Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a virus closely

related to the SARS virus.



Now officially called the severe acute respiratory

coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)



Certificate Of Vaccination Identification:

(C.O.V.I.D.)-Artificial Intelligence

(1 represents the first letter in the alphabet = A

and 9 represents the ninth letter in the alphabet = I)









 -  '1 in a Billion' chance Covid emerged from Nature - Scientist tells Lawmakers


 -  Ab8 COVID-19 Drug Breakthrough - Tiny Antibody Component completely neutralizes the SARS-CoV-2 Virus


 -  Acerca del Coronavirus y Su Manejo - Ron Paul


 -  A Fiasco in the Making? - As the 'Coronavirus Pandemic' takes hold, we are Making Decisions without...


 -  A.I. 'Spills the Beans' about the Covid-19 Event


 -  Algo Relacionado con el Coronavirus


 -  All-cause Mortality during Covid-19 - No Plague, but 'Likely Mass Homicide' by Government Response


 -  An Important Message for Future Generations!


 -  Argentina entre los Diez Países 'elegidos' por la OMS para Probar Terapias contra el Coronavirus


 -  A Sea of Change in COVID Sentiment - A Collapsing 'pandemic' Narrative


 -  Attorney Dr. Reiner Füllmich elucidates the Mechanics of PSYOP-19


 -  Back to Metaphysics - Covid-19 and 'What is Going On' in the World


 -  Banco Mundial exportó Aparatos de Prueba de Diagnóstico de Covid-19 en los años 2017 y 2018


 -  Banco Mundial y OMS - Su Relación con el Corona-Plan


 - "Bastille 2022" - Building a Worldwide Movement Against "Corona Tyranny"


 -  Bicarbonate proves to be 'Cheapest Fastest Safest COVID Treatment'


 -  'Big Data' isola Milioni per la 'Lotta al Coronavirus'


 -  'Big Data' Segregates Millions in China's 'Coronavirus fight'


 -  Biggest Lie in World History - There Never Was a 'Pandemic'


 -  Bill Gates says COVID-19 could be the "Last" Pandemic


 -  Biodigital Convergence - The 'Pandemic' started the Genetic Transformation of Humanity


 -  Cambios Importantes en el Tratamiento del COVID-19 que Salvarán Vidas - Vitaminas C y D


 -  Caught Red Handed - Fauci, Gates and Moderna responsible for COVID Pandemic


 -  CDC/FDA Smoking Gun of Smoking Guns


 -  China No fue el 'Villano' Original en un libro 'Prediciendo' el Brote del Coronavirus - Fue 'Rusia'...


 -  China's Endless 'COVID Hysteria' is a Dark Experiment in Social Conditioning


 -  China was Not the Original Villain in book 'Predicting' Coronavirus Outbreak - It was 'Russia'...


 -  Códigos y Programación presente en las diferentes Variantes Covid


 -  Come le Masse sono state Ipnotizzate col 'Culto del Covid'


 -  Cómo Pacientes de COVID Murieron por Fines de Lucro - Los Hospitales


 -  Cómo se Censuró Mundialmente la Información sobre el Covid-19 en las Redes Sociales


 -  Cómo se Utiliza el Miedo para 'Quitarte la Libertad' - Alarmismo Pandémico


 -  Conspiracy Theories become Conspiracy Facts


 -  Convergencia Biodigital - La 'Pandemia' inició la Transformación Genética de la Humanidad


 - 'Corona Fear Virus' and the Forces of Illness


 -  Coronavirus and 'No Weapon Left Behind' - The American Hybrid War on China


 -  Coronavirus has Mutated into at least 30 Strains


 -  Coronavirus Hype 'Biggest Political Hoax' in History


 -  Coronavirus - My bottom lines on the China Epidemic


 -  Coronavirus - Porqué Todos se Equivocaron - La Respuesta Inmune al Virus es más Fuerte de lo que Todos...


 -  Coronavirus - What Real Science would Look Like 'if' it Existed...


 -  Coronavirus - Why Everyone was Wrong - The Immune Response to the Virus Stronger than Everyone Thought


 -  Covid-19 alters Human Genes - Explaining mystery behind Coronavirus 'Long Haulers'

   -  Covid-19 and Anthony Fauci  - Main File  

 -  Covid-19 Computer Models Continue to Deteriorate - NY Marks 75% Drop...


 -  Covid-19 - Declaración sobre el Aislamiento del Virus - SOVI


 -  Covid-19 may Turn Out to be like a "Bad Flu Season" - Anthony Fauci


 -  Covid-19 - Statement on Virus Isolation - SOVI


 - "Covid-19 - Un Acto de Guerra Biológica" - EE.UU. "Liberó Intencionadamente el Virus en Wuhan", cumbre UE


 -  Covid-19 was a 'Mass Mind Control Operation' - Pandemic Used to Inflict Psychological Terror on World


 -  Covid Dictators Plead for Amnesty


 -  Covid - If there is No Virus, Why are People Dying?


 -  Covid - It's Not 'One Thing,' it's Not 'One Disease'...


 -  Covid Mandates - Tyranny of the Modelers


 -  Covid Panic, Climate Panic - Driven by Same People for Same Purpose


 -  Covid - The Destruction of Institutions and Beyond


 -  Covid Update - What is the Truth?


 -  Crimen Organizado - COVID-19 y ANTHRAX-01 - Entrevista con Heiko Schöning


 -  Crimes Against Humanity - The Covid 'Pandemic' Case


 -  Cuestionando al Covid


 -  Current Trends of 'Operation Coronavirus' as of February 2022


 -  Czech Molecular Biologist explains in Layman Terms COVID-19 virus Originates from Lab in U.S. not China


 -  Descubriendo la Narrativa alrededor del Coronavirus - ¿Se Planeó todo Cuidadosamente...?


 -  Despertar Masivo - Manifiesto a Favor de la Libertad de los Seres Humanos


 - ¡Despierta! - Cómo las Élites están Controlando el Mundo


 -  Destroying the Narrative - 40 Reasons Why a COVID-19 'Pandemic' Never Existed


 -  Diez 'Buenas Noticias' sobre el Coronavirus


 -  Disappearance of 'Annual Flu' replaced with COVID-19 shows 'Corruption at its Highest Level' at the CDC


 -  Doctor Roger Hodkinson destroys 'Utterly Unfounded Public Hysteria' over COVID-19

 -  Does the 2019 Coronavirus Exist?


 -  Dónde se Deposita la Proteína de la Espiga en el Cuerpo después de la Vacuna o Contagio con COVID-19


 -  DO NOT lock down, DO NOT inoculate, DO NOT FEAR...


 -  Dosages and Treatments for Coronavirus Infections


 -  Dr. Andrew Kaufman refutes "Isolation" of SARS-Cov-2 - He does 'Step-by-step' Analysis of a Typical Claim of...


 -  EE.UU. debe Pagar una Indemnización si se confirma la Denuncia por la Covid-19 - Rusia


 -  El Chantaje y la Corrupción - Lo que llevó a la liberación del Virus Covid de Origen Humano


 -  El Coronavirus y la Electrificación de la Tierra - Dr. Thomas Cowan


 -  El Culto Covidiano


 -  El Culto de COVID - Mi Investigación...


 -  El Dr. Andrew Kaufman refuta el "Aislamiento" del SARS-Cov-2 - Analiza 'paso a pas' una Afirmación típica de...


 -  El Fraude de la Pandemia comienza a Salir a la Luz en varios Países del Mundo


 -  El Mayor Truco de Todos


 -  El Misterioso Caso de la 'Desaparición de la Gripe' - Enigma del COVID en el Reino Unido


 -  El "Mito del Contagio" por el Dr. Tom Cowan y Sally Fallon Morell - Reseña del Libro


 -  El Relato del COVID como 'Obra de Arte Oculta'


 - ¿El SARS-CoV-2 en Realidad Existe?


 -  Engaño Global Desenredándose Rápidamente - Documentos del HHS admiten que CDC Nunca Aisló "Virus...


 -  Escuchar a los "Expertos" en Coronavirus ha Conducido a la Muerte y Desesperación


 - ¿Es el Fenómeno Real? - Mi Investigación de COVID-19


 -  Esta es la Razón por la que Millones todavía Creen en las Absurdas Mentiras de COVID


 -  Esta Prueba Demuestra que el SARS-CoV-2 fue Creado en Laboratorio


 -  Estoy en "Shock" con Tanta Información y No logro Entender las Inconsistencias respecto al Covid-19...


 -  Estudio de la Correlación entre Casos de Coronavirus y la presencia de Redes 5G


 -  Estudio de la Relación entre Nº de Casos Coronavirus/1000h y Localización de Antenas 5G


 -  Every Facet of Government of the U.S. is in the Censorship Business


 -  Evidencia de Fraude Global - Covid-19


 -  Ex-directivos de Twitter aceptaron Censurar a Expertos relacionados con el Covid por Orden del Gobierno


 -  Expedientes del Instituto Robert Koch evidencian el Fraude de la Falsa 'Pandemia'

   -  Face Masks in the COVID-19 Era - Main File  

 -  Falso que el Covid-19 sea 'solo' una Trombosis


 -  Farsa Covid - ¿Cinco Armas Criminales contra Población para Provocar enfermedades Cardio No Respiratorias?


 -  Fauci Hints at when all COVID-19 Restrictions may Finally End in U.S.


 -  Final Words on Covid-19 'Pandemic' Case


 -  Five Experiments and Syndromes to Account for 'Mass COVID Trance Behavior'

 -  Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory


 - 'Formación de las Masas' - La Ciencia Aplicada a la Ingeniería Social


 - 'Genetic Fingerprint' reveals Synthetic Origin of SARS-CoV-2


 -  German Government admits there was No Pandemic


 -  Giant Study disproves Myth of 'Asymptomatic COVID Spread'


 - "Gigantic Rat's Nest" - Matt Taibbi hints FBI Communications with COVID Scientists will be Exposed


 -  Gracias, Políticos Alarmistas, Desinformadores a Sueldo y Globalistas Mentirosos - Mensaje del Dr. L. Fouché


 - ¿Has sido 'Recalibrado' para el COVID? - ¿En realidad eres Egoísta e Inmoral por No Aceptar la Vacuna?


 - "Hipócritas Asesinos" - Indignación por sugerencia de 'The Atlantic' por 'Amnistía' para Autoritarios Pandémicos

 -  How Bill Gates and Partners used their Clout to Control the Global Covid Response - With little Oversight


 -  How Complex is this 'Pneumonia Crisis'?


 -  How Covid-19 Reshaped the Global Order - Future Historians will Judge that the 'Pandemic' marked a Fork in...


 -  How COVID Patients Died for Profit - Hospitals


 -  How Fanatics 'Took Over the World'...


 -  How Fauci created The Covid 'Pandemic'


 -  How Fear is Being Used to 'Strip Away Your Freedom' - Pandemic Fearmongering


 -  How Kids' Immune Systems can Evade COVID


 -  How the General Public was Kept in the Dark over Covid


 -  How the Masses were Hypnotized into the 'COVID Cult'


 -  How the Powerful Captured the Public in a 'Pandemic'


 -  How to Stop Being Manipulated by 'Threats of Chaos'


 -  Hunter Biden 'Bio Firm' partnered with Ukrainian Researchers 'Isolating Deadly Pathogens' using Funds from...


 -  Identifican 6 Tipos Distintos de Covid-19


 - "Il Coronavirus Non è la Sars - La Curva si sta Appiattendo" - Giorgio Palù


 -  Il Culto del Covid e i 10 Piani di Genocidio


 -  Il Culto di COVID - La Mia Ricerca


 -  Il Fenomeno è Reale? - La mia Ricerca su COVID-19


 -  Il Trattato per la Pandemia - "Abbiamo i mezzi per Migliorare lo Stato del Mondo" - Klaus Schwab


 -  Imperial College (UK) found as 'Sole Agent of Panic over Coronavirus'


 -  Imponente Studio smentisce il Mito della "Diffusione COVID da Asintomatici"

 -  Inhibitory Effects of specific combination of Natural Compounds against SARS-CoV-2 and its Alpha, Beta...


 - "Inside the COVID-19 Global Coup d'état"


 -  Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?



 -  Israeli Professor shows Coronavirus follows 'Fixed Pattern'


 -  Is the Coronavirus Scare a 'Psychological Operation'?


 -  Is the Phenomenon Real? - My Investigation of COVID-19


 -  Italy 2020 - Inside Covid's 'Ground Zero' in Europe


 -  I Temi Più Importanti del nostro Tempo


 -  Ivermectin - A Covid Defeater - Main File


 -  Ivermectina - Una Vencedora contra el Covid - Main File


 -  Ivermectin 'Works throughout All Phases' of COVID according to Leaked Military Documents


 -  Kracking the Covid Ghost Code - Mankind's Great Self Inflicted Initiation


 -  La Batalla de los Censores


 -  La Cina non è stato 'il Cattivo' all'origine nel libro 'Che prediceva' l'Epidemia di Coronavirus - E' stata la 'Russia'


 -  La Crisi del Corona - Sta cambiando la Marea? - "Un Generale Rapido Risveglio"?


 -  La Crisis del Corona-Virus - ¿Está Cambiando la Marea? - ¿"Un Rápido Despertar General"?


 -  La Crisis del Covid-19 es un 'Crimen Contra la Humanidad'


 -  La Declaración de 'Great Barrington'


 - ¿La Europa de las Libertades?


 -  La Farsa del Covid-19


 -  La Fase Apocalittica della Tecnocrazia e del Transumanesimo - In Arrivo Presto


 -  La Frode della Pandemia inizia a uscire alla luce in vari Paesi del Mondo


 -  La Gente No Muere por Covid


 -  La Guerra de Frecuencias - Una Guerra por el Mundo


 -  La Historia Original de la 'Epidemia de China' se Desmorona por Completo


 -  La Insólita Razón por la que no nos recomiendan esta Eficaz Vitamina para tratar el COVID


 -  La Interminable Histeria Covid de China es un Experimento Oscuro en el Condicionamiento Social


 -  La 'Lección de Historia Médica' más importante que Nunca debemos Olvidar


 -  La Nuova Cina - Il Primo Esempio al Mondo di uno Stato Totalitario Tirannico Medico nel 2022


 -  La OMS (accidentalmente) confirma que COVID No Es Más Peligroso que la Gripe


 - "La OMS ha Actuado como Instrumento de Manipulación Mundial" - Covid-19


 -  La 'Pandemia' del Covid-19 No Existe


 -  La 'Plandemia' y El Gran Despertar


 -  La Predominante Narrativa Sin Sentido del Coronavirus - Desmentida en menos de media hora...


 -  Las Teorías de Conspiración se Convierten en Hechos de Conspiración


 -  La Verdad sobre el Coronavirus y la Probabilidad de que Desate una Pandemia


 -  La Vita nell'Ordine Mondiale Post Covid


 -  La Voluntad de Propósito - Cruzar el Umbral Venidero de la Humanidad


 -  Lawyers promise 'Nuremberg Trials' Against all behind COVID Scam


 -  Legal Team wants 'Second Nuremberg Tribunal' to try Global Lockdown Promoters for Crimes Against Humanity


 -  Lest We Forget... 'They' want You to forget 'Lockdowns, Vaccine Coercion and Covid Hysteria!'


 -  Le Teorie sulla Cospirazione diventano Fatti della Cospirazione


 -  Libérese de las Secuelas del COVID con estos Protocolos


 -  Life in the Post-Covid World Order


 -  Los Científicos Investigan si COVID-19 puede Volver a Enfermar


 -  Los Engaños del Covid-19


 -  Los Niños y el Covid-19 - Nada que Temer - Ignoren el Pánico generado por los Gran Medios de Comunicación


 -  Lo Spray Italiano 'Endovirstop' - Preventivo contro il Covid-19


 -  Los Últimos Días del Culto Covidiano


 -  Many EU Countries roll back 'COVID Restrictions' - Israel Scraps 'Green Pass'


 -  Mapa de la Estructura Genética y Antídoto contra el Parásito Intracelular "Coronavirus"

   -  Mascarillas Faciales en la Era del COVID-19 - Main File  

 -  Más Conocimiento Previo de esta Actual Plandemia


 -  Más de 400 Estudios Científicos sobre el Fracaso de las Intervenciones Obligatorias para 'detener' el COVID


 - 'Mass Formation Psychosis' admittedly used by Governments as 'Tool of Population Control'


 - 'Mass Formation' - The Applied Science of Social Engineering


 -  Médicos Italianos desobedecen la 'Orden de No Realizar Autopsias' y descubren que el 'Protocolo de la OMS...


 -  Mensaje de Alerta sobre el COVID-19 - Profesionales de la Salud Unidos


 -  Micronutrients inhibit SARS-CoV-2 and all of its alpha, beta, gamma, delta, kappa and Mµ variants


 -  Mild Mannered Coronavirus


 -  Mind Control and Citizen's Brain


 -  More Plandemic Foreknowledge...


 -  More than Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about the New Coronavirus


 -  Most important 'Medical History Lesson' we must Never Forget


 -  Nadie ha Muerto por el Coronavirus


 -  Nearly Half of all U.S. Covid Cases are this 'New Variant' JN.1


 -  Never Forget - For 2 Years, Tyrants Locked us Down, forcibly Medicated us, and Destroyed our Livelihoods


 -  Nine Covid-19 Facts - A "Pandemic" of Fearmongering and Ignorance


 -  No hubo 'Pandemia'


 -  No... la Gripe No Desapareció - Trataron los Casos de Gripe como Casos de "Covid"


 - "No puedo dejar de Preguntarme por el Covid-19"

 -  Nowcasting and forecasting the potential domestic and international spread of the 2019-nCoV outbreak...


 -  Nuremberg 2.0 - Update on legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and Davos Group


 -  Nuremberg Trial 2.0' is in Preparation - WHO and World Leaders will have to Answer for 'Crimes Against...'


 -  Origin Story of "China Epidemic" falls apart Completely - A Big One...


 -  Palabras Finales sobre el Caso de la 'Pandemia' de Covid-19


 -  Pandemia Reale versus la Messa in Scena di Pandemia


 -  Pandemia Real versus Pandemia Escenificada


 - "Pandemic is Over" - Former 'Pfizer Chief Science Officer' says "Second Wave" faked on False-Positive Tests


 - 'Pandemic' Lessons Learned - Omicron vs. Bill Gates


 - 'Pandemic' Lessons Learned - Scientific Debate Silenced with Deadly Consequences


 -  Pandemonium - De la 'Pandemia' al Control Total


 -  Perché il Coronavirus ha Colpito così Forte l'Italia


 -  Perché il COVID ha Risparmiato l'Africa?


 -  Peter Hotez vies for power as 'Fauci Steps Down'

 -  Pope Francis is a 'Zealous Cooperator' of the Globalist 'Great Reset' Plot - Archbishop Viganò


 -  Por qué el Coronavirus ha Golpeado tan Fuerte a Italia


 -  Por qué No Creo que haya Existido jamás un Virus Covid


 -  Proof that the Pandemic was Planned with a Purpose


 -  Propaganda Perpetuates the 'Pandemic' and Censorship

 -  Pulmonary thrombosis in 2019-nCoV pneumonia


 - ¿Qué es la "Psicosis de Formación Masiva"?

 -  Questioning Covid


 -  Real Pandemic vs. Staged Pandemic


 -  Reiner Fuellmich's 'Grand Jury Court of Public Opinion' - Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity


 -  Reiner Fuellmich Speaks Out from Prison in Germany


 -  Respiratory Therapist Exposes the 'Fake Virus Pandemic'


 -  Rothschilds pianificò il Covid-19 nel 2015 - Ufficio Brevetti degli Stati Uniti...


 -  Rothschilds planned Covid-19 in 2015 - U.S. Patent Office...


 -  Rusia reveló cómo los Experimentos Biológico-Militares de EE.UU. prepararon el Covid-19


 -  SARS-CoV-2 is a 'Targeted Eugenics Bioweapon'


 -  Science is Not to Be Trusted


 - ¿Se acerca ya el Ajuste de Cuentas? - El Genocidio del Covid-19 clama por un Tribunal Mundial Independiente


 -  Se aproxima una Campaña de Miedo para la 'Tripledemia' - Advertencia


 -  See through the 'Corona Pandemic Hoax' and Stop it! - We are Victims and Perpetrators at the Same Time


 -  Se Expone la Hipocresía del Coronavirus


 -  Segundo Juicio de Nuremberg - Reiner Fuellmich anticipa una Victoria de la Humanidad


 -  Sette Agende del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale che sono collegate "all'Epidemia di Coronavirus"


 -  Seven NWO Agendas accompanying the 'Coronavirus Epidemic'


 -  Silenced All-Star Doctors destroy 'COVID Lies' in 5 Hours - Senator Ron Johnson Roundtable


 -  Something to Do with Coronavirus


 -  Something 'Very Strange' is Taking Place in Europe regarding the 'Second Wave' - Sky News


 -  Sono Stati Identificati 6 Tipi Diversi di Covid-19


 -  Statement on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Isolation - SOVI


 -  Stop COVID-19 with Temperature - Prevention and Early Treatment Only


 -  Study Analyzes 'Wireless Radiation-COVID Connection'


 -  Study finds 5G Technology a 'Significant Factor' in Higher Covid Case and Death Rates

 -  System and Method for Testing for COVID19 - 2015


 -  Ten Reasons that SARS-CoV-2 is an 'Imaginary and Theoretical Virus'


 -  Terapeuta del Sistema Respiratorio expone la 'Falsa Pandemia de Virus'

 -  The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis - Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global...


 -  The Apocalyptic Phase of Technocracy and Transhumanism - Coming Soon...


 -  The Chilling Reason they won't declare the 'Pandemic' Over - 'Pandemic Treaty' is a Spreading Plague


 - "The Chinese Virus is spreading..." - Deception and False News


 -  The "Contagion Myth" by Dr. Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell - Book Review


 -  The Contagion Myth - Why Viruses (including "Coronavirus") are NOT the Cause of Disease


 -  The Corona Crisis - Is the Tide Turning? - "A Rapid General Awakening"?


 -  The Corona Virus is just a Concept that only Exists on Paper


 -  The Corrupt Billionaire Agenda - "SARS-CoV-2 Virus is Nothing but a Seasonal Flu" - C.M. Viganò and S. Bannon


 -  The Covid-19 Endgame - Global Governance, "Digital Tyranny" and the Depopulation Agenda


 -  The Covid-19 Genocide of 2020


 -  The Covid-19 'Pandemic' Does Not Exist


 -  The Covid-19 Power Grab as "Organized Crime" - A Multi-faceted Deception


 -  The Covid Cult and the 10 Stages of Genocide


 -  The COVID Narrative as an 'Occult Work of Art'


 -  The COVID 'Pandemic' Farce served as a Trial Balloon for the New World Order - Archbishop Viganò


 -  The Cult of COVID - My Investigation...


 -  The Final Days of The Covidian Cult


 -  The Frequency War - A War for the World


 -  The Global Hoax is rapidly Unraveling - HHS Documents admit the CDC has Never Isolated any "Covid-19 Virus"


 -  The Great Awakening and Plandemic 3 - What's Really Happening to Our World?


 -  The Masked Ball of Cowardice


 -  The Most Important Podcast you can hear about COVID-19


 -  The Most Important Topics of Our Time


 -  The Mysterious Case of 'Disappearing Flu' - UK COVID Conundrum


 -  The Names and Faces - The 150 Bilderbergers who Influenced and Controlled the Response to COVID-19


 -  The Names and Faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who Manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic response


 -  The New China - The World's First Example of a Medical Tyrannical Totalitarian State in 2022


 -  The (New) God Delusion - Bill Gates


 -  The Non-Existent Virus - Interview with Christine Massey


 -  The Official Covid Narrative is 'Falling Apart piece by piece'...


 -  The "One Health" Agenda

 -  The Pandemic Treaty


 -  The Pandemic Treaty - "We have the Means to Improve the State of the World" - Klaus Schwab


 -  The 'Plandemic' and the Great Awakening


 -  'The Plan' - Proof that the 'pandemic' was Planned with a Purpose


 -  There Was No 'Pandemic' - An essay by Denis Rancourt


 -  The Smoking Gun proving SARS-CoV-2 is an Engineered Virus


 -  The Stealth Reason Most People Die of COVID-19


 -  The Triumph of Natural Immunity


 -  The 'Viral Fragment Theory' of Covid-19 Vascular Complications


 - "This is the Definition of Criminal Conspiracy - This is Not a Theory... this is Evidence" - D. Martin & R. Fuellmich


 -  This is why Millions Still Believe in the Absurd COVID Lies


 -  This is why the New World Order is Doomed to Fail


 -  Toda la Verdad sobre el COVID-19 - El Libro que debería Leer antes de que lo Censuren


 -  Twelve Experts Questioning the 'Coronavirus Panic'


 -  Twenty-year Genetic Trail behind Covid's Creation


 -  Two Years that Trampled on 'Freedoms earned over Centuries' - 'Junk Science' in the Service of Totalitarianism


 -  Uncovering the Corona Narrative - Ernst Wolffs' answer to the Big Questions that have plagued all of us


 -  Un Fármaco Oral logra Eliminar por completo la Transmisión del Coronavirus en 24 Horas


 -  U.S. Surgeon General Drops Outdated WHO-CDC 'Gates Pandemic Model'

   -  Vaccines and Covid-19 - Gene Therapy - Main File

 -  Vacunas y Covid-19 - Terapia Genética - Main File


 -  Warning - This Website May Harm Your Preconceptions


 -  What I Can Say and What I Cannot Say...


 -  What was Rebranded as "COVID" has always just been a Variation of Influenza-Like-Illness (ILI)


 -  What will Happen in 10 Years? - The Biggest 'COVID Question'...


 - "When do we Deploy the New Variant?", "We Frighten the Pants of Everyone..." says the British Government


 -  When Government Funds Science, Government Controls Science...


 -  Where is the Virus? - Fear is the Only Virus...


 -  WHO Director Must Resign Now - U.S. Congress

 -  WHO-Sponsored Genocides - A History of Eugenics in the United States


 -  Why and How Doctors have Betrayed Patients


 -  Why has COVID Spared Africa?


 -  Why I don't believe There Ever Was a Covid Virus


 -  Why the Coronavirus hit Italy so Hard


 -  Yes, SARS-CoV-2 is a Real Virus - Mercola

  Additional Information  

 -  1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of 'The Nuremberg Code' - Covid-19

 -  6-month Consequences of COVID-19 in Patients Discharged from Hospital - A Cohort study


 -  2021 - El "Gran Reinicio" de Davos


 - "Abbiamo i Farmaci anti-Covid ma pochi lo Sanno" - Parla Salvatore Spagnolo...


 -  A Brief Exploration of COVID-Induced Mass Psychosis


 -  A Coup without Firing a Shot


 -  A Declaration from 'The People of Planet Earth'


 -  A Deliberately-Engineered Climate Collapse?


 -  A False Pandemic and the Imposition of a False Vaccine - A Criminal Plan of World Depopulation - Viganò


 -  After Covid, Monkeypox - The Same Circus again...?

 -  A Genomic Region associated with Protection against severe COVID-19 is Inherited from Neandertals


 -  Air Force 2025 Final Report


 -  America's most Secret Intelligence Agency DEAGEL forecasts Depopulation of the World from COVID-19...


 -  A 'Natural Approach' to the Comprehensive Control of SARS-CoV-2


 -  An Elite-led 'Great Reset' Post-Covid? - No, what we Need first is to Get Rid of the Globalist approach that...


 -  Asesores Científicos del Gobierno admiten usar 'Tácticas de Miedo Totalitario' - Control durante la 'Pandemia'


 -  A Small Pandemic to allow 'One World Government'

 -  A study on Infectivity of Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Carriers


 -  At Least 13 Killed in Peru Nightclub Stampede triggered by Police 'Social Distancing' Raid


 -  Australia is a 'Full Scale Pilot Test' for the New World Order


 -  Banderas Falsas y el Amanecer del Bioterrorismo


 -  Bill Gates 1997 "Prediction" - 2020 Extinction by Lung Attacking Virus


 -  Bill Gates' Criminal Plans Exposed by U.S. Trial Lawyer


 -  Bill Gates Exposed in Italian Parliament for "Crimes Against Humanity" - The Trend is Our Friend


 -  Bill Gates has Major Shares in Both Pfizer and BioNTech - FOI revealed he is the Primary Funder of the MHRA


 - "Bill Gates is Largest Funder of trying to find 'Viruses in Caves' and bring them to Big Cities" - Rand Paul


 -  Bill Gates - Most Dangerous Philanthropist in Modern History?


 -  Bill Gates Pushing for 7 Billion Mandatory Experimental RNA Injections that Re-program Human Cells


 -  Bill Gates' Web of Dark Money and Influence


 -  Billionaires' Combined Wealth has reached a Record $10.2 Trillion - Thanks to Covid-19


 -  Bioethics and the New Eugenics


 -  Bioética y la Nueva Eugenesia


 -  Biopoder en la Era del 'Gran Reinicio'


 -  Biopower in the Age of the 'Great Reset'


 -  Braccialetti, Segnali Luminosi, Codici a Barre - Indossabili come Risposta Globale al COVID-19


 -  Bracelets, Beacons, Barcodes - Wearables in the Global Response to COVID-19


 -  BRICS Bank working at Full Speed on 'Supporting Economic Recovery' of Member States amid Covid Crisis


 -  Bromelain, NAC and Spike Disintegration - A "Missile Defense" Approach


 -  Can we Finally Heal our Collective Trauma? - Questions of our Time 9


 -  China Encerrada en una Guerra Híbrida con Estados Unidos


 -  China Locked in Hybrid War with U.S.


 -  China - The Virus Crises


 -  Chi Sono e Cosa Vogliono i 'Gilet Arancioni'


 -  Collapse of the 2020s


 -  Collasso del Decennio 2020


 -  Come Affrotare il Cambiamento - Consiglio dagli Stoici


 -  Come "La Sorveglianza e il 5G" stanno Monitorando Rapidamente col pretesto della "Lotta al Coonavirus


 -  Come una Pandemia virale Giova all'Agenda Globalista


 -  Common Senses - Coronavirus and Mind Control


 -  Cómo Acabar con Todo esto en Quince Días


 -  Cómo Bill Gates COMPRA a los Medios de Comunicación, a Periodistas y a 'Verificadores de Hechos'


 -  Cómo la Ciencia ha sido Corrompida


 -  Cómo los Gobiernos siguen Experimentando con sus Ciudadanos


 -  Cómo se Manipula la Economía a nivel Físico, Etérico y Mental


 -  Cómo una Pandemia Viral Beneficia a la Agenda Globalista


 -  'Coronavirus' Exposes the Cracks in Globalization


 -  Coronavirus hit East Asia 20,000 years Ago


 -  Coronavirus y Geopolítica


 -  Coronavirus y Globalizacion


 -  Corporate Controlled Mainstream Media (MSM) Exists to Demoralize the Public


 -  Cosa è successo alla "Influenza di Stagione?" - L'Influenza è stata Riclassificata come Coronavirus...


 -  Covid-19 and Bill Gates - Puppet Master Gaslights Millions


 -  Covid-19 as Quantum Phenomenon - Searching for the Anti-Virus


 -  Covid-19 - Fracaso del Enfoque Occidental


 -  Covid-19 is a 'False Flag to Reset the World'


 -  Covid-19 is a Symbol of a Much Deeper Infection - The Wetiko Mind-Virus


 -  Covid-19 is 'Putting Cash in Early Grave' all around the World


 -  Covid-19 Shatters the Facade of the European 'Union'


 -  Covid-19 si rivela Essere una Enorme Beffa perpetrata dai Media


 -  Covid-19 turning out to be Huge Hoax perpetrated by Media


 -  Covid-19 - ¿Ultima Oportunidad para Reevaluar Nuestros Valores?


 -  Covid - Bioética, Eugenesia y Paneles de la Muerte - Una Advertencia...


 -  Covid Failed to do 'the Job' - Bill Gates is making a Second Run at Culling the Population


 -  COVID has exposed North America as a 'Failed State'


 -  Covid-Stasi - ¿Se Convertirán Ustedes en 'Agentes Estatales' denunciando a sus Vecinos por infringir las...


 -  CPI - Corruption Perception Index 2020 - Global Highlights


 -  Cuando las Banderas Falsas se vuelven Virales


 -  Cuando las Banderas Falsas se vuelven Virtuales


 -  Datos de esta supuesta 'Pandemia' desde la Psicología - Comunicado oficial de 'Psicólogos por la Verdad'


 -  Decoding the Twisted 'New World Order Mindset'


 -  Deconstructing Bill Gates' Agenda


 -  De Cuarentena a Estado Policial - Se inaugura el "Gran Reinicio"


 -  De la Bioética a la Eugenesia


 -  Denmark to 'Scrap All Covid-19 Restrictions'


 -  Desconexión del Entramado más "Caótico" y Negativo de la Realidad del "Coronavirus"


 -  Descontrol del Covid-19 en América Latina


 -  Descubren cómo el Cerebro Regula el Miedo


 - ¿Después del Coronavirus? - El "Gran Reseteo"...


 -  Destruir Millones de Empleos o Salvarlos a Toda Costa - EE.UU. y Europa eligen Caminos Opuestos


 -  Determinación de la Eficacia del Dióxido de Cloro en el Tratamiento de COVID-19


 -  Dibujando Tu Línea en la Arena


 -  Diez Cosas que hemos Aprendido durante el 'Golpe' del Covid


 -  Discernimiento, Amor y Sabiduría para el 'Nuevo Virus del Miedo'


 -  Divide, Conquer, Reset and then Scientific Dictatorship


 -  Dividi, Conquista, Ristruttura e poi Dittatura Scientifica


 -  Doce Acciones de Encubrimiento - Los Alarmistas entran en Pánico


 -  Do you have the 'Good' or 'Bad' Covid-19 Neanderthal Genes?


 -  Do You Trust Your Doctor Anymore?


 -  Dutch Leader stuns Parliament - Exposes Globalist Covid 'Obedience Training' Plot


 -  El Arco Iris Invisible - Una Historia de la Electricidad y la Vida - Un Resumen


 -  El Botón de Reinicio


 -  El Clima es el 'Nuevo Covid'


 -  El Coronavirus devuelve Aguas Cristalinas a los Canales de Venecia


 -  El Coronavirus Muestra por qué Necesitamos la Separación de Medicina y Estado


 -  El Covid-19 ha Envalentonado a nuestros 'Censores' Modernos


 -  El Covid-19 podría ser el Detonador del Peor Sistema Totalitario de la Historia - Afirma Yuval Noah Harari


 -  El Documento 'Airforce 2025' de 1996 Mencionaba una Pandemia de Gripe que Mataría a 30 Millones de...


 -  El Estado de Excepción, la Política de la Pandemia y el Fin de lo Humano - Giorgio Agamben


 -  El "Evento de Nivel de Extinción" del Covid-19


 -  El Gran Paquete de Estímulo de Trump - Más Grande que la Economía de España


 -  El 'Gran Teatro' de la Bioseguridad - Covid-19



 -  Eliminación y Disolución en nuestra Estructura de Bloqueos y Energías asociadas al "Egregor Covid"


 - 'Ellos No Quieren que Sepas Tratamientos Virales básicos' - El Agua es el Tratamiento Más Básico


 -  El Miedo a la Muerte de los Covidianos


 -  El Miedo es Contagioso y se Utiliza para Controlarte


 -  El Mundo Después de la Pandemia


 -  El Nacimiento de la 'Sociedad Sin Efectivo'


 -  El Oscuro Pronóstico de Carl Sagan - Una Sociedad cada vez más Estúpida y Controlada por Medios Tecno...


 -  El Plan para un Sistema Global de Esclavitud


 -  El Resultado Final de Ignorar el Mal


 -  En la Europa Cerrada al Coronavirus la ‎UE abre las Puertas a las Tropas de Estados Unidos


 -  Ensayos Clínicos demuestran Eficacia del Dióxido de Cloro en el tratamiento de Covid-19


 -  Epidemias y Control Social - La Otra Cara del Miedo a la Enfermedad


 - ¿Erradicada la Gripe Común en el 'Año del Coronavirus'?


 - ¿Esclavos Voluntarios del 'Estado Covidiano'?


 - ¿Es la "Segunda Ola" del Coronavirus otro Fraude?


 - ¿Está harto del COVID? - Entonces le tengo Excelentes Noticias: Podríamos estar ante el Fin de la 'Pandemia'


 - ¿Estás Preparado para la "Infodemia"?


 -  Este 'ES' el Reseteo Global - Prepárense como Corresponde


 -  Europe Rises Up against 'Coronavirus Restrictions' - Massive Simultaneous Protests in London, Paris and Berlin


 -  Event 201 - 'Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation' run a Coronavirus Pandemic Simulation 3 Months Ago!

 -  Evidence Regarding Vitamin D and Risk of COVID-19 and Its Severity - by Joseph Mercola


 -  Evidencia Contundente de que el 'SARS-CoV-2' fue Creado por el Hombre


 -  Ex-Russian Intel Officer exposes 'Coronavirus Depopulation Agenda'


 - 'Fahrenheit 451' predicted People would Demand Tyranny

 -  Fair Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources in the Time of Covid-19

 -  Fatal Swine Acute Diarrhoea Syndrome caused by an HKU2-related Coronavirus of Bat Origin


 -  Federal Reserve (FED) to Quarantine Dollars from Asia on Covid-19 - 'Transmission' Concerns...


 -  Found Evidence that 'Blood Type' plays a Role in COVID-19


 -  Freedom or Fascism?


 - "Frente a 3 Millones de Muertos por el COVID hay 9 Millones de Muertos por el Hambre al Año" - Dr. Joan Martínez


 -  From Computers to Global Genocide - The Staggering Influence Bill Gates on Public Health Policy around World


 -  From "Event 201" to "Cyber Polygon" - The WEF's Simulation of a Coming "Cyber Pandemic"


 -  Funcionario Alemán hace Público un Informe que Denuncia al Coronavirus como "Una Falsa Alarma Global"


 - ¿Futuro Post-Coronavirus? - Biosensores Inyectables, I.A. de Detección de Virus, Robots y Sociedad sin...


 -  Gates and Kissinger - On Same Path to Population Control


 -  Gates e Kissinger - Lo stesso Cammino per il Controllo della Popolazione


 -  Gates è Sofferente per la CO2 e Demenza Virale


 -  Gates Suffers from CO2 and Viral Dementia


 -  General Flynn confirms Elite did 'Dummy Run' for Covid-19 in 2017...!


 -  Globalist Klaus Schwab - World will "Never" Return to Normal after Covid-19


 -  Global Technocracy and The 'Great Reset' is coming like a Bullet Train - Covid-19


 -  Global Warming and Pandemic - Two Scams seen Merging to try to Scare Us to Death


 -  Golpistas en Estados Unidos a la Sombra del Coronavirus


 -  Government Scientific Advisors admit they used 'Totalitarian Fear Tactics' to Control People during 'Pandemic'


 -  Grandmothers in their 90s and 100s are 'Beating Back the Virus' - They Share an Important Advice


 -  Growing List of Assassinations of COVID-19 Researchers


 -  Grupo de Médicos Cuestionó a los Infectólogos que Asesoran a Presidente Argentino Alberto Fernández


 -  Guardianes del Periodismo de Gates...


 - "Guardianes Periodistas" de Bill Gates Finalmente lo Exponen...


 - "Guía para entender 'El Gran Reset' - Ampliación"


 - ¿Hacia dónde va la Línea de Tiempo de la Tierra?


 -  Hacia una Pandemia de Solidaridad


 - ¿Has tenido Covid? - Es muy probable que Produzcas Anticuerpos para el Resto de su Vida


 -  Hillary Clinton privately warned France that Wuhan P4 Lab may lead to 'Bioweapon Research' - Leaked Cable


 -  Hostile Spiritual Beings who 'Feed Off your Fear and Anxiety' - Rudolf Steiner


 -  How a Viral Pandemic Benefits the Globalist Agenda


 -  How Bill Gates BUYS Mainstream Outlets, Journalists and 'Fact-Checkers'


 -  How Bill Gates monopolized Global Health


 -  How Cybercrime has Evolved since the Pandemic Hit


 -  How Did a Disease with no Symptoms 'Take Over the World'?


 -  How Have You Changed?


 -  How Nebulized Peroxide helps against Respiratory Infections


 -  How the Covid-19 'Pandemic' is Preparing Humanity for First Contact


 -  How to Deal with Change - Advice from the Stoics


 -  How to Escape from a 'Sick Society'


 -  How to Stage a Fake Epidemic - And Brainwash Billions of People


 - "Ice-Nine" - Il Lockdown Finanziario Globale


 - "Ice-Nine" - The Global Financial Lockdown


 -  'I Have No Faith in the WHO' - 'The Leadership Should Face Criminal Charges and Be Shut Down' - S.Bannon


 -  Il Covid 19 sta Mettendo i Contanti in una "Tomba Precoce" in tutto il Mondo


 -  I Leader del Mondo chiedono più Globalizzazione per 'Risolvere' la 'Pandemia' Globale


 -  Il Direttore del OMS dice "Non si Può Tornare indietro a Come Era Prima" - La Sua Soluzione? Un NOM...


 -  Il Globalista Klaus Schwab - Il Mondo non Ritornerà alla Normalità "Mai Più" dopo il Covid-19


 -  Il Sistema del Credito Sociale in Cina


 -  Il Web di Bill Gates del Dark Money e dell'Egemonia


 -  IMF and WEF - From 'Great Lockdown' to 'Great Transformation' - The COVID Aftermath


 - ¿Influyen los Tipos de Sangre en la Gravedad del COVID-19? - Coronavirus


 -  Interrogantes de Nuestro Tiempo 2 - ¿Temer o No Temer?


 -  Interrogantes de Nuestro Tiempo 4 - ¿Tiempo de Responsabilidad Personal?


 -  Interrogantes de Nuestro Tiempo 5 - ¿Es Tiempo de Resonancia o de Disonancia?


 -  Is a Mass Psychosis the Greatest Threat to Humanity?

 -  Is HIV to AIDS what SARSCoV-2 is to COVID?


 -  Italia recibe 26 Toneladas de Suministros Médicos de China


 -  Italia - Terreno Fertile per una Scalata Tecnocratica


 -  Italy - Fertile Ground for Technocrat Takeover


 -  It's Time to Launch an Investigation into the 'Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation' for 'Crimes Against Humanity'


 -  Journalism's Gates Keepers...


 - 'Justice will Not Come through the Courts but by the People Rising Up' - Attorney Reiner Füellmich on Nuremberg 2


 -  La 'Agenda 2030' de las Naciones Unidas - La Fuerza Impulsora del COVID-19


 -  La 'Agenda 2030' delle Nazioni Unite - La Forza che Manovrea dietro il Covid-19


 -  La Caja Idiota - Cómo te Hipnotiza la Televisión


 -  La 'Ciencia del Miedo' - Cómo la Usan los Elitistas para Controlarnos y Cómo Liberarse


 -  La Curiosidad de la Muerte - Isabel Allende


 -  La Curiosità della Morte - Isabel Allende


 -  La Dura Carta de una Médica Avergonzada por las Falsedades en torno a la Pandemia


 -  La Economía de las Pandemias y Cuarentenas


 -  La Estafa de la Pandemia fue Muy Grande el Año Pasado - Esto es lo que Viene a Continuación...


 -  La Farsa Covid sta per Finire - Solo l'Italia resta nell'Incubo


 -  La Federación Galáctica inició la Limpieza Planetaria


 - "La Felicidad Nace del Interior" - Un Hombre que lleva 14 Años Solo en una Aldea Italiana explica Cómo Pasar...


 -  La Identificación Digital Global llega inmediatamente después del Pánico del Coronavirus de 2020


 -  La Mafia Médica - El Negocio de Crear Enfermedades


 -  La Manifestación de Berlín - Covid-19


 -  La Muerte del Catolicismo y el Nacimiento del Dogma Pandémico - No es Ciencia, es Superstición...


 -  L'Antropausa è qui - Il COVID 19 riduce le vibrazioni della Terra del 50%


 - ¡La ONU declara la 'Paz Mundial'...!


 -  La Pandemia potrebbe essere una "Vendetta della Natura" per aver Ignorato i Cambiameni del Clima - Vaticano


 -  La Pilgrims Society y la Conexión entre el Coronavirus y el Monopolio Angloamericano de la Guerra...


 - 'La più Grande Folla nella Storia della Germania' Insorge contro Bill Gates e Big Pharma


 -  La Protección de la Salud Pública y el Respeto a las Libertades Individuales ante la Covid-19


 -  La Psicopatía y los Orígenes del Totalitarismo


 -  La Puerta sin Cerradura


 -  La Quarta Fase di Schwab


 -  La Resistencia No Es Inútil... ¡Es Fértil!


 - 'Largest Crowd in German History' Rises Up against Bill Gates and Big Pharma


 -  La Risposta al Coronavirus è il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale-Agenda 21


 -  La Sabiduría del Emperador Filósofo Marco Aurelio para enfrentar el COVID-19


 -  Las Calles de Italia se llenan de Música en plena Cuarentena por el Coronavirus


 -  La Secta Covidiana


 -  La Surrealista Experiencia de un Español viajando a China demuestra por qué ya han Vencido al Coronavirus


 -  La Tecnocracia Global y el 'Gran Reinicio' vienen como un Tren Bala - Covid-19


 -  La Tecnocrazia avrebbe il Dominio su una "Presidenza Biden


 -  Latest Data shows No Excess Deaths from 'All Causes Globally' in 2020


 -  La Transformación de las Sociedades en la Estela del Covid-19 anuncia la Militarización de Europa


 -  L'Australia è un "Test Pilota su Larga Scala" per il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale


 -  La Velenosa Pillola Covid di Pfizer


 -  La Venenosa Píldora Covid de Pfizer


 -  La Venida de Apolo - Dios de la Luz y dios de la Peste


 -  L'Economia delle Pandemie e delle Quarantene


 -  L'Effetto Decapitazione


 - "L'Emergenza Covid è Finita da Due Mesi - Basta Panico e Morte Sociale" - Alberto Zangrillo


 -  Le Radici del "Piano COVID" - da I.G. Farben Cartel


 -  Liste di Documenti della World Bank rivelano che 'Il Programma COVID-19' finirà a Marzo 2025


 - "L'Occhio di Sauron" e la Pandemia del Controllo


 -  L'OMS usa le Celebrità e gli Influencer per Cercare di Manipolare il Pubblico - Ma Funziona…?


 -  Los Amos del Mundo están al Acecho


 -  Los 'Chalecos Naranja' en las Plazas de Italia - Multitud de Manifestantes sin Máscaras o Distancias


 -  Los Escépticos del Covid defienden la Ciencia - Universidad del MIT


 -  Los Medios Informativos Están Mintiendo sobre la "Segunda Ola"


 -  Los Multimillonarios de EE.UU. han Aumentado su Riqueza en 1,3 Billones de dólares durante la 'Pandemia'


 -  Los Super Millonarios del Mundo huyen a Búnkeres en medio de la Crisis del Coronavirus


 -  Los Virólogos que Afirman que hay "Virus Patógenos" son Estafadores Científicos


 -  Los Virus son Sensibles al pH


 -  Magic helped us in Pandemics before, and It can Again


 -  Mainstream Doctors and Scientists appear to be under Mass Covid Vaccine Hypnosis Spell


 - "Martial Law" being seen in U.S. and Europe over COVID-19 is the Bigger Threat


 -  Más Ricos en la 'Pandemia'...


 -  Mass COVID Protests in China reveal a Weakened Communist Regime


 -  MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 - External Link


 -  Mensaje del Científico Bruce Lipton sobre el Coronavirus


 -  Mild COVID-19 induces Lasting Antibody Protection


 -  Millones de Latinoamericanos de Clase Media caen en la Pobreza - Covid-19


 -  Modern Medicine is a Hostage Racket


 -  Moneda Digital del Banco Central - Cómo el Covid se convirtió en la vía hacia la Vigilancia Financiera Global


 -  New Emails reveal Fauci's Role in shaping 'Highly Influential Paper' that established COVID 'Natural Origin'...


 -  New Report Predicts Source of Next Pandemic

 -  NIH-Moderna Confidential Agreements


 -  Nine 'Simulations, Drills and Laws' that Planned and Prepared for the Coronavirus


 - "No Confíen en las Élites - Se han Equivocado completamente con el Covid" - DeSantis Gobernador de Florida


 -  'Non Credo nell'OMS' - 'La Leadership Dovrebbe Essere Incriminata e Imprigionata' - Steve Bannon


 -  Non Vogliono farvi Sapere i Trattamenti Basilari per Virus - L'Acqua è il Trattamento più Basilare


 -  'Nos Convirtieron' al Transhumanismo sin haberlo Aceptado


 -  OMS pide 'Calma' - La Nueva Variante del Coronavirus No es Peligrosa


 -  Once Upon A Time...

 -  On the Origin and Continuing Evolution of SARS-CoV-2


 -  Operación 'Jaque Mate' del Coronavirus


 -  Organized Confusion by the WHO


 -  Paisajes Post-Pandémicos - La Modificación del Comportamiento como Nueva Realidad 'Consensuada'


 -  'Pandemic' could be 'Nature's Revenge' for Ignoring Climate Change - Says Pope Francis...


 -  Papa Francesco chiede 'Nuovo Ordine Mondiale' dopo la 'Pandemia'

 -  Patent WO 060606

 -  Patient-derived Mutations impact the pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2


 -  Pepe Mujica y Noam Chomsky sobre el Coronavirus


 -  Perdieron - Porque la Marea está Cambiando y las Tablas también


 -  Plataforma Secreta de Inteligencia Artificial del HHS puede 'Predecir' Brotes de Covid-19 dentro de EE.UU...


 - ¿Podemos por fin Sanar Nuestro Trauma Colectivo? - Interrogantes de Nuestro Tiempo 9

 -  Pope Francis calls for 'New World Order' after the 'Pandemic'


 -  Porqué Mucha Gente tiene Sueños más Raros y Vívidos durante la 'Pandemia' de Coronavirus


 -  Post-Coronavirus Future? - Injectable Biosensors, A.I. Virus Detection, Robots and a Cashless Society

 -  Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly 10 million residents of Wuhan, China


 -  Power is An Illusion, Control is A Facade

 -  Predicting Infectious Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Diagnostic Samples

 -  Presenting Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes Among 5700 Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19...

 -  Prospering in the Pandemic - The Top 100 Companies - Financial Times


 -  Psico-Poder - En 'Conformidad con Robots' y 'Libertad', en un Mundo post-COVID


 -  Psycho-Power - 'Automaton Conformity' and 'Freedom' in a Post-COVID World


 -  Public Letter to President Macron, from Honorary Colonel Jacques Amiot


 - ¿Puede el 5G causar Síntomas y Enfermedades Similares a los de la Gripe? Respuestas...


 -  Putin dice "I Ricchi Devono Pagare" per il Coronavirus


 -  Putin says 'The Rich Must Pay' for the Coronavirus


 -  Quaternary Weapon System activated before each 'Coronavirus Cluster Explosion'


 -  Real Pandemic vs. Staged Pandemic


 -  Rejecting 'Rockefeller Germ Theory' once and for all

 -  Relationship between the ABO Blood Group and the COVID-19 Susceptibility


 -  Revealed what the 'Totalitarian Future Globalists' want for the Entire World


 -  Revisión de los Estados y Procesos en Marcha a Nivel Global relacionados con la Pandemia del Coronavirus


 -  Ricchi e Buoni? - Le Trame Oscure del Filantrocapitalismo


 -  Saben lo que Eres - Ahora solo están Regateando el Precio...


 -  SARS - A Great Global SCAM


 -  SARS and Chemtrails - Disease Outbreaks Used as Tests for a Future Engineered Epidemic, the...

 -  SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2

 -  Scientists to Stop COVID-19


 -  Scenarios for The Future of Technology and International Development


 -  Sentidos Comunes - Control Mental y Coronavirus

 -  Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States


 -  Singapore First Country to Stop 'Counting Daily COVID-19 Cases' and treat it Like Normal Flu


 -  Sobre el Significado Oculto del Término 'COVID'


 -  Study shows even a 'Mild COVID Infection' develops 'Antibody Protection' that could Last a Lifetime - Dr. Bhadari


 -  Technocracy Inside Your Body - Not Science Fiction...


 -  Technocracy would Dominate a 'Biden Presidency'


 -  Tecnocracia Dentro de Tu Cuerpo - Esto No es Ciencia Ficción...


 -  Ten Things we have Learned during the Covid Coup

 -  Testing the Association between Blood Type and COVID-19 Infection, Intubation, and Death


 -  Thank you China, you're Wonderful


 -  The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis - The "Great Reset", Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic...

 -  The ABO Blood Group Locus and a Chromosome 3 Gene Cluster Associate with SARSCoV-2 Respiratory...


 -  The Anthropause is here - COVID-19 reduced Earth's vibrations by 50 percent


 -  The Anti-Human Agenda of the NWO accelerated by Operation Coronavirus


 -  The CDC which is 'Withholding Information' has a Hidden Agenda


 -  The Climate-Change Religion - How long before Human Sacrifices?


 -  The Common Roots of 'Climate Change and COVID-19 Hysteria'


 -  The Coviv-19 'Extinction Level Event'


 -  The Covidian Cult


 -  The 'Decapitation Effect'


 -  The Economics of Pandemics and Quarantines


 -  The Emerging 'Mark of the Beast' System - Sleepwalking into the Surveillance Society


 -  The Eugenicist's Playbook - Politicized Science is Making a Comeback in the 'Age of COVID-19'


 -  The Evils of Big Pharma Exposed


 -  The 'Eye of Sauron' and the Pandemic of Surveillance


 -  'The Great Reset' - World leaders to harness COVID and pursue 'Sinister' Climate Agenda

 -  The Hard Road to World Order


 -  The Invisible Rainbow - A History of Electricity and Life - A Summary

 -  The Major Genetic Risk Factor for severe COVID-19 is inherited from Neanderthals


 -  The 'New Abnormal' - The Rise of the Biomedical Security State


 -  The New Reign of Biopower - The Rise of Control-Biology


 -  The Plague as Myth of the Modern World

 -  The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2


 -  The Response to Coronavirus is the New World Order-Agenda 21


 -  The Revolution after the Crisis - Coronavirus affects Global Stock Market


 -  The Roots of the 'COVID Plan' - by the I.G. Farben Cartel


 -  The 'Science of Fear' - How the Elitists use it to Control Us and How to Break Free


 - "The Secret Group of Scientists and Billionaires pushing a 'Manhattan Project' for COVID-19" - A Look...

 -  The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028

 -  The Spartacus Letter


 -  The Virus-Story - Breaking the Chains of 'Medical Civilization'


 -  The War on Cash - COVID Edition


 -  'They Don't Want You to Know' basic Viral Treatments - Water is the Most Basic Treatment


 - "Thousands are Starving" - Protesters Demanding Food Clash with Soldiers as Covid-19 Cases Rise in Chile

 -  Time for a Great Reset of the Financial System

 -  Trump and 'Q' on the Invisible Enemy - The Extraterrestrial Factor


 -  Trump y 'Q' sobre el Enemigo Invisible - El Factor Extraterrestre


 -  Tu Cuerpo y tu Mente No Son Suficientes - Quieren Tu Alma...


 -  Una Carta al Futuro

 -  Uncanny Similarity of Unique Inserts in the 2019-nCoV Spike Protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag


 -  United Nations 'Agenda 2030' - Driving Force behind COVID-19

 -  U.S. Billionaires 'Gained $1 Trillion' since the Pandemic Started


 -  U.S. 'Intentionally released Covid Virus in Wuhan' - EU Summit Told...


 -  Viruses are pH Sensitive


 -  Where is Earth's Timeline Going?


 -  Who Controls 'The Cult'...?


 -  WHO calls for Global System of Surveillance - Plus more Authority over Nations and Billions more in Funding


 -  WHO Director says the World 'Cannot Go Back to the Way Things Were' - His 'Solution'? A New World Order...


 -  WHO finally admits Flu is 'DEADLIER' than COVID-19...!

 -  Who Owns the World?



 -  Why Covid-19 will end up Harming the Environment


 -  Why do Some People Support Tyranny while others Defy It?


 -  World Bank Document lists 'COVID-19 Program' ending in March 2025 - Stunning Revelation


 -  World Health Organization (WHO) uses Celebrities and Influencers to try to Manipulate the Public - Is it Working?


 -  World Health Organization (WHO) using COVID to push Climate Change Agenda - Tucker Carlson

 -  World Leaders Call for More Globalization to 'Solve' Global 'Pandemic'

 -  World War III - Depopulation, Nuclear War vs. "Bio War


 -  Your Body and Mind Aren't Enough - They Want Your Soul...

  Coronavirus and 5G  

 -  5G and IoT - Total Technological Control Grid being Rolled Out Fast


 -  5G Frequencies Mimic COVID - The Evidence


 -  5G Induces Coronaviruses - New Study models Millimeter Wave Influence on DNA


 -  5G Millimeter Waves are a Weapon to make People Sick with Covid - Dr. Tom Cowan

 -  5G Technology and Induction of Coronavirus in Skin Cells


 -  A Critical Examination of the 'Coronavirus-5G Connection'


 -  China prepare further Massive 5G Expansion in 2021


 -  Doctor Reveals the 'Corona Effect' - Claims COVID is Blood Coagulation


 -  El Coronavirus y la Electrificación de la Tierra - Dr. Thomas Cowan


 -  Entrevista al Dr. Tom Cowan - Las Ondas Milimétricas 5G son un Arma para enfermar a la Gente con Covid


 -  Estudio de la Correlación entre Casos de Coronavirus y la presencia de Redes 5G


 -  Estudio de la Relación entre Nº de Casos Coronavirus/1000h y Localización de Antenas 5G


 -  How "Surveillance and 5G" are being Fast-Tracked under the pretext of 'Fighting Coronavirus'


 -  Il Sistema di Antroposofia di Rudolf Steiner ha un Unico Criterio sull Nesso tra G5 e i Virus


 -  La Caída de los "Dioses"


 -  La Cina prepara una ulteriore Espansione Massiva di 5G nel 2021


 -  Rudolf Steiner's System of Anthroposophy has a Unique Take on the Connection between 5G and Viruses


 -  The 'Coronavirus 5G Connection' and Coverup




 -  Coronavirus Caused by 5G?

  Coronavirus and Consciousness - Coronavirus y la Conciencia


 -  Are you Ready for the Revolution?


 -  Breaking the Spell - MindSpace, Trance Warfare, and Neuro Linguistic Programming


 -  Conciencia COVID - ¿Un Contagioso Despertar o una Realidad Consensuada?

 -  Corona Vaccines from the Spiritual Perspective - Consequences on Soul and Spirit and the Life after Death


 -  COVID Consciousness - A Contagion of Awakening or a Consensus Reality?


 -  Da un Paso Adelante Humano Divino - La Creciente Marea Mundial de la 'Conciencia Humana'


 -  Esiste Vita sulla Terra? Uno 'Sperimento Mentale' - Il Covid-19, una "Scossa" come Ultima Opportunità per...


 -  Finalizando la 'Pandemia' - ¿Qué nos Deja y qué nos Desvela?


 -  Getting beyond 'The Robot' - Some Reflections on 'Paradoxical Freedom'


 - ¿Hay Vida en la Tierra? - Un 'Experimento Mental' - Covid-19 ¿una "Sacudida" como Última Oportunidad...?


 -  How to Win the War Against Tyranny


 -  Is COVID an Interdimensional Disease? - An Alien Connection


 -  Is There Life on Earth? - A 'Thought Experiment' - Is Covid-19 a 'Shock' for Humanity's Final Chance?


 -  La Psicologia del Totalitarismo


 -  La Psicología del Totalitarismo


 -  Miedos, Virus, Situación Global - Mensaje Extraterrestre Pleyades


 -  mRNA Vaccines, Transhumanism and the Battle for Our Souls


 - ¡NO te pongas a Dormir! ¡Este no es el Fin!


 -  Rompiendo el Hechizo - Espacio Mental, Armas de Trance y Programación Neuro Lingüística


 -  Sei Pronto per la Rivoluzione?


 -  Step Forth Divine Human - The Worldwide Rising Tide of 'Human Consciousness'


 -  The 'Long Range Matrix Agenda' and what we can do About It


 -  The Triumph of the Apocalyptics


 -  Twelve Challenges for a Post-Covid Shattered World






 -  En Busca de la Verdad - Volver a las Grandes Preguntas

 -  The Corona Crisis: Is the Tide Turning? - Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0

  Coronavirus and Flu  

 -  Can 5G Cause 'Flu-Like Symptoms and Disease'? - Electrical Engineer Whistleblower provides Answers...


 -  'Coronavirus Fatality Rate' lower than Expected - Close to Flu's 0.1% says Study


 -  Documentos revelan 'Portal Secreto de Twitter' que el Gobierno usó para Censurar contenidos sobre COVID-19


 -  Fake Pandemic Re-Run - Similarities between '1976 Swine Flu' and '2020 COVID'


 -  Flu is Killing More People than Covid-19 - And has been for Months - UK


 -  How does 'COVID-19' compare to the 'Spanish Flu'?


 - "It's Just the Flu with Minimal Mortality - Why has the Whole World been Destroyed? That I Don't Know" - Says...


 -  Lo que se Renombró como "COVID" siempre ha sido solo una Variación de Enfermedad Similar a la Influenza


 -  Mysterious Disappearance of Flu in San Diego prompted call for 'Audit of COVID Records'


 -  Nuevos "Archivos de Twitter" muestran que la empresa Ocultó Información sobre COVID de Médicos y Expertos


 -  Study, After Study, After Study - COVID-19 Mortality Rate is Similar to 'Seasonal Flu' - So Why the Insanity?


 -  UK COVID Conundrum - The Mysterious Case of 'Disappearing Flu'


 -  UK Downgrades COVID-19 - No longer a 'High Consequence Infectious Disease'


 -  What happened to "Flu Season?" - In the age of COVID, "The Flu" has been Reclassified as Coronavirus...


 -  What was Rebranded as "COVID" has always just been a Variation of Influenza-Like-Illness (ILI)

  Hydroxychloroquine and Other Alternatives  

 -  Anatomy of "Crimes Against Humanity" - Those published "17,000 Hydroxychloroquine Deaths" Never Happened


 -  Approved and Non-FDA Approved Covid-19 Treatments - A Comparison


 -  Big Pharma and All its Whores Around the World


 -  Big Pharma e Tutte le sue Prostitute nel Mondo


 -  Big Pharma's Narrative is Failing - Hydroxychloroquine and Covid-19

 -  Chloroquine Is a Potent Inhibitor of SARS Coronavirus Infection and Spread


 -  Cómo Explicarse la Creación de una Falsa Narrativa COVID-19 y su Ratificación durante Seis Meses


 -  Doctors Speak Out on Censorship and 'Mass Murderer Anthony Fauci's False Information' Hydroxychloroquine


 -  How a 'False Hydroxychloroquine Narrative' was Created


 -  Hydroxychloroquine is 'The Key to Defeating COVID-19' - Says Yale Epidemiologist

 -  Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a Macrolide for treatment of COVID-19


 -  La Corrupción de la Ciencia - El Escándalo del 'Estudio de The Lancet' sobre la Hidroxicloroquina


 -  MMS - Miracle Mineral Supplement - Main File


 -  Prevención del COVID - Una Alternativa Efectiva a las Vacunas


 - "Scientific Corona Lies" and Big Pharma - Hydroxychloroquine versus Gilead's Remdesivir: The 'LancetGate'


 -  The Corruption of Science - The Hydroxychloroquine 'Lancet Study' Scandal


 -  The 'Great Technocrat War' against Hydroxychloroquine


 -  'The Lancet' y 'NEJM' se Retractan de la Hidroxicloroquina - ¿Existe una Crisis en la Ciencia?


 -  The Media Sabotage of Hydroxychloroquine Use for COVID-19 - Doctors Worldwide Protest the Disaster

 -  White Paper on HCQ 2020 - by Simone Gold

  Immunity - Inmunidad

 -  CDC vs. Natural Immunity - Pandemic Lessons Learned


 -  Científicos esperan 'Inmunidad de Largo Plazo' al Covid-19 - Detectan Células-T para Lucha contra SARS...

 -  Comparing SARS-CoV-2 Natural Immunity to Vaccine-induced immunity - Reinfections versus breakthrough...


 -  Covid-19 - Más Cercano a la Verdad - Exámenes e Inmunidad

 -  Duration of Humoral Immunity to Common Viral and Vaccine Antigens


 - ¿En qué Casos se Adquiere Inmunidad frente al Coronavirus y por qué hay Recaídas?


 -  Inmunidad Natural al COVID-19 es Superior a la Vacunación - Estudio Israelí


 -  Is Natural Immunity more Effective than the COVID Shot?


 -  La Inmunidad Natural frente al Covid-19 podría Durar para Toda la Vida


 -  Natural Immunity to Coronavirus is Comprehensive and Durable - Study

 -  SARS-CoV-2 infection induces Long-Lived Bone Marrow Plasma cells in Humans

 -  SARS-CoV-2-specific T-cell immunity in cases of COVID-19 and SARS, and uninfected controls


 -  Scientist predicts 'Second Wave of COVID-19' because 'Social Distancing' has Prevented 'Herd Immunity'


 -  Sweden is 3 Weeks Away from 'Herd Immunity' after Refusing a Total Lockdown

  Lockdown, Quarantine - Confinamiento, Cuarentena, Encierros

 -  Ancora un altro Studio mostra - nuovamente - che i Lockdown Non Funzionano


 -  Anti-Lockdown Protests All Across Europe


 -  A Science-Based Alternative to Lockdowns and Economic Destruction does Exist


 -  Avoiding a 'Climate Lockdown'


 -  A 'World Gone Mad' - The Cost of COVID Lockdowns - Analysis


 -  Capitalismo Global - "Gobierno Mundial" y la Crisis del Coronavirus


 - 'Catastrophically Wrong' - German Court declares regional Lockdown Unconstitutional in 'Politically Explosive'...


 -  Censura en YouTube del Epidemiólogo Knut Wittkowski opposto al Lockdown - Vedi il Video Cancellato


 -  Children Have 0.00% Chance of Dying from COVID - But are Harmed for Life by Social Distancing, which...


 -  China's Dramatic Dissent


 -  Climate Lockdowns are Coming


 -  Come i Fanatici 'Hanno conquistato il Mondo'...


 -  Cómo Engañar a toda la Humanidad utilizando una "prueba" para Encerrar a la Sociedad - PCR para COVID-19


 -  Confinamiento - Análisis de una Experiencia Piloto de Obediencia en Masa


 -  Covid-19 - Assessment of Massive Surveillance


 -  Covid-19 Lockdowns in Third World result in 'Starvation and Police Assaults'...


 -  Covid-19 y "Amanecer Rojo"


 -  Cuando reina la Sensatez - Suecia Revoca Medidas contra Covid-19 a Grupos de Riesgo


 -  Después de todo parece que Suecia tenía la Razón - Política sobre el Coronavirus


 -  Did Bill Gates just Reveal the 'Reason Behind the Lock-Downs'?


 -  Did Lockdowns cause Increased Mortality Rates

 -  Did Lockdowns Work? - The Verdict on Covid Restrictions


 -  Digital Vaccine Certificates after Continued Lockdown - Plans for Post-Coronavirus World


 -  Dr. Anthony Fauci's Ties to George Soros, Bill & Hillary Clinton, the WHO, Bill Gates & the 'Big Pharma Mafia'


 -  El Demoledor Diagnóstico del Premio Nobel Michael Levitt sobre las Cuarentenas - "No Salvaron Ninguna Vida"


 -  El Distanciamiento Social de la Democracia


 -  El País Menos Autoritario de Europa - El enfoque Bielorruso hacia Covid-19 expone la Mentira del Confinamiento


 -  El Paradigma de los Encierros se Derrumba - Covid-19


 -  Estimación de la Verdadera Magnitud de la 'Pandemia' y las Muertes por el Confinamiento


 -  Europeans are 'Waking Up' to Government Covid-19 Tyranny - Why is America still Asleep?


 -  'Expertos' que Defendían los Cierres, ahora dicen que 'Estaban Equivocados'...


 -  Fauci Declares "You Use Lockdowns to Get People Vaccinated" - Praises China's insane Lockdown


 -  Gangs in Brazil Enforce their Own Lockdown after Bolsonaro writes off Coronavirus as "Fantasy"


 -  Gli Europei si stanno "Risvegliando" contro la Tirannia del Governo per il Covid 19 - Gli Americani Dormono?


 -  Global Capitalism - "World Government" and the Corona Crisis


 -  How Belarus Exposes the 'Lockdown Lie'


 -  How Fanatics 'Took Over the World'...


 -  I Certificati Digitali del Vaccino dopo un Blocco Continuo - Piani per il Mondo Post Coronavirus


 -  Il Capitalismo Globale - "Il Governo del Mondo" e la Crisi del Coronavirus


 -  Il Dott. Scott Atlas della Casa Bianca - 'Il Lockdown più Dannoso del Virus'


 -  Il Mito che i 'Lockdowns Fermano la Pandemia'


 -  Italians 'Rise Up' against "Health Dictatorship" as Country Moves toward New Lockdown


 -  La Cuarentena - ¿Vale la Pena?


 -  La Farsa y Diabólica Agenda de "Un Bloqueo Universal"


 -  La Locura del Confinamiento - Guía de la Persona Pensante


 -  La Mente Totalitaria - Donald G. McNeil


 -  Lockdown One Year On - It Doesn't Work, it Never Worked and it Wasn't Supposed to Work...!


 -  Lockdowns have Killed what's Left of the United Nations' "Credibility"


 -  Looks like Sweden was Right After All - Coronavirus Policy


 -  Mafia 'Steps In' to Provide Food for Italians Struggling during Lockdown


 -  Medical Martial Law - Is this How they Plan to Lock Down planet Earth?


 -  Merkel Cede ante las Críticas y Anula el Confinamiento Estricto pactado para Semana Santa


 - ¿No Cumplir con Reglas de Distanciamiento Social significa que eres un Psicópata? - La Respuesta es Obvia...


 -  One Chart Exposes the Lie behind Universal Lockdowns  due to Coronavirus


 -  Operación 'Lock-Step' - La Siniestra Agenda detrás de Covid-19


 -  Operation 'Lock-Step' - The Sinister Agenda behind Covid-19


 -  Planet Lockdown - A Documentary


 -  Post Encierro Covid-19 - La Jugada de Rockefeller


 -  Post Lockdown - The Rockefeller Game Plan


 -  Prepare for the Coming "Climate Lockdowns"


 -  Quarantine in the Ancient World


 -  Quarantine - Is It Worth It?


 -  Río de Janeiro - Las Muertes por Coronavirus Caen desde hace Cuatro Semanas


 - "Sbagliato in modo Catastrofico" - Il Tribunale Tedesco dichiara il Lockdown regionale Incostituzionale...


 - "Stato d'Emergenza? - Basta" - Virologi smascherano Conte


 - "Stop al Lockdown" - Cresce nel Mondo la Protesta


 -  Swedish Health Chief said Country Avoided Lockdown to Prevent "Pandemic Fatigue" - Coronavirus


 -  Taiwan - No Lockdown, No Chiusure delle Attività, Non sono Membri dell'OMS e Pochi Infetti da COVID-19


 -  Taiwan - No Lockdowns, No Closed Businesses, Non-WHO Member and Relatively Unaffected by COVID-19


 -  The China Lockdown Example - Origin of the War against the Population of Earth - Pretense of Containing a...


 -  The China Model unravels in Shanghai - Lockdowns


 -  The Farce and Diabolical Agenda of a "Universal Lockdown"


 -  The Fog of War - Proof Masks and Lockdowns are Worthless


 -  The Myth that 'Lockdowns Stop Pandemics'

 -  The Premonition - A Pandemic Story - by Michael Lewis


 -  The 'Smoking Gun' - COVID Restrictions are Not about Health


 -  Twenty Grim Realities Unearthed by Lockdowns


 -  UN Officials cite Study that finds 'Lockdowns and School Closures' are Killing More Children than COVID-19


 -  Veinte Realidades Sombrías desenterradas por los Confinamientos del Covid


 -  What were the Economic Consequences of the Unjustifiable COVID Lockdowns?


 -  White House's Dr. Scott Atlas - 'Lockdown More Harmful the Virus'


 -  Why Lockdowns Don't Work and Hurt the Most Vulnerable


 -  Yet another Study shows - Yet Again - that Lockdowns Don't Work

 -  Your Facebook Friends are Wrong about the Lockdown - A Non-Hysteric's Guide to COVID-19


 -  YouTube Censors epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski for Opposing Lockdown - Here is the Deleted Video


 - ¿Y Si el Confinamiento Fuera Todo un Error Garrafal?



 -  The Premonition - A Pandemic Story - by Michael Lewis




 -  España, Reino Unido y Australia a la Vanguardia del 'Totalitarismo Global'

 -  How they Pulled Off the 'Pandemic' - An Animated Film Explanation by David Icke

 -  Nobel Laureate slams "Disgraceful" Scientific reaction to Pandemic

 -  Planet Lockdown

 -  The Fact-Free Lockdown Hysteria

  Passport Covid / Pasaporte Covid  

 -  Brilliant! - How Russians Crushed Moscow's 'Vaccine Passports' in Just 3 Weeks


 -  El "Pasaporte Covid" es Inconstitucional y propio de Dictaduras Comunistas


 -  England Ends All COVID Restrictions - Passports, Mask Mandates and Work Restrictions


 -  En medio de la Guerra en Ucrania, la ONU inicia un Proceso para definir Mecanismos Internacionales ante...


 -  EU Commits to Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, Mask Mandates


 -  Global Technocrats likely behind Trudeau's 'Sudden Reversal of Emergency Orders'


 -  Humans of the Great Reset - What the Future might look like in 2021... if the 'Controlling Elites' have Their Way


 -  Serial Liar Bill Gates is now Denying Ever talking about 'Digital Vaccine Passports' - But there's Video Proof


 -  The "Killer Covid Vaccine" Worldwide - 7.9 Billion People


 -  The Tricks they're playing to 'Get You Vaccinated'

 -  The Truth about Covid-19 - Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports... - by Joseph Mercola


 -  U.S. Firm combines Nanotechnology, Blockchain for COVID-19 immunity Passports


 -  Vaccine Passports - One Passport to Rule Them All



 -  What You Need to Know about the 'WHO Pandemic Treaty'

  Tests - PCR and Others / Tests - Pruebas PCR y Otras  

 -  Acerca del Fraude del Examen 'PCR'


 -  Antibody Testing for COVID-19


 -  Are PCR Tests 'Secret Vaccines'...?


 -  Beware of Covid PCR Testing and the Relentless "Vaccinate Vaccinate Vaccinate" Campaign...


 -  Biggest Lie in World History - There Never Was a 'Pandemic'


 -  Bill Gates forse è stato Ingannato...?


 -  Bill Gates Foundation funded China's Genomics firm 'Mining DNA Data' through COVID Tests


 -  CDC to withdraw Emergency use Authorization for 'RT PCR Test' - It can't Distinguish between SARS-CoV-2...


 -  Common Cold may Trigger Positive 'COVID-19 Antibody Test'


 -  Cómo Crear una Falsa Pandemia


 -  Cómo Engañar a toda la Humanidad utilizando una "prueba" para Encerrar a la Sociedad - PCR para COVID-19


 -  Coronavirus Cases Plummet when PCR Tests are Adjusted


 -  'Coronavirus Scandal' breaking in Merkel's Germany


 -  Covid-19 - Más Cercano a la Verdad - Exámenes e Inmunidad


 -  'Covid-19 PCR Tests' are Scientifically Meaningless


 -  Covid-19 "Positive Cases" down 62% since World Health Organization Updated 'PCR Guidance'


 -  Covid - To Governors who are Re-opening your States - How to Defeat the Attacks against You


 -  Denuncia Pública en Argentina a la OMS - La 'Pandemia' del Covid-19

 -  Detection of 2019 novel Coronavirus by real-time RT-PCR (Corman-Drosten Paper) - by Christian Drosten

 -  Development and pre-clinical evaluation of Newcastle disease virus-vectored SARS-CoV-2 intranasal vaccine...


 -  El Aislamiento del Virus en los pacientes y Los Test Rt PCR son un Fraude y detectan Retrovirus Endógenos...


 -  El Juego de los Números del Covid-19 - La 'Segunda Ola' Está Basada en Falsas Estadísticas


 -  El Resfriado Común puede dar Positiva una 'Prueba de Anticuerpos COVID-19'


 -  En los Próximos diez días la Prueba de PCR en los Estados Unidos será Declarada Inválida


 -  Escándalo - El Banco Mundial exportó Aparatos de Prueba de diagnóstico de Covid-19 en los años 2017 y 2018


 -  'Every Scary Thing' you're being told depends on "The Unreliable PCR Test" - Covid-19


 -  Examen de Diagnóstico del COVID - El Peor Alguna Vez Diseñado


 -  Expertos Internacionales sugieren que hasta el 90% de Casos COVID podrían ser Falsos Positivos


 -  Has Mr. Bill Gates been Fooled...?


 -  How the 'PCR Test' has Killed Millions - And is still Killing...!


 -  How to Create a False Pandemic


 -  Landmark Legal Ruling finds that Covid Tests are Not Fit for Purpose - So what do the MSM do? They ignore it


 -  La Misteriosa Morte del più Famoso Critico di Fauci... la sua Nemesi il Dr. Kary Mullis!


 -  La OMS Cambia los Criterios de la Prueba de PCR para 'Encubrir los Falsos Positivos'...


 -  La OMS Confirma que la Prueba de PCR es Defectuosa - No tiene Validez


 -  La OMS finalmente Admite que las Pruebas de PCR crean 'Falsos Positivos'


 -  La PCR No Detecta el SARS-CoV-2 - La Estafa se Constata


 -  La Prueba PCR es una Técnica diseñada Exclusivamente para Amplificar el ADN


 -  La Secuencia del Cebador de la 'Prueba PCR' de Coronavirus de la OMS se encuentra en Todo el ADN Humano


 -  L'OMS Conferma che il Test PCR per Covid-19 è Difettoso


 -  Magnetic Nanomaterials are in the Covid-19 Jabs, Masks and Swabs


 -  Mass PCR Testing - The Fatal Conceit


 -  Pandemia Manufacturada - Examinando a la Gente en Busca de Cualquier Variante de un Coronavirus...


 - "Pandemic is Over" - Former 'Pfizer Chief Science Officer' says "Second Wave" faked on False-Positive Tests


 -  PCR Test 'Casedemic' - How Technocrats Intentionally Weaponized Bad Science


 -  PCR Tests are Used to cause 'Disease Panic'

 -  PCR - The Polymerase Chain Reaction - by Kary Mullis


 -  Por qué si das Positivo en una Prueba PCR es Imperativo Averiguar el Umbral del Ciclo que se Ejecutó


 -  Pruebas Masivas de PCR - La Idea Fatal


 -  Pseudo-Epidemia - El Covid-19 Nunca se Acabará - ¿Por qué...?


 -  Revelan Graves Errores en el Modelo que se usó para establecer la Prueba PCR como Método de Diagnóstico

 -  Role of Exosomes in False-Positive Covid-19 PCR Tests


 -  Rothschilds Patented Covid-19 Biometric Tests in 2015 and 2017


 -  Suecia Deja de Utilizar las Pruebas PCR - El ARN de los Virus puede 'Detectarse Meses Después de la Infección'


 -  Sweden Stops using PCR Tests - RNA from Viruses can be 'Detected for Months After Infection'


 -  Te pueden Vacunar con una Prueba de PCR incluso Sin Saberlo - Confirma la Universidad Johns Hopkins


 -  The Ignorance and Deception surrounding 'PCR Tests' for COVID-19


 -  The Insanity of the PCR Testing Saga


 -  The Mysterious Death of Dr Fauci's Most Notable Critic... His Nemesis: Dr. Kary Mullis!


 -  The PCR Covid Tests Don't Work - Bombshell Admission


 -  The PCR False Positive Pseudo-Epidemic


 -  The PCR Test can Kill you - And could be Used to Vaccinate You...

 -  The Scam has been Confirmed - PCR does Not detect SARS-CoV-2


 -  The Unsuitability of PCR Tests and Rapid Tests for measuring the Incidence of Infection - Covid-19


 -  The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed


 -  UK Government finally admits 'PCR Test Generates False Positives' - The Fine Print


 -  Una Sentenza Giuridica Storica rivela che I Test Covid non sono Adatti allo Scopo quindi cosa fa l'MMS? Ignora...


 -  Vaccinated with a PCR Test even Without Knowing? - Confirmed by Johns Hopkins University


 -  Was the 'Covid-19 Test' meant to Detect a Virus?


 -  When a Vaccine is Not a Vaccine and a Test is Not a Test


 -  WHO admits High-Cycle PCR Tests Produce 'COVID False Positives' - Right On Cue for Biden...


 -  WHO changes PCR Test Criteria to 'Cover-up False Positives'...


 -  WHO finally admits PCR Tests create 'False Positives'


 -  World Health Organization's updated guidance for PCR COVID-19 testing will likely lower positive cases


 -  You can be Vaccinated with a PCR Test even Without Knowing - Johns Hopkins University confirms



 -  'Every Scary Thing' you're being told depends on "The Unreliable PCR Test" - Covid-19

 -  Kary Mullis, Inventor of PCR Test - "PCR is Not a Reliable Test for Viruses"


 -  PCR - La Estafa ha sido Confirmada

 -  The Mysterious Death of Dr. Fauci’s Most Notable Critic - Dr. Kary Mullis

 -  There is No Corona Pandemic but only a 'PCR Test' Plandemic - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

 -  The "Smoking Guns" of a Manufactured Pandemic - Kristina Borjesson and Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

  The New Normal - La Nueva Normalidad  

 -  11 Septiembre 2001 - Los Paralelos entre el 'New Normal' Post-terrorista y el del Covid-19 No Pueden Ignorarse


 -  Climate, Covid, Control... and Criminals


 -  Covid, Cibernética y la Nueva Normalidad


 -  Invasion of the 'New Normals'...


 -  La Escalofriante Vuelta a la 'Normalidad' en Estados Unidos


 -  La Ideología de la 'Normalidad' a la que se quiere Regresar es Más Letal que el Virus


 -  La Invasión de los 'Nuevos Normales'...


 -  La Tiranía de la Tecnocracia - La Nueva Normalidad No Es Normal


 -  La Tormenta del Totalitarismo se Acerca


 -  Microchips, Nanotechnology and Implanted Biosensors - The New Normal...?


 -  Nearly Two Decades after 9/11, Parallels between the Post-terrorist Attack 'New Normal' and that of Covid-19...


 -  Our Brainwashed Covid Youth


 -  Permacrisis - The New Normal


 -  Technocracy's Tyranny - The New Normal Isn't Normal


 - 'Take Off the Mask!' - Thousands gather in London for 'Unite for Freedom' Rally, demanding 'Back to Normal Now'


 -  The Cult of the Brave 'New Normal'...



 -  The New Normal - A Documentary

  The Numbers - Los Números  

 -  42% of 'All COVID-19 Deaths in the U.S.' occurred in Nursing Homes


 -  A 'Closer Look' at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19


 -  Atrocità Commesse dai Governi contro i loro Cittadini


 -  Atrocities Committed by Governments against their Citizens


 -  Casualties - External Link - Daily Update


 -  CDC Quietly updated COVID-19 Numbers - Only 9,210 Americans Died from it Alone


 -  Covid-19 - A 'Once in a Century Fiasco' in the Making...

 -  Covid-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law - A Historical Retrospective


 -  Covid-19 Mortality Rate may be 'Considerably Less Than 1%'


 -  Covid-19 si rivela Essere una Enorme Beffa perpetrata dai Media


 -  Covid-19 - Un 'Fiasco de Una Vez en Un Siglo' en Proceso de Desarrollo...


 -  Covid-19 - Un 'Fiasco di una Volta in un Secolo' in Fase di Sviluppo...


 - ¿Cuántas Personas tienen 'Coronavirus'?  - ¿Ninguna...?


 -  Cuatro Mil Millones de 'Comelones Inútiles' serán Sacrificados para 2050 - John Coleman, publicado en 1993

 -  Demographic Science Aids in Understanding the Spread and Fatality rates of COVID-19


 -  Después de todo parece que Suecia tenía la Razón - Política sobre el Coronavirus


 -  El 85 % de los casi 20.000 Fallecidos por COVID-19 en Perú Padecía Obesidad


 -  El Director Médico del Reino Unido confirma, nuevamente que, Covid-19 es "Inofensivo para la Gran Mayoría"


 -  El Error del 1% - Cómo un Error Matemático de los 'Expertos' en Covid-19 de EE.UU. causó Pánico...


 -  En toda Europa las Muertes son Mucho Mayores Ahora que en los 'Años Pandémicos' de 2020 y 2021


 -  Experts estimate 20 Million are already Dead due to COVID Vaccination and over 2 Billion Injured


 -  Four Billion "Useless Eaters" to be Culled by 2050 - John Coleman, published 1993


 -  Global Uprising Underway - How many People Have 'Really Died from COVID-19'?


 -  Government reveals the 'Quadruple/Triple Vaccinated' now account for 92% of COVID Deaths across Canada


 -  Gran Pasticcio nel Rapporto sui Decessi - Per l'ISS gran parte dei Morti non li ha causati il Covid


 -  Hospitals Now #1 Cause of Death - Medical Kidnapping the Norm as Patients are Sacrificed on the Altar of COVID


 -  How many People have 'Coronavirus'? - None...?


 -  How the 'Pandemic' Was Fabricated


 -  Il Tasso di Mortalità del Coronavirus è più Basso delle Aspettative - Vicino allo 0,1% dell’Influenza afferma...

 -  Investigating the impact of influenza on excess mortality in all ages in Italy during recent seasons...


 -  Is this what's Behind Italy's Outrageous 10% Mortality Rate from COVID-19?


 -  Italia estima que más de 1,4 Millones se habrían Infectado de Coronavirus - Bajísima Tasa de Mortalidad


 -  Italy's suspected Covid Death Tally corrected from 132,161 to 3,783... - Covid Hysteria was 97% Fiction


 -  Las Cifras de Muerte por Covid-19 son "Una Sobreestimación Sustancial"


 -  Las Matemáticas del Coronavirus 'Covid-19'


 -  Looks like Sweden was Right After All - Coronavirus Policy


 -  Los CDC 'Inflaron' las Tasas de Mortalidad por COVID-19 en un 1600% - Informe


 -  Los Engañosos Números de la 'Pandemia' - ¿Por qué Muere la Gente?


 -  Los Números Oficiales prueban que el COVID-19 es BENIGNO - Locura global...


 -  Los Números Oficiales prueban que el COVID-19 sigue siendo Benigno - 90 Días de Locura...


 -  More Evidence shows Total Deaths in 2020 are No Different than Prior Years


 -  My Investigation of the So-Called COVID 'Deaths'...


 -  Official Covid-19 Death Numbers - The Fraud and The Killing


 -  Official discuss 'Changing Covid Patient Count' to make it 'More Scary for the Public' - Leaked Video


 - "Open Up Society Now" say Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi


 -  Periódico de Johns Hopkins elimina un Estudio que examina la "Tasa de Mortalidad por COVID-19"


 -  Praise the 'Lord' and Pass the Ivermectin


 -  Quante Persone hanno il 'Coronavirus'? - Nessuna…?


 -  Report sulle Caratteristiche dei Pazienti Deceduti Positivi a COVID-19 in Italia


 - "Scientific Corona Lies" and Big Pharma - Hydroxychloroquine versus Gilead's Remdesivir: The 'LancetGate'


 -  Stanford Physicians suggest COVID-19 could have 'Lower Mortality Rate than Flu'


 -  Stanford Team finds Evidence COVID-19 Mortality Rate is as Low as 0.2% - 17 Times Lower than WHO's...


 -  Sublevación Global en Marcha - ¿Cuántas Personas han 'Muerto Realmente de COVID-19'?


 -  The 1% Blunder - How a Simple but Fatal Math Mistake by US Covid-19 "experts" caused the World to Panic...


 -  The CDC confirms 'Remarkably Low Coronavirus Death Rate' - Where is the Media?


 -  The Country with Zero COVID Deaths


 -  The Great COVID Death Coverup


 -  The Role of Hospitals, Covid Injections and 5G in Genocide Depopulation


 -  The Way 'Covid Deaths' are being Counted is a National Scandal...


 -  Un Informe Revela que el "94% de las Muertes" no ha sido Únicamente por COVID-19

  Books - Treatises  

 -  A Plague Upon Our House - by Scott Atlas

 -  Covid-19 and the Global Predators - We Are the Prey - by Peter Breggin


 -  Covid-19 - El Gran Reset - por Klaus Schwab y Thierry Malleret

 -  Covid-19 - The Greatest Hoax in History - by Dr. Vernon Coleman

 -  Covid-19 - The Great Reset - by K.Schwab and T.Malleret

 -  Covid Operation - What Happened, Why It Happened and What's Next - by Pamela Popper


 - ¡Despierta! - Cómo las Élites están Controlando el Mundo - por Fernando Paz

 -  Discovery of a Rich Gene Ppool of Bat SARS-related Coronaviruses provides new insights into Origin of SARS...


 -  El Fraude del Covid-19 y la Guerra Contra la Humanidad - por Mark Bailey y John Bevan-Smith


 -  El Mito del Contagio - por T.Cowan, S.Morell


 -  El Relato Pandémico - Medioevo 2.0: Supersticiones, Dogmas e Inquisición - por Nicolás Ponsiglione

 -  Endonuclease Fingerprint indicates a Synthetic Origin of SARS-CoV-2 - by A.Washburne, V.Bruttel, A.VanDongen


 - ¿Es el VIH al SIDA lo que el SARSCoV-2 es al COVID? - por Andrew Kaufman

 -  Evidence Regarding Vitamin D and Risk of COVID-19 and Its Severity - by Joseph Mercola

 -  Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds - by Charles Mackay

 -  Final Report of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic

 -  Guide to Trance-Formation - How to Harness the Power of Hypnosis to Ignite Effortless and Lasting Change

 -  How to Stop your Doctor Killing You - by Vernon Coleman

 -  Infected - by J.D. Morvan and Huang Jia Wei - EU Publications

 -  Inside Corona - by Thomas Röper

 -  Is HIV to AIDS what SARS-CoV-2 is to COVID? - by Andrew Kaufman

 -  Just Say No! - by Chris Sky


 -  La Verdad de la Pandemia - por Cristina Martín Jiménez

 -  Lies My Gov't Told Me - And the Better Future Coming - by Robert W. Malone


 -  Los Ojos de la Oscuridad - por Dean Koontz

 -  National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan - by The Rockefeller Foundation

 -  Patent 7279327 - Methods for Producing Recombinant Coronavirus

 -  Racial/Ethnic Variation in Nasal Gene Expression of Transmembrane Serine Protease 2 (TMPRSS2)

 -  Snake Oil - How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World - by Michael P. Senger


 -  ¡Solo Diga No...! - por Chris Sky

 -  The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis, Destroying Civil Society and the "Great Reset" - by Michel Chossudovsky

 -  The Covid-19 Fraud and War on Humanity - by Dr. Mark Bailey and Dr. John Bevan-Smith

 -  The Contagion Myth - Why Viruses (including Coronavirus) are Not the Cause of Disease - by T.Cowan, S.Morell

 -  The Crowd - A Study of the Popular Mind - by Gustave Le Bon

 -  The Eyes of Darkness - by Dean Koontz under the pseudonym Leigh Nichols

 -  The Invisible Rainbow - A History of Electricity and Life - by Arthur Firstenberg

 -  The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2 - by Kristian G. Andersen, Edward C. Holmes, Robert F. Garry

 -  The Psychology of Totalitarianism - by Mattias Desmet

 -  The Real Anthony Fauci - by Robert Kennedy Jr.

 -  The Truth about COVID-19 - by Joseph Mercola and Ronnie Cummins

 -  The Wisdom of Plagues' - by Donald G. McNeil

 -  The Worldwide Corona Crisis - Global Coup d'État Against Humanity - by Michel Chossudovsky

 -  The Wuhan Cover-Up - by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.


 -  Toda la Verdad sobre el COVID-19 - por Joseph Mercola y Ronnie Cummins


 -  2019 Biological Attack in UK?

 -  2030 Health Dictatorship


 -  Alemania - La Comisión de Investigación Extra-Parlamentaria del COVID-19 - ACU

 -  Are Spike Proteins being Released onto Cities? - Dr. Lee Merritt


 -  Ascolta...! ¡Escucha...! Listen...!


 - ¿Ataque Biológico en 2019 en Gran Bretaña?


 -  Banco Mundial y OMS - Su Relación con el Corona-Plan

 -  Big Pharma's Nano Tech Rape of All Humanity?


 -  Bill Gates nos Pone al Corriente de los Planes de la Élite

 -  Bombshell Docs Reveal COVID-19 Cover-Up Goes Straight to the Top - Redacted with Clayton Morris


 -  Cómo Rockefeller fundó la Medicina Moderna y Acabó con las Curas Naturales - Clip


 -  Contagio - Un Mito a Comprender

 -  Coronavirus and the Global Orwellian State - David Icke


 -  Coronavirus Clinicamente Non Esiste Più...! - Alberto Zangrillo, Ospedale San Raffaele


 -  Coronavirus - È Stato il "Pipistrello"...


 -  Coronavirus - La Fuga del Laboratorio de Wuhan ya no es una "Teoría de la Conspiración"


 -  COVID-19 al Descubierto

 -  COVID-19 Plandemic - A Known Live "Training and Simulation Exercise" under WHO


 -  COVID-19 - Pretexto para Implementar Agenda del Nuevo Orden Mundial

 -  COVID-19 Round Table in DC with Sen. Ron Johnson


 -  COVIDLAND - El Encierro

 -  COVIDLAND - The Lockdown


 -  Creo que el Universo tiene su manera de Devolver su Equilibrio a las Cosas

 -  Crimes Against Humanity - The Covid 'Pandemic' Case


 -  David Icke - La Conspiración del Coronavirus - Covid 19 y 5G

 -  David Icke - The Coronavirus Conspiracy - Covid19 and 5G


 -  Declaraciones del Gran Jurado, Tribunal Popular Opinión Pública - Reiner Füllmich


 -  Despertar Masivo - Manifiesto a Favor de la Libertad de los Seres Humanos


 -  Dictadura Sanitaria 2030

 -  Doctor Roger Hodkinson destroys 'Utterly Unfounded Public Hysteria' over COVID-19

 -  Does the Virus Exist? Has SARS-CoV-2 Been Isolated? - Interview with Christine Massey

 -  Donald Trump reveals where he Stands on COVID - New Viral Video


 - "El Antídoto Universal - Agua Amarilla" - Documental


 -  El Futuro Nos Pertenece - ¡Por La Libertad...!


 - 'El Plan' - Foro Económico Mundial y Otros...


 -  El Proyecto Immanuel - Trasfondo Científico de la "Crisis" del Covid-19


 -  El Ser Humano es el Único Animal que Necesita un Amo para Poder Vivir


 -  Explicando la 'Pandemia' Global - David Icke

 -  Fact CORONAVIRUS/COVID 19 - The REAL numbers that will make you feel SAFE


 -  Fascismo Internacional prohibe la entrada a David Icke en 26 Paises


 -  George Soros y Bill Gates están detrás de la 'Pandemia' Covid-19 - Señala el periodista Javier Villamor

 -  Germany - The COVID-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee - ACU

 -  Global Warming and the "Pandemic" - Interview - Bill Gates speaks to Rt. Hon. Jeremy Hunt MP

 -  Greetings, Useless Eaters - A Message from your 'Global Human Health Overlord'

 -  How they Pulled Off the 'Pandemic' - David Icke

 -  Humanity on its Feet

 -  If there Really is a 'Pandemic', then How Come...?


 -  Il Riscaldamento Globale e la "Pandemia" - Intervista: Bill Gates parla con Rt.Hon.Jeremy Hunt MP

 -  Interview with Rashid Buttar - Covid-19 and Global Deceit

 -  It is Time to Say... NO!


 - ¿La Pandemia del Miedo? - Pastor francés Explica el Confinamiento por Covid-19


 -  La Plandemia Organizada por la Fundación Rockefeller, Expuesta en el Parlamento Holandés


 -  La Primavera No lo Sabía...


 -  Las Diez Estrategias de Manipulación Mediática - "Nos Conocen mejor que Nosotros"...


 -  La Verdad detrás de la Pandemia de Coronavirus - Bloqueo Covid-19 y Colapso Económico - David Icke


 -  L'Elite Globale e il Colpo di Stato del Coronavirus - Con Patrick Wood


 -  Médico Italiano Roberto Petrella advierte a la Población: Covid-19

 -  Meet Bill Gates

 -  New 'Crop Circle' with Covid-19 Healing Code


 - "No podemos Esterilizar el Universo" - Los Virus nuestro Vecinos y "Compañeros"...


 -  Nueva Visión de la Crisis del Coronavirus - Entrevista a Andreas Kalcker


 -  Nuevo 'Crop Circle' con el Código de Curación del Covid-19


 -  Nuova Visione sulla crisi del Coronavirus - Intervista a Andreas Kalcker


 -  Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, Covid-19 e la Fondazione Gates - Sara Cunial


 -  Obedece, Vacúnate y Muere Ingenuo


 -  Obediencia Ciega e Hipnosis Colectiva - La Humanidad está Viviendo una Tragedia Inmensa con el Covid-19



 -  Opening Statements at Grand Jury, Court of Public Opinion - Reiner Füllmich  


 -  Pandemia y Super-ricos


 -  Plandemia - En el Mundo de Los Doctores

 -  Plandemic 3 - The Great Awakening - Introduction

 -  Plandemic 2 - 'Indoctornation'

 -  Plandemic 1 - The Event 201


 -  Quantum Leap - MMS


 - ¿Qué Podemos Hacer? - Déjame Contarte una Historia Real...


 -  Questa è la Battaglia che potrebbe farci Vincere la Guerra


 -  Si No Existe tal Bicho... ¿De qué Muere y Enferma tanta Gente?

 -  Stop Cooperating with the Authorities - David Icke

 -  The Anatomy of Covid-19

 -  'The Answer' - David Icke at London Real - August 2, 2020

 -  The Corona Crisis: Is the Tide Turning? - Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0

 -  The Covid-19 Fraud and War on Humanity

 -  The Covid-19 Genocide of 2020 - Claire Edwards

 -  The Global Elite and The Coronavirus Coup D'état with Patrick Wood

 -  The Great Awakening and The Plandemic Series

 - 'The Great Reset' - Davos, Soros, Gates, the UN, Trump and Covid-19

 -  The Next Outbreak? - We're Not Ready - Bill Gates at TED - Pandemic 'Predicted' in 2015, today's Covid-19?

 -  The Pushback - The Day the World Stood Together - Oracle Films

 -  There is No Variant... Not Novel... No Pandemic! - Dr David E. Martin with Reiner Fuellmich

 - "These People Killed Millions" - Dr. Andrea Stramezzi on 'Preventable COVID Deaths and Culprits'

 -  The "Smoking Guns" of a Manufactured Pandemic - Kristina Borjesson and Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

 -  The Truth behind the Coronavirus Pandemic - Covid-19 Lockdown and the Economic Crash - David Icke

 - "The Universal Antidote - Yellow Water" - Documental

 -  The Viganò Tapes - The Complete Interview

 -  The Vindication - Rose/Icke 6

 -  Thierry Baudet - 2010 Document allegedly Exposes Rockefeller Foundation and Globalist Scheme

 -  This is the Battle that could WIN us the War


 -  Tutto Quello che Stanno Nascondendo sul Coronavirus - La denuncia del Dr. Shiva

 -  Uncovering The Corona Narrative - Ernst Wolff


 -  Un Crimen Oculto - La "Plandemia"

 -  Unprecedented Climate and Temperature whiplash Scenarios

 -  Virus-Isolation, Is It Real? - Andrew Kaufman MD responds to Jeremy Hammond

 - "We Can't Sanitize The Universe" - Viruses, our Neighbors and "Companions"...

 -  'We Have the Evidence' - Reiner Fuellmich on suing the WHO

 -  We Will Not Be Silenced - Brian Rose Documentary Movie

 -  What is Technocracy, Who are the Technocrats and What is their Agenda

 -  WHO's to Thank...

 -  You are Lying about the Number of Deaths caused by the Coronavirus - Vittorio Sgarbi in Italy

  Related Reports  

 -  5G - The Great Connection Risk and Control - Main File


 -  AIDS - Man-Made - Main File


 -  Antibiotics - Main File


 -  Biden - A 2021 U.S. President - Main File


 -  Bioterrorism - Main File


 -  Depopulation of Planet Earth - Main File


 -  Ebola - Global Pandemic or Global Hoax? - Main File


 -  Influenza - Virus H1N1 - Unintentional Contamination or Bioterrorism? - Main File


 -  Killer Vaccines - Vacunas Que Matan - Main File



 -  Microbiome - Our Microbes and Viruses - Main File



 -  The Global Elite - The Transnational Capitalist Class - Main File


 -  The WHO - World 'Health' Organization - Main File