by Gary Z. McGee
May 11, 2022
Self-InflictedPhilosophy Website

"Injustice anywhere
is a threat to
Martin Luther
King Jr.
Courage is the leveraging tool that leads to social leveling
It doesn't take courage
to blindly follow the chain of command (manmade laws), but it does
take courage to question them (using universal laws). True
leadership is founded upon it.
Whether you are a green recruit fresh off the boat or a salty
veteran guiding the boat, questioning the chain of command is
essential for the healthy evolution of the "tribe".
In order to get past the
outdated notion that we need an overreaching state or blind,
sycophantic order-followers to keep it all afloat, we must gain the
courage to question and even break the arbitrary laws laid down by
our forefathers.
That's where V.A.S.T. (Veterans Against State Tyranny)
comes in.
V.A.S.T. is a call to
arms, a rallying cry against the preservation of injustice for
the extension of justice.
It's a courage-based
manifesto against fear-based cultural conditioning.
It's a checks and
balancing mechanism against overreaching power constructs.
It tosses a wrench
into the chain of obedience, revealing that the questioning
power of each individual link is more powerful than the
collective contentedness of the chain.
V.A.S.T. is a rallying cry to all veterans to honor their oath
to protect this country against all enemies, both foreign and
Not in a violent way
(sans the January 6th insurrection) but in a
nonviolent way, as a symbol for freedom...
As it stands, most
veterans don't understand the power they have.
Furthermore, most
veterans don't understand that the society they fought for is
profoundly sick. They don't realize that it's "no measure of health
to be well adjusted" to it.
But they adjust to it
Whether out of
ignorance, cultural pressure, political programming, or blind
Meanwhile, they don't see
how they have inadvertently reneged on their oath:
to protect the
country against all enemies, both foreign and domestic...
A profoundly sick
society is itself a domestic enemy, more detrimental to the
health of our species (let alone our nation), than any foreign
faction ever could be.
The solution is to discover the root cause of the sickness.
How do we know that
we live in a profoundly sick (unhealthy) society...?
Any society that
pollutes the air it breathes, the water it drinks, the food it
eats, and the minds it engages with, is a profoundly sick
V.A.S.T. is a battle cry
to veteran leaders to honor their oath and to take responsibility
upon themselves to discover the root of the sickness and then be
proactive about digging it up.
Two entrenched and corrupt roots at the heart of our sick society
Yes, the very entity that
created us veterans and established our oath is a very
real part of our sickness.
This is what makes V.A.S.T. a revolutionary approach to revolution.
The fact that we are veterans speaking out against the system that
created us should put more clout behind our actions and words.
We were in the "belly of
the best" after all.
We know what worked
and what didn't.
We all know that our
military is bloated, overreaching, and outdated.
We all know that it
is too big for its own good.
We know how lazy,
incompetent, and corrupt the chain of command is.
On some level, we all
know - veterans and civilians alike - that it needs to be moderated;
that too much money is going into overpriced war machines, and not
enough into the individual pocketbooks of veterans and civilians.
Companies like Haliburton, Lockheed Martin, and
Raytheon have a monopoly on military spending, and they show no
signs of relenting.
Why would they?
War, or the illusion
of war, is big business.
And usually at the
expense of the people...
Meanwhile, we have an
oversized military stretched too thin across the globe, overly
focused on foreign affairs while domestic affairs disintegrate.
There is no money left
for what matters most:
education, health,
infrastructure, and domestic freedom.
As active-duty military
members, we were probably less likely to sound any alarms because
the benefits were so good.
Why bite the hand that
feeds you?
Plus, the fear of
court martial, dishonorable discharge, and the loss of benefits
was too high a cost to pay.
So, veterans, those who
have survived the belly of the beast, are our best hope.
Veterans alone have the time, the knowledge, and the wherewithal to
act on behalf of our country's domestic freedom.
Thus, V.A.S.T. is
foremost about changing minds and waking people up to the level of
tyranny that surrounds them. But it is also about vigilante justice.
Someone needs to
prevent power from becoming absolute so that it doesn't corrupt
That's where V.A.S.T.
comes in as a checks and balancing mechanism on
the Powers That Be.
Someone needs to police
the police.
Someone needs to keep the
"guards" honest.
Who will guard the
guards? V.A.S.T. will.
Who will check
overreaching violent policing and teach more localized
nonviolent policing instead? V.A.S.T. will.
Who will turn the
tables on the failed war on drugs by advocating for
rehabilitation over incarceration? V.A.S.T. will.
Who will flip the
script on Profit Prisons by bringing awareness to the fact that
the U.S. is the most incarcerated nation on the planet only
because it unjustly incarcerates nonviolent people for petty
crimes? V.A.S.T. will.
As Tom Brokaw
"The hard work of
constantly improving life on this precious planet requires
people willing to put their boots on the ground, get their hands
dirty, and spend their nights in scary places."
Leading by individual
example is far superior to leading by fiat.
Likewise, voting with
your feet is far superior to voting at the corrupt ballot box.
V.A.S.T. personifies
voting with one's feet.
What does it mean to vote
with your feet?
It means putting your
foot down and being a proactive citizen.
It means becoming
your own politician, despite career politicians (Obama/Biden) or
golden-spoon-fed plutocrats (Trump).
It means turning the
tables on the Powers That Be by hitting the streets
(Twitter/Facebook/YouTube) and creating a little civil
disobedience that shames and mocks the current power dynamic and
untenable status quo.
It means voting with
your money and using it to move things forward in the direction
that best moves us toward a healthy and progressive evolution
for our species.
It means voting with
your art and planting healing seeds of curiosity into the rigid
soil of certainty.
There are too many people
suffering from the overreaching power of the state to simply wait
for the state to correct itself.
The freedom of too many
people have been taken away from the state to simply hope that
outdated, immoral, and unjust laws will somehow be replaced with
updated, moral, and just laws.
Voting doesn't work.
Waiting for change
from the inside doesn't work.
As James Bovard
"Elections are
vastly overrated as a means of restraining government
What works is
nonviolent social leveling mechanisms.
What works is voting
with our feet.
What works is drawing
a line in the sand and forcing the state to become aware that
our tolerance for abuse only goes so far.
What works is
standing up against both the Military and Prison Industrial
And there is no more
powerful a symbol of leadership than the Veteran.
Let's come together. Let's get our fellow veterans off the streets
by giving them a worthy cause to fight for. Let's unite under the
banner of honor, courage, and commitment.
Commitment to digging our
sick society out of its sickness.
We do this by scaling back on both the Military and Prison
Industrial Complex while also focusing on the four main things
causing our sickness:
polluted air
polluted water
polluted food
polluted minds...
Scaling back the two
Complexes will help alleviate the four sicknesses because it would
funnel money into education, health, infrastructure and domestic
freedom while keeping it out of the hands of corrupt companies with
the monopoly on keeping the society sick for a profit.
is about putting the
Powers That Be on blast.
It's about giving a
voice to the voiceless.
It's about turning
the attention of the nation away from foreign nations and
focusing on becoming healthy rather than powerful.
It's about coming
together as a unified force, utilizing our military experience
and influence to wake people up to the level of sickness in our
society and then being proactive about finding and implementing
This will require
veterans to have the courage and capacity to be social leveling
mechanism against the power of the corporate state.
It will require
nonviolent rebels, mavericks, outlaws, ninjaneers, and
revolutionaries with heart, who have the mettle to flip scripts,
think outside the box, and turn the tables on authority.
All while guarding
against the urge to be violent.
For violence just
gives authority a legitimate excuse to control us.
It is only through
nonviolence that we can wrest health out of the jaws of our sick
Don't be a cowardly lamb
waiting for the wolves to decide your fate.
Rise above the "need" for
safety and security at the expense of freedom and liberty.
Become a well-armed lamb
contesting all votes and then be proactive by voting with your feet.
Better yet, become a courageous lion despite the odds.
Dare yourself and other
veterans to become David staring down the hyperviolent
Goliath of the state.