by Julian Rose
July 05,
JulianRose Website
Spanish version

You are a
Universal Being.
Your body is just
a vehicle for the manifestation of this Universal Being here
on Earth.
As a Universal
Being your 'essence' lives forever.
Start identifying
your Self as a Universal Being, merged with the source of
all existence.
The more you live in this
Self - the Real You, during this lifetime - the more seamless
is the passage onwards at the time of passing.
"I am a spiritual
entity and nothing can harm me, because 'I' am not this physical
body which carries me through this third density existence
experienced here on Earth.
'I' am soul, ether,
spirit, plasma - and I chose to 'come back' to planet Earth
and to be reborn into a human body in order to perform valuable
tasks and help realign Earthly existence with Cosmic existence -
and thereby create harmony and balance."
Repeat this - and feel
the fear fall away...
Feel it dissolve like the
sun-burned morning mist.
Fear is a state of
A cramped mind.
Every part of it is
alien to us save that useful bit that warns us not to do some
crazy act - like jump over the edge of a cliff under the
illusion that one will sprout wings and fly away into the blue
Yes, the 'real you' can
The ether/spirit
But the physical you is a
gravity respecting entity here on dear mother Earth.
Respect this type of
fear, for it is a God given preservation instinct.
So, you are not
You hold onto your
fear because it seems 'real', doesn't it?
You quite like it, a
sort of drug.
After all every TV,
newspaper, radio and neighbor is telling you 'to be afraid.'
It's easier to give
in than not to.
There are so many things
you need to fear, they say, so many that there is almost no room
left for anything else to get you going in a positive direction.
We live in a culture of fear, imposed by,
those we elect and
allow to manage our lives...
Think about it... so
determined are most of us to avoid taking true responsibility for
our lives and the lives of other living beings that we allow our
minds to say to us,
"OK, that's fine,
leave it to the
politicians, bankers and corporate board
members to run our affairs for us."
Then we turn around and
curse them for introducing a
despotic top-down police-state agenda
that makes a misery out of our lives!
How foolish can one get?
All the while 'the elected ones' (by us) learn better and better,
how to manipulate
those who elected them, so that they can hold onto the power.
They are addicted
to power - and use it to make us addicted to fear.
So we shrink, while they
How very foolish so much of mankind is.
Both parties, the
purveyors of fear and the fearful, bogged-down in a rail siding
leading to nowhere.
Both sides
bogged-down in a rail siding completely terminating our natural
evolutionary instinct and putting in its place a state of
perpetual self-imprisonment.
"Fear not!" say I, for
anyone reading this is not heading for the end of the line or the
gallows; is not busy constructing a hangman's noose to stick his/her
neck in.
Nobody reading this can
suffer the delusion that to profit from worldly riches is superior
to profiting from the flow of Divine uplift.
An ecstatic state
which comes from rejecting fear and ceasing to hide in the
shadows of a frightened 'little me'...
This 'little me' is a
hypnotized being who has convinced himself/herself that one can
never step forward and take responsibility for one's destiny, or
make a valuable contribution on the stage of life.
Out you go 'little
me' - and stay out.
No place for you in
the unfolding age of Truth.
For as has been said,
You are not a cipher...
You are a Divine
eminence - and is that a quality to hide away under a cloak of
self impoverishment?
Well, is it?
After what seems like an
interminable pause, an answer emerges: 'NO'
And immediately, as if shot from a cannon, the Real You
bursts upon the scene:
immeasurably lightened!
Yes, I can see this
Real You, right now, and I can tell you:
you are an
outstanding being with enough potential to single-handedly
transform both yourself and your community into manifestations
of an age of instant enlightenment...!
Yes, my friend, I'm not
talking about someone else, it's you who is
'Little me', who was
Never mind, gone
Now you stand single,
strong, proud, all traces of fear banished forever.
Maybe for the first time,
you are free, out of jail, ready to be intoxicated by the
sweet scent of the wild rose, the symphonic triumph of the dawn
chorus, the illustrious beauty of awakened nature calls you forth -
rejoice in her and act in her defense!
Proudly step forward to defend her precious wealth of vital
diversity, so cruelly sterilized by vampires wearing carefully
pressed city suits and a fixed smile on their faces...

They and their clan
scared you once, didn't they?
But no more, you now
see the fake smile for exactly what it is...
You are metamorphosed and
stand shining, a ray of the living sun.
Use your new gifts well,
my friend, millions need the support of your awakened powers
to themselves be awakened and freed from the hypnosis of fear.
These are the
builders of the New Society which is our imperative
to create - and no one else's...