by Caitlin Johnstone
03, 2019
TheMindUnleashed Website
Spanish version

Our world
is quite different
from what we've
been told...
If you are reading this, it's most likely the result of a series of
events in your life which have drawn your interest and attention to
the fact that our world is quite a bit different from what
we've been told,
At some point, for
whatever reason, you've come to realize that the consensus
narratives in our society about what's going on are false.
The tools that people are
taught to use to inform themselves about their government, their
nation and their world are not just full of inaccuracies, but
deliberate distortions, ranging from,
the reasons we're
given for why wars are started
to the way our
political systems work
to where real
power and authority actually lies
to the way
nations and governments actually behave in the world...
This awareness has come
with a degree of alienation.
Not buying into the same
consensus narratives about the world as your friends, loved ones and
peers comes with an inability to relate to them on some levels,
which can cause you to feel a lack of intimacy in those areas.
You may have also found
yourself the odd one out in conversations about politics or other
controversial issues, maybe even lost old friends over it.
But you kept going anyway.
For some of us, it's
more important to be true to the truth than it is to fit
You're one of those
So, I just want to say thank you. Sincerely. Thank you from the
bottom of my heart. I'm on-my-knees grateful to anyone who sets
about untangling themselves and their species from the deceitful
narratives which pervade our society.
It is the most important
battle that can possibly be fought. The most important battle that
has ever been fought.
There is nothing more important than this fight...
Our species is on a sure
trajectory toward
Orwellian dystopia if climate
collapse or nuclear war don't send us the way of the dinosaur first,
and the only thing that has the power to steer us out of that
trajectory is the people using the strength of their numbers
to force an end to the oppressive, ecocidal, omnicidal status quo.
But they don't...
The people don't use the
strength of their numbers to force an end to the oppressive,
ecocidal, omnicidal status quo, because they aren't interested in
doing so.
Why aren't they
interested in doing so...?
Because their minds
are being manipulated on a mass scale by the same people who
have been granted
immense power and wealth by the
existence of that status quo.
All of mankind's biggest dilemmas are ultimately due to the fact
that propaganda is far more ubiquitous and far more advanced than
most people realize.
And it's not their fault. Not really.
Nobody teaches you in
school that throughout your entire life your plutocratic overlords
will be working to control the thoughts in your head using a highly
sophisticated arsenal of
psychological operations
funneled into your mind via
their near-total control of the media.
Nobody warns you as a kid
that if you ever really want to grow up, you'll first have to
extricate the vast network of lies which have been
deliberately sewn into your consciousness since birth.
But their tricks didn't work on you. You found your way out of that
Matrix of deception. It wasn't
easy, and it wasn't comfortable, but you did it.
And now you're ready to
And fight you have...
You have already been
doing what you can to share information which counters the
disinformation, doing your best to throw sand in the gears of
the propaganda machine and show people the little gaps in the
code of the Matrix in the hope that some light sleeper might
spot it and begin waking up from the dream.
You don't need me to
tell you to do this, because it's obvious to anyone who's seen
through the illusion.
You're doing it already.
And you're going to keep doing it. And you're going to get
better at it.
You're going to get better at it because you're going to keep
learning and gaining a better and better understanding of how
the oppression machine operates, so that you can describe it
more lucidly to others.
You're going to get better at it because you're going to keep
practicing your craft:
attacking the propaganda Matrix at its
weakest and most vulnerable points at every opportunity.
Practice makes perfect, and the more you keep at it the more
skillful you'll get at spotting gaps in its armor and firing the
most damaging truth bombs straight into them.
You're going to get better at it because you're going to keep
doing your own inner work to expunge all lies from your system,
from the most surface-level propaganda narratives all the way
down to your most fundamental assumptions about the nature
reality itself.
You understand that
only turkeys are done, and that it will always be possible to
get a little bit clearer inside every day. The less your vision
is impeded by falsehood, the better you'll be able to see on the
You're going to get better at fighting, and you're going to keep
fighting no matter what. Not because it's an easy war, nor even
because it's a winnable war, but because you have made truth
your highest value, and untruth is therefore intolerable to you.
You will keep
attacking the lie factory at every turn until it collapses into
its own foundations beyond any possibility of repair.
You will keep driving
your sword through until you see it come out the other side.
And others will join
you, because they have awakened to what's going on too.
And then there will
be more of them. And more. And more...
There is no more
important fight than this.
The survival and
wellbeing of our entire species depends upon it. The
oligarchs and their government agency allies
cannot be defeated as long as their propaganda machine is killing
off all desire to defeat them.
You are already engaged in this fight, so my purpose here is only to
thank you and to encourage you, and to urge you to redouble your
Never doubt that your
energy poured into this effort is well-spent.
Never let anyone
shame you into silence or make you believe that your efforts are
in vain.
Never doubt that you're on the right path.
Your edge is your agility
and your access to inspiration.
No amount of social
engineering can move as fast or shine as bright as the Truth. You
have everything you need to win, and there are more signs than ever
that the win is on the horizon.
What once seemed
impossible, now seems inevitable...