Julian Rose
March 30, 2022
JulianRose Website

The chaos we see around us every day is not arbitrary chaos.
It is organized
It results from the fact
that almost no one wants to take responsibility for their own lives
and for the larger life of the planet and the biosphere.
Therefore, those
whose desire is to control... fill the vacuum...
Everyone wants someone
else to 'take responsibility.'
They believe that their freedom would be lost if they themselves
took responsibility for the consequences of their actions.
take responsibility
for the way food is produced, for your health and the health of
planetary ecosystems.
Suddenly - no
shopping at the supermarket.
Supermarkets destroy
food, the environment, the soil in which food is grown, and
human health.
All because - like
global corporations - they put
profit and power ahead of people, ecology and the well-being of
all living things.
So no more supermarket
shopping - what's next?
Take a responsible stand on
EMF/RMF pollution... and
suddenly... no
cell phone!
Radiating yourself
and those around you with electromagnetic waves is designed to
ensure the continued deterioration of the health of all
concerned - including the environment in which we live.
There are thousands of peer-reviewed scientific publications
supporting this thesis.
Adopt a responsible
attitude toward healthy living?
The list is too long,
but let's start with reducing dependence on pharmaceuticals.
Big Pharma is the richest
killer in the world.
Do we want to support it
and kill ourselves at the same time?
Take a responsible position towards the leadership of your country -
and suddenly you are amazed to find that no one meets the criteria
needed for wise and responsible leadership.
They are all
power-hungry careerists...
And so on, and so forth…
The chaos we see around us has - more than most people would like to
admit - a lot to do with ourselves.
We are addicted to
'passing the buck'...
So what do we do when
there is an actual loss of what we call 'our basic freedoms' - our
customary way of life?
We curse the
government we ourselves elected - and demand another.
This 'other' is always
worse than the previous one.
Have you noticed...?
And yet we keep dreaming
- it MUST be better.
It is this - our
delusional state of mind - that allows criminals to reach the
highest positions of power.
It is so easy for them.
They see that very
few want to take responsibility for their lives - for life - so
they fill that vacuum.
And then suddenly war breaks out.
Everyone is
desperately trying to figure out - who is responsible for this
They find every possible
answer except the one that says:
"we are"...!
We who have
turned away from taking responsibility for the life we inherited on
this planet...