrebbe il Dominio
su una "Presidenza Biden
Data shows No Excess Deaths from 'All Causes Globally' in
Español |
La Transformación de las
Sociedades en la Estela del Covid-19 anuncia la
Militarización de Europa
Italiano |
L'Australia è un "Test Pilota su Larga Scala" per il Nuovo
Ordine Mondiale
Italiano |
La Velenosa Pillola Covid di
Español |
La Venenosa Píldora Covid de
Español |
La Venida de Apolo - Dios de la
Luz y dios de la Peste |
Italiano |
delle Pandemie e delle Quarantene
Italiano |
L'Effetto Decapitazione
Italiano |
- "L'Emergenza
Covid è Finita da Due Mesi - Basta Panico e Morte
Sociale" - Alberto Zangrillo
Italiano |
Le Radici del "Piano COVID" - da
I.G. Farben Cartel
Italiano |
Liste di Documenti della World
Bank rivelano che 'Il Programma COVID-19' finirà a Marzo
Italiano |
- "L'Occhio
di Sauron" e la Pandemia del Controllo
Italiano |
L'OMS usa le Celebrità e gli Influencer per Cercare di
Manipolare il Pubblico - Ma Funziona…?
Español |
Los Amos del Mundo están al Acecho
Español |
Los 'Chalecos Naranja' en las
Plazas de Italia - Multitud de Manifestantes sin
Máscaras o Distancias
Español |
Los Escépticos del Covid defienden
la Ciencia - Universidad del MIT
Español |
Los Medios Informativos Están
Mintiendo sobre la "Segunda Ola"
Español |
Los Multimillonarios de EE.UU. han
Aumentado su Riqueza en 1,3 Billones de dólares durante
la 'Pandemia'
Español |
Los Super Millonarios del Mundo
huyen a Búnkeres en medio de la Crisis del Coronavirus
Español |
Virólogos que Afirman que hay "Virus Patógenos" son
Estafadores Científicos
Español |
Virus son Sensibles al pH
Magic helped us in Pandemics before, and It can Again
Mainstream Doctors and Scientists
appear to be under Mass Covid Vaccine Hypnosis Spell
- "Martial
Law" being seen in U.S. and Europe over COVID-19 is the
Bigger Threat
Español |
Más Ricos en la 'Pandemia'...
Mass COVID Protests in China
reveal a Weakened Communist Regime
MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol
for COVID-19 - External
Español |
Mensaje del Científico Bruce
Lipton sobre el Coronavirus
Mild COVID-19 induces Lasting
Antibody Protection
Español |
Millones de Latinoamericanos de
Clase Media caen en la Pobreza - Covid-19
Modern Medicine is a Hostage
Español |
Moneda Digital del Banco Central -
Cómo el Covid se convirtió en la vía hacia la Vigilancia
Financiera Global
New Emails reveal Fauci's Role in
shaping 'Highly Influential Paper' that established
COVID 'Natural Origin'...
New Report Predicts Source of Next
 |
NIH-Moderna Confidential
Nine 'Simulations, Drills and
Laws' that Planned and Prepared for the Coronavirus
Español |
- "No
Confíen en las Élites - Se han Equivocado completamente
con el Covid" - DeSantis Gobernador de Florida
Italiano |
Credo nell'OMS' - 'La Leadership Dovrebbe Essere
Incriminata e Imprigionata' - Steve Bannon
Italiano |
Non Vogliono farvi Sapere i
Trattamenti Basilari per Virus - L'Acqua è il
Trattamento più Basilare
Español |
Convirtieron' al Transhumanismo sin haberlo Aceptado
Español |
OMS pide 'Calma' - La Nueva Variante del Coronavirus No
es Peligrosa
Once Upon A Time...
 |
On the Origin and Continuing
Evolution of SARS-CoV-2
Español |
Operación 'Jaque Mate' del
Organized Confusion by the WHO
Español |
Paisajes Post-Pandémicos - La
Modificación del Comportamiento como Nueva Realidad 'Consensuada'
'Pandemic' could be 'Nature's
Revenge' for Ignoring Climate Change - Says Pope Francis...
Italiano |
Papa Francesco chiede 'Nuovo
Ordine Mondiale' dopo la 'Pandemia'
 |
Patent WO 060606 |
 |
Patient-derived Mutations impact
the pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2
Español |
Pepe Mujica y Noam Chomsky sobre
el Coronavirus
Español |
Perdieron - Porque la Marea está Cambiando y las Tablas
Español |
Plataforma Secreta de Inteligencia
Artificial del HHS puede 'Predecir' Brotes de Covid-19
dentro de EE.UU...
Español |
- ¿Podemos
por fin Sanar Nuestro Trauma Colectivo? - Interrogantes
de Nuestro Tiempo 9
Pope Francis calls for 'New World
Order' after the 'Pandemic'
Español |
Porqué Mucha Gente tiene Sueños más Raros y Vívidos
durante la 'Pandemia' de Coronavirus
Post-Coronavirus Future? -
Injectable Biosensors, A.I. Virus Detection, Robots and
a Cashless Society
 |
SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly 10 million residents of
Wuhan, China
Power is An Illusion, Control is A
 |
Predicting Infectious Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Diagnostic
 |
Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes Among 5700 Patients
Hospitalized with COVID-19...
 |
Prospering in the Pandemic - The
Top 100 Companies - Financial Times
Español |
Psico-Poder - En 'Conformidad con
Robots' y 'Libertad', en un Mundo post-COVID
- 'Automaton Conformity' and 'Freedom' in a Post-COVID World
Public Letter to President Macron,
from Honorary Colonel Jacques Amiot
Español |
- ¿Puede
el 5G causar Síntomas y Enfermedades Similares a los de
la Gripe? Respuestas...
Italiano |
Putin dice "I Ricchi Devono Pagare"
per il Coronavirus
Putin says 'The Rich Must Pay' for
the Coronavirus
Weapon System activated before each 'Coronavirus Cluster
Real Pandemic vs. Staged Pandemic
Rejecting 'Rockefeller Germ
Theory' once and for all
 |
Relationship between the ABO Blood
Group and the COVID-19 Susceptibility
Revealed what the 'Totalitarian
Future Globalists' want for the Entire World
Español |
Revisión de los Estados y Procesos
en Marcha a Nivel Global relacionados con la Pandemia
del Coronavirus
Italiano |
Ricchi e Buoni? - Le Trame Oscure
del Filantrocapitalismo
Español |
Saben lo que Eres - Ahora solo
están Regateando el Precio...
SARS - A Great Global SCAM
SARS and Chemtrails
- Disease Outbreaks Used as Tests for a Future
Engineered Epidemic, the...
 |
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs
Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2
 |
Scientists to Stop COVID-19
Scenarios for The Future of
Technology and International Development
Español |
Sentidos Comunes - Control Mental
y Coronavirus
 |
Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus
Disease, United States
Singapore First Country to Stop
'Counting Daily COVID-19 Cases' and treat it Like Normal
Español |
Sobre el Significado Oculto del
Término 'COVID'
Study shows even a 'Mild COVID
Infection' develops 'Antibody Protection' that could
Last a Lifetime - Dr. Bhadari
Technocracy Inside Your Body - Not
Science Fiction...
Technocracy would Dominate a
'Biden Presidency'
Español |
Tecnocracia Dentro de Tu Cuerpo -
Esto No es Ciencia Ficción...
Ten Things we have Learned during
the Covid Coup
 |
Testing the Association between Blood Type and COVID-19 Infection,
Intubation, and Death
Thank you China, you're Wonderful
The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona
Crisis - The "Great Reset", Destroying Civil Society,
Engineered Economic...
 |
ABO Blood Group Locus and a Chromosome 3 Gene Cluster Associate with
SARSCoV-2 Respiratory...
The Anthropause is here - COVID-19 reduced Earth's
vibrations by 50 percent
The Anti-Human Agenda of the NWO
accelerated by Operation Coronavirus
The CDC which is 'Withholding
Information' has a Hidden Agenda
The Climate-Change Religion - How
long before Human Sacrifices?
The Common Roots of 'Climate
Change and COVID-19 Hysteria'
Coviv-19 'Extinction Level Event'
The Covidian Cult
The 'Decapitation Effect'
The Economics of Pandemics and
The Emerging 'Mark of the Beast' System - Sleepwalking
into the Surveillance Society
The Eugenicist's Playbook -
Politicized Science is Making a Comeback in the 'Age of
COVID-19' |
The Evils of Big Pharma Exposed
The 'Eye of Sauron' and the
Pandemic of Surveillance
Great Reset' - World leaders to harness COVID and pursue
'Sinister' Climate Agenda |
 |
- The
Hard Road to World Order
The Invisible Rainbow - A History
of Electricity and Life - A Summary
 |
Major Genetic Risk Factor for severe COVID-19 is inherited from
'New Abnormal' - The Rise of the Biomedical Security State
The New Reign of Biopower - The
Rise of Control-Biology
Plague as Myth of the Modern World
 |
Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2
The Response to Coronavirus is the
New World Order-Agenda 21 |
The Revolution after the Crisis -
Coronavirus affects Global Stock Market
The Roots of the 'COVID Plan' - by
the I.G. Farben Cartel
The 'Science of Fear' - How the
Elitists use it to Control Us and How to Break Free
- "The
Secret Group of Scientists and Billionaires pushing a
'Manhattan Project' for COVID-19" - A Look...
 |
The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 |
 |
The Spartacus Letter |
The Virus-Story - Breaking the
Chains of 'Medical Civilization' |
The War on Cash - COVID Edition |
Don't Want You to Know' basic Viral Treatments - Water
is the Most Basic Treatment
- "Thousands
are Starving" - Protesters Demanding Food Clash with
Soldiers as Covid-19 Cases Rise in Chile
Time for a Great Reset of the
Financial System
Trump and 'Q' on the Invisible
Enemy - The Extraterrestrial Factor
Español |
y 'Q' sobre el Enemigo Invisible - El Factor Extraterrestre |
Español |
Cuerpo y tu Mente No Son Suficientes - Quieren Tu Alma...
Español |
Una Carta al Futuro
 |
Uncanny Similarity of Unique
Inserts in the 2019-nCoV Spike Protein to HIV-1 gp120
and Gag
United Nations 'Agenda 2030' -
Driving Force behind COVID-19
U.S. Billionaires 'Gained $1 Trillion' since the
Pandemic Started
U.S. 'Intentionally released Covid
Virus in Wuhan' - EU Summit Told...
Viruses are pH Sensitive
Where is Earth's Timeline Going?
Controls 'The Cult'...?
WHO calls for Global System of Surveillance - Plus
more Authority over Nations and Billions more in Funding
WHO Director says the World
'Cannot Go Back to the Way Things Were' - His
'Solution'? A New World Order...
WHO finally admits Flu is
'DEADLIER' than COVID-19...!
Who Owns the World?
Why Covid-19 will end up Harming
the Environment
Why do Some People Support Tyranny
while others Defy It?
World Bank Document lists
'COVID-19 Program' ending in March 2025 - Stunning
World Health Organization (WHO)
uses Celebrities and Influencers to try to Manipulate
the Public - Is it Working?
World Health Organization (WHO)
using COVID to push Climate Change Agenda - Tucker
World Leaders Call for More
Globalization to 'Solve' Global 'Pandemic'
World War III - Depopulation,
Nuclear War vs. "Bio War
Your Body and Mind Aren't Enough -
They Want Your Soul...
Coronavirus and 5G |
5G and IoT - Total Technological
Control Grid being Rolled Out Fast
5G Frequencies Mimic COVID - The
5G Induces Coronaviruses - New
Study models Millimeter Wave Influence on DNA
5G Millimeter Waves are a Weapon
to make People Sick with Covid - Dr. Tom Cowan
 |
Technology and Induction of Coronavirus in Skin Cells
A Critical Examination of the
'Coronavirus-5G Connection'
China prepare further Massive 5G
Expansion in 2021
Doctor Reveals the 'Corona Effect'
- Claims COVID is Blood Coagulation
Español |
Coronavirus y la Electrificación de la Tierra - Dr. Thomas
Español |
Entrevista al Dr. Tom Cowan - Las
Ondas Milimétricas 5G son un Arma para enfermar a la
Gente con Covid
Español |
Estudio de la Correlación entre
Casos de Coronavirus y la presencia de Redes 5G
Español |
Estudio de la Relación entre Nº de
Casos Coronavirus/1000h y Localización de Antenas 5G
How "Surveillance and 5G" are
being Fast-Tracked under the pretext of 'Fighting
Italiano |
Il Sistema di Antroposofia di
Rudolf Steiner ha un Unico Criterio sull Nesso tra G5 e
i Virus
Español |
La Caída de los "Dioses"
Italiano |
La Cina prepara una ulteriore
Espansione Massiva di 5G nel 2021
Rudolf Steiner's System of
Anthroposophy has a Unique Take on the Connection
between 5G and Viruses
The 'Coronavirus 5G Connection'
and Coverup
 |
Coronavirus Caused by 5G?
Coronavirus and
Consciousness - Coronavirus y la Conciencia |
Are you Ready for the Revolution?
Breaking the Spell - MindSpace,
Trance Warfare, and Neuro Linguistic Programming
Español |
Conciencia COVID - ¿Un Contagioso
Despertar o una Realidad Consensuada?
 |
Vaccines from the Spiritual Perspective - Consequences on Soul and
Spirit and the Life after Death |
COVID Consciousness - A Contagion
of Awakening or a Consensus Reality? |
Español |
Da un Paso Adelante Humano Divino
- La Creciente Marea Mundial de la 'Conciencia Humana'
Italiano |
Esiste Vita sulla Terra? Uno 'Sperimento
Mentale' - Il Covid-19, una "Scossa" come Ultima
Opportunità per...
Español |
Finalizando la 'Pandemia' - ¿Qué
nos Deja y qué nos Desvela?
Getting beyond 'The Robot' - Some
Reflections on 'Paradoxical Freedom'
Español |
- ¿Hay
Vida en la Tierra? - Un 'Experimento Mental' - Covid-19 ¿una "Sacudida"
como Última Oportunidad...?
How to Win the War Against Tyranny |
Is COVID an Interdimensional
Disease? - An Alien Connection
Is There Life on Earth? - A
'Thought Experiment' - Is Covid-19 a 'Shock' for
Humanity's Final Chance?
Italiano |
La Psicologia del Totalitarismo
Español |
La Psicología del Totalitarismo
Español |
Miedos, Virus, Situación Global -
Mensaje Extraterrestre Pleyades
Vaccines, Transhumanism and the Battle for Our Souls
Español |
- ¡NO
te pongas a Dormir! ¡Este no es el Fin!
Español |
Rompiendo el Hechizo - Espacio
Mental, Armas de Trance y Programación Neuro Lingüística
Italiano |
Sei Pronto per la Rivoluzione?
Step Forth Divine Human - The
Worldwide Rising Tide of 'Human Consciousness'
The 'Long Range Matrix Agenda' and what we can do About
The Triumph of the Apocalyptics
Twelve Challenges for a Post-Covid
Shattered World
Español |
En Busca de la Verdad - Volver a
las Grandes Preguntas
 |
The Corona Crisis: Is the Tide
Turning? - Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0
Coronavirus and
Flu |
Can 5G Cause 'Flu-Like Symptoms
and Disease'? - Electrical Engineer Whistleblower
provides Answers...
Fatality Rate' lower than Expected - Close to Flu's 0.1%
says Study
Español |
Documentos revelan 'Portal Secreto
de Twitter' que el Gobierno usó para Censurar contenidos
sobre COVID-19
Fake Pandemic Re-Run -
Similarities between '1976 Swine Flu' and '2020 COVID'
Flu is Killing More People than
Covid-19 - And has been for Months - UK
does 'COVID-19' compare to the 'Spanish Flu'?
- "It's
Just the Flu with Minimal Mortality - Why has the Whole
World been Destroyed? That I Don't Know" - Says...
Español |
Lo que se Renombró como "COVID"
siempre ha sido solo una Variación de Enfermedad Similar
a la Influenza
Mysterious Disappearance of Flu in San Diego prompted
call for 'Audit of COVID Records'
Español |
Nuevos "Archivos de Twitter"
muestran que la empresa Ocultó Información sobre COVID
de Médicos y Expertos
After Study, After Study - COVID-19 Mortality Rate is
Similar to 'Seasonal Flu' - So Why the Insanity?
UK COVID Conundrum - The
Mysterious Case of 'Disappearing Flu'
UK Downgrades COVID-19 - No longer
a 'High Consequence Infectious Disease' |
What happened to "Flu Season?" - In the age of COVID,
"The Flu" has been Reclassified as Coronavirus...
was Rebranded as "COVID" has always just been a Variation of
Influenza-Like-Illness (ILI)
Hydroxychloroquine and
Other Alternatives |
Anatomy of "Crimes Against
Humanity" - Those published "17,000 Hydroxychloroquine
Deaths" Never Happened
Approved and Non-FDA Approved
Covid-19 Treatments - A Comparison
Big Pharma and All its Whores
Around the World
Italiano |
Pharma e Tutte le sue Prostitute nel Mondo
Big Pharma's Narrative is Failing - Hydroxychloroquine
and Covid-19
 |
Chloroquine Is a Potent Inhibitor
of SARS Coronavirus Infection and Spread
Español |
Cómo Explicarse la Creación de una
Falsa Narrativa COVID-19 y su Ratificación durante Seis
Doctors Speak Out on Censorship
and 'Mass Murderer Anthony Fauci's False Information' Hydroxychloroquine
How a 'False Hydroxychloroquine
Narrative' was Created
Hydroxychloroquine is 'The Key to
Defeating COVID-19' - Says Yale Epidemiologist
 |
Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine
with or without a Macrolide for treatment of COVID-19
Español |
La Corrupción de la Ciencia - El
Escándalo del 'Estudio de The Lancet' sobre la
MMS - Miracle Mineral Supplement
- Main File
Español |
Prevención del COVID - Una
Alternativa Efectiva a las Vacunas
- "Scientific
Corona Lies" and Big Pharma - Hydroxychloroquine versus
Gilead's Remdesivir: The 'LancetGate'
The Corruption of Science - The
Hydroxychloroquine 'Lancet Study' Scandal
The 'Great Technocrat War' against
Español |
Lancet' y 'NEJM' se Retractan de la Hidroxicloroquina -
¿Existe una Crisis en la Ciencia? |
The Media Sabotage of
Hydroxychloroquine Use for COVID-19 - Doctors Worldwide
Protest the Disaster
 |
White Paper on HCQ 2020
- by Simone Gold
Immunity - Inmunidad |
CDC vs. Natural Immunity -
Pandemic Lessons Learned
Español |
Científicos esperan 'Inmunidad de
Largo Plazo' al Covid-19 - Detectan Células-T para Lucha
contra SARS...
 |
SARS-CoV-2 Natural Immunity to Vaccine-induced immunity - Reinfections versus
Español |
Covid-19 - Más Cercano a la Verdad
- Exámenes e Inmunidad
 |
Duration of Humoral Immunity to
Common Viral and Vaccine Antigens
Español |
qué Casos se Adquiere Inmunidad frente al Coronavirus y
por qué hay Recaídas?
Español |
Inmunidad Natural al COVID-19 es
Superior a la Vacunación - Estudio Israelí
Is Natural Immunity more Effective
than the COVID Shot?
Español |
La Inmunidad Natural frente al
Covid-19 podría Durar para Toda la Vida
Natural Immunity to Coronavirus is
Comprehensive and Durable - Study
 |
SARS-CoV-2 infection induces
Long-Lived Bone Marrow Plasma cells in Humans
 |
SARS-CoV-2-specific T-cell
immunity in cases of COVID-19 and SARS, and uninfected
Scientist predicts 'Second Wave of
COVID-19' because 'Social Distancing' has Prevented
'Herd Immunity'
Sweden is 3 Weeks Away from 'Herd
Immunity' after Refusing a Total Lockdown
Lockdown, Quarantine -
Confinamiento, Cuarentena,
Encierros |
Italiano |
Ancora un altro Studio mostra -
nuovamente - che i Lockdown Non Funzionano
Anti-Lockdown Protests All Across
A Science-Based Alternative to
Lockdowns and Economic Destruction does Exist
Avoiding a 'Climate Lockdown'
A 'World Gone Mad' - The Cost of
COVID Lockdowns - Analysis
Español |
Capitalismo Global - "Gobierno
Mundial" y la Crisis del Coronavirus
- 'Catastrophically
Wrong' - German Court declares regional Lockdown
Unconstitutional in 'Politically Explosive'...
Italiano |
Censura en YouTube del
Epidemiólogo Knut Wittkowski opposto al Lockdown - Vedi
il Video Cancellato
Children Have 0.00% Chance of
Dying from COVID - But are Harmed for Life by Social
Distancing, which...
China's Dramatic Dissent
Lockdowns are Coming
Italiano |
Come i Fanatici 'Hanno conquistato
il Mondo'...
Español |
Cómo Engañar a toda la Humanidad
utilizando una "prueba" para Encerrar a la Sociedad -
PCR para COVID-19
Español |
Confinamiento - Análisis de una
Experiencia Piloto de Obediencia en Masa
Covid-19 - Assessment of Massive
Covid-19 Lockdowns in Third World
result in 'Starvation and Police Assaults'...
Español |
Covid-19 y "Amanecer Rojo"
Español |
Cuando reina la Sensatez - Suecia
Revoca Medidas contra Covid-19 a Grupos de Riesgo
Español |
Después de todo parece que Suecia tenía la Razón - Política
sobre el Coronavirus
Did Bill Gates just Reveal the
'Reason Behind the Lock-Downs'?
Did Lockdowns cause Increased
Mortality Rates
 |
Did Lockdowns Work? -
The Verdict on Covid Restrictions
Digital Vaccine Certificates after
Continued Lockdown - Plans for Post-Coronavirus World
Dr. Anthony Fauci's Ties to George
Soros, Bill & Hillary Clinton, the WHO, Bill Gates & the
'Big Pharma Mafia'
Español |
El Demoledor Diagnóstico del
Premio Nobel Michael Levitt sobre las Cuarentenas - "No
Salvaron Ninguna Vida" |
Español |
El Distanciamiento Social de la Democracia |
Español |
El País Menos Autoritario de
Europa - El enfoque Bielorruso hacia Covid-19 expone la
Mentira del Confinamiento |
Español |
El Paradigma de los Encierros se
Derrumba - Covid-19 |
Español |
Estimación de la Verdadera
Magnitud de la 'Pandemia' y las Muertes por el
Confinamiento |
are 'Waking Up' to Government Covid-19 Tyranny - Why is
America still Asleep?
Español |
que Defendían los Cierres, ahora dicen que 'Estaban
Fauci Declares "You Use Lockdowns
to Get People Vaccinated" - Praises China's insane
Gangs in Brazil Enforce their Own
Lockdown after Bolsonaro writes off Coronavirus as
Italiano |
Gli Europei si stanno "Risvegliando" contro la Tirannia del
Governo per il Covid 19 - Gli Americani Dormono?
Global Capitalism - "World
Government" and the Corona Crisis
How Belarus Exposes the 'Lockdown
Lie' |
How Fanatics 'Took Over the World'... |
Italiano |
I Certificati Digitali del Vaccino
dopo un Blocco Continuo - Piani per il Mondo Post
Italiano |
Capitalismo Globale - "Il Governo del Mondo" e la Crisi del
Italiano |
Dott. Scott Atlas della Casa Bianca - 'Il Lockdown più
Dannoso del Virus'
Italiano |
Il Mito che i 'Lockdowns Fermano
la Pandemia'
Italians 'Rise Up' against "Health
Dictatorship" as Country Moves toward New Lockdown |
Español |
La Cuarentena - ¿Vale la Pena?
Español |
La Farsa y Diabólica Agenda de "Un
Bloqueo Universal"
Español |
La Locura del Confinamiento - Guía
de la Persona Pensante
Español |
La Mente Totalitaria - Donald G.
Lockdown One Year On - It Doesn't
Work, it Never Worked and it Wasn't Supposed to Work...!
Lockdowns have Killed what's Left
of the United Nations' "Credibility"
Looks like Sweden was Right After
All - Coronavirus Policy
Mafia 'Steps In' to Provide Food
for Italians Struggling during Lockdown
Medical Martial Law - Is this How
they Plan to Lock Down planet Earth?
Español |
Merkel Cede ante las Críticas y
Anula el Confinamiento Estricto pactado para Semana
Español |
- ¿No
Cumplir con Reglas de Distanciamiento Social significa
que eres un Psicópata? - La Respuesta es Obvia...
Chart Exposes the Lie behind Universal Lockdowns due
to Coronavirus
Español |
Operación 'Lock-Step' - La
Siniestra Agenda detrás de Covid-19
'Lock-Step' - The Sinister Agenda behind Covid-19
Planet Lockdown - A Documentary
Español |
Post Encierro Covid-19 - La Jugada
de Rockefeller
Post Lockdown - The Rockefeller
Game Plan
for the Coming "Climate Lockdowns"
Quarantine in the Ancient World
Quarantine - Is It Worth It?
Español |
Río de Janeiro - Las Muertes por
Coronavirus Caen desde hace Cuatro Semanas
Italiano |
- "Sbagliato
in modo Catastrofico" - Il Tribunale Tedesco dichiara il
Lockdown regionale Incostituzionale...
Italiano |
- "Stato
d'Emergenza? - Basta" - Virologi smascherano Conte
Italiano |
- "Stop
al Lockdown" - Cresce nel Mondo la Protesta
Swedish Health Chief said Country
Avoided Lockdown to Prevent "Pandemic Fatigue" -
Italiano |
Taiwan - No Lockdown, No Chiusure
delle Attività, Non sono Membri dell'OMS e Pochi Infetti
da COVID-19
Taiwan - No Lockdowns, No Closed
Businesses, Non-WHO Member and Relatively Unaffected by
The China Lockdown Example -
Origin of the War against the Population of Earth -
Pretense of Containing a...
The China Model unravels in
Shanghai - Lockdowns
The Farce and Diabolical Agenda of
a "Universal Lockdown"
The Fog of War - Proof Masks and
Lockdowns are Worthless
The Myth that 'Lockdowns Stop
 |
The Premonition - A Pandemic Story
- by Michael Lewis
The 'Smoking Gun' - COVID
Restrictions are Not about Health
Twenty Grim Realities Unearthed by
UN Officials cite Study that finds
'Lockdowns and School Closures' are Killing More
Children than COVID-19
Español |
Veinte Realidades Sombrías
desenterradas por los Confinamientos del Covid
What were the Economic
Consequences of the Unjustifiable COVID Lockdowns?
White House's Dr. Scott Atlas -
'Lockdown More Harmful the Virus'
Why Lockdowns Don't Work and Hurt
the Most Vulnerable
Yet another Study shows - Yet
Again - that Lockdowns Don't Work
 |
Your Facebook Friends are Wrong
about the Lockdown - A Non-Hysteric's Guide to COVID-19
YouTube Censors epidemiologist
Knut Wittkowski for Opposing Lockdown - Here is the
Deleted Video
Español |
- ¿Y
Si el Confinamiento Fuera Todo un Error Garrafal?
 |
The Premonition - A Pandemic Story
- by Michael Lewis |
Español |
España, Reino Unido y Australia a
la Vanguardia del 'Totalitarismo Global'
 |
How they Pulled Off the 'Pandemic'
- An Animated Film Explanation by David Icke
 |
Nobel Laureate slams "Disgraceful"
Scientific reaction to Pandemic
 |
Planet Lockdown
 |
The Fact-Free Lockdown Hysteria
Passport Covid / Pasaporte
Covid |
Brilliant! - How Russians Crushed
Moscow's 'Vaccine Passports' in Just 3 Weeks
Español |
El "Pasaporte Covid" es
Inconstitucional y propio de Dictaduras Comunistas
England Ends All COVID
Restrictions - Passports, Mask Mandates and Work
Español |
En medio de la Guerra en Ucrania, la ONU inicia un Proceso
para definir Mecanismos Internacionales ante...
EU Commits to Lockdowns, Vaccine
Passports, Mask Mandates
Global Technocrats likely behind
Trudeau's 'Sudden Reversal of Emergency Orders'
of the Great Reset - What the Future might look like in
2021... if the 'Controlling Elites' have Their Way
Serial Liar Bill Gates is now
Denying Ever talking about 'Digital Vaccine Passports' -
But there's Video Proof
The "Killer Covid Vaccine"
Worldwide - 7.9 Billion People
The Tricks they're playing to 'Get
You Vaccinated'
 |
The Truth about Covid-19 -
Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports...
- by
Mercola |
U.S. Firm combines Nanotechnology,
Blockchain for COVID-19 immunity Passports |
Vaccine Passports - One Passport to Rule Them All
What You Need to Know about the 'WHO Pandemic Treaty'
Tests - PCR and Others / Tests - Pruebas PCR
y Otras |
Español |
Acerca del Fraude del Examen 'PCR'
Testing for COVID-19
Are PCR Tests 'Secret Vaccines'...?
Beware of Covid PCR Testing and
the Relentless "Vaccinate Vaccinate Vaccinate" Campaign...
Biggest Lie in World History -
There Never Was a 'Pandemic'
Italiano |
Bill Gates forse è stato Ingannato...?
Bill Gates Foundation funded
China's Genomics firm 'Mining DNA Data' through COVID
CDC to withdraw Emergency use
Authorization for 'RT PCR Test' - It can't Distinguish
between SARS-CoV-2...
Common Cold may Trigger Positive
'COVID-19 Antibody Test'
Español |
Crear una Falsa Pandemia
Español |
Cómo Engañar a toda la Humanidad
utilizando una "prueba" para Encerrar a la Sociedad -
PCR para COVID-19
Coronavirus Cases Plummet when PCR
Tests are Adjusted
Scandal' breaking in Merkel's Germany
Español |
Covid-19 - Más Cercano a la Verdad
- Exámenes e Inmunidad
PCR Tests' are Scientifically Meaningless
Covid-19 "Positive Cases" down 62%
since World Health Organization Updated 'PCR Guidance'
Covid - To Governors who are
Re-opening your States - How to Defeat the Attacks
against You
Español |
Denuncia Pública en Argentina a la OMS - La 'Pandemia'
del Covid-19
 |
Detection of 2019 novel Coronavirus
by real-time RT-PCR (Corman-Drosten Paper) - by Christian Drosten
 |
Development and pre-clinical
evaluation of Newcastle disease virus-vectored SARS-CoV-2
intranasal vaccine...
Español |
El Aislamiento del Virus en los
pacientes y Los Test Rt PCR son un Fraude y detectan
Retrovirus Endógenos...
Español |
El Juego de los Números del
Covid-19 - La 'Segunda Ola' Está Basada en Falsas
Español |
El Resfriado Común puede dar
Positiva una 'Prueba de Anticuerpos COVID-19'
Español |
En los Próximos diez días la
Prueba de PCR en los Estados Unidos será Declarada
Español |
Escándalo - El Banco Mundial
exportó Aparatos de Prueba de diagnóstico de Covid-19 en
los años 2017 y 2018
Scary Thing' you're being told depends on "The
Unreliable PCR Test" - Covid-19
Español |
Examen de Diagnóstico del COVID -
El Peor Alguna Vez Diseñado
Español |
Expertos Internacionales sugieren
que hasta el 90% de Casos COVID podrían ser Falsos
Mr. Bill Gates been Fooled...?
How the 'PCR Test' has Killed
Millions - And is still Killing...!
How to Create a False Pandemic
Landmark Legal Ruling finds that
Covid Tests are Not Fit for Purpose - So what do the MSM
do? They ignore it
Italiano |
La Misteriosa Morte del più Famoso
Critico di Fauci... la sua Nemesi il Dr. Kary Mullis!
Español |
OMS Cambia los Criterios de la Prueba de PCR para
'Encubrir los Falsos Positivos'...
Español |
OMS Confirma que la Prueba de PCR es Defectuosa - No tiene Validez
Español |
La OMS finalmente Admite que las
Pruebas de PCR crean 'Falsos Positivos'
Español |
La PCR No Detecta el SARS-CoV-2 -
La Estafa se Constata
Español |
La Prueba PCR es una Técnica
diseñada Exclusivamente para Amplificar el ADN
Español |
La Secuencia del Cebador de la
'Prueba PCR' de Coronavirus de la OMS se encuentra en
Todo el ADN Humano
Italiano |
L'OMS Conferma che il Test PCR per Covid-19 è Difettoso
Nanomaterials are in the Covid-19 Jabs, Masks and Swabs
Mass PCR Testing - The Fatal
Español |
Pandemia Manufacturada -
Examinando a la Gente en Busca de Cualquier Variante de
un Coronavirus...
- "Pandemic
is Over" - Former 'Pfizer Chief Science Officer' says
"Second Wave" faked on False-Positive Tests
Test 'Casedemic' - How Technocrats Intentionally Weaponized
Bad Science
PCR Tests are Used to cause
'Disease Panic'
 |
PCR - The Polymerase Chain
Reaction - by Kary Mullis
Español |
Por qué si das Positivo en una
Prueba PCR es Imperativo Averiguar el Umbral del Ciclo
que se Ejecutó
Español |
Pruebas Masivas de PCR - La Idea
Español |
Pseudo-Epidemia - El Covid-19
Nunca se Acabará - ¿Por qué...?
Español |
Revelan Graves Errores en el
Modelo que se usó para establecer la Prueba PCR como
Método de Diagnóstico
 |
Role of Exosomes in False-Positive
Covid-19 PCR Tests
Patented Covid-19 Biometric Tests in 2015 and 2017
Español |
Suecia Deja de Utilizar las
Pruebas PCR - El ARN de los Virus puede 'Detectarse
Meses Después de la Infección'
Sweden Stops using PCR Tests - RNA
from Viruses can be 'Detected for Months After
Español |
Te pueden Vacunar con una Prueba
de PCR incluso Sin Saberlo - Confirma la Universidad
Johns Hopkins
The Ignorance and Deception
surrounding 'PCR Tests' for COVID-19
The Insanity of the PCR Testing
The Mysterious Death of Dr Fauci's
Most Notable Critic... His Nemesis: Dr. Kary Mullis!
The PCR Covid Tests Don't Work -
Bombshell Admission
The PCR False Positive
The PCR Test can Kill you - And
could be Used to Vaccinate You...
 |
The Scam has been Confirmed - PCR
does Not detect SARS-CoV-2
The Unsuitability of PCR Tests and
Rapid Tests for measuring the Incidence of Infection -
The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed
UK Government finally admits 'PCR
Test Generates False Positives' - The Fine Print |
Italiano |
Sentenza Giuridica Storica rivela che I Test Covid non sono
Adatti allo Scopo quindi cosa fa l'MMS? Ignora... |
Vaccinated with a PCR Test even
Without Knowing? - Confirmed by Johns Hopkins University
Was the 'Covid-19 Test' meant to
Detect a Virus?
a Vaccine is Not a Vaccine and a Test is Not a Test
WHO admits High-Cycle PCR Tests Produce 'COVID False
Positives' - Right On Cue for Biden...
WHO changes PCR Test Criteria to 'Cover-up False
WHO finally admits PCR Tests
create 'False Positives'
World Health Organization's
updated guidance for PCR COVID-19 testing will likely
lower positive cases
You can be Vaccinated with a PCR
Test even Without Knowing - Johns Hopkins University
 |
Scary Thing' you're being told depends on "The
Unreliable PCR Test" - Covid-19
 |
Kary Mullis, Inventor of PCR Test
- "PCR is Not a Reliable Test for Viruses"
Español |
PCR - La Estafa ha sido Confirmada
 |
The Mysterious Death of Dr.
Fauci’s Most Notable Critic - Dr. Kary Mullis
 |
There is No Corona Pandemic but
only a 'PCR Test' Plandemic - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
 |
"Smoking Guns" of a Manufactured Pandemic - Kristina
Borjesson and Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
The New Normal - La Nueva
Normalidad |
Español |
11 Septiembre 2001 - Los Paralelos
entre el 'New Normal' Post-terrorista y el del Covid-19
No Pueden Ignorarse
Climate, Covid, Control... and
Español |
Cibernética y la Nueva Normalidad
Invasion of the 'New Normals'...
Español |
La Escalofriante Vuelta a la
'Normalidad' en Estados Unidos
Español |
La Ideología de la 'Normalidad' a
la que se quiere Regresar es Más Letal que el Virus
Español |
La Invasión de los 'Nuevos
Español |
La Tiranía de la Tecnocracia - La
Nueva Normalidad No Es Normal
Español |
La Tormenta del Totalitarismo se
Microchips, Nanotechnology and
Implanted Biosensors - The New Normal...?
Two Decades after 9/11, Parallels between the Post-terrorist
Attack 'New Normal' and that of Covid-19...
Our Brainwashed Covid Youth
Permacrisis - The New Normal
Technocracy's Tyranny - The New
Normal Isn't Normal
- 'Take
Off the Mask!' - Thousands gather in London for 'Unite
for Freedom' Rally, demanding 'Back to Normal Now'
The Cult of the Brave 'New Normal'...
 |
The New Normal - A Documentary
The Numbers - Los Números |
42% of 'All COVID-19 Deaths in the
U.S.' occurred in Nursing Homes
A 'Closer Look' at U.S. deaths due
to COVID-19
Italiano |
Atrocità Commesse dai Governi
contro i loro Cittadini
Committed by Governments against their Citizens
- External
Link - Daily Update
CDC Quietly updated COVID-19
Numbers - Only 9,210 Americans Died from it Alone
Covid-19 - A 'Once in a Century
Fiasco' in the Making...
 |
Covid-19 Data Collection,
Comorbidity & Federal Law - A Historical Retrospective
Covid-19 Mortality Rate may be
'Considerably Less Than 1%'
Italiano |
Covid-19 si rivela Essere una
Enorme Beffa perpetrata dai Media
Español |
Covid-19 - Un 'Fiasco de Una Vez
en Un Siglo' en Proceso de Desarrollo...
Italiano |
Covid-19 - Un 'Fiasco di una Volta
in un Secolo' in Fase di Sviluppo...
Español |
- ¿Cuántas
Personas tienen 'Coronavirus'? - ¿Ninguna...?
Español |
Cuatro Mil Millones de 'Comelones
Inútiles' serán Sacrificados para 2050 - John Coleman,
publicado en 1993
 |
Demographic Science Aids in
Understanding the Spread and Fatality rates of COVID-19
Español |
Después de todo parece que Suecia tenía la Razón - Política
sobre el Coronavirus
Español |
El 85 % de los casi 20.000
Fallecidos por COVID-19 en Perú Padecía Obesidad
Español |
El Director Médico del Reino Unido
confirma, nuevamente que, Covid-19 es "Inofensivo para
la Gran Mayoría"
Español |
El Error del 1% - Cómo un Error
Matemático de los 'Expertos' en Covid-19 de EE.UU. causó
Pánico... |
Español |
En toda Europa las Muertes son
Mucho Mayores Ahora que en los 'Años Pandémicos' de 2020
y 2021
Experts estimate 20 Million are
already Dead due to COVID Vaccination and over 2 Billion
Four Billion "Useless Eaters" to
be Culled by 2050 - John Coleman, published 1993
Global Uprising Underway - How
many People Have 'Really Died from COVID-19'?
Government reveals the
'Quadruple/Triple Vaccinated' now account for 92% of
COVID Deaths across Canada
Italiano |
Gran Pasticcio nel Rapporto sui
Decessi - Per l'ISS gran parte dei Morti non li ha
causati il Covid
Hospitals Now #1 Cause of Death -
Medical Kidnapping the Norm as Patients are Sacrificed
on the Altar of COVID
How many People have 'Coronavirus'?
- None...?
How the 'Pandemic' Was Fabricated
Italiano |
Il Tasso di Mortalità del
Coronavirus è più Basso delle Aspettative - Vicino allo
0,1% dell’Influenza afferma...
 |
Investigating the
impact of influenza on excess mortality in all ages in Italy
during recent seasons...
Is this what's Behind Italy's
Outrageous 10% Mortality Rate from COVID-19?
Español |
Italia estima que más de 1,4
Millones se habrían Infectado de Coronavirus - Bajísima
Tasa de Mortalidad
Italy's suspected Covid Death
Tally corrected from 132,161 to 3,783... - Covid
Hysteria was 97% Fiction
Español |
Las Cifras de Muerte por Covid-19
son "Una Sobreestimación Sustancial"
Español |
Las Matemáticas del Coronavirus 'Covid-19'
Looks like Sweden was Right After
All - Coronavirus Policy
Español |
Los CDC 'Inflaron' las Tasas de
Mortalidad por COVID-19 en un 1600% - Informe
Español |
Los Engañosos Números de la
'Pandemia' - ¿Por qué Muere la Gente?
Español |
Los Números Oficiales prueban que
el COVID-19 es BENIGNO - Locura global...
Español |
Los Números Oficiales prueban que
el COVID-19 sigue siendo Benigno - 90 Días de Locura...
More Evidence shows Total Deaths
in 2020 are No Different than Prior Years
My Investigation of the So-Called
COVID 'Deaths'...
Official Covid-19 Death Numbers -
The Fraud and The Killing
Official discuss 'Changing Covid
Patient Count' to make it 'More Scary for the Public' -
Leaked Video
- "Open
Up Society Now" say Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin
Español |
Periódico de Johns Hopkins elimina
un Estudio que examina la "Tasa de Mortalidad por
Praise the 'Lord' and Pass the
Italiano |
Quante Persone hanno il
'Coronavirus'? - Nessuna…?
Italiano |
Report sulle Caratteristiche dei
Pazienti Deceduti Positivi a COVID-19 in Italia
- "Scientific
Corona Lies" and Big Pharma - Hydroxychloroquine versus
Gilead's Remdesivir: The 'LancetGate'
Stanford Physicians suggest
COVID-19 could have 'Lower Mortality Rate than Flu'
Stanford Team finds Evidence
COVID-19 Mortality Rate is as Low as 0.2% - 17 Times
Lower than WHO's...
Español |
Sublevación Global en Marcha - ¿Cuántas
Personas han 'Muerto Realmente de COVID-19'?
The 1% Blunder - How a Simple but
Fatal Math Mistake by US Covid-19 "experts" caused the
World to Panic...
The CDC confirms 'Remarkably Low
Coronavirus Death Rate' - Where is the Media?
The Country with Zero COVID Deaths
The Great COVID Death Coverup
The Role of Hospitals, Covid
Injections and 5G in Genocide Depopulation
The Way 'Covid Deaths' are being
Counted is a National Scandal...
Español |
Un Informe Revela que el "94% de
las Muertes" no ha sido Únicamente por COVID-19
Books - Treatises |
 |
A Plague Upon Our
House - by Scott Atlas
 |
Covid-19 and the Global Predators
- We Are the
- by Peter Breggin
Español |
Covid-19 - El Gran Reset
- por Klaus Schwab y Thierry Malleret
 |
Covid-19 - The Greatest Hoax in
- by Dr. Vernon Coleman
 |
Covid-19 - The Great Reset
- by K.Schwab and T.Malleret
 |
Operation - What Happened, Why It Happened and What's Next
- by Pamela Popper
Español |
- ¡Despierta!
- Cómo las Élites están Controlando el Mundo -
Fernando Paz
 |
of a Rich Gene Ppool of Bat SARS-related Coronaviruses
provides new insights into Origin of SARS...
Español |
El Fraude del Covid-19 y la Guerra
Contra la Humanidad
- por Mark Bailey y John Bevan-Smith
Español |
El Mito del Contagio
- por T.Cowan, S.Morell
Español |
El Relato Pandémico - Medioevo
2.0: Supersticiones, Dogmas e Inquisición
- por Nicolás Ponsiglione
 |
Endonuclease Fingerprint indicates
a Synthetic Origin of SARS-CoV-2
- by A.Washburne, V.Bruttel, A.VanDongen
Español |
- ¿Es
el VIH al SIDA lo que el SARSCoV-2 es al COVID? -
por Andrew Kaufman et.al.
 |
Evidence Regarding Vitamin D and
Risk of COVID-19 and Its Severity - by Joseph
 |
Extraordinary Popular Delusions
and the Madness of Crowds - by
 |
Report of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic
 |
Guide to Trance-Formation - How to
Harness the Power of Hypnosis to Ignite Effortless and
Lasting Change
 |
How to Stop your Doctor Killing
- by Vernon Coleman
 |
- by J.D. Morvan and Huang Jia Wei - EU Publications
 |
Inside Corona
- by Thomas Röper
 |
Is HIV to AIDS what SARS-CoV-2 is
to COVID? - by
Andrew Kaufman et.al.
 |
Just Say No! - by Chris
Español |
Verdad de la Pandemia
- por Cristina Martín Jiménez
 |
My Gov't Told Me - And the Better Future Coming
- by
Robert W. Malone
Español |
Los Ojos de la Oscuridad
- por Dean Koontz
 |
National Covid-19 Testing Action
Plan -
by The Rockefeller Foundation
 |
Patent 7279327 - Methods for
Producing Recombinant Coronavirus
 |
Racial/Ethnic Variation in Nasal
Gene Expression of Transmembrane Serine Protease 2
 |
Snake Oil - How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World
- by Michael P. Senger
Español |
Diga No...!
- por
Chris Sky
 |
The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona
Crisis, Destroying Civil Society and the "Great Reset"
- by Michel Chossudovsky
 |
The Covid-19 Fraud and War on Humanity -
by Dr. Mark Bailey and Dr. John Bevan-Smith
 |
The Contagion Myth -
Why Viruses (including Coronavirus) are Not the Cause of Disease -
by T.Cowan, S.Morell
 |
The Crowd - A Study of the Popular
- by Gustave Le Bon |
 |
The Eyes of Darkness -
by Dean Koontz under the pseudonym Leigh Nichols
 |
The Invisible Rainbow - A History
of Electricity and Life - by Arthur
 |
The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2
- by Kristian G. Andersen, Edward C. Holmes, Robert F.
Garry et.al. |
 |
The Psychology of Totalitarianism
- by Mattias Desmet |
 |
The Real Anthony Fauci
- by Robert Kennedy Jr. |
 |
The Truth about COVID-19
- by
Mercola and Ronnie Cummins |
 |
The Wisdom of Plagues'
- by Donald G. McNeil |
 |
The Worldwide Corona Crisis -
Global Coup d'État Against Humanity - by
Michel Chossudovsky |
 |
The Wuhan Cover-Up - by
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Español |
la Verdad sobre el COVID-19
por Joseph
Mercola y Ronnie Cummins |
Multimedia |
 |
2019 Biological Attack in UK?
 |
2030 Health Dictatorship
Español |
- La Comisión de Investigación Extra-Parlamentaria del
 |
Are Spike Proteins being Released
onto Cities? - Dr. Lee Merritt
Ital-Esp-Eng |
Ascolta...! ¡Escucha...! Listen...!
Español |
- ¿Ataque
Biológico en 2019 en Gran Bretaña?
Español |
Banco Mundial y OMS - Su Relación
con el Corona-Plan
 |
Big Pharma's Nano Tech Rape of All
Español |
Bill Gates nos Pone al Corriente
de los Planes de la Élite
 |
Bombshell Docs Reveal COVID-19
Cover-Up Goes Straight to the Top - Redacted with
Clayton Morris
Español |
Cómo Rockefeller fundó la Medicina
Moderna y Acabó con las Curas Naturales - Clip
Español |
Contagio - Un Mito a Comprender
 |
Coronavirus and the Global
Orwellian State - David Icke
Italiano |
Coronavirus Clinicamente Non
Esiste Più...! - Alberto Zangrillo, Ospedale San
Italiano |
Coronavirus - È Stato il
Español |
Coronavirus - La Fuga del
Laboratorio de Wuhan ya no es una "Teoría de la
Español |
COVID-19 al Descubierto
 |
COVID-19 Plandemic - A Known Live
"Training and Simulation Exercise"
under WHO
Español |
COVID-19 - Pretexto para
Implementar Agenda del Nuevo Orden Mundial
 |
COVID-19 Round Table in DC with
Sen. Ron Johnson
Español |
COVIDLAND - El Encierro
 |
COVIDLAND - The Lockdown
Español |
Creo que el Universo tiene su
manera de Devolver su Equilibrio a las Cosas
 |
Crimes Against Humanity - The
Covid 'Pandemic' Case
Español |
David Icke - La Conspiración del Coronavirus
- Covid 19 y 5G |
 |
David Icke - The
Coronavirus Conspiracy - Covid19 and 5G |
Español |
Declaraciones del Gran Jurado,
Tribunal Popular Opinión Pública - Reiner Füllmich
Español |
Despertar Masivo - Manifiesto a
Favor de la Libertad de los Seres Humanos
Español |
Dictadura Sanitaria 2030
 |
Doctor Roger Hodkinson destroys
'Utterly Unfounded Public Hysteria' over COVID-19
 |
Does the Virus Exist? Has
SARS-CoV-2 Been Isolated? - Interview with Christine
 |
Donald Trump reveals where he
Stands on COVID - New Viral Video
Español |
- "El
Antídoto Universal - Agua Amarilla" - Documental
Español |
El Futuro Nos Pertenece - ¡Por La
Español |
- 'El
Plan' - Foro Económico Mundial y Otros...
Español |
El Proyecto Immanuel - Trasfondo
Científico de la "Crisis" del Covid-19
Español |
El Ser Humano es el Único Animal
que Necesita un Amo para Poder Vivir
Español |
Explicando la 'Pandemia' Global -
David Icke
 |
REAL numbers that will make you feel SAFE
Español |
Fascismo Internacional prohibe la entrada
a David Icke en 26 Paises
Español |
George Soros y Bill Gates están detrás de
la 'Pandemia' Covid-19 - Señala el periodista Javier Villamor
 |
- The COVID-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee - ACU
 |
Global Warming and the "Pandemic"
- Interview - Bill Gates speaks to Rt. Hon. Jeremy Hunt
 |
Greetings, Useless Eaters - A
Message from your 'Global Human Health Overlord'
 |
How they Pulled Off the 'Pandemic'
- David Icke
 |
Humanity on its Feet
 |
If there Really is a 'Pandemic',
then How Come...?
Italiano |
Il Riscaldamento Globale e la "Pandemia"
- Intervista: Bill Gates parla con Rt.Hon.Jeremy Hunt MP
 |
Interview with Rashid Buttar -
Covid-19 and Global Deceit
 |
It is Time to Say... NO!
Español |
- ¿La
Pandemia del Miedo? - Pastor francés Explica el
Confinamiento por Covid-19 |
Español |
La Plandemia Organizada por la Fundación Rockefeller,
Expuesta en el Parlamento Holandés
Español |
La Primavera No lo Sabía...
Español |
Las Diez Estrategias de
Manipulación Mediática - "Nos Conocen mejor que Nosotros"...
Español |
La Verdad detrás de la Pandemia de Coronavirus - Bloqueo Covid-19 y Colapso Económico -
David Icke |
Italiano |
L'Elite Globale e il Colpo di
Stato del Coronavirus - Con Patrick Wood
Español |
Médico Italiano Roberto Petrella
advierte a la Población: Covid-19
 |
Meet Bill Gates
 |
New 'Crop Circle' with Covid-19
Healing Code
Español |
- "No
podemos Esterilizar el Universo" - Los Virus nuestro
Vecinos y "Compañeros"...
Español |
Nueva Visión de la Crisis del
Coronavirus - Entrevista a Andreas Kalcker
Español |
Nuevo 'Crop Circle' con el Código
de Curación del Covid-19
Italiano |
Nuova Visione sulla crisi del
Coronavirus - Intervista a Andreas Kalcker
Italiano |
Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, Covid-19 e
la Fondazione Gates - Sara Cunial
Italiano |
Obedece, Vacúnate y Muere Ingenuo
Español |
Obediencia Ciega e Hipnosis
Colectiva - La Humanidad está Viviendo una Tragedia
Inmensa con el Covid-19
Español |
 |
Opening Statements at Grand Jury,
Court of Public Opinion - Reiner Füllmich
Español |
Pandemia y Super-ricos
Español |
Plandemia - En el Mundo de Los
 |
Plandemic 3 - The Great Awakening
- Introduction
 |
Plandemic 2 - 'Indoctornation'
 |
Plandemic 1 - The Event 201
Es-En |
Leap - MMS
Español |
- ¿Qué
Podemos Hacer? - Déjame Contarte una Historia Real...
Italiano |
Questa è la Battaglia che potrebbe
farci Vincere la Guerra
Español |
Si No Existe tal Bicho... ¿De qué
Muere y Enferma tanta Gente?
 |
Stop Cooperating with the Authorities - David Icke
 |
The Anatomy of Covid-19
 |
Answer' - David Icke at London Real - August 2, 2020
 |
The Corona Crisis: Is the Tide
Turning? - Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0
 |
The Covid-19 Fraud and War on
Humanity |
 |
The Covid-19 Genocide of 2020 -
Claire Edwards |
 |
The Global Elite and The
Coronavirus Coup D'état with Patrick Wood |
 |
The Great Awakening and The
Plandemic Series |
 |
- 'The
Great Reset' - Davos, Soros, Gates, the UN, Trump and
 |
Next Outbreak? - We're Not Ready - Bill Gates at TED -
Pandemic 'Predicted' in 2015, today's Covid-19?
 |
The Pushback - The Day the World
Stood Together - Oracle Films
 |
There is No Variant... Not
Novel... No Pandemic! - Dr David E. Martin with Reiner
 |
- "These
People Killed Millions" - Dr. Andrea Stramezzi on
'Preventable COVID Deaths and Culprits'
 |
"Smoking Guns" of a Manufactured Pandemic - Kristina
Borjesson and Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
 |
The Truth behind the Coronavirus
Pandemic - Covid-19 Lockdown and the Economic Crash -
David Icke
 |
- "The
Universal Antidote - Yellow Water" - Documental
 |
The Viganò Tapes - The Complete
 |
The Vindication - Rose/Icke 6 |
 |
Thierry Baudet - 2010 Document
allegedly Exposes Rockefeller Foundation and Globalist
 |
This is the Battle that could WIN
us the War
Italiano |
Tutto Quello che Stanno
Nascondendo sul Coronavirus - La denuncia del Dr. Shiva
 |
Uncovering The Corona Narrative -
Ernst Wolff
Español |
Un Crimen Oculto - La "Plandemia"
 |
Unprecedented Climate and
Temperature whiplash Scenarios
 |
Virus-Isolation, Is It Real? -
Andrew Kaufman MD responds to Jeremy Hammond
 |
- "We
Can't Sanitize The Universe" - Viruses, our Neighbors and
 |
Have the Evidence' - Reiner Fuellmich on suing the WHO
 |
We Will Not Be Silenced - Brian
Rose Documentary Movie
 |
What is Technocracy, Who are the
Technocrats and What is their Agenda
 |
WHO's to Thank...
 |
are Lying about the Number of Deaths caused by the
Coronavirus - Vittorio Sgarbi in Italy
Related Reports |
5G - The Great Connection Risk and
Control - Main File
AIDS - Man-Made
Main File
- Main File
Biden - A 2021 U.S. President
- Main File
Main File
Depopulation of Planet Earth -
Main File
- Global Pandemic or Global Hoax? -
Main File
Influenza - Virus H1N1
- Unintentional
Contamination or Bioterrorism?
Main File
Killer Vaccines - Vacunas Que
- Main File
Microbiome - Our Microbes and
- Main File
The Global Elite - The
Transnational Capitalist Class
- Main File
The WHO - World 'Health'
- Main File