by Kingsley L. Dennis
by Anita Revel you can then walk in the noise again and show people that silence is here too, in your very own being. When you act forth from your Being - your Self - you ground the energy within you.
You can be the
quiet within the noise.'
This is indicated, he says, by a steady increase in the number of depression and anxiety issues and the number of suicides.
One of the consequences of this, in recent years, is the,
This malaise, we are informed, was growing exponentially even before the 'pandemic' outbreak of 2020.
What this suggests is that there was already a great deal of trauma being experienced within people and within many of our human cultures in the preceding years (as I explored in 'Healing the Wounded Mind' 2019).
Prof. Desmet suggests that these findings indicated that,
In other words, we were, broadly speaking, ripe for a tipping into a new direction one way or another.
And the direction we were
to be 'tipped into' would depend upon the nature of the trigger, how
it would be applied, and its related features.
The reactions of the political establishments, the media, and related organizations that had a vested interest in steering the situation, aroused further fear and panic amongst the people rather than reassuring them (as would have been their role).
The danger in this is that such an experience can be prolonged almost indefinitely if the nudges continue to be applied.
In such psychological
states, it becomes very hard for a person to maintain, and act from,
their sovereign self for they have become increasingly externalized
and pulled into (or entangled in) a shared traumatic experience.
Prof. Desmet points out, and he is not alone in this, that there already existed in our societies a,
When the health crisis got expanded into a structure of biosecurity, many people transferred their existent anxieties and blame onto the dominant health narratives.
Fear and discomfort were no longer a result of how modern societies have been structured, along with their attendant political and economic power systems, but rather is now due to a health issue.
In this transference of blame, many people naturally wanted to eradicate this source of their suffering and so were ready to point their fingers in the direction where the dominant narratives told them.
It pains me to point this out, but such tactics of 'transference of blame' were used to devastating effect by National Socialism in the first half of the twentieth century.
And we now know where
that led to... 2
On the contrary, I would state that there is a great deal of 'deliberate fracturing' going on in our societies.
Part of this is due to a narrowing of peoples' focus onto a small fragment of the situation at the expense of perceiving the bigger picture (see my previous essay 'Blindsided'). 4
This orchestrated narrowing of focus breaks up overall awareness into fractals - into 'reality bubbles.'
Since the narrowed focus is directed, by the mainstream media narratives, onto the 'let us get well again' scenario, then people are persuaded into,
Naturally, any sensible person wishes for public health and well-being, which is why any critical questioning gets censored as a rejection of health that is harder to defend amongst the media-programmed masses.
This, as I have said, is part of a strategy of 'deliberate fracturing.'
Prof. Desmet makes a valid point when he states that:
What this amounts to, says Prof. Desmet, is not a health crisis but a social and cultural crisis...
Taken all together, we are in the midst of a profound turning point for humankind.
The core question now is,
What we need, as individuals as well as collectively, is a degree of perception and awareness to see and understand that relations between things on the surface are not the same as the realities that lie underneath.
For this reason, great pressure has been applied onto censorship in the media.
This is because it is,
The strategy here is to gain power over people by dividing their cohesion and splintering the energies of solidarity and togetherness.
As writer Kaleb Seth Perl puts it:
And I would agree with this.
Our awareness is being taken away from those things that bring us together and onto those elements that splinter us apart. And this is an affront upon the human sovereign self.
Kaleb Seth Perl goes on to say that:
In other words, it is time to own your sovereignty.
And as an initial step in this process,
As the opening quote from Kaleb Seth Perl says, we can be,
And from this place of centeredness, we can be connected to our own source of energy, wholeness, and resonant balance.
It is only from such a
place can we then make the right decisions about our life and the
future we wish for us and for all.