Español |
20 Cosas que el 'Golpe del Covid'
revela sobre la Humanidad |
20 Things the 'Covid Coup' reveals
about Humanity |
- '9/11
and the COVID-19 Hoax' in the Transition to Governance
by "Emergency Measures"
Español |
2021 - El "Gran Reinicio" de Davos
Español |
2022 - El Año que se Avecina
Abp. Viganò warns US Bishops about
COVID Vaccine - The 'Great Reset' wants 'Billions of
Chronically Ill People'
Closer Look at "The Gatekeepers" of Medical Research
A Developing Evil - The Malignant
Historical Force behind the Great Reset
Español |
Agenda Psicológica 2030
A Greater Reset than the Great
Reset is Happening...!
Español |
Ahora es Crucial Entender a qué
nos Enfrentamos
Español |
- ¿Amarás
tu Servidumbre?
- "A
New System" - Inside the Davos Summit 2023
"Peaceful Culling" is Underway - A Reminder
Apocalypse Now - The Government's
use of Controlled Chaos to Maintain Power
Archbishop Viganò warns of coming
Ecological Dictatorship
Are you Ready for the Revolution?
Español |
Argentina es el Laboratorio del
Gran Reseteo y de la Agenda 2030 - Milei había rechazado
en Campaña
Español |
Arzobispo Viganò advierte a
Obispos de EE.UU. sobre Vacuna COVID - El 'Gran Reinicio'
quiere 'Miles de...
As International Trials begin
against the Globalists will a 'Return to Public
Executions' be necessary
As WEF prepares for '54th Annual
Meeting' international activist movements offer
Alternative Vision of 2030
A Timeline of the Great Reset
Agenda - From Foundation to Event 201 and the 'Pandemic'
of 2020
Italiano |
Atrocità Commesse dai Governi
contro i loro Cittadini
Committed by Governments against their Citizens
Author of 'The Limits to Growth'
promotes the Genocide of 86% of the World's Population -
The Club of Rome
- "Bastille
2022" - Building a Worldwide Movement Against "Corona
Beheading the Hydra
Italiano |
Benvenuti nel 2030 - Possiedo la
Terra, Vivo tra Persone che la Pensano allo stesso modo
e la Vita non è mai...
Beyond Kingdoms and Empires...
Beyond the Great Reset - 10
Official Documents on Human-Machine Hybrids
Español |
Bienvenido al 2030 - Soy Dueño de
la Tierra, Vivo entre Personas Afines y la Vida nunca ha
sido Mejor
Bill Gates Patent gives him
'Exclusive Rights' to 'Computerize' the Human Body
Español |
Bill Gates planea un "Nuevo
Contagio Catastrófico"
Bill Gates plans for New
"Catastrophic Contagion"
Biodiversity - The Genetic
Takeover of All Living Things
Español |
Biopoder en la Era del 'Gran
Biopower in the Age of the 'Great
Bird Flu - Another attempt to
'Control the Food System' and Make a Profit
Bird Flu - Another Phony
"pandemic"... this time for Chickens
Flu should be the Subject of a Criminal Investigation
Español |
Boris Johnson anuncia el "Gran
Reinicio" de Gran Bretaña - ¿Tenían Razón los 'Conspiranoicos
Italiano |
Bugie, Propagandisti e Il Gran
- 'Build
Back Better' and the Great Reset - A Respectable
Español |
- ¡Busquen...!
¡Despiértense Gente...! - Están siendo "Suicidados a la
Velocidad de la Luz"
Italiano |
Capire la Mente Tirannica e come
Capitalism for the Rich and
Socialism for the Poor - The Great Reset VII
- 'Carbon
Allowance' - Will Restrict what you Do, Buy and Eat -
The Great Reset |
of the Mind - The Free Individual Returns |
Causing Downfall of Civilization
by deliberate Destruction of Infrastructure
Español |
Certificado Digital de Vacunación
- El Último Paso hacia la Vigilancia Total
Español |
Cómo Eliminar los Nanorobots, la Nanotecnología y el Grafeno
que se encuentran en las Vacunas COVID
Español |
Componentes del Control Mental MK
Conservative Speaker slams Davos
Globalists to their Faces
Conspiracy Theories Aside - There
is something Fishy about the 'Great Reset'
Consumers are Rejecting 'The Great
Italiano |
Controllo Mentale che Usa Onde
Sonore? - Chiediamo a uno Scienziato come funziona
Español |
Convergencia Biodigital - Un
explosivo Documento revela la Verdadera Agenda
in Triggering "Depopulation" and a "Fractured World" -
Prelude to the 2023 WEF Davos Meetings
is a 'False Flag to Reset the World'
Español |
Cibernética y la Nueva Normalidad
Covid Mandates - Tyranny of the
Dangerous Thought Control from the
World Economic Forum
Davos Attendee admits to WEF
Elites that 'Trump Won' and Globalists Lost
Italiano |
Davos e la Globalizzazione in
Crisi - Al World Economic Forum dominano le Autocrazie
Español |
Davos se está Convirtiendo cada
vez más en un 'Gobierno Mundial No Electo' - La Gente
nunca pidió y No...
Deagel 2025 Forecast Population by
Deagel 2025 Updated - by Craig
Español |
Declaración de Mons. Carlo Maria Viganò sobre la 'Crisis
Español |
De Cuarentena a Estado Policial -
Se inaugura el "Gran Reinicio"
Defining, Building and Governing a
Metaverse for "all" - The First Research of its Kind
Español |
Dejar el Mundo Atrás - ¿Programación Predictiva o Advertencia
sobre un Ciberataque Inminente?
Español |
Desde los Bloqueos a "El Gran Reinicio" - "The Great Reset"
Español |
Desenmascarando a los Criminales
detrás del Gran Reinicio
Español |
- ¿Después
del Coronavirus? - El "Gran Reseteo"...
Español |
Dina Boluarte sería Marioneta del
Nuevo Orden Mundial - Perú
Español |
Discurso completo del presidente
Javier Milei en la CPAC 2024 en EE.UU.
- 'Disinformation'
isn't the Problem - Government Cover-ups and Censorship
are the Problem
Divide and Rule - The Plan to Make
You Disposable
Divide, Conquer, Reset and then
Scientific Dictatorship
Italiano |
Dividi, Conquista, Ristruttura e
poi Dittatura Scientifica
- 'Doctor
Doom' predicts World is Headed for Stagflation
Dutch Leader stuns Parliament -
Exposes Globalist Covid 'Obedience Training' Plot
- "Easy
to Take Down a Society that Is Digital" - UNCTAD
attempts accomplishing this Doom Scenario
Italiano |
È la nuova Primo Ministro
dell'Italia Giorgia Meloni un altro Cavallo di Troia
Español |
El año 2024 - Gaza, Ucrania y
Eurasia en la Crisis del Declive Occidental
Español |
El Cardenal Müller advierte contra
el "Gran Reset" promovido en Davos por los "Amos del
Español |
El Culto Covidiano
Español |
El Discurso de Javier Milei en el
Foro de Davos 2024
Español |
El FEM, el Gran Reinicio y sus
Cerebros - ¿Existe una Conspiración Mundial después de
Español |
El Fin de la Humanidad -
Planificado por los Líderes Mundiales
Español |
El Gran Disparate del "Gran
Español |
El 'Gran Reinicio' al Descubierto
- Schwab, Gates y el Siniestro Complot del FEM y la OMS
para Despoblar el...
Español |
El Gran Reinicio avanza hacia la
Tiranía Global
Español |
El 'Gran Reinicio Distópico' y la
Lucha - Reducción de la Población y la Esperanza para
los Hijos de los Hombres
Español |
El Gran Reinicio - El Fin del
Capitalismo tal como lo Conocemos
Español |
El Gran Reinicio o 'Reconstruir
Mejor' - Un Sinónimo para Tecnocracia y el Fin del
Liberalismo y la Democracia
Español |
- "El
Gran Reinicio" y la Revolución Post-Capitalista
Español |
- "El
Hombre es ahora un Animal Hackeable"
Español |
El Inconsciente Volviéndose Consciente - Entendiendo la
Naturaleza de las Fuerzas Negativas
Español |
- 'Ellos'
vienen por tu Cuenta Bancaria - Qué hacer para
Español |
El Mayor Truco de Todos
Español |
El Miedo es Contagioso y se
Utiliza para Controlarte
Español |
El Nuevo Orden Mundial y el Gran
Español |
El Peligroso 'Control de los
Pensamientos' del Foro Económico Mundial |
Español |
El Plan para un Sistema Global de
Esclavitud |
Español |
El Surgimiento de la Resistencia y
la Conciencia - El Colapso del Gobierno |
Español |
Vicepresidente de EE.UU. pidió un "Cambio de Régimen" en
Europa - Discurso de J.D. Vance en Múnich
Español |
En la U.E."Gana la Derecha" - Pero
el Objetivo Globalista, a todas luces, No se Detiene...
Español |
Equipo del Reino Unido presenta
una Denuncia por 'Crímenes de Lesa Humanidad' - Corte
Penal Internacional
Español |
- ¿Esclavos
Voluntarios del 'Estado Covidiano'?
Español |
Es Difícil Encontrar Satisfacción
en una Civilización que gira en torno a las Ganancias
Español |
- ¿Es
la nueva Primera Ministra de Italia, Giorgia Meloni,
otro Caballo de Troya Globalista?
Español |
Esta es la Razón por la que
Millones todavía Creen en las Absurdas Mentiras de COVID
Español |
Estamos Hechos para Estos Tiempos
- No se Desanimen ante la Locura del Mundo
Español |
Este Año sólo quiero que los Reyes
Magos se lleven a Corruptos Políticos, Separatistas,
Violadores, Asesinos...
Español |
'ES' el Reseteo Global - Prepárense como Corresponde
Español |
Esto es lo que Va a Pasar a
Continuación - Reseteo Global
Español |
Estos serán los Representantes de
América Latina en Davos
EU Commits to Lockdowns, Vaccine
Passports, Mask Mandates
- 'Explosion'
reported at Georgia Guidestones - 'Monument to the
Devil' has now been 'Completely Demolished'
Facts and Opinions suppressed by
the Corrupt Mainstream Media
Español |
Filtrado el Plan de Dominación de
la Población hasta 2025
Español |
- 'Formación
de las Masas' - La Ciencia Aplicada a la Ingeniería
Español |
Foro de Davos 2025 - Cuáles serán
los Temas este año y quiénes los Principales Invitados
Español |
Foro Económico Mundial - La Institución detrás de 'El Gran
From "Event 201" to "Cyber
Polygon" - The WEF's Simulation of a Coming "Cyber
Geopolitics vs. The Great Reset -
Realism returns to the Fore
Español |
Gracias a la 'Pandemia' los
"Confinamientos Climáticos" están ahora en el Horizonte
Grand Jury - Revealing the Agenda
for World Domination
Italiano |
Gran Reseat? - Putin ha detto: "Non così in Fretta" - Il
Presidente Russo ha rilasciato un'Intervista al WEF
Great Reset? Putin Says, 'Not So Fast' - Russian
President delivers Speech at 'Virtual WEF'
Great Reset - World Economic Forum
declares the 'Age of Human Robots is Over'
Have Authoritarians used '1984' as
a Handbook?
Kissinger at WEF Annual Meeting - Davos 2022 - Main
Geopolitical Challenges facing the World right Now
How 'Fake Walrus Story' helped
Sell the WEF's Great Reset at Davos
How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to
How the General Public was Kept in
the Dark over Covid
How the Great Reset is
'Accelerating into Global Tyranny'
How to Escape from a 'Sick
How to Explain the "Great Reset"
to Idiots - A Brief, Straightforward Guide for those who
still Refuse to Understand
How to Explain the "World Economic
Forum's Agenda" to Idiots
How to remove the Nanobots,
Nanotech and Graphene found in the COVID Injections
Italiano |
I Burattini del Potere
Italiano |
Il Grande Rigetto… del Grande
Italiano |
Il "Grande Reset" Non è "Grande" e
Non è "Nuovo" - L'Ordine Mondiale della Neo Schiavitù
Italiano |
Il Grande Reset - Una Tempesta
Italiano |
Il WEF richiede ai Governi di fare
'Uno Sforzo Concertato per Mettere a Tacere le Critiche'
Italiano |
Il World Economic Forum lancia "La
Grande Narrazione" Iniziativa di Propaganda
Italiano |
Incredulità su come "Il Verde Re
Carlo" dà 'l'Assenso Reale' a Nuova Tecnologia di
Allevamento Genetico
- "Inside
the COVID-19 Global Coup d'état"
Italiano |
I Predatori verso il Popolo |
Is a Crisis worse than COVID
Coming Next? - Potential Generated Crises on the Horizon
Is Trudeau Selling Out Canada to
the World Economic Forum?
Italiano |
I Temi Più Importanti del nostro Tempo
Crucial to Understand what We're Up Against
Hard to Find Fulfillment in a Civilization that Revolves
Around Corporate Profits
It's Now Crucial to Understand
what We're Up Against
Español |
Javier Milei disertará en el FEM
de Davos - Encuentro con Klaus Schwab y Emmanuel Macron
el 17 de Enero
Italiano |
Biden Non è Incompetente - Sta facendo 'Esattamente ciò per
cui è Stato Scelto' - Far Collassare gli USA
Biden is Not Incompetent - He is doing 'Exactly what He
was Hired to Do' - Collapse America...
Español |
Biden No es Incompetente - Está haciendo 'Exactamente lo
que fue Contratado para Hacer' - Colapsar EEUU
Killing Us Softly - Klaus Schwab's
"Great Narrative" for the Global Borg
Kissinger Nails It... For Once...
Klaus Schwab and the World
Economic Forum
- Main File |
Klaus Schwab to Vacate Top Post -
WEF looks to become Global Leader in Public-Private
Español |
Klaus Schwab y el Foro Economico
- Main File
Español |
La Agenda
del Nuevo Orden Mundial y del Gran Reset es la Agenda
Español |
La Agenda para la Dominación Mundial está Condenada al
Fracaso - He aquí por qué...
Español |
La "Agenda Verde" de Davos contra
la Geopolítica del Petróleo
Español |
La Astuta Tiranía de las Nociones
Abstractas del "Bien Común"
Italiano |
La Empia Trinità - Facebook come
Dato di Fatto, Governo come Verità, Big Pharma come Dio
Español |
La Energía "Verde" es una Estafa -
No está destinada a Funcionar
Español |
La "Esclavitud de la IA" del Foro
Económico Mundial viene por Ti...
Italiano |
La Fine dell'Umanità - Come
Pianificato dai Leader Globali
Italiano |
L'Agenda del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale
richiede che l'Italia dovrebbe soccombere - Arcivescovo
Carlo Maria Viganò
Italiano |
L'Agenda per la Dominazione del Mondo è Destinata a
Fallire - Qui il perché…
Italiano |
- "L'Agenda
Verde" di Davos contro la Geopolitica del Petrolio
Español |
La Energética del Equilibrio, la
Inercia y la Evolución
Español |
La Internet está Muerta - Larga
vida a la Internet
Español |
La Invasión de Rusia a Ucrania ¿hace
parte de 'El Plan'...?
Italiano |
La Licenza Bill Gates gli consente
"Diritti Esclusivi" per "Computerizzare" il Corpo Umano
Español |
La Máquina Irreal
Español |
La Planificación a 'Largo Plazo' de la ONU, la OMS y el
Fondo Económico Mundial
Español |
La Predominante Narrativa Sin
Sentido del Coronavirus - Desmentida en menos de media
Italiano |
La Psicologia del Totalitarismo
Español |
La Psicología del Totalitarismo
Italiano |
L'Arcivescovo Viganò avverte che è
in arrivo la Dittatura Ecologica
Español |
La "República" se agotó
Globalmente - ¿Podría surgir un Giro Monárquico en un
Mundo Post-Liberal?
Español |
Las 10 Cosas más Aterradoras que
salieron del Foro Económico Mundial
Español |
Las Naciones Unidas y los Orígenes de "El Gran Reinicio"
Español |
Las Razones por las que ya No
Debería Utilizar Google y Gmail
Español |
La Toma del Poder del Planeta Tierra
- Project Camelot entrevista a Jordan Maxwell en 2009
Español |
La Tormenta del Totalitarismo se
Español |
La Trampa de Google - ¿Su
Inteligencia Artificial está Manipulando Cerebros?
Español |
La Voluntad de Propósito - Cruzar
el Umbral Venidero de la Humanidad
the World Behind - Predictive Programming or Cautionary Tale
of Looming Cyberattack?
Liars, Propagandists and The Great
Nos A Malo' - Considerations on the Great Reset and the New
World Order
Italiano |
L'Impero di Carlo - L'Enigma del
Ripristino Reale
Italiano |
L'Importanza degli Alimenti Non
Deteriorabili in Tempo di Crisi
Italiano |
L'Inconscio che Diventa Conscio -
Capire la Natura delle Forza Negative
Italiano |
L'invasione della Russia in
Ucraina fa Parte del 'Piano'...?
Look Up! Wake Up People! You are Being "Suicided in Warp Speed"
Español |
Los Amos del Mundo están al Acecho
Español |
Los Depredadores contra el Pueblo |
Español |
Los Globalistas han entrado en la
Fase de Eliminación del Great Reset - ¿Recuerdas el
Pronóstico de Deagle?
Español |
Los Globalistas publican el
'Cronograma de la Tiranía de la Salud'
Español |
Los Líderes de los Países y la
Sombría Agenda de Control de Davos - Parte 1
Español |
Los Líderes de los Países y la
Sombría Agenda de Control de Davos - Parte 2
Español |
Los Líderes de los Países y la
Sombría Agenda de Control de Davos - Parte 3
Español |
Los Títeres del Poder
Español |
Los Últimos Días del Culto
Español |
L'Uomo che ha "Inventato il
Cambiamento Climatico" e ha influenzato la Agenda del
Great Reset di Schwab
- 'Mass
Formation Psychosis' admittedly used by Governments as
'Tool of Population Control'
- 'Mass
Formation' - The Applied Science of Social Engineering
Mesmerized by Sociopaths - The
Subversion of Our Consciences
Italiano |
- 'Meta'
- Il Distacco Finale dalla Realtà?
- 'Meta'
- The Final Disconnect from Reality?
Español |
Millones responden a Encuesta que
Pregunta si el Foro Económico Mundial debería "Controlar
el Mundo"
Mind Control and Citizen's Brain
Mind Control using Sound Waves? -
We ask a Scientist how it works...
Italiano |
Momento Chiave per dire NO al 'Passaporto
Vaccinale Digitale'
Moving Past the Threshold -
Understanding these Critical Times
Español |
Navegando en el 'Cuarto Giro' -
Estos son los Tiempos que prueban a las Almas de los
Navigating the 'Fourth Turning' -
These are the Times that try Men's Souls
Next on the Agenda - The Great
Reset Fraud
Noam Chomsky - Top 10 Media
Manipulation Strategies
Español |
Noam Chomsky y Las 10 Estrategias de Manipulación
Español |
No hay Lugar donde Esconderse del
Colapso de 'La Burbuja de Todo'
Español |
- ¡NO
te pongas a Dormir! ¡Este no es el Fin!
Not Just Surveillance -
Three Current Phenomena Exposing '1984' as an
Instruction Manual for the State
Not-So-Great Reset - Live in a
Box, Don't Move, Be Surveilled, Shut Up, Eat Bugs
Español |
Sistema Alimentario Controlado' ya está en Marcha y No
se Detendrán Ante Nada para Acelerar su... |
Order Out of Chaos - How the
Ukraine Conflict is Designed to Benefit Globalists
Our Brainwashed Covid Youth
Overcoming the Hypnosis of Fear
Overcoming the Noble Lie - Great
Narratives and Compelling Futures
Español |
Pasos para el Dominio Mundial:
Primero, Destruir a la Humanidad...
Español |
Pedro Castillo detenido y asumió
Dina Boluarte, referente de la "Izquierda Caviar" del
Perú aliada a Davos
Italiano |
Perché i Globalisti e i Governi
sono così alla Disperata Ricerca di Tassi di
Vaccinazione del 100%?
Italiano |
Perché il COVID ha Risparmiato
Italiano |
Perché mai George Soros vuole che Xi Jinping vada via?
Permacrisis - The New Normal
Español |
Perú - ¿Asediado por EE.UU., la
CIA y el Foro Económico Mundial? |
Pope Francis is a 'Zealous
Cooperator' of the Globalist 'Great Reset' Plot -
Archbishop Viganò
Español |
- ¿Por qué
me Vigilan, si no soy Nadie?
Español |
Presidenta de Perú Dina Boluarte
miente en Davos 2025
Español |
Propagando el Miedo - La Munición necesaria para
Construir un 'Nuevo Orden Mundial'
Italiano |
Prossimo Punto sull'Agenda - La
Frode del "Grande Reset"
Español |
Psico-Poder - En 'Conformidad con
Robots' y 'Libertad', en un Mundo post-COVID
- 'Automaton Conformity' and 'Freedom' in a Post-COVID World
of Power
Putin Blasts World Economic Forum (W.E.F.) Big Shots at
Davos Backchat
Español |
- ¿Qué
es la "Psicosis de Formación Masiva"?
Español |
- ¿Quién
está Detrás de la Agenda para la Dominación Mundial?
Español |
- ¿Quién
se Beneficia con el Acto de Terrorismo en los Oleoductos?
Researchers discover a New Part of
the Brain - The World Economic Forum wants to use it to
Read Our Minds
Italiano |
Rothschilds pianificò il Covid-19
nel 2015 - Ufficio Brevetti degli Stati Uniti...
Rothschilds planned Covid-19 in
2015 - U.S. Patent Office...
Russia joins 'Center for the Fourth Industrial
Revolution Network'
Italiano |
Russia vs. Ucraina... e gli Anglo-Americani
- La Dimensione Esoterica |
Russia vs. Ukraine... and the
Anglo-Americans - The Esoteric Dimension |
Italiano |
Sei Pronto per la Rivoluzione?
Sex, Drugs and Do-Gooders - Inside
the so-called 'Superbowl of Capitalism' at the Annual
WEF Davos Gathering
Spreading Fear - The Ammunition Needed to Construct a
'New World Order'
Steps to World Rule: First,
Destroy Humanity...
Español |
Superando la Hipnosis del Miedo
Sustainable Chaos - When
Globalists Call for a 'Great Reset'
is code for Genocide
Agenda for World Domination by the World Economic Forum
Agenda for World Domination is Doomed to Fail - Here is why...
Battle for the World
The 'Bird Flu Hoax' is being
Recycled again to create 'Fear and More Profits' for Big
"Blue Screen of Death" could throw the Global Economy into a
State of Chaos for Weeks
The Brave New World of 2030 -
"You'll Own Nothing, and You'll be Happy"
The Chilling Reason they won't
declare the 'Pandemic' Over - 'Pandemic Treaty' is a
Spreading Plague
The Control Grid
The Controlled Demolition of
Coronavirus and the 'Fear Factor'...
- Main File
The Corrupt Billionaire Agenda -
"SARS-CoV-2 Virus is Nothing but a Seasonal Flu" - C.M.
Viganò and S. Bannon
The Covid-19 Power Grab as
"Organized Crime" - A Multi-faceted Deception
The Covid Vaccine is an 'Integral
Part of The Great Reset'
The Danger of Becoming the Darkness When Fighting the
Dark Side
The Dark Origins of the Great
Reset and the Fraud that is Klaus Schwab
The Davos Revolution and the
Re-Making of Civilization
The 'Dystopic Great Reset' and the
Fight Back - Population Reduction and Hope for the
Children of Men
End of Excesses - The Collapse of Everything
The End of Humanity - As Planned
by the Global Leaders
The Energetics of Equilibrium,
Inertia and Evolvement
Final Days of The Covidian Cult
The Gates of Hell are Wide Open |
The Global Economic Reset Has
Begun |
The Globalists have a Major
Problem - Behind Bilderberg, Trilateral, WEF...
The Global Reset on Display -
Trilogy of Disaster
The Global Risks Report 2023 |
- "The
Greatest History Never Told" - Are You Prepared for the
Great Crisis Ahead?
The Great Narrative and The
The Great Regression must be
Followed by the Great Detoxification if we are to
Survive as a Species
The Great Reject... of The Great
- "The
Great Reset" and the Post-Capitalist Revolution
The Great Reset - A Perfect Storm
The Great Reset Exposed - Schwab,
Gates, and the Sinister WEF and WHO Plot to Depopulate
the World
The Great Reset for Dummies -
Where do we Go from Here?
'Great Reset' is Not 'Great' and Not 'New' - Neo-Slavery
World Order
The Great Reset Snakes are
Slithering together in Davos |
The Great Reset - The End of
Capitalism as we Know It |
The Man who 'Invented Climate
Change' and influenced Schwab's Great Reset Agenda
The Most Important Topics of Our Time
'New Abnormal' - The Rise of the Biomedical Security State
The New Reign of Biopower - The
Rise of Control-Biology
The New World Order
and Great Reset Agenda is the Alien Agenda
New World Order Agenda requires that Italy should
Perish' - Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
The Next Step for the World
Economic Forum |
Obsession with 'Rewriting the Past' is Highly Destructive
for Civilization
The Original Pioneers of Mind
Control on 'Why You Must Protect Your Mental Sovereignty
Predators versus The People |
The Prescience of George Orwell -
'1984' is Here |
The Prince of Wales launches the
'Great Reset'
There is a 'Deafening Media
Silence' on Global Protests
The Revolution after the Crisis -
Coronavirus affects Global Stock Market
Rise and Fall of the Beast - Confronting One World Order
(OWO) Globalism
The Rise and Fall of the Great
The Rise of Resistance and
Awareness - The Collapse of Government
The Takeover of Planet Earth
- Project Camelot Interviews Jordan Maxwell in 2009
The Top 10 Creepiest and Most
Dystopian Things pushed by the World Economic Forum (WEF)
Top 10 Scariest Things to Come Out of the WEF
The United Nations and the Origins of "The Great Reset"
The Unreal Machine |
The Useless Class - The Meaning of Life with No Work and
a Universal Basic Income
The Vladimir Putin Interview -
February 2024
'Web of Players' trying to Silence Truth
The WEF and the United Nations
join forces to initiate the Next Global Crisis: Water
The WEF declares Dramatic
Population Collapse is 'Good for the Planet'
The WEF reveals the Agenda for Davos 2023
WEF's Metaverse Utopia
The World Economic Forum - A
Dystopian Philosophy about the World
This is why Millions Still Believe
in the Absurd COVID Lies
This is why the New World Order is Doomed to Fail
Thousands of Japanese Citizens flood streets to Protest WHO,
WEF, Bill Gates, Vaccines...
Throwing Wokeness and Globalism
into History's Garbage Bin
Español |
Todo Está Conectado...
Top 6 Most Important False
Narratives the Biden Regime does Not want Challenged
Top 10 signs you Might Be an
Obedience Idiot
Top Universities - Tools of the
Torn Jeans and "The Great Reset" -
A History of Mind Manipulation
Español |
Traspasar el Umbral - Comprender
estos tiempos Críticos
Triumph of the Beast vs. Triumph
of the People - UN Agenda 2030 vs. The People
Twitter Files reveal
Government-led Censorship Network
UK 'Permanent Lockdown Plans'
allegedly leaked in 4-Page Secret Plot
Ukraine-Russia and the World
Economic Forum - A Planned Milestone towards "The Great
UK Team File Complaint of 'Crimes
Against Humanity' with the International Criminal Court
Italiano |
Un "Abbattimento Pacifico" è in
Corso - Un Promemoria
Español |
Un "Asesinato Pacífico" está en
Camino - Un Recordatorio
Unconscious Becoming Conscious -
Understanding the Nature of Negative Forces
Understanding the Tyrannical Mind
and How it Operates
Español |
Un "Enemigo Común" Colectivo
acecha ahora a la Humanidad
Trinity - Facebook as Fact, Government as Truth, Big Pharma
as God
United Nations and WEF admit Owning and Controlling
"Science" and Big Tech
United Nations (UN) digital World Brain seeks to 'Track
Everything and Everyone'
the Villains Behind the Great Reset
Español |
Un Nuevo Paradigma para la Acción
Económica del Estado - El incómodo nuevo Libro de
Mariana Mazzucatto
Vaccine Passports - One Passport
to Rule Them All
Violations of the Nurenberg Code -
Covid Vaccines - by Hannah Rose and Team
Warning - This Website May Harm
Your Preconceptions |
WEF boasts Billions of Humans will
soon be Replaced with AI Hybrids
WEF Crumbles - Does this Signal
the Arrival of The Great Reset?
WEF-Davos 2024 - The World is
Falling Apart but the Show Must Go On...
WEF Davos 2025 - More Grotesque
than ever, Robotizing and Depopulating
Italiano |
WEF Davos 2025 - Più Grottesco che
mai, Robotizzazione e Spopolamento
Italiano |
Davos - La Nuova Sodoma e Gomorra?
Davos - The New Sodom and Gomorrah?
WEF demands Governments make
'Concerted Effort to Silence Critics'
- Living in Metaverse will be 'More Meaningful to us than
our Physical Lives'
WEF on 'Disinformation' - Top
"Global Risk", "Most Existential Problem" facing the
WEF's "Net Zero" Goals could kill
4+ Billion People |
WEF views Trump and Putin as
'Major Threat' to Globalist Agenda - Davos Insider
Reveals |
to 2030 - I Own Land, Live Among Like Minded People, and
Life Has Never Been Better
Welcome to 2030 - 'I Own Nothing,
Have No Privacy, and Life has Never Been Better'
Welcome to 'Life Inside a New World Order'
We're Now in the 'Last Stage' of a
Tyrannical Takeover
We should 'Drive all Blames into
One' - We may as well Blame the Great Reset for our
Dystopia - Buddhists...
We Were Made for These Times -
Don't be Discouraged by the Madness of the World
What Exactly is this "Great Reset"
people Keep Talking About?
What I Can Say and What I Cannot
What is the 'Global Public-Private
What is the Great Reset?
What we Learned at Davos 2024 -
Global Aristocracy intends on 'Rebuilding Trust' through
Surveillance and...
What you Need to Know about Agenda
2030 - The Globalist Overlords meeting in Davos
When Dissent Ends, Transhumanism Reigns and Digitization
Rules - Humanity will Cease to be Human
When Government Funds Science,
Government Controls Science...
When will the Criminals be
Controls 'The Cult'...?
Who is Behind the Agenda for World Domination?
Who is Behind the Economic
Who will eventually 'Own
Everything' including You?
Why are Globalists and Governments
so Desperate for 100% Vaccination Rates?
Why are Most People Cowards? -
Obedience and the Rise of Authoritarianism...
Why has COVID Spared Africa?
Why is 'The West' so Weak and
Russia so Strong?
Why 'Natural Immunity' is a
'Political Problem' for the 'Regime'
on Earth does George Soros want Xi Jinping to Go?
Why Orwell Matters...!
Why the "New World Order" is Impossible to Implement
without 'Creating Mass Chaos'
Will You Love Your Servitude...?
World Economic Forum launches
'Great Narrative' Initiative Propaganda
World Economic Forum says
Synthetic Biology is the Key to Reset Living Systems
Economic Forum - The Institution Behind 'The Great Reset'
Economic Forum' was Created by U.S. Policies
You'll own Nothing, You'll be
Unhappy and...
Additional Information |
Air Force 2025 Final Report
America's most Secret Intelligence
Agency DEAGEL forecasts Depopulation of the World from
A 'World Gone Mad' - The Cost of
COVID Lockdowns - Analysis
Bad and Good News - The Paradox of
it All
Before COVID Gates planned Social
Media Censorship of 'Vaccine Safety Advocates' with
Pharma, CDC, Media...
IoT and 5G - Internet of Bodies or IoB
Biden Administration creates 'Ministry of Truth' |
BlackRock CEO says 'Xenophobic'
Countries with Shrinking Populations may be the 'Big
Winners' in AI-Driven...
Español |
Historia del Futuro' - Un Gran Ensayo de Jacques Attali
Español |
Características Símiles de un
Ritual de Iniciación y las Medidas Adoptadas antes del
"Gran Reset"
Chemtrails contain Mycobacteria,
Viruses, Pseudomonas bacteria and Human Plasma
Italiano |
Città Intelligenti - Prigioni
Digitali del Great Reset
Español |
Conciencia COVID - ¿Un Contagioso
Despertar o una Realidad Consensuada?
Español |
Congresista denuncia a Boluarte
por "Usurpación de Función Pública" en Perú
Español |
Conoce a la Verdadera 'Docena de
La Desinformación'
Italiano |
Cosa è successo alla "Influenza di
Stagione?" - L'Influenza è stata Riclassificata come
Covid-19 Vaccines provide latest Opportunity for
'Establishing a New World Order' |
COVID Consciousness - A Contagion
of Awakening or a Consensus Reality? |
Eden Revisited - The Sumerian Version
Español |
El Documento 'Airforce 2025' de
1996 Mencionaba una Pandemia de Gripe que Mataría a 30
Millones de...
Español |
Edén Revisitado - La Versión Sumeria
Español |
El Nacimiento de la 'Sociedad Sin
Enlightened World Leadership Does
Not Exist
Fauci, Trudeau and other Covid
Tyrants - They backtrack their Crimes Against Humanity,
claim they 'Never did...
Español |
- 'Gaslighting'
- La Psicología de Moldear la Realidad del Otro
Globalists will Need Another
Crisis in America as their Reset Agenda Fails
Español |
- ¿Has
sido 'Recalibrado' para el COVID? - ¿En realidad eres
Egoísta e Inmoral por No Aceptar la Vacuna?
- "Herd
Stupidity" - The Manufactured Covid Crisis, the
Gene-based mRNA "Vaccine" and "The Pinnacles of...
How Did a Disease with no Symptoms
'Take Over the World'?
How Easy is it to Fool the Entire
Human Race...?
the United Nations is Quietly being turned into a
Public-Private Partnership
IMF and WEF - From 'Great
Lockdown' to 'Great Transformation' - The COVID
Italiano |
Inferno Tirannico o Armoniosa
- 'Invasion'
at U.S. Border is 'Engineered' by United Nations - Top
Panama Official Warns |
Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting "A
False Flag"?
Italiano |
I Vaccini Covid-19 offrono l'ultima Opportunità per 'Stabilire
un Nuovo Ordine Mondiale'
Español |
La Estafa de la Pandemia fue Muy
Grande el Año Pasado - Esto es lo que Viene a
Español |
La Juventud en 1921... y 2021
Español |
La Mitad de la Población Mundial
perecerá en los Próximos 20 años - ¿Una Profecía? -
Reprint de info del 2012
Español |
La Organización Mundial de la
Salud planea imponer la "Agenda de Salud Global" de
Gates y Big Pharma...
Italiano |
La Rivisitazione dell'Eden - La Versione
Español |
Las Grandes Ausencias del documental
'The Big Reset Movie'
Data shows No Excess Deaths from 'All Causes Globally' in
Español |
Legalizar la Cocaína - América
Latina lidera el Debate
Italiano |
L'Occidente è Lasciato Solo - Un Dipinto
Dantesco ripudiato dalla Stragrande Maggioranza - Olimpiadi 2024
Italiano |
chiamano il 'Good Club' - E vogliono 'Salvare' il Mondo...
Español |
Más Conocimiento Previo de esta
Actual Plandemia
Español |
Mensaje de Alerta sobre el
COVID-19 - Profesionales de la Salud Unidos
More Plandemic Foreknowledge...
Español |
Nuestro Gulag Digital
Español |
Occidente se Queda Solo - Un
cuadro Dantesco repudiado por la Enorme Mayoría -
Olimpíadas 2024
Español |
Ocho Contradicciones del "Orden
Basado en Reglas" del Imperio
Two Companies, Vanguard and BlackRock, Control the Planet -
While World's Richest 1% Own 82% of... |
Orwell's Ideas remain Relevant 75
years after 'Animal Farm' was Published
Español |
Paisajes Post-Pandémicos - La
Modificación del Comportamiento como Nueva Realidad
Italiano |
Papa Francesco diventa 'Comunista
Appieno' - Ha detto Dividere la Proprietà non è
Comunismo ma "Pura...
Pope Francis goes 'Full Communist'
- Says Sharing Property is Not Communism but "Pure
Power is An Illusion, Control is A
Italiano |
Quanto è Facile Ingannare l'Intera
Razza Umana...?
Español |
- ¿Qué
es la Luciferasa?
Español |
- "Reducir
la Población Mundial" - Reunión Secreta en 2009 del Club
de Multimillonarios 'Good Club'
Seizing Everything - The Theft of
the Global Commons
- "Shrink
the World's Population" - Secret 2009 Meeting of
Billionaires "Good Club"
Silenced All-Star Doctors destroy
'COVID Lies' in 5 Hours - Senator Ron Johnson Roundtable
Español |
Sobre el Embrutecimiento Colectivo
de Nuestra Sociedad en la Era Digital
Sustainable Development
- A Global Agenda Structured On Population Control
The Cult of the Brave 'New Normal'...
Great Reject - Life Starts from Here
The Green New Deal - Jeremy Rifkin
and the Coming Collapse
The Looting Conspiracy in the
American "Empire"
The Pandemic
The Plot to Control and Reduce the
Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2
The Real 'Reset' is Coming
The Times of Tyranny
United Nations-World Economic Forum Strategic
Partnership Framework for the 2030 Agenda
They're called the 'Good Club' -
And they want to 'Save' the World...
Tyrannical Hell or Harmonious Utopia?
U.S. Billionaires 'Gained $1 Trillion' since the
Pandemic Started
What happened to "Flu Season?" -
In the age of COVID, "The Flu" has been Reclassified as
What is Luciferase?
What's the 'End Game' for
Cybercrimes and Ransomware Attacks?
Where are We Going? - Dystopian
Futures and the Work of Philip K. Dick
Why are Positive Forces not
you're Wearing a Mask - The Pagan Ritual of Transformation
World Economic Forum and UN Sign Strategic Partnership
Español |
Ya Estaba Escrito - 'Breve
Historia del Futuro'
Español |
- ¿Y
si el Próximo Gran Ciberataque tuviera como Objetivo la
The "King" |
Charles' Empire - The Royal Reset
Disbelief as "Green King Charles"
gives 'Royal Assent' to New Gene Breeding Technology
Global Britain and King Charles's
Great Reset
King Charles signs 'WEF Treaty' authorizing 'One World
Government' - Media Blackout
Meet King Charles - The Great
The Black Nobility, a New World
Order and Charles "The Great Reset" King
- Ciudades |
15-Minute Cities are 'Complete
Impoverishment and Enslavement of All the People' - EU
A Lot of Coincidences Surround the
Maui Fire that Destroyed Lahaina
Español |
Así será 'The Line' - La nueva
Ciudad Distópica en Arabia Saudita
BRICS and Smart Cities - Lessons
from China's Model for the Global South
British Protest the "15-Minute
Cities" where they will become Prisoners of the State
Centering People in Smart Cities -
A Playbook for Local and Regional Governments
China hopes to roll out its 'Smart City Model' to BRICS
Español |
Contra las Ciudades Inteligentes y
la Vigilancia Totalitaria
Español |
El Posible Colapso Financiero del
Megaproyecto faraónico de Arabia Saudí
Exposed how Climate Racketeers aim
to Force Us into 'Smart Gulags'
How 'Smart Cities' will Lock-up
Humanity inside open air Concentration Camps
Neom - Is Saudi Arabia
Constructing the future Babylon?
Net Zero Housing - The Dark Side
of 'Smart' Living and Personal Autonomy
Pioneer Smart Cities chart a
Course towards a More "Ethical" and "Responsible" Future
- The WEF in the Face...
Saudi Arabia is Building a
$500-Billion New Territory Based on Tech and Liberal
Smart Cities - An Attempted Crime
against Humanity
Smart Cities - Digital Prisons of
the Great Reset
Cities Explained
The Globalist Vision - "15-Minute"
Prison Cities and the End of Private Property
The Origins of the "Smart City"
Agenda - How Mass Imprisonment is being Normalized
is nothing 'Smart' about Surveillance Cities
Trump's call for Building 'Freedom Cities' - Globalists'
Plan for 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' Control Grid |
Understanding Smart Cities -
15-Minute Cities and How We Win
Español |
Un Estudio revela Amenazas para la
Privacidad y la Seguridad en los Hogares 'Inteligentes'
Climate Alarmism-Hysteria -
Alarmismo-Histeria Climatológica |
2023 is a Year of 'Record Cold
Temperatures' - Media Blackout
A 'Climate Lockdown' is on the Horizon - A Threat used to
Bully the Public into Accepting the 'Great Reset'
Deliberately-Engineered Climate Collapse?
Antarctica is Colder, Icier today
than at any time in 5,000 Years
A Third of UK Teenagers believe
Climate Change Exaggerated - Report shows
Español |
Aviones Privados de los Activistas
Climáticos se Congelan en la Pista en una Enérgica
Italiano |
Bill Gates improvvisamente
abbandona la "Storia del Disastro Climatico" mentre le
popolazioni Respingono...
Bill Gates suddenly Abandons 'Climate Doom Narrative' as
populations Push Back against Globalism
Español |
- "Clima
- La Película" - La Fría Verdad
Alarmism is 'Facing Collapse in Face of Reality'
Climate Change and the Crisis of
Pseudoscience - John F. Clauser
- "Climate
Change" is Unfalsifiable Woo-Woo Pseudoscience - 2015
Climate, Covid, Control... and
Lockdowns are Coming
- "Climate
- The Movie" - The Cold Truth
Climatologist exposes how Junk
Climate Science drives the 'Billion-Dollar Fear Machine'
Italiano |
Come "L'Isteria Climatica" si sta
Usando per Creare il Governo Globale - Il Club di Roma
Covid Panic, Climate Panic -
Driven by Same People for Same Purpose
Declaration of a Planetary
Emergency to begin "The Long Term Reduction of Global
Español |
El Calentamiento Global es el
'Mayor Fraude Científico' de la Historia
Español |
El Consumo Mundial de Carbón
alcanza su Máximo Registro Histórico
Failed 'Doom Forecasts' destroy
Alarmists Credibility
False Alarm - How Climate Change
Panic costs us Trillions, Hurts the Poor and Fails to
Fix the Planet - by
Feels like Global Warming, right?
- Smashing Cold and Snow Records...
Español |
Francisco - "Los que Niegan el
Cambio Climático" son "Tontos"
Italiano |
Gli Orsi Polari una Storia di
Successo Evolutivo - Non sono Vittime del Cambiamento
Climatico alias...
Global Warming is the 'Greatest
Scientific Fraud' in History
Harvard shuts Bill Gates-funded
Geoengineering Project to Preserve Climate Narrative
Español |
Holanda cerrará 11.200 Granjas
para cumplir los 'Objetivos Climáticos' |
How 'Climate Hysteria' is being
Used to Create Global Governance - The Club of Rome
How to Use Climate Change as a
Tool for Control
Italiano |
Il Riscaldamento Globale è la Più
Grande Frode Scientifica nella Storia
Inside the "Church of Climate"
Islands that Climate Alarmists
said would soon "Disappear" due to Rising Sea found to
have Grown in Size
John Kerry's Daughter pushes WEF's 'Net Zero' Agenda -
Public compliance 'No Longer a Choice'
Español |
La Nueva Muerte Verde
Español |
La Pseudociencia del 'Cambio
Climático' se sostiene a golpe de Subvenciones
Italiano |
Le Vuote Profezie sul "Culto del
Riscaldamento Globale"
Italiano |
Morti da Vaccino 'ribattezzati'
Morti per Calore
Español |
Muertes por Vacunación y ahora 'repentinamente'
Muertes por Calor
Net Zero CO2 Emissions - A Damaging and Totally
Unnecessary Goal
Net Zero is a Scam - Built on the Myth of "Global
New Report shows 'Humans not
behind Rising Temps' - IPCC Misled on Climate Data
Italiano |
Nuovo Rapporto dimostra che Non
Sono gli Umani a causare l'aumento della Temperatura
Oil CEO at COP28 says blaming the Energy
Industry for the Climate 'Crisis' like 'Blaming Farmers for
Español |
- "Otra
Mentira que se Cae" - Milei critica el "verso" del
Cambio Climático a.k.a. Calentamiento Global
Over a Thousand Top Scientists conclude
"There Is No Climate Emergency"
Español |
Pesimismo Climático -
Direccionamiento de las Opiniones hacia un Pensamiento
Possibly the 'Best Thing you will
ever Read' on Global Warming - The István Markó
Polar Bears an Evolutionary
Success Story - Not Victims of 'Climate Change' aka
'Global Warming'
Pope - 'Deniers of Climate Change'
are 'Foolish'
Pope Francis - Climate Change Deniers are 'Stupid'
Prophets of Doom - Why a new '2024 Climate Report' is fueled
by Fear, Not Facts
Reality Defies the Doomsday
Climate Narrative
Scam Claims that Humans' 'Carbon Emissions cause Global
Warming' are a 'Hoax' - Experts Warn...!
Storms are NOT Made Worse by
'Climate Change'
Study Debunks Media's Iceberg
Alarmism - Antarctic calving 'Statistically
The Climate Change Mental Asylum -
Fanatics suffering from Ideological Insanity
The Climate-Change Religion - How
long before Human Sacrifices?
The 'Climate Emergency' Is a Hoax
The Climate Madness of 2023 and
the Global Reset
The Climate Scam revealed by COP28
The Cost of 'The Climate Cabal'
The Empty Predictions of the
'Global Warming Cult'
Great Reset' - World leaders to harness COVID and pursue
'Sinister' Climate Agenda |
The High Priests of Climate
Hypocrisy are here 'To Save the World' - COP28 at Dubai
The Little Ice Age which has
Already Started - The Sun drives the Climate Change -
Valentina Zharkova
Ministry of Climate Truth Strikes Again |
The Net-Zero Challenge -
Fast-Forward to Decisive Climate Action - WEF Insight
There is No Climate Emergency -
Climate Models miss One Key Variable - Nobel Laureate
John Clauser
The Rockefellers created 990 "Climate Change" Institutions,
Foundations and Activist Groups
Thousands of Scientists Unite to
End "Climate Emergency" Hysteria
Top Experts expose WEF's
Anti-Carbon Agenda as a Hoax - 'Pure Junk Science'
Español |
Tras el Corona-virus y la Guerra
en Ucrania, ¿llega ahora el Choque Climático? |
Trudeau's 'Climate Obsession' runs
into a pesky thing called Reality
Vaccination Deaths and now
'suddenly' Heat Deaths
World Climate Declaration - There
is no Climate Emergency - 1609 Signatories
World Meteorological Organization
Report debunked - Weather Hype fuels false 'Climate
Crisis' claims
Climate, the Movie - The Cold
Español |
El Papa Francisco a Favor de la
Inquisición Climática |
Español |
La ONU está detrás de la Estafa
del Cambio Climático - Agenda 2030
Scientist exposes "Climate
Religion" and its Anti-Liberty Agenda - István Markó
United Nations makes commercial with a Reptilian
Dinosaur Warning us of a 'Climate Crisis'...
Digital ID - Identificación
Digital |
Bill Gates 'Digital IDS' will be
Mandatory to Participate in Society
Español |
Gates, MOSIP y el Sistema Digital de Identificación Global
en America Latina
Bill Gates - WEF's Champion of
Global ID and Digital Cash
Blending Reality - The WEF calls
for 'Creation of Metaverse Identity' in latest push for
Digital Dystopia
E.U. Paves the Way for Biometric
Mass Surveillance
Every Person on Earth Should
'Prove their Identity' with 'Digital ID' - Bill Gates
Español |
JPMorgan lanzará un Sistema de
Pago Biométrico como próximo paso en la Vigilancia
Financiera Orwelliana
Español |
La Evidencia Muestra que ya se ha
Implementado un Sistema de Identificación Biológica
Español |
La Identificación Digital podría
facilitar La Vigilancia y Persecución - Informe del Foro
Económico Mundial
Español |
La ONU lanza un 'Programa Mundial
de Identificación Digital' financiado por Gates
Español |
Mezclando la Realidad - FEM pide 'Creación de una Identidad
Metaversa' en empuje a la Distopía Digital
Reimagining Digital ID
- by WEF
The Global Digital ID
'Surveillance Plan' Accelerates - Urgent Resistance
The Road to National Digital IDs
and CBDCs by 2030
U.N. and Bill Gates behind
"Digital Public Infrastructure" for Global Control
Rolls Out Bill Gates' "Digital ID" in Sierra Leone
Worldwide Digital IDs will be
Required to Participate in Society by 2030
You will be Tagged and You will
Love it...
Finances - Economy /
Finanzas - Economía |
All Wars are Bankers Wars - These
Banks must Go if we want World Peace
Español |
Bienvenido a la 'Nueva Economía'
BRICS and The Bankers |
Español |
CBDC - Por qué su Futuro no es tan
Central Bankers Plan for Master
Reset into 'Green Economy'
Español |
Covid, el Cambio Climático y el
Gran Reinicio - Una Tapadera y una "solución" para el
Fallido Sistema Financiero
Digital Tyranny and Hidden Agendas
- Beware of the Government's Push for a Digital Currency
Español |
Dinero Digital e Identidad Digital
- Los Líderes de los Países y la Sombría Agenda de
Control de Davos
Español |
Apocalipsis del Dinero Fiduciario - Cada vez más Bancos
Centrales cambian Dólares por Oro
Español |
Pulpo del Complejo Financiero-Digital - Desvelando el 'Pulpo
Financiero' |
Finance 'Guru' reveals Financial
Collapse and COVID Jab Data
Globalists suggest "Finance Shock"
and Climate Controls to launch their Great Reset
Here's how 'They' will Bankrupt
How to resist Central Bank Digital
Currencies - Five ways you can Opt Out of this Dystopian
Italiano |
I Banchieri Centrali Pianificano
una Rigenerazione Totale in 'Green Economy'
Italiano |
I Globalisti si prefiggono "Shock
Finanziario" e Controlli del Clima per lanciare il loro
Great Reset
International Finance Leaders hold
'War Game' Exercise simulating Global Financial Collapse
- Should we be...
Español |
- ¿La
Armamentización del Dinero? - La Moneda Digital del
Banco Central (CBDC)
Español |
Las Monedas Digitales no son
monedas - Son formas de "Control" Financiero
Español |
Los Globalistas vienen por 'Tus
Coches, Tu Dinero y Tu Integridad Corporal' - Si lo
consiguen serán Dueños de...
Italiano |
Papa Francesco ordina alla Santa
Sede di Trasferire Tutti i Beni alla Banca Vaticana per
proteggere le Finanze...
Pathocracy Rising - How Economic
Systems breed Deviants
Italiano |
Perché i Globalisti sono decisi a
tutto pur di Distruggere il Dollaro Americano
Perfect Plan B Guide
- by
James Hickman
Pope Francis orders Holy See to
transfer All Assets to Vatican Bank to protect the
Church's Finances
Español |
Putin llamó a Liberarse de la "Dictadura del Modelo
Financiero" cuyo objetivo es "Endeudar y Colonizar"
Español |
- ¿Qué
es el Dinero Programable?
Español |
Se Desintegra el "Orden Económico
The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona
Crisis - The "Great Reset", Destroying Civil Society,
Engineered Economic...
The CBDC Indoctrination has Begun
The Greatest Crime ever
Contemplated - Former Hedge Fund Manager exposes a
scheme by Central Bankers
They're finally Revealing the Deep
State - Here's Why...!
Time for a Great Reset of the
Financial System
Italiano |
Esperto in Economia spiega l’imminente "Policrisi della
Español |
Un Experto en Economía explica la inminente 'Policrisis de la
Unification of CBDCs? - Global Banks are telling us the 'End
of the Dollar System is Near'...
Español |
Un Reinicio del Dinero en el que
los Ricos No Son Dueños de Todo
What were the Economic
Consequences of the Unjustifiable COVID Lockdowns?
Why The Globalists are Hell-Bent
on Destroying the US Dollar
All Wars are Bankers Wars -
The Convenient Cashless Society
and the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
Food and
Farmers -
Alimentos y Agricultores |
Bill Gates Calls for Farmers to Be
Replaced with 'Smart Farming' A.I. Technology
Italiano |
Bill Gates Propone di Rimpiazzare
gli Agricoltori con Tecnologia di I.A. "Agricoltura
Español |
Billones de Partículas de Plástico Cancerígenas llegan a
nuestros Alimentos - ¿Una forma de Control de...
Biowarfare through the Food Supply
Cereal for the Peasants? - How the Elites use "Skimpflation"
to Control our Eating Habits
Entire Global Food Supply at Risk
from Disastrous Response to So-Called 'Nitrogen Crisis'
E.U. approves House Crickets and
Mealworms for Human Consumption
Exactly what is Behind the United Nations and WEF
'Insects as Food Agenda'?
Global "Holodomor" Ahead - The Intentional Destruction of
Italiano |
Il Finanziamento della Agenda 2030
è diventato Impossibile
Industry Scandal - The Loss of Nutrients in Industrial
Español |
- "La
Comida como Arma" - Vinculación con las Protestas de los
Agricultores y la Agenda 2030
Español |
La Financiación de la 'Agenda
2030' se ha vuelto Imposible
Español |
La Importancia de los Alimentos No Perecederos en Tiempos de Crisis
Italiano |
L'Unione Europea approva Grilli e
Vermi della Farina per Consumo Domestico
Español |
Movimiento de Agricultores en
Holanda llega al Nuevo Gobierno y arremete contra el "Pacto
New Report Predicts Source of Next
Español |
Nuevo Estudio Contradice Todo lo
que nos vienen diciendo en Contra de la Carne
of Globalism - Hungary and Italy Pass Laws to Protect
Citizens from Insect use in Food
Sign of Things to Come - Singapore
approves '16 Insects for Human Food'
The Elites' plan to Orchestrate
The Fight to Ban Meat - Is it
Really about the Environment...?
The Fury of Europe's Farmers
shocks EU Technocrats
The Future of Food
Globalist Manufactured 'Food Crisis' of 2023
Globalist Manufactured 'Food Crisis' of 2023
Español |
Un Movimiento Agrario de Última
Generación estalla en Alemania
Español |
- ¿Vacunación
Forzada Inconsciente a través de la Comida?
WEF pushes Ban on Home-Grown Food
to 'Fight Climate Change'
'War on Farmers' will do Nothing to 'Reduce Emissions' -
Study Warns
Beekeeper Whistleblower video
proof Aussie Government is Mass Killing Bees
NSW Australia Government deploys
Fipronil Bee Killing Traps
'Health', Vaccines and The WHO -
La 'Salud', Vacunas y la OMS |
Agenda to Depopulate the Planet
through COVID Vaccination - Revealed by Gov. Reports and
Pfizer Documents
Italiano |
Analisi del Testo della
Negoziazione dell'ottobre 2023 del "Trattato/Accordo
sulla Pandemia dell'OMS"
Analysis of the October 2023
Negotiating Text of the "WHO's Pandemic Treaty/Agreement"
Italiano |
Autoassemblaggio di Strutture in Tempo
Reale rivelate in 2 Anni di Studio su Iniezioni di Pfizer e
Moderna per... |
Bill Gates funded Bioweapons
Experiments to spread Bird Flu to Humans
Bill Gates Insider blows whistle
on Coming 'Wave' of 'Unprecedented Deaths' among Vaxxed
Biologist Blows Whistle - Covid
Shots Killed 17 Million People
Español |
Conocedora de la OMS llama la
Atención sobre Bill Gates y GAVI
Digital Tyranny and the
Rockefeller-Gates WHO "Vaxx-Certificate Passport" -
Towards a World War III Scenario
Dissecting "Disease X" and the
Pandemic Agreement
Documentary Unveils Disturbing
Vaccine Contamination - Plandemic
Español |
El Año en que la Experiencia
Español |
El Expediente Tedros - ¿Se
convertirá el Jefe de la OMS en el hombre Más Poderoso
del Mundo?
Español |
El Foro de Davos 2024 incluye "Preparación para la
Enfermedad X" con presencia de Tedros Ghebreyesus
Español |
Punto Azul' - Una película
Español |
El Tratado contra la Pandemia de
la OMS está Abandonado - Por ahora...
Español |
El 'Tratado de Pandemias' de la
OMS es el nuevo Libro Sagrado del Imperialismo
Español |
El Tratado de Pandemias de la OMS
- Uno de los 'Brazos de La Bestia'
Español |
Expedientes del Instituto Robert
Koch evidencian el Fraude de la Falsa 'Pandemia'
Geneva - The Head of the Snake
- "Globalists
Doomed" as Trump cuts U.S. Funding to WEF and UN Agenda
Globalists plot Worldwide Genocide
via 'WHO Pandemic Treaty'
Español |
Hallazgo de 'Nanobots' en Vacunas
Covid en 96 Millones de Ciudadanos en Japón - Estado de
Health Tyranny Postponed? - WHO,
the Reckless Power Grab
How We Can Stop the WHO's Horrific
Pandemic Treaty
Is the WHO an Undercover Terrorist
Japan declares State of Emergency
after 'Nanobots' found in 96 Million Citizens' Covid
Japan declares State of Emergency
- 'Nanobots' found in 96 Million Citizens' Covid
Español |
La OMS admite que la Viruela del
Mono es un 'Efecto Secundario' de la 'Vacuna' Covid
Español |
La OMS, la ONU y la Realidad de la
Codicia Humana
Español |
La Organización Mundial de la
Salud (OMS) declarada Terrorista por miembro del
Parlamento Europeo
Español |
La Organización Mundial de la
Salud, OMS - ¿Una Organización Delictiva?
Español |
La Profesión Médica implanta el
'Código de Diagnóstico Digital' de la OMS para los "No
Like Clockwork...! - The WHO has
just declared Monkeypox a "Public Health Emergency"...
Español |
Los Antivacunas suponen un Serio
Desafío para los Planes de la OMS
Español |
Los Engaños del Covid-19
Español |
Los Gobiernos deben Rechazar
nuevas Enmiendas al 'Reglamento Sanitario Internacional'
de la OMS
Masayasu Inoue - A Message from
Japan to the World - Fraudulent use of Gene Therapy in
Healthy People
Español |
Masayasu Inoue - Un Mensaje de
Japón al Mundo - Uso Fraudulento de la Terapia Génica en
Personas Sanas
Nuremberg 2.0 - Update on legal
proceedings against the CDC, WHO and Davos Group
Nuremberg Trial 2.0' is in
Preparation - WHO and World Leaders will have to Answer
for 'Crimes Against...'
Español |
- ¿Quién
Diablos le da a la ONU, la OMS y la UE el Derecho de
Imponer Certificados Digitales de Vacunas?
Real-Time Self-Assembly Structures
revealed in 2-Year Study of Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19
The Back Door to "Global Tyranny"
- The World Health Order (WHO) and the "Global Pandemic
'The Blue Dot'
- A film
Horrifying Secret Agenda of the UN and WHO - Total
Enslavement of Humanity Through a "Global Health...
The Law Begins to Hammer on
Them vs. Us - The United Plan to Escape
Global Tyranny from the WHO
The "One Health" Agenda
Tedros File - Will the Head of the WHO become the Most
Powerful Man in the World?
WEF and WHO - Are they running a 'Death Cult'?
The WHO admits Monkeypox is 'Side
Effect' of Covid 'Vaccine'
The WHO - The Most Dangerous
Global Treaty ever Proposed
The WHO, the UN and the Reality of
Human Greed
Español |
Tratado de la OMS contra la 'Pandemia'
- ¡La lucha continúa...!
Who in Hell gives the UN, WHO and the EU the Right to
Impose Digital Vaxx Certificates?
WHO's Pandemic Treaty is Dead -
For Now...
World Health Organization - The
WHO has been set up to Operate as a One World Government
Español |
El Papa - Vacunarse es un "Acto de
Español |
Exponiendo los Orígenes de la OMS
y los Peligros de su Nuevo Tratado Global
Español |
La OMS, la ONU y su plan de Golpe
de Estado Global contra nuestras Libertades - Dra. A.
Pope Francis "urges people" to Get
Vaccinated against Covid-19 |
Español |
- ¿Qué
se está Negociando en estos momentos en la OMS y cuáles
son sus Implicaciones?
The Blue Dot Movie
The WHO and possible Worldwide
Soft Coup - Emergency Broadcast
Have the Evidence' - Reiner Fuellmich on suing the WHO
GAVI and Covid-19 - Audition with Dr. Reiner Füllmich for
International Lawsuit Nuremberg II
Reiner Füllmich |
1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors
have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of 'The Nuremberg
Code' - Covid-19
Attorney Dr. Reiner Füllmich
elucidates the Mechanics of PSYOP-19
Español |
el Gran Reinicio - La Lucha Inminente que nos Aguarda
Conclusion - Private Entities are
Taking Over the World
Español |
Conocedora de la OMS llama la
Atención sobre Bill Gates y GAVI
Crimes Against Humanity - The
Covid 'Pandemic' Case
Grand Jury - Revealing the Agenda
for World Domination
- 'Justice
will Not Come through the Courts but by the People
Rising Up' - Attorney Reiner Füellmich on Nuremberg 2
Español |
La Crisis del Covid-19 es un
'Crimen Contra la Humanidad'
Lawyers promise 'Nuremberg Trials'
Against all behind COVID Scam
Legal Team wants 'Second Nuremberg
Tribunal' to try Global Lockdown Promoters for Crimes
Against Humanity
Maori vs. Plandemic - Dr Reiner
Fuellmich and International Attorneys
Oppressors are Very Frightened People' - Brian Gerrish's
Testimony to Reiner Füllmich
Cabal' set Trap for Reiner Füellmich
Psychological Manipulation -
Controlling the Minds of the Population to Change their
Reiner Fuellmich's 'Grand Jury
Court of Public Opinion' - Covid-19 Crimes Against
Reiner Fuellmich Speaks Out from
Prison in Germany
Español |
Segundo Juicio de Nuremberg -
Reiner Fuellmich anticipa una Victoria de la Humanidad
City of London - The British Elite and their Agenda for
World Domination
- "This
is the Definition of Criminal Conspiracy - This is Not a
Theory... this is Evidence" - D. Martin & R. Fuellmich
COVID-19 was a 'Mass Mind Control
Operation' - Pandemic Used to Inflict Psychological
Terror on World
Español |
Declaraciones del Gran Jurado,
Tribunal Popular Opinión Pública - Reiner Füllmich
Eugenics and the Awakening of
Sleeping Monsters
Opening Statements at Grand Jury,
Court of Public Opinion - Reiner Füllmich
Personality Changes after Covid Vaccine
Español |
- ¿Por
qué Cambia Repentinamente la Personalidad de la gente
tras la Inyección COVID ARNm?
Español |
Secretos de las Naciones Unidas - Lo que Todo el Mundo
debe Saber -
Reiner Füllmich
Secrets of The United Nations - What everyone should
Know -
Reiner Füllmich
Italiano |
Segreti delle Nazioni Unite - Quello che Tutti
dovrebbero Sapere -
Reiner Füllmich
The British Hand Behind the Global
Deep State
The Corona Crisis: Is the Tide
Turning? - Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0
The Mass Psychology of
Totalitarianism - Psychology and the Covid Attack on
There is No Corona Pandemic but
only a 'PCR Test' Plandemic - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
There is No Variant... Not
Novel... No Pandemic! - Dr David E. Martin with Reiner
Have the Evidence' - Reiner Fuellmich on suing the WHO
GAVI and Covid-19 - Audition with Dr. Reiner Füllmich for
International Lawsuit Nuremberg II
- Tecnocracia |
A Digital Coup d'Etat
A False Pandemic and the
Imposition of a False Vaccine - A Criminal Plan of World
Depopulation - Viganò
Democracy's Dance with Digital
Despotism - Technocratic Temptation
Español |
El Gran Reinicio o 'Reconstruir
Mejor' - Un Sinónimo para Tecnocracia y el Fin del
Liberalismo y la Democracia
Flashback 2016 - Technocracy will
Rise Out of the Ashes of Western Civilization
Four Billionaire Technocrats are
Creating an Alternate, Autocratic Reality
Genesis or Simulacra? -
Kissinger's reach Beyond the Grave
Global Technocracy and The 'Great
Reset' is coming like a Bullet Train - Covid-19
Global Technocrats likely behind
Trudeau's 'Sudden Reversal of Emergency Orders'
Hegemony and Propaganda - Love
Your Servitude...!
Here is the Web of Technocrat
Propagandists who Silence Truth
History Warned Us about
Technocracy's coming Tyranny
How to Explain Technocracy to
Idiots |
Is Trump pursuing Technocracy’s
dream to create the Great American Technate?
Italiano |
La Fase Apocalittica della
Tecnocrazia e del Transumanesimo - In Arrivo Presto
Español |
La Fortuna de Zuckerberg creció 6
Veces por esta razón...
Español |
La Tecnocracia Global y el 'Gran
Reinicio' vienen como un Tren Bala - Covid-19
Italiano |
Le Elite Tecnocratiche dietro il
'Grande Reset' Globale
OpenAI as we knew it is Dead - Now it's a 'Loose Cannon'
in the hands of a Megalomaniac Technocrat
Popping the A.I. Bubble
Populist Revolt Spreading Across
the West
Español |
Por qué Caminamos Sonámbulos hacia
la Tiranía - Sobre la Tecnocracia...
Slavery Ahead - The Technocratic Convergence of Humans
and Data
Technocracy Ascending |
Depends on the Digitalization of Money - CBDC
- The Operating System for the New International Rules-Based
Technocratic Totalitarianism - My
Speech in the Parliament of Romania
Ten Reasons why Human Flourishing
has Reversed
The Apocalyptic Phase of
Technocracy and Transhumanism - Coming Soon...
The Demiurge of Technocracy - Recreating the World in Their
The Elite Technocrats behind the
Global 'Great Reset'
The 'Evil Twins' of Transhumanism
and Technocracy
The Global Elite's Plan for the
Future - 4IR and the TransHumanist Endgame |
The Rise of Technocrats - Can They
Be Stopped?
The 'Technocratic Global Death
Cult' will cull the Human Population |
The Techno-Optimist Manifesto -
Proof that Technocrats Live in a Simulacrum
The Tyranny of Convenience - The
Gravest Danger to Your Liberty is Your Complacency
The Ugliness of War and
Technocracy - A look at Weapons of War in the Digital
The UN will Sign the 'Pact of the
Future' in 60 Days - Here's Why It Matters
Español |
Think-Tank del Gobierno Canadiense
explora la 'Sociedad Transhumana'
Transforming the entire World into
a Planetary Technocracy - The Geopolitics of Elite
Transhumanism - Bowing Down to a
'Techno-Industrial God'
Understanding the "Dark MAGA Gov-Corp Technate"
we are Sleepwalking into Tyranny - On Technocracy...
FDA approved Digital Pill that
contains Microchip that Transmits Information once
swallowed - Pfizer Bourla
Toward a Post-human World |
What is Technocracy, Who are the
Technocrats and What is their Agenda
WEF and the Global Elite - El FEM
y la Elite Global |
Español |
Actualización de la Estructura de SC
- El Sistema de Control
Italiano |
Analisi del Piano Generale del
"Great Reset" della Global Elite
Español |
Analizando el Plan Maestro del
'Gran Reinicio' de la Élite Global
An Elite-led 'Great Reset' Post-Covid?
- No, what we Need first is to Get Rid of the Globalist
approach that...
Assault on Humanity - The
Corruption is Real and Sickening
A State of Never-Ending Crisis -
The Government is Fomenting Mass Hysteria
Back to Metaphysics - Covid-19 and
'What is Going On' in the World
Bill Gates' Criminal Plans Exposed
by U.S. Trial Lawyer
Bill Gates "defends" Free Speech -
Unless it hurts His Investments...!
Español |
Bill Gates - Dictador Mundial con
Perfil de Delincuente Peligroso
Italiano |
Bill Gates - Dittatore Mondiale
con il Profilo di uno Scellerato Criminale
Bill Gates Exposed in Italian
Parliament for "Crimes Against Humanity" - The Trend is
Our Friend
Bill Gates-Funded 'World Mosquito
Program' engages in Gain-of-Function Research
Italiano |
Gates ha Fondato 'Il Programma Zanzara Mondiale' impegnato
nel Guadagno della Funzione di Ricerca
Bill Gates launches new 'Netflix
Series' that lays out Mass Suicide Plan for Global Human
Bill Gates' "Unsolvable Problem"
is Free Speech...!
Breaking Down the Global Elite's
'Great Reset' Master Plan
BRICS - A Window to the Light or the Latest Make-Believe
Español |
BRICS - ¿Una Ventana hacia la Luz o el Último Engaño de
Carlo Maria Viganò address at the
'Bornholm Conference 2023' - Lashed out to the WEF
Italiano |
Chi Governa il Mondo? - Angoli
Oscuri delle Potenze Globali Segrete
Español |
China - ¡Este Sistema de Gobierno
nos Amenaza a Todos!
China is Globalist
Español |
Conocer al Enemigo
Conspiracy Theories become
Conspiracy Facts
Español |
Control de Identificación
Biométrica - CBDC - Una Guía País por País
Dictators Plead for Amnesty
Español |
Dando la Espalda a la Élite
diseñando lo que 'Sí Queremos
Español |
De 'Bilderberg 2024' al G7 - El Globalismo y
la OTAN definen su camino ante Rusia y el retorno de Trump a EEUU
Denialism - How the 'Woke' stifle
Español |
Desactivando el "Modo Enjambre" en el Ser Humano
Español |
Discurso de Carlo Maria Viganò en
la 'Conferencia de Bornholm 2023' - Arremetió contra el
Español |
Doce Acciones de Encubrimiento -
Los Alarmistas entran en Pánico
Doubling Down on Strategic
Español |
El "Gran Reinicio" - Un Colapso Deliberado diseñado por las
Élites a través del Estado Profundo y los Bancos...
Español |
El Orden Global en Reconfiguración
- Trump, China, Rusia y el Nuevo Equilibrio de Poder
a Decentralized World - How can we Create something that has
Never Existed Before?
of Cycle brings 'Economic Collapse'
Fake Living versus the Happiness of Truth
- "First
Amendment Stands as Major Block" to "Govern" - John Kerry
says the quiet part Out Loud... |
Italiano |
Francesco, un Papa per i Poveri,
un Papa per l'Ambiente o un Papa per l'Elite Globale?
Francis - A Pope of the Poor, a Pope for the
Environment or a Pope of the Global Elite?
Gates Foundation to accelerate
Modified mRNA DEATHVAX™ Innovation and Manufacturing in
Africa and Globally
Global Elite committing Crimes
against Humanity
Español |
Globalistas en Jaque - Explotó la
Burbuja 'Woke'
Globalists aim to "Peacefully"
Depopulate Six Billion People from the Planet
Globalists are 'Taking the Mask
Off' and that's a Bad Sign... |
Globalists plot Worldwide Genocide
via 'WHO Pandemic Treaty'
Globalists release 'Timeline for
Health Tyranny'
Global Swamp - How Planet Earth is
being Ruined
- "Go
To Hell" - Brave EU Politician delivers damning Message
to Global Tyrants
by Artificial Intelligence - The Ultimate Unaccountable
Español |
- "Hipócritas
Asesinos" - Indignación por sugerencia de 'The Atlantic'
por 'Amnistía' para Autoritarios Pandémicos
How They make sure 'You Stay a Slave to the System' - They
need your eventual Demise to sustain their Empire...
How to Dominate the Masses - The
UN's New "Pact for the Future"
of the Great Reset - What the Future might look like in
2021... if the 'Controlling Elites' have Their Way
Italiano |
I Globalisti hanno un Grosso
Problema - Dietro Bilderberg, la Trilaterale, il WEF...
Español |
Ignorancia Mortal o Decisión
Mundial - Discurso a las Naciones de Ivo Sasek |
Italiano |
Dossier Tedros - Il Capo dell'OMS diventerà l'uomo Più
Potente del Mondo?
Italiano |
Il Gap tra il Ricco e il Povero è
più Grande che Mai - La Frustrazione sta Crescendo a
Livelli molto Pericolosi
Italiano |
Incontriamo i Russi...!
Italiano |
I Personaggi del Great Reset -
Cosa potrebbe essere il futuro 2021… se "le Elites che
Controllano" fanno a...
Ivermectin could have Saved
Millions of Lives - Why was it Suppressed...?
Joined Dots and Spontaneous
Español |
- ¿La
Agenda 'Woke' como Causa de la Decadencia de Occidente?
Italiano |
Cina è Globalista
Español |
La Derrota Electoral de Macron y
Scholz es el resultado de "Centrarse en la Agenda de
Español |
La Dinastía Rockefeller - ¿Un Paso
por Delante de los Acontecimientos Mundiales?
Español |
La Élite Global Sorprendida 'In
Fraganti' cometiendo Crímenes Genocidas contra la
Español |
- ¿La
Europa de las Libertades?
Italiano |
La Minaccia
del Sistema di Governo Cinese
Italiano |
Nuova Cina - Il Primo Esempio al Mondo di uno Stato
Totalitario Tirannico Medico nel 2022
Español |
Las Élites Multicéfalas
Español |
Las Teorías de Conspiración se
Convierten en Hechos de Conspiración
Lest We Forget... 'They' want You
to forget 'Lockdowns, Vaccine Coercion and Covid
Italiano |
Le Teorie sulla Cospirazione
diventano Fatti della Cospirazione |
Español |
Los Lunáticos se han Apoderado del
Español |
Los Rothschild admiten el Fracaso
del 'Gobierno Ambiental, Social y Corporativo' (ESG)
Meet the Russians...!
Meet your New WEF "Penetrator"
Puppet Canadian Prime Minister, same as your Old WEF...
Español |
Negacionismo - Cómo el 'Conciente'
reprime a la Disidencia
New Global Internet Censorship
Tool Kit - By Google...
Español |
No hubo 'Pandemia'
Español |
Nosotros recogemos la Cosecha de
No 'Unfriendly Nations' for
Russia, Only 'Unfriendly Elites' - Putin
Español |
Oponerse al Foro Económico Mundial
es la única Vía Sensata...
Pact for the Future - A Planetary Technocracy to Manage
Global Crises on behalf of the Global Corporatocracy
Italiano |
Perché quest'Anno Non Cambierà
Nulla - Benvenuti ad un'altra stagione della "Sciarada"
Planetary Regime - The Globalists'
Blueprint in Their Own Words
Politics is like 'Sesame Street
for Assholes'
Español |
Porqué Nada Cambiará este Año -
Bienvenidos a otra temporada de 'La Charada'
Español |
Porqué Nuestro Mundo está siendo
Destruido por Diseño - Kim Dotcom
Possession is Nine Tenths of Your
Español |
- ¿Qué
es "El Gran Reinicio" y Quién lo Impulsa?
Español |
- ¿Qué
Pretende Realmente la Agenda 2030 y qué Podemos hacer
Español |
- ¿Quién
Dirige el Mundo? - Rincones Oscuros de las Secretas
Potencias Mundiale
Español |
- ¿Quiénes
son estos "Desconocidos" que Encarnan el Nuevo Orden
Español |
Resumen de 500 años de Historia
Mundial del Caos
Español |
Retrospectiva del Atentado contra
Trump - ¿Beneficia a la Secta de la Dominación Mundial
Italiano |
Rothschilds invia il Presidente
Francese Macron in Cina - Cerca di salvare l'Europa
visto che l'Impero...
Rothschilds send French President
Macron to China - Attempt to Save Europe as U.S.
Rockefeller Empire Panics
Rothschild wants Merger between Corporations,
Governments and AI to "Save Capitalism"
Russian Military blows whistle on
Bill Gates' Bioterrorism Plot to 'Reduce Population'
Science is Not to Be Trusted
Español |
- ¿Se
acerca ya el Ajuste de Cuentas? - El Genocidio del
Covid-19 clama por un Tribunal Mundial Independiente
Some Ways to Survive "The Great
Supporting Genocide to Halt
Terrified of Freedom - Why most
Human Beings are Embracing the Global Elite's
The 7 Pillars of a Global CBDC
The Controlled Demolition of the
Corruption is Real and Sickening
The Documentary the 'Elites' Hope
You Never See - 'Uninformed Consent'
The Elite Coup to Kill or Enslave
Us - Why can't Governments, Legal Actions and Protests
Stop Them
The Lunatics have Taken Over the Asylum
The Men Who Run the World - Inside the
Global Power Elite's Quest for Domination
The Names and Faces - The 150
Bilderbergers who Influenced and Controlled the Response to
The New Authoritarian Agenda
Revealed - Globalism Rebranded - The Rothschild
Plan' - Proof that the 'pandemic' was Planned with a
Was No 'Pandemic' - An essay by Denis Rancourt
The True Reason Behind why the
Border Crisis won't be "Fixed"
The Unholy Trinity of Geoengineering Superpowers
The UN's New Rules for 'Ruling the World' and what does
Secretary-General of the UN António Guterres...
The Unspoken War and Silent
Weapons - The Blueprint to Control
This is what The Globalists Really
This is Why we Need to Talk about CBDCs
Español |
Carta Abierta a la 'Multitud' de Davos...
Uncovering the Corona Narrative -
Ernst Wolffs' answer to the Big Questions that have
plagued all of us
Uncovering World-Tyranny and its
War Strategies - David Icke
Understanding the Origins of
Internet Censorship
We are being Smashed Politically,
Economically, Medically and Technologically by the
Elite's 'Great Reset'
We Reap the Harvest of Lies
is 'The Great Reset' and who is Driving It?
What Nobody Told You about Julian
Who Rules the World? - Dark
Corners of Secretive Global Powers
Why a Global Government is the
'Ultimate Goal' of Billionaires - "The Goal is for You
to Own Nothing"
Why do mRNA Vaccines alter your
DNA? - To make You Legal Property...!
Why Nothing will Change this Year
- Welcome to another Season of 'The Charade'
Why our World is being Destroyed
by Design - Kim Dotcom
Español |
David Icke - La Conspiración del Coronavirus
- Covid 19 y 5G |
David Icke - The
Coronavirus Conspiracy - Covid19 and 5G |
Español |
En Busca de la Verdad - Volver a
las Grandes Preguntas
Kingdom - 2024
Español |
La Élite ordenó Destruir España
Español |
Marea Anti 'Justicia Social' hace Tambalearse al
Establishment Médico de los EE.UU.
Uncovering The Corona Narrative -
Ernst Wolff
We Will Not Be Silenced - Brian
Rose Documentary Movie
What's Next? - The Future with
Bill Gates - A Video Summary...
are They Lying to Us? - The Myth of Overpopulation explained
in 60 Seconds
Totalitarianism -
Totalitarismo |
Español |
1984/2024 - La Esperanza Oculta en
la Advertencia de Orwell
1984/2024 - The Hidden Hope in
Orwell's Warning
2022's Danger Signs - From
Totalitarian Paranoia to Authoritarian Madness
Coup without Firing a Shot
Español |
Agenda 2030 - La Raíz de las
Actuales Crisis Globales
António Guterres calls for UN to
have the 'Power to Declare a Crisis and Dictate the
Response Worldwide'
Broken by Design - Why the Elites
want Everything and Everyone to have an "Expiry Date"
Español |
Confinamiento - Análisis de una
Experiencia Piloto de Obediencia en Masa
Español |
Contra las Ciudades Inteligentes y
la Vigilancia Totalitaria
Covid-19 - Assessment of Massive
Español |
- ¿Crees
que eres "Libre"...? |
Español |
- ¡Despierta!
- Cómo las Élites están Controlando el Mundo
Digital Currency - The FED moves toward Monetary
Digital Public Infrastructure for
'One Earth, One Family and One Future'
Español |
El Camino hacia las
Identificaciones Digitales Nacionales y a las CBDC para
Español |
El escenario Perfecto para la
Videovigilancia Masiva - Los Juegos Olímpicos 2024 en
Español |
El Miedo vuelve Estúpida a la
Gente |
Español |
El Plan de la ONU para Controlar la Libertad de
Expresión en Internet
Everything is a Psy-Op
- "Fake
News" is what Worries WEF the most...
Fear makes People Stupid
Historical Lessons from Rebellions
- Countering Globalist Strategies Post-Collapse
How Totalitarians instill Fear and
Restrict Human Rights - The Positive Feedback Loop
Internet Freedom is Fading in the
'New Era of Social Control'...!
of Bodies' may lead to 'Internet of Brains' by 2050 -
RAND Corporation
Italiano |
I Segnali di Pericolo del 2022 -
Dalla Paranoia Totalitaria alla Pazzia Autoritaria
Klaus Schwab says 'We Must Force
Humanity into Collaboration'
Español |
La Caída de los "Dioses"
Español |
La Mente Totalitaria - Donald G.
Español |
La Pax Americana y el
Español |
Dictadores deberían Temer a la IA |
Mission Creep - How the Police
State acclimates us to being 'Modern-Day Slaves'
No Farmers, No Food...! - A Global
Food Crisis is Coming...
Español |
- ¿Qué
es Realmente la I.A.? - Ilusiones Digitales, Falsas
Promesas y Reeducación Masiva
Español |
- ¡Resistencia
a la Cuarta Represión Industrial...!
Español |
Si no se Moderan/Censuran las
Redes Sociales "Perderemos totalmente el Control" -
Hillary Clinton
Technocratic Totalitarianism - My
Speech in the Parliament of Romania
The A.I. and the Creation of a
Massive Class of Useless People and what should be done
with them - Y.N. Harari
The Conflict between Israel and
Palestine is a Staged Operation by the Deep State
The Evolution of Psychological
Manipulation in Democratic Societies
The Individual Solution to
Avoiding the 'Great Reset' and Totalitarianism
The Internet is Rotting...! |
Limits to Growth is deeply Flawed - Yet Advocates used it to
claim Societies need to be Completely Controlled...
New China - The World's First Example of a Medical
Tyrannical Totalitarian State in 2022
The State as Terrorist
The Struggle for a Human Future in
the Age of COVID-19 and Electronic Totalitarianism - An
The Terrifying Potential of the 5G
The Triumph of the Apocalyptics
The UN's "Pact for the Future"
translated from the 'Globalese' |
This is being Allowed to Happen! -
Attacks on Israel...
Two Years that Trampled on
'Freedoms earned over Centuries' - 'Junk Science' in the
Service of Totalitarianism
Under the Skin - The Internet of
Bio-Nano Things
Español |
- ¿Un
Gobierno Mundial Único de la ONU a través de la Agenda
Italiano |
Un Governo Mondiale Unico dell'ONU nella Agenda 2030?
United Nations Ambition to become
the World Government - 'Legal Officer' caught on Camera
U.N. 'Pact for The Future' draws
Concerns over CCP Backing
Español |
Veinte Realidades Sombrías
desenterradas por los Confinamientos del Covid
Voting is Evil
WEF calls for '24-Hour Monitoring'
of the Public
Welcome to DARPA's new 'Mass
Surveillance Control Tool' |
Español |
Wetiko - Psicosis Totalitaria en
Nuestro Mundo... y en Nuestras Mentes
Wetiko - Totalitarian Psychosis in
Our World... and Our Minds
What is A.I. Really? - Digital Illusions, False Promises
and Mass Reeducation
As We Go Marching
- by John T. Flynn
The Psychology of Totalitarianism
- by Mattias Desmet |
The Revolt of the Public and the
Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium -
by Martin Gurri
The Wuhan Cover-Up - by
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
5G - The Potential to Transform -
The World Economic Forum
Español |
Cómo Sobrevivir a la Ley Marcial
Off the Head of the Snake' in Geneva
Español |
Escapados - La Crisis Oculta en la
Frontera Sur de EE.UU.
Español |
- "La
Crisis Fronteriza es Deliberada" - Ex-jefe de la Patrulla
Fronteriza de EE.UU., Rodney Scott
Farmers, No Food
The Mass Psychology of
Totalitarianism - Psychology and the Covid Attack on
The Plan to make Israel the Center
of a One World Government
Why do we need elections? -
Because we know what the result will be...
Transhumanism |
6G - Manufactured Dystopia - Globalists
Won't Stop Hacking Humans
America - The New Atlantis
Canadian Government's Think-Tank
explores 'Transhuman Society'
Consciousness and the
'Transhumanist Agenda' - What You Need to Know about it
- "Directed
Evolution" - In Lockstep Towards the Abyss
Enter the Bizarre World of Mark
Zuckerburg's 'Metaverse' - 'Blurring the Lines' of
Reality with NWO Transhuman
- 'Executive
Order' advances Biotech-Transhumanist Agenda
Español |
La Consciencia y la 'Agenda
Transhumanista' - Lo que Necesitas Saber al respecto
WEF announces 'New World' of
AI-Led 'Humanocracy'
WEF says 'Become Cyborgs, Chip
your Children, Implant Brain Chips' |
What will Happen in 10 Years? -
The Biggest 'COVID Question'...
You'll Be Transhuman Whether You
Like It or Not
Great Awakening vs. Global Reset -
How Full Disclosure trumps Transhumanism and Artificial
Laura Aboli Delivers Epic Speech
on the Transhumanist PsyOp of 'Transgenderism'
Vaccines insert Nanobots in our
Bodies Turning us into HUMAN 2.0 - Says Dr. Carrie Madej
Useless Eaters - Comelones
Inútiles |
Español |
Cuatro Mil Millones de 'Comelones Inútiles' serán Sacrificados para 2050 - John Coleman,
publicado en 1993
Four Billion "Useless Eaters" to
be Culled by 2050 - John Coleman, published 1993
Español |
La Clase Inútil - El Significado
de la Vida Sin Trabajo y una Renta Básica Universal
Italiano |
La Classe Inutile - Il Significato della Vita Senza
Lavoro e un Reddito di Base Universale
Deutsch |
Nutzlose Esser - Eine
verabscheuungswürdige Idee
The Useless Class - The Meaning of
Life with No Work and a Universal Basic Income
Useless Eaters - A Repugnant Idea
Useless Eaters - Drug Them, give
Them Computer Games, let Them Eat Bugs
World Economic Forum believes
People are "Useless Eaters" - Views their "Brains and
Bodies" as product...
Wars -
Guerras |
All Wars are Bankers Wars - These
Banks must Go if we want World Peace
Warfare and the Tyranny of Digital Transformation
- "Cognitive
Warfare" - Stop the World Competition for "Control of
Human Brains"
Conquering Earth - Silent Weapons for Quiet
Wars |
Digital Tyranny and the
Rockefeller-Gates WHO "Vaxx-Certificate Passport" -
Towards a World War III Scenario
Español |
El 'Oscuro Invierno' del Covid -
Cómo los Juegos de Guerra Biológicos nos Robaron la
Español |
En la Guerra por Controlar la Humanidad, los Pensamientos y
Emociones son el Campo de Batalla - R.Malone
Español |
- ¿Es
Real la Posibilidad de una Guerra Mundial?
Italiano |
Fase 2 del Gran Reset - Guerra
How to Win the War Against Tyranny |
How War Fuels the 'March toward a New World Order' - Is
a New World War about to Begin?
Humanity's Fast-Approaching
Rendezvous with Truth
International Finance Leaders hold
'War Game' Exercise simulating Global Financial Collapse
- Should we be...
Is Global War their Goal?
Kissinger and the War in Ukraine -
The Messenger and the Master
Español |
La Guerra contra los No-Vacunados
No será Olvidada
Español |
La Guerra de Frecuencias - Una
Guerra por el Mundo
Italiano |
La Guerra Gaza-Israele è "Una
Falsa Bandiera?"
Italiano |
La NATO c'è Sempre - Non è
organizzazione militare per la Difesa né aiuta a
risolvere Conflitti in modo Pacifico
Español |
La Segunda Fase del Gran Reset -
La Guerra
Español |
La Tragedia de Siria y la Nueva
Español |
- "Lavender"
- Se Desenmascara la Aterradora Realidad de la Guerra
Español |
Los Preparativos de la OTAN para
una Guerra Global caminan a Paso Acelerado
Phase 2 of The Great Reset - War
Español |
Por qué Trump rompió el 'Relato
Occidental' sobre el Conflicto en Ucrania |
Putin's statement on Trump's
Ukraine ceasefire Proposal |
Shadow Armies are Waging an Invisible War on Us All
Español |
Siempre está la OTAN - Ni
organización militar Defensiva ni ayudar a resolver
Conflictos de manera Pacífica
Some Signs that Global War is
Rapidly Approaching
The Final Battle for Humanity - It
is 'Now or Never' in the 'Long War Against Homo Sapiens'
Frequency War - A War for the World
The Purpose of War According to
George Orwell in "1984" |
The Ugliness of War and
Technocracy - A look at Weapons of War in the Digital
The U.S. Empire does Not Seek
Peace - Its Existence depends on Endless War
The War against the Unvaxxed will
Not Be Forgotten
Español |
Trump es 'imprudente' con el
Dilema Europeo y su Crisis Existencial...
Italiano |
Trump è 'temerario' con il Dilemma
Europeo e le crisi Esistenziali che ha
Trump is 'reckless' with the
European Dilemma and its Existential Crisis...
Español |
Tu Guía para la 'Guerra de Quinta
War in Ukraine is the WEF's
Doorway to Global Technocracy
Weaponization and "Human
Augmentation" - Warfare of the Immediate Future...?
We are at War... and It's Not Easy...!
'War on Farmers' will do Nothing to 'Reduce Emissions' -
Study Warns
Western Hostility to Russia - The
hidden Background to War in Ukraine - by
Terry M. Boardman |
Why and How the Conspirators are
Winning the War for our Freedom and our Souls
Why has Trump finally Pulled the
Plug on Deep State Propaganda? |
Why the Globalists Engineered the
Ukraine War
THEY Need World War III
Books-Treatises |
21 Lessons for 21st Century - by
Yuval Noah Harari
- by George Orwell
Español |
- Español
- por George Orwell
Italiano |
- Italiano
- di George Orwell
A Government of Wolves - The
Emerging American Police State - by
John W. Whitehead
A Plague Upon Our
House - by Scott Atlas
Español |
Cómo Mentir con Estadísticas
- por Darrell Huff
Connectome - How the Brain's Wiring Makes Us Who We Are - by
Sebastian Seung
Controligarchs -
Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the
Globalist Plot to... - by Seamus Bruner
Español |
Covid-19 - El Gran Reset
- por Klaus Schwab y Thierry Malleret
Covid-19 - The Greatest Hoax in
- by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Covid-19 - The Great Reset
- by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret
Español |
- ¡Despierta!
- Cómo las Élites están Controlando el Mundo -
Fernando Paz
Español |
El Discurso de la Servidumbre
Voluntaria - por Étienne de La
Español |
El Fraude del Covid-19 y la Guerra
Contra la Humanidad
- por Mark Bailey y John Bevan-Smith
Extraordinary Popular Delusions
and the Madness of Crowds - by
Fascism Rebranded - Exposing the
Great Reset
- by Paul Cudenec
Guide to Surviving and Thriving
during an Economic Collapse
- by Nick Giambruno and Jeff Thomas
How to Lose the Information War
- by Nina Jankowicz
Impact - Reshaping
Capitalism to Drive Real Change - by Ronald Cohen
- How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment, and Government
stick it to You... -
by Brett Wilcox
Just Say No! - by Chris
Mission Economy - A Moonshot Guide
to Changing Capitalism - by Mariana
Nexus - A Brief History of
Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI
- by Yuval Noah Harari
On Tyranny - Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century
- by Timothy Snyder
Reimagining Digital ID
- by WEF
Resetting the Future of Work
Agenda in a post Covid World
Español |
Diga No...!
- por
Chris Sky
Stakeholder Capitalism - A Global
Economy that Works for Progress, People and Planet
- by Klaus Schwab
The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona
Crisis, Destroying Civil Society and the "Great Reset"
- by Michel Chossudovsky
The Crowd - A Study of the Population
- by Gustave Le Bon |
The Denial - A Satirical Novel of
Climate Change
by Ross Clark
The Earth Brokers
Pratap Chatterjee and
Matthias Finger
The Fear of Freedom -
by Erich Fromm
The Fourth Industrial Revolution
- by Klaus Schwab |
Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty - Unraveling the Global
- by Michael Rectenwald |
The Great Reset - Joe Biden and
the Rise of Twenty-First-Century Fascism
- by Glenn Beck |
The Politics of Obedience - The
Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
- by
Étienne de La
Boétie |
The Predators versus The People
- by Mees Baaijen |
Español |
Los Depredadores contra el Pueblo
- por Mees Baaijen |
Italiano |
I Predatori verso il Popolo
- di Mees Baaijen |
The Demon in Democracy -
Totalitarian Temptations in Free Societies
- by Ryszard Legutko |
The Question Concerning Technology
- by Martin Heidegger |
The Truth about Covid-19 -
Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports...
- by
Mercola |
The Wisdom of Plagues'
- by Donald G. McNeil |
of Mass Migration - Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign
- by Kelly Greenhill
WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow -
1993-2003 |
WEF Young Global Leaders -
2005-2023 |
Multimedia |
Español |
2da Cumbre Covid-19 Global -
Líderes Mundiales dicen 'lo mismo' con un Único Mensaje
- ¿Porque será...? |
8 Prediction to the World in 2030
- World Forum Economic |
Español |
- ¿Adónde
se fueron los Hombres Fuertes? - El Ataque al Macho Alfa
y el Auge del Macho Beta...
Español |
Agenda 2030 - Cambio Climático y
Control de la Población según Francesc Colet
Italiano |
Ancora si nega che i Rothschilds
sono Dietro il Great Reseat? - Basta, sta Diventando
A New System of Slavery and
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano
warns Humanity for 'New World Order'
Beyond the 'Great Reset' -
Animated Short Film
Bombshell Docs Reveal COVID-19
Cover-Up Goes Straight to the Top - Redacted with
Clayton Morris
Covid-19 Round Table in DC with
Sen. Ron Johnson
Covid-19 Vaccines Depopulation
- David Icke |
Cry for Freedom - Why Cyborgs
won't save the World |
Das Forum - The Forum - Marcus
Español |
El Fin de la Humanidad -
Planificado por los Líderes Mundiales
Español |
El Futuro Nos Pertenece - ¡Por La
Español |
El Gran Reinicio - Una Revisión
Español |
Gran Reseteo - Documental
Español |
- "El
Gran Reseteo" - La Película Completa
Español |
El Gran Reseteo Mundial
Español |
- 'El
Plan' - Foro Económico Mundial y Otros...
Español |
El Ser Humano es el Único Animal
que Necesita un Amo para Poder Vivir
Español |
El Sistema Criminal detrás del
Globalismo, Bill Gates y Elon Musk
Español |
- ¡Falta
la Base para el 'Gran reinicio' y el 'Acuerdo Verde'...!
- China
Español |
Fascismo Internacional prohibe la entrada
a David Icke en 26 Paises
Global Reset and Reptilian Overlords -
Rise of the Resistance and Full Disclosure
Italiano |
Il Monopolio - Chi Possiede il
Kissinger Message to WEF Meeting
at Davos - 2022
Italiano |
La Fine dell'Umanità - Come
Pianificato dai Leader Globali
Español |
La Pirámide de Poder
Español |
La Plandemia Organizada por la Fundación Rockefeller,
Expuesta en el Parlamento Holandés
Lockdowns are Quietly Improving
Cities around the World - WEF
Español |
Los Amos del Mundo están al Acecho
Español |
Los Últimos Días - Final Days
Español |
Más Allá del 'Gran Reinicio' - Cortometraje Animado
MONOPOLY - Who Owns the World?
Español |
- ¿Sabes
lo que Implica la Ejecución de 'La Agenda 2030' en
Paraguay y America Latina?
Still Denying the Rothschilds are
Behind the Great Reset? - Stop, it's Getting Ridiculous |
The Covid-19 Fraud and War on
Humanity |
The End of Humanity - As Planned
by the Global Leaders
The Greatest History Never Told -
Ivor Cummins with Dr Jacob Nordengard
The Great Reset - A Critical
- 'The
Great Reset' - Davos, Soros, Gates, the UN, Trump and
The Great Reset - Documentary
The Pyramid of Power
The Viganò Tapes - The Complete
The Vindication - Rose/Icke 6 |
They call it THE GREAT RESET -
"Planned to the smallest detail"
Thierry Baudet - 2010 Document
allegedly Exposes Rockefeller Foundation and Globalist
Uninformed Consent
United Nations makes commercial with a Reptilian
Dinosaur Warning us of a 'Climate Crisis'...
Español |
Un Nuevo Sistema de Esclavitud y
Italiano |
Un Nuovo Sistema di Schiavitù e
World Leaders sign WEF Treaty
introducing 'Age of Death' Laws in West
Related Reports |
5G - The Great Connection Risk and
Control - Main File
Central Banks - CBDC -
- Main File |
Covid-19 and Anthony Fauci -
Main File
Against Humanity
- Main File
Depopulation of Planet Earth -
Main File
Face Masks in the COVID-19 Era
- Main File
NATO - Powerful and Necessary, or
Costly and Obsolete?
- Main File
The Global Media Control - Main
Transhumanism - Main
Vaccines and Covid-19 - Gene
- Main File